DX LISTENING DIGEST 19-44, October 31, 2019 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2019 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html [also linx to previous years] NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO 2006 contents: Alaska, Antarctica, Argentina non [time omitted under USA WRMI relay: 0100], Australia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China and non, Cuba and non, Cyprus, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, India*, Iran*, Kashmir, Korea North non, Korea South and non*, Kurdistan non, Kuwait, Palau, Perú, Romania, Spain, Sudan, Tibet, Turkey, USA*, Vanuatu*, Zanzibar; and the propagation outlook; *B-19 scheduling WOR 2006 is available as of 0532 UT Friday November 1 (mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2006.m3u (mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2006.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS: Tnx to Dr Harald Gabler and the Rhein-Main Radio Club. http://www.rmrc.de/index.php/rmrc-audio-plattform/podcast/glenn-hauser-wor MORE PODCAST ALTERNATIVES, tnx to Keith Weston: https://blog.keithweston.com/2018/11/22/world-of-radio-podcast/ feedburner: http://feeds.feedburner.com/GlennHausersWorldOfRadio tunein.com: http://bit.ly/tuneinwor itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/glenn-hausers-world-of-radio/id1123369861 AND via Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/worldofradio DAY-BY-DAY ARCHIVE OF GLENN HAUSER`S LOG REPORTS: Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated, inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/index.php?topic=Hauser IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! WOR IO GROUP: Effective Feb 4, 2018, DXLD yg archive and members have been migrated to this group: https://groups.io/g/WOR [there was already an unrelated group at io named dxld!, so new name] From now on, the io group is primary, where all posts should go. One may apply for membership, subscribe via the above site. DXLD yahoogroup: remains in existence, and members are free to COPY same info to it, as backup, but no posts should go to it only. They may want to change delivery settings to no e-mail, and/or no digest. The change was necessary due to increasing outages, long delays in posts appearing, and search failures at the yg. yg archives are soon to be deleted Why wait for DXLD issues? A lot more info, not all of it appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our io group without delay. [Ed. note: apology for lateness of this issue: I am struggling to keep up with the huge flow of info; finished ASAP! December 11] Note: this issue covers material mainly from the week of October 24-31, and some earlier which did not reach us until then. ** ALASKA [non]. 11760, Oct 27 at 1427, any trace of KNLS English under RHC Spanish? NO, despite tentative schedule quoted in DXLD 19-41 which came from the B-19 info on KNLS Russian website, 11760 for both the 1200 and 1400 English hours. Rechecking current HFCC info for KNLS, NOW it shows 11670! for both transmissions, unconfirmed yet but which should bear a bit less blockage (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ALGERIA [non]. 6060, Oct 29 at 0405 I`ve kept checking in case WRMI show up here as planned instead of 5800 where really heard earlier. No Cuba at all, but now there is something VP talk and music. TDA via FRANCE is now scheduled at 04-06 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA. 15476, LRA36 at 2348 UT October 20 with snippets of audio (female talk) and at 2359 a ballad. Time pips at 0000 UTC (3 or 4). Listened past 0100 but by then no audio. Still showing a blip on the screen past 0102 tune out. Poor JBA. 73 (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Rx: Perseus SDR, Ant: Wellbrook ALA 100 loop, WOR iog via DXLD) 15476, LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, on air, detected carrier at 1400, 26-10, and audio at 1405, songs, extremely weak, strong fading, at moments only carrier and at moments songs, best on USB. Yesterday, Friday out or air (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Log in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) 15476-, Sat Oct 26 at 1503, checking for LRA36 via UTwente, instead nothing but some un-DRM-like noise blob; Manuel Méndez had been hearing it very weakly directly in Spain an hour earlier, altho it was not heard on Friday. My further chex of UTwente past 1700 find no noise and no signal either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15476, LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, *1400-1815, 26-10, detected carrier at 1400, and audio at 1405, songs, extremely weak, strong fading, at moments only carrier and at moments songs, best on USB, improving at 1435, song "Amor de mis Amores" and other Latin American songs, between 1500 to 1600 strong QRM from Radio Free Asia on 15475. Yesterday, Friday out of air (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters, WOR iog via DXLD) Set your browser to at Pardinho Sao Paulo, in KIWI SDR net, tune fq 15475.90 kHz, select USB-mode, set AGC-off, AGC-Manual Gain slide to 85dB, receive S=7 or-86dBm signal of music program at 1940 UT on Oct 26. 73 wolfie df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, Oct 26, WOR iog via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA [non]. See USA: WRMI! [WORLD OF RADIO 2006] ** ARMENIA. He received the Voice of Salvation radio (Kol Eshua) on October 25 in Russian from 1846 UT at MW 1350 kHz. From November 1, it is presumably on air at the same time that TWR will be broadcast with the Path to Truth program, and I listened to the address in Bishkek on October 28 at MW 864 kHz, and probably from October 28 it will be at 1640 at the same time. 1710 UT from Monday to Friday. The program of the Armenian radio in foreign languages is heard from 1600 to 1745 UT, except for the MW frequency of 1395 kHz, and at intermodulation frequencies of 1359, 1377, 1422 and 1431 kHz, and at 1700-1745 UT at 1377 kHz, the Armenian radio and TWR in Kurdish and Persian languages (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria, Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) ** BHUTAN. 6035, BBS, on Oct 30, with pop music segment (1014-1020); then announcers and interviews in English (unreadable) till cut off at 1048*; still with earlier than normal closing down time (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** BONAIRE. 7245.0-LSB, Oct 27 at 0031, PJ4K working contest. QRZ.com: PJ4K Bonaire Rich Smith, N6KT Bonaire Bonaire QSL: Via KU9C (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOUGAINVILLE. 3325, NBC Bougainville, on Oct 30, with impassioned political speeches ("... we people of Bougainville ...") from 1120 to 1140; then 1140-1201, with pop music; 1201-1206, news in English (unreadable); after cut off at 1207*, only the carrier from Voice of Indonesia, via Palangkaraya, was heard with no audio at all today, even when checked later (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Petição Radio Itatiaia ondas curtas --- Essa é uma petição à Rádio Itatiaia, de Belo Horizonte, MG , Brasil, para voltar a transmitir em ondas curtas, na faixa de 49 m. Assinem e compartilhem. obrigado. https://secure.avaaz.org/po/community_petitions/Radio_Itatiaia_de_Belo_Horizonte_Retorno_das_transmissoes_em_Ondas_Curtas/ (Rubens Martins, 25 Oct, radioescutas yg via DXLD) WTFK? Was on 5970, now occupied at night by WEWN. Why is one advocating for this rather than lots of other gone ZYs? (gh) ** BRAZIL. 7092.6-LSB, Oct 27 at 0023, PR4T calling CQ Contest, working mostly US stations. This is my mini-dip into the madness of an annual event, packing 40m with signals on split frequencies rather than at more convenient 1 kHz intervals. QRZ.com shows: ``PR4T Brazil ARAUCÁRIA DX GROUP RIO DX GROUP BRAZIL Brazil`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 10000, Time Signal Station Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 1910-1915, 25-10, time signals, female voice announcements each ten seconds: “Observatorio Nacional, 16 horas 12 minutos, 50 segundos”. 23422 (Manuel Méndez, SPAIN, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) 10000/AM, PPE, Observatorio Nacional, Brasil; 2236, 10/27; ID every 10 seconds. Not heard here in over a year & not logged by a MARE since June (Harold Frodge, MI, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) CUSB (gh) ** BRAZIL. 11855.7, Oct 27 at 0042, JBA music, suspect R. Aparecida, which has been undetected here for some weeks, but typical offfrequenciness, altho sometimes above 11856. Now 11780 RNA is incredibly stronger, so RA must be very QRP (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 750, Oct 30 at 0642 UT, some FM station in Georgia is easily nulled, at right angle a fast SAH and producing a song ``Innocence`` in its lyrix over and over; 0645 ``This is Saskatchewan`s New Beach Radio, --- 80s to 90s`` or something like that; i.e. CKJH Melfort, Sask., U4 25/25 kW, in recent format change. There is certainly no coast anywhere near Melfort, but a number of little lakes and the Saskatchewan River not far away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 1540, CHIN Toronto, Ontario, 1034 October 30, 2019. "Our Miss Brooks" 1950's radio comedy with Eve Arden and Gale Gordon (including the vintage commercials) dominating the channel, sometime peaking to very good. Male ID 1100 into Chinese man and woman talk through fade around 1120. All parallel the station stream. Unaware they air old time English radio comedy overnight, at least sometimes. (Terry L. Krueger, All times/dates GMT, Niceville, FL, R-75, NRD-535, ICF-7600GR, active loop, random wire, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 1610, Oct 27 at 1255 UT, talk in English; after sunrise here and way after in Toronto, so could it be something else? No, pronounces about ``aboot`` twice, and 1258 ID ``CHHA 1610 AM``. So Voces Latinas also employs a minority language. TopEnd this time of year can keep skywaving quite a while, but fading out by 1310. Stale 2015/2016 program grid at http://chha1610am.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PostCard-CHHA-1610AM-2016.jpg does show ``English music`` Sat & Sun until 9 am ET. But this was all-talk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 7103.8-LSB, Oct 27 at 0025, CF3M uttering nothing but own callsign over and over; soon shifts to 7104.8. QRZ.com shows: CF3M Canada Ken Kovalenko Richmond Hill, ON Canada QSL: LoTW or direct via VE3LA Contesters like to get special 4- or even 3-character callsigns, since 5-character original calls would eat up too much time, reducing number of contacts and ultimate scores. Even better: as many single-syllable fonetix as possible. Every microsecond counts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) e.g. ``fox``, not ``foxtrot`` altho the latter cannot be confused with any other (gh) ** CANADA. 15034-USB, Oct 28 at 1413, YAY! CHR Trenton Military has finally been fixed, reports really received! from Halifax, Shearwater, Greenwood, Gander, Halifax again in this cycle. Modulation distortion has also been repaired. It had been totally out of order since at least Oct 4, when I first noted it and on frequent chex ever since then. 6754-USB, Oct 29 at 0043, Trenton Military with ``no report received`` from Shearwater but the others are received. This is normal as they *never* get all reports from everywhere. 15034-USB, Oct 29 at 1416, Trenton Military gives time as 1315z = 1 hour and 1 minute slow! Yet conditions from various aerodromes are as of 1400. At the moment, ``no report received`` from Gander or Halifax, but yes from some of the others. Something`s always wrong at CHR. 15034-USB, Oct 30 at 1735, ``no report received`` by Trenton Military from Thule; but whew they got one from Zagreb (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHAD [non]. Radio Ndarason Int via Woofferton/Ascension, Oct 28 0500-0600 on 7425 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to WeAf Kanuri, fair/good 0600-0700 on 9535 WOF 250 kW / 158 deg to WeAf Kanuri, very good 0700-0800 on 9535 ASC 250 kW / 055 deg to WeAf Kanuri, weak/fair https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-ndarason-int-via.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHILE. 6925. RCW- RADIO COMPAÑÍA WORLDWIDE. Octubre 22. 2130-2220 UT. Transmisión de noticias sobre la crisis social y jornada de protestas en Chile desde Radio Bio Bio. SINPO: 35433. 6925. 2200-2230 UT. RCW- RADIO COMPAÑÍA WORLDWIDE. Octubre 25. Transmisión de noticias sobre la crisis social y jornada de protestas en Chile desde Radio Bio Bio (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** CHINA [and non]. KNOWLEDGE OF CHINA`S GULAG OWES MUCH TO AMERICAN-BACKED RADIO --- Economist - Shared Article 'Exposing the gulag' https://www.economist.com/leaders/2019/10/26/knowledge-of-chinas-gulag-owes-much-to-american-backed-radio?frsc=dg%7Ce (via David Cole, LA, Oct 25, Sent from my iPhone via DXLD) ** CHINA. 6230, CNR 1 (used as jammer) at 1130, W in Chinese and later over soft music. Echo of Hope apparently the target for electronic censorship - Excellent (signal) Oct 23 (Rick Barton, SW Logs from Arizona, Unless otherwise stated, equipment is RS SW-2000629, HQ-180A & 140X, Grundig Satellit 205, with various outdoor wires & indoor shortwire. 73 and Good Listening..........! - rb, WOR iog via DXLD) ** CHINA. 11070 & 11150, Oct 28 at 2328, S1-S2 Chinese with heavy flutter, the only CNR1 jammers against SOH audible now (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA/TIBET. 6200, Xizang PBS via Lhasa, at 1224, on Oct 27. Heard Tibet in the clear; then the usual double sign on of Voice of Jinling at *1231* and back at *1232; VOJ much stronger reception than Tibet (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. 13650, Oct 28 at 2324, VG Chinese music on relay via CUBA. S9+30 and no CCI from Japan audible here as Rick Barton, AZ often reports; tho NHK is still scheduled B-19 at 23-24 in Thai/Vietnamese/Myanmarianese. This CRI hour for some weeks has been nothing but music fill instead of Portuguese to Brasil -- quite an anomalous mystery for the world`s major SW broadcaster. Ironically, Habana manages to modulate it well, unlike the Spanish and English and Chinese CRI relays on other frequencies! But nice to hear the music well. This has been going on for at least a month, as JRX in Brasil reported the preceding Portuguese hour September 29 on all four frequencies: ``9410. Sep 29, 2019. 2246-2256, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in Portuguese. A program with Chinese instrumental songs; 2254 Woman voice says the CRI sked in Portuguese, all with IS backgrounds. Good reception, 45544. Parallel logs on 9685 via Kashgar, 45544; 7260 via Urumqi, 35533; 6175 via Cerrik, 35433`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CUBA more CRI relays Interestingly, I have noted from observations over the last few days that the music fill during the CRI Portuguese hour is the *same* each day. Further, I was listening today 30 Oct, to the music from the CRI Albanian service from 1900 UT on 7385, much of which sounded familiar. I happened to have some recordings of the 41mb from the last two days, so have now checked back and find that the music played on 28 and 29 Oct also appears to be the same as today. I missed the first few minutes today, and didn't record the first few minutes on 28 Oct, so am unable to compare just now the first 5 minutes which appeared to carry news on 29 Oct. Curious (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, WOR iog via DXLD) ** CHINA. 6125, CNR1, from 1156+, on Oct 27. Non-stop live coverage of the closing ceremony of the 7th Military World Games (not war games, but sports games, hi!), held in Wuhan (Hubei Province); mostly in Chinese, but with some English and French; Col. Dorah Mamby Koita, Secretary General of the International Military Sports Council, presented the Fair Play Award to Col. Bertrand Gebuhrer, chief of the French delegation. Youtube, with English coverage, at http://bit.ly/2MQw4WD (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** CHINA/TIBET. 6200, Xizang PBS via Lhasa, at 1224, on Oct 27. Heard Tibet in the clear; then the usual double sign on of Voice of Jinling at *1231* and back at *1232; VOJ much stronger reception than Tibet (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** CHINA. More about China R Int. I have now compared some more 41 mb recordings over the last three days, and I now find that the CRI Polish service appears to be playing the same programme each day at 2000 UT on 7305 & 6020 kHz (this by comparing bits of recordings for 28, 29 and 30 Oct). What's going on at CRI? (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, Oct 31, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) The scheduled CRI Serbian service has been the same recording of mostly Western pop music for several months now. The pop song "24 Carat Magic" and a couple of others get played seemingly every broadcast. I'm glad someone else has noticed this - I thought I was going mad. I doubt the opaque CRI will be forthcoming with any information. It seems like a waste of power to run these "services" on very high-powered SW transmitters (Andy King, Europe, bdxc-news iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2011, DXLD) Interestingly, I have noted from observations over the last few days that the music fill during the CRI Portuguese hour is the *same* each day. Further, I was listening today 30 Oct, to the music from the CRI Albanian service from 1900 UT on 7385 kHz, much of which sounded familiar. I happened to have some band recordings of the 41mb from the last two days, so have now checked back and find that the music played on 28 and 29 Oct also appears to be the same as today. I missed the first few minutes today, and didn't record the first few minutes on 28 Oct, so am unable to compare just now the first 5 minutes which appeared to carry news on 29 Oct. Curious (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. 15700, Oct 28 at 1405, CRI English relay back up here for B-19, ex-11880. They`re right on the ball with QSY --- but *still* totally useless, S9+30 but severely suppressed/distorted (suptorted) modulation, and still so at 1454 recheck. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Recently, he [sic] sent several reports to the well-known contact address of Ying Lian in the CRI English service, including for local programs of the Central People's Radio Station, and even for HP Qinghai. She [sic] usually confirmed with e-QSL-kami with views of Lake Namtso in Tibet all such reports (even on HP Xinjiang, Tibet, etc.), but surprisingly, this time I was confirmed only 2: (English service and CNR-2, which is still called Voice of the Economy). Argument: "In fact, it is not our duty to verify your reception reports of our domestic station programs". This is just information. (DM = Dmitry Mezin, Kazan, Russia / “open-dx”, QSL World, Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) Ying Lian = group name, not an individual (gh) ** COOK ISLANDS. [Re 630 kHz:] Paul and other members, Thank you for clarifying. I have calculated the spot where the mast is, and like you I only see the one mast. Within the Rarotonga Golf Club grounds (close to the coast) I see the only structure with a perimeter fence at 21° 12' 24"S, 159° 49' 14"W or -21.206644, -159.820643. I have no idea what the long shadows on other parts of the golf course are for. I thought that tall structures and golf courses don't normally go together! "According to a Cook Islands ham operator, the standby transmitter is a 1 kw Nortel unit, though unlikely to be running at full strength. Signal is fed to a Marconi T type antenna, end fed strung between two 25 metre tubular guyed masts. Thanks to Chris Rogers for the further information." This nugget came from Bryan Clark on DX Dialogue Groups.io. I will enter 500W as a guestimate of the likely power. 73 and 88 (Dan Goldfarb, Oct 24, mwmasts via DXLD) Hi Dan and All, There is a photo taken from "GolfSeaView" which shows 3 masts, and I notice that the satellite view of Google Maps might suggest several more? This was originally a short wave (HF) site with the first broadcasts from this small nation in the sixties being on HF. Whether or not this is still the case I am not certain, but several masts may be the remains of this? However, here is the link to the 3 masts: https://tinyurl.com/y5lm9s4s regards (Chris Youlen, Nov 24, ibid.) Further to my last post, I think I have located the current medium wave mast in the grounds of the Takitumu Primary School in Matavera. https://tinyurl.com/y32sq3nx I happened to come across this information in the Short Wave blog "Short Wave Central". regards (Chris, ibid.) Hi Chris, That was the mast that was demolished, the masts featured in your earlier post were the current ones. They're the ones with the aerial slung between 2 poles which can be seen in the photo (Paul Rawdon? ibid.) Paul, Chris and other members, Thanks for your really helpful input. The interesting exchange of images is good. However when I have tried to reverse the setting onto normal satellite images I confess to getting totally lost! Could either of you or both of you please "translate" the images into geographical coordinates. I suspect that you are still referring to the golf course although I am far from certain on that point. 73 and 88 (Dan Goldfarb, Oct 25, ibid.) [Edited Message Follows] Members, The faintest hint of shadows can be found at -21.209795, -159.821194 or 21° 12' 35"S, 159° 49' 16"W. Maybe someone can confirm that I have answered my own question correctly! The supports appear to be guyed tubular ones. 73 and 88 (Dan Goldfarb, 25 Oct, ibid.) Hi Paul and Dan, Firstly, thanks Paul for your reply. I was confused into thinking that the school was the new site! (Chris Youlden, ibid.) ** CRIMEA [non]. see UKRAINE ** CUBA. 900, Oct 27 at 0613, Spanish song, XEW? NO, loops SE and quickly // much weaker 890 with WLS Jimbo nulled, therefore the two Radios Progreso. Yet WRTH shows 900 is 50 kW from far Holguín, while 890 is 200 kW from closer Ciego de Ávila. [and non]. Once mighty XEW, La Voz de la América Latina desde México, is seldom heard here; if I do get a 900 Mexican, it`s XEOK Monterrey, or used to be: IRCA Log thinx it may be off to FM. There was a 100:1 power disparity, 250 vs 2.5 kW night power! WRTH 2019 gave XEW only 100 kW, a 40:1 ratio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Yes, as Glenn reported the other day, RHC Bauta in 60 mb is on odd fq of 5040.052 kHz at 0030 UT Oct 18. S=9+30dB powerhouse noted in Cape Canaveral FL state. ID in Arabic (!) noted at 0030 UT and followed by typical Radio Cairo traditional Arabic ! music of the 60ties at 0031 UT. 4765even, String noted at 0032 UT of R Progreso Bejucal, old USSR relay site, carrier test and 2 seconds of music on air, then regular program started a minute later around 0033, S=9+25dB at Cape Canaveral FL SDR rx site. 5990even, CRI Beijing in Spanish via Latin American relay site at Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW site, S=9+35dB powerhouse in FL state SDR rx. 5999.994, RHC Quivican in English, low modulated but super strong carrier though. S=9+35dB at 0041 UT in Florida remote SDR rx (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 18 via BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) 15140, Sat Oct 26 at 1940, `The Jazz Place` on RHC, but somewhat overmodulated/distorted. I think this is on alternate weeks; better luck on some of the repeats? Something`s always wrong at RHC. 11760, Oct 27 at 0040, RHC is splattering plus/minus 15, even 20 kHz; while // 11700 & 11670 are cleaner. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 11980, Oct 27 at 0048, CRI relay at S3-S4, but hardly any modulation, i.e. second harmonic of 5990 then checked with same JBM and suptorted, yet S9+35. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 6000, Oct 27 at 0049, RHC English with jazz show, but JBM, hum and suptorted, so even worse than first hearing at 1940 on 15140. Something`s always wrong at RHC. [and non] BTW, since 5990 useless CRI relay is also on now, they result in a very weak leapfrog mixing product on 6010, probably the stronger of hets vs BRAZIL. 5990, Oct 27 at 2304, S9+10 of dead air except maybe a trace of modulation and some humbuzz, i.e. CRI relay. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA [non] 13571, 13636, 13764, 13829, 13898 approx., Oct 28 at 1403, RHC spurblobs out of 13700-AM transmitter. I can no longer call them FM, since they are much more readable in AM mode, but just grumble in SSB trying to pinpoint them. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5990, Oct 28 at 2321, CRI English relay, suptorted as usual; something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. See also CHINA [non] for more; note that China relays are the only CUBA entries in HFCC, inserted by the ChiCom, not the CubaCom. 11700, Oct 28 at 2326, RHC Spanish is suptorted, but much stronger than JBM // 11670 and much weaker than VG 11760. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 5040.05, Oct 29 at 0051, RHC still off-frequency and undermodulated, again in wrong? language, Brazuguese instead of French. This ``Antilles`` frequency ND with vertical? takeoff is hardly appropriate for Brasil, except possibly the very northern reaches if it were fully modulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC. 5910, Oct 29 at 0307, S9+10 of distorted big-band music, yet I know immediately that this has to be the CRI relay ex-9790 as usual for the B-seasons; soon another song in English, ``Beyond the Sea``, and 0310 English story about Japanese robo-hotels. Still at 0403, S9+40 of overmodulated Cantonese. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. 4765, Oct 29 at 0304, S9+20 of suptorted music from Radio Progreso, also vs CODAR swishes. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15700, Oct 29 at 1413, CRI English relay is S9+30 but suptorted: wiggle that patchcord! Prospects remain grim for reliably decent modulation on this, any more than ex-11880 where the signal would have remained just as huge. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11760, Oct 29 at 1500, RHC S9+10 but overmodulated, distorted, and splattering. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9630.00, Oct 29 at 2203, RHC in Spanish, undermod with hum, NOT on usual 9640; // 9535. A mistake or hint of thing to come when Arnie gets around to his B-19 changes? No het from Aparecida now, must be off as Missionária, Brasil is JBA on 9665-. However, by 2359 recheck, RHC is back on VP 9640. Or a split schedule using both? Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5910, Oct 30 at 0432, CRI Cantonese relay is still suptorted during music, yet S9+30. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. 15140, Oct 30 at 1734, S9+10 of dead air from RHC, while the only //, 11760 is OK. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [and non]. 9640, Oct 30 at 2219, RHC Spanish here but only poor, despite shift to 9630 yesterday. 2326 recheck, 9640 is quite undermodulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC. That clears 9630.389 for always-off-frequency R. Aparecida, BRASIL in Brazuguese at 2220 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11980, Oct 30 at 2327, CRI relay is S6 but dead air as second harmonic of 5990 which is S9+10, occasional trace of modulation trying to break in. Wiggle that patchcord. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba. 6000, Oct 31 at 0622, RHC English is off; leaving 6100 S9+10 but JBM, while this time 6165 is S9+20 with sufficient modulation. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Radio Havana Cuba's pocket calendar. Dear friend, On Monday, Nov 18, 2019, at the Oswaldo Guayasamin House Museum in Havana, on Calle Obrapia 111, between Oficios and Mercaderes, the 2020 Radio Havana Cuba pocket will be presented. The little almanac is illustrated with the image of the portrait that Guayasamin made in Havana to [sic] his friend Antonio Nunez Jimenez [sic], a notable Cuban scientist, who was until his death in 1998, Honorary Member of the Foundation that bears the name of the Ecuadoran Painter. The calendar was edited in Madrid by the fraternal Spanish Association for Culture and International Cooperation, chaired by Gabriel Navarrete Martinez [sic], who will receive the parchment that accredits him as a new Honorary Member of the Guayasamin Foundation. As every year, the listeners and friends of Radio Habana Cuba in the five continents will receive by mail, this beautiful work of art, which can be requested at no cost to RHC, P.O.Box 6240, Havana, Cuba or through the email address The almanac is marked in red on April 20, which recalls the day of birth in Alquizar, Havana, in 1923, of the Cuban geographer, archaeologist and speleologist Antonio Nunez Jimenez, considered the Fourth Discoverer of Cuba. At the November 18th ceremony, a large exhibition will be inaugurated with works by Maestro Guayasamin, some of large format, dedicated to the Middle Millennium of the Cuban capital and to the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the great Ecuadorian artist as "Painter of Ibero-America", by the IX Ibero-American Summit held in Havana (Radio Habana Cuba, Oct 28 via BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) ** CUBA [and non]. As usual, the DentroCuban Jamming Command is lax to catch up with totally predictable and public Radio-TV Martí seasonal frequency changes: giving inside Cubans a twice-yearly chance to hear RM without interference by their dictatorial mind-controlling government. 13820, Oct 27 at 1947, RM VG in clear here, no jamming audible, while jamming-only is heard on ex-13605. Still Oct 28 at 1406 same situation during `Radio Revoltillo`: https://www.radiotelevisionmarti.com/el-revoltillo ``El Revoltillo, programa matutino conducido por Gilberto Reyes, donde compartimos sus correos, con anécdotas y simpáticas ocurrencias. De lunes a viernes de 10:00 AM a 11:00 AM hora de Cuba.`` Note that as a running dog of Yanqui Imperialism (unlike Mexico beyond the border), Cuba stays on EDT another week to match the gusanos in Miami; which will lead to program times one UT hour later from Nov 3, but no? changes in frequency usage. 7355 & 7435, Oct 28 at 0515, RM VG on both with no jamming, which remains on ex-frequencies 7365 & 7335. Here is the B19 USAGM schedule in HFCC for ``Greenville`` in Spanish: Arnie, please pass on to your henchmen, so they don`t waste jamming on wrong frequencies, innocent by-stations! Like AIR Bengaluru on 13605 at 1500-1730. 00-01 7435 00-04 6125 Tue-Sat [TV Martí] {but soon just // RM radio channels} 00-06 7355 00-12 6030 01-02 7365 02-07 7435 06-13 5980 07-14 7355 12-14 7435 13-22 11930 14-20 13820 14-22 11860 20-24 9565 22-23 7375 22-24 7355 23-24 6125 M-F [TV Martí]{as above} 23-24 7435 6125 ex-5980 for TVM soundtrack indeed had not started Sunday Oct 27 at 2302 check, and still jamming against nothing (but a JBA carrier, Chaski, Perú?) on 5980. When it does, expect jam bleedpast 0400 to bother Turkey 6125 English to North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) USA, B-19 last minute frequency change of OCB TV Marti from Oct 28: 2300-2400 NF 6125 GB 250 kW / 174 deg Mon-Fri, ex 5980 0000-0200 NF 6125 GB 250 kW / 174 deg Tue-Sat, ex 5980 0200-0300 NF 6125 GB 250 kW / 174 deg Tue-Sat, ex 7365 0300-0400 NF 6125 GB 250 kW / 174 deg Tue-Sat, additional Fair to good signal of OCB Radio Marti in 41mb on October 25: from 0600 on 7335 GB 250 kW / 225 deg to Cuba Spanish Daily https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/b-19-last-minute-frequency-change-of.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6125, Monday October 28 at 2302, TV Martí soundtrack on new frequency from Grimesland NC, S9+20 and no jamming. Ex-5980 and jamming still there altho maybe not full-bore. But at 2314 I compare to *Radio* Martí frequencies 7355 & 7435, and they are //! So is it a feed mixup, or special hookup for special occasion? Seem to be chatting about some silly ballgame. Registrations make no distinxion between Radio and TV Martí, but the 23-04 UT M-F-only schedule for 6125, and by dropping 5980, makes everything match TV Marti scheduling. Up there on 40m band, jamming is still on 7335, ex-RM channel. At 0045 Oct 29, 6125 still // 6030 which is now on with usual jamming noise. At 0306, still 6030 // 6125 and jamming against nothing on 5980. After 0400, 6125 barely bears TURKEY, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6125 // 7355 // 7435 // 6030, Oct 30 at 0009, OCB is // on all, notably 6125 which is supposedly TV Martí soundtrack; during a silly ballgame which may be why. Still no jamming audible on the 7s, but on vacated 7335, 5980 and heavy on 6030. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 13605, Oct 30 at 1402, jamming is still here on Day 4 of B-19, while Radio Martí remains loud and clear on 13820. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command. 7335, Oct 31 at 0618, heavy noise jamming against nothing, since Radio Martí is not on this frequency anywhen in B-19. 7365 likewise, despite with RM for only one hour, 01-02. 7435 *is* active now, VG despite some pulse jamming now audible underneath. Something`s always wrong at the DentroCuban Jamming Command. 5980, Oct 31 at 0624, RM now starts here at 0600, VG S9+10 and no jamming audible yet/now, relating Human Rights to warning about the Chikungunya virus in Cuba (which has also reached Florida). 5980 is now much better than 6030 with heavy jamming. Something`s always wrong at the DCJC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CURACAO. 7126.6-LSB, Oct 27 at 0027, PJ2T calling QRZ during contest. QRZ.com shows: PJ2T Curacao CARIBBEAN CONTESTING CONSORTIUM Geoff Howard #1 Groot Santa Marta Curacao QSL: VIA W3HNK PJ2T, located at our club's permanent QTH called "Signal Point," is situated on half an acre of oceanfront property adjacent to what used to be called the Coral Cliff Hotel, formerly owned by PJ9EE, Mr. Chet Brandon. . . with lots more info and fotos https://www.qrz.com/lookup/pj2t (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYPRUS. Cape Greco, superpower MW Cyprus relays, closing CAPE GRECO --- I have it on good authority that not only has USAGM shut down their Cape Greco operation, Radio France International will shut down theirs as well at year's end. A sad end to medium wave transmission from what may be the most desirable medium wave transmitter site for both skywave and groundwave propagation ever developed. And of course BBC shut down the Zyggi medium wave a couple of years ago, but they are still operating the two Ladies Mile facilities. Cape Greco is actually a national park, so it's likely that it may soon be accessible to the public as a park, with the possible exception of the lighthouse area at the southerly tip. The site has allegedly had some kind of navigation marker since Roman times (Ben Dawson, WA, Hatfield-Dawson, October 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This refers to the FMM Relay Station in WRTH 2019 page 468 spelt twice as Cape Gkreko: Owned by France Medias Monde, the French External Services holding company, on 990 with 600 kW leased by USAGM; and 1233 kHz, 1200 kW run at 600 kW for relayed programs. WRTH 2019 under FRANCE, page 470, showed 1233 not broadcasting RFI per se, but Monte Carlo Doualiya, which is also under the umbrella of FMM, Arabic at 0330-2020. EiBi at end of A19 listed 1233 on air only at 1925-2055 for TWR in a variety of Arabic dialects. No listing for 990, which carried Radio Sawa; nor 720, 639: Ladies Mile for BBC Arabic concerns 500 kW on 639/720 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Cape Greco, superpower MW Cyprus relays, closing --- USAGM CYPRUS: the contract with the Cypriot authorities provides for the rehabilitation of the land. USAGM has already issued a tender for the dismantling of its facilities (Michel Fremy, Belgium, Oct 31, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) A sad end indeed. I went to Cape Greco when on holiday in Cyprus in 1986. I remember that you could get quite close to the transmitting station. By the way, the BBC station is at Lady's Mile (not Ladies Mile). It's said to be named after Lady, a horse once ridden on the nearby beach by a former British governor of the island. The BBC site is still on British territory, being within the Western Sovereign Base Area. (I suspect there might a "ladies mile" - a red-light district - in nearby Limassol.)(Chris Greenway, Oct 31, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** EAST TURKISTAN. TURKEY 5960, NOT on AIR, when checked 2330-2350 UT on Oct 28. Instead, 5959.919 kHz odd fq CHN PBS Xinjiang Urumqi in Chinese, S=8-9 here in Germany. 73 wolfie (Wolfgang Bueschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also CHINA [and non] ** ECUADOR. On 700, Heard early last night HCRS2, Radio Sucre, Guayaquil. At the same time, some stations from Puerto Rico and Colombia popped in at good signal. I'm in reviewing overnight recordings and it seems so far that most of LA stations vanished after that but I still have to get a closer look on the files when time permit. There it is at 0010 UT (20:10 EDT) https://www.quebecdx.com/mp3/ecuador_700_20191027_0010.MP3 ...and minutes later at 0012 UT (20:12 EDT) https://www.quebecdx.com/mp3/ecuador_700_20191027_0012.MP3 This was my best ever reception of that station. Distance 5492 km / 3412 mi (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, QC, Perseus + 450 m / 1475 ft Beverage (with termination open) NNE-SSW, Oct 27, IRCA iog via DXLD) ** EGYPT. With my new soul mate in Cairo so readily sending me QSLs, I decided to send a follow-up e-mail for my reception of ERTU 774 in October 5, 2010, and it was back in one day by e-mail. Egypt #3. I save all my unanswered letters so it was a simple task to attach the original in my e-mail. I've had a few QSLs older than this, but a nine year wait on this one! Address is . I think I'll try this e-mail approach for a few more of these unanswered letters from Argentina, Euzkadi and Spain (Jim Renfrew, NY, nrc-am gg via DXLD)f ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, *0510-0537, 25-10, open with Afropop songs, at 0715 Spanish, “La matinal de Radio Bata y Radio Malabo”, “Panorama Nacional”, news with correspondents and African songs, “Por una Guinea mejor...”. 15321. Also *0507-0545, 26-10, open today with literary comments, Spanish, at 0520: “Son exactamente 6 horas y 20 minutos de la mañana”, at 0527: “El reloj marca las 6 y 27 minutos de la mañana”, songs and more comments. 25422 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** ERITREA [non]. Reception of Radio Sinit Eritrea via MBR Issoudun, October 26: 0500-0558 11660 ISS 250 kW / 123 deg Tigrinya ONLY Sat, very good. 0530-0558 11660 ISS 250 kW / 123 deg Arabic again not on air today 0500-0558 9540 ISS 250 kW / 123 deg Tigrinya/Arabic Sat from Nov 2 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/reception-of-radio-sinit-eritrea-via_26.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. Hello, In contact with TDF & the race management of the mini transat the baker tells me that the start of the 2nd stage of the mini transat will take place on November 2nd. TDF informs me that the frequencies allocated to the mini transat are published in the HFCC! And also the skypper was super count broadcast via TDF for the first step! good afternoon [sic] (Gaétan Teyssonneau, France, WOR iog via DXLD) viz.: 17800 1500 1600 11SE,36S,46NW,81S For new organization TDF Fra Issoudun 46N57 001E59 250 250 1234567 01-Nov-2019 30-Nov-2019 MiniTrans [and identical for 17825; no D or N for DRM] (gh, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Re: Log: Mini Transat Sailing Race. Die zweite Etappe der Regatta (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Le Marin) geht anfangs November los. Das genaue Datum is noch nicht bekannt. Da muessen die Meteorologen erst mitreden. Es werden andere Frequenzen eingesetzt und zwar, 011119-301119: - 17800 kHz AM 250 kW 250 degr - 17825 kHz DRM 250 kW 250 degr 17800 1500 1600 11SE,36S,46NW,81S ISS 250 250 217 AM Fra F NEW TDF 17825 1500 1600 11SE,36S,46NW,81S ISS 250 250 217 DRM Fra F NEW TDF (Remy Friess-F - HFCC.org B-19 database, Oct 18, BC-DX 29 Oct via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** GERMANY. NO SIGNAL of World of Radio#2005 via HLR October 26 0631-0700 on 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg to CeEu English Sat CUSB: (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) NO SIGNAL of Hamburger Lokalradio HLR on October 26 0600-1300 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg various Sat CUSB mode including 0631-0700 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg English Sat World of Radio#2005 1200-1300 6190 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg German 4th Sat Radio City also 1300-1500 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg various Sat CUSB mode including 1431-1500 9485 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg English Sat World of Radio#2005 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/no-signal-of-hamburger-lokalradio-hlr.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Again NO SIGNAL of Hamburger Lokalradio HLR in 41mb, Oct 27: 1000-1300 7265 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg various Sun CUSB mode including 1131-1200 7265 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg English Sun World of Radio#2005 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/again-no-signal-of-hamburger-lokalradio.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. Re: [WOR] DW B19 --- Have thought it interesting that the lone Swahili broadcast is scheduled for early afternoon in the East Africa target area, rather than evenings when you would think there is a larger potential audience. Also note that DW is down to three leased transmitter sites from the previous five (no Dhabayya or Ascension use in B-19.)(Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas, Oct 25, WOR iog via DXLD) ** GERMANY. Special broadcast 9+10 Nov via Kall from Shortwave Service website at http://www.shortwaveservice.com/index.php/de/aktuelles there is news of a special broadcast from Radio Grenzenlos on 6030 via the Kall transmitter. Times not yet confirmed. More details at and . (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK. Oct 27, WOR iog via DXLD) ? Later this was allegedly via transmitter inside Luxembourg (gh) ** GERMANY. Skyline Radio Germany, via Shortwave Radio de., Germany, 3975 kHz, received email QSL in two days. They announced will be on air again on Christmas Day on 3975 kHz and Boxing Day on 6160 kHz. Here is the mail received and the attached QSL: "Hello dear fellow SRG listener! Thank you for taking the time to email us your transmission report. And we are so happy that you liked our programmes, anyhow, which were very successful again - wow, yet another 40 reports prove it beyond doubt! So here is our special 20th anniversary eQSL for you! We hope you like it?! SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY will be back on the air again, hopefully, on Christmas Day on 3975 kHz and Boxing Day on 6160 kHz, again via our buddies at shortwaveradio.de! Save the dates! We'll keep you informed about more soon! See you then! Yours truly Jan Hendrik Skyline Radio Germany - SRG P.O.Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten The Netherlands skylineradiogermany@web.de" (via Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, WOR iog via DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. [WOR] Welle 370 will have a special transmission on Saturday 16 Nov --- Mauno Ritola wrote in the WRTH Facebook group October 28, 2019 Uwe Volk and Christian Milling inform on A-DX mailing list, that Welle 370 will have a special transmission on Saturday 16 Nov between 1900-2200 on 6145 kHz via Yerevan 100 kW (via Mike Terry, Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. [ARMENIA/AUSTRIA/BULGARIA/FRANCE/MADAGASCAR/ TAJIKISTAN/USA/UZBEKISTAN] Media Broadcast Cologne B-19 schedule - from October 27, 2019 Shortwave Operational Schedule from Oct 27th 2019: Radio mit Kurzwelle. Einfacher, unbeschraenkter Radioempfang mit portablen Geraeten, unabhaengig von Netzprovidern und technischer Infrastruktur, sowie die weltweite Reichweite der Kurzwellensignale - das sind die Alleinstellungsmerkmale, welche die Kurzwelle nach wie vor zu einem unverzichtbaren Massenmedium machen. Fuer oeffentlich-rechtliche und private Programmveranstalter ist die Kurzwelle daher eine wichtige Plattform, um Content weltweit auszusenden. Vor allem aufgrund des einfachen Zugangs fuer Hoerer und Programmveranstalter zu diesem Medium. Via Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) auch in rauschfreier Qualitaet. Factsheet Shortwave Broadcasting (MBR, via Paul Reinersch-D, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 26, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) ** GERMANY. SCREENING RAILWAY TRACK TO PREVENT RF POLLUTION. Amazingly the German railway will build a metal roof over part of its electrified track near Wilhelmshaven, because a nearby receiving station of the military is scared that the electrical powerline will cause noise. This video shows the future optical impact of that wall, and a nearby farmer is furious of the impaired view on the landscape: What makes me sick: For years the same military kaserne caused spike noise on the lower MW band on my antenna 20 km away during mornings. It comes from the power supply station of their computer system. I once went there with a frame antenna to find out the location of the noise source. The noise was absence on a few random days. A guy working there told me on these specific days they ran on battery as an exercise (Jurgen Bartels, Suellwarden, NoGermany. Perseus newsgroup Oct 26, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) ** GREECE. Voice of Greece Sunday Orthodox Liturgy on 9420, Oct 27 from 0755 9420 AVL 150 kW / 323 deg to WeEu Greek tx#3, very good: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-greece-sunday-orthodox-liturgy_27.html (SWLDXBulgaria News October 27 (publications №22396-№22450), DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9420, Oct 30 at 0002, VOG music is S6-S8 with Doppler flutter, i.e. the frequency itself is unstably fluttering with BFO. Must be a prop disturbance, but nonesuch reported by WWV simultaneously on 3-hourly update: SF 69, K index 1, no storms past or expected. Ditto at 0300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUAM. Winter B-19 DRM schedule of KTWR Trans World Radio Asia: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-drm-schedule-of-ktwr-trans.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA [non]. GROUNDBREAKING SET NOV. 3 FOR BLESSED STANLEY ROTHER SHRINE --- editor's pick Updated Oct 27, 2019 Rendering Provided A $40 million shrine in honor of Blessed Stanley Rother will be built along SE 89th Street between Shields Boulevard and Interstate 35 in Oklahoma City. A groundbreaking is scheduled from 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 3. Tags Stanley Rother Shrine Priest Christianity Worship Blessed Stanley Rother: An Extraordinary Ordinary Life A soft-spoken priest from Okarche never anticipated a $40 million shrine would be built in his honor, but his work in the Catholic Church exceeded the hopes and dreams of his family and faithful followers. . . https://www.enidnews.com/cnhi_network/groundbreaking-set-nov-for-blessed-stanley-rother-shrine/image_61915d3f-ea04-5c23-a60d-f6ddba5d2e9f.html (via gh, DXLD) Was manager of La Voz de Atitlán, 2390 kHz (gh) ** INDIA. 11560, AIR at 1640 UT Oct 23 with one continuous percussion tune to abrupt off at 1714:30. Very Good. Usually the Russian language program at this time? 73 (Mick Delmage, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Rx: Perseus SDR, Ant: Wellbrook ALA 100 loop, WOR iog via DXLD) AIR with Pashto and "News at Nine" --- Excellent signal from AIR here in NB today (27 October) on 11560 kHz a few minutes before 1530 UT in Pashto. Then at 1530, "News at Nine" in English. But only for a couple of minutes before the transmitter was shut down. As has been lamented before, it would be nice if we could hear the domestic news from AIR at this time (-- Richard Langley, WOR iog via DXLD) B19 Changes to All India Radio External Services: (Timings UT, Frequencies in kHz) 0000-0045 Tamil Delete 13695(B) 0215-0300 Kannada Delete 13695(B) 0315-0415 Hindi 13695(B) 0845-0945 Indonesian Add 17870(B) 1000-1100 English 13645(B) (ex 13605), 17510(B) (ex 17895) 1115-1200 Thai 15770(P) (ex 15410) 1145-1315 Chinese 17510(B) (ex 17705) 1215-1330 Tibetan 9575(B) (ex 9425) 1330-1500 English 9690(B) (ex 13695) 1615-1730 Hindi 11590(P) ex 12025 1615-1730 Persian Delete 13640(B) 1730-1830 Malayalam 11590(P) ex 12025 1730-1945 Arabic Delete 13640(B) 1745-1945 English 9950(B) ex 9910 1745-1945 English 9950(B) ex 9910 1945-2045 French Delete 13640(B) 2045-2230 English 9950(B) ex 9910 2245-0045 English Delete 6045(Kh) 2300-0000 Hindi 9950(B), ex 9910, Delete 13695(B) For latest updated B19 schedules please check links given below: 1) External Service Time Wise: http:/qsl.net/vu2jos/es/time.htm 2) External Service Language Wise: http://qsl.net/vu2jos/es/Language.htm 3) Complete SW service in Frequency order : http://qsl.net/vu2jos/sw/freq.htm Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, Mobile: +91 94416 96043, http://www.qsl.net/vu2jos Oct 26, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Hi Glenn, Listening right now (28 Oct at 2215 UT) to All India Radio's "Faithfully Yours". Looks like a week was skipped whilst I was away on holiday. Next edition therefore now expected on 11 November. Best wishes (Alan Roe, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) [via kiloHertz, MegaHertz; and GiganticHertz, WORLD OF RADIO 2006] Latest changes for AIR External Services from today. 1215-1330 Tibetan 9425 (ex 9575) 1615-1730 Hindi 12025 (ex 11590) 1730-1830 Malayalam 12025 (ex 11590) Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur R, Oct 31, dx_india yg via DXLD) ** IRAN. Updated B-19 schedule of VIRI IRIB PARS TODAY in English: 1523-1620 NF 7530 SIR 500 kW / 105 deg to SEAs English, ex 7315 1923-2020 on 6040 SIR 500 kW / 313 deg to WeEu English 1923-2020 on 11880 SIR 500 kW / 211 deg to SoAf English (Ivo Ivanov, Oct 25, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Dear Anatoly, Greetings from IRIB English Radio based in the rainy yet beautiful Tehran. Please accept our late reply since we had a serious technical issue with our e-mail system which is hopefully solved now. Firstly, let me thank you for tuning into our radio and putting some of your precious time to contact us, we indeed feel so proud. Secondly, we are thinking to design new QSL cards to be sent to you via e-mail, what do you think of this idea? Do you prefer paper cards or electronic ones? Thirdly, please keep sending us your reception reports which are a great deal of help to our radio technicians. Share your comments and tell us if we need to make any changes to our radio programs. Waiting for your recommendation for the changes we are deciding to make in our radio broadcast. Thank you in advance, Maryam Geshani, IRIB English Radio (AK = Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia, QSL World, Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) ** IRELAND [non]. IRRS registered 7290 from 18 to 19 UT but really is 19-20 UT, good signal on October 28 (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) I checked today Tuesday via UTwente: 7290 carrier already on at 1854 with severe splash from China 7285. 1900:30 cut on news already in progress, then 1903 FSN program about Ukraine/Biden etc. There is still heavy splash from China, but now from the other side 7295. LSB tuning on 7290 helps. Too bad we are still so close to so much interference. Could you provide a schedule of all programs on the 19-20 UT 7290 broadcast seven days a week? (Glenn Hauser, Oct 29, to Alfredo Cotroneo, IRRS, via DXLD) Hi Glenn, Thank for checking. I checked at sign on on Twente SDR receiver and were very powerful. Due to earlier [sic] sign-on (according to solar/UTC time) we usually get better propagation in a few weeks, when we have complete darkness. The Chinese are everywhere +/- 5 kHz and I had no luck at the HFCC in getting them to move farther away. Hope the signal improves later on in the season, and hope sometimes they listen when we get stronger than their signal. Program schedules were updated today. Enjoy! https://www.nexus.org/member-services/radio-and-tv/schedules/program-schedules/ Bests, (Alfredo Cotroneo, IRRS, Oct 29 to gh via DXLD) Showing: On Mondays, 24 hours of streaming, with one hour also on SW: ``2000 Streaming + 7290 kHz English NEXUS-IBA – News Headlines 2000 Streaming + 7290 kHz English IPAR – World of Radio 2030 Streaming + 7290 kHz English NEXUS-IBA – World News 2030 Streaming + 7290 kHz English IPAR – International Public Access Radio`` Times CET = UT +1 (gh, DXLD) See also USA [and non]: WOR ** ISLE OF MAN. MANX RADIO SECURES EXTRA FUNDING TO CONTINUE OPERATING --- RadioToday UK October 25, 2019 https://radiotoday.co.uk/2019/10/manx-radio-secures-extra-funding-to-continue-operating/ Manx Radio has been successful in its Report to the Isle of Man Government, Tynwald to secure the future of the service. The station will now get almost £1m in 2020 after Tynwald approved a £95,000 increase. In October 2018, a Tynwald session into the funding and structure of the Islands Public Service Broadcaster was unable to reach a conclusion on the future of Manx Radio. At a further meeting in January 2019, Tynwald instructed Manx Radio’s board to go and write a report to “develop a sustainable operational and funding plan to be submitted to its shareholder (Treasury) for presentation to Tynwald by October 2019”. Chris Sully (who broadcasts as Chris Pearson), took over as Managing Director at Manx Radio in mid-April and set about working with the board to develop and write the report. Months of meetings with the Islands politicians and the wider community followed as the report took shape. In the meantime, the station’s Controller of Programming and Content, Alex Brindley, worked on a new schedule to give the station a more contemporary feel. He worked closely with the presentation and news teams along with the station’s sales team, with the new schedule launching on October 14th. A new double-headed breakfast show with Alex Wotton and Ben Hartley replaced the ‘Mandate’ show, with ex-Chiltern Radio man Andy Wint moving from nights to host the lunchtime interactive news show ‘Mannin Line’ and the daily 5:30 news ‘Update’ slot. Former BFBS presenter Marc Tyley moves to mornings and Stu Peters now hosts a live 10pm to 1am show. After lengthy debates in Tynwald, all three of Manx Radio’s Report proposals were voted through. The station will now remain at its Douglas Head Broadcasting House base, will receive a substantial increase in subvention linked to CPI from April 2020 (reviewed in three years time) and will work with the Islands Attorney General to help set up a new Trust to help maintain political independence from its Government shareholder. MD Chris Sully (who joined after 28-years with Forces station BFBS and who is still a regular on Radio Caroline), said, “I’m absolutely delighted at the support we received in the Tynwald vote. It’s not been an easy six months and now we can start the real work to build Manx Radio to be the station the nation can be proud of.” (via Mike Terry, MWCircle iogroup via DXLD) ** ITALY [non]. IRRS: See IRELAND [non] ** JAPAN. 6040, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze (Japan v DPRK Oppo/Clan) at 1300. W, M in Japanese, over familiar piano music. Jammer not audible this time around - Good Oct 22 (Rick Barton, SW Logs from Arizona, Unless otherwise stated, equipment is RS SW-2000629, HQ-180A & 140X, Grundig Satellit 205, with various outdoor wires & indoor shortwire. 73 and Good Listening..........! - rb, WOR iog via DXLD) see KOREA NORTH non ** JAPAN. 9890, Oct 29 at 2206, news in Japanese, good S9+10 so figure it must be a new relay like Madagascar. No, HFCC shows NHK direct from Yamata at 21-23, 300 kW aimed away at 235 degrees, but directly off the back would be good for us at 55 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [non]. 6165, Oct 31 at 1421, JBA carrier, presumably NHK 1400 English, 100 kW SSE from UZBEKISTAN; only other frequency is 11925, registered both as Palau due west and UAE due east. Palau is supposedly closing down, at least for WHR`s own programming, but still a JBA carrier here with flutter, very slightly on the minus side, which implies UAE rather than Palau. Gone are the days when North Americans had a chance of hearing NHK English tnx to Palau, despite Radio Japan`s blowing off its NAm SW audience years ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. ANTI-NHK PARTY CHIEF SUED OVER UNPAID VIEWER FEES Tokyo, Oct. 28 (Jiji Press) -- Japan Broadcasting Corp., or NHK, said Monday that it has sued Takashi Tachibana, head of NHK kara Kokumin wo Mamoru To (the party to protect the people from NHK), for his viewing fee payments. Tachibana, whose single-issue party is critical of the public broadcaster, set up a television set at his office at the building for members of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, in August, after he won an Upper House seat in the July 21 election, and subscribed to both satellite and terrestrial broadcasts of NHK under his name, according to the broadcaster. But Tachibana has yet to pay a total of 4,560 yen in fees for August and September. NHK earlier sent two letters demanding he pay the fees, and took the case to court after the politician missed the payment deadline. Tachibana has publicly stated that he would subscribe to NHK but would not pay for it. The suit was filed with Tokyo District Court. Lawsuits regarding unpaid viewing fees are usually taken up first at a summary court, but NHK chose a district court for the litigation. As the reason, Kazuyoshi Matsuzaki, head of sales at NHK, said, "Tachibana has publicly said he would not pay the viewing fee, rendering the possibility of his payment extremely low, and it is of great public interest." (2019/10/28-20:05) To read a full story, please click here to find out how to subscribe. https://jen.jiji.com/jc/eng?g=eco&k=2019102800979 (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** KASHMIR. [dxindia] --- Radio stations in Jammu, Srinagar and Leh have been renamed as All India Radio, Jammu; All India Radio, Srinagar; and All India Radio Leh, respectively. With the approval of Prasar Bharati Board, the nomenclature has been changed from 'Radio Kashmir' to 'All India Radio' in the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. This change comes into effect from 31st October, 2019 as per the Jammu & Kashmir Re-organisation Act, 2019. --- (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Oct 31, dx_india now an iogroup, via DXLD) From today 31 Oct 2019, The identification of Radio Kashmir has been changed to All India Radio for Srinagar, Jammu, Leh etc. To hear the new identifications please go to Live Streaming: AIR Srinagar (Ex Radio Kashmir) 4950, 6110 kHz http://prasarbharati.gov.in/playersource.php?channel=14 AIR Jammu (Ex Radio Kashmir) http://prasarbharati.gov.in/playersource.php?channel=174 Also Radio Kashmir is AIR Leh (4760, 6000 kHz) Thanks to Alokesh Gupta Radio Kashmir Leh old recording is in: http://newsonair.nic.in/writereaddata/Bulletins_Audio/Regional/2019/Sep/Regional-Leh-Ladakhi-0905-20199793530.mp3?fbclid=IwAR3ETBbj6kR2NRp9Mcs2OTflwJ8o12HuTLqVFljfVRCRp3QVIXdto6G_mMM From today they are identifying as All India Radio. Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, dx_india yg via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Also Azad Kashmir Radio started today at 0902 on 7265 kHz. Very low modulation. Best regards, (Mauno Ritola, ibid.) ** KOREA NORTH. B19 Voice of (North) Korea English 0400 7220, 9445, 9730 to NE Asia 0400 11735, 15180 to C&S America 0500 13650, 15105 to SE Asia 0600 7220, 9445, 9730 to NE Asia 1000 6170, 9435 to C&S America 1000 6185, 9850 to SE Asia 1300 7570, 12015 to W Europe 1300 9435, 11710 to N America 1500 7570, 12015 to W Europe 1500 9435, 11710 to N America 1600 9890, 11645 to ME & N Africa 1800 7570, 12015 to W Europe 1900 7210, 11910 to S Africa 1900 9875, 11635 to ME & N Africa 2100 7570, 12015 to W Europe Source: Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany Noted as: “No changes to last year’s schedule” (via Ken Zichi, MARE Tipsheet 25 Oct via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1400-1500 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, weak to fair https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-wilderness-via-rrtm-telecom_25.html North Korea Reform Radio via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1430-1530 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, very weak signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/north-korea-reform-radio-via-rrtm.html Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent, October 25 1530-1600 7530 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair/good signal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-martyrs-via-rrtm-telecom_25.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6085, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, at 1310, Oct 27. Change of frequency and in the clear with no jamming; was unable to locate //, but thanks to Hiroshi, who did find it, as well as other times and frequencies today: 1300-1400 6085 // 7310 1405-1435 7260 // 7325 1600-1700 6095 // 7325 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) See also JAPAN JAPAN, Winter B-19 schedule of JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-schedule-of-jsr-shiokaze.html Winter B-19 schedule of Furusato no Kaze via Shiokaze: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-schedule-of-furusato-no.html TAIWAN B-19 changes of Nippon no Kaze and Furusato no Kaze: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/b-19-changes-of-nippon-no-kaze-and.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7295, Furusato no Kaze ("Wind of Hometown"), 1331, Oct 27. Again on this former frequency; in Japanese (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH. Voice of the People, from 1107+, on Oct 27; 3910 (jammed) // 3480 (fair - no jamming) // 3925 (jammed) // 4450 (jammed) // 6515 (jammed) // 6600 (jammed). Echo of Hope - VOH, from 1104+, on Oct 27; 3985 (jammed) // 4880 (fair - no jamming) // 5995 (jammed) // 6245 (jammed) // 6350 (jammed) // 9095 (fair - no jamming). 6045, Voice of Freedom, from 1140+, on Oct 27. After being on ex 5920 for a long time, they finally moved back to a former frequency; the good news is that National Unity Radio has moved off this frequency (now 7590?), but the bad news is that today at *1144, the N. Korea jamming that would have been against NUR started up, so will take N. Korea awhile to move to the new NUR frequency, but unfortunately the 5920 jamming will eventually move up to 6045. NUR sudden change probably due to the VOF shift in frequency (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) Winter B-19 frequency change of Voice of Freedom: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-frequency-change-of-voice.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6045, Voice of Freedom, 1300-1402*, Oct 28. 1300 - start of a program - http://bit.ly/31YCd7P 1330 - start of a program - http://bit.ly/36dLEU4 1350 - start of a drama program - http://bit.ly/2JuIj9i 1400-1402* - closing announcement; the usual VOF singing jingle in Korean ("jinsil-e soli, huimang-e soli, jayu-e soli bangsong. jinsil-e soli, huimang-e soli, jayu-e soli bangsong... jayu-e soli bangsong." Translated - "Voice of truth, voice of hope, Voice of Freedom Broadcasting. Voice of truth, voice of hope, Voice of Freedom Broadcasting... Voice of Freedom"); ending audio with instrumental version of "aleumdaun nala" (Beautiful Country); audio ended, but carrier continued on. Thanks again go to Amano (Japan) for his original translations. Earlier (1100-1200), VOF totally blocked by very strong KNLS (Alaska) on frequency. National Unity Radio remains silent on this frequency, but where did they move to? Not 7590, per Aoki. Thanks to Aoki, who today listed NUR on 7235 for 1200-1258 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) TAJIKISTAN, B-19 frequency change of National Unity Radio 1200-1500 NF 7590 DB 100 kW / 071 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 6045 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-frequency-change-of_28.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD)fs ** KOREA NORTH [and non]. Seems they have reevaluated and updated their jamming situation via SW. They are now actively responding to some of the Echo of Hope - VOH and Voice of the People frequency changes that have been observed recently since Oct 1. For me, the biggest find today (Oct 30) was that after years of non-stop daily N. Korea jamming on 6135, found that frequency today was completely free of the usual jamming noise. Hope it is not a one day only anomaly! Many years ago Voice of Freedom was on frequency, but 6135 has not had a station to be jammed for a long time. Today noted CRI on 6135, in English, from 1404 to past 1500 (scheduled 1400-1557). Had hoped to check for R. Madagasikara on this frequency, but block by China when reception might have been possible. Also the absence of 6135 noise jamming is of some help for reception of Lao National Radio (6130), which was heard today about 1345. BTW - KBS, on 6015, was jammed as usual with noise, so 6135 seemed to be an independent absence (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH. Echo of Hope - VOH, 1211, Oct 30. S. Korean musical group, Girls Generation (SNSD) with "Into The New World"; 3980 (jammed & ham QRM) // 4885 (good - not jammed) // 5990 (jammed) // 6250 (jammed) // 6347 (jammed) // 9100 (good - not jammed). 6045, Voice of Freedom, 1000, Oct 30. News program "Bodo gwangjang" ("News plaza"); no jamming or QRM; my audio at http://bit.ly/332JWmz (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. UZBEKISTAN, B-19 new frequency of Voice of Wilderness via RRTM Telecom Tashkent 1400-1500 NF 7615 TAC 100 kW / 070 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 1330-1530 on 7625 in B-18. https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/weak-signal-of-voice-of-wilderness-via.html B-19 frequency changes via RRTM Telecom Tashkent Radio Free North Korea 1200-1430 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, x 11510 A-19 1900-2130 on 7550 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, same in B-19 North Korea Reform Radio 1430-1530 on 7590 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, ex 7590 B-18 2030-2130 on 7505 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, same in B-18 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/winter-b-19-unknown-frequencies-via.html New frequency of Voice of Martyrs via RRTM Telecom Tashkent 1530-1600 NF 7630 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean, fair ex 7530: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/new-frequency-of-voice-of-martyrs-via.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. USA. 9605. KBS. Octubre 27. 0126- UT. Programa: “Rincón del Radioescucha” con informaciones acerca de la emisión web no estará disponible para Internet Explorer y de la pronta distribución de calendarios de la emisora. Luego, se leen informes de recepción y alusiones a las encuestas de satisfacción. A las 0134 se emite el Programa: “Literatura en audio: Bari, la princesa abandonada” acerca del padre de la protagonista, después un espacio musical. Desde las 0143, se vuelve a la lectura de informes de recepción. A las 0150: “Todo sobre Corea” con una reseña acerca de las historias de Fantasmas y terror que son populares en Corea hasta las 0155, cuando se emite la despedida del servicio con un tema musical. SINPO: 45444 (Claudio Galaz, Receptor: TECSUN PL 660; Antena: Hilo largo de 30 metros, Lugar de escucha: Ovalle, Chile, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) ** KURDISTAN [non]. On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 01:19 PM, Richard Langley wrote: ``Radio Denge Welat (I suppose "Radio" is superfluous here as Denge Welat means Voice of the Homeland)`` Actually, I heard them ID today as "Radyo Denge Welat" so perhaps not so superfluous after all (-- Richard Langley, Oct 25, WOR iog via DXLD) Frequency changes of Radio Denge Welat October 24 1200-1400 NF 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish, ex 11530 on Oct.23 1212-1401 on 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish Radio Recep Erdogan 1400-1600 NF 11510.0*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish, ex 11550 on Oct.23 1401-1600 on 11510.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish Radio Recep Erdogan from 1600 NF 11520.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish, ex 11540 on Oct.23 *till 1430UT 11510.0 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg Korean Free No.Korea Radio! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/frequency-changes-of-radio-denge-welat.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan on Thursday October 24 --- Both stations noted on 11520 kHz here in NB at 2045 UT this afternoon (24 October) battling it out on the frequency. Sometimes one station stronger, sometimes the other. Plus a SAH at times (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) From 0600 UT October 25, Radio Denge Welat via Grigoriopol & Radio Recep Erdogan via Emirler are on 11550 kHz (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) 11510, Oct 25 at 1421, JBA carrier only here; not surprising following G2 storm as long predicted, and K index still 3 at 1500. So far this radio war has been on 11510, 11520, 11530, 11540, 11550, but they`d better avoid 11560 earlier not to collide with India. Unless one understand Turkish or Kurdish it can be hard to tell which, but Emirler could be running 500 kW vs 100 kW from DW. Wolfgang Bueschel provides this for comparison: Denge Welat Kurdish radio Livestream is 16 seconds behind,;stream.mp3 Later I listened to it for a while to become more familiar with it. Strangely, only recently has Turkey bothered to jam the PKK station. Did Drumpf OK that too? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan October 25 [BRB = broker Broadcast Belgium {Consultants)] 0600-0800 11550 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 0615-0800 11550 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0800-1200 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 0802-1202 11530 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1200-1330 11520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 1204-1234 11520 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 11510*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 1235-1600 11510*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan from 1600 11520 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish, same on Oct.24 *till 1430 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg to NEAs Korean Free No.Ko.Radio BRB Radio Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play cat and mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-radio-denge-welat-radio-recep.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Radio Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan, October 26: 0230-0500 on 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0230-0500 on 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0500-0600 on 11540.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0500-0610 on 11540.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0600-0800 on 11550.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0612-0806 on 11550.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan from 0800 on 11530.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat from 0807 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio Denge Welat & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play again on cat & mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-radio-denge-welat-radio-recep_26.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tentative? Easy to confirm using the Web stream or U. Twente SDR receiver. Even in Holland at the moment (about 1430 UT) the Turkish jammer is weak underneath the very wide (± 7 kHz) Denge Welat signal (Richard Langley, Oct 26, WOR iog via DXLD) WTFK? Can`t find to which this refer (gh, DXLD) If DXer friends on the American continent would like to peep into this intense radio war it is advisable to use an European or a Middle Eastern SDR receiver to hear the jammed and the jammer station. The radio warring party's target area lies at the Eastern border of Turkey and the surrounding areas where Kurds are living (Tibor Gaal, Budapest, Hungary, ibid.) MOLDOVA/TURKEY Radio war in Turkey, TRT Emirler Turkish Army intelligence sce radio program against Denge Welat Kurdish radio: Now at 1025 UT on Oct 26 BOTH on 11530 kHz, Denge Welat ahead signal - stronger here in Europe but TRT Emirler stronger in Qatar Middle East, TRT signal is plus 4.5 Hertz on upper side flank. vy73 wolfie df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) 11520, Oct 26 at 1315 via UTwente checking for Dengê Welat, bigsig here presumed this; while a weak something on 11510, Turkish jammer not yet glommed? Also 11540 something in Chinese. Direct at 1348 I hear only a JBA carrier on 11510. 11510, Oct 26 at 1435 back to UTwente, VG referring to Agence France Presse, so probably D.W. A bit of music under, maybe same station or the jammer? But tuning around, nothing on others except 11500 has some VG Chinese. 11500 is in Aoki/NDXC at this time as CNR1 jamming/Sound of Hope, and 11540 jammed at 1200-1400 vs RFA Tibetan via Kuwait (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio war BRB Denge Welat & R.Recep Erdogan October 26 1200-1330 on 11520 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1229-1341 on 11520 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 on 11510*KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1342-1600 on 11510*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan *till 1430UT 11510 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg NEAs Korean Free No.Ko.Radio BRB Radio Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan play cat and mouse https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-war-brb-denge-welat-rrecep.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Updated B-19 of Denge Welat & Radio Recep Erdogan NF 11535/11525/11540/11540 replaced 11530/11520/11510/11530 Oct. 27 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan starting on the frequencies several minutes later. Radio war between BRB Denge Welat & TRT R.Recep Erdogan continues in B-19 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/updated-b-19-of-brb-denge-welat-radio.html BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan October 27 0600-0800 on 11550 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0612-0808 on 11550 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0800-1200 on 11530 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0810-1200 on 11530 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio war between Denge Welat and Radio Recep Erdogan continues B-19 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep.html (SWLDXBulgaria News October 27 (publications №22396-№22450), DX LISTENING DIGEST) Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan Oct 27 1200-1330 on 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1212-1400 on 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1330-1600 on 11510.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1401-1510 on 11510.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1500-1600 on 11530.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 1512-1600 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 1600-2000 on 9525.0*ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat * weak QRM on 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan Radio war between Denge Welat and Radio Recep Erdogan continues B-19! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep_28.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11510, Oct 27 at 1342, Kurdish? music/chanting, S4-S6, the only active frequency of the bunch up to 11550, presumed Dengê Welat today; can`t hear a second signal if co-jammed by TRT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) On Oct 27 Denge Welat at 21-22 UT time slot still on 9525 kHz, TX off just at 22 UT. Scheduled on 7455 kHz instead, 16-22 UT, during deep winter Nov - Feb? 73 wb (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) 7455 is wooden frequency, 1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) From 1000 UT October 28: BRB Denge Welat is on new 11535 Grigoriopol TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 Emirler From 1200 UT October 28: BRB Denge Welat is on new 11525 Grigoriopol, ex 11520 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11525.7 Emirler and probably from 1330 UT BRB Denge Welat is on new 11515 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 Emirler (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) Today Oct 28 at 1235 UT BOTH on 11525even kHz, and TRT Emirler on 11525.707 kHz, S=9+15dB signal both in Finland. 73 wb (Wolfgang Bueschel, ibid.) From 1330UT October 28 BRB Denge Welat is on new 11540.0 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 October 27 TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11540.0 Emirler EVEN (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Updated B-19 of BRB Denge Welat&TRT Radio Recep Erdogan: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/updated-b-19-of-brb-denge-welat-radio.html -- 73! (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) 11540, Oct 28 at 1416, JBA carrier here and on none of the other Dengê Welat/Turkish jamming channels, so maybe this is it, with degraded propagation? But India is OK on 11560. Nothing on 9525 yet, which per Ivo yesterday would take over later: ``1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol`` -- and as long as it stayed stuck in their mornings 9525 had been jammed by an off-frequency Emirler only. Earlier today there were also reports by Ivo Ivanov and Wolfgang Bueschel of various other jumparounds in the 11.5 MHz area, including newly some frequencies ending in -5: 11515, 11525, 11535, but Ivo reported ``From 1330 UT October 28, BRB Denge Welat is on new 11540.0 Grigoriopol, ex 11510 October 27. TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11540.0 Emirler EVEN`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, October 29: 0330-0600 on 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0330-0600 on 9525.0*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan 0600-0800 on 11550.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0600-0800 on 11550.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish R.Recep Erdogan * instead of 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg R.Recep Erdogan Oct.28! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-denge-welat-and-trt-radio-recep_29.html BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, October 29: Day by day on various jumparounds frequencies from 11510 to 11550 kHz from 0940 on 11530.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB same Oct.28 from 0940 on 11530.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT same Oct.28 from 0953 NF 11520.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB, ex 11535.0 from 0953 NF 11520.0 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT, ex 11535.7 from 1033 on 11535.0 KCH 300 kW / 130 deg Kurdish BRB same Oct.28 from 1033 on 11535.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg Turkish TRT same Oct.28 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brb-trt-day-by-day-on-various.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7455 is wooden frequency, 1600-2000 on 9525 Issoudun and 2000-2200 on 9525 Grigoriopol (Ivo Ivanov, Oct 29, WOR iog via DXLD) 11540, Oct 29 at 1409, this is the only active frequency in the Kurdo-Turco radio-war band, VP only S3-S4 talk and music. Still at 1459, chanting, but off at 1502, now shifted to 11530. 11530 at 1507, Kurdish is poor but now with SAH, indicating the ``Radio Recep Erdogan`` Turkish jammer is also on it. At 1514 check, 11540 is off, 11530 is on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11540, Oct 30 at 1421, VP/JBA music on the only active frequency in the Kurdo-Turco sub-band, so presumably this is DK and/or Turkey jammer. 11530, Oct 30 at 1728 suspicious open carrier of S6-S7 is the only activity around here; if the Radio War has gone by now to 9525, only a JBA carrier there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) These reports are being written as if “Radio Recep Erdogan” is the actual name of this broadcast, but is that really the case? Recep Tayyib Erdogan is the name of the Turkish president whose speeches are being carried on it. Presumably it`s being transmitted by TRT in Turkey with the aim of interfering with Denge Welat, but has anyone actually heard it announce any name on air? 73s (Dave Kenny, WOR iog via DXLD) Has in the meantime someone done an analysis of the, um, program audio and, if yes, where can it be found? Have the inserts been positively identified as excerpts from Erdogan speeches? (Some of the sources are used rather freely; particularly remarkable is a take where after a mention of the YPG a machine gun sound is inserted.) If no such analysis took place and all the background remains a week after its publication still behind the language barrier: This program audio is on Türksat, on the 11.096 GHz mux now apparently used as routing to Emirler. It is on the channel with the ID "DIS YAY ORTA DALGA ARAPCA", which seems to mean "feed mediumwave Arabic". These should have been the evening broadcasts on 630 and 1062 kHz, discontinued not too long ago, and now they reuse the satellite channel for this, um, special purpose. It is a loop, running about one hour, and the majority of the music that plays therein reminds German ears of https://youtu.be/vei1HNrxOd0?t=3562 (what this documentary shows is video from 6 October 1989 in Berlin). And the whole set-up shows that not just the secret service has required the aux transmitter at Emirler: TRT is fully involved in this jamming operation, up to the point of a producer putting together something, um, suitable. Any opinions on the agility with which TRT now follows any frequency switch? They are so quick that one has to wonder if they already know the upcoming next frequency. Such a suspicion is further raised by the circumstance that engineers at Grigoriopol have just been told from Moscow to stop communicating with outsiders. And any comments on the opinion that they know the price to be paid for jamming satellite uplinks (IRIB can tell, they lost the access to Eutelsat capacity for almost a decade) and refrain only for this reason from this practice, while also knowing that they have nothing whatsoever to fear from jamming shortwave broadcasts? (Kai Ludwig, Oct 28, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) Log for 28.10.2019: 1700 UT, 9525 kHz, Denge Welat, in Kurdish, long talk and then to the news digest and comments, mentions of Iraq and Syria. Turkish jammer is very weak or not heard at all. 73! (Ivan Lebedevsky, QTH: Vyritsa, Russia, RX: Kiwisdr at Haparanda, Sweden (SM2BYC), Web: http://worlddx.ml/ Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) 11530 kHz TDoA signal location direction finding: 11540 kHz TDoA Radyo ya Denge Welat, Grigoriopol Moldova: (Roger Thauer-D, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 20, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) 9525, nothing heard of Denge Welat Kurdish Radio around 0250 UT in Germany, Doha Qatar nor Delhi India remote SDR receiver. 9525.020, Turkish Clandestine radio from TRT Emirler site, noted at 0250, singer and Turkish music program, S=7-8 in Germany, S=9+15dB in Delhi India, but suffered splatter audio from adjacent CNR11 music program from Baoji, China, 9530even, S=9+15dB signal strength at 0305 Oct 29. vy73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) [gh removed extra kHz and UTs as obvious redundant clutter to make this more readable for our wider audience] RE: "KURDISTAN(non) BRB Denge Welat and TRT Radio Recep Erdogan, Oct 29: 0330-0600 9525.0 ISS 250 kW / 090 deg to WeAs Kurdish BRB Denge Welat 0330-0600 9525.0*EMR 500 kW / 105 deg to WeAs Turkish R.Recep Erdogan *instead of 9525.7 EMR 500 kW / 105 deg WeAs R.Recep Erdogan Oct.28!" My recording today (29 October) of 9525 kHz starting at 0525 UT using the U. Twente SDR receiver initially has a strong 728 Hz tone almost continuously, likely a heterodyne (rather than a test tone). Ten minutes later at about 0535, the tone disappeared. So, it seems part of the time time "Radio Recep Erdogan" may have been on about 9525.7 kHz and then retuned the transmitter. The two audio signals were also heard pretty well continuously with and without the het. I can see that the het would provide further annoyance in the target area trying to listen to Denge Welat. So, why not stay on the off-frequency? Do the Turks really want their program to be heard by the Kurds and are simply trying to overpower Denge Welat? Denge Welat left the frequency at about 0558, leaving "Radio Recep Erdogan" in the clear. It went of at about 0609 (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) Dear friends, Denge Welat is on 9525 from 0330 to 0558, not from 0230 as in summer time; & 1600-2200 UT. Other time 0600-1558 is on 11515-11550 range, day by day different frequencies, 73 (Ivo Ivanov, Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) On Oct 29 at 21.35 UT Denge Welat Kurdish radio Livestream is 16 seconds behind,;stream.mp3 \\ Checked 9525even channel, Radio Denge Welat program in Kurdish, S=9+20dB strength noted in remote Doha Qatar server SDR rx. Absolute nothing traced of TRT Emirler Radio Recep Erdogan clandestine jamming noted at this hour. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) October 30 0600-0715 BRB Denge Welat is on 11550 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan missing from 0715 BRB Denge Welat is on 11540 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan missing October 30 from 0740 BRB Denge Welat is on 11540 kHz & R.Recep Erdogan is on 11550 kHz from 0750 BRB Denge Welat & & R.Recep Erdoganare on 11540, instead of 11550 on October 29 from 0800 BRB Denge Welat is on 11530 & R.Recep Erdogan is on 11540 from 0810 BRB Denge Welat & R.Recep Erdoganare on 11530 Oct.30 at 0940 BRB Denge Welat & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan are on 11520, instead of 11530 on October 29 from 1030 BRB Denge Welat is on 11535 & TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is on 11535.7 (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) Recorded 9525 kHz this morning (30 October) from 0225 until 0635 using the U. Twente SDR receiver. Only noise heard until about 0325 UT. Then a strong heterodyne jumping around in frequency. Could hear only faint audio underneath the het. After a few minutes, the het stabilized to 660 Hz. But then, for the next few hours it slowly changed in frequency going down to around 630 Hz and then up to about 710 Hz. Could never really hear the audio from the two stations clearly. At 0553, the het disappeared leaving "Radio Recep Erdogan" on the frequency with a clear signal with music and chanting. It left the air about four and a half minutes later (-- Richard Langley, WOR iog via DXLD) FRANCE/TURKEY Denge Welat Kurdish radio via TDF Issoudun, as well as TRT Emirler Radio Recep Erdogan program on Oct 30 at 2115 UT Denge Welat Kurdish radio Livestream is 16 seconds behind shortwave,;stream.mp3 \\ Checked 9525even channel, Radio Denge Welat program in Kurdish, 9525.004 1/2 kHz TRT Emirler Radio Recep Erdogan. [he means 9525.0045 --- gh] Much different signals in Europe, Finland NoEUR, Qatar: S=9+5dB equal both program noted in Blackpool UK at 2104 UT S=7 in Germany and Italy remote SDRs. S=9+45dB powerhouse signal in Athens Greece of Denge Welat, (absolute nothing in Greece of TRT Emirler Turkey signal, due short skip zone). S=9+25dB in Doha Qatar remote SDR rx, powerful signal of Denge Welat, TRT Emirler weak tiny underneath JBA. In Finland SDR S=7-8 -84dBm TRT Emirler only, Denge Welat weak underneath. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Bueschel, WOR iog via DXLD) From 0800 UT BRB Denge Welat is on new 15175 kHz, instead of 11510-115 -- from 0816, TRT Radio Recep Erdogan is also on new 15175 kHz, instead of 11510-11550 range. 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, Oct 31, ibid.) Kurdish station Denge Welat heard this morning from 1015 UT tune-in on new 15175 kHz (thank to tip from Ivo Ivanov WOR iog). It`s only just audible here underneath Turkish jamming. Turkey is transmitting military music and speeches, and at 1034 the Turkish national anthem with Denge Welat just audible underneath. For the past 10 days or so Turkey has been chasing Denge Welat around the 25 m band (11510-11550) transmitting this same programme over the top of Denge Welat in an attempt to jam it, but the use of a higher frequency may make it more difficult for Turkey to jam it within the coverage area. The Turkish transmission is presumably from TRTs' Emirler site. 73s (Dave, Caversham, Berks., Kenny, AOR 7030 + 25m long wire, Oct 31, bdxc-news iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) From 1200 UT BRB Denge Welat is on 11540 (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) Someone on Twitter (@arecki93) suggested that Denge Welat was being relayed from Kostinbrod (Bulgaria) as well as Grigoriopol (Transnistria). They gave the following explanation: "Just observing the modulation characteristics for each of the transmitters. Kostinbrod's audio has usually somewhat noisy highs (>5 kHz), and Issoudun always has 5k audio sidebands, except for one tx which is only 4.2k. Grigoriopol is clean & does 7 kHz sidebands too." (Chris Greenway, WOR iog via DXLD) Sidebands, bandwidth etc., easily displayed by SDRs (gh, DXLD) Turks Asleep at the Switch? Recorded 9525 kHz again this morning (31 October) using the U.Twente SDR receiver. Faint audio began at 0327 UT. Then at 0330, Denge Welat s/on music with the Kurdish "national anthem" "Her Kurd Edin" ("We Have Always Been Kurds"). Poor reception but audible and no Turkish jammer detected. Then, at about 0421, the jammer came on the frequency with a much stronger signal in the usual boisterous format. Continued that way for the next hour or so until it signed off at 0558. Couldn't really tell when Denge Welat quit the frequency (probably according to schedule). (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) Today BRB Denge Welat, 1500-1600 on 11540 is probably via Secretbrod + second harmonic on 23080 kHz. Videos will be added tomorrow (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** KUWAIT. Radio Kuwait on very strange drifting frequencies in 19/16mb October 27 0500-0800 on 15424-15414v KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English, instead of 15530v 1000-1200 on 17617-17611v*KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino, instead of 17760 *QRM/co-ch 10-12UTC 17615 RIY 500 kW / 100 deg to SEAs Arabic Holy Quran R.Riyadh https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-kuwait-on-strange-driffting.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) R Kuwait heard on 27 October with back-to-back-music and English public service announcements on a drifting frequency from 0730 UT tune-in. Started at around 15417 and drifting down towards 15416 by 0745 UT. Transmission signed-off at at 0800, with final frequency at around 15413 kHz (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) from 1000 UT Filipino on 17617, instead of 17760 (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Radio Kuwait on very strange drifting frequencies in 19/16mb Oct 27 0500-0800 on 15517-15514v KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu English, instead of 15530v 1000-1200 on 17617-17614v KBD 250 kW / 084 deg to SEAs Filipino, instead of 17760. Videos will be added later today (Ivo, ibid.) Radio Kuwait in English on badly drifting frequency in 19mb, Oct 28 till 0800 15403v KBD 250 kW / 310 deg English, instead of B-19 15530v https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-kuwait-on-badly-drifting.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) R Kuwait's English service on badly drifting frequency - scheduled on 15530, but at the moment today (28 Oct at 0720 UT) is on 15403.7 kHz (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK; Elad FDM-S2 & ALA1530LN using Elad FDM-SW2 software, WOR iog via DXLD) Till off at 0800 UT, KW was on 15403.2 (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, ibid.) While checking the audibility of the BBC World Service in English (0600-0800 15420), I noted the English service of Radio Kuwait on these frequencies: 191027 15420 [sic] 0659-0730 R. KWT, E, pop music, incl a guide to healthy nutritions: gooseberry and a traffic spot against overloading your car 45544 HjBi 191028 15405 [sic] 0715-0725 R. KWT, E, pop music, 0720 traffic spot against car fires/for fire extinguishers, angry cover version of „i’m on your side like a bridge over troubled water“ (US rapper against racism) 45544 HjBi (Dr Hansjoerg Biener 28 October 2019, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Kuwait General Sce badly drifting frequency Oct 29 0727&0757 on 15423-20 KBD 250 kW / 310 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of English on 15530v --- Something`s always very wrong at Radio Kuwait Kabd Sulaibiyah transmitting station!! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-kuwait-in-gs-on-badly-drifting.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11629.769 kHz at 1500 UT on Oct 28, R Kuwait Arabic at S=9+15dB level in Europe, despite only sidelobe signal flank. Scheduled ? 13-16 UT, to zones 52, 47, 48 to all Africa target, Sahel zone etc. 73 wb df5sx [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 28, WOR iog via DXLD) UNID station variable fq 15424.939 kHz centered at 0745 UT on Oct 30, western pop music played continuously, but fq hopped 20-30 Hertz up and down side. 15424.883 kHz at 0758 UT. 17 kHz wideband signal nice audio, not distorted. 15420 kHz Hit nearby adjacent BBC London English via A'Seela Oman relay outlet. S=9+20dB signal traced on remote SDR rx at Athens Greece. Announcement '... is now 11 a.m. in Kuwait ...', at 0758:50 UT. Full English schedule given by male announcer. Fqs and \\ FM local Kuwait outlet 90.3 MHz. Also 11970 kHz DRM mode at 05-08 UT to be announced too amongst others on full schedule. 0759:38 UT Kuwait's National Anthem played by brass band. 0800:05 UT last time pip occurred. 0800:50 again played the National Anthem, followed by female announcer in then Persian language. S=9+20dB still in Athens Greece. 0802:20 UT Arabic HQuran prayer performed. 0803:10 UT TX OFF on 15424v kHz. 0803:57 UT TX switched on air, appeared now on scheduled 7250 kHz, on exact 7249.848 kHz, S=9+10dB signal in Athens Greece, S=6 in southern Austria remote SDR rx, S=9+45dB powerhouse on remote Doha Qatar unit. 0805 UT traditional Near East Arabic Cello music played. 20 kHz super wideband audio signal visible on Perseus screen. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) Radio Kuwait in English on badly drifting frequency in 19mb, Oct 28, till 0800 UT on 15403v KBD 250 kW 310 deg to WeEUR English, instead of B-19 15530v kHz (Ivo Ivanov-BUL, hcdx via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 28, via wb, WOR iog via DXLD) 9749.807 kHz at 1250 UT on Oct 28, R Kuwait Arabic at S=9+35dB level in Europe. Broadband 21 kHz wide signal block visible. approx. 15109.717 centered kHz, Radio Kuwait DRM mode block at 1252 UT, 9800 Hz wide digital block, S=9+15dB here in Europe, fq range 15104.817 - 15114.613 kHz. Language unknown, scheduled is Arabic. 11629.769 at 1500 UT on Oct 28, R Kuwait Arabic at S=9+15dB level in Europe, despite only sidelobe signal flank. Scheduled ? 13-16 UT, to zones 52, 47, 48 to all Africa target, Sahel zone etc. 15515 even R Kuwait Arabic service noted at 0737 UT on Oct 30, S=8 in remote Delhi rx. [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 28 / 30, WOR iog via DXLD) [Official sked fragment from somewhere, Observer?:] 1600-1800 15540.0 KBD 250 kW 100 deg to SoAS Urdu DRM 1600-2100 6050.0*KBD 100 kW non-dir to NE/ME Arabic General Service 1700-2000 13650.0*KBD 250 kW 350 deg to EaNoAM Arabic General Sce DRM 1800-2100 15539.7 KBD 250 kW 310 deg to WeEUR English DRM 15540even kHz R Kuwait from Kabd bcast center signal noted at S=7-8 level here in Germany & remote SD receiver in West Europe near Blackpool, not in DRM mode tonight, rather in AM mode, Oct 30: 1759 Final announcement, 1759:20 National Anthem of Kuwait played, scheduled Urdu at 16-18 UT towards SoAS at 100degr azimuth. 1800:20 TX switched OFF. No replacement change to WeEUR at 310degr at 18-21 UT tonight, also on 15540v kHz today Oct 30. [non] 6049.980, not Kuwait, rather Radio ELWA Monrovia, Liberia instead, S=4-5 tiny at -103dBm signal level at 1815 [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (Wolfgang Bueschel, df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) ** LUXEMBOURG. Radio Luxembourg --- There is a free 124 page book (rather modestly described as a brochure) on the history of the RTL Group which can be downloaded at http://www.rtlgroup.com/alwaysclosetotheaudience/history.html I guess it’s possible that it may contain some of the answers to questions about RTL which have recently been aired on this forum (Richard Gedye, Oct 29, MWCircle iog via DXLD) see also GERMANY ** MALI. China Radio Int via Bamako is on air again, October 24 1400-1557 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf English, poor/weak 1400-1557 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English, very/good 1600-1657 on 15125 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CEAf Arabic, weak/fair 1600-1657 on 17880 BKO 100 kW / 020 deg to NEAf Arabic, fair/good B-19 of China Radio International via Bamako is same as A-19/B-18: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/china-radio-international-via-bamako-is.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 24-25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Today October 25 NO SIGNAL of CRI via Bamako 1300 & 1400 UT 1300-1357 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to WeAf French 1300-1357 on 17880 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to WeAf French 1400-1557 on 13685 BKO 100 kW / 111 deg to SoAf English 1400-1557 on 17630 BKO 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAf English https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/weak-signal-of-ortm-radio-mali-in-31mb.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALI. 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 1847-1910, 26-10, African songs, at 1849 Saturday English program, “Magazine en anglais...”, “Welcome to our English magazine”, news and comments in English. 35433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters, WOR iog via DXLD) ** MEXICO. Re: XEJ-970 format moved to XEPZ-1190? ¡Hola! I've started listening using the Kiwi SDR. using the receiver that is in El Paso, Texas and I have listened to the programming of the three AM stations of the "Grupo Radio Mexico": XEJCC 720 1 Kw El Fonógrafo, Cd. Juárez (In the morning with the programming of XEN 690 and the rest of the day with local programming of "El Fonógrafo") XEJ 970 5Kw La J Mexicana, Cd. Juárez (mainly with music programming with pop music in Spanish, old and new) XEPZ 1190 1/0.1Kw Radio Centro 11-90, Cd. Juárez (mainly with regional music programming "banda" music) and announce the stations address in: Grupo Radio México, Elisa Dosamantes 400, Fracc. Los Colorines, 32380 Cd. Juárez. Kind regards from Mexico City (Héctor García Bojorge, Oct 29, via Tim Hall, ABDX yg via DXLD) I've just returned from my annual DXpedition at the Nevada-Utah border. Conditions were not good, but I heard both of these stations, and from what I've heard on my recordings so far, it is exactly as Héctor reported. 73 (Tim Hall, Oct 29, ibid.) ** MEXICO. 570, Oct 28 at 0556, caught last part of ID for ``92.1, regional mexicana`` looping SSW. Certainly XEBJB Monterrey NL, which IRCA Log shows as 5000/500 watts, ``BJB Regional Mexicana, Música Regiomontana`, 24 h, // XHGBO 92.1 FM General Bravo. Regiomontana is the classier adjectival form instead of ``Monterreyana``. BTW, in NRC IDXD someone reported 570 Monty as XEMON, which is really the one on 1370 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 690, Oct 28 at 0558-0602+, choral adult Mexican NA from S/SSW with heavy CCI from KGGF et al. There are only three XEs on 690, most likely XEN, CDMX, 100/5 kW, rather than Fresnillo or Monterrey. Per the anthem appendix about XEN at https://www.ircaonline.org/editor_upload/File/2019%20Mexican%20Log.pdf ``Fast adult choral version (2 verses about 2 minutes) at Midnight. ID before and after anthem``, while XEMA has children`s version, and XERG none? NOTE: the Log at the bottom also provides hotlinx to station websites, live audio, and when available, disgraced FB. Note that 0600 UT is now midnight in central Mexico back on CST ex-CDT, except for border towns wedded to US timeshifting (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 710.0, Oct 27 at 0603 UT tune-in, last few notes of orchestral Mexican NA and apparently off, no Spanish or music further. Must be XEDP, Ciudad Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, from the SW, the only one I ever hear. This and the other two actives in the IRCA Mexican Log are all shown as 24 hours. NB that at the bottom of the Log https://www.ircaonline.org/editor_upload/File/2019%20Mexican%20Log.pdf there is a new extensive survey of when and what version of national anthems are played, including XEDP, ``Adult choral at Midnight`` The morning/evening anthemings do not necessarily denote sign-ons/offs. BTW, except for border towns, the rest of Mexico which had been on DST has now gone off it, a week before the United Statesian Hallowe`en extension, which Mexico never copied despite Dia de los Muertos (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1000, XEOY Mil AM, México, CDMX 1127 October 20, 2019. Local with lady announcer into Eduardo Capetillo's "Me Tienes" (a decent Spanish cover of Roy Orbison's "You Got It"). Parallel station stream (Terry L. Krueger, All times/dates GMT, Niceville, FL, R-75, NRD-535, ICF-7600GR, active loop, random wire, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO [and non]. 1050, Oct 30 at 0631, C&W song in English. If it were not for the language and the music I would assume it`s XEG, as loops from Monterrey direxion vs lots of CCI around. 0633 back announcement in -- Spanish, but now there is QRM from another station playing C&W --- that likely be CJNB North Battleford, Sask, U2 10/10 kW with C&W format. Of course, almost all its signal supposed to go northward at night. See also CANADA for next Sask log a few minutes later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1090, Oct 26 at 0605 UT, Spanish from south easy with KAAY from the east nulled and initially dead-air. It`s an infomercial not for mattresses but now for ``Vitac-30`` [?], an antiseptic, referring to phone number to call ``en pantalla``, i.e. on the screen, another *television* infomercial. The number probably depends on which station is airing it in order to track response sources, but it`s rather hard to ``see`` on the radio! Maybe they later inserted it verbally. That name is incorrect; searching, there is a Vita-C vitamin supplement. Anyhow, still presumed XEAU, Monterrey NL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1130, re XEYZ, Aguascalientes2 still/again on the air: On the WTFDA Forum, Raymie Humbert, AZ, also replied October 20: ``XEYZ still on air!? What necromancy is this? This is an AM that nearly 18 months ago told the IFT "you can have the AM back, thank you": [4 pp] http://rpc.ift.org.mx/rpc/pdfs/35226_181212173840_5224.pdf What is going on?`` Pertinent paragraph among all the verbiage: ``Ahora bien, en términos de lo señalado en el último párrafo de la propia Condición Tercera de la citada Resolución, manifiesto la voluntad de la concesionaria para renunciar a la frecuencia 1130 KHz. originalmente asignada, a través de la estación de radio con distintivo de llamada XEYZ~AM; en ese sentido, es nuestra intención continuar la operación y explotación únicamente de la frecuencia 107.7 MHz, por medio de la radiodifusora con distintivo de llamada XHYZ~FM. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, solicitamos que los Títulos de Concesión correspondientes versen exclusivamente sobre la frecuencia que opera en la banda de Frecuencia Modulada y en su caso, se indiquen las condiciones y el momento en que deberá de suspenderse de manera definitiva la operación de la frecuencia de Amplitud Modulada y por tanto revertirse en favor del Estado.`` 1130, Oct 27 at 0624, super-hype voice actor (SHVA) proclaims, ``La Poderosa, la más famosa`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1510, Oct 27 at 0629, classical music from SSW/NNE, no doubt XEQI Monterrey; there is *no* USA AM station with a classical format we hear. Brand is ``Opus 15-10 AM`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1540, unidentified, 1040 UT October 26, 2019. Mexi-tunes, choral anthem at 1100, more Mexi-tunes but very poor in KXEL co-channel, plus low side hets from likely KGBC and KBOA. Not parallel XEHOS, Hermosillo, Sonora's alleged AM stream which was feeding XHHOS La Invasora 101.9 FM (IDing as) and no anthem at 1100; maybe that happens at 1200, being how far west they are. XESTN, Monterrey, Nuevo León has no functioning stream. The 2019 WRTVH lists both while the 22nd Ed. IRCA Mexican Log only shows XESTN and as no longer simulcasting 1110 XERED Radio RED but rather XERC "Radio Centro 97.7" FM from Mexico City. The Wiki entry for XEHOS states the AM went silent in 2017 (with an edit from "Raymie" three months ago, who we know is a highly credible source for Mexican radio/TV). So, is this XESTN, seemingly the only one still on 1540? (Terry L. Krueger, All times/dates GMT, Niceville, FL, R-75, NRD-535, ICF-7600GR, active loop, random wire, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA: 1540 KEDA ** MEXICO. 6185, Oct 28 circa 0545, XEPPM still on the air an extra real hour, now that DST is over in CDMX, unlike here. Nominal closing should be 0600, but opening, when?? 6185, Oct 31 at 0621, S9-S7 of open carrier; presumably XEPPM still not turned off after nominal closing at 0600 instead of 0500 during DST, already over in most of Mexico. Prolonged carriers post-sign-off are not unusual from them. What CCI must Radio Educación listeners confront in B-19? Worst will be AWR Turkish via Austria at 0400-0430. During our daytimes, when XEPPM may be on but too weak anyway, there is heavy 6185 usage by Vatican and some by Turkey, China/Albania including 2300-2400 Xian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. RAYMIE`S MEXICO BEAT week of Oct 25-31 including DTV TDT [but only one post as he has mostly migrated to twitting] Chain 'Em Up --- Finally, Televisa's jilted independents start thinking about content partnerships A bit back, I wrote but never put up a piece on a specific group of TV stations. I'm including some of it here: What Future for Televisa’s Local Stations? 2017 and 2018 have been marked by changes in Mexican local television. Some were predictable. As the result of a new auction of TV stations, 32 new station concessions were awarded, and some of them will lead to new ventures, like Intermedia’s expansion to Chihuahua Capital or the massive expansion of Telsusa out of its traditional Tabasco, Chiapas and Coatzacoalcos base, while others support the growth of existing cable stations into broadcast outlets. With the launch of a+, TV Azteca has gotten deep into the local game on a level it has never seen. And Televisa is launching new regional stations of its own on subchannels. But another change is leading to an existential crisis of sorts for Mexico’s oldest local broadcasters: the ones that have held on to Televisa for decades. With the multiplexing of Gala TV and Foro TV directly on Televisa’s own transmitters in major cities from Durango to Chetumal, the local stations that for so long took from Gala and Foro for their own schedules have seen their source of programs turn from them. Now, these stations have been thrust out into the cold, many with the urgent need to find new programming partners or reinvent themselves for a new era. Some of these stations are coming up on their fiftieth anniversaries of broadcasting, having been put in place in time for Mexico’s Olympic Games. Others are newer entrants into commercial television, at least by Mexican standards. Where will they turn? Televisa has gone about in the last two years and pulled its programming from the company's traditional affiliated partners. To wit: -On January 1, Telemisión unhooked completely from Televisa. XHTX-TDT, which provided Canal 5 network service in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, moved to virtual channel 8 and is running unknown programming. (My original piece on this named XHTX as "very evidently safe".) XHAUC, the former Nu9ve outlet for Chihuahua is now affiliated with Multimedios Televisión and has moved to virtual channel 6. XHMH in Hidalgo del Parral tagged along and is now the Multimedios outlet in southern Chihuahua, having axed its own local news programming. -The legacy Telsusa stations ceased carrying Televisa programming, picked up plenty of El Nueve (Argentina) fare, modestly expanded their local operations, and moved to channel 13. This also allowed them to prepare for a future with twelve new IFT-6 transmitters in the fold. -Last week, XHBO—a station that historically served as little more than a passthrough for Nu9ve programming and old Mexican movies—lost Nu9ve to a subchannel of XHOXO. -Stations such as XHA, XHKG, XHSLV, XHDE, TVP (Sonora and Sinaloa), have ramped up their local programming. -XHBJ and XEJ will be the next to lose Nu9ve, as the multiprogramming auths for Televisa were approved on October 2. Filling the Nu9ve hole—hours of national programs—is no easy feat. As a Nu9ve station, XHA Durango went to network programming at 4pm on weekdays, noon on Saturdays and 10am on Sundays. XHA, which is co-owned with XHCK-FM 95.7, presented two editions of a newscast, Tiempo y Espacio, and a few local shows, as well as in the morning a brief simulcast of the FM station. (XHA’s fate and Televisa’s, however, are even more physically intertwined. TV Diez Durango shares a tower and transmission facility with Televisa’s national networks.) Even the Foro-dependent stations recognized something needed to be done. XHDE had a reputation of being behind the times, using a striped 13 logo straight out of the seventies. They’ve shed all that for a new brand, “CN13”, as well as new logos, new sets and new programs. The fact that XHDE changed its logo, for media watchers, was emblematic of the challenge this station faced in modernizing itself. Who's Left? The list of Televisa partners has shrunk steadily. The last ones left are: -XEDK Guadalajara, which is contracted through 2030 to carry Nu9ve programming. -XHFX + XHKW Morelia, which Televisa seemingly perceives to fill a coverage/reception gap. (XHFX has some local programming opposite Canal 5.) -XHBG Morelia–Uruapan, which provides Nu9ve programming. -XHLL Villahermosa, also in national network service for Canal 5. This station has not had local origination since 1972. Televisa could conceivably move C5 to a sub of XHVIZ as it did in Tuxtla Gutiérrez when XHTX disaffiliated. -XHVSL "Televalles", serving Ciudad Valles, Ciudad Mante and Tamazunchale. Televisa cannot multiplex Nu9ve here because TV Azteca has just two program streams in Valles. -XEFE-TDT Nuevo Laredo, Nu9ve. -XHFW-TDT Tampico, Nu9ve. (Televisa also has two stations in which it owns a controlling, but not full, stake: XHTP Mérida (with SIPSE) and XHBF Navojoa (with the Silva Alemán family). These don't count.) So Now What? Some stations, as mentioned above, have been able to find other large corporations to fill their content needs. For the Telsusa stations, said corporations just so happened to be co-owned; for XHAUC and XHMH, Multimedios swooped in sensing an expansion target. (In the case of Chihuahua Capital, Multimedios fought hard and lost to get the IFT-6 station there.) That leaves a lot of stations that are finally seeing the light. XEJ and XHMH made some news this week when its head Pedro Fitzmaurice went to Mexico City for the upfront of something called Integración 21, http://integracion21.com/ which also involves Pedro Ferriz de Con and Central FM. Central was live last Wednesday from the Integración 21 upfront. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laKz7WUwmLo (Fitzmaurice said Integración 21 would be "the new national network".) So Integración 21 is linking up a bunch of regional stations, apparently more than 20: XEJ, SIPSE TV (both Mérida and Cancún), Telsusa, XHKG, RCG in Saltillo and Acuña. XHMT Mérida, a SIPSE station, appears to have picked up Central FM for mornings, too; Roberto Mondragón also did an on-air interview on Central FM on Wednesday. https://youtu.be/OvlpF--S-xE?t=9526 In addition, XHDE San Luis Potosí and XHVSL Ciudad Valles are now airing Central (the scrolling ticker on their show archives does not list any Telsusa or RCG stations, or XEJ). ——— For DX use, this is a list of all of the Central FM radio affiliates as of this week: XHFO, XHXR, XHURI, XHEFO, XHEAAA, XHMT, XHCHL, XHAR, XHEPIC*, XHCRA, XHTXA, XHPB, XHZPC, XHRTP, XHCDS, XHWL, XHTAM, XHNAY, XHZA, XHURM, XHMUG, XHVB, XHIU *May be XHEOO instead with the recent frequency swap. [tagline:] Este programa es público, ajeno a cualquier partido político. Queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos a los establecidos en el programa. Read the Mexico Beat | Follow @EnFrecuencia on Twitter | View my HD Radio in Mexico map | Consult the list of Article 90 reserved band (Raymie Humbert, AZ, Oct 26, WTFDA Forum via DXLD) ** MOROCCO. 595.9, Oct 25 at 0608, JBA carrier. Before a bandscan, see UNIDENTIFIED, I check for this first, as the low-power 50 kW Oujda transmitter of SNRT has been reported by Chris McWhinnie and Alan Pennington of the British DX Club, further off-frequency than usual 595 instead of 594, and there it is! Wolfgang Bueschel precisioned it at 595.896 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MYANMAR. 5985, Myanmar Radio, 1249-1259, Oct 30 (Wednesday). The usual two consecutive 5 minute shows of "Learning English with BBC, Burmese"; first show about names ("His name is ..., Her name is ..., My name is ..."); second show with "I come from England"; not very readable; the two shows will be repeated on Friday (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND. 15720, Oct 28 at 2323, RNZP reactivated on this band for springtime, but VP S8 so far; by 0040 Oct 29 it`s improved to S6-S9 but still insufficient. Now scheduled 2259-0558; for our late-night listening, will be much better from 0559 on 11725, 0759 on 9765, 1059 on 9700 but to the NNW; 1259 on 6115. 6115: I have not checked it yet but a risky choice, as in HFCC, WWCR has registered same available all day and all night! But axual 6115 usage per own sked remains only 21-01 during the Week of Confusion, then 22-02 from Nov 3. 6115, also presumably wooden entries for VOR Khabarovsk at 11-15 and JIC MIC Japan at 13-16. 6115, Oct 30 at 1403, RNZP confirmed here in news, ex-6170 after 1259. So far so good: S9/+10, no CCI audible, and WWCR has not overtaken it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [non]. Bad frequency choice of Koode Radio Inter via Issoudun on October 28 1900-1930 on 6180*ISS 250 kW / 175 deg to WCAf Nigerian Fulfulde, very poor signal * co-ch same 6180 TIG 300 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German Radio Romania Int in AM mode instead ofDRM 6180 TIG 090 kW / 307 deg to WeEu German Radio Romania International: https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/bad-frequency-choice-of-koode-radio-int.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 28-29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. Have what I believe to be Radio Corsair on 1710 with electronic music and bearing WSW of me on the Sony 2010. Music across the TOH (Russ Edmunds, WB2BJH, Blue Bell, PA, Grid FN20id, 0102 UT Oct 27, nrc-am gg via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. 6770am PIRATE (N. AMER.) Old Time R. 10/25/19, 2130. fair. On going comedy show: “The Great Gildersleeve”, support cast: Leroy, Mr. Duffy, Judge Hooker. Theme: re-election time for the judge. Ends with Kraft commercial for Mac& Cheese. pulled plug 21:42 (Montney-MI, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. Ion Radio (Pirate), 6870-AM, Oct 31, 2023, English with Talking Heads "Psycho Killer", caught ID right away at 2026 "This is Ion Radio ... Halloween Program for 2019", then Mike Oldfield "Tubular Bells", S7 with some deep fades into noise; 25322 (SDRplay RSPduo with 150 ft. longwire)(Robert Butterfield, Columbia, MD, USA, WOR iog via DXLD) ** NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. 11550, Oct 29 at 1502, while checking out the Kurdistan sub-band, JBA algo here, but which would be USAGM Korean via SAIPAN. Similar programming on 11520 at 1508. Both VP but I manage to get enough signals into two receivers to tell they are not //. But after 1500, 11520 is also scheduled as USAGM Korean, via TINIAN -- so may well be // but deliberately non-synchronized (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. More about Enid`s now reactivated beacon, EI on 341 kHz: Rick Barton, AZ, replied earlier on the ABDX yg: ``The beacon EI at Enid would have been a Location Outer Marker for (and south of) Woodring airport. Has it been destroyed yet? I show its location here: 36.2750331 , -97.7907633 I see that both Vance and Woodring still have the VHF band omni range navigation beacons at the field. Woodring has a VOR-DME on 109.0 MHz with the ID ODG, and the VORTAC at Vance AFB is END on 115.4 MHz. The reference name for the Enid NDB "EI" was "GARFY" NDB. It is no longer depicted on aviation charts. re: the comment about GPS: It is ironic that little puddle jumpers in the wilds of Alaska use hi-tech GPS, but large commercial aircraft still rely much on older technologies. 73 from the desert southwest - rb`` (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Formerly silent stations informing the FCC that they are back on the air: 1550 KMAD OK Madill – Silent June 10; on the air Oct. 23. (AM Switch, NRC DX News via DXLD) Still unheard here (gh, Enid) ** OKLAHOMA. 1580, Oct 26 at 1752 UT, KOKB Blackwell is completely OFF again, yet again (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 91.7, Oct 25 at 2128 UT, KOSU during NPR `All Things Considered`, RDS is displaying the current ATC topic, ``TREE OF LIFE SYNAGOGUE ANNIV. CHANG ON KOSU`` in rotating 8-character fields. Chang being one of the ATC co-anchors. I have only two radios with RDS displays, the identical DX-398 and ATS-909, but I don`t pay much attention to them except during sporadic E DX openings when the RDS could provide vital ID info or clues, especially from Mexico --- but often won`t display due to weak/fading/choppy signals, even if enabled by the station. Some stations have long used RDS to show current song title/performer info, but first time I have noted news content as on NPR/KOSU. Is this something new to KOSU and/or NPR? Is it showing up elsewhere?? At 2130 it changes to generic ``ALL THINGS CONSIDERED ON KOSU``. Some stations only display their static ID or slogan, such as 94.7 in OKC, BUZZ; 96.9, KQOB. 96.1 KXXY displays song info. Some other stations have RDS enabled per icon, but displaying nothing. One of these slow days I`ll have to survey the entire FM dial around here for what`s showing on RDS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. Radio Sultanate of Oman on 9620 again only in Arabic, Oct 26 1353-1400 9620 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, prayers, unscheduled 1400-1500 9620 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, instead of English & 1500-2200 9620 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu Arabic, as scheduled in A-19 1400-2200 15140 100 kW / 315 deg to WeEu En/Ar probably from Oct 27 Something`s always wrong at R.Sultanate of Oman Thumrayt station! https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-sultanate-of-oman-on-9620-again_26.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PALAU. 9960, Furusato no kaze (Oppo/Clan), 1430. W in Japanese, some pop music clips. // 9560 - Excellent. - Very Good Oct 22 (Rick Barton, SW Logs from Arizona, Unless otherwise stated, equipment is RS SW-2000629, HQ-180A & 140X, Grundig Satellit 205, with various outdoor wires & indoor shortwire. 73 and Good Listening..........! - rb, WOR iog via DXLD) See also KOREA NORTH [non] PALAU Soon silenced [and non]. As of 10/27/19, World Harvest Radio will only be transmitting from WHRI out of South Carolina. More updates to this website coming soon. https://familybroadcastingcorporation.com/whr/ (WHR/FBC website Oct 24 via gh, DXLD) i.e. NO MORE PALAU T8WH (or in HFCC parlance, HBN) was still coordinated for B-19, but WHR activity seemed only on weekends so it was sitting idle much of the time. Also no longer scheduled are relays of Furosato no Kaze. Still maybe scheduled is NHK Radio Japan daily at 1400-1430 English on 11925, but an alternate registration for that transmission for UAE site. Checked today, there was a JBA carrier slightly on the minus side of 11925, maybe really UAE closer to on-frequency than usual. Under normal conditions, Palau should have put in a better signal. Most of their frequencies were in the 9.9 MHz range, so we may confirm this weekend that they are all gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15675, Oct 31 at 0001, no signal from T8WH, altho in HFCC B-19 as HBN, 00-06 daily, due west in English/Vietnamese (and same 06-11 on 15680). What service could that be? Checking these highest listed frequencies of T8WH, since the World Harvest Radio website says as of Oct 27, WHR broadcasts only from South Carolina. So is Palau totally off the air including relays? No, on Nov 1, several monitors still hear them on frequencies in the 9.9s. All of those are registered as 7 days a week, but likely excessive beyond axual usage. Aoki/NDXC dated Nov 1 has deleted them all: http://www1.m2.mediacat.ne.jp/binews/us/userlist1.txt The final A-19 schedule still had numerous PLW entries, like 9930: http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/pc/ad/userlist1.txt Beware: WHRI Cypress Creek could easily take over some listed T8WH frequencies, altho coverage into Asia would hardly be comparable: ``I heard WHR at 1200 on 9930. But was it really from Palau? The announcement mentioned Cypress Creek…. [and WHRI] http://jm.aubier.pagesperso-orange.fr/t8wh3.mp3 Jean-Michel Aubier, France`` I`ve been told that the Palau site is for sale. If so, maybe USAGM will buy it, as they have a history of acquiring failed private American stations in the Pacific; but then, SW is going out of style (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also JAPAN [non] ** PERU. In accordance with the recently published news, that Radio Tarma, Peru, 4749.9 kHz, was testing a new transmitter with 2 kW of power, and as it seems there was no improvement in the signal strength, I contacted Radio Tarma via mail ``Enviado el: jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019 05:51 a.m. Para: gerenciageneral@grupomonteverde.com Asunto: Un saludo desde España Buenos días, reciban un cordial saludo desde España. Parece que proximamente estarán probando un nuevo transmisor de onda corta con 2 kW de potencia. Me gustaría saber si eso es correcto. Un su pagina web no veo nada sobre esa novedad. Ojalá sea cierto, y así se podrá escuchar mejor su estupenda emisora. Un cordial saludo`` and in their reply they say that the new transmitter will come into operation soon and they will be announcing the event when it takes place. Here is the email reply from the station received today October 29: "Muchas gracias por tu interés, Manuel. Si, próximamente estaremos operando con un nuevo transmisor. Lo vamos a anunciar. Saludos" MARIO MONTEVERDE POMAREDA GERENTE GENERAL Dirección: Jr. MOLINO DEL AMO N° 167 - TARMA - PERÚ Teléfonos: 64 321510 - 64 321167 CELULAR: 964 689066 E-mail: gerenciageneral@grupomonteverde.com http://www.grupomonteverde.com (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, España, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** ROMANIA. 9610, R Romania via Tiginesti [sic] with the digital ID popping up, but no audio actually decoding during the half hour I tried. Despite the fact they use Mode B & 16 QAM the 5-9 dB s/n ratio was just not enough to allow decoding. If one could do a SIO of 350 that would be what this was! ;) 2115-2145 19/Oct (Ken Zichi, Williamston MI, Drake SPR4 & SDRplay + SDRuno + FLDigi + ANC-4 + randomwire, MARE Tipsheet 25 Oct via DXLD) Oct 28 at 2130, I`m checking the four new frequencies of RRI English for B-19, ex 2030 in A-19, when we had fairly reliable reception on 13650, if not 11850 which had been missing for weeks. But all four are JBA carriers at best; propagation is somewhat degraded, but what a drastic descent from 13 and 11 MHz bands, to 7 and 6 for the winter; maybe should improve as the season progresses. The two for CIRAF 8, eastern NAm are 6170 and 7310, 300 kW, 307 degrees from Tsiganeshti; for CIRAF 27N, British Isles, are 7375 and 6030 from Galbeni, but the latter is only 90 kW at 300 degrees, therefore must be the DRM one; while the former is 300 kW at 290 degrees. Since the same pair of bands are used for near and far targets, I wonder if the European frequencies are at a higher takeoff angle best for shorter paths? [and non]. 6090, Oct 29 at 0105, hearing PMS ANGUILLA on her occasional schedule leads me to recheck RRI B-19 English sked as in previous report, and correct it: ``I`ve yet to check the further one-hour Englishes toward us: 2300 on 6040 & 7220 designated for Eu only; 6090 & 7325 to E Asia 0100 on 6130 [not 6090 as in previous report], 7325 to ENAm 0400 on 6020, 7410 to WNAm; 9820-DRM, 11790 to S Asia`` So at 0100 how about 6130 and 7325? Oct 29 at 0105, 6130 is a JBA carrier with splash from 6125 Radio Martí new frequency; 7325 very poor with splash even from 7315 WHRI with VOV relay in Vietnamese, not English! So both are unusable. Our last chance: 0400 on 6020 & 7410 to western North America: nothing audible on either at 0401! 6020 & 7410, Oct 30 at 0433, NO signals from RRI as now scheduled English hour to W North America; of course, odds are at least one transmitter AWOL. Not much point in checking the much higher //s to S Asia, 9820-DRM and 11790 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA [and non]. SAD NEWS --- RUDOLF TAKACS Traurige Nachricht - Sad event - In memory of Rudolf Takacs --- automatic translation: I learned from Istvan Hegedüs in Hungary that the long-standing Romanian DXer Rudolf Takacs on 21 October 2019 died at the age of 76 years. He was a Dxer since 1962 and one of the founding members of the Association of DX'ers of Romania in 1984. He was thrilled by the DX hobby to the end. In the same mail Istvan writes me that a few months ago the Hungarian DXer Istvan Kiss died. Here is a picture from 1986 at my house in Romania where all the mentioned are shown. - - - In memory of Rudolf Takacs It was sad news when I got the message that a well-known DXer passed away on the 21st of October 2019 at the age of 76 years. Rudolf Takacs lived in Romania, most of his time in the city of Timisoara. He began as a reception ham, in 1959 he passed the exams for transmission but he never asked for the authorization. He was more interested for the reception and the study of the propagation. Since 1962 he was a broadcast DXer. He discovered this site of the hobby when Radio Prague tested a new transmitter asking for reception report. He was very astonished when he got a QSL. Getting courage he tried also with other stations. In the sixties he became member in some DX-clubs of radio stations like Radio Berlin International, Radio Budapest Shortwave club, Radio Canada Shortwave club, Radio Portugal DX club, Radio Prague Monitor Club, Radio RSA Monitoring Panel, Radio Club de Amis de Radio Nederland. He contributed also to different DX Programmes like Sweden Calling DXers Bulletin, Radio Budapest and others. It was in June 1979 when he wrote me for the first time after he found my address in the bulletin of the Radio Budapest Shortwave Club. We exchanged our thoughts and information about DXing by writing and by phone and after we moved in 1980 both to Timisoara (Temesvar), Rudi from Resita and I from Brasov (Brasso) we visited one another for many times. Then in 1984 we founded together with other 2 DXers from Romania "The Association of Dxers of Romania". It wasn't easy to have such an organization in a communist dictatorship. The Romanian secret police cast their eyes on us, and put us under pressure to make some compromises, like not using the name of our association in our bulletin. Even after I left Romania in 1991 we maintained contact by writing and the rare occasions when visited Temesvar I visited also Rudi at his home. As he was of Hungarian nationality he had also contact to some Dxers from Hungary. In the nineties he became also a member of World DX Club in England and contributed for several times to their publication "Contact" magazine. All the years he had to share his time of DXing with his job and his family. After he got sick in 2007 he continued with DXing, though it was difficult for him with the treatment and its adverse reactions he get for the cancer. From his writings I often saw the hope of getting better but sometimes he wrote that he thought he would not reach the next day. I would not close these lines before mentioning a strange coincidence. In 2011 he wrote me in an email that he was very happy getting a QSL from the well known Russian DXer Mikhail Timofeyev, who confirmed all receptions of stations in St. Petersburg. Both Rudolf and Mikhail died in the same year 2019 (via Erich Bergmann, via Wolfgang Bueschel, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. THE GHOSTLY RADIO STATION THAT NO ONE CLAIMS TO RUN Best of BBC Future --- “MDZhB” has been broadcasting since 1982. No one knows why. Author image By Zaria Gorvett 2nd August 2017 This story is featured in BBC Future’s “Best of 2017” collection. In the middle of a Russian swampland, not far from the city of St Petersburg, is a rectangular iron gate. Beyond its rusted bars is a collection of radio towers, abandoned buildings and power lines bordered by a dry-stone wall. This sinister location is the focus of a mystery which stretches back to the height of the Cold War. It is thought to be the headquarters of a radio station, “MDZhB”, that no-one has ever claimed to run. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for the last three-and-a-half decades, it’s been broadcasting a dull, monotonous tone. Every few seconds it’s joined by a second sound, like some ghostly ship sounding its foghorn. Then the drone continues. Once or twice a week, a man or woman will read out some words in Russian, such as “dinghy” or “farming specialist”. And that’s it. Anyone, anywhere in the world can listen in, simply by tuning a radio to the frequency 4625 kHz... [much more] https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170801-the-ghostly-radio-station-that-no-one-claims-to-run (via Jack Amelar: MARE Tipsheet via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. STORY. RADIO STATION “TIKHIY OKEAN” ("PACIFIC OCEAN"). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pacific Ocean is a radio station broadcasting from Vladivostok from 1963 to 2001 and from 2005 to 2008 at a frequency of 810 kHz in the medium wavelength range and at different times at frequencies of 12065 kHz, 17590 kHz, 9765 kHz, 5960 kHz, 7330 kHz in the range short waves, at a frequency of 66 MHz in the VHF band (in Vladivostok), as well as according to the 1st program of wire broadcasting (from the "radio point"). The broadcasting territory is the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the eastern sector of the Arctic is the main zone where the Far Eastern vessels traveled. The radio station was the only means of communication with the "Big Land". Transmission came out 3 times a day. The call sign of the radio station was the melody of the song "Along the valleys and on the hills." The news of the region and the country, as well as greetings of relatives, were broadcast on the air. Wives, mothers, children told the sailors about their life, about the life of the family and conveyed musical greetings. At the end of the transfer to the music of Paul Maria Melancolie Melody Lady it was reported in which ports the vessels of the Far Eastern Shipping Company are located or what course the planned arrival date is following. Unofficial site of the radio station: http://oceandx.narod.ru/ (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) Hi Glenn, Back in 2006, I often enjoyed hearing "Tikhiy Okean" (on their QSL card, is spelled "Tichiy Okean") with good reception. Received a beautiful QSL card (attached), from Alexey Giryuk (technical department engineer at Primorskoye Radio/Radio Station Tikhiy Okean). Good memories! (Ron Howard, California, WOR iog via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Radio center Taldom (Moscow region) Final minutes of broadcasting the program "Radio of Russia" on SW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUA_u5_G8_g&feature=youtu.be (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. Rus-DX 27 October: contains many horror stories about the Russian postal system, losing, delaying, stealing mail (gh, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. `A NEW MESSAGE': RUSSIA TRAINS ITS PROPAGANDA MACHINE ON AFRICA Many of the players who drove Moscow's campaign for influence in the West are now backing Putin's African charm offensive. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, center, with his counterparts Abdel Fattah al-Sisi from Egypt, left, and Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa at the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi this month. Credit TASS, via Shutterstock [caption] By Anton Troianovski Oct. 29, 2019, 3:00 a.m. ET https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/29/world/europe/africa-russia-sochi.html SOCHI, Russia -- Jose Matemulane said he left his native Mozambique nearly two decades ago, spent years studying in St. Petersburg and saw the Russian soul. Now he's in the vanguard of Russia's new foray onto his home continent, where he is spreading the word that working with Moscow to reduce the influence of Americans and other Westerners is in Africa's best interests. "The Russians have their own way of thinking different from the Western patterns," Mr. Matemulane said. "I used to tell people: Russians are nothing else than white Africans, white blacks." Russia has been playing for power in Africa in recent years by sending arms, offering mercenaries, and cinching mining deals. More quietly, it has started to set up a low-profile infrastructure of political influence that bears echoes of the Kremlin's strategy in Europe and the United States. And it is already identifying African politicians and activists who will carry its message. Deploying its international propaganda arms, the television channel RT and the Sputnik news agency, the Kremlin is honing this message: While Western Europe and the United States are continuing a centuries-old tradition of exploiting Africa, Moscow is ready to engage with Africa on mutually beneficial terms. Russia is also benefiting from a desire by African countries to lessen their reliance on China, even as Moscow acknowledges that it cannot come close to matching Beijing's financial firepower. Mr. Matemulane runs a think tank called Afric, which describes itself on its website as "funded by donors with a common passion to foster Africa's development," without mentioning Russia. In an interview, though, Mr. Matemulane said the group was launched last year with support from a St. Petersburg businessman he declined to name. Afric received prominent billing at a summit for dozens of African leaders hosted by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at the Black Sea resort of Sochi last week, and announced it would partner with a Russian propaganda specialist who had previously focused on the United States. It also drew the notice of Mamadou Koulibaly, a candidate for president of Ivory Coast in elections next year. "I will ask them if they can introduce me to people with money who will help me," Mr. Koulibaly said of Afric. "This is important. A campaign needs money." Moscow has already injected itself into the geopolitics of Libya and the Central African Republic. Now it is looking for inroads in public opinion and the political elite across the continent. Earlier this year, for example, Russia's ambassador to Ghana met with Albert Kofi Owusu, the head of Ghana's main news agency, and discussed a proposal: Might Mr. Owusu distribute stories from Tass, a Russian state-controlled news service, to newspapers, websites and television stations in the West African country? Mr. Owusu said the proposal made sense, especially since his agency was already sharing Chinese state media reports. In October, Mr. Owusu was here on Russia's glittering Black Sea coast, shaking hands with Mr. Putin. "Very simple man, cool," is how Mr. Owusu described Mr. Putin, who held a brief meeting at the conference with the heads of 11 African news agencies. Russian officials at the conference said that the Kremlin's RT and Sputnik would be glad to host African journalists in Moscow for training courses on topics such as social media. "We understand that getting to Moscow costs quite a bit of money, and this may well be too expensive for African newsrooms," Alexei Volin, Russia's deputy minister for communications and mass media, added after making the pitch. "We are ready to consider possibilities for RT and Sputnik specialists to organize courses on the ground in this or that African country." Mr. Volin said RT was ready to provide its suite of documentaries to African TV stations. In addition to animal movies, the library includes features like "Drift It Like Putin's Driver" and "Coups R Us: American Regime Changes and Their Aftermaths." Perhaps the most prominent figure in Russia's Africa push is Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the St. Petersburg businessman indicted by the United States for running the online "troll farm" that sought to sway the 2016 American presidential election, who is said to run a military contractor called Wagner that is involved in several African countries. Another is Konstantin Malofeev, a nationalist banker under American sanctions who has cultivated ties with far-right politicians in Europe and the United States, as well as pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Prigozhin did not appear in public at the conference, but Mr. Malofeev had a stand right by the entrance showing off a new project: an agency promising to help African governments gain access to financing as an alternative to Western sources like the International Monetary Fund. Image --- Yevgeny Prigozhin Credit...Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images Mr. Malofeev described the new organization, called the International Agency for Sovereign Development, as an economic approach to the ideological battle he's been fighting for a long time: breaking the Western world order. But it was the first time he's ever been involved with Africa, Mr. Malofeev said. Niger, Guinea and the Democratic Republic of Congo have already signed on to have the agency help them raise a total of $2.5 billion, he said. "I oppose liberal totalitarianism," Mr. Malofeev said in an interview in the private meeting room at his stand, under a portrait of Mr. Putin. "I'm against the global dominance of the Federal Reserve System." Russia says the yearly volume of its trade with Africa has doubled to $20 billion over the last five years, but that still pales in comparison to Africa's $300 billion in trade with the European Union and $60 billion with the United States in 2018. In the West, Russia's messaging has sought to appeal to people disenchanted by the political mainstream -- from opponents of immigration and same-sex-marriage on the right to critics of capitalism on the left. In Africa, Russia is similarly trumpeting itself as a protector of "traditional values," while also seeking to capitalize on Russia's Cold War past, when the Soviet Union sought to ally itself with opponents of post-colonial influence on the continent. "Our cooperation, rooted in the period of the joint fight against colonialism, is strategic and longstanding," Mr. Putin told dozens of African leaders in Sochi gathered alongside him around a ring-shaped table. Alexander Malkevich, a veteran of Russia's propaganda wars, founded an English-language website called USAReally, which tells the story of a declining America caught in the throes of violence. Now, he says, he spends about one-third of his time on Africa. His Foundation for National Values Protection, with a website available in English and French, argues that African countries are vulnerable to the same sort of Western meddling that Russian officials say undermined former Soviet republics like Georgia and Ukraine. "We try to do our work honestly and address our partners with respect, rather than from above, like the caricature of Uncle Sam," Mr. Malkevich said. Investigative journalists have reported that Afric and Mr. Malevich's foundation are funded by Mr. Prigozhin, but Mr. Malkevich and Afric employees denied any connection. Afric's Mozambique-born president, Mr. Matemulane, said it was in fact a different St. Petersburg-based businessman who helped him launch Afric, but declined to identify him. In Sochi, Mr. Malkevich and Mr. Matemulane appeared on a panel together and signed a "cooperation agreement." "The Western system is broken," said Clifton Ellis, who is British and Jamaican, and moved to St. Petersburg recently, where he helps coordinate Afric's activities. "We have to fight the narrative that because Russia is involved, it's bad." Afric -- an acronym for Association for Free Research and International Cooperation -- is building ties with African politicians and commentators while publishing articles that extol the benefits of cooperating with Russia. It has also invested heavily in election monitoring missions that mirror Russia's approach in its own elections: bringing in sympathetic foreigners who praise the votes' fairness and transparency, even as established Western organizations criticize them. One of those, Volker Tschapke, the retired president of a small conservative German association called the Prussian Society, extolled Mr. Putin's re-election vote in March of last year. Since the summer of 2018, Mr. Tschapke has made five separate trips to Africa on behalf of Afric to observe elections in Zimbabwe, Madagascar, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa and Mozambique. "It was unimaginably great. In all the countries I visited, I saw truly perfect elections," said Mr. Tschapke, who acknowledges that he had no experience in election observation until last year. But he says the process is really so simple that "you just need a little instruction." He added in a telephone interview from Berlin that he had heard rumors that Afric had received Russian start-up funding, but said he had no problem with that. Major elections loom next year across Africa, including in Ghana, Burkina Faso and Burundi. Mr. Koulibaly, the candidate in Ivory Coast presidential elections next October, said he had already met with a Russian deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, as well as with Russian agriculture and mining officials. He said he would talk about Russia in his campaign as a potential economic partner that, for instance, can help Ivory Coast harness nuclear technology. "My experience is that the Russian authorities I meet with want business," Mr. Koulibaly said. "They don't talk about ideology. They don't talk about political control." African leaders have also taken notice of Russia's expanded influence in the Middle East as a sign that Moscow is becoming a more formidable geopolitical player. In an interview, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, the foreign minister of Djibouti, ticked off countries that he said suffered as a result of misguided Western policies -- Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon. "Why shouldn't we try a new approach? A new message?" Mr. Youssouf said. "Maybe Russia is the alternative." (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** SAUDI ARABIA. Turkish service on 9675 kHz 1800-2100 UT 27 & 28 October. The audio distortion at times seemed to indicate Radio Cairo, but the station definitely IDed as Saudi Arabia. Best regards, (Alan Holder, Isle of Wight, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9675, Oct 31 at 1808, continuous talk VP S4-S6, listed as Turkish from SRI/SBA. Not much else from over there on this band at this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA. Re: [WOR] SABC Day Zero can happen tomorrow – CFO Once this was a subject here. Bill, can I ask what happened with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)? The last news was that it is about to collapse, its funding is in limbo. Did the state save it? And what is about its former shortwave transmitter Meyerton site operated by Sentech? Have you heard about it something? (Tibor Gaal, Budapest, Hungary, Oct 31, WOR iog via DXLD) Hi Tibor, Yes, the SA government bailed out the SABC earlier this month. They haven't had all they requested yet, but did receive a considerable sum which I believe is expected to last about 18 months. Sadly, it seems quite a bit has been wasted already, to pay for showing the Rugby World Cup (that is naturally a matter of personal opinion). SABC to get R2.1bn portion of bailout https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/national/2019-10-04-sabc-to-get-r21bn-portion-of-bailout/ First transfer of SABC bailout billions to be done on Monday https://ewn.co.za/2019/10/05/first-transfer-of-sabc-bailout-billions-to-be-paid-on-monday Here’s how long the SABC’s R2.1 billion bailout is expected to last https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/how-long-will-sabc-bailout-last-october-2019/ News about the Meyerton site is scarce, at least around here. Don't forget the site is owned by a parastatal organization. The SA government is probably working out how to get the maximum amount of money for or from the site. I still would not be surprised if it suddenly came back thoroughly updated and working in DRM or similar, although that may take some time (Bill Bingham, Jo'burg, RSA, ibid.) ** SPAIN. Tnx to Mauricio Molano for the answer about the REE 12030 target area ``Gran Sol``, found on Spanish Wikipedia: >Where is Gran Sol?... https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gran_Sol ``Gran Sol es un caladero situado en el Atlántico Norte, entre los paralelos 48 y 60, al oeste de las islas británicas. Destaca por la riqueza pesquera, especialmente por la existencia de merluza, una especie de gran rendimiento económico. Desde antiguo el caladero de Gran Sol ha sido explotado por los pescadores españoles y portugueses, que navegan desde la costa cantábrica y atlántica a faenar en sus aguas. Este mar destaca también por la ferocidad de sus temporales. El nombre de Gran Sol proviene del francés Grande Sole (gran lenguado). No se debe confundir con el Box Irlandés (Irish Box, en inglés), caladero éste que está fuera del Gran Sol y que designa un área de pesca reservada acotada entre paralelos y meridianos (box) alrededor de la isla de Irlanda`` 73! Mauricio Molano, Salamanca, ESPAÑA - SPAIN http://moladx.blogspot.com/ Then I hunt for that in English wikipedia, but all it can find is a hotel/skyscraper by that name in Alicante! So Google translates: ``Gran Sol is a fishing ground located in the North Atlantic, between parallels 48 and 60, west of the British Isles. It stands out for the fishing wealth, especially for the existence of hake, a kind of great economic performance. Since ancient times the Gran Sol fishing ground has been exploited by Spanish and Portuguese fishermen, who sail from the Cantabrian and Atlantic coast to fish in its waters. This sea also stands out for the ferocity of its storms. The name of Gran Sol comes from the French Grande Sole (great sole). Not to be confused with the Irish Box (in English), this fishing ground that is outside the Gran Sol and that designates a reserved fishing area bounded between parallels and meridians (box) around the island of Ireland`` Note: sol does not refer to the Sun at all, but to lenguado, i.e. the fish, sole! (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re ``Gran Sol`` target of REE on 12030 --- it`s surprising that it`s NW of Spain, since this is on a 110-degree azimuth, the other targets being the Indican Ocean and the Middle East --- disinformation, or deliberately counting on back-radiation coverage? This led us to assume Gran Sol would be somewhere around the other targets. In fact the CIRAF target zones registered, 38, 39, 47, 48 are the Arabian peninsula and the NE quadrant of Africa; not the Indican Ocean, either, except by extension. BTW, new query: how did that C get inserted into the SS version of Indian? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) REE Noblejas has only a two leg curtain array direction available. 110degr azimuth to ITU zones 38,39,47,48 is correct, in direction of central azimuth at Valencia, Algier, Djerba Sfax, Tripolis, Bengazi, Assuan/Abu Simbel, Sanaa/Djibouti, Seychelles, Maledives path. + / minus 30degr azimuth covers also northern Sahara, ME, ARS, Persian Sea and even central India target. I guess the main purpose are reception on maritime services on ships in Mediterranean, Suez Channel, Black Sea, Persian Sea, Indian Ocean up to South Asia some 8000 km away, 2-3 hops (Wolfgang Bueschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9690, Monday Oct 28 at 2300, REE English confirmed at winter-shifted time ex-2200 on M/W/F. Must be Alison Hughes, the reactivated hostess, but just like Justin Coe, right into music rather than any new news about Spain -- something about protest songs recorded by visiting Swedes in the Franco era, who then hightailed it outta there! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. RNE Local & Regional outputs. Winter schedule (times UT): M-F: 0625-0630 R5TN LOCAL 0645-0700 R1//R5TN REG 0815-0830 R5TN LOCAL 0904-0906 R1//R5TN REG 1004-1006 R1//R5TN REG 1104-1106 R1//R5TN REG 1210-1300 R1//R5TN REG 1604-1606 R1//R5TN REG 1804-1806 R1//R5TN REG 1920-1930 R1//R5TN REG Sat-Sun: 0805-0815 R5TN REG 1230-1300 R1//R5TN REG 73! (Mauricio Molano, Salamanca, ESPAÑA - SPAIN http://moladx.blogspot.com/ DXLD yg via DXLD) ** SUDAN. 9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1746-1758, 25-10, English, comments, ID “This is the Voice of Africa, broadcasting to you from Sudan”. 34333 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. Re: [WOR] JRX Logs_ October 22-23, 2019 ``JRX Logs_ October 22-23, 2019 Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808 Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to SW TAIWAN, 11410. Oct 23, 2019. 0029-0040, Sound of Hope, xx-TWN, in Chinese language. Man and woman announcers talk; 0036 Man and woman voices with music background. Poor reception, 35422. 11580. Oct 23, 2019. 0043-0053, Sound of Hope, xx-TWN, in Chinese. Man and woman voices during this log. Poor reception, 25422. JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)'`` ``Standard inquiry! Anyone thinking they are hearing SOH must explain how they have ruled out CNR1 jamming which is much stronger and far more likely to be heard; and yes, both these are *jammed according to Aoki. 73, Glenn Hauser`` Hi Glenn. You're right about these logs I made. It's really hard to know who's who, but I think it's CNR1 jamming. Thank you for this observation. Greetings, (José Ronaldo Xavier, Cabedelo, Paraiba, Brazil, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. 13745, Oct 29 at 0038, JBA carrier despite HSK9 B-19 registration on blank 13750 for North America, instead of 13745 in B-18. We have been pining for the lower band, since all A-season, 15590 was useless for the 0000-0330 transmission including English at 0000-0100 & 0200-0230. Why the 5-kHz shift? To distance itself from very strong 13740 CUBA which boycotts HFCC? That should help, but even 13750 would be too close when RHC inbooms; altho sometimes it does not or is even AWOL. Standard remark: in agreeing to the Udorn IBB relay, Thailand should have insisted upon access to Grimesland for its broadcasts to North America, and even other VOA relay sites when needed such as to reach Europe; altho apparently HSK9 does much better direct to there. I understand that the NAm broadcasts do make it pretty well to Alaska on the way to the restofus. 13750, Oct 30 at 0011, JBA carrier, so HSK9 presumed, made the correct B-19 switch 3 days late for the useless North American service direct in English, no longer a JBA carrier on 13745. But today, *no* signal from RHC on 13740 which, if on, would be a barrier to either HSK9 frequency. You never know whether this one will be active or not. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. Unscheduled TRT Voice of Turkey in Bulgarian on October 26 1056-1059 7210 EMR 250 kW / 290 deg to SEEu Bulgarian, unscheduled 1059-1110 7210 EMR 250 kW / 290 deg to SEEu - tx on/off and on/off 1110-1125 7210 EMR 250 kW / 290 deg to SEEu Bulgarian as scheduled https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/unscheduled-of-trt-voice-of-turkey-in.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. 12035, Oct 27 at 1339, JBA carrier from presumed VOT English to Europe and also USward, but no improvement over ex-A-19 15450 at 1230. The English hours explicitly for us are now 2300 on 5960; 0400 on 6125. Oh2, TV Martí audio is now sked on 6125 at 2300-0400, so once they catch up with it, Cuban jamming likely to impede Turkey too, as they are in no hurry to turn it off. I`ll bet at HFCC B-19 this was not recognized as a potential problem. TV Marti, however, is ex-5980, with nothing registered there between 2200 and 0200, so should finally be a great reopened window for Radio Chaski, Perú, until whenever it close, 0000v? --- if and when the Cuban jammers get off it! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5960, Oct 27 at 2301, tune-in to VOT English to North America, S8-S9 on reactivated B-19 frequency, ex-9830 at 2200 in A-19. Amid sign-on with English schedule and still making a mess of it: claims a later repeat is still at 0300 on 9515! And another repeat at 0600 UTC! on 6165 --- there has *never* been such a broadcast, rather a mistake giving local summer time, as it was really also at 0300 UT! Somebody messed up the script at start of A-19 season and announcer has been reading it that way ever since (or recorded). Top news headline about ISIS guy killed and Turkey coordinated in the event; but more time to the next one about some student protest. 5960, Oct 28 at 2259, 2314 and 2332 chex, NO signal from VOT English to N America as now sked; despite having successfully transmitted here yesterday. Nor on ex-A-19 frequency 9830. Something`s always wrong at the Emirler transmitter site. I`m sure it won`t be long before it happens to be back and/or with extraneous German hour following after 0000. Other VOT English to NAm is now at 0400 on new 6125. I had been warning about Cuban jamming overrun since TV Martí is also on new 6125 until 0400. So it is, but jammers have not caught up with it yet (and is // Radio Martí, so are they all simulcasting now, or feed mixup?). So at 0400 Oct 29, I`m on 6125 as OCB has just finished --- but the Grimesland S9+20 carrier is still on past 0401! The confused VOT announcer is JBA underneath presumably with his still warped sign-on info. Recheck at 0405: by now GB is off and indeed no jamming --- yet --- with VOT audible but very poor S7-S8, unusable in noise level. K-index is 3, so propagation could be better. See also ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 12035, Oct 29 at 1410, VOT S5-S7 with music on the 1330 English to W Europe and USward; still insufficient on the third day of B-19. 11815.074, Oct 29 at 1501, song at S7-S9; surely not NHK near hourtop nor off-frequency? Maybe RBC Brasil? But not reported lately; yet stronger than 11780 which thus could not be RNA at this hour, non-Brazuguese talk (rather: listed TWR Swaziland in Somali). 11815+ is instead TRT in Turkish as now scheduled 14-17 aimed USward; and 1505 starts umlautisch talking in Türkish. 5960, Oct 29 at 2350, VOT has succeeded in transmitting on the third day of B-19 unlike the second, Turkish rock music near end of 2300 broadcast; recheck at 2353 it`s off already, hardly enough time for a formal closing with headlines. So no German extra today. 6125, Oct 30 at 0432, VOT music is poor, S4-S9 with flutter, as they attempt to continue broadcasting English to western North America. It would be nice if OCB Grimesland would turn off 6125 a few minutes before 0400 for us to hear VOT IS, but we`ll be lucky if they close it by 0401. 12035, Oct 30 at 1408, Turkish song at S5-S7 with flutter, as VOT 1330 English to Europe and USward improves a little; but last half of hours are mostly music fill; try to tune in earlier for the meat. [and non]. 5960, Oct 30 at 2326, VOT on air today in English, but poor. When AWOL, look for PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, East Turkistan, off-frequency-minus, in the master-language, Mandarin; might even het Turkey. 15350, Oct 31 at 1347, VOT Turkish with music, S5-S7 and flutter; ouraway until 1357 or so. Meanwhile, 12035, VOT English is about as weak but less fluttery during other music. And 11540, either Jammirler or Denge Welat, is VP, S4-S5 with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. The exact name is Radio Crimea Reals / Radio Krym Reality - 24 hrs in Russian on MW 648 kHz (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 20, BC-DX 29 Oct via DXLD) ** U K. BBC PAID HIM -L-3,000 AN EPISODE; SHE GOT -L-465 Samira Ahmed, a BBC presenter, has brought a case that raises concerns yet again about a gender pay gap at the British broadcaster. Samira Ahmed, a BBC presenter, has sued the broadcaster over unequal pay. Credit Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images [caption] By Amie Tsang Published Oct. 28, 2019 Updated Oct. 29, 2019, 4:55 a.m. ET LONDON -- For years, Samira Ahmed has presented a weekly, 15-minute program on BBC television that allows viewers to question the broadcaster's executives about its shows. She's never been paid more than -L-465, or $598, per episode. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/business/bbc-unequal-pay-gender.html During much of that time, Jeremy Vine presented another weekly, 15-minute program for the BBC that allows viewers to sound off about the network's coverage. He was paid -L-3,000 for each episode. On Monday, accompanied by other prominent BBC presenters and journalists, Ms. Ahmed went to court to sue the broadcaster over unequal pay. The BBC has long attracted criticism over disparities in the way it pays its staff, and Ms. Ahmed's complaint comes just over a year after the BBC was forced to apologize to a senior journalist over pay disparities. "On the back of my BBC I.D. card are written the BBC values, which include `we respect each other and celebrate our diversity,' and `we take pride in delivering quality and value for money,'" Ms. Ahmed said in a statement published by the National Union of Journalists, which is supporting her case for compensation. "I just ask why the BBC thinks I am worth only a sixth of the value of the work of a man doing a very similar job," she said. Ms. Ahmed argued that both shows were similar -- except in one respect: Her program, "Newswatch," has an audience of between 1.5 million and two million, while Mr. Vine's program, "Points of View," attracts about 800,000. In a statement, the BBC said that it was committed to equal pay and denied that gender was a factor in deciding Ms. Ahmed's fee. It described Mr. Vine's program as "an entertainment program with a long history and is a household name with the public." "Newswatch -- while an important program -- isn't," the company said. Ms. Ahmed, who is a well-known presenter in Britain, began presenting "Newswatch" in 2012, and was paid -L-440 per episode. That rose to -L-465 in 2015, but that figure was cut later when presenters were moved onto different contracts. Mr. Vine, another well-known presenter, was paid -L-3,000 for each episode of "Points of View" for 10 years until 2018. The pay was reduced to -L-1,300 in January last year. Mr. Vine said he accepted a pay cut after he learned of the disparity in pay between him and his female colleagues. The BBC said that Ms. Ahmed was paid the same as her male predecessor when she started presenting "Newswatch," and added that "News and entertainment are very different markets, and pay across the media industry reflects this." Ms. Ahmed has previously sought, and won, backdated pay for her work on programs for BBC radio, where male peers were being paid between 33 percent and 50 percent more than she was. In the current case, she complained to BBC management before bringing the issue to an employment tribunal, said Michelle Stanistreet, the general secretary of the National Union of Journalists. "Unfortunately, despite Samira going through a lengthy and frustrating internal process in the hope that a sensible solution could be achieved, the BBC has not resolved this case, and it will now be for the tribunal to determine whether this monumental pay gap is appropriate and defensible," Ms. Stanistreet said. Ms. Ahmed has been supported by a number of high-profile public figures, including Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, a politician and campaigner; Alan Rusbridger, the former editor of The Guardian newspaper; and Sandi Toksvig, a broadcaster, co-host of "The Great British Bake Off" and founder of the Women's Equality Party. The BBC, as a public service broadcaster, has long attracted scrutiny and criticism for its management of funds, which come from a television license fee paid by nearly all British households. But in 2017, just as the government started requiring that large companies publish data on their gender pay gap, a report on the salary bands of the BBC's highest-paid employees sparked a broader debate about the differences in pay between men and women. In January 2018, Carrie Gracie resigned from her role as China editor in a dispute over how she was paid compared to her male counterparts. After a public review, the broadcaster gave Ms. Gracie her backdated pay and apologized. Ms. Ahmed's case is being heard at the Central London Employment Tribunal over the next week (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U K. JULIAN KEANE RIP --- BBC News 30 October 2019 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-50232957 BBC World Service presenter Julian Keane has died aged 57, a year after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Keane was a well-known voice on the global radio station for more than quarter of a century, featuring on the French Service, Europe Today, The World Today and The Newsroom. He had presented the network's Newsday programme since its launch in 2012. The programme's producers described him as a "warm, calm and surefooted presence in the studio." "Julian also presented the programme from a long list of countries, often finding himself in the middle of some of the biggest news stories we've covered," they said in a tribute package. The piece hears Julian reporting in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the run-up to elections and in Venezuela as the full scale of the economic crisis began to emerge, as well as in the Central African Republic at the height of the violence between rival militias. Fellow broadcaster Joe Lynam called Keane "one of the best voices you will ever hear on the World Service and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet in your life." (via Mike Terry, Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) A journalist, so why is this in ``entertainment-arts``??? (gh) ** U S A. 12787.74 (USB), 2220 27 OCT 2019 - NMG, USCG NEW ORLEANS. SINPO = 45334. English, automated male announcer. wind and wave height info for various coordinates in the Gulf of Mexico. Backyard gutter antenna, Etón e1XM. Received at Plymouth, MN, USA, 1751 KM from transmitter at NMG New Orleans, LA. Local time: 1720. 73s (--Rodney Johnson http://swldx.tumblr.com SWL Log based in Plymouth, Minnesota, USA using Sangean ATS-505 and Etón e1XM receivers with various Antennas including a Kaito KA33 Active Loop (usually indoors) and an MLA-30 Active Loop (both battery powered). Other antennas used as denoted in logs: Fence: ~230 feet (~70 meters) of chain link fence surrounding a rectangular backyard. Frontyard Gutter: ~70 feet (~20 meters) of rain gutter running north/south and east/west in an 'L' configuration. Backyard Gutter: ~75 feet (~23 meters) of rain gutter running north/south. Additional Equipment: MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preselector) and MFJ-901B antenna tuner (High-pass T network). All times given are Zulu (GMT/UTC), WOR iog via DXLD) ** U S A. 11720, Oct 29 at 2155, VOA S9+20 with rock music. As expected this new frequency eastward from Grimesland in English for Africa is VG for us in the opposite direxion; one hour only from 2100 but on Fridays should include `Music Time in Africa`; instead of 15580 previous B-seasons which would not be nearly as good under prevailing MUFs at this <2 megameter skip distance. 11720, Wed Oct 30 at 2100, VOA VG with news, now the sole Grimesland NC frequency during this hour only, aimed 94 degrees but plenty backwards; includes two or three reports from AP --- nothing wrong with AP! But shouldn`t VOA be able to call on its own correspondents everywhere, or are there any left? Leading up to 2102, ``this is VOA News`` -- for the uninformed, that`s an ``optional cutaway`` for affiliates to dump out, for whom only two minutes of news on the hour is plenty! VOA news really continues until 2105 outro by Marissa Melton. She stumbled a bit two or three times. Not that I could do better on a live broadcast (let alone recorded), but one might expect better from America`s Voice to the world. Searching her name at voanews.com gets plenty of stories but no portrait or bio. 2105 ID as ``VOA One, today`s exclusive hits wrapped up in one station``, i.e. rock music, yecch. We anticipate VG reception for a change of `Music Time in Africa` if it still occupy this hour on Fridays only. Did anyone hear it? I was intent on napping then and forgot all about it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) it does 17655, Oct 30 at 1731, VOA in Portuguese Portuguese to Africa, only fair S9-S7 --- now the only Grimesland frequency on this band, no more English midday on 17530. PP is 1700-1800 daily, and also until 1830 M-F. If SWLs in Brasil want to hear VOA, they must put up with that accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed first SWBC, Friday Oct 25 at 2200 on WRMI 9955, S9ish from S7 to S9+10. Also confirmed UT Saturday Oct 26 at 0130 on WRMI: 5850 S9+20 after some overlapping unneeded fill music for a second or two after the canned ID; S9-S8 on 7780, also S9-S8 on 5010 but noisier. Altho 4980 and 5010 continue registered available, it`s not clear whether the new 6060 WRMI in B-19 will affect what`s on 5010. Brand new WOR time on WRMI, Sat 1300 on 15770, monitored last week by Ivo Ivanov, but still a blank space on the System D skedgrid: JBA carrier here, but Oct 26 confirmed good signal via UTWente SDR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Reception of World of Radio#2005 via WRMI-09 on October 26: till 1300 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf Brother Stair TOM 1300-1330 on 15770 RMI 100 kW / 087 deg to NCAf English Sat, good https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/reception-of-world-of-radio2005-via.html (Ivo Ivanov, SWLDXBulgaria News October 26, part 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not confirmed Saturday October 26 at 1431-1500 on 9485-CUSB, Hamburger Lokalradio; via UTwente SDR, no signal except huge splash from 9490 Romania. From next week, WOR should shift to 1531, presumably still on 9485 rather than 7265 or 6190, but not confirmed. At 1530 per HFCC the ACI should be lessened: 9480 CNR Beijing in Tibetan; 9490 CRI Kashgar southward in Tamil. {See GERMANY; Ivo Ivanov reports no signals from Hamburger Lokalradio at all October 26-27 on 6190, 9485 or 7265 --- we later learnt that it is off due to death of Chief Operator Michael Kittner; RIP --- gh} Next: 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315] 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany [ex-1030] to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW 0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW 1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW 1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW 0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday October 27 starting at 0324 on WA0RCR, MO, 1860-AM with slight ACI from LSB ham; fair. Next: [however, as of Oct 27, uniqueradio.biz is marked: ``NB : Off the air for now till further notice.``] 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW 0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE 0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW 1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW 1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW 0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed Sunday October 27 at 2130 on WRMI 7780, poor S4-S5. Also confirmed UT Monday October 28 at 0130 on 9395, S9/+10 and 7780 JBA. As usual, ID at 0129 on 9395 is for `Son-Power Radio from WRMI Studios in Okeechobee on 5850, 7455, 9395``! Also confirmed UT Monday October 28 at 0230 on WRMI 7780, VP S4-S7. Also confirmed UT Monday October 28 at 0230 on WRN stream to North America, ex-0130 even tho we are on DST another week; with Slovakia now at 0130. Ditto for the simulcasts on the Af/As/Pac stream. So the Saturday 1600 on WRN should already be shifted to 1700 too. Also confirmed UT Monday October 28 from 0259.5 on Area 51 webcast; and on WBCQ 5130-, S7-S9 noisy at 0318 check. Also confirmed UT Monday October 28 at 0330 on WRMI webcast; and JBA on 9955 at 0340 check. IRRS ``MILano`` is still registered B-19 for 7290 at 18-19 UT, so I was hoping for no change to the Monday 1816 UT airing of WOR --- but Oct 28 via UTwente SDR, NO signal, just huge splash from Chinese on 7285, listed as 500 kW, 317 degrees from Xian. Europeans would be advised to catch the secret new Sat 1300 UT airing from WRMI 15770. Next: 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW [still suspended?] 0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode] 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed UT Tue Oct 29 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, poor S9-S6. Next: 2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Alfredo Cotroneo explains why IRRS was missing from 7290 Monday at 1816.5 when WOR was expected: ``Hi Glenn, Here are the [UT] days & times for WOR during B19 scheduled on IRRS-Shortwave @ 150 kW, also simulcast at https://nexus.org/mp3 (IRN stream): Mon 1902 approx (after the news) on 7290 to EU, N Africa, Mid East Sun 0003 approx (after the news) (Streaming only) Sun 2203 approx (after the news) (Streaming only) and also at random several times during the week on IRN (streaming). There may have been a glitch in the programming last night, so your program *may* have not been aired. I have just corrected it, sorry. During B19, we are starting 15 min earlier [sic] at 1900 UT and until 2000 on 7290 kHz, so your program starts 15 min earlier. 73s & take care. Alfredo`` I reply: ``I checked today Tuesday via UTwente: 7290 carrier already on at 1854 with severe splash from China 7285. 1900:30 cut on news already in progress, then 1903 FSN program about Ukraine/Biden etc. There is still heavy splash from China, but now from the other side 7295. LSB tuning on 7285 helps. Too bad we are still so close to so much interference. Could you provide a schedule of all programs on the 19-20 UT 7290 broadcast seven days a week?`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See IRELAND [non] ** U S A. Final scheduled SW airings of WORLD OF RADIO 2005: Wednesday Oct 30 at 2100 on WBCQ 7490.1v (last week started 20 seconds late, not my typo 30) UT Thursday Oct 31 at 0100 on WRMI 7780. WORLD OF RADIO 2005 monitoring: confirmed Wed Oct 30 from 2100:20 on WBCQ 7490.1v, S8-S9. Like last week starting 20 seconds late (not 30, my typo before), but no problem as nothing is cut off. Also confirmed UT Thu Oct 31 at 0100 on WRMI 7780, poor and noisy S9-S6. WORLD OF RADIO 2006 contents: Alaska, Antarctica, Argentina non [time omitted under USA WRMI relay: 0100], Australia, Brasil, Canada, Chile, China and non, Cuba and non, Cyprus, Equatorial Guinea, France, Germany, India*, Iran*, Kashmir, Korea North non, Korea South and non*, Kurdistan non, Kuwait, Palau, Perú, Romania, Spain, Sudan, Tibet, Turkey, USA*, Vanuatu*, Zanzibar; and the propagation outlook; *B-19 scheduling WOR 2006 is available as of 0532 UT Friday November 1 (mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2006.m3u (mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2006.mp3 Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html Also linx to podcast services. The shortwave broadcasts should be: [Unique Radio, NSW is off the air until 2020y] [HLR, Germany, was off the air last week] 2200 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE 0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5850 to NW, 5010 to S 0729vUT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW 1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE 1531 UT Saturday HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW 1700 UT Saturday WRN satellite and webcast [ex-1600] 1930vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM 0300vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315] 1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW 2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE 0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE 0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE 0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? [ex-0300] to WSW 0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 [ex-0330] to SSE 1902 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania [ex-1816] to WNW 0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v [ex-2100] to WSW 0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html Later: Unique Radio to be off till 2020! [WORLD OF RADIO 2006] WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ BCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ WBCQ: ** U S A. (7490), UT Sat Oct 26 at 0000 I`m listening only to the WBCQ webcast; 7490 reception may be degraded by today`s propagation disturbance after a G2 storm and K-index of 3. FKB gospel huxter ends at 2400, hangs up, clunk, but after some DA we hear his last minute repeated! Apparently, WBCQ output had switched to Deland of FLA studio which got a delayed internet feed. Then 0001, WTO theme of `AAAWWW` starts and off we go. Annoying Freddy calls in almost immediately, and AW always gives him priority allowing him to interrupt whatever he is saying. Asks about other frequencies, and AW says on 7490 only, since he doesn`t want to bother the guys back in Monticello with the complexities of multi-casting, running other transmitters. 6160 it seems is completely silent, since he says no time has been sold on it at all. Super-station 500 kW: thinx they will be testing to China this [next?] week to see how well it funxion over the pole. AW hates the ChiCom government, yet says CRI would be welcome to relay via WBCQ, altho they hardly need it. S-S status: ``locked and waiting`` for some parts and info about how to QSY to higher bands; other than that, both transmitter and antenna are working well; soon should be on full-time with Worlds Last Chance Radio; 0043 again laments shortage of shortwave engineers. Has finally caught up with QSLing, hundreds of them now on the way (meaning P-mailed?). Still going at 0100 but cut off for Hal Turner. Good I got this much, since John Carver reports, first at 0016: ``Very poor, noisy signal on 7490 again this week. Can find no other BCQ frequency on the air, not even 5130. As soon as weather permits will go outside and check out antenna. Not having problems picking up other stations. I did check later in the hour and 5130 was finally running that music program that's been running for a few weeks there. I'm really sorry I'm not getting anything. Was checking cables, antenna tuner and pre-selector this evening. They all check out and I was getting other stations this evening so am assuming that my antenna is alright but will check it with my eyes once it stops raining. John, Mid-North Indiana`` I told him the problem may have been the propagation disturbance --- the northerly WBCQ site is at a disadvantage when that happen. 7490+, Sat Oct 26 at 2225, TOMBS, but not // at all to 9455 WRMI; what became of `Good Sounding Oldies` still on the sked http://wbcq.com/schedule/index.php?fn=sked&freq=7490 at 2200-2340 [sic], following Brother Scare at 1600-2200? BS does appear M-F at 2200-2300, and every day from 1600 until break for otherness from 19, 20 or 21, depending (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WBCQ Superstation on test with WLC Radio programming in the Chinese language. Heard on October 28 from 1000 to 1100 UT on 9330 kHz. Good signal in the U.K. (S-9 +) with some fading. I have checked out a number of SDRs in China, Japan and Korea, but no reception of WLC on any of them (Alan Holder, Isle of Wight, UK, DXLD) 7490.1v, Monday Oct 28 at 2305, WBCQ with Kurdish songs, very familiar, just like what I was hearing 25 hours earlier on `Uncle Bill`s Melting Pot`. He`s getting a repeat to fill an ``Available Time Slot``. 7490.1v, Tue Oct 29 at 2157, an `AAAWWW` playback is filling this 21-22 `Available Time Slot` on S5-S7 WBCQ as he is talking politically during the final e-mail segment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WBCQ-6 World's Last Chance Radio is on air October 30 0100-0457 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME Arabic 0500-0657 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 300 deg to CAN English 0700-0857 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 057 deg to WeEu English 0900-1257 on 9330 BCQ 500 kW / 255 deg to MEX English, weak at 1100 1300-1857 on 15330 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME Arabic 1900-0057 on 11730 BCQ 500 kW / 060 deg to N/ME Arabic 73! (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) never really on 15330, 11730! (gh) 9330.00, Oct 29 at 2200, WBCQ-6 is on after a long silent period of over a week: the usual WLC Radio guys with very informal chat designed to dupe younger listeners. Opening with a quiz, what do these movies have in common, SF? It`s only S9+10/20 so could well be on the 60 degree azimuth away from us. Nothing in last few days` twits from AW that this would be testing again. On Oct 30, Ivo Ivanov suggested they would be on 15330 in our mornings: [as above] but nothing there on 15330, Oct 30 at 1457, nor on 9330. At 1917, nothing on 11730, nor 9330. On last week`s AAAWWW he did say would be testing over the pole to China `this week`. Someone did catch that one, Alan Holder, Isle of Wight, UK: ``USA - WBCQ --- Superstation on test with WLC Radio programming in the Chinese language. Heard on October 28 from 1000 to 1100 UT on 9330 kHz. Good signal in the U.K. (S-9+) with some fading. I have checked out a number of SDRs in China, Japan and Korea, but no reception of WLC on any of them. Thanks for the great work you do for the SWL fraternity.`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) WLC is on air in this time slot October 30 --- 1100 & 1300 on 9330, poor signal. From 1301 on 9330 open carrier, dead air and off. Nothing on 15330, scheduled from 1300 (Ivo Ivanov, WOR iog via DXLD) 9330.00, Wed Oct 30 at 2106, WBCQ-6 is on with gospel huxter, no doubt from WLC Radio; only S9-S6 with deep fades so presumably aimed awaywards. You never know whether this will be active or not; recheck at 2220 it`s off (and so is yet to be heard but registered 11730) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI RMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI WRMI: ** U S A. 15770, WRMI: Into computer voiced Bible bumper (finally heard an unambiguous programme ID for this!) the Alameda Bible Fellowship, which mentioned the rapture in May 2011 but this was clearly recorded after that date based on the way he was talking -- we were paying attention, how did we miss it!? I’m confused -- this reminds me of an ‘understandable’ Terry Blalock more than anything else. Lots of content, little context & the delivery style is deliberately ‘unusual’. Does this guy suffer from some affliction that makes it impossible for him to speak? Why the computer voice? Most odd. Anyone have info about this group? 44+443+ 1255-1343 18/Oct (Ken Zichi, Williamston MI, Drake SPR4 & SDRplay + SDRuno + FLDigi + ANC-4 + randomwire, MARE Tipsheet 25 Oct via DXLD) Hello friends, Most of Europe moves its clocks forward this Sunday, 27 October. The WRMI transmissions will remain at their present U times, so they will be an hour earlier by local time in Europe. WINB usually keeps its analog 9265 kHz program schedule fixed to US Eastern time, which will move back one hour on 3 November. Programming on the WINB DRM frequency will probably stay with UT. The WINB DRM frequency for Shortwave Radiogram will be 13690 kHz as of 7 October [sic; November] (1500-1530 UT). In addition to time changes, shortwave propagation is changing, too. Last weekend I heard Shortwave Radiogram using an SDR in Japan Sunday at 0800 on 5850 kHz from WRMI Florida. That Sunday 0800 transmission might also start to become audible in Europe, especially northern Europe (Kim Elliott, SW Radiogram, via Mike Terry, Oct 25, WOR iog via DXLD) Monitored WRMI Sunday Evening / Monday Morning (UTC) 7780 kHz Schedule --- From my abbreviated recording last Sunday evening, 27-28 October UT (fairly good signal for the full recording period): 2015 Viva Miami (Jeff White reading James Careless's recent article "The Internet's Impact on International Radio"; repeat -- yet again) 2030 Reserve Military Retirement 2100 Wavescan (#557) 2130 World of Radio (#2005; last sentence ("I say again ...") cut off by transition music as usual) 2200 Voice of the Report of the Week 2300 Full Gospel Broadcast (tape bleed-through echoes) 2330 Shortwave Radiogram (#123) 0000 Radio Slovakia International in Slovak 0030 Radio Slovakia International in English 0100 Wavescan (#557) 0130 World of Radio (#2005; didn't record whole program) (-- Richard Langley, NB, WOR iog via DXLD) 5800, Oct 29 at 2309, WRMI extra frequency is slightly better than usual, S9-S8 music undermodulated. Can`t find a parallel, especially 9395 which is currently Oldies. At 2320 I confirm it`s not // 9455 either with TOMBS. 6060, Oct 28 at 2311, 2332, Oct 29 at 0045, 0102 and later, *NO* signal from WRMI, which was supposed to be a new frequency from today to include RAE ATTW relay in Spanish at 0100 weekdays. The disgraced FB announcement about this remained in place, no update or removal. 5800, however, Oct 29 at 0102 remains JBA sounding like Italian --- no, listening closely it`s Spanish but porteño accent, as RAE Spanish relay is here! About new president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández. Instead of on 6060 which remains vacant of Cuba and thus available. Rechecked, the WRMI skedgrid http://www.tinyurl.com/WRMIfqs shows 5800 finally gets recognized, as XMTR 3, 160 degrees, 21-01 SMTV, and 01-02 RAE español --- and no entry for 6060: perhaps fearful that RHC may reclaim it? 6060 for RAE relay would have been neat as in FB notice, since that was an old RAE frequency direct from General Pacheco. Anyhow, 5800 is replacing 4980, now gone from the air and the sked (tho there is a mystery carrier on 4960: see unID); and 5010 which had RAE Spanish at 22-23, now does not come on until 2300, heard at 2311 in Spanish with Fámily Radio. 5800 is off at 0307 check, presumably at 0200*, tho before it appeared on the sked at all, its JBA carrier could show up later at night. 9395, Oct 29 at 0100, this WRMI still with RAE multi-lingual opening prior to English, and not // anywhere; 5010 robohuxter in English, 4980 still off, 7780 WOR, etc., Brother HyStairical elsewhere (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) OTHERSW OTHERSW OTHERSW OTHERSW OTHER OTHERSW OTHERSW OTHERSW OTHERSW: ** U S A. 12050, Oct 25 at 1422, WEWN Spanish is S5-S6 but JBM; at least it`s not spurring around. 12050, Oct 25 at 2057, WEWN is still JBM in Spanish, S6-S7, as I first noted at 1422; is no one paying attention at Vandiver? Then why should we? Or anylistener (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9385, Oct 28 at 2317, RCC discussion in English, obviously WEWN on new B-19 frequency, poor S6-S9, overnight to Africa ex-11610 --- but not supposed to start until 0000! Perhaps they are confused by DST, and from Nov 3 will really start at 0000 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 3215, UT Sun Oct 27 at 0014, awful audio of gospel huxter conversation, presumably WWRB which has swiftly made a B-19 shift from 5050 where nothing is now. HFCC shows the usual time-share arrangement with WWCR: during the Week of Confusion while DST remains regnant, WWRB turnover to WWCR at 0100 UT; then from Nov 4, 0200. But WWRB will presumably remain active only on weekends. WWRB may continue after leaving 3215, on 3195 which is also registered 100 kW non-direxional at 0100-0400 only, while 3185 is also registered available 24 hours, but at 45 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 4840, Oct 29 at 0313, English voice-over translation of Chinese, but the Chinese is too loud like QRM! Scheduled on WWCR-3 at 0200-0600 UT weeknights is `Info Wars` with the self-described ``psychotic`` Alex Jones; but why? I`m not hanging around to find out. 5890, Thu Oct 31 at 0627, WWCR is wasting its watts off-schedule but transmitter running nothing at S9+30/40, eclipsed by modulated 5935 at S9+40/50 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 13685-13690-13695, Oct 28 at 1404, WINB hybrid DRM is back here as expected for B-19, M-F at 12-17, 50 kW at 62 degrees; ex 15115-15120-15125: the lower half secret digital data, the upper half ordinary DRM noise; and is it too close for comfort to 13700 RHC-AM? HFCC shows this as D = NOT DRM, instead of N = Numérique, as it does for all WINB entries, including 7315 M-F at 07-10 which we know should be DRM, at same parameters; and several overlapping entries for wobbly 9265 covering the entire 24 hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006. DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17775-, Oct 28 at 1452, NO signal from KVOH; could just be propagation but not this time, per Ray Robinson, Oct 28 at 1327, to the WOR iog: ``With a strong area of high pressure to the north of us, Southern California is bracing for another high wind event today. Southern California Edison (SCE) has enacted several preventative fire-related power outages, including one that covers the KVOH mountain-top transmitter site at Chatsworth Peak. 17775 kHz is therefore off the air currently, and will have to remain so until the power returns. Ray Robinson Strategic Communications Group Voice of Hope World Radio Network www.voiceofhope.com`` Let`s hope the fires themselves spare KVOH. This leaves a trace of Sa`udi on 17895 as the OSOB. 17775, Oct 29 at 1456, KVOH is back! Power back on so maybe fires diminishing in the area? Preaching in Spanish, S7-S9; was not audible at first check almost an hour earlier. Now is the SSOB, otherwise only JBA carriers on 17660 (Sa`udi in French), and 17720 (Turkey in Arabic listed). 17775, Oct 30 at 1730 check, KVOH is off again, having reappeared yesterday. Wildfire news has been mentioning Simi Valley, which is uncomfortably close to KVOH. Here`s the latest from Ray Robinson to the WOR iog as of 1310 UT: ``High winds and no power again in Simi today, including Chatsworth Peak. Plus there's a major wildfire now around the Reagan Library, with evacuations in progress. KVOH is off the air today, hopefully back tomorrow. The FM (KWSV, 99.1 MHz), which is much lower power than the SW, is running on generator power. Ray Robinson, Voice of Hope World Radio Network, Americas/Africa/Middle East, www.voiceofhope.com`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 17775, Oct 31 at 1804, no signal from KVOH, presumably due to Simi Valley wildfires and/or resulting power outages (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 660, Oct 27 at 1319 UT, Navajo talk, 1320 hymn in English, 1324 ``reflexions for the 30th Sunday of ordinary time`` and fade. I guess that`s Catholic calculation from Easter. KTNN Window Rock AZ, I had not heard in some time, so seems to be adhering to night direxionality west; Oct SR/SS times are 1315/0045 UT (Nov: 1345/0015 UT). checked here after KKOB 770 was in. KTNN reception improved by USB tuning since WSCR 670 Chicago IBOC noise is still a problem peaking lowside 657 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 750, Oct 25 at 1207 UT, ad string in Ukrainian looping NE/SW, one for auto parts, ID mentioning Ukrainian Radio, 1211 song. We know this is WNDZ, Portage IN, Ethnic/brokered for the Chicago market. No problem yet from KMMJ and this is axually better than WBBM which has to contend with KSPI. WNDZ is 15 kW direxional daytimer, from 1200 UT in October, 1230 in November. Pattern centered on NW, but broad with considerable to the SW, notch SE toward Atlanta (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 900, Oct 25 at 1214 UT, nulling KSGL Wichita, I have something else roughly E/W with ID mentioning 900 and 94.9 --- so most likely KHOZ, Harrison AR, U1 1000/62/64 ``Bootz 94.9`` where the FM is a mere translator; per NRC AM Log, tho there`s one other 94.9 combo, WATV in AL (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1440, Oct 25 at 1226 UT, RCC discussion in English, as KEXB, University Park TX, has stopped stunting referring to KTNO move to 620; Paul Walker says it`s Relevant Radio. Can a call change be far behind, since KEXB signified the kaput format, Excellence in Business? Soon overtaken by Topeka, KMAJ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1539.903, TEXAS, KGBC, Galveston, 1120 October 27, 2019. Tejano tunes. Still way off frequency. Sad (Terry L. Krueger, All times/dates GMT, Niceville, FL, R-75, NRD-535, ICF-7600GR, active loop, random wire, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1540, TEXAS, KEDA, San Antonio, 1135 October 27, 2019. Long, hyped Spanish infomercial until Spanish man ID 1200, four chimes (A-B-C +1 that they run at and a little after top of the hour). (Terry L. Krueger, All times/dates GMT, Niceville, FL, R-75, NRD-535, ICF-7600GR, active loop, random wire, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. LOCAL TV REVIVES A BYGONE TRADITION: AIRING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/30/arts/television/national-anthem-tv.html Broadcasters bringing back "The Star-Spangled Banner" as a daily feature say they are encouraging unity, but the song can also be a dividing line. Scenes from the national anthem videos by Gray Television (top) and Nexstar (bottom), two broadcasting companies that revived the daily tradition this year.Credit...Top row, via Gray TV; bottom row, via Nexstar Media Group [caption] https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/10/28/arts/00national-anthem-combo/00national-anthem-combo-superJumbo.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp By Julia Jacobs Oct. 30, 2019, 5:00 a.m. ET It is one of popular culture's generational divides: whether you are old enough to remember when television stations concluded the night's programming with "The Star-Spangled Banner." Decades ago, viewers would see a slide show of American imagery, perhaps a mountain range or frothy shoreline and then -- hours of static. Now, the early morning hours are filled with rebroadcasts and infomercials, eliminating any practical reason for a formal sign off. But recently, television broadcasters have been reintroducing the practice of playing the national anthem once a day, pairing it with the same flavor of patriotic imagery, but in high definition and with multilayered audio. Some viewers might hear political overtones, too. Gray Television, which has 145 stations, mostly in small and midsize markets, https://gray.tv/companies made it a companywide practice several months ago. Two other companies followed: CBS, at its 27 corporate-owned stations, including those in New York and Los Angeles; and Nexstar Media Group, one of the largest owners of television stations in the country. https://www.nexstar.tv/stations/ Within five months, the national anthem has become a daily part of programming at more than 350 stations across the country. Hilton H. Howell Jr., Gray's chief executive, said that he wanted to bring the anthem back to local television after decades of it being a mostly abandoned tradition. Mr. Howell, 57, grew up in a broadcasting family in Waco, Texas and remembered the station that his grandfather founded, KWTX, signing off with the anthem around midnight and then going snowy. Gray went through a casting process to find the right people for the video accompanying the music. The one-minute, 45-second clip includes a 9-year-old South Florida girl, Reina Oezbay, belting the anthem into a hand-held microphone, a uniformed soldier giving a salute and a young boy with his arms wrapped around a serviceman, perhaps his father. The video flips through an array of scenery: a band of wild horses gallops across a rural expanse, a whale's tail dips into the water, a harvesting machine pushes through a field of crops, an American flag ripples in front of an industrial-looking town. https://www.graydc.com/content/news/Gray-Television-stations-to-air-national-anthem-510982882.html Stations owned by Gray -- which stretch across the country from Fairbanks, Alaska, to West Palm Beach, Fla., to Presque Isle, Maine -- play the company's national anthem video in the early morning, typically around 4 a.m., though several schedule it for a second run before or after their evening newscasts, Howell said. Nexstar stations -- which now number nearly 200 after the company acquired Tribune Media Company https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tribune-media-m-a-nexstar-media/u-s-fcc-approves-nexstar-media-deal-to-buy-tribune-media-idUSKBN1W1276 -- and most of the CBS-owned stations also play their version of the anthem before dawn. In New York (WCBS), Los Angeles (KCBS), Chicago (WBBM), Philadelphia (KPIX [sic!]) and Boston (WBZ), it plays around 4:30 a.m. [later on the web it reads KPI for Phila., further mixing it up with San Francisco KPIX --- gh] {Correction: Oct. 30, 2019 An earlier version of this article misidentified the CBS-owned Philadelphia station. It is KYW, not KPIX.} Video Video player loading Gray Television's national anthem video features a 9-year-old singer, a uniformed soldier and an array of American landscapes. Credit Gray TV [you MUST play this from link on original NYT article! --- gh] Though almost every station is always on air, those times generally correspond with the technical end of each day's 24-hour programming cycle, or in the case of the CBS stations, right before their early-morning news shows. It is also a time of day when commercials are relatively cheap, but the companies said that minimizing revenue loss was not a factor in scheduling. Gray and Nexstar executives said the reason to bring back the anthem was simple: encouraging national unity at a time of deep division in the country and, as Howell put it, "bringing back a great tradition of television." (CBS did not make any executives available for comment.) "This is a purely nonpolitical statement by our company," Howell said. Still, the decision to revive the anthem tradition comes at a time when overt allegiance to "The Star-Spangled Banner" has become one of the lines that separate blue and red America. The professional football player Colin Kaepernick started a movement, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/sports/colin-kaepernick-nfl-protests.html?searchResultPosition=7 and became one of the most polarizing figures in the country, by kneeling during the anthem to protest racial injustice. As a presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump said that perhaps Kaepernick should "find a country that works better for him." As president, he called for N.F.L. players to be fired or suspended if they knelt during the anthem. To others, Kaepernick was a hero worth emulating. Athletes in other sports began to kneel. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas took a knee on the House floor, and Stevie Wonder, John Legend and Eddie Vedder did the same at their performances. The television executives were explicit in saying that playing the national anthem regularly had nothing to do with the kneeling controversy. But, Howell said, "If people want to kneel at 4 o'clock in the morning when we play this, fine with me." Regardless of their intentions, Mark Clague, an associate professor of musicology at the University of Michigan, said that in an era in which support of the anthem has become a "loyalty test," it is difficult to frame its reintroduction to the airwaves as apolitical. "It is somewhat provocative to bring the anthem to the fore in a new way at a moment of tension in this country," he said. Clague said it has been a politically charged song throughout American history. The lyrics that we are familiar with today, by Francis Scott Key, were written in 1814, after the United States unexpectedly won the Battle of Baltimore, which turned the tide of the War of 1812. Shortly before this triumph, the United States had suffered a series of embarrassing defeats, including the burning of the White House. Video [must also play this direct from NYT story website] Video player loading Nexstar plans to create a series of national anthem videos in different musical styles. One features Julia Cole, a country singer and former "American Idol" contestant. Credit Nexstar Media Group [or seems same as YouTube link below] Key's lyrics were essentially a vision of the United States being an undefeatable power after a period of great weakness, Clague said, which he sees as a political statement in itself. It wasn't until 1931 that "The Star-Spangled Banner" became the official national anthem. Around the same time, shortwave radio allowed Americans to hear broadcasts from overseas, and some noticed that stations in other countries concluded their programs by playing their anthems, Clague said. In a 1935 letter to the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Representative Virginia E. Jenckes of Indiana urged the agency to suggest to American radio stations that they sign off with "The Star-Spangled Banner." "It is most impressive, for instance, at the end of a broadcast from Great Britain to hear the majestic rendition of `God Save the King,'" Jenckes wrote, according to the Heinl Radio Business Letter, which summarized news that came out of the F.C.C. "Likewise," she wrote, "the `Marseillaise' thunders through from Paris, and the German national anthem from Berlin." Television adopted the practice from radio, Clague said. Fresh off World War II, the national anthem signoffs of the 1950s were filled with military images. In the 1960s and 1970s, when the Vietnam War was dividing the country, the imagery centered more often on local street scenes and community snapshots. The anthem videos produced this year include a mixture of militaristic and community-based images. CBS borrowed parts of Gray's anthem video (they were particularly impressed by the young girl's vocal rendition), adding visuals from cities where they have stations. Nexstar has been airing a variety of anthem videos that feature aspiring singers performing the song in different musical styles. In an early version, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UIC3VdmW2Afs Julia Cole, a Nashville-based country singer and 2018 "American Idol" contestant, performs the anthem in front of the stained glass windows of a church as images fade in and out: an American flag on an ordinary home, a construction worker looking up at the sky, what appear to be military helicopters flying over greenery. Considering broadcasters' stated purpose of being a neutral purveyor of the news, Howell said there was trepidation among some employees about reintroducing the national anthem as a consistent feature. But the only significant complaints Howell said he heard were from viewers objecting to their clip of a soldier saluting, because the camera angle made it so they could see his palm of his hand (in the United States military, it is a no-no to show the palm during a salute.) https://www.uso.org/stories/1646-the-stories-behind-the-modern-military-salute The scene was reshot to make sure the palm wasn't exposed. Timothy C. Busch, the president of Nexstar, said that the response from viewers had been overwhelmingly positive and that he was not aware of a single complaint. "Then again," he added, "maybe they're all in bed." (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** VANUATU. [WOR] New Vanuatu frequencies planned B-19 Hard to miss as the very first entry in tentative B-19 HFCC is 2485 for Vanuatu 10 kW. Registered by New Zealand, taking over former Australian frequency. All entries: 2485 10-19 3945 07-10 & 19-24 5055 21-01 [note: 4KZ!] 7260 01-07 (Glenn Hauser, Oct 26, WOR iog via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA [and non-log]. 5915, R. One/ZNBC1, random checking 0245-0500, on Oct 29. Clearly not broadcasting today. No electricity? 9680 // 11680, Voice of Hope Africa, 0408-0430, Oct 29. In English; "The Reality" show produced(?) by GNBA and Sure Reality Media https://gnba.net/the-reality/ and https://www.surereality.net/about-srm/ interview with David Carr (OBE), founder of the Order of St. Leonard. 9680 was semi-readable and better than 11680, which had UNID QRM (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) ** ZAMBIA. With the new morning-only schedule for Voice of Hope Africa from Zambia, I checked to see how well they are coming in here in NB with an overnight recording of the 11680 kHz frequency beamed to West Africa. I recorded this frequency from before the scheduled 0400 UT sign-on on Sunday, 27 October, for as long as the recorder battery would hold out -- not too long given the age of the battery and the current chilly nights in NB. I didn't really think the MUF would be that high and thought perhaps recording the 9680 kHz "shower" service to the southern part of Africa but figured reception might be less likely due to the non-directional antenna pattern. Also, I was getting a good signal from Brasilia on 11780 kHz when setting up the recorder. I ended up getting a fair signal from initial sign-on with the test tone and sign-on music with ID and the first hour or so of programming. The signal then started to fade and by about 0530, it was in the noise. The signal bounced back for a few minutes just at the closing of Wavescan around 0628 and then it was back in the noise from then on for the next hour or so that the battery lasted. I might just try for 9680 kHz one of these evenings to see if it fares any better but even 31 metre propagation might be against me (-- Richard Langley, Oct 29, WOR iog via DXLD) ** ZANZIBAR. 6015, ZBC Radio (presumed), transmitter on at 0327, on Oct 29. At 0329, start of audio; 0331-0352, mostly just OM & YL chatting and laughing together, with very brief pop songs from time-to-time; 0352, announcer with brief musical (drums) bridges between items; without the normal drum music before ToH. For years have monitored here and this format is a first for me; completely different than formerly heard. Makes me wonder if it could possibly be a Spice FM relay? No ID heard. Will they keep this new format? My audio at http://bit.ly/2Woztz3 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, antenna: 100' long wire, WOR iog via DXLD) Ron, I was also hearing this at 0404 and found it abnormal, more like Arabic, something else? Yes, HFCC now shows: 6015 0000 0348 42N URU 100 0 0 925 1234567 271019 290320 D 6015 Kaz CHN CNR RTC 5230 6015 0330 0430 39SW,47E,48W MDC 250 335 0 822 1234567 271019 280320 D 6000 Apd MDG FPU FPU 15116 So it`s R Dabanga or Tamazuj via Madagascar. Bad news for Zanz! (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) Thanks, Glenn, for the clarification. What happened to Zanzibar? Recently had been hearing them starting about 0330, with the usual clear "Zanzibar" mentioned about 0342? Was only hearing one station on 6015 last night (Ron Howard, ibid.) [non]. 6015, Oct 29 at 0404, looking for ZBC, a better than usual signal but sounds like Arabish instead of Swahili. Oh2, R. Tamazuj is B-19 scheduled here at 0329-0427 via MADAGASCAR, // 7315 via FRANCE, but risking collision with WHRI if & when it be on 7315 that late. Ron Howard was also hearing 6015 as if it were a format change for ZBC and on this date no second signal. In any event, very bad news for ZBC and its would-be listeners in Africa, let alone America (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6015, Oct 30 at 0432, JBA carrier, maybe ZBC; as discovered yesterday, before 0430 it`s blocked by Tamazuj via much bigger Madagascar, but tuned in too late today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) At 0400, there are definitely two signals on 6015. The background signal had the drums of Radio Tanzania Zanzibar, followed by its time pips and a female announcer. With fading, sometimes RTZ is on top. I assume the foreground sig is Radio Tamazuj. We'll see what's left of RTZ at 0430. And the answer is … not much of RTZ is left at 0430 -- it's one-and-a-half hours after their local SR, so probably no surprise (Art Delibert, North Bethesda, MD, Ten Tec RX-340, SAL-12 antenna, HCDX via DXLD) Hi Glenn and Ron, No sign of Zanzibar on 6015 this morning (October 31), but a YL did mention "Radio Dabanga"at 0336. 6015, Madagascar, Radio Dabanga?? Location ??? Oct 31, 2019 Thursday 0320-0340. Sounded a bit like Arabic, but buried in noise. Not typical Zanzibar programming. YL mentioned “Radio Dabanga” at 0336, but it didn’t sound like a formal ID. Poor reception, around our local Jo'burg sunrise 0319 (Bill Bingham, Jo'burg, RSA. Drake R8E, Sony ICF 2001D. WOR iog via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, Oct 25 at 0609-0618: this time on the R-75 I am tuning LSB, 1 kHz above 9 kHz channels, instead of the usual USB 1 kHz below; this could turn up some different ones with different 10-kHz channel QRM/splash situations: 531, 585, 603, 612, 621, 666(2), 684, 693, 711, 729(2), 747*, 774(2), 792, 801, 837, 846, 855(2), 882, 936, 999, 1017, 1098, 1107, 1125(2), 1179(2) but none higher. * means stronger than the others; (2) means at least two carriers beating. See also MOROCCO! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 3272-USB, Oct 25 at 1234, 2-way discussing other frequencies which may be better such as ``zero-3-9``; ``A7A`` also mentioned, maybe this one or net designator; MARS? Nothing further heard here. No significant hits on 3272 or 3.272 searching the entire UDXF io group (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4102+, Oct 27 at 0018, JBA `W` on CW, the weather beacon somewhere in the USA Desert Southwest. Meanwhile I still hear not a bit of the `A` beacon on 2097.3 anywhere but Quartzsite AZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4960, Oct 28 at 2312, S7-S9 open carrier with flutter, just as WRMI has quit 4980, but probably a coincidence. Best guess is that USAGM São Tomé has neglected to turn off the transmitter overnight between 2100 and 0400. Still there at 0040 Oct 29 at S9-S7, but off at 0312. By then there is a JBA carrier on 4930 where VOA starts English at 0300 via Botswana. 4960, Oct 29 at 2357, no open carrier unlike 24 hours ago when USAGM Sao Tome was suspected of not turning off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5070. Oct 27, 2019. 2347-0000, UNID, xx-XXX. Songs during all log, only. No voice of announcer (s). Poor reception, 35422 (JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier, SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL, Cabedelo, Brazil, Receiver (s)_ Tecsun S-2000 & XHDATA D-808, Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to SW, WOR iog via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 6900, Oct 27 at 0021, Spanish QSO discussing propagation, equally audible in AM and LSB but no USB --- so CLSB mode? Rather, I think it`s LSB being demodulated by a separate AM carrier, perhaps a pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9570, Oct 29 at 2202, open carrier, off already at 2203* before I can read the S-meter, circa S9. Nothing scheduled this hour but suspiciously Cuba uses it earlier, and Albania later, both for CRI relays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 10002-USB, Oct 27 at 1351, weak 2-way, unseems Spanish, maybe Indonesian, first noted as QRM to also weak 10000 WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Altho Hepburn maps show no tropo at all around here, Oct 26 at 1442 UT I bandscan anyway and find Bad signals on RF 35 and 22. W9WI.com shows a bunch of LPs or translators in mostly remote areas of KS and OK; the only full powers being in KS: 35 KMTW Hutchinson, and 22 KSNC Great Bend. Tropo areas are to be closer the next morning. BTW, of my two TV antennas, as of Oct 25, one of them no longer picks up some of the OKC stations; something must be broken pending my roofish inspexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACKNOWLEDGED ON WORLD OF RADIO 2006: Hi, Glenn, I mailed you a check, sent it yesterday. Sorry it’s a little late, it is my offering for WOR 2,000. Glenn, in all the years of WOR, I think I can honestly say I have not missed more than 30 or 40 editions, not counting the time I was in South Africa, where I could not hear it well. At that time, I think it was only on WRNO. You will note that I have not sent in as many tips as I used to do, back in Miami. One reason is that, for reasons I do not know, SW reception is not at all good here in Huntsville. Another is that, for the past few years, I have been suffering from a very substantial hearing loss. I do use hearing aids, but, they aren’t that great! So, I haven’t made as many new discoveries as I used to. Nevertheless, I value WOR very, very highly!!! 73, (Tim Hendel, Huntsville AL) Who is also blind TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED FUTURELY: Hi Glenn, Congratulations on your WOR 2000! You are the bedrock ofour hobby! Best regards, (Ron Howard, CA, with a generous donation to Glenn Hauser, P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702) Tnx to William Hassig, IL, for a check on a US bank to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702. Hi Glenn, Thanks for the great work you do for the SWL fraternity. 73 (Alan Holder, Isle of Wight, UK, DXLD) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ WORLD OF RADIO STATION HITLIST UPDATED Oct 27 Hi Glenn, my latest Hitlist update. https://www.w4uvh.net/hitlist.htm 1) Australia - Unique R: Added livestream link (thanks to Tim Gaynor in WOR iog list) 2) Germany - Shortwave Radio for Eur: Updated links to new designed website. 3) Updated UTC offset notations (due to summer time changes) for Croatia, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Romania, & Spain The next update will be early November for winter time changes in the Americas. Best wishes and 73 (Alan Roe) {and further updated since} B-19 SHORTWAVE SCHEDULES ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR BLOG African Stations https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/african-stations.html Ethiopian and Eritrean stations https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/ethiopian-and-eritrean-stations.html Radio Cairo https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-cairo.html Telediffusion d'Algerie https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/telediffusion-dalgerie.html Madagascar - Mahajanga & Talata Volonondry relay https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/madagascar-mahajanga-talata-volonondry.html Clandestine broadcasts https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/clandestine-winter-b-19-shortwave.html BBC https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/bbc.html ENC-DMS Relays https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/enc-dms-relays.html Moosbrunn Relays https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/moosbrunn-relays.html Deutsche Welle https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/deutsche-welle.html Media Broadcast Relays https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/media-broadcast-relays.html European low powered stations https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/european-low-powered-stations.html Radio Exterior de España https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-exterior-de-espana.html Radio France International https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-france-international.html TDF Issoudun Relays https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/tdf-issoudun-relays.html Radio Romania International & IRRS via Safica https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-romania-international-irrs-via.html SPL Secretbrod Relays https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/spl-secretbrod-relays.html ERT Voice of Greece https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/ert-voice-of-greece.html TRT Voice of Turkey https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/trt-voice-of-turkey.html Vatican Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/vatican-radio.html Adventist World Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/adventist-world-radio.html Trans World Radio Africa/India.Asia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/trans-world-radio-africaindiaasia.html BSKSA Saudi Arabia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/bsksa-saudi-arabia.html Radio Kuwait/Radio Sultanate of Oman/Radio Bahrain https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-kuwaitradio-sultanate-of.html VIRI IRIB PARS TODAY https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/viri-irib-pars-today.html Radio Afghanistan & former CIS https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-afghanistan-former-cis.html Bangladesh Betar/Myanmar Radio/Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/bangladesh-betarmyanmar-radiosri-lanka.html All India Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/all-india-radio.html Voice of Mongolia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-mongolia.html FEBC Radio/Radio Pilipinas PBS/Radio Veritas Asia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/febc-radioradio-pilipinas-pbsradio.html China Radio International https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/china-radio-international.html China National Radio & People Broadcasting Station https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/china-national-radio-people.html Radio Taiwan International https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-taiwan-international.html NHK World Japan Network Radio Japan https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/nhk-world-japan-network-radio-japan.html KBS World Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/kbs-world-radio.html Voice of Korea https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-korea.html Voice of Vietnam https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-vietnam.html Voice of Indonesia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-indonesia.html HSK9 Radio Thailand World Service https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/hsk9-radio-thailand-world-service.html Reach Beyond Australia & HCJB Voice of The Andes https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/reach-beyond-australia-hcjb-voice-of.html Radio New Zealand Pacific https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-new-zealand-pacific.html Active Brazilian Stations https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/active-brazilian-stations.html RAE Argentina to the world & LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arhangel San Gabriel https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/rae-argentina-to-world-lra-36-radio.html Radio Habana Cuba/Radio Rebelde/Radio Progreso/Cuban Spy HM01 https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-habana-cubaradio-rebelderadio.html Voice of America/Radio Ashna/Radio Marti/Deewa Radio https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/voice-of-americaradio-ashnaradio.html Radio Liberty/Radio Farda/Radio Free Afghanistan/Radio Mashaal https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-libertyradio-fardaradio-free.html Radio Free Asia https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/radio-free-asia.html Brother HySTAIRical The Overcomer Ministry https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/brother-hystairical-overcomer-ministry.html US private religious stations https://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2019/10/us-private-religious-stations.html (SWLDXBulgaria News October 27 (publications №22396-№22450), DX LISTENING DIGEST) Or linx from the homepage CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE 2019 The World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) is now underway in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt and is being held from October 28 to November 22, 2019. World radiocommunication conferences (WRC) are held every three to four years. It is the job of WRC to review, and, if necessary, revise the Radio Regulations, the international treaty governing the use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary-satellite and non-geostationary-satellite orbits. Revisions are made on the basis of an agenda determined by the ITU Council, which takes into account recommendations made by previous world radiocommunication conferences. The general scope of the agenda of world radiocommunication conferences is established four to six years in advance, with the final agenda set by the ITU Council two years before the conference, with the concurrence of a majority of Member States. Under the terms of the ITU Constitution, a WRC can: * revise the Radio Regulations and any associated Frequency assignment and allotment Plans; * address any radiocommunication matter of worldwide character; * instruct the Radio Regulations Board and the Radiocommunication Bureau, and review their activities; *determine Questions for study by the Radiocommunication Assembly and its Study Groups in preparation for future Radiocommunication Conferences. On the basis of contributions from administrations, ​the Radiocommunication Study Groups, and other sources (see Article 19 of the Convention (Geneva, 1992)) concerning the regulatory, technical, operational and procedural matters to be considered by World and Regional Radiocommunication Conferences, the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) shall prepare a consolidated report to be used in support of the work of such conferences. https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/conferences/wrc/Pages/default.aspx (via Mike Terry, Oct 29, WOR iog via DXLD) 2019 IRCA CONVENTION REPORT --- Bruce Portzer The 2019 IRCA Convention took place September 6 and 7 at the Marriott Courtyard in Tukwila WA, a Seattle suburb not far from Sea-Tac airport. A total of 27 people attended from as far west as Japan and as far east as Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Florida. The convention unofficially began on Thursday afternoon, September 5, with the arrival of the first few out-of-towners. Before long, there were several IRCA members hanging around the hotel. A few visited the nearby Museum of Flight, taking advantage of free admission that evening. Others headed for dinner or spent the evening talking DX in the lobby. By late evening, about 15 attendees were already on hand, talking about AM DX and other subjects. The convention officially began Friday morning with a steady stream of arrivals in the meeting room. Soon, several carloads headed to Bonneville Broadcasting for a tour of KIRO-AM/FM and KTTH-AM. Jason Antebi, KTTH Program Director, guided us through the three station’s suite of studios and offices. We were then handed off to Paul Carvalho, the chief engineer, for an interesting technical discussion and a thorough look at the racks of equipment in the back room. Our tour guides were both very knowledgeable and engaging, so to no surprise and the visit lasted longer than expected. After a brief lunch stop at a local Wendy’s, we headed to KNHC-FM, located at Nathan Hale High School and operated by the Seattle School District. The station is a not only a classroom and learning lab, but a popular station with a large audience in the community. June Fox, the station’s manager, gave us a thorough tour of the well-equipped studios. She spoke at length about KNHC’s mission, operations, impact, and more, leading to some long and stimulating discussions. Later, back at the hotel, we were treated to our first round of technical talks. They began with a presentation by our guest speaker, Ben Dawson, a consulting engineer well known in broadcast industry. He talked about some of the antenna systems he’s worked on in some rather exotic places – Thailand (VOA-1575), Afghanistan, Armenia, and Cyprus, complete with photographs of some unusual antennas. He was followed by a round of talks by club members: “Over the Pole DXing, What a Difference a Year Makes” by Nick Hall-Patch, “DXing in Japan” by Satoshi Miyauchi and Hiroo Nakagawa, and “Rockworks' Greatest hits” – by Tom Rothlisberger. Mark Durenberger is putting together a website with the audio and slides for each of these presentations. Stay tuned. Saturday morning brought us round two of the technical talks. Gary DeBock showed us some of his famous ferrite loops in a talk called “Innovative Ferrite Antennas” where he shared his latest ideas and practices. He was followed by a series of presentations on antenna phasing, beginning with a joint Introduction by Bill Whitacre, and Nick Hall-Patch. It led directly into talks on Fixed Phasers for Pairs of Antennas via remote hookup with Dave Aichelman, and Phasing Backyard Antennas by Nick Hall-Patch. After lunch, the group reconvened in the hotel parking lot for “hands-on“ demonstrations of ferrite loops and other antennas, as well as antenna phasing by Nick Hall-Patch, Guy Atkins, and Gary DeBock. The business meeting followed and was conducted by yours truly. The club banquet was held Saturday evening at the nearby Claim Jumper restaurant. After that, we reconvened at the hotel just as an unusually strong thunderstorm commenced. Strong by Seattle standards, that is (the “in town” Husky game was put on hold until the storm passed – pb). In the Midwest, it would have been just another storm. We then wrapped up the festivities with the annual auction, where plenty of radios, books, test equipment, coffee cups, and other items changed hands. Sunday saw most people heading for home, but several headed for Grayland WA for three days of actual DXing. We heard plenty of stations from Asia and down under, the results of which will soon appear in a very large report. I want to personally thank everyone who helped make the convention a success. They include Mike Sanburn, who did most of the planning work with the hotel; Mark Durenberger, who organized the technical talks; Phil Bytheway, who did all sorts of stuff like buying snacks and printing the convention booklets; Kenneth Hawkins, our auctioneer; Marin Brusteun of Bonneville Broadcasting, who set up the KIRO/KTTH tour; the station tour guides and convention speakers already mentioned; and anyone else that I might have overlooked. Group Photo (thanks to Ruth DeBock): Front Row L-R: Gary DeBock, Phil Bytheway, Nick Hall-Patch, Mike Lantz, Ken Hawkins, Bruce Portzer, Mark West, Craig Barnes, Bob Rodriguez Rear L-R: Tom Rothlisberger, Nigel Pimblet, Patrick Martin (front), Curtis McMenamin (back), Jerry Espada, Art Peterson, Hiroo Nakagawa, Satoshi Miyauchi STATION TOURS: KIRO/KTTH Lobby, Studios, KIRO/KTTH Engineering, KTTH Studio, KNHC Studio, KNHC Lobby/Office TALKS AND DEMONSTRATIONS: (right) Gary DeBock shows off some of his ferrite loop antennas (middle) Ben Dawson, Guest Speaker, talks about some interesting transmitter sites (left) Nick Hall-Patch demonstrates the fine art of antenna phasing [captions] Here is the complete list of those attending this year’s convention: Dave Aichelman (remote), Guy Atkins WA, Craig Barnes CO, Phil Bytheway WA, Ben Dawson WA, Gary DeBock WA, Ruth DeBock WA, Jason Espada WA, Jerry Espada WA, Nick Hall-Patch BC, Ken Hawkins MO, Mike Lantz FL, Gus Laurel MD, Pat Martin OR, Curtis McMenamin CA, Satoshi Miyauchi Japan, Hiroo Nakagawa Japan, Art Peterson CA, Nigel Pimblet AB, Bruce Portzer WA, Bob Rodriguez PA, Tom Rothlisberger, Brett Saylor PA, Dave Schlicher, Stan Weisbeck WA, Mark West OR and Bill Whitacre MD. Those folks that sent convention pictures are: Donald Barnes, Gary DeBock, Nigel Pimblet, Brett Saylor and Mark West (if I forgot someone – sorry – pb (IRCA DX Monitor Nov 2 via DXLD) DX-PEDITIONS ++++++++++++ MONITORING IN KYRGYZSTAN Hello colleagues! All had no time to share observations on Kyrgyzstan. Although he returned from there at the end of September. Was there as a tourist. I traveled around Issyk-Kul, visited the highlands too ... On the air I had three interests there. Firstly, I wanted to listen to TWR on 1467. In the suburbs, it is also heard sometimes, but everything is rather weak. There, of course, it rattles at 5 points. Secondly, I wanted to hear Sedaye Zindagi, a Christian station broadcasting to Afghanistan on 5130. I have never heard it in my area. But, unfortunately, they could not hear there either - complete silence. Thirdly, I wanted to monitor R. Afghanistan on 6100. It was possible. But also, I hear not by 5 points, but by the C grade. Moreover, I took them in the highlands, where there is no interference at all, since the yurt! And the gas generator has already been cut down. Only the sky, stars, yurt and clean ether. Yesterday I found their email, wrote that I listened to them. Most likely, there will be no answer, but such a mood was ... Let's see. I will add that I turned on the receiver only after the gas generator was turned off. This is at 22.30 local time (16.20 UTC). I listened only half an hour, in the light of the headlamp, then there was no more strength - I destroyed my dream ... (Vasily, Russia / “open-dx”) Sedaye Zindagi. I once read that this station works on 5130 only in the first two weeks of every month. I do not know if this information is true, maybe it’s outdated (Eike Bierwirth, Wiesbaden, Germany / “open-dx” via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) WORLD OF HOROLOGY +++++++++++++++++ Article on DST Written with light touch. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/oct/21/spring-forward-fall-back-who-changes-the-clocks-when-and-why (EricFloden, Oct 27, Vancouver BC, WOR iog via DXLD) MUSEA +++++ RADIO RECEIVERS OF THE USSR. ---------------------------- Radio "Festival" The first Soviet tube radio with wired remote control. https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5c43064986e43c00ad249399/radiopriemniki-sssr-revoliucionnyi-festival-s-pultom-du-5cc6f730a8ac8300b34912ff (Andrey Molokov, St. Petersburg, Russia / https://vk.com/club158109176 via Rus-DX 27 October via DXLD) GRABACIONES ANTIGUAS DEL DX LATINO AMERICANO It`s good to hear from Pedro again, who says he will be releasing classic Latin American DX recordings, starting with this one; may be shared with anyone provided not commercialized and the source is credited. [audible via the WOR iog] (Glenn Hauser, WOR iog via DXLD) ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Pedro Arrunátegui Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019, 6:50:03 PM GMT Amigos: A raíz del fallecimiento de nuestro del colega y amigo Henrik Klemetz, pienso que adicional a la gran perdida humana y del conocimiento sobre nuestro DXLA, hay información que los diexista de la guardia vieja (vieja ola) tenemos gradaciones de nuestros DX de aquel entones me parece grato compartir. En mi caso, con Henrik, Takayuki y yo, efectuábamos una triangulación para verificar y confirmar las estaciones... luego Takayuki ciclicamente venía a AL y visitaba las estaciones. He adquirido una grabadora que permite pasar los cassette a MP3, luego escuchar toda la cinta, para después reeditarla separar el ID correspondiente. Me comprometo que cada quince días aproximadamente tratare de pasar un ID de los que tengo. En ese entonces se grababa toda la escucha y al tener en ID, se registraba el número de rotación de grabadora sobre la cinta, después había que escucharla nuevamente, buscar el ID, s/on y/o s/off, escribirla y registrarla en el cuaderno de guardia, después reportarla teniendo en cuenta el tiempo del correo de entrega en destino vs la fecha de emisión de los diferente boletines, la confirmación era cuando te llegaba el boletín a tu casa con tu reporte (aquellos tiempos.. el cartero era un amigo especial), en alguno caso se grababa otra cinta y se cortaba donde estaba el ID para enviar a algunos amigos el ID (en pedazos de cinta), buenos hoy son otros tiempos. Estoy iniciando estos reportes con el ID de Futuro la Radio, La Calzada, Moyobamba, San Martín, Perú, ellos decían que salían el los 10242 kHz, cuando se les escuchaba el los 10244.2, la cinta tiene fecha 15 de Marzo de 1986, espero sea del agrado ustedes. Las grabaciones las pueden compartir con quienes deseen, siempre que hagan referencia a la fuente de origen y no se comercialice. Quien desee puede enviarme su e.mail y lo incluyo en la lista de distribución. 73´s Pedro -- Vivo en una casa muy pequeña, pero, sus ventanas se abren hacia un mundo muy grande (DX LISTENING DIGEST) NUEVOS PROGRAMAS DE HISTORIAS DE RADIO DE DANIEL CAMPORINI 26 DE OCTUBRE 2019 SEÑALES HORARIAS Quienes hemos practicado el diexismo las hemos escuchado en más de una oportunidad y sabemos de su gentileza y cordialidad al responder a nuestras cartas, sin tener necesidad u obligación de hacerlo, prestan importantes e innumerables servicios a la sociedad y su actividad tiene también su historia, con un origen que es previo a la radiodifusión… https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/historiasderadiodc/episodes/2019-10-25T03_00_00-07_00 LA PROPAGANDA PARA LATINOAMÉRICA Un importante campo de batalla en la radiodifusión durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue la región latinoamericana, donde salva alguna excepción, la mayoría de los países se declararon neutrales. Alemania e Italia se encontraban en una posición bastante ventajosa, pues había muchos alemanes e italianos radicados en el continente americano. Fue entonces que Alemania comenzó en febrero de 1934 una campaña de radio coordinada desde una planta transmisora, teniendo como objetivo a Sudamérica… https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/historiasderadiodc/episodes/2019-10-25T03_00_01-07_00 RADIO CERDEÑA Radio Cerdeña fue la primera emisora liberal en Italia después de veinte años de dictadura fascista. La emisora nació en el poblado de Portigali en 1943 y tiene el mérito de haber sido la primera radio en anunciar la rendición de Alemania el día 7 de mayo de 1945… https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/historiasderadiodc/episodes/2019-10-25T03_00_02-07_00 DEUTSCHER FREIHEITSSENDER Deutscher Freiheitssender, 29.8, una estación de radio que transmitió a partir del 19 de enero de 1937, hasta el 28 de marzo de 1939, desde la ciudad de Madrid, España, presentando programas en idioma alemán, durante los años de la guerra civil española. El número que acompaña al nombre de la emisora representaba la banda en metros en la cual transmitía, correspondiendo a la frecuencia de 10067 Kilociclos… https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/historiasderadiodc/episodes/2019-10-25T03_00_03-07_00 Página del programa: http://programasdx.com/historiasderadio.htm Podcast Historias de Radio: http://historiasderadiodc.podomatic.com/ Para cualquier consulta: historiasderadio@hotmail.com Si desean escuchar otros programas diexistas en español pueden visitar: http://programasdx.com/ Programas DX en facebook: https://www.facebook.com/programasdx https://www.facebook.com/radiodifusion/ Programas DX en twitter: https://twitter.com/programasdx Cordiales 73 (Daniel Camporini/José Bueno, noticiasdx yg via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DTV See MEXICO ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DRM See FRANCE; GERMANY; GUAM; KUWAIT; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NICARAGUA; ROMANIA; SOUTH AFRICA; WINB DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- IBOC See also USA: 660 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FCC ALL-DIGITAL AM PROPOSAL To be taken up at the November public FCC meeting: https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/DOC-360519A1.pdf (via Benn Kobb, Oct 29, DXLD) Downs Hails FCC Announcement on All-Digital AM https://www.radioworld.com/tech-and-gear/digital-radio/downs-hails-fcc-announcement-on-all-digital-am (via Dennis Gibson, Sent from my iPad, Oct 29, ABDX yg viai DXLD) ALL DIGITAL ON MW WORST IDEA EVER If we really wanted to repair broadcasting, we’d set requirements that would mandate a minimum number of hours of locally produced content, especially news and public service. And we’d restore the Equal Time Rule to it’s pre-1983 status. Not only would that provide compelling, unique content that would attract listeners and compete well with digital (streaming) options but it might help restore us to a meaningful democracy. Instead, we allow the manufacturers (IBOC) to drive the regulation — and then fiddle while Rome burns. Do some reading on how the FAA skirted the law that required a 1:1 ratio of staff to supervise ODD employees at Boeing. Eventually, they had 1,200 Boeing employees being supervised by just 45 FAA staffers. This is the worst idea I’ve ever heard. And will be followed quickly by a push to make FM go all-digital to combat interference too. Anything to sell more IBOC equipment — meanwhile broadcasting as we know it disappears. 73, (Les Rayburn, N1LF, 121 Mayfair Park, Maylene, AL 35114, via DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DAB ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WorldDAB General Assembly 2019, Brussels, Belgium Organised by WorldDAB Event Date: 5th - 6th November 2019 Location: Brussels, Belgium https://www.worlddab.org/events/detail/540 (via Mike Terry, Oct 30, WOR iog via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ NHS PAGERS [UK] ARE LEAKING MEDICAL DATA - TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2019/10/30/nhs-pagers-medical-health-data/ (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) [WOR] WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO AMPEGON? [Relevant to WBCQ's Problems] "TURGI, Switzerland — Following this year’s IBC exhibition in Amsterdam in September it became clear that, despite our best efforts, many in the radio community are still in the dark about what has recently happened at Ampegon; a long-term supplier of transmitters and equipment to shortwave and medium-wave broadcasters worldwide." More: https://www.radioworld.com/columns-and-views/guest-commentaries/what-exactly-happened-to-ampegon? (-- Richard Langley, Oct 25, WOR iog via DXLD) EVEN CABLE TV IS GOING TO BE RUINED BY THE “TECH REVOLUTION” I was having a problem with 3 channels. The picture would disappear for a sec or 2 every few seconds. The lady at the Spectrum office said it’s probably a cable box problem & arranged for a dude to come out with a new one. Mine was vintage 1995. After installing the new box & doing a LOT of loading, testing, etc., the problem was still there. The Spectrum dude went outside & tweaked the cable connectors --- problem solved! At least with the new box, my picture is much crisper & amazingly I get a LOT more channels now. The “new” stuff is HD, which apparently my old box wasn’t withcompatible. Lotsa duplicates though. The Spectrum dude said that in a few years, we may no longer be able to “channel surf”. You will have to “tell” your TV what you want to watch. Couch potato men of the Earth arise! This is blasphemy. That effect might be eased a tad if it could respond to “Fetch me a beer” (via? Harold Frodge, MARE Tipsheet 25 Oct via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ :Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2019 Oct 28 0109 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/content/subscription-services # # Weekly Highlights and Forecasts # Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 21 - 27 October 2019 Solar activity was very low. The solar disk was spotless throughout the period. A faint, slow-moving, possibly Earth-directed CME was observed in satellite imagery at 25/0654 UTC, with a potential arrival late on 29 Oct or early on 30 Oct. No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels on 25-27 Oct with a peak flux of 36,223 pfu observed at 27/1900 UTC. Electron flux was at normal levels throughout the remainder of the reporting period. Geomagnetic field activity reached G2 (Moderate) storm levels on 25 Oct, G1 (Minor) storm levels on 26 Oct, and active levels on 24 Oct in response to a recurrent, positive-polarity CH HSS. Quiet to unsettled conditions were observed throughout the remainder of the period. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 28 October - 23 November 2019 Solar activity is expected to be at very low levels throughout the outlook period. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to reach high levels on 28-31 Oct, and 21-23 Nov, with moderate levels on 01-15, and 20 Nov, in response to coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS) influence. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to reach G1 (Minor) storm levels on 21-22 Nov, with active levels on 28-30 Oct, and 20, 23 Nov, due to recurrent CH HSS activity. Quiet to unsettled conditions are anticipated throughout the remainder of the outlook period. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2019 Oct 28 0109 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/content/subscription-services # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2019-10-28 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2019 Oct 28 70 12 4 2019 Oct 29 70 12 4 2019 Oct 30 70 12 4 2019 Oct 31 70 8 3 2019 Nov 01 70 8 3 2019 Nov 02 70 5 2 2019 Nov 03 70 5 2 2019 Nov 04 70 5 2 2019 Nov 05 70 5 2 2019 Nov 06 70 5 2 2019 Nov 07 70 5 2 2019 Nov 08 70 5 2 2019 Nov 09 70 5 2 2019 Nov 10 69 5 2 2019 Nov 11 69 5 2 2019 Nov 12 69 5 2 2019 Nov 13 69 5 2 2019 Nov 14 69 5 2 2019 Nov 15 69 5 2 2019 Nov 16 69 5 2 2019 Nov 17 69 5 2 2019 Nov 18 69 5 2 2019 Nov 19 69 5 2 2019 Nov 20 69 15 4 2019 Nov 21 69 25 5 2019 Nov 22 69 18 5 2019 Nov 23 70 12 4 (SWPC via WORLD OF RADIO 2006, DXLD) ###