DX LISTENING DIGEST 12-50, December 13, 2012 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2012 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO 1647 HEADLINES: *DX and station news about: Angola, Antarctica, Bahrain, Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia non, Canada non, China, Cook Islands and non, Diego Garcia and non, Ecuador and non, Eritrea, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland non, Israel and non, Kashmir, Korea South non, Madagascar, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Netherlands non, New Zealand, Norway, Pridnestrovye, Russia and non, Rwanda, Sarawak non, Somalia non, Spain, Tibet, UK, USA, Vietnam non, unidentified SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1647, December 13-19, 2012 Thu 0430 WRMI 9955 [1646 replayed this week] Thu 2200 WTWW 9479 [confirmed] Fri 0429v WWRB 3195 [confirmed; 5050 back on too] Sat 0230v WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51 [confirmed at 0255] Sat 0630 HLR 7265 Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 0900 WRMI 9955 Sat 1600 WRMI 9955 Sat 1630 HLR 7265 Hamburger Lokalradio Sat 1830 WRMI 9955 Sun 0500 WTWW 5830 Sun 0547 WTWW 5085 [only aired once around this time] Sun 0900 WRMI 9955 Sun 1630 WRMI 9955 Mon 0530 WRMI 9955 Tue 1200 WRMI 9955 Thu 0430 WRMI 9955 [or maybe 1648 if ready in time] Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: http://www.wrn.org/listeners/#world-of-radio WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS VIA WRN [updated]: http://www.wrn.org/listeners/customize-panel/addToPlaylist/98/10:00:00UTC/English OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org DAY-BY-DAY ARCHIVE OF GLENN HAUSER`S LOG REPORTS: Unedited, uncondensed, unchanged from original version, many of them too complex, minutely researched, multi-frequency, opinionated, inconsequential, off-topic, or lengthy for some log editors to manage; and also ahead of their availability in these weekly issues: http://www.hard-core-dx.com/index.php?topic=Hauser DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our yg without delay. When applying, please identify yourself with your real name and location, and say something about why you want to join. Those who do not, unless I recognize them, will be prompted once to do so and no action will be taken otherwise. Here`s where to sign up: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dxld/ ** ANDAMAN ISLANDS. 4760, AIR Port Blair fair strength but noisy atmospherics; musical concert with Hindi & English announcements from 1629 tune-in. Closed 1730 20 Oct (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANGOLA. ECCLÉSIA ABDICA DA EMISSÃO EM ONDAS CURTAS O director da Emissora Católica de Angola, padre Kandange revelou que na sua luta pela extensão do sinal da Rádio, os bispos da CEAST desistiram da anterior exigência, assente no retorno das emissões em ondas curtas, tendo proposto a variante da atribuição de frequências moduladas às emissoras diocesanas locais. “Esta é a orientação da CEAST no diálogo com o Governo para se aprofundar esta declaração fundamental e que as rádios locais trabalhem com os bispos como suporte de evangelização”, declarou. A depender dos limites a serem aceites pelo Estado, a Igreja Católica estaria na disposição de garantir que as mesmas estariam limitadas à produção local das notícias religiosas e outras, sob supervisão das respectivas dioceses. As linhas gerais desta modalidade, segundo o entrevistado, teriam já sido aceites numa primeira fase e transmitidas oportunamente pela anterior ministra do pelouro, Carolina Cerqueira. O director de Ecclésia diz que coloca este assunto nos desafios imediatos com base nas promessas já feitas pelo Governo. “Nós nos fiamos na declaração da ex-ministra e consideramos que é o espaço que o governo abriu para que a CEAST, como entidade que tutela a Rádio Ecclésia, pudesse continuar o diálogo de criação das rádios diocesanas. Se assim acontecer, a CEAST e as dioceses locais podem se dar por satisfeitas por ter um espaço para tutelar o diálogo social que se impõem”, disse o clérigo. A fonte diz acreditar que o Governo possa vir a abrir mão desta variante de forma definitiva. “É preciso que se tirem do caminho os obstáculos e consigamos um patamar legal para este trabalho”, afirmou o responsável da Emissor Católica angolana. Ele garante estarem criadas todas as condições materiais para a implantação das aludidas rádios diocesanas tão logo receba o sinal positivo e definitivo do Governo. “Estamos em condições, se não houver nenhum outro problema, de avançarmos com alguma conversa mais aprofundada e mais acertada a este nível”, assegurou. Nesta entrevista, o responsável religioso deixou claro em como a Rádio Ecclésia é propriedade da Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé, sendo esta instituição religiosa quem dita as regras da casa. Nega que pressões políticas tenham estado na origem das sucessivas mudanças editoriais desta estação de rádio ou que imperativos negociais, com o Executivo, tivessem sugerido cedências do género para facilitar o entendimento entre as partes. “É uma má interpretação que se faz do valor da Igreja Católica e também do valor da rádio”, disse o padre Kandange. Seja como for, pertence ao director da Ecclésia a revelação de que a actual política editorial determina que, na hierarquização das matérias, as notícias religiosas têm primazia sobre todos os demais assuntos, independentemente do seu impacto nacional, contrariamente ao que se assistia nos primeiros anos da reabertura daquela estação emissora. “Na nossa hierarquia informativa a primeira notícia é de carácter ecclesial. É uma orientação que procede da nossa leitura social da realidade e porque é a nossa identidade”, afirmou. O sacerdote advoga a necessidade da preservação da paz como estando na base da nova postura da Rádio Ecclésia “diante da nova realidade social”. “A própria Rádio Ecclésia precisa de aceitar os contextos em que se encontra. Há feridas por se curar e a Igreja não pode lidar com esta realidade social de qualquer maneira, porque tem responsabilidades”, sustentou. O clérigo justifica esta postura com o argumento de que o paradigma de 1998, que marcou a reabertura da rádio, é diferente da dos anos que se seguiram até ao momento. “Agora temos um outro paradigma”, disse, sublinhando que com esta atitude “a Igreja está a dar lições de nacionalismo”. A fonte diz que a Rádio Ecclesia é um projecto nacional e acusa entidades estrangeiras de estarem, alegadamente, a alimentar o actual clima de desapontamento de alguma franja do público ouvinte. “Não são estrangeiros que têm que dar instruções de como devo tratar a minha História. Agora que digam que estou a fazer uma má abordagem da minha História é outra conversa. A Igreja Católica é angolana e o que nós somos, como padres e bispos, e o que se faz em Angola, nós é que temos que os narrar e temos que escolher os caminhos”, precisou o homem forte da “Católica”. E disse mais : “Quando os bispos foram à cidade do Kilamba visitar as casas e depois condenaram as manifestações, houve quem não gostasse. Mas ninguém pode dizer aos bispos o que têm que fazer. Nós, por exemplo, podemos nos colocar diante de outros angolanos como parceiros. Se calhar com o partido tal ou com o governo tal”. Depois de defender que a rádio (católica) “está ao serviço da evangelização, com todos os contraditórios que isso acarreta,” o sacerdote considerou que embora tenha uma ligação espiritual com a dinâmica internacional do Vaticano, ela é angolana “e não podemos dar a possibilidade de as pessoas nos roubarem a palavra”. Para o responsável máximo da Emissora Católica de Angola, o balanço dos últimos anos é “a todos os níveis positivo e encorajador.” Há pouco menos de um ano na sua direcção, o padre Quintino Kandange assume o dever de tornar o projecto “mais expressivo para que a capacidade da rádio seja fiável para as parecerias que se impõem”. “Devemos encorajar esta positividade para que relance em proposta para os próximos anos”, disse. Ele reconhece que as dificuldades são várias e os desafios são grandes, mas ressalta a capacidade que o projecto tem de suscitar valores de proximidade com as pessoas que podem sustentar uma relação de qualidade com o Governo angolano, que considera a figura mais importante na relação Estado-Igreja, a sociedade civil e os cristãos de uma maneira geral. O padre católico atribui as constantes “fugas” de quadros a limitações de recursos ao dispôr da emissora e defende a abertura do projecto à comunidade católica e aos empresários da Igreja e ainda a uma plataforma sustentável de marketing. “O grande desafio é provocar o diálogo para a auto-sustentabilidade, porque os parceiros internacionais estão também em declínio e a solução é imaginar fórmulas para estancar a sangria actual na Emissora Católica”, rematou. Fonte: http://www.angonoticias.com/Artigos/item/36828/ecclesia-abdica-da-emissao-em-ondas-curtas Sitio web: http://www.radioecclesia.org/ (Via Yimber Gaviria, na Colômbia, https://twitter.com/Nxdelaradio WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RADIO ECCLÉSIA, ANGOLA, WILL NOT RETURN TO SW In an interview to the Luanda newspaper "O País", Quintino Kandange, who is the director of the Angolan Catholic Broadcaster, Rádio Ecclésia, said that the Catholic Church in Angola renounces the intention of transmitting on shortwaves again. Instead, the Bishops Conference of Angola and São Tomé decided to ask the Angolan government for the creation of regional radios on a diocesan basis, on FM only. This is bad news for DXers, of course, and especially for the millions of Angolans who do not live in the main towns of that vast country. The interview, in Portuguese, can be read in http://www.opais.net/pt/opais/?det=30304&id=1929&mid= 73 (Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro, Porto, Portugal, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** ANTARCTICA. Sobre LRA 36. Hace un tiempo consulté sobre la novedad del reinicio de las emisiones de Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel. Confirma que por el momento hay trasmisiones esporádicas, de prueba (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Dec 11, condiglista yg via DXLD) Viz.: ----- Original Message ----- From: Horacio Nigro To: info @ marambio.aq Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 5:04 PM Subject: LRA 36 Base Esperanza Finalmente, después de hace un año, mas o menos, LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, aparentemente ha reiniciado sus trasmisiones en onda corta, tras una reparación en el equipo trasmisor. En mi blog al final de mi publicación sobre la emisora, hecha en agosto pasado, en los comentarios, una llamada Señora Mirta, co-locutora informa de su reinicio. Pero necesitamos saber su horario de trasmisiones, en hora argentina o GMT (indicar)... todos los días... en fin. Agradeceremos mucho noticias al respecto, si es que puede estar a su alcance averiguar, para tratar de sintonizar esta emisora, que conocemos desde 1979. Gracias. Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky, Montevideo Uruguay Mi blog: "La Galena del Sur" (via condiglista via DXLD) ----- Mensaje reenviado ----- De: Fundacion Marambio Para: Horacio Nigro Enviado: Martes 11 de diciembre de 2012 13:01 Asunto: Responder a su mensaje y comentarle quienes somos ____________ _________ _________ __ Entidad exenta sin fines de lucro - Personería Jurídica - Res. I.G.J. Nº 0000852 - CUIT. 30-70951448- 9 Paraná 6658 - CARAPACHAY - CP 1605 - Barrio Villa Adelina - Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA info @ marambio.aq - http://www.marambio.aq Teléfono (011) 4766-3086 y 4763-2649 ____________ _________ _________ __ SUSCRIPCIÓN: Nº Mre-06549 Estimado Horacio NIGRO GEOLKIEWSKY, MONTEVIDEO - URUGUAY En nombre de mi hijo Fabián, webmaster de la página http://www.marambio.aq de la cual soy Asesor Histórico por haber pertenecido a la Patrulla Soberanía, fundadora de la Base Marambio de la Antártida Argentina, agradecemos que nos haya consultado y le informo que LRA 36 está saliendo esporadicamente en pruebas, quedamos a su entera disposición. Para que nos conozca, le comento que desde Buenos Aires, comencé hace varios años con esta tarea de difusión, que la sostenía con mis propios medios, pero hace pocos años hemos creado la Fundación Marambio, debido a que se hacía imposible económicamente continuar en forma personal. Con esta organización continuamos con la misma tarea, que son los objetivos de esta Fundación, enviando información periódica por este medio y gráfica por correo postal en forma gratuita y desinteresada a aquellos que nos solicitan o lo hacen para colegios, instituciones, medios periodísticos, etc., que les pueda ser de utilidad, interés o deseen colaborar con esta difusión. La Fundación Marambio, tiene como propósito la realización de obras de interés general, que consisten en difundir por todos los medios y en particular en establecimientos educacionales y culturales, temas relacionados con el quehacer Antártico en general y en especial da testimonios sobre el acontecimiento de trascendencia Nacional, Histórica y Geopolítica, que fue la fundación de la Base Marambio de la Antártida Argentina, currícula que se encuentra incluida en el Calendario Escolar de todas las Provincias del País. Para el logro de sus objetivos, se solventa económicamente con los aportes que se reciben por medio de donaciones voluntarias de aquellos que desean apoyarnos. Para acrecentar esta difusión, le solicitamos nos informe, si es posible, los e-mails de organismos y personas a los cuales les pueda ser útil o interesante nuestra información, que se la enviaremos por intermedio de Boletines de Noticias mensuales. Por cuerda aparte envío otros e-mail con información general y del tema de Antárticos, los que periódicamente le remitiremos, relacionados con hechos que hacen a la educación, formación e información, que como en este caso, con el correr del tiempo quedan en el olvido. Sin otro particular, nos despedimos muy afectuosamente. Dr. Juan Carlos LUJAN Suboficial Mayor (R) FAA (VGM-EDB) Presidente Fundación Marambio (via Nigro, condiglist via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) Just says the station is testing sporadically, no further details as really needed (gh, ibid.) ** ARGENTINA. 13363.6, Feeder transmission in LSB mode for Antarctica relaying Buenos Aires station with fútbol commentary at 2237 on 28 Oct, with bad splatter from 13362 USB AFN Guam in USB mode. Latter opens 2000, so able to hear Argentina in clear, though poor level, when rechecked 1939 on 2/11. Have previously heard Radio Continental & Radio Rivadavia relays here. Note that frequency measured as 13363.6 not the .5 of previous monitoring (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 13363.5-LSB, Sat Dec 8 at 2217, LTA, very poor signal in Spanish, some yelling so maybe play-by-play; 2226 ads. I am not inclined to keep straining to detect which of several Buenos Aires stations is being relayed this time; just to note that it`s active again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) OK, could be .55 or .60 (gh) Argentine feeder --- Hi Glenn! Just a few minutes ago (at 0012 UT) I found the 13363 khz USB [sic] feeder relaying a presidential speech, the same 15345, and most AM and FM stations are showing right now. I suppose they're taking it either from Rivadavia or Continental, but since God knows how much the presidential fluff will last and since the reception of this station in my QTH is so dismal, I think I will not bother waiting for it to end to get an ID (Eduardo Peralta, UT Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn! Today at 2139 UT I heard the 13363 feeder again, with surprisingly good reception quality, in // with FM Metro, 95.1. OM and YL taking phone-ins from football players, actors, singers. At 2200 they played the time pips and then the hosts started a phone call with the hosts of another radio show that was playing at that time on ESPN Radio, FM 107.9. So two stations for the price of one! (Eduardo Peralta, Argentina, Dec 10, ibid.) Eduardo has gone in for kidney surgery, and we wish him the best (gh) ** ARGENTINA. 15345, at 1823 21 Nov, RAE, DX Special at 1825 (Wednesdays), ID, music, English, SIO 232 (Dave Kenny, Berks, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) The BDXC Broadcasts in English sexion on DX programs now shows it at :25 past the hours during the English broadcast Weds plus Supplement on Fridays, i.e. 1825 on 15345v, 0225 UT Thu & Sat on 11711v; formerly circa :45 past the hours. Our DX/SWL/Media Programs has been amended accordingly, but further confirmation of all four times welcome: http://www.worldofradio.com/dxpgms.html (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) QSL: RAE, 11710, full data logo card in 464 days for English airmail report and US $2 with follow-up report in English via registered airmail and US $20.00 requesting return by same method (of course it wasn't!). QSL arrived 190 days after follow-up. V/s Luis M. Barassi, Director. Also sent broadcast schedule, two stickers and personal letter signed by Mr. Barassi and Fernando Farias of the English Language Team. The envelope was covered front and back with very beautiful and colorful stamps, one set commemorating the Islas Malvinas (the Falklands) which made me chortle a bit, and another large set on the rear of the envelope commemorating Eva Perón. 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ARMENIA. Broadcasts from Armenia you might half half a chance of IDing (from Aoki 12-9) 0000-0100 9395, 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Spanish 0100-0200 9395, 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Spanish 0143-0155 9750 VoRUSSIA/VoMongolia 12..... Russian 0200-0300 9395, 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Spanish 0300-0400 9395, 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Spanish 0400-0500 9395, 9765 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Spanish 1100-1300 15565 Overcomer Ministry 1.....7 English 1600-1700 11985 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 French 1700-1800 11985 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 French 1800-1900 11985 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 English 1900-2000 11985 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Russian 2200-2300 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Portuguese 2300-2400 9395 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Russian 2300-2400 9750 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1234567 Portuguese (via Harold Frodge, MI, DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. 2325, VL8T Tennant Creek NT, 1000 om commentary improving and // 2485 VL8K Katherine NT, remained in till after 1100, 6 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. According to an email from ABC`s Gary Baxter about the Northern Territory station VL8A Alice Springs: ``The intention is to revert this service to dual frequency operation, probably by March 2013.`` Currently on 4835, 24/7 after technical problems in May prevented the usual automatic day-night switching between 4835 and 2310 (via Alan Pennington, 5 Nov, DX News, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) And more audible here around sunrise c. 1330 (gh, OK, DXLD) 4835, Alice Springs, NT, 1000 to 1039 with strong signal 6 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4835, Dec 11 at 1414, VL8A is still audible very poorly with English talk; but we can`t depend on this forever. Dec BDXC-UK Communication reports: ``According to an email from ABC`s Gary Baxter about the Northern Territory station VL8A Alice Springs: `The intention is to revert this service to dual frequency operation, probably by March 2013.` Currently on 4835, 24/7 after technical problems in May prevented the usual automatic day-night switching between 4835 and 2310 (via Alan Pennington, 5 Nov, DX News)`` Having a real human being on site to manually switch twice daily is obviously totally out of the question (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. 9890, R Australia, 2207 Dec 5 with news in Malay. More mentions of Malaysia than Indonesia. S5-6, a buzz carrier (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But RA broadcasts in Indonesian, not Malay, tho there is very little difference (gh) Some Babcock FMO requests. 9890 new Radio Australia via Al Dhabbaya-UAE in Indonesian, registered from Dec 5th: 9890 (ex 11830) 2200-2330 UT to zones 51W,54 DHA 500kW 105deg (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 7, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** AZERBAIJAN. 9677, Ädalätin Säsi R, Stepanakert, has not been heard for more than two months (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, Nov 18, DSWCI DX Window Dec 12 via DXLD) But already back as in last DXLD (gh) ** AZERBAIJAN. Any broadcast not in the official language is prohibited. [and general discussion of other policies, plans] Interview with chairman of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Azerbaijan, Nushirevanom Maharramli. http:\\www.biznesinfo.az/observer/infocus/params/ln/ru/article/74813 (via MIDXB Russia Dec 4 via BCDX 9 Dec via DXLD) ** AZORES. 828, RDP Azores, Antena 1, 0737-0755, 30-11, Portuguese, male, female, at 0740 "6 e 40 minutos", Portuguese songs. At 0800: "Actualidade", male, news. 23322. 828, RDP Açores, Antena 1, 0705-0730, 03-12, music, Portuguese, male, comments, "Liga portuguesa", soccer comments. 23322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BAHRAIN. 9745, R. Bahrain (presumed), Dec. 3; poor at 2240 with man speaking in Arabic; sudden peaks to fair; music and voice-over at 2243; at 2244 casual conversation between man and woman in Arabic; at 2254 soft flute-like music; at 2256 brief talk and into song by woman; no recognizable ID at 2300 so I will list this as Probable (Jim Ronda, Tulsa, OK, R-75, NRD-545 + 2 PAR EF-SWL slopers, NASWA Flashsheet via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar seemingly 1150 to 1216, music bridge 1200 seeming news items, ments de New York Times?, seemed like om on phone with corespondent. 6 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15105.02, 1241 Dec 4 with S3 but strong buzzer. Talks in English (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15505, Bangladesh Betar program from Dhaka in Urdu 1400-1430 UT. Heavy BUZZ hum of 120 Hertz (3 peaks on each side). (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 8, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) Just not making it here at all any more on 15 MHz (gh, OK, DXLD) ** BELARUS. 11730, 11/Dec 2002, R Belarus in English. OM presents news. Low modulation. 34433. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM [non]. 17870-17875-17880 and beyond, Dec 11 at 2057 checked just in time to confirm that The Disco Palace tho missing yesterday is still running DRM noise here for the 20-21 UT hour via GUIANA FRENCH. It`s the OSOB, and when it goes off there are NO stations audible on the 16 m band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BERMUDA. QSL: ZBR Bermuda Radio, 518 NAVTEX, full data TELEX-style eQSL in 352 days for English airmail report and 1 IRC as well as follow-up email to rccbda(at)gov(dot)bm eQSL arrived a little less than six hours after email follow-up. V/s "Duty Officer." 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. 6035.02, BBS (presumed), 1219, Dec 11. Mixing with PBS Yunnan; tentatively went off the air between 1224 and 1230; had been in the clear, but about 1224 hit with heavy adjacent QRM from CNR1 on 6030; at 1230 clearly just PBS Yunnan. Seems that BBS is on a new schedule recently of signing off between 1200 and 1300. Dec 10 heard the two stations mixing together from about 1231 to 1243. Needs more monitoring! (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [later:] Thanks very much to Jim Young for providing today's sign off time for BBS - 1228*, which corresponds to my observations. BBS has become semi-regular recently (Ron Howard, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, ibid.) ** BIAFRA [non]. Radio Biafra London: 1900-2000 on 11830 WER 125 kW / 180 deg WCAf English/Igbo Thu/Sat (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 0100 to 0130 with good signal 1 December, signal slightly better 0930 with music and yl 3 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4451.2, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 1020 to 1040, first time noted in the local Bolivian morning 2 December, has been noted from months 2300 to 0100*, sign off varies. Also 5 December 1000 to 1100 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4700, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0910 strong, 1000 om chat, 1 Dec., 1000-1040 Christmas music and time checks, good signal 7 December(Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4716.65, Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura, Yura, 0910 on, 0940 yl vocal into chat strong 1 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4795.87, Radio Lípez, Uyuni, 0910 music, 0925 music, 0933 om chat, 0948 possibly yl, 0952 music, 0956 fade begins 1010 chat? 1 Dec., 0925 noted poor signal on 3 December. Off 6 and 7 December same time. Lipez was on for only a few days in March 2012 and may be silent now? (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4795.95, Radio Lípez, Uyuni 0920 to 0940, returned after being silent for previous four days. Some transmitter drift (Bob Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, US, Dec 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 5952, Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 1052 slight pulsating interference but clear signal 1 Dec. Noted strong 1000 and 2300 daily with or without pulsating interference (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) QRM presumably Cuban jamming vs República 5954v (gh) 5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2238-2247, 02-12, Spanish, comments, male, female. 12321 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5952.42v, Radio Pio Doce, 0059-0100*, Dec 10. Happened to tune by when they played their sign off song; distinctive whistling “Colonel Bogey March” (also known as the River Kwai March) followed by chimes and off; an early sign off for them; have heard 0230 sign off in the past (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 6105.4, Radio Panamericana, La Paz, 2320 to 0004 religious content, ments de Dios, la verdad mentioned several times, la palabra repeated, chorus, narrow filter and noise 1-2 Dec, poor signal at 1050 on 5 Dec, 1042 to 1047 flauta, poor signal (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6105.41, Radio Pan-Americana, 1045-1100 Dec 7, Presumed, Noted a weak station under one on 6105 with just steady music. Not much else to log at this point. Perhaps an earlier check would have produced better results (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston FL, 26N 081W, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz very good in Spanish at 0925 on 19 Nov, regular (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6134.77, Radio Santa Cruz, 0937 very strong signal 1 Dec, 0940-1000 with news items very strong signal 7 December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6134.89, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1030 Dec 7, Noted music with promos and ads between each tune. From 1022 when the music paused, just promos and live comments was heard until 1027 when music started up again. Signal was poor (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston FL, 26N 081W, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 6154.95, Radio Fides, La Paz opens abruptly 0944 on 27 Nov with good clear signal, full Spanish ident with AM, FM and SW frequencies on 49m and 31m given. Blocked by China at 1001 (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOTSWANA. Members, You will have seen from Ian Baxter on swsites and DXLD the good news about the improved images on GE around the capital - Gaborone. As a result of this I was invited by Ian to check what happened re the Sebele MW service for the capital. MW records according to WRTH have changed so that 945 now is apparently broadcasting from Mmathethe while Sebele is listed as an inactive station supposedly on 972. I am appealing for help from those of you in South Africa or indeed others to explain to me why the perfectly adequate facilities at Sebele were delisted and as a result 945 was allocated to Mmathethe. I have established that the "new" place is a suburb of Gaborone. Where is the relevant mast? Amid the flurry of excitement re Walt's visit to the Cook Islands (which I have personally emailed thanks to him for) I hope that my members can tell the Group a) has WRTH made a mistake, b) has Mmathethe actually replaced Sebele or c) is Sebele actually still serving Gaborone? 73's and 88's (Dan Goldfarb, mwmasts yg via DXLD) Dan: I checked on Google Earth and find that Mmathethe is located about 100 km from Gaborone (hardly a suburb) and about 40 km from Lobatse. I, too, can't think of any reason why they would move the main MW site so far from the capital, with 10% of Botswana's population, when they already had a usable facility at Sebele. Yes, Sebele was using 972 kHz (originally 971). When did they switch from 972 to 945? (Colin Miller, VE3CMT, ex-RSA, ibid.) Dan, But I don't understand, I missed the BOT_972_Gaborone Sebele entry even on inactive Africa xls file ... ??? Oct 2011 of G.E. shows 2 MW masts still at Sebele, an additional a FM/TV mast next to the TX house 24 34'07.28" S 25 57'32.41" E and 24 34'09.49" S 25 57'33.68" E Two http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:InstructorGB1 G.E. Northern Mmathethe is only 6 kilometers away of Sebele site ... G.E. Southern Mmathethe is only 108 kilometers southwesterly of Sebele site 25 19' 42" S 25 16 27 E Mmathethe is a town in the South-East District of Botswana. Other towns close to Mmathethe are Kanye and Lobatse. On ITU data rather Northern Mmathethe 6 kilometers away of Sebele site is meant? 73 (wolfy df5sx, ibid.) 621 kHz 100 kW, 21 56'59.37"S 27 35'48.25"E (wb, ibid.) For me the big question here (which I asked already but didn't get a reply) is that from which source did you establish Mmathethe being a suburb of Gaborone and that the new transmitter is namely in that Mmathethe (if it exists haven't found it yet), and not in the one 100 km southwest? Is it in the ITU data Wolfy refers to as "On ITU data rather Northern Mmathethe 6 kilometers away of Sebele site is meant?" I don't have complete ITU data for Botswana and I don't have Mmathethe mentioned at all. Do you? Wolfy, you say: "G.E. Northern Mmathethe is only 6 kilometers away of Sebele site ..." Where in Google Earth is Northern Mmathethe? 73, (Mauno Ritola, ibid.) Or: Is the entry of 945 kHz Mmathethe as listed in WRTH 2012 correct? What was the source of info? Has it been monitored recently? 945 kHz was listed as Sebele in WRTH 2008. I don't know the history (Ian Baxter, ibid.) Most probably. Why not? > What was the source of info? R. Botswana. > Has it been monitored recently? I think so. You can check via Johannesburg Globaltuners. Now Dan: what was the source, that established Mmathethe 945 kHz being at the other Mathethe: Gaborone suburb? (Mauno, ibid.) Members, I am sorry that I have only now made any comment on this topic. Thank you to all who have worked so hard to figure out what is probably the reality in this country. Wolfgang has just emailed with a likely place where 945 now comes from is 25 19 56.98S 25 16 06.65E. This tower is clearly visible in Bing Maps and Terra Server. We now have a tower in the town called Mmathethe which will tie in with the recent entry in WRTH. I think that I can now (tentatively) declare that Gaborone - Sebele is silent both on MW (945 and 972) as well the SW towers. Further to Mauno's post I can only repeat that I wrote with the intention of placing Wolfgang's email into discussion. Sorry Gavin for burdening this one with you - but might I suggest that Gavin Buckle in Johannesburg would be best placed to settle this. Direction finding (as long as the towns are reasonably well spaced West to East) should be the best way of telling where the signal comes from. The current collection of North Europeans (plus Ian Baxter and Colin Miller) are less likely to solve this compared with the many South African DXers who are "on the doorstep" of Botswana! 73's and 88's (Dan Goldfarb, mwmasts yg via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 3375.1, Brasil, Rádio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 2320 noted with music 4 Dec. 0950 stronger with music and om on 5 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 4805, Brasil, Rádio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 0940-1020 strong signal with CODAR interference, om with Portuguese commentary 7 December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 6135.12, Rádio Aparicida, fair in Portuguese, 17 Nov at 0748, parallel 5035 poor, 9630 good, 11854.98 weak under Chinese (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. RÁDIO LIVRE, 7170.5 kHz Fora do Ar? Me parece que a rádio livre em 7170 não está mais transmitindo; notei sua ausência desde de domingo à noite, dia 1 dezembro, ou a propagação está fechada p`ra minha região? (Denis, [full name and location unknown, but there`s a photo of him on yahoo profile], Dec 5, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Estou sintonizando pela primeira vez a dita Rádio Livre 7170 kHz, 23:30 local, sofrível a recepção, muito QRM. Yaesu FRG-7+ Antenna Par end Fedz 45-foot (Flávio Romero, Natal/RN, Dec 6, ibid.) Isso não tem nada de "rádio livre". É alguem fazendo transmissão na frequencia destinado aos radioamadores! As únicas pessoas que vão ouvir essa transmissão são os próprios radioamadores, e com muita indignação!!! (CÉSAR AUGUSTO MERLIN, ibid.) Olá Flávio, Essa rádio deve ser da região SUDESTE, OU SUL; por aqui é possivel sintonizar ela em certos horários do dia somente com a antena telescopica do TECSUM PL 600, com um bom sinal, então ela deve ser aqui por perto da região, mais onde que é o local de transmissão ainda ninguem conseguiu descobrir (Rogério R. Bomfim, Alfredo Marcondes -SP, ibid.) ** BRAZIL. 9565.06, Super R Deus é Amor, Curitiba, PR, heard at 0800- 0805, Dec 02, Portuguese ID, popular song, 34333. ID is announced at this time every day. Frequency has been drifting slowly almost every day (Tomoaki Wagai, Wakayama, Japan, DSWCI DX Window Dec 12 via DXLD) The way logs are merged in DXW, the measurement may have been by someone else (gh) ** BRAZIL. 10000/rcusb, PPE, OVER WWVH 34443+ (WWVH was 22442 & WWV was not heard) 0105-0107 1/Dec -- Zichi DXp 10000/rcusb, PPE, WELL on top of things at the moment & CLEARLY showing that it is in RCUSB 2+4+442+ and WWV just barely under there. 0404-0406 1/Dec (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Brighton MI DXpedition, MARE Tipsheet 7 Dec via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Hi Glenn, I heard Radio Nacional da Amazonia on UT Dec 5 at 0230 on 11780 and tried to email them at ebc.com.br but no matter who I addressed it to, it bounced back to me ... "access denied". I used a listener feedback thing that I found on the website and 3 hours later received this message from an intern at the associated TV station ``Hello Mr. Hughes, My name is Dayana and I am an intern at the Ouvidoria of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação. I work in the production of our TV program, O Público na TV (The Public on TV). Every week, we ask one of our listeners or viewers, who have entered in contact with us, to send us a video with their question, suggestion, complaint or report for us to broadcast on the program. Earlier today, you sent us a reception report about our shortwave radio, Rádio Nacional da Amazônia. We would appreciate it if you could send us a video of your report so we can broadcast it. You can record yourself with your own camera and computer and send the video to me.`` Unfortunately any attempt to contact her at the email address she gave, the dreaded "access denied" ebc.com.br, bounces back to me. I guess my big break on Brazilian TV won't happen after all (Dave Hughes, Kansas City MO, Dec 8, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11780, Dec 12 at 0647, no signal from RNA/RNB! This had been very reliable for many weeks. Checked // 6180 and it`s still on since recent reactivation, so now they are having trouble with the other transmitter. Continuing to monitor 11780, huge open carrier comes on at *0648-0651* without ever modulating. This band is propagable from Brasil all-night; weak signals on 11765 and 11815 11780, Dec 13 at 0606, RNA/RNB is back with usual bigsig after missing 23+ hours earlier, and still // 6180. 11765, Dec 13 at 0607, unmistakable wacky wailing of Davi Miranda poorly audible from the 20 kW SRDA Curitiba transmitter, much2 weaker than 11780`s nominal 250 kW, and no doubt much higher gain antenna (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11815, 15 Nov at 0750, R. Brasil Central, in Portuguese, SIO 232 (Richard Thurlow, Suffolk, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) I haven`t heard this in a long time during the 0600-0700 period even when 11780 is inbooming; maybe not on before 0700? But it`s always much weaker than 11780 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 11830, Rádio Daqui, Goiânia, 0910-0920, 03-12, male, identification: "Rádio Daqui ondas curtas y Rádio Daqui ondas tropicais", male, Portuguese, comments, mentioned "Minas Gerais, São Paulo". 34433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 15190.2, 0630 30 Oct, R. Inconfidência, frequency varying daily, previously 15191.5; SIO 433 in Portuguese (Rumen Pankov, Bulgaria, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) 15191.27, Rádio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte returned here on 26 Nov after 2 days observed on 15189.9. Poor in Portuguese 0550 with het from Radio Africa 15190 this day but heard at good strength some days (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. De acordo com informações enviadas por Neto Vitalino, da Assessoria de Imprensa da Prefeitura de Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), a Adalberto Marques de Azevedo, de Barbacena (MG), a Rádio Integração permanece transmitindo na frequência de 4765 kHz, em ondas tropicais. A Assessoria da Prefeitura daquele Município acreano informou também que outra estação, a Rádio Verdes Florestas, está no ar em 4865 kHz. Clique aqui http://www.rdnoticias.com.br/portal/index.php?Itemid=4&catid=23:acre&id=12479:historia-de-garoto-pobre-sensibiliza-ouvintes-de-programa-de-radio&option=com_content&view=article para ler exemplo de trabalho social da Rádio Integração (Celio Romais blog 4 Dec via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) - A Rádio Municipal, de São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM), está ativa na frequência de 3375 kHz, em 90 metros. A emissora foi captada em Nova Xavantina (MT), pelo Daniel Oliveira, em 10 de dezembro, com sinal regular. - O sinal da Rádio Cultura Filadélfia, de Foz do Iguaçu (PR), tem chegado distorcido na frequência de 6105 kHz, em 49 metros. A emissora divide o canal com a Canção Nova, de Cachoeira Paulista (SP), mas, nos últimos meses, está sozinha, já que a estação católica paulista está ausente em tal frequência. - Nos últimos dias, a Rádio Canção Nova, de Cachoeira Paulista (SP), não tem sido captada, no Sul do país, em 4825 kHz. Fora do ar? Se sim, não é mais captada em nenhum canal de ondas curtas! - Além de 11915 kHz, a Rádio Gaúcha, de Porto Alegre (RS), reativou a frequência de 6020 kHz, em 49 metros. Foi monitorada, em Porto Alegre (RS), em 9 de dezembro, por volta de 0930, no TU, com sinal regular. - Conforme informações de Édison Bocorny Júnior, de Novo Hamburgo (RS), a Rádio Nacional da Amazônia está de volta em seu canal 6180 kHz, em 49 metros. No período noturno, por volta de 2330, no TU, seu sinal, em Porto Alegre (RS), tem sido encoberto pelo da China National Radio 1, emitindo em mandarim, conforme monitoria feita em 12 de dezembro. - De acordo com informações de Daniel Oliveira, de Nova Xavantina (MT), a Rádio Brasil Tropical, de Cuiabá (MT), está ativa na frequência de 5015 kHz. A estação retransmite em ondas tropicais a programação da Rádio Cultura AM, da mesma cidade mato-grossense (Célio Romais blog Dec 13 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) The 5015 station is not in WRTH 2013, but was in the list in DXLD 12- 49, as unconfirmed R. Cultura Cuiabá (gh, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** BRUNEI. 594 MW, R TV Brunei, Totong (200 kW). I tried several times to hear this station, but only heard Bangkok (5 kW). However, the new WRTH 2013 reveals that Brunei no longer broadcasts on MW, only on FM! (Anker Petersen, Kuala Lumpur and Pangkor, Malaysia, DSWCI DX Window Dec 12 via DXLD) ** BULGARIA. Special DRM broadcasts for Wavescan --- The "Wavescan" DX program which is a joint production of NASB members Adventist World Radio and Radio Miami International, will be included in a new series of four DRM (digital) shortwave transmissions called "DRM Mix" sponsored by Spaceline in Bulgaria which will take place on 22, 23, 25 and 26 December, 2012. Wavescan will air from 1700 to 1730 UT on those days. The frequency will be 9755 kHz from Bulgaria, covering Europe with 100 kW. Wavescan QSL cards are available for reception reports on these broadcasts. The program content will include information on the history of broadcasting in Bulgaria (NASB FB Page via Alokesh Gupta, dxldyg via DXLD) Special Wavescan DRM broadcasts http://swldxbulgaria.blogspot.com/2012/12/special-drm-broadcasts-for-wavescan.html (via Georgi Bancov, Dec 7, DXLD) DRM Mix from Kostinbrod / SPL on Dec. 22/23/25/26: 1600-1700 on 9755 SOF 100 kW / 306 deg WeEu Mighty KBC Radio English 1700-1730 on 9755 SOF 100 kW / 306 deg WeEu AWR's "Wavescan" English 1730-1800 on 9755 SOF 100 kW / 306 deg WeEu unconfirmed radiostation (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** BURMA [non]. Democratic Voice of Burma: 1430-1530 on 11560 DB 100 kW / 125 deg SEAs Burmese 2330-0030 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg SEAs Burmese (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** CAMBODIA [non]. 9960, unIDed 1233 Dec 4 with talk in Viet (or Khmer), S2. As per http://www.shortwaveschedule.com/index.php?freq=9960 This is Khmer Post in Cambodian (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Since it was Tuesday: Khmer Post Radio: 1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs Khmer Tue-Fri Khmer People Power Movement: 1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs Khmer Sat-Mon (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** CAMBODIA [non]. Frequency change of R Free Asia in Khmer from Dec 5 1230-1330 NF 17735 IRA 250 kW / 073 deg SEAs, ex 13765 // 15160 TIN (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** CAMEROON [non]. Lutheran World Federation, Voice of Gospel (Sawtu Linjilia) 1830-1900 on 9800 WER 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf Fulfulde (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** CANADA [non]. See U S A: KLRG: `Canada Calling` ** CANADA. Work has been done on the CJMS 1040 transmitter site this past year. For the first time since I moved to Ottawa 7 years ago, it is audible here. The site will also be the new home of CJWI when it moves to 1410. I heard that move was expected to take place this month, but I think more accurately it will be in the spring (Justin Nielsen, Dec 5, ABDX via DXLD) CJMS in Saint Constant QC, south of Montreal (gh) ** CANADA. 6160 tentative, CKZU Vancouver 0950 to 1005, weak but faded in with commentary in English "The winner was ... the answer to the question .." 2 December, First time logged (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. 6754-USB, Trenton Military, 0935 time check 1 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Received a QSL letter from Trenton Military VOLMET on 15034-USB; used at 1100-2300 and 6754 at 2300-1100, with per Google, 2 kW. Address to Corporal Raine C5, QSL Representative, Military Aeronautical Communications System (Trenton Military), 8 Wing, Canadian Forces Base, Trenton, P O Box 1000 Station Forces, Astra, Ontario, Canada K0K 3W0 (Chris Stacey, Eastbourne, Open to Discussion, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Carta QSL Volmet Trenton Military UTILITARIA --- 6754 VOLMET TRENTON MILITARY --- Carta QSL v/s Corporal Charles Raine MACS "E" Shift Informe enviado por vía postal a: 8 Wing Trenton WITSS (MACS SITE) HWY N.33 21124 LOYALIST PKWY VARRYING PLACE, ONTARIO CANADA K0K1L0 Demoro : 146 días. Grata sorpresa encontrada hoy en mi apartado, el reporte fue enviado a mediados de Julio de este año, gracias a una informació n encontrada a través de la web. Aunque la carta esta fechada desde el 16 de agosto, tan solo fue posteada a medidos de Noviembre. Imágenes y mas en: http://dxdesdecolombia.blogspot.com/ (Rafael Rodríguez R., Bogotá D.C. - COLOMBIA, Dec 6, condiglist yg via DXLD) ** CANADA. As well as relaying Canada`s International shortwave service, Sackville was also used to relay SW for Canada`s Armed Forces and a domestic service to the far north. Although the CBC Northern Service (est. 1958) did not start SW broadcasts to the High Arctic until 1960, already in the 1950s the World Radio Handbook listed a ``North West Territories and Arctic Settlement Service`` using the Sackville 50 kW transmitters --- e.g. in the WRH 1954 this was daily for 40 minutes in English. It was extended during winter months on local Saturday evenings to carry the `Northern Messenger` program on which in lieu of local post, personal letters were instead sent to Montreal and read out over the air for listeners in remote far northern settlements. `Northern Messenger` continued into the 1970s. The SW relays were also used as a feeder to local stations in the far north of Canada. They also enabled native peoples to hear programs in their own languages, for example Cree and Inuktitut (the Inuit language), as well as their own music. The 1981 WRTH saw the name change to that used today – the CBC North Quebec Service (from Final Days of Shortwave from Sackville after 68 years, compiled by Alan Pennington, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Scott Fybush`s site has an article and photos on a visit to the Sackville site in 1998: http://www.fybush.com/site-of-the-week-762012-radio-canada-international-sackville-nb-1998/ and there are more photos of Sackville on Jim Hawkins` site http://www.hawkins.pair.com/rci1.shtml (Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** CANADA. This was the year when Radio Canada International, Canada’s voice to the world, and the mighty Sackville, New Brunswick transmitter site fell silent, leaving the shortwave world after decades of incredible service to listeners around the world. I can honestly say that I never dreamed that I would see that day. But shortwave services leaving the air were nothing new in 2012. RCI was not alone as many countries examined the cost vs. the effectiveness of these services. There will undoubtedly be more cuts to services and shutdowns of transmitter sites in 2013 as well. Although we all recognize the immense changes we have seen in the way the world gets its news, information and entertainment, we all know too well that many of these new technologies have flaws and warts. Just this past week alone we saw the government of Syria, in an unprecedented move, completely shut down all internet and telecommunications services in the war-torn country. Fortunately many people were still able to access information by radio to follow developments within and outside their country. It appears to be a snowball effect. As a few nations made drastic cuts to their international radio services and, in some cases, shut them down completely, others began to follow suit. Some decisions were well thought out. However I feel that some were a case of “look at what the other guys are doing --- we’ll do the same”. The decision of CBC / Radio-Canada to eliminate the shortwave broadcasting of Radio Canada International and replace it with an internet only service was a case of death by a thousand paper cuts. Ever since the responsibility for the international service was handed over to the domestic service, it was a slow and painful erosion of the service. Despite the desperate and dedicated struggle of shortwave listeners and groups such as the RCI Action Committee, RCI was ground down to the bones. The service, in the minds, and ears, of many around the world became a shell of its former self; so much so that when the final broadcasts were eliminated, there really wasn’t much left to defend and perhaps even less strength left in the defenders. Amidst all of this, it is people like you, our CIDX members, who fully understand, appreciate and support the power of radio. It’s because of you that CIDX celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. We thank you all and we welcome you along for the ride into our second 50 years. We’ll all be back to kick off year 51 in January. Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all (Sheldon Harvey, Dec CIDX Messenger via DXLD) ** CANADA [non]. Radio City Saturday December 15th Radio City will be on the air this Saturday from Romania via the IRRS on 7290 kHz between 1900-2000 UT every 3rd Saturday of the month. There is also a separate broadcast via Radio Merkurs, Riga, Latvia on 1485 kHz, 2000-2100 UT every Saturday. Reports please to: citymorecars @ yahoo.ca Best regards, Radio City - the Station of the Cars (Tom Taylor, Dec 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHAD. 6165, Radio Chad, D'jamena, 2134-2148, 03-12, male, French, comments, "une emission de Radio Tchad", vernacular songs. 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 12870, 17 Nov at 1157, Sound of Hope or Firedrake, usual Chinese drums/cymbals, SIO 454 (Steve Calver, Herts, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Since there was no I=interference, it must have been Firedrake only (gh, DXLD) ** CHINA [and non]. TAIWAN/CHINA mainland Check of FIREDRAKE jamming and SOH operations from Taiwan, Dec 9, 06-08 UT. Seldom heard ECHO jamming type on single frequency 12800 kHz. FIREDRAKE Chinese jamming music noted on 12370 12500 12980 13530 13970 14750 14700 14800 14870 15800 15940 16100 16250 16920 16990 17080 17250 17300 17370 kHz. SOH word program only, on 10960 11230 11300 12230 12320 12670 12800 12870 13130 13270 13350 13430 13775 13820 13920 14370 14750 14980 15750 15870 15900 16360 16600 17170 17370 17900 18250 18970 19970 kHz (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** CHINA. Firedrake Dec 10: 9315, very poor signal at 1444, can make out the typical percussion; vs IBB Tibetan at 14-15 via Thailand. No other FD found 12-18 MHz before 1500. 9825, Dec 10 at 1451, CNR1 echo jamming against IBB Mandarin via Tinang, Philippines; all off after 1500. Firedrake Dec 11, after 1400: 7390, fair at 1418, mixing with Chinese 9315, poor at 1419, atop much weaker signal; targets previously explained. No others noticed, tho no full bandscan performed today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 4800, CNR-1, Geermu, 1058-1112 Dec 8, Chinese; Presumed ad string at t/in; 5 pips at ToH with ID & CNR jingle music; presumed news headlines; M & W talk; fair at best; // 5945 (Scott R. Barbour Jr., Intervale, N.H. USA NRD-545, MLB-1, 200' Beverages, 60m dipole, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. [Re INDIA: Kohima 4850]. CHINA 4850.000 Xinjiang People's Broadcasting Station (XJBS) 1155-18 UT, \\ 6015. When read your item, heard CNR8 in Kazakh, S=9+20dB in eastern and central Europe, 1700- 1745 UT on Dec 9. NDXC CNR website is not updated fully yet; more questions than answers. XJ1 marked in WRTH p 152 and 162 shows parallel summer channels 7340{0325-1150} 9470{0345-1150}. btw. disturbed by broadband CODAR ocean radar at 4844 to 4876 kHz range. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 4940, "Voice of Taiwan Strait News Radio", 1510-1530, Dec 8. Saturday only “Focus on China” in progress; items about relations between China and Costa Rica, Russia, Mongolia, etc.; fair with some AIR QRM; 1530 “This is the Voice of Taiwan Strait News Radio”; fair. [WORLD OF RADIO 1647] 9680, Firedrake, strong at 1248, Dec 9; along with CNR1 jamming; totally blocking Indonesia (if on) (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 5989.98, Qinghai PBS, Xining, 2239:43, Dec 10, carrier appeared, in the clear until blocked by co-channel CRI 2255:10. No definite audio, was expecting them to open at scheduled 2250, but it seems they didn't; perhaps programming doesn't start until 2300? Tentative, FEBC Manila was off (Martien Groot, Schoorl, Netherlands, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, carrier on tonight at 2236 on 5989.983 kHz, today music started at 2247. Unfortunately 4220 kHz did not start at all for confirming //. CRI via Cuba carrier on at 2253 and Huhhot at 2255. Where is FEBC? 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Dec 12, ibid.) ** COLOMBIA. PRISA SAYS IT DIDN’T SELL CARACOL RADIO TO COLOMBIA’S SARMIENTO Promotora de Informaciones SA (PRS) hasn’t sold Colombia’s Caracol Radio, the company’s head of investor relations Pilar Gil said in response to an e-mailed question. Former Colombian Vice President Francisco Santos said in a telephone interview yesterday that Prisa sold the broadcaster to Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, Colombia’s richest man. Santos, a former news director for RCN Radio, declined to say how he obtained the information. Sarmiento Angulo, chairman of Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores SA, is the world’s 43rd richest individual with a fortune of $16.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Earlier this year, Sarmiento bought a 55 percent stake in Colombian media group Casa Editorial El Tiempo SA to increase his stake in El Tiempo to 88.4 percent. (Versión en Español) .... Prisa dice que no vendió Caracol Radio, de Colombia a Sarmiento. La Promotora de Informaciones SA (PRISA) no ha vendido Caracol Radio, de Colombia, responsable de la empresa de relaciones con inversionistas Pilar Gil dijo en respuesta a una pregunta por e-mail. El ex vicepresidente de Colombia, Francisco Santos, dijo en una entrevista telefónica ayer que Prisa vendió la emisora a Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo, el hombre más rico de Colombia. Santos, un ex director de noticias de RCN Radio, se negó a decir cómo obtuvo la información. Sarmiento Angulo, presidente de Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores SA, es la persona más rica del mundo con una fortuna de $ 16.6 mil millones, de acuerdo con el Índice de Bloomberg multimillonarios. A principios de este año, Sarmiento compró una participación del 55 por ciento en el grupo de medios colombiano Casa Editorial El Tiempo SA aumentar su participación en El Tiempo a 88,4 por ciento. FUENTE: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-12-05/prisa-says-it-didn-t-sell-caracol-radio-to-colombia-s-sarmiento.html Que si!!!, que no!!! Que si la compraron, que no la vendieron!!! Una serie de misterios tras algo que ya es un hecho; abajo con más noticias relacionadas con este medio radial, muy importante en Colombia. Yimber Otra... CARACOL RADIO SERÍA VENDIDA AL GRUPO SARMIENTO El exvicepresidente de Colombia y periodista Francisco Santos Calderón dijo hoy a través de su cuenta en Twitter que espera que el Grupo Prisa y Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo confirmen pronto que el primero vendió la cadena de su propiedad Caracol Radio al multimillonario antioqueño. Contó Santos que: “Tres altos funcionarios de Prisa en Bogotá, Delcader, Saínz y Cardo, cerraron el negocio. Pronto habrá una junta extraordinaria de Caracol. Los comentarios a la salida de la reunión: ya está todo hecho y hay que comunicarlo”. En la citada reunión habrían asistido también Roberto Pombo, director del diario El Tiempo y el periodista Julio Sánchez Cristo. “Mi fuente confirma que los tres ejecutivos vinieron con la orden directa de Juan Luis Cebrián de vender. Ahora la clave es como comunicar”, añadió Santos en la red social. FUENTE: http://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/12-2012-caracol-radio-ser%C3%ADa-vendida-al-grupo-sarmiento.html Otro.. CARACOL RADIO HABRÍA SIDO VENDIDA AL GRUPO SARMIENTO La noticia de la millonaria venta del gigante de la radio fue dada a conocer por el exvicepresidente de Colombia y periodista Francisco Santos Calderón, quien aseguró a través de su cuenta en Twitter que espera que ambas partes confirmen la información a todo el público. “Tres altos funcionarios de Prisa en Bogotá, Delcader, Saínz y Cardo, cerraron el negocio. Pronto habrá una junta extraordinaria de Caracol. Los comentarios a la salida de la reunión: ya está todo hecho y hay que comunicarlo”, indicó Santos. De igual forma aseguró que a dicha reunión con el millonario Sarmiento asistió Roberto Pombo, director de EL TIEMPO y Julio Sánchez Cristo. “Mi fuente confirma que los tres ejecutivos vinieron con la orden directa de Juan Luis Cebrián de vender. Ahora la clave es como comunicar”, agregó Santos en la red social. FUENTE: http://www.elheraldo.co/noticias/economia/caracol-radio-habria-sido-vendida-al-grupo-sarmiento-91822 (Via Yimber Gaviria, Dec 8, Toda la información Radial de Colombia y el Mundo. https://twitter.com/Nxdelaradio DXLD) ** CONGO DR [non]. Radio Okapi: 0400-0500 on 11690 MEY 250 kW / 340 deg CeAf French/Lingala 1600-1700 on 11795 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg CeAf French/Lingala (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** CONGO DR [and non]. 5066.3, Unid. - Radio Télé Candip, Bunia, 0357 on with weak audio to 0417. Same time Long Wave opening including 189 Iceland, 198 BBC, 234 Luxembourg using long-wave antenna. 7 December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COOK ISLANDS [and non]. Radio adventure in the Cook Islands See DX-PEDITIONS [WORLD OF RADIO 1647] ** CROATIA. Glas Hrvatske (Voice of Croatia) on 1134 kHz (Zadar- Rasinovac 600 kW) for B-12: 1650-2345 in Croatian except for: 1700-1705 Sat/Sun English, 1700-1715 Mon-Fri English, 1830-1840 Mon-Sat Hungarian (Hangja Horvátország), 1900-1905 German, 1905-1910 Mon-Sat English, 2315-2330 English, 2300-2345 Spanish (Medium Wave Report, edited by Tony Rogers, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Often heard in eastern NAm, but unfortunately no longer on air all night or early mornings; vs. IBOC from KMOX peaking 1133 (gh) ** CUBA. 1350, Radio Ciudad del Mar, Aguada, Cienfuegos. 2258 December 11, 2012. Local level signal (what have they done?) with male announcer, Cuban ballads and pops. Then at 2256, short history segment by man, closing with canned, “Sendero H, Sendero H, 11 de diciembre.” What is this? Well, alfter diligent Google searching, it’s the voice of Andrés García Suárez. Here is the page I found with an interesting Andrés interview http://www.gacetadejagua.cu/?p=1074 He produces a three-minute segment on Cuban history that airs in the local 6 am and pm hours on Radio Ciudad del Mar. “Sendero H” is short for Sendero Histórico. Other observations: December 11, 0008 with techno vocals, station chimes theme and canned ID 0015, same at 0059, into a Cuban rap/rock music program that sporadically used The Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine” as a theme, including the full song from 0115, and the DJ came out of it with mention of “Amarillo Submarine.” December 10, 1142, a segment of milestone in Cuban history, Latin American news items (mostly Colombia and Venezuela). ID at 1200, into short kiddie segment, space ship sound effects. Signal held up to around 1230, when my very local WTAN on 1340 mostly splattered the fading signal badly. And with WTAN on 1340, no chance of hearing the parallel Radio Ciudad del Mar channel here, though certainly still active as per my loggings in the Florida Keys a few weeks ago. Canned ID’s by female are always, “Esta es CM[CM?], Radio Ciudad del Mar…” the calls do not fit the listed ones I find, or any Internet search I’ve found thus far. Anyone else? (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, Pile of junk used: JRC NRD-535; ICOM IC-R75; Hammarlund HQ- 180A; Sony ICF-7600GR; Sangean PR-D5; Aqua Guide 705 RDF Marine Radio; GE Superadio III; JPS NF-60 Notch Filter; JPS ANC-4 Noise Phase; 1 X roof dipole; 1 X room random wire; Terk Advantage non-active portable loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 1620, Dec 8 at 0039 UT as I tune in, Spanish, sounds like Raúl Castro, for the moment atop the US stations making slow SAH, i.e. R. Rebelde, probably the closest one, in Guanabacoa CH, 5 kW per WRTH 2013 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 5025, Radio Rebelde. 1800 December 8, 2012. Non-DX but the programming is worth noting. Another example of cross-programming from Cuba. I tuned in just before 1800, hoping to sit back and listen to the Noticiero Nacional de Radio 30-minute news feed. But instead, into joint Radio Rebelde FM and Radio Bayamo ID’s followed by a short pre- game béisbol segment, then the game began. Lots of Radio Bayamo ID’s and their nice, distinctive chimes-ish sounder theme. But also several mentions near and after 1900 of CMKC; Radio Cadena Agramonte; and CMKS, stations presumably also relaying but not part of the Rebelde/Bayamo primary studio source, just a pick-up. Parallel all audible Rebelde MW channels, save for 1620 kHz which was patched to “standard AM” Rebelde with music, and presumably they carried Noticiero Nacional de Radio at 1300 Cuban local (if I’d have thought to check). Damn, this is all going to be so different a few years from now when Clear Channel owns all of these. Follow-up next day, December 9: this regional (I think it is) baseball series is clearly important. Rebelde once again split at 1800 GMT on all MW channels and 5025 to join Rebelde FM, save for lonely ole' 1620, to carry the game. 1620 continued with Noticiero Nacional de Radio. NNdR's lead was, of course, about poor Hugo. Even down to a choral song composed for him, sung "live" and replayed in entirety. It was touching, leaving tears streaming. The female co-reader today sounded like a little hottie. Ripe for picking weekend radio interns even in Cuba? (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, Pile of junk used: JRC NRD-535; ICOM IC-R75; Hammarlund HQ-180A; Sony ICF-7600GR; Sangean PR-D5; Aqua Guide 705 RDF Marine Radio; GE Superadio III; JPS NF-60 Notch Filter; JPS ANC-4 Noise Phase; 1 X roof dipole; 1 X room random wire; Terk Advantage non-active portable loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Dear friend: As of December 3rd, 2012 Radio Havana Cuba incorporated two hours of broadcasts directed to Africa, on the frequency of 11880 kHz, 25 meter band. It's scheduled as follows: Local Time UTC French 4:00 - 4:30 21:00 - 21:30 Portuguese 4:30 - 5:00 21:30 - 22:00 English 5:00 - 6:00 22:00 - 23:00 Rosario Lafita Fernández, Head of Correspondence Dept., Radio Havana Cuba (via Abid Hussain Sajid, Pakistan, Dec 7, dxldyg via DXLD) Hi all, Radio Havana Cuba still doing its best to confuse us. For their information, an English transmission at 2200-2300 is midnight to 1 am Central African time, so I won't be listening. And I don't see how 2200-2300 corresponds with 5:00 - 6:00 local time (even assuming they mean pm). Regards, (Bill Bingham, RSA, ibid.) Yes, it`s too late; even in W Africa it`s 10 pm, but the local time means Havana = EST = UT -5 (gh, DXLD) [and non]. 11880 06/Dez 2207 Cuba, RHC in English. OM and YL presents news. Reference the death of Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. Signal almost local. The same signal that interfered today on NHK, preventing listening Brazilian program. The reception of the Brazilian program of NHK is seriously committed to the RHC QRM (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 11880, Dec 7 at 2132, open carrier from RHC, allowing one to hear Portuguese from NHK Radio Japan underneath, which was already on 11880 at 2130-2200 via GUIANA FRENCH. Was Arnie monitoring to confirm that`s really the case? Or just usual slipshod operation. I don`t know whether French aired intact until 2130. Just before 2135, RHC`s own Portuguese modulation cuts on, covering up NHK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This morning around 07 to 08 UT Dec 8, when the 31 mb path from North America to western Europe was wide open, heard FOUR typical "SHRAP, SHRAP tone" jamming signals like against WRMI from Cuba on 9954.950 kHz. Noted also on 9490, 9565, and 9885 kHz. Channels are used also on different times of day for 9490 Cuban opposite Radio Republica via Montsinery-GUF? 9565 R Marti via Greenville. 9885 VoA Spanish via Greenville. So, these outlets are 24 h operation from cane island. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, we commonly hear these and many other off-time jammers (gh, OK, DXLD) 11880, Dec 8 at 2132 tune-in, RHC Portuguese is already underway instead of dead air like yesterday, but I can still hear the other Portuguese underneath from NHK via Guiana French which RHC has rudely usurped, another failure by frequency manager Prof. Arnaldo de Jesús Coro Antich, CO2KK. Yet, moving immediately would be tantamount to admitting his error. Maybe he`1l stick to it and force NHK eventually to move in compensation for his mistake. 15340, Dec 9 at 1409, another Sunday, another hour+ of dead air from RHC in misprogrammed automation(?); it had been modulating before 1400. By 1513 it`s remodulating in philatelic show, along with all the other 11, 15 and 17 MHz channels, except the anomaly now is that 13780 has gone off. We assume these are still legacies of the apparently long-defunct Sunday-only `Aló, Presidente` relays from Venezuela requiring transmitter and program feed shuffling (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Havana Cuba 11880 kHz --- Better signal tonight at 2235 tune in. Signal strength is about S7-8 with some fast fading (Russ Cummings, Dec 11, North Ferriby UK, AOR7030+, 60ft long wire, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) 6165, Dec 12 at 0650, RHC English has usual huge signal, but only bits of unreadable modulation at peaks; wiggle that patchcord! How about the quartet of other overkill frequencies? 6125 modulation is OK, but as usual under-; 6060 with usual much weaker signal aimed Europaward has same deficient modulation as 6165. 6010 is nominal. At 0653, 5040 modulation is at medium-distortion level, but readable. 5025 R. Rebelde is also unusually rather distorted but at least RTTY-less. Once again, RadioCuba has big problems just getting its signals on the air properly. Weakest-link syndrome --- is it the STLs? Or originating in the studio? Or the transmitters? Or the antennas? Or a combination. 11880, Dec 12 at 2150 check, RHC Portuguese is still here with bigsig tho supposedly aimed oppositely, Africaward, and audible way below is the other Portuguese broadcast which had priority on this frequency, NHK via GUIANA FRENCH to S America; Tnx a lot, Arnie, the big bully (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. Radio República: 0000-0200 on 9490 GUF 250 kW / 315 deg Cuba Spanish (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** DIEGO GARCIA. 4319-USB, AFN, 2250 to 2310 slow pop ballads, then into hard driving rock music, good signal without interference 4 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. 4319 USB, AFN. Dec 11 found with no QRM at all between 1312 to 1321, but shortly after that the usual strong QRM started up; pop/rap songs. As of Dec 11 AFN Guam continues off the air (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. 3380: see UNIDENTIFIED ** ECUADOR. 4781.6, Radio Oriental, Napo 1130 noted as on, signs on later than 1100 now 1 Dec. Noted 2300 to 0000 many days, powerful signal (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [non]. 7335, HCJB Arabic service via Woofferton site, 2100- 2145 UT, 250 kW 170 degrees to zone 37S (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 4, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) Was wondering what became of this service which had been on 12025 yearound, but that was when Sackville existed (gh, ibid.) 11920, suppose HCJB Kulina at 2250 Dec 1. This language reminds me of Hmong or Tibetan! A recording has been uploaded to Mediafire here: http://www.mediafire.com/?9x1vi0m3h2isodq (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 11890, Dec 8 at 2133, distorted talk and hum, can`t be sure of language but probably R. Cairo English to Europe as scheduled; still the same at 2219. 15160, Dec 11 at 1500, open carrier except for big hum; by 1521 recheck now there is some very distorted talk modulation in unID language along with the hum. Frequency is also unstable with BFO. HFCC shows, of course, R. Cairo, Uzbek at 15-16, 250 kW, 61 degrees from Abis (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 1837-1850, 03-12, male, Spanish, "Aquí seguimos en la compañia de ustedes", "Radio Bata", "Estamos en Radio Bata, la estación continental, la radio de todos", songs. 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ERITREA. I am presuming this is the Voice Of The Broad Masses in Eritrea on 7160 kHz at 1530 GMT. It`s down in the QRN/QSB sadly but I am copying an OM in a fairly deep voice (not a ham!) and at 1539 GMT I copied a short burst of music under the noise. Anyone else logging this station on this frequency?? (Steve Calver, UK, Dec 6, RX. Flex Radio Systems 1500. ANT Half Size G5RV in loft, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Right, coming from Asmara Eritrea, today on exact 7159.989 kHz HOA music presented by young lady at 1711 UT. Nothing heard this afternoon of Ethiopian White Noise. Not far away Radio Ethiopia on 7234.813 kHz at 1715 UT Dec 6 (Wolfgang Büschel, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ERITREA/ETHIOPIA, 7174.990, Fair reliable signal from V of Broad Masses, Asmara Eritrea, phone in program by two men, at 1708 UT Dec 7, HOA mx, S=8 signal. 9562.495, Only wandering carrier of Radio Ethiopia Addis Ababa, at 1715 UT, but suffered heavily by Radio Pakistan Islamabad bad audio broadcast program {latter like R Cairo quality...}. 9704.951, Test tone opening procedure of 1190 Hertz tone, heard from 1710 UT Dec 7 onwards. Peaks on nominal 9704.971 kHz, and two peaks away on 9703.761 and 9706.141 kHz. S=8 fluttery signal. Probably Radio Ethiopia? (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 7) 9704.951 test tone disappeared after one hour! at 1810:40 UT. TX cut- off then. Fluttery nominal 9704.951 kHz was accompanied by 6 x tone peaks (3 on each side), i.e. on upper flank 9706.141, 9707.331, and 9708.521 kHz. 7235.145, wandering up to x.158 kHz probably R ETH, hit heavily by KBS World Radio Seoul in Russian on even 7235 kHz. 1820 UT Dec 7. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ** ETHIOPIA. Dimtse Radio Erena, new from Nov. 14: 1700-1730 on 11560 secret transmitter site EaAf Afar Oromo 55555+ in Sofia Voice of Oromiyan Liberation Front: 1700-1730 on 15315 WER 125 kW / 135 deg EaAf Oromo Sun Voice of Oromo Liberation: 1700-1800 on 13810 ISS 100 kW / 126 deg EaAf Oromo/Amharic Sun/Wed Voice of Assenna: 1700-1800 on 15245 secret transmitter site EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Wed/Fri E-SAT Radio: 1700-1800 on 15355-15395 hidden tx site EaAf Amharic (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** EUROPE. Laser Hot Hits are currently only on 75 metres - 4026 kHz, and via their web stream. They have ceased broadcasting on 43m (6960v) for the time being, Web stream can be heard 24/7 - click on linx at http://www.laserhothits.co.uk (Alternative Airwaves, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** EUROPE. FRS Seasonal Broadcast Dec. 30th 2012 Dear FRS Friends, For the final time we pay your attention to the fact we invite you to participate in the upcoming December 30th broadcast. Basically we offer the possibility to spread your very own personal New Year Greetings by way of the ionosphere. We will read them out in our 6 hour broadcast on the final 2012 Sunday. You can dedicate your greetings to anybody or anything. It's up to you! Greetings can be written or taped (cassette, CD, MD or mp3 file) and send to our P. O. Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten in the Netherlands. Of course the easy & quick way is by sending an e-mail: < frs @ frsholland.nl > Remember: you can add something special to our December 30th broadcast. Make sure your contribution reaches us in a few days. We are looking forward hearing from you!!! Up till now a number of listeners have contributed; we are trying to have your involvement too. Let's do it together: December 30th. It will only take a few minutes to add a little bit extra/special to that broadcast. Some extra news regarding our upcoming December 30th broadcast : * in case we are forced to make no use of 7600, 7685 will be the new frequency; * there's a chance we will also be on 6070 kHz that day. We will inform you in time. Tomorrow Sunday December 9th FRSH will do a short promotional broadcast in the 48 mb starting around 1030 UT. 73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff) (via Alokesh Gupta and Manuel Méndez, Dec 8, dxldyg via DXLD) ** FIJI [non]. Hello Glenn, Hope you are well. In your Dec 6 Digest [12-49] you included a logging of mine from the ARDX magazine dealing with Fiji/Cypress Creek on 11565. You queried my (rather slack) comment that I had not heard it for some months. Well my records show that I had previously last heard it on June 12. After that my records do not show any reception but I would not have been checking every Monday night so cannot be certain that the station "vanished" until heard by me on November 19. Because the station comes in strongly in Sydney due to the favourable azimuth from Cypress Creek it is very unlikely that I would have missed it if tuning through 11565, I think your suggestion that there was an "hiatus" and it disappeared for a few months is correct. Regards, (Charles Jones, Australia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Thanks, Charles. I wish some other DXers would clarify questions like that brought up in DXLD, but first, they have to read it (gh, DXLD) ** FRANCE. 9805, Dec 11 at 0624, African song with plucked instrument, announcement with lots of glottal stops. HFCC shows RFI in Hausa at 0600-0630, 500 kW, 170 degrees from Issoudun. Would have been // 7295 had I checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15170, Dec 11 at 0616, Parisian French with news of Europe; could it be Romania, which also uses 15170 elsewhen? First time any such thing heard here. Fair signal, and many Africans are audible: 15580, 15400, 15255, 15120, 13780, 13590. HFCC shows 15170 {not 15160 as typoed in original report} is RFI via Meyerton, SOUTH AFRICA, 100 kW, 345 degrees USward too at 0600-0700, plus 0700-0800 with 250 kW at 328 degrees but to exactly same CIRAFs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [non]. Re: > Die UAE Aussendung aus Al Dhabbaya in Chinesisch Mandarin kommt real > 3 Sekunden spaeter an, als der Hotbird Sat Feedzugriff ueber die > Sat- Schuessel, wobei aber auf allen Wegstrecken noch Zeitverluste > drin liegen. It's rather unlikely that the Hotbird signal is directly picked up at Al Dhabbaya. Babcock uses to insist on routing anything through their master control room in London, the new one they have set up after the BBC did not approve using its facilities (i.e. Bush House master control at this time) for certain Babcock clients. The rather long delay indicates that they do it this way also for DW. > DW-Feed1 bringt ein endloses Pausensignal > DW-05 DWL Chinesisch um 1300 und 1330 UT > DW-08 DWL Hausa 1300-1400 UT > DW-09 DWL Chinesisch 1300-1330 UT > Dari AFG 1330-1400 UT > DW-FM01 DWL Dari AFG 1330-1400 UT > DW-FM04 DWL endloses Pausensignal > DW-FM07 DWL endloses Pausensignal > (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 4) Continuous interval signal always runs on DW outputs that are not used at the moment. The -05, -08 and -09 channels contain programming for both the remaining shortwave transmissions and for local rebroadcasters. These channels are also remuxed into a French C-band bouqet on Eutelsat 5 West A, which for the shortwave side should also be the signal source Kigali uses. Lyngsat also still shows a remux on AsiaSat 3S, perhaps just a left-over from the old Trincomalee days (since Singapore will presumably again rely on the own Babcock distribution system). The FM channels used to be, as their labels already indicate, the feeds for the own FM frequencies DW used until last year. Now they still keep three of these channels for feeding affiliates. This approach could have the simple reason that these "FM" channels are a bit cheaper because they are encoded at 160 kbps only, which of course means a compromised quality. Which, however, is still better than what RFI does now, feeding its Berlin FM outlet (now a lower powered one on 96.7) with a glorious mono signal at, judging from how it sounds, 80 kbps at best. They should just stop this political nonsense and release the frequency to broadcasters who really care for Berlin. And do you still remember Manfred Böhm who worked at Radio Berlin International from 1975 to 1990, then at Radioropa until joining DW in 1996? He left for early retirement, Nov 30 was his last work day. And no, it was no sad farewell anymore (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. No sé si la tarjeta tipo folder que recibí ayer de DW es de distribución masiva o solamente a los ex monitores. Lo cierto es que en su cover reza: "Únase y participe" y detalla una página WEB: http://www.dw.de/mydw/spanish Dentro dice, entre otras palabras, "Participe en nuestra pa´gina web e involúcrese activamente compartiendo con DW sus experiencias e intereses... Descubra DW desde una nueva perspectiva - ¡Con My DW!" Solicita además que informemos del nuevo proyecto a nuestros amigos. ¿Qué ha pasado? ¿Se quedaron sin usuarios? Estos son los coletazos de la prematura muerte de la onda corta. Seguramente hace una década, cuando decidieron abandonarla, tenían muchos más oyentes RGM (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Argentina, condiglista yg via DXLD) ** GERMANY. NEW PHOTOS OF WERTACHTAL IN WINTER. Dear Friends, Last Thursday and Friday I made a new trip to the Wertachtal Transmittersite in Ettringen, Germany, about 40 kilometers from Munich. As some of you know, I'm involved in Transportradio/KBC. As from May 14 2012 we are transmitting and continuing the former Radio Netherlands program Onderweg (Underway) on shortwave with a 100 kW transmitter from Wertachtal on weekdays from 0900-1100 UT on 6095 kHz. Purpose of this trip was: 1. Look into all the procedures for transmission from Wertachtal. 2. Create a batch of new pictures we can use in for our brochures. It turned out to be the most adventurous trip until now. What happened: A 500 kW S4005 transmitter was modified because it turned out to be very unstable in the days before. Every modification has to be tested before it can be used on air again. This time it was decided to do a real live test instead of a test on a artificial antenna, which would spill the same amount of electricity. The engineers were very confident that the problem was solved. So it was decided to tune the transmitter to 6095 kHz and attach it to one of the non directional 6 MHz antennas outside. We used an antenna type 926 which is HQ1/0,5 instead of our normal antenna configuration 930 (HQ2/0,3) and tuned the transmitter to a power of 250 kW. At 1004 UT it went on the air. Our studio asked the listeners for reception reports of transmission. Within 10 minutes after announcement of this power change, our mail boxes were blasting with messages from everywhere: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Ukraine, Russia, North Africa, East and West Africa and Middle East. And in all the usual places where 6095 kHz normally is received reports told us that the strength is considerably stronger. It was nice to do this test, which was on our wishlist for 2013 for free. Thanks to the kindness of the Wertachtal people. I have uploaded a series of 68 pictures to the photo album called #74 SW: Wertachtal Winter 2012. Have a special look at the computer screens and pictures of transmitter 18. This was the transmitter under test. Enjoy the pictures and consider them as a Christmas present from me to all of you (Jan Oosterveen, shortwavesites yg [where the photos are for members], Dec 9, via DXLD) ** GERMANY. QSL: Radio Athmeeyayathra via Wertachtal, full data eQSL certificate in 15 days for English email report. I originally sent it to info(at)Athmeeyayathra(dot)org, but follow-up to ayradio4567(at)gmail(dot)com as posted by Bruce Portzer on December 2. Very grateful for that info. Not a bad week for follow-ups, LOL. I hope everyone's Holiday Season is coming along fine and that you all have the best of DX. 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. XVRB The Music Museum will close on SW at yearend according to their website http://www.xvrb.org Last two broadcasts Sundays 18 Nov and 16 December at 0900-1000 on 6045 via Wertachtal (Aerenlund Pedersen DX Window via Dec BDXC-UK Communication via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** GERMANY. HLR Tomorrow 12th of December 2012 05 to 11 UT on 7265 and 11 to 17 UT on 6190. Good Listening 73s (Tom Taylor, Dec 11, DXLD also via Joe Talbot, AB, ibid.) another Mittwoch ** GERMANY. EMR DX - MVBR Relays this weekend Saturday 15th: m.kittner @ freenet.de 0500-1100 UT, HLR on 7265 to Europe 1100-1700 UT, HLR on 6190 to Europe EMR DX Transmission [UT Sunday 16] studio @ emr.org.uk 0000-0100 UT, EMR on 9480, EMR DX to the World Sunday 16th: 0800-0900 UT, EMR on 7265 EMR to Europe 0900-1000 UT, EMR on 9480 EMR to Europe 1000-1100 UT, MVB on 7265 (repeat) MVBR to Europe info @ mvbalticradio.de EMR's internet broadcasts are at the following times: 0900, 1400, 1700, 2000 on Sunday and Monday: EMR has changed there Website server details. Please follow the instructions below: Please visit http://www.emr.org.uk/ and click on the "EMR internet radio" button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left). Important: If you have previously bookmarked EMR's internet service in your favourite audio player, please update our server details, either by clicking here: http://europeanmusicradio.com:8000/emr.ogg.m3u or by clicking the link on our website. 73s (Tom Taylor, Dec 12-13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. 10 December 2012 --- Dear Listeners, MV Baltic Radio will be making DX Transmissions on 9480 kHz between 0000 and 0300 UT in the weeks to come. EMR, Radio Gloria and MV Baltic Radio will start Broadcasting programmes to the DX listeners outside of our normal coverage of Europe very soon. Good listening! 73s (Tom Taylor, Dec 11, DX LISTENING DIGST) Presumably low-power vs CNR1 if not WTWW. See also IRELAND [non] SHORTWAVE SPECIAL OF NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK ON 24 DEC See below, also at http://www.ndr.de/unternehmen/presse/pressemitteilungen/pressemeldungndr11477.html Transmitter sites not specified, but Wertachtal/Nauen would be the usual suspects of course (Kai Ludwig, Dec 13, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) -----Original Message----- Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 15:44:17 +0100 "Gruß an Bord": Traditionsreiche NDR Radiosendung auf den Weltmeeren über Kurzwelle zu empfangen AUCH ÜBER KURZWELLE !!! QRG and Time s.u. Weiss jemand über welche (n) angemieteten KW Sender das abgestrahlt wird? 73 Karl "Gruß an Bord": Traditionsreiche NDR Radiosendung auf den Weltmeeren über Kurzwelle zu empfangen Sendetermine: Montag, 24. Dezember, 20.00 Uhr, NDR Info und NDR 90,3 Montag, 24. Dezember, 23.00 Uhr, NDR Info Spezial Die NDR Radiosendung "Gruß an Bord" gehört für viele Menschen zu Weihnachten, wie Lichterglanz und Lebkuchen. Bereits zum 59. Mal können Seeleute Grüße in die Heimat schicken, ihre Familien haben die Möglichkeit, ihren Lieben auf See ein frohes Fest und ein gutes neues Jahr zu wünschen. Damit die Schiffe auf den Weltmeeren die Traditionssendung auch empfangen können, hat der NDR eigens für Heiligabend zusätzliche Kurzwellen-Frequenzen angemietet. Über sie kann "Gruß an Bord" auf den Schiffen empfangen werden, die derzeit auf den Weltmeeren unterwegs sind. NDR Info und das Hamburger Stadtradio NDR 90,3 senden Gruß an Bord" von 20.00 Uhr bis 22.00 Uhr. Auf NDR Info Spezial wird zudem von 23.00 bis 24.00 Uhr der zweite Teil "übertragen. Zu Gast sind in diesem Jahr u. a.: der Sänger Michy Reincke, die Gruppe "Hafennacht", der Weltumsegler Sönke Roever, die Buchautorin Nancy Krahlisch ("Seemannsbraut"), Frank Horch, Wirtschaftssenator in Hamburg, und sein Kollege aus Schleswig-Holstein, Wirtschaftsminister Reinhard Meyer. Außerdem Repräsentanten von Reedereien und natürlich viele Familien, die ihre Angehörigen an Bord grüßen wollen. Annemarie Stoltenberg und Herbert Fricke, der zum 34. Mal "Gruß an Bord" moderiert, führen durch die Sendung. Sie werden u. a. die deutschen Forschungsschiffe "Meteor" (östlicher Pazifik vor Peru), "Polarstern" (Südatlantik) und "Maria S. Merian" (Walvis Bay, Namibia) rufen. Funkkontakt gibt es auch zur Fregatte "Karlsruhe", die sich vor Somalia aufhält, und zum Segelschulschiff "Gorch Fock". NDR Info und NDR 90,3 sind über UKW, DAB+, DVB-S Radio und das Internet zu empfangen; NDR Info Spezial wird zusätzlich über die Mittelwellenfrequenzen Flensburg 702 kHz, Hamburg 972 kHz, Hannover 828 kHz, Lingen 792 kHz verbreitet. Etwas komplizierter ist der Empfang über Kurzwelle: Damit er auf den Schiffen gewährleistet werden kann, gibt es für die einzelnen Seegebiete zwei Zeitfenster mit unterschiedlichen Frequenzen. Kurzwellen-Sendezeiten und Frequenzen (MHz): 1900-2100 Uhr UT (20.00-22.00 Uhr MEZ) Frequenz/Zielgebiet 9850 Atlantik - Nord 13780 Atlantik - Westafrika 11840 Atlantik - Süd 11720 Atlantik/Indischer Ozean (Südafrika) 11840 Indischer Ozean - West 11965 Indischer Ozean - Ost 2100-2300 Uhr UT (22.00-24.00 Uhr MEZ) Frequenz/Zielgebiet 7335 Atlantik - Nord 11655 Atlantik - Westafrika 9490 Atlantik - Süd 9735 Atlantik/Indischer Ozean (Südafrika) 9490 Indischer Ozean - West 9650 Indischer Ozean - Ost 13. Dezember 2012 / RC *************************************** NDR Presse und Information Rothenbaumchaussee 132 20149 Hamburg presse(at)ndr.de http://www.ndr.de (via Karl J Conrads, A-DX ia Kai Ludwig, dxldyg via DXLD) German public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk will air its special X-mas program "Gruss an Bord" for German sailors on merchant ships, also on shortwave. Formerly this was done by Deutsche Welle, but this year NDR hired SW airtime. Schedule for 24 December 2012 [as above] vy 73 (Harald Kuhl, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) ** GREECE. 9420, THE VOICE OF GREECE (ERA-5). When checked the 31 mb this Dec 8 morning around 0700 to 0900 UT missed [missing] usual 9420 kHz outlet, requested 1250-0900 UT operation. Only \\ 7475 and 11645 kHz heard with Greek music. TX failure? 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7475, UT Sunday Dec 9 at 0630 after music, R. Filia ID in Spanish and more music. So unknown whether it was officially Albanian until 0630 today, but on other occasions Albanian has continued past 0630 or German started. It`s easy to launch a R. Philia stream at the ERT website, not so easy to find a program schedule if there is any. Meanwhile much weaker VOG 9420 had the usual Greek Orthodox concert on Sunday mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) GREECE 9935 kHz ERT-3 relay left air at 1652 UT Dec 9. Moved 7450 kHz on air later. Engineer tried at least 20 times to switch on full power, between 1654 UT and 1659:49 UT. Full power carrier from 1659:50 to 1701:22 UT, S=9+25dB, ERT-3 audio, news reader put on air 1701:23 UT on 7450 kHz. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DXLD) [and non]. 15630, Dec 10 at various chex around 1430, no signal from Voice of Greece, tho plenty of other signals from the area were propagating, even Galei Zahal, ISRAEL, but very poor on 15850. And open carrier on 15800, i.e. R. Cairo`s Silent Arabic Service. Too bad there`s no video, which could be captioned or signed! 9420, however, is on the air and audible with VOG music at 1445. 9420, Dec 11 at 0621, 78 rpm record show from VOG, as heard every Tuesday during this hour, gh-dubbed ``Marion`s Attica``. This time it`s // slightly better signal on 7475, which for some weeks had been breaking away for Radio Philia; an anomaly or reverse anomaly? Can`t tell if RPh is on inaudible 11645 where it was originally. Neat tunes included at 0628 ``Rum & Coca-Cola``; 0640 ``Don`t Fence Me In``, Bing Crosby knock-off in Greek (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7475, Dec 12 at 0644, Greek music, and not // 9420 Greek talk, and shortly other music. So Radio Philia is back on 7475, separate ERT programming at least during this hour, unlike 24 hours earlier when they were conjoined (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUAM. 5765-USB, Dec 8 at 1401, no signal from AFN, which Ron Howard also noted absent Dec 6, tho Bob Wilkner heard it Nov 30. We hope it is just another temporary absence (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [non]. AFN. 5765 USB (also 13362 USB) remains silent as of Dec 9; during checks made from 1255 to 1408 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) see also DIEGO GARCIA ** GUIANA FRENCH. 17870-17875-17880 and beyond, Dec 10 a 2027 check, DRM Noise from The Disco Palace --- but not today! It`s missing, meaning the 16m band is totally vacant (no BBC Ascension 17885 audible either). Yet again, there is not a blackout, simply lack of interest by any broadcaster on the dayside which would propagate. (Australia does not start 17795 until 2300.) An anomaly, or change, termination? Time will tell (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BELGIUM ** GUYANA. RAMROOP GROUP RADIO ON THE AIRWAVES. [not about SW] DECEMBER 8, 2012 By Chevy Devonish After decades of state monopoly of the airwaves, the privately-owned Radio Guyana Inc. (RGI) was officially launched on Thursday but questions remain about the basis on which its licence was issued. RGI is part of a media group which also includes TVG Guyana and the Guyana Times, all owned by Queens Atlantic Investment Inc in which Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop is a principal. Radio Guyana was among several radio broadcasters to receive their licences in January of this year and is the first of the lot to have commenced its operations, effectively calling time on the decades-old monopoly maintained by the state-owned National Communications Network (NCN), formerly the Guyana Broadcasting Cor-poration (GBC). In a release on Thursday, RGI announced that its operations would be conducted out of the TVG building on Quamina Street, and that it intends to provide twenty-four hours of mixed genres and styles of music. “In order to remain aligned with the interest of the listeners Radio Guyana announced that R&B, Soca, Bollywood Hits, Selective chutney, Hip-Hop and Reggae Music will be aired, and that their broadcast can be heard on whether 89.5FM or 89.7FM,” the release said. It was also stated that considering Guyana’s ethnic and religious make-up, there will be daily religious segments incorporating the three main religious groups. Although primarily a music station, it was announced that room will be made for public service announcements, bridge and weather reports. In addition, citizens in the Diaspora as well as online users should be able to tune into Radio Guyana Inc. wherever they are as the station will be streaming live via the internet at http://www.radioguyanafm89.com Applications In October of 2009, Stabroek News had reported on a ruling made by the Guyana Court of Appeal that the Government of Guyana (GOG) was maintaining an unlawful monopoly on the airwaves and it said that the National Frequency Manage-ment Unit (NFMU) was not doing its job with respect to considering radio license applications. This decision was made to address a case brought by the owner of then Vieira Communications Limited (VCT), Anthony Vieira, who charged the NFMU with procrastinating over the years on radio licence applications. VCT had applied for a radio licence since 1993 and the court determined that both the government and the NFMU had failed to even acknowledge receipt of the application. The court stated that eight years had elapsed since the establishment of The Committee on Radio Monopoly Non Partisan Boards and Broadcasting Legislation, set up by then President Bharrat Jagdeo and Opposition Leader Desmond Hoyte and that there was no indication that a report by the committee had been compiled and submitted by the government. According to the Appeal Court panel, no one has an absolute right to a radio broadcast licence because of the constitutionally prescribed limitations which circumscribe the freedom of expression and the freedom to communicate ideas. It also ruled that the application by VCT for radio broadcast privileges was attended to by indifference and callous discourtesy in that it never received acknowledgement of its application and a response from the NFMU, adding that more so, it was affected by inordinate delays on the part of the NFMU in giving consideration to the request. Subsequent to this ruling, government voiced its commitment to liberalising radio broadcasting, saying that the ruling was consistent with its own position to end the monopoly on radio. Then President Jagdeo himself had articulated his commitment to liberalise the sector, but stated that this would only be done after new broadcasting legislation would have been enacted. Since then, VCT in its entirety, including the business office and studio at Quamina Street and the transmission site at Versailles has been bought over by the Ramroop Group of Companies. Observers have questioned the circumstances surrounding the approval given to the TVG owner to carry out both television and radio broadcasting, especially since many other media establishments, such as television broadcaster CNS 6 who applied for a radio licence since 1999, were yet to receive approval. According to one prominent broadcaster, it is quite possible that when Vieira sold his company, he also sold all rights and privileges associated with the company, including its television broadcasting licence as well as its pending radio broadcasting licence. It is still unclear whether Radio Guyana’s licence was awarded based in VCT’s 1993 application or if an entirely new application was lodged and approved. Either way, the granting of the licence would not have been in compliance with Jagdeo’s and Hoyte’s agreement that no new broadcasting licences would be issued until a new broadcast authority was in place. This newspaper attempted to contact the radio station for clarification on this issue, but was told by the company’s spokesperson that she would not be divulging information on the matter. The legality of the licensing is still a major issue of contention as many claim that since TVG Guyana is an entirely different company and was also under different management, it should have gone through the application and scrutiny process to determine whether it and/or its managers were fit and proper to be awarded with a licence. Stabroek News attempted to contact the Managing Director of the NFMU Valmikki Singh to solicit clarification of the legality of this arrangement but was told that he was unavailable for a comment. Bibi Shadick, Chairman of the Guyana National Broad-casting Authority (GNBA), stated that she was unable to say whether or not the law allowed for the transference of a broadcasting licence after a buy-out or any similar situation. She added that the board never looked into the matter due to the fact that TVG Guyana had been issued their radio licence before GNBA’s board was appointed and therefore it dealt with the company as one in receipt of a valid broadcaster’s licence. The licensees approved for radio broadcasting by President Jagdeo last year shortly before the general elections are seen as aligned to government. SOURCE: http://www.stabroeknews.com/2012/news/stories/12/08/ramroop-group-radio-on-the-airwaves/ Queens Atlantic Investment Incorporated https://www.facebook.com/QueensAtlanticInvestmentIncorporated (Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia. https://twitter.com/Nxdelaradio DXLD) ** INDIA. 1071 - AIR Rajkot, 1855 UT Dec 3, Urdu talk, music (Very Strong). Video Clip of the Audio http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSo_eqncUMc&feature=youtu.be Receivers: Kenwood R-5000, Yaesu FRG-100 w/ 320' wire Sony SRF-M37V, SRF-M37W, SRF-39FP barefoot Good DX (Allen Willie VO1-001-SWL, VOPC1AA, Bristol's Hope, Newfoundland, 47:43N 53:11W, Grid: GN37JR, http://twitter.com/vo1001swl ABDX via DXLD) ** INDIA. INDIA'S PRASAR BHARATI ORDERS MW DRM TRANSMITTERS Could this be the start of a trend? http://www.drm.org/?p=1727 73, (Mike Gorniak, Braham, MN, Dec 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Similar or part of same PR-derived story: NAUTEL TRANSMITTERS TO BE USED IN WORLD’S LARGEST DIGITAL RADIO DEPLOYMENT --- Broadcaster December 7, 2012 http://www.broadcastermagazine.com/pressroom/productDetail.aspx?id=10525 Nautel today announced that the company has been given the honor of participating in the world’s largest digital radio deployment to date. India’s Prasar Bharati has issued orders for six Nautel NX Series 300 kW medium wave transmitters configured for DRM30 transmission. The purchase is part of All India Radio’s plans to upgrade facilities throughout India to DRM30 digital broadcasting. All India Radio serves 99% of the people in India via their analog broadcasting service, covering a broad range of languages and dialects through the country. They now plan to add the final percentage point to their coverage and convert all signals to digital in the process. This transition will allow AIR to use alternate platforms such as podcasting, SMS, webcasting and mobile services, and offer a 24-hour news channel along with other programming. Additional services such as Interactive Text Transmission and disaster warning are also planned. Nautel NX Series MW transmitters were first introduced in 2007. These high power transmitters occupy a surprisingly small footprint for their power and offer the industry’s highest efficiency (90%) along with AM precorrection, unmatched linearity and Nautel’s exclusive Advanced User Interface. Prasar Bharati’s purchase of six 300 kW Nautel NX Series transmitters brings the total deployment of this series to over fourteen megawatts, making it the most successful medium wave product line in the industry. Working with Nautel on the deployment are Comcon, Nautel’s in-country partner along with Altronic, providing dummy loads and Kintronic Labs, supplying matching systems for the project. “We are greatly honored to be part of this project,” said Hal Kneller, Nautel Regional Sales Manager – Europe and Africa. “As a member of the DRM Consortium executive and steering boards, it thrills me that Nautel has been chosen to bring India into the age of digital radio with this technology. Not only will listeners hear high quality sound on AM broadcasts, they will also enjoy many of the multi-media features that DRM has to offer. Millions of DRM receivers will now be in demand!” “What a tremendous opportunity for the radio industry in India,” said Peter Conlon, Nautel President and CEO. “Prasar Bharati and All India Radio have embarked on a project that will bring great flexibility and a world of possibilities to broadcasting in that country. Nautel is excited to be a part of this project, and we look forward to working with AIR as they proceed with their digital deployment.” (puff via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) ** INDIA. AIR KOHIMA – HORNBILL FESTIVAL – “FESTIVAL OF FESTIVALS” 4850, AIR Kohima. Dec 8, an enjoyable morning of listening to my favorite station; almost continually from 1243 to 1508*. From 1300 to 1304 “Program Highlights” in Hindi and English; scheduling for “Review of this week in Parliament”, etc.; “This is All India Radio Kohima. You are listening to the weekly News Roundup. I am . . bringing you the latest news from Nagaland for the past week” (lead off item about the Hornbill Festival – “Festival of Festivals”); 1405 review of some of the happenings this past week at the festival (this year’s theme was “Unity”); closing speech in English given at the festival; montage of songs performed this past week at the festival; 1411 DJ in English with pop/rap songs; 1500 weekly review of the activities of Parliament, in English. Now that the festival is over, will they continue to broadcast daily? https://www.box.com/s/hn3f6kl41zxr15kfdf4m contains an MP3 recording (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) To answer my own question, Dec 9 AIR Kohima off the air (Ron Howard, ibid.) Ron, what became of XPBS China which had moved onto 4850; not hearing it at all? (Glenn, ibid.) Hi Glenn, Dec 8 reception of AIR Kohima had very slight XPBS QRM, as can be heard on my recording, but clearly still on the air: https://www.box.com/s/hn3f6kl41zxr15kfdf4m Dec 9 was no Kohima, just hearing XPBS, but not as strong as my Dec 5 reception that I recorded, which was my best reception so far: https://www.box.com/s/w77ucgcffbve5khevjky (Ron Howard, ibid.) Perhaps Kohima was off today due to power restrictions and reductions? Note 5 pm to 10 pm IST [1130-1630 UT] would be a portion of the primary time that I would be listening to AIR Kohima if they were broadcasting (Ron Howard, ibid.) Viz.: "DIMAPUR, Dec 9 – Nagaland is reeling under acute power shortage due to reduction in power allocation by the North Eastern Regional Load Dispatch Centre (NERLDC). Presently, as against the power requirement of 110 MW during the peak load hours from 5 pm to 10 pm [1130-1630 UT], the availability is only about 70 MW, said a notification issued by Nagaland Power department. Likewise, against the power requirement of 80 MW during the off- peak load hours, the availability is only to the tune of 45 MW. The Department is compelled to impose coordinated loadshedding all over the State to the extent of eight to nine hours daily in order to avoid total power shutdown." http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/detailsnew.asp?id=dec1012/oth07 (via Ron, ibid.) 4850, AIR Kohima, 1350-1434*, Dec 11. Very late signing on; news in English; “This is All India Radio Kohima bringing you the news. President Pranab Mukherjee today celebrated his 77th birthday with a group of differently-abled children specially invited for the occasion”; 1402-1434 pop music show with one Christmas song; fair to poor; light to moderate Xinjiang PBS QRM. https://www.box.com/s/8mjh4rf9e5nxqs3p0wth contains a fairly clear MP3 recording of a portion of the news in English, with ID. The Xinjiang PBS QRM can also be heard underneath (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9314, AIR, 2028 Dec 1, Hindi songs, at 2030 with news in English, S3/1 QRN. This Akasvani he at 2035, then talks in Hindi (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) The 9470 transmitter now nominally around here or still wandering? (gh) 9425v, Dec 8 at 1414, the 9470 AIR Aligarh banshee blob is here at the moment, on the frequency supposed to be occupied by another National Channel transmitter which is not being heard at all even when clear. Within the next minute, blob wanders up across 9430 FEBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 11670, Sat Dec 8 at 2110, nice sitar music concert to nap by from AIR GOS; it wouldn`t be the same without the transpolar flutter. At 2130 into hard-to-understand talk segment in Indglish, then found slightly better on // 7550 and 9445 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) All India Radio, General Overseas Service. Dec. 12, 2012, Wednesday. Jo'burg sunset 1655. 13695 Bengaluru. *1742-1826. On with sitar and flute. ID at 1744 with frequency and programme announcements. Song by YL at 1747-1759, then ID and at 1800 the news. At 1815 a tribute to Pandit Ravi Shankar, at one time Musical Director of All India Radio, who died today. Included his music (with Allah Rakha) from 1819-1826. Sports Roundup at 1826, my cue to tune out. Started good, slowly deteriorated to fair. To West Africa (EiBi). Regards, (Bill Bingham, RSA, Dec 12, dxldyg via DXLD) Thank you so much Bill for including such good details with your log. It helped explain why I was hearing a solo sitar selection on 4760 (Andaman & Nicobar Islands - AIR Port Blair) at 1507, before switching to the audio feed from New Delhi at 1512. Normally the AIR stations play subcontinent music with many instruments, along with singing. So today's solo performance was rare. A fitting tribute to Ravi Shankar! Reception today was well above the norm; almost fair (Ron Howard, ibid.) ** INDIA. Change is in the AIR --- ARUNA V. IYER Tiruchi AIR listeners are asking for more Carnatic music They belong to the group of six radio stations that were established by the British in pre-independent India; they mark their platinum jubilees in the consecutive years, 2012 and 2013; and their musical archives house some of the rarest performances by stalwarts. However, All India Radio, Chennai and All India Radio, Tiruchi face two very different futures, defined by their patronage, or the lack of it. http://www.thehindu.com/life-and-style/metroplus/change-is-in-the-air/article4174409.ece (via Alokesh Gupta, dx_india yg via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. The following RRI stations were not heard Nov 16-26: Ternate 3345, Palu 3967, Pontianak 3976, Manokwari 3987, Kendari 3995, Fak-Fak 4790 and Wamena 4870. However, the stations in Propinsi Papua may have been too far away (Anker Petersen, Northern Sumatera, Indonesia, and Kuala Lumpur and Pangkor, Malaysia, DSWCI DX Window Dec 12 via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 4749.96, RRI Makassar. Tuesday, Dec 11 the start of the Kang Guru Indonesia (“K-G-I”) program in English (Tue. only); started with their distinctive theme song “Friends”; poor underneath a CNR1 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. V of Indonesia Cimanggis in SPANISH on 9525.890 kHz at 1720 UT Dec 6. 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) Hi all, for the last couple of days I have noted good reception of Voice Of Indonesia on 9525.90 kHz. Today I have monitored on and off from 1300u thru to past 1900 UT. Programming as per WRTH: 1300-1400 English 1400-1500 Indonesian 1500-1600 Chinese 1600-1700 Arabic 1700-1800 Spanish 1800-1900 German 1900-2000 English Regards & 73's (John Hoadd, Faversham, Kent, England, UK, JRC NRD-515 + Wellbrook ALA1530, Dec 7, BDXC-UK yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) John, How was the modulation level and quality, and signal level? This is really not making it to North America. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) Hi Glenn, Modulation levels were fair to good, with speech at times a little distorted and a hum all the times. As to signal strength at best S9 + 40db at times down to S5. 73's (John Hoadd, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) 9526-, Dec 10 at 1446, very poor signal with some music, i.e. VOI, and also causing a weak het after 1500 with CRI 9525.0. Tho totally useless here, including English before 1400, VOI has been on every day so far in December, per Atsunori Ishida. Harold Frodge and MARE DX- peditioners in Michigan heard English during the 18 UT hour Dec 1, and Ishida agrees on that date, but normally it`s German at 18, English after 19 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA [non]. 9955, Sat Dec 8 at 2043, on WRMI hear ``KBS World Radio`` mentioned, news about North Korea; but that`s not supposed to be on the WRN North America satellite feed until 2100. Poor to fair with fades, then too weak to copy, altho very little if any jamming audible. Overload from Brother Scare on 9980 WWCR is not helpful. Later I look up the WRN schedule and find this was really ``Asia Calling, 20:00 - Your window on Asia - Developed to reflect the lives and reality of citizens across the region, Asia Calling is a weekly radio programme from Indonesia’s Radio News Agency KBR68H.`` I couldn`t find ``Asia Calling`` elsewhere on http://www.wrn.org but now I know it`s a.k.a. KBR68H, about which more: ``KBR68H is Indonesia's first and only independent national radio news agency. Established in April 1999, today KBR68H produces 9 hours a day of information and education based programming to over 750 radio stations and 22 million regular listeners across Indonesia and Asia, making it by far the biggest radio network in the country. Among programmes produced by KBR68H are interactive talk shows on legal reform and human rights, health, decentralization, environment, religious tolerance and economics. A toll free phone number and text messaging facility encourages participation in KBR68H's programmes by listeners regardless of their economic, social or political status, or geographic location.`` See http://www.wrn.org/listeners/#kbr68h Apparently `Window on Asia` takes segments from other broadcasters such as KBS, so beware of misleading IDs. On WRN NAm it`s scheduled UT Sat & Sun at 0700-0800, 1100-1200, 1600-1700 and 2000-2100. Now please explain why they call it KBR68H (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL. Most of the following items have been duplicated in this issue under the appropriate [non] countries, but originally all classified as: CLANDESTINE --- Updated B-12 schedule of clandestine & other target broadcasts Radio República: 0000-0200 on 9490 GUF 250 kW / 315 deg Cuba Spanish Radio Payem e-Doost: 0230-0315 on 7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg WeAs Farsi 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg WeAs Farsi Radio Miraya: 0300-0600 on 9940 secret transmitter site EaAf English/Arabic Radio Hargeysa Voice of Somaliland: 0330-0500 on 7120 HAR 100 kW / non-dir SOM Somali 1500-1900 on 7120 HAR 100 kW / non-dir SOM Somali [?? has also been widely reported until 1400v -- gh] Radio Tamazuj: 0400-0430 on 7315 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic 0400-0430 on 11940 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 0400-0430 on 13800 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg EaAf Arabic 1500-1530 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 1500-1530 on 15535 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic MND Radio: 0400-0455 on 5150 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0400-0455 NF 6360 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6300 0500-0540 NF 4925 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5410 0500-0540 on 6550 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0600-0635 on 6270 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0600-0635 NF 6480 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6670 0700-0735 NF 5290 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5900 0700-0735 on 6435 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1000-1040 NF 4925 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5410 1000-1040 on 6550 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1100-1150 on 6270 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1100-1150 NF 6480 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6670 1200-1255 on 5150 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1200-1255 NF 6360 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6300 Radio Okapi: 0400-0500 on 11690 MEY 250 kW / 340 deg CeAf French/Lingala 1600-1700 on 11795 DHA 250 kW / 230 deg CeAf French/Lingala EDC Sudan Radio Service Darfur Program: 0400-0530 on 13720 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg NEAf Arabic 1600-1730 on 17745 WOF 300 kW / 135 deg NEAf Arabic Radio Damal, Voice of the Somali People: 0400-0700 on 15700 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg EaAf Somali 1830-1930 on 11740 WOF 250 kW / 128 deg EaAf Somali 1930-2130 on 11970 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg EaAf Somali Denge Kurdistan: 0400-1600 on 11510 KCH 250 kW / 116 deg WeAs Kurdish 1600-2000 on 7390 secret transmitter site WeAs Kurdish Radio Dabanga: 0430-0600 on 7315 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic 0430-0600 on 11940 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 0430-0600 on 13800 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg EaAf Arabic 1530-1630 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 1530-1630 on 15535 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic Hamada Radio International: 0530-0600 on 7350 NAU 100 kW / 180 deg WeAf Hausa Mon-Fri Radio ERGO: 0830-0930 on 17680 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg EaAf Somali Radio Free Sarawak: 1000-1200 on 15420 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAS Iban Suab Xaa Moo Zoo, Voice of Hope: 1130-1200 on 11570 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg SEAs Hmong 2230-2300 on 7530 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg SEAs Hmong Voice of Tibet (as per Aoki): 1200-1213 on 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1213-1230 on 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1300-1314 on 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1314-1338 on 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1338-1400 on 15487 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese Voice of Tibet (as per Aoki): 1230-1243 on 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1243-1250 on 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1250-1308 on 15552 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1308-1333 on 15587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1333-1400 on 15597 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1400-1430 on 15587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1430-1500 on 17535 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg CeAs Tibetan 1530-1600 on 15485 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg CeAs Tibetan Que Me: 1200-1230 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg EaAs Vietnamese Fri Khmer Post Radio: 1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs Khmer Tue-Fri Khmer People Power Movement: 1200-1300 on 9960 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAs Khmer Sat-Mon Radio Free Kenyalang, new WRN service, observed only on Dec. 1-4 1200-1400 on 15650 secret transmitter site SEAs Iban till Dec. 4 1200-1400 on 15430 secret transmitter site SEAs Iban not active THOSE 2 FREQUENCIES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED FROM WRN'S HFCC DATABASE Radio Free North Korea from Dec. 3: 1200-1400 NF 7485 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg KRE Korean, ex 11550 Radio Free Chosun from Dec. 3: 1200-1400 NF 7595 DB 200 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean, ex 11560 2000-2100 on 7505 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean CMI Voice of Wilderness from Dec. 5: 1300-1330 NF 6275 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean Mon-Sat, ex 9920 1300-1330 on 15180 TRM 250 kW / 045 deg KRE Korean Mon-Sat 1300-1400 on 15180 TRM 250 kW / 045 deg KRE Korean Sun 1300-1430 NF 6275 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean Sun, ex 9920 Nippon no Kaze: 1300-1330 on 9950 TAI 100 kW / 002 deg NEAs Japanese 1500-1530 on 9975 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Korean 1530-1600 on 9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Korean Furusato no Kaze: 1330-1400 on 9950 TAI 100 kW / 002 deg NEAs Japanese 1430-1500 on 9950 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Japanese 1600-1630 on 9780 TAI 250 kW / 045 deg NEAs Japanese JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze: 1330-1430 on 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg KRE *various (alt.5910/5985) 2000-2100 on 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg KRE *various (alt.6110/5965) * Jap Mon/Wed/Thu; Chi/Kor Tue; Eng Fri; Kor/Jap Sat; Jap/Kor Sun Open Radio North Korea: 1400-1600 on 7540 DB 200 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean 2100-2200 on 7480 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean Democratic Voice of Burma: 1430-1530 on 11560 DB 100 kW / 125 deg SEAs Burmese 2330-0030 on 7510 ERV 300 kW / 100 deg SEAs Burmese North Korea Reform Radio: 1500-1700 on 7590 TAC 200 kW / 070 deg KRE Korean Voice of Tigers, confirmed on Nov.3/10/17, but not on Nov. 24 & Dec. 1/8: 1530-1630 on 12160 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg CLN Tamil Sat Radio Xoriyo: 1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg EaAf Somali Tue/Sat 1600-1630 on 17870 secret transmitter site EaAf Somali Mon/Fri Zimbabwe Community Radio, Radio Dialogue: 1600-1700 on 12105 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg ZWE English/Shona/Ndebele Voice of Martyrs(Freedom): 1600-1730 on 7515 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg KRE Korean Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow: 1700-1730 NF 7550 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg WeAS Farsi Mon/Fri, ex 7530 Dimtse Radio Erena, new from Nov. 14: 1700-1730 on 11560 secret transmitter site EaAf Afar Oromo 55555+ in Sofia Voice of Oromiyan Liberation Front: 1700-1730 on 15315 WER 125 kW / 135 deg EaAf Oromo Sun Voice of Oromo Liberation: 1700-1800 on 13810 ISS 100 kW / 126 deg EaAf Oromo/Amharic Sun/Wed Voice of Assenna: 1700-1800 on 15245 secret transmitter site EaAf Tigrinya Mon/Wed/Fri E-SAT Radio: 1700-1800 on 15355-15395 hidden tx site EaAf Amharic SW Radio Africa: 1700-1900 on 4880 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg SoAf English Radio Voice of The People: 1800-1900 on 9345 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg ZWE English/Shona/Ndebele Lutheran World Federation, Voice of Gospel (Sawtu Linjilia) 1830-1900 on 9800 WER 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf Fulfulde Radio Biafra London: 1900-2000 on 11830 WER 125 kW / 180 deg WCAf English/Igbo Thu/Sat (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. EMR Website Server Change Dear Listeners, We have changed our Website server details. Please follow the instructions below: Please visit http://www.emr.org.uk and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left). Important: If you have previously bookmarked EMR’s internet service in your favourite audio player, please update our server details, either by clicking here: http://europeanmusicradio.com:8000/emr.ogg.m3u or by clicking the link on our website. 73s (Tom Taylor, Dec 8, also via Joe Talbot, DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. RENESYS LISTS 61 COUNTRIES MOST AT RISK OF INTERNET SHUTDOWN DUE TO FEW OUTSIDE CONNECTIONS. Posted: 10 Dec 2012 Forbes, 3 Dec 2012, Andy Greenberg: "In the wake of Syria’s digital blackout last week, the networking firm Renesys performed an analysis of which countries are most susceptible to an Internet shutdown, based simply on how many distinct entities control the connections between the country’s networks and those of the outside world. It found that for 61 countries and territories, just one or two Internet service providers maintain all external connections–a situation that could make possible a quick cutoff from the world with a well-placed government order or physical attack. On Monday Renesys published its full list of countries and territories at various levels of Internet shutdown risk. And here are the places it put in the 'severe risk' category. . . http://kimelli.nfshost.com/index.php?id=13988 (via DXLD) See also SYRIA, 12-49 ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. Patrick Moore (1923-2012) It was reported this morning that Sir Patrick Moore died last night. There is an obituary at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-10525469 Patrick Moore lived an amazing life and inspired millions to follow space and associated technologies. "The Sky at Night" is a monthly documentary television programme on astronomy produced by the BBC. He was the show's permanent presenter, from its first airing on 24 April 1957 continuously until his death this weekend, making it the longest- running programme with the same presenter in television history (Mike Terry, Dec 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN. 15170, 09/Dec 0920, VOI in Dari. OM talks between excerpts of Iranian pop music. A rare transmission animated VOI. At 0929 YL talk and several excerpts of Iranian pop music. At 0932 two OM talks. Going back to 1020 what appeared to be theatrical piece. The 1022 signal off the air. A few seconds later back continuing theatrical piece. 35433 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [and non]. With the powerful Radio Farda transmitter on 1575 (Dhabbaya, UAE, 800 kW), Iran appears to have countered it with an equally powerful relay of IRIB-1 Radio Iran on same frequency; IRIB 3- note chimes can be heard on the half hour at certain times during the evening confirming this. In addition to the usual bubble jamming heard here (Medium Wave Report, edited by Tony Rogers, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Radio Payem e-Doost: [Bah`ai clandestine] 0230-0315 on 7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg WeAs Farsi 1800-1845 on 7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg WeAs Farsi (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Radio Ranginkaman/Radio Rainbow: [LGBT clandestine] 1700-1730 NF 7550 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg WeAS Farsi Mon/Fri, ex 7530 (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** IRELAND [non]. Life FM Cork via HCJB 3995 --- Hello, we had some problems relaying Life FM from Ireland last few weeks. But now I was able to fix the problem and so it’s back on 3995 khz from 2330 to 0400 UT every night. 73, (Stephan Schaa, HCJB Germany, Dec 10, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 1 kW (WRTH 2013 via DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Frequency change, new frequency for Kol Israel in Farsi: 1500-1600 9985 ISR 250 kW / 090 deg WeAs Fri/Sat, ex 15760 // 13850 1500-1630 9985 ISR 250 kW / 090 deg WeAs Sun-Thu, ex 15760 // 13850 (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) I was still hearing KI IS well up to 1500 Dec 11 on 15760, not Dec 13. Too bad for us, both frequencies are now 5 kHz from WWCR! (gh, ibid.) ** ITALY. Last days it seems there are good conditions to hear Europe. There have been some pirate signals, for example and last night I heard the Italian station "Italcable". 10000 (10 MHz), 0344, 10-12-2012, 12421, some unusual melodies in this frequency and then, at 0345, some Italian words referring to "for more information". Heard even around 0430 and improving sometimes. Without doubt, finally heard the Italian time station "Italcable". They even played a short version of the Italian national anthem which is clue to know that it really was Italy. Also more words in Italian (Leonardo Santiago, YB80, Kaito KA33, Pueblo Llano, Mérida, Venezuela, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY [non]. ROMANIA, 9510 As usual on Saturday morning noted start of IRRS Milano take over programm via Saftica Romania transmitter relay. TX switched on at 0856:10 UT. Crash start midst on the talk program of two men, content about Pres Obama, S=9+25 .. 30 dB signal strength in western Germany, excellent Continental units audio. Then at 0858:30 UT sudden start of "IRRS hymn" like from - Giuseppe Verdi - Aida "Gloria all Egitto" - "O King, by the sacred gods ...". At 0901:05 UT ID "This is IRRS Milano signing on ....". Switched to "Free Speech Radio News" program, 09-10 UT Sats only. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SARAWAK [non] ! ** JAPAN. For those who have wondered what the NHK2 music box sign-off chimes sound like on the ocean coast, this recording is from 774-JOUB at 1545 UT on 11-10. This was the last MP3 recorded after a 6 hour, subfreezing session http://www.mediafire.com/?v397wzzpf3zq7t8 73 and Good DX, (Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA), IRCA via DXLD) ** JAPAN. Nagara - Radio Nikkei. Transmitter site pics Dec 2012 --- Discovered recently; New photos of the Radio Nikkei Nagara SW transmitter site on the facebook page of DXer *Hironori Takeuchi* https://www.facebook.com/takeuchi.hironori (Ian Baxter, NSW, Dec 11, shortwavesites yg via DXLD) ** JAPAN [non]. FRENCH GUIANA. 11740, R Japan with English News. ALMOST all 5's, 5554+4+. Parallel to 9955 from WHRI but that one was almost a full minute behind 11740 and much poorer 34443+ with the Cuban jammer taking a small toll on things. 0502-0517 1/Dec (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Brighton MI DXpedition, MARE Tipsheet 7 Dec via DXLD) ?? 9955 is WRMI, not WHRI! Latest Dec 7 WRMI schedule grid shows WRN relay at 0500-0545 UT Tue-Sat, i.e. NHK at 0500-0530, ISRAEL RADIO at 0530-0545 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** JAPAN [non]. Infelizmente o nordeste brasileiro e parte do sudeste estão com a recepção da NHK em português seriamente comprometida. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil Dec 6, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: 11880, 10/Dec 2145, Cuba, RHC in Portuguese to Africa. OM presents sports news. No signal of NHK in Portuguese to Brazil. I think half of Brazil is hard to tune NHK. As 2154 appears the signal of NHK. They linked the transmitter 21 minutes late? At 2200 start RHC in English. 35433 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Maybe NHK/GUF were testing another frequency in the first part of the broadcast. As they need to, as long as Arnie stix to 11880. Tune around the band next time. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) see also CUBA ** KASHMIR. 4950, AIR Radio Kashmir Srinagar, Dec 10. At least once during the DX season I hope to hear this from start to finish. Today was the day! Open carrier noted at tune in at 0109; 0118 AIR IS followed by the national song “Vande Mataram”; segments of talking, reciting from the Qur’an (being provided due to 95% of the population of Kashmir Valley being Moslems), subcontinent music and indigenous chanting/singing; 0210 suddenly off; no transmitter problems today; poor to occasionally fair. So for me, I already consider this DX season a success! (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH. Daily North Korea at http://dailynk.com/english/read.php?num=9974&catald=nk00400 says, ``The Shining Comrade, Young General Kim Jong-Un, is personally building the transmitters to ensure that the Revolutionary Voice of Juche is SINPO 55555 throughout the world. The capitalists and imperialists will quake in terror`` (via Mark Palmer, Webwatch, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) However, I can`t find this parody item on the dailynk website, even by searching on key words. Was it ever really there, and then suppressed?? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. 2850, KCBS-Pyongyang, Dec 4; fair with funereal choral music at 1312; at 1315 into man and woman speaking Korean in passionate tones in the manner reserved for Our Dear Leader or some other now deceased notable personage. Thinking that Kim Jung Un had died, I went to the BBC website to check things out. I soon discovered that the man The Onion newspaper recently described as the sexiest man on earth is still very much with us. I do not ordinarily editorialize in log reports but this just cried out for comment (Jim Ronda, Tulsa, OK, R-75, NRD-545 + 2 PAR EF-SWL slopers, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) 2850, Dec 8 at 1327, KCBS good at S9+20 with orchestral music; quick scan found plenty of others on this ``good NK morning`` --- 3250, 3320, 3480 with het; jammers on 3912, 3985; 4450 and 4557 jammers with target also audible; and of course the mid-6 MHz jammers which held up longest. 2850 still audible at 1400 somewhat weaker, with Korean announcement, triumphal music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6100, KCBS Pyongyang fair 17 Nov at 0741 with choral items, Korean announcements // 11680 very good, 9665 mixed (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. MND Radio: 0400-0455 on 5150 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0400-0455 NF 6360 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6300 0500-0540 NF 4925 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5410 0500-0540 on 6550 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0600-0635 on 6270 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 0600-0635 NF 6480 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6670 0700-0735 NF 5290 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5900 0700-0735 on 6435 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1000-1040 NF 4925 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 5410 1000-1040 on 6550 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1100-1150 on 6270 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1100-1150 NF 6480 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6670 1200-1255 on 5150 JNG 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio 1200-1255 NF 6360 CHC 100 kW / non-dir KRE Korean MND Radio, ex 6300 (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. Clandestine and target broadcasts: Radio Free North Korea from Dec. 3: 1200-1400 NF 7485 TAC 100 kW / 076 deg KRE Korean, ex 11550 Radio Free Chosun from Dec. 3: 1200-1400 NF 7595 DB 200 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean, ex 11560 2000-2100 on 7505 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean CMI Voice of Wilderness from Dec. 5: 1300-1330 NF 6275 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean Mon-Sat, ex 9920 1300-1330 on 15180 TRM 250 kW / 045 deg KRE Korean Mon-Sat 1300-1400 on 15180 TRM 250 kW / 045 deg KRE Korean Sun 1300-1430 NF 6275 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean Sun, ex 9920 Nippon no Kaze: 1300-1330 on 9950 TAI 100 kW / 002 deg NEAs Japanese 1500-1530 on 9975 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Korean 1530-1600 on 9965 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Korean Furusato no Kaze: 1330-1400 on 9950 TAI 100 kW / 002 deg NEAs Japanese 1430-1500 on 9950 HBN 100 kW / 345 deg NEAs Japanese 1600-1630 on 9780 TAI 250 kW / 045 deg NEAs Japanese JSR Shiokaze Sea Breeze: 1330-1430 on 6135 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg KRE *various (alt.5910/5985) 2000-2100 on 5910 YAM 100 kW / 280 deg KRE *various (alt.6110/5965) * Jap Mon/Wed/Thu; Chi/Kor Tue; Eng Fri; Kor/Jap Sat; Jap/Kor Sun Open Radio North Korea: 1400-1600 on 7540 DB 200 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean 2100-2200 on 7480 DB 100 kW / 071 deg KRE Korean North Korea Reform Radio: 1500-1700 on 7590 TAC 200 kW / 070 deg KRE Korean Voice of Martyrs(Freedom): 1600-1730 on 7515 TAC 100 kW / 065 deg KRE Korean (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH [and non]. On December 10, S. Korea started jamming "Echo of Unification" on 6250 kHz from 2200 UT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReCzJw64xhk&feature=youtu.be de Hiroshi (S. Hasegawa, Japan, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. 3955-AM, Dec 8 at 2228, KBS World Radio concluding `Business Watch`, 2229 sign-off saying they have two hours of [original] English a day on various platforms including SW. Off at 2230 punxually. Lucked into lack of QRhaM, perhaps helped by tuning in USB instead of LSB. This is 250 kW, 106 degrees from Skelton, so hardly USward, not even directly off the back which would be 286 degrees, and might be best chance to hear KBSWR in English for those east of here this winter, instead of the intentional N American broadcast at 1200-1300, direct on 15575 despite being way above the winter night MUF. But this is the truncated half-hour broadcast from 2200 instead of the full hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also INDONESIA [non] I was also listening on 3955 2210 tune-in to 2230 Dec 8. Just for the record: the programme was "Worldwide Friendship" which ended with a promo for "Business Watch" before sign-off (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. Denge Kurdistan: 0400-1600 on 11510 KCH 250 kW / 116 deg WeAs Kurdish 1600-2000 on 7390 secret transmitter site WeAs Kurdish (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) MOLDOVA, Zero signal from Denge Kurdistan in Kurdish on Dec. 13: 1500 UT on 11510 KCH 250 kW / 116 deg to WeAs, maybe new frequency A normal program of Denge Kurdistan was back on air in 1625 UT. 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia Bulgaria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. 15540, 09/Dec 1129, R Kuwait in Filipino. YL talk. At 1130 Reading the Qur`an. At 1134 YL talk and ID. 45433 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LAOS [non]. Suab Xaa Moo Zoo, Voice of Hope: 1130-1200 on 11570 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg SEAs Hmong 2230-2300 on 7530 TAI 100 kW / 250 deg SEAs Hmong (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** LESOTHO. With Family Radio discontinuing their relay on 1197 kHz in November, it has been confirmed that LM Radio had already stopped their broadcast over the same transmitter a few months earlier. They had used it during the daytime between 0500-1500, but Mauno Ritola had a reply back from LM Radio saying that they could only run the transmitter up to 25 kW and so the MW project ended in June 2012 (Medium Wave Report, edited by Tony Rogers, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) LM Radio = alluding to Lourenço Marques, now Maputo, Mozambique Bad choice of transmitter and transmitter site, as pointed out in September 2011. See DXLD 11-36, MOZAMBIQUE {and non]. Regards, (Bill Bingham, RSA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. 11600, 11/Dec 1951, R Libya in Arabic. Only the carrier without modulation. At 1953 off the air. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. 7415, Radio Waves International via Sitkunai special transmission faded in 0331 on 18 Nov with pop music, but very weak. Announcements between 0354 and 0359:30 recorded and confirmed by RWI as them, with promise of QSL to come (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MADAGASCAR. 6135.00, Radio Madagasikara (tentative), ex: 6135.19. For about a month had been off frequency. Dec 9 noted carrier hovering about threshold level at 1452 till 1500*. Good chance it was them, as nothing heard on former 6135.19. Believe 5010 is currently silent (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6135.18, R Madagasikara, 0312, Dec 12, carrier in the clear as soon as R Santa Cruz had closed on 6134.81. Still/again on usual split frequency rather than 6135.00 observed by Ron Howard on Dec 9 (Martien Groot, Schoorl, Netherlands, ibid.) ** MADEIRA. 1530, Posto Emissor de Funchal, Radio Renascença, 1505- 1605, 29-11, male, female, Portuguese, comments, advertisements: "Panaderia Célia", "Funchal, Santa Cruz", identification at 1600: "Posto Emissor de Funchal, Radio Renascença, emissora católica portuguesa", news. 34433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALI. 5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, 0718-0800*, 03-12, French, comments, male, identification: "Radio Mali". 44444. (Méndez) 9635, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0800-0812, 03-12, female: "Radio TV du Mali emettant de Bamako", French and Vernacular, male and female. 34433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALI. Hello, tell me, please, is there address from CRI transmitting center in Mali? -- 73! (Andre Pisaniy, Ukraine, Dec 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MARSHALL ISLANDS. Republic of the Marshall Islands --- Rarely- reported Radio Marshalls (V7AB) broadcasts on 1098 kHz mediumwave and FM, and can now also be heard live on the web. The stream can be accessed via the http://rimajol.com site, by selecting 'Radio V7AB' from the navigation menu on the left. Broadcasting hours are nominally 1800-1130 UT (on 7 Dec observed signing-on at 1824 UT) - no interval signal, just straight into the national anthem then an announcement in Marshallese. There are 5- minute news bulletins from Radio Australia at the top of most hours, but apart from that very little English programme content other than the odd phrase, such as the current Phrase of the Day "Merry Christmas". Another recurring motif, as they bask in their 30º C heat, is a Caribbean steel band version of "Winter Wonderland"! A canned announcement in English confirmed the 1098 kHz mediumwave frequency, but cited the FM frequency 89.9 MHz (rather than 97.9 as in latest WRTH). The nearest I could find to an official web presence for the broadcaster is a page on the Ministry of Internal Affairs website: http://rmimoia.org/V7AB.html However, the cited webstream URL doesn't work and the programme schedule is difficult to decipher due to being presented in the incorrect pdf orientation - and it doesn't seem to bear much resemblance to reality anyway. A new 4-minute audio clip of Radio Marshalls ("Radio Majhel", in the vernacular) can be heard on Interval Signals Online - http://intervalsignals.net (David Kernick, UK, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** MAURITANIA [non]. 7246, 0400 4 Nov, unID in Arabic (Mauritania?), native songs, ex-7245? SIO 252 (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria, HF Logbook, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) Last time IGIM Mauritania heard here on 7245 was September 25, and no logs of it since in DXLD. BC-DX 1089 of 2 November reported: ``UNIDENTIFIED Unidentifiziertes Signal 7246v kHz. Heute wieder um 7245.8 - Schluss allerdings schon um 1730. 7245.9 kHz with +100 Hz spurs is still going at 1953 UT, but now seems to stop transmission (Mauno on Oct 10) 7246 heute ... 1850- UT ein unregelmaessiges Brummen und Heulen, ziemlich stark, wohl ein verstoerter Sender auf Abwegen. Ist irgendwo einer abgaengig? ;-) Heute Oct 30 wieder da. Schon um 1700 UT aber auch jetzt noch um 18 UT, mal schwaecher, mal staerker. Es wandert so zwischen 7245.7 und 7246.1 hin und her (Thorsten Hallmann-D A-DX Oct 30)`` [via, gh, DXLD] Was the above ever identified? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 640, Dec 10 at 0642 UT, ``40 Principales, 99.3`` and time check for 11:42. Therefore per Cantú: 640 XEHHI Los 40 Principales + FM 99.3 Hidalgo del Parral, Chih. 10,000 1,000 I couldn`t help but notice the entry right below it showing another 640 is now 50/25 kW! As yet unheard: 640 XENQ NQ + FM 90.1 Tulancingo, Hgo. 50,000 25,000 Must be a recent upgrade; new WRTH 2013 still lists XENQ as only 10 kW, ``La Superestación``. Why beef this up instead of just completing the migration to FM only? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 780, Dec 8 at 0109 UT, dominant signal is news in Spanish, WBBM completely nulled, and this one peaks slightly west of due south. Ciudad Victoria mentioned several times; 0111 ``la primera pausa de la hora`` and jingle I could not understand. Pause-announcements include a meeting this week in Toluca about labor law; promo for `La Hora Nacional` Sunday at 10 pm, ``México unido en una sola señal``, i.e. every radio station is obliged to carry this weekly government hour; then a minute or more of just instrumental music. 0114, plugging contacto methods for the show, phone report from Ciudad Victoria. Obviously this is from Tamaulipas, where Victoria is the state capital, but there are two 780 stations in the state: XEMTS in Tampico, Fórmula NotiGape; and XESFT in San Fernando, la Triple T. Cantú`s linx to both lead to group websites, neither of which mentions a station on 780! XESFT is more often heard, but I`m leaning to XEMTS based on the emphasis on news. OTOH, XESFT is very slightly further west than XEMTS which is close to due south from here. Low rumbling audible het growing from something else, as the het with WBBM is subaudible (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. An unidentified AM carrier has been detected both day and night at CGC's Fallbrook monitoring station and also (daytime) at Marv Collins' QTH in the Los Angeles area. The 940.173 kHz signal is very weak. We think the 940 station in Fresno is on frequency but aren't sure about the 940 in Mexicali. Assistance from south of the border would be appreciated (CGC Communicator Dec 10 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) Bob, You may not be aware of this handy listing, no doubt with some old info, but the place to look first for off-frequencies: http://www.myradiobase.de/mediumwave/mwoffset.txt including: 940 940.174 MEX XEMMM-AM 940 Oldies (Mexicali/Santa Isabel) [939.9839- ] 20100406 As you can see, this is nothing new. I often hear the het it makes here in Oklahoma. It so happens that XEQ in Mexico City is also way off-frequency on the other side: 940 939.877 MEX XEQ-AM Besame 940 (Mexico D.F/Col. El Vergel) 24h [939.87-940.000] 20120227 The numbers in brackets are in a column headed ``range`` but in this case I don`t think XEMMM has been varying much at all, at least not lately. See the introduction on the list. 73, (Glenn Hauser, Enid, via DXLD) ** MEXICO. 1030, Dec 13 at 0610 UT, live talkshow mentions ``en Chihuahua`` matter-of-factly, and so likely but not certainly: 1030 XEYC Radio Fórmula Cd. Juárez, Chih. 5,000 500 --- as in Cantú; WSW direxion is right (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 1040, Dec 12 at 0657 UT romantic music in Spanish from SW/NE at first dominating WHO but that soon faded back up making 3.5 Hz SAH. With WHO nulled, at 0659 TC for 12:01, no ID and into choral Mexican NA; 0702 some ID but losing out to QRM. Then hear the Mexican NA again, must be from another station in the same zone. 0704 after that, a full ID with H`s in the calls. From Cantú, there are only two in the UT -7 zone: 1040 XEHES Romántica + FM 94.1 Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 250 1040 XEGYS La Primera + FM 90.1 Guaymas, Son. 5,000 250 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Dec 8 had been keeping an eye on NTSC ch A2 most of the day in case there be some winter sporadic E TV DX. 0005 UT Dec 9, ch 2, finally something fades in, Spanish from the south; in and out. 0019, ch 2, it`s a dubbed comedy movie; barely visible net-5 bug in upper right 0025, now there is 20 kHz CCI on 2, i.e. offset plus and minus 10 kHz 0045, ch 2, promo for Cristina; I think she`s on net 2, but not sure 0054, ch 3, MUF up a bit, movie from net-5 0055, ch 5, MUF up further, ads including ``554 BECAS``; what`s that? 0105, ch 5, news with riot footage 0118, ch 5, seems variety show; ad for TELE TON, large letters on two lines, then for Hellman`s – the mayo also known in USA but a much greater advertiser for years on Mexican TV, despite apostrophe; why? 0122, ch 5, plug a `40 Principales` special from Brasil, domingo a las 2 de la tarde; then ad for COLEDIA, some cholesterol product 0155, still CCI on ch 2, occasional peaks of somethings in Spanish; ditto 0211 0159, ch 2, promo for CSI Miami on Canal 5 0225, ch 2, just about gone, still occasional glimpses of video past 0235. More winter sporadic E TV DX: UT Dec 10 at 0011, some NTSC video fades up on channel 2; big italic bug in upper right reads +v, and the plus looks like it is superimposed over a lower-case t; there is also a word below the logo, but too tiny to make out; and too short to be Guadalajara. On rest of screen, looks like basketball, but maybe just a clip of that or some other SB game. Another fade-up at 0027 with same bug, more clearly, and then large font words ``mas vision`` --- perhaps the same as words tiny below the logo. Program now is, surprisingly, narration in English about football in Spain, with subtitles. A few more weak fades-in the next few minutes, but nothing more. This is definitely XEWO-TV in Guadalajara, as portrayed along with other channels 2 at http://tvdxtips.com/mexlogosch2.html (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONGOLIA. 4895, 2305 with signal S7; Audio Uploaded to http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929291/ (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONGOLIA. 12085, V of Mongolia, 1030-1100z in English coming in well! (Mark Davies, Anglesey, Wales, UK, Dec 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOZAMBIQUE. In September`s MW Report it was mentioned that Radio Mozambique (Pemba) had been heard in Scandinavia on 1224 kHz. It is thought that this was the station also heard during the recent Sheigra [Scotland] DXpedition; on 13 October at 2015 UT, a football commentary in Portuguese was heard on 1224, which coincided with a match between Morocco and Mozambique being played at that time (Morocco on 540 kHz etc. was also carrying commentary on the same match). There is no other Portuguese language station known to be operating on 1224, so R. Mozambique seems the most likely (Medium Wave Report, edited by Tony Rogers, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** MYANMAR [and non]. AGREEMENT SIGNED TO PUT VOA PROGRAMS ON SKY NET SATELLITE TV TO BURMA http://www.insidevoa.com/content/agreement-signed-to-put-voa-programs-on-skynet-satellite-tv-to-burma/1559707.html VOA Director David Ensor (center right) along with Myint Myint Win (center left), Managing Director of Sky Net, sign the agreement to broadcast VOA content to Burma. US Ambassador Derek Mitchell (right) looks on. RANGOON, BURMA - Audiences in Burma will soon have a new way to watch Voice of America television programs following a breakthrough agreement between the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), the U.S. government agency responsible for VOA, and Sky Net, a regional direct- to-home satellite provider. The deal was signed Thursday in Rangoon by Voice of America Director David Ensor and Daw Myint Myint Win, managing director of Shwe Than Lwin Media Co. Ltd., which operates Sky Net. Burmese government officials and Victor Ashe, a member of the BBG's governing board, attended the event. U.S. Ambassador to Burma Derek Mitchell called it "a point of progress in the development of a rich media culture." Under the terms of the agreement, Sky Net will carry BBG content, starting with a new VOA Asia TV channel that will provide Burmese- language news, as well as English-language education, information and entertainment programs. The line-up includes popular VOA music programs, as well as science shows and the English language news magazine program On Assignment, which showcases VOA reporting from around the world and lets front- line journalists share their experiences from the field. VOA Director Ensor thanked the government of Burma, BBG officials and the Sky Net management team for helping to arrange what he called an "historic event." Ensor said he was "excited about the potential for expanding VOA's audience," and hoped viewers and listeners would communicate to VOA reporters, anchors and producers what they would like to see and hear. Ashe had traveled to Burma with fellow Board members Susan McCue and Michael Meehan and Radio Free Asia President Libby Liu, along with a team of online technical experts to help Burma's fledgling Internet and mobile expansion efforts, as the country expands the scope of its international economic relationships. "The leadership of BBG, RFA and VOA are committed to helping the people of Burma open up a free media during this historic time of democratic transition," the BBG delegation said in a statement. "On the heels of last month's historic visit by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton, BBG board members and staff have been on the ground in discussions with the government officials, democracy leaders such as Aung San Suu Kyi, media companies and citizens looking to expand the free flow of information within Burma. Today's signing is another step to reach even more of the Burmese people through satellite television." VOA broadcasts 25 hours of radio and three hours of TV per week into Burma, while RFA provides 21 hours of radio and 2.5 hours of TV, providing information in seven ethnic languages in addition to Burmese. According to recent research by Gallup, each week U.S. civilian international broadcasters reach 21% of Burmese age 15 and older across all languages, platforms and programs. Earlier this year, Voice of America signed an agreement that allows state-run radio and television in Burma to air VOA English teaching programs (VOA PR Dec 6 via Clara Listensprechen, DXLD) ** MYANMAR/BURMA. 5985.83, Myanmar Radio, 1539-1553, Dec 12. Segment with VOA special English; mostly about the Ringling Brothers Circus traveling by train and a lot of info about the Grand Canyon; fairly clear, but prominent audio hum; some adjacent splatter/QRM. http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/barnum-bailey-circus-grand-canyon-memorial-day/1105666.html contains a transcript of today’s program. https://www.box.com/s/dgg78k64d9961qb8c900 contains an MP3 recording of a four minute segment. “MYANMAR RADIO TV, VOA TO COOPERATE IN PROGRAM BROADCASTING”. YANGON, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar's state-run radio and television (MRTV) and the Voice of America (VOA) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in program broadcasting, official media reported Wednesday. The MoU was signed on the occasion of the visit of VOA Director David Ensor. In their meeting in Nay Pyi Taw Tuesday, Myanmar Minister of Information and Culture U Kyaw Hsan and Ensor discussed cooperation on VOA's assistance to be rendered to the Myanmar side with advanced equipment and conducting training courses for the employees of the MRTV to improve their technological skill, the New Light of Myanmar said. Such cooperation between the media sector of Myanmar and the United States came after Myanmar embarked on a road to political and economic reform since a civilian government was installed in March 2011. With the increased opening of media sector in Myanmar, a number of foreign media such as DVB, CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera TV are seeking to enter the local TV market competitively. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-06/06/c_131634340.htm (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MYANMAR. Thazin Radio [re 12-49, expanded schedule] Don't you hear it any more on 7345 or 9590 kHz? 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, Dec 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, Mauno, hear it 0130-0930 on 9590, 1030-1330 7345, but I need to check it today for any changes (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, Dec 8, ibid.) Thanks. Please check also 7110 2330-0130; I couldn't hear it the last time I checked (Mauno, ibid.) 9589.992, Next to R Nikkei Chiba Nagara splatter over from 9595 kHz, heard Naypyidaw Myanmar program in undoubtedly Burmese vernacular {Aoki: Karen} today Dec 7 around 0800-0830 UT. Footprint is 9590 minus 8 Hertz against 10 MHz WWV / WWVH and R Nikkei 9595. Of course heard on remote unit at AOR Tokyo office! [later] Monitored around 1245-1310 UT Dec 7, of course on remote network units in Osaka and Tokyo Japan: Nothing heard on 5915 kHz, due of co-channel CRI Mongolian service from strong Hohot bcast, heard in Osaka at 1245 UT latter \\ 5990 kHz. Peak visible on 5985.832 of Nay Pyi Taw broadcast at 1240 UT Dec 7. 7110.000, Even frequency, was up to minus 9 Hertz - two weeks ago, but aligned again to even frequency channel now. S=8-9 signal level at 1245-1300 UT, well heard signal at Tokyo, Japan post! Heard also around 0100 UT Dec 9. 7344.995 Minus 5 Hertz measured, also Myanmar Rakhine service noted after 1300 UT, was stronger than CNR1 on even 7345.000 kHz underneath, heard on remote post north of Tokyo Japan (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 7, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) 7110, Thazin Radio with relay of “Kachin Radio” programming, 0020- 0044, Dec 10. Scheduled for “Chin and Kchin” program; in vernacular with mostly pop songs, but also some indigenous instrumental music; poor to fair. First time I have heard them at this time! Many thanks to Dan Sheedy for the alert that this was possible here in Calif. at this time period (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7110, Thazin Radio tentative 2357 Burmese with easy-listening style of Burmese pop music, music through top-of-the-hour to 0003 woman speaking with music bridges (maybe news headlines), quite sure I heard a mention of “Thazin”. Perfect grayline between my location and Myanmar as sun was setting here. Thanks to tip from Ron Howard and Dan Sheedy in California. Poor to fair, mostly free of ham QRM Dec 10/11 (Harold Sellers, Vernon, British Columbia, Listening through local sunset, from my car, with the Eton E1 and Sony AN1 active antenna, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7110, Thazin Radio, 1445, Dec 11. In English with reading highlights from the book “The Myanmar Family”; mostly about family activities; dealing a lot with “grandpa” and “grandma”; almost fair; also noted 1500*. MP3 recording at https://www.box.com/s/o6x6wc1i513fhr9zqdmx (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Digital text this weekend on The Mighty KBC --- Digital text will be transmitted again on The Mighty KBC during its UTC Sunday 0000-0200 broadcast on 9450. Featured mode of the week is MT63. Once again, if everything works, a shortwave transmitter in Bulgaria will turn on your web browser or, if it's already on, open a new window. You will be watching a shortwave radio broadcast. In color. More information: http://www.kbcradio.eu/index.php?dir=news/detail&id=248 (Kim Elliott, VA, Dec 6, NASWA yg via DXLD) The Mighty KBC versus noise. Text modes later. Tonight. Here in northern Virginia, The Mighty KBS, 9450 kHz, via Bulgaria, is delivering a signal that is S9 +10 over noise that is S9. What better conditions to test digital test modes? Coming up at 0130Z UTC (8:30 pm EST) is MT63-1000 (long interleave) centered at 1000 Hz, and PSKR125 centered at 2200 Hz. Just before 0200 UT (9 pm EST) is MT63-2000 (long interleave) centered at 1500 Hz. This message will be formatted for Flmsg. More information at http://www.kbcradio.eu/index.php?dir=news/detail&id=248 (Kim Elliott, 0019 UT Dec 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Kim has posted a PDF copy of his Dec. 2012 NASWA column at this link: http://kimelli.nfshost.com/files/Kims_column_Dec_2012.pdf It's titled "Read a good shortwave broadcast lately? Digital text modes via analog shortwave broadcast". I understand that GH is not a fan of digital operations in the SWBC bands. Nevertheless, readers can see the rationale for such tests in that column, as well as in frequent posts on kimandrewelliott.com and DRMNA.info (Benn Kobb, ibid.) Signal strength dropping off. S8 around 0055 UT. I'll see how the digital items come thru at 0130 UT and close to 02 UT. 73, (Kraig, KG4LAC, Krist, Manassas, VA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9450, Dec 9 at 0139, The Mighty KBC is mighty weak, very poor signal via Bulgaria, of no use for AM listening, let alone textual tests; but no doubt better further east (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BULGARIA Congratulations to Dr. Elliott on the successful digital tests during the Mighty KBC broadcast of December 9, 2012 9450 kHz via Bulgaria. Audio problems at the beginning of the Mighty KBC broadcast. Program began abruptly with a song in progress at 0001 UT. Audio low at times, audio high at times and audio not heard at times. Only fair propagation during this broadcast. SINPO 35543. However, the digital tests at 0129 and 0159 using MT63 were complete success! [SIC, with garbles:] 0129 UTC MT63-1000 THE MIGHTY KBC Special broadcasts on 22, 23, 25, and 26 December 1500-1600 UTC Europe: 9835 kHz North America: 21600 kHz Asia: 15470 kHz 1600-1700 UTC Europe: 9755 kHz DRM The next text transmission, just before 0200 UTC, will be in the MT63- 2000 mode, long interleave, centered at 1500 Hz. == 0129 UTC PSKR125 not as complete as MT63-1000 THE MIGHTY KBC Special broadcasts on 22, 23, 25, and 26 December 1500-1600 UTC Europe: 9835 kxD North America: 21600 kHz Asia: 15470 kHz od i1600-1700 UTC Europe: 9755 kHz DRM The next text transmission, just ³zi¹R UTC, will be in the MT63-2000 mode, long interleave, centered a utosdteHzs . 0159 UTC MT63-2000 ... start [WRAP:beg][WRAP:lf][WRAP:fn KBC_8.b2s]1.1.23 :hdr_fm:19 KBC 20120512113222 :hdr_ed:19 KBC 20120512113222 :mg:439


Special broadcasts on 22, 23, 25, and 26 December

1500-1600 UTC Europe: 9835 kHz North America: 21600 kHz Asia: 15470 kHz
1600-1700 UTC Europe: 9755 kHz DRM
Visit www.kbcradio.eu for more information.
Thanks for decoding this KBC text transmission. See you next week... [WRAP:chksum 6254][WRAP:end] ... end Here is a screenshot of the html in the browser http://www.kg4lac.com/2012-12-9_MightyKBC_0159UTC_MT63-2000.jpg 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Manassas, Virginia, USA, dxldyg via DXLD) Mighty KBC 6095 via Wertachtal, Germany heard December 2, 2012 0900- 1049 UT. Different programming than North America broadcasts at 0000 UT Sunday's. Programming featured "Trucker" featuring C&W songs with hosts Stan Campbell and Jim Dennis. Terrible QRM from Dr. Gene Scott, from the grave?, on 6090 kHz via Anguilla. I had to notch 6090 and use ECSS-USB for the Mighty KBC. SIO 322. 0958 UT interference from Dr. Gene Scott on 6090 kHz is gone. 1020 UT signal barely understandable. 1049 UTC signal gone. According to Eric of the Mighty KBC 6095 kHz is rarely heard/reported from North America. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, Manassas, VA USA, http://www.kg4lac.com Dec 7, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) see also GERMANY ** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, Dec 10 at 1348, RNZI is just wrapping up the last Mailbox for 2012y, reminding me to go back and retrieve it at http://www.rnzi.com/audio/mailbox.mp3 whence I am listening to it as I write. Instead of wasting time with an opening music piece, right into Kevin Hand`s utility DX report, which is really about antennas for NDB DXing, like 100 metres of wire on ground or an active antenna. Afterwards, Adrian Sainsbury revealed that Mailbox is on summer vacation until January 21, but Myra Oh says she will be off longer than that. Must be great for government workers in NZ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NICARAGUA. 8989-USB, "El Pescador Preacher", 2324 to 2356 preacher en español with co channel chatter. Discovered by David Crawford & Terry Krueger. Has anyone determined transmitter is in Nicaragua? Seems a broadcast station (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NICARAGUA. Nicaragua: Y callaron las radios... Managua, Nicaragua | elnuevodiario.com.ni “Los periodistas nicaragüenses no le informamos a la población sobre la magnitud del terremoto. Eso posiblemente duró 15 días. Las radios hondureñas y costarricenses estaban informando, así como las cadenas de televisión mexicanas y estadounidenses”, sostiene crudamente Manuel Espinoza Henríquez Por Matilde Córdoba | Poco antes de las 10:00 pm del 22 de diciembre de 1973, Manuel Espinoza Henríquez estaba en el set del Canal 2 presentando el noticiero Extravisión, cuando se registró un sismo, que fue un preludio de la tragedia. “Señoras y señores, hay un temblor, no tengan miedo“, recomendó el ahora veterano periodista, entonces con 33 años. Extravisión, el noticiero más moderno en aquellos tiempos, empezó a transmitirse en vivo el primero de noviembre de ese mismo año en el Canal 2, y aquella noche estaba al aire una de sus ediciones cuando ocurrió el primer temblor. . . FUENTE http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/especiales/271321-callaron-radios NOTA: Hay mas fotos en el enlace de la fuente. (Via Yimber Gaviria, Dec 8, Colombia, https://twitter.com/Nxdelaradio DXLD) ** NIGERIA. 15120, Voice of Nigeria closing French service at 0758 on 17 Nov, then interval signal till 0759:15 when in English at new time, “Welcome back to the English Service to North Africa on 15120…”, program summary then news. Also noted using 9689.91 at same time in Swahili (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7255, Dec 8 at 2140, VG signal from VON with raucous African music with drumming and chanting, plus some dead air pauses, and announcement in African language, presumably scheduled Fulfulde, instead of English which some have heard during this hour instead, unpredictably (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [non]. Hamada Radio International: 0530-0600 on 7350 NAU 100 kW / 180 deg WeAf Hausa Mon-Fri (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** NORWAY. LKB/LLE 1314 kHz AM Medium Wave AM-broadcasts from Bergen Kringkaster (Bergen Broadcasting). http://www.bergenkringkaster.no/ Reception reports as sound files in mp3 to styret @ bergenkringkaster.no Planned schedule: Saturday December 15th 0730-1000 GMT Wednesday December 19th 1500-1630 GMT Saturday December 22nd 0730-1000 GMT Wednesday December 26th 1500-1630 GMT Saturday December 29th 0730-1000 GMT The schedule is also published in the activity calendar on http://www.la1ask.no/ Good listening, Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year! ------ LKB/LLE 1314KHz AM Mellombølge AM-sendinger fra Bergen Kringkaster. http://www.bergenkringkaster.no/ Lytterapporter som lydfiler i mp3 til styret @ bergenkringkaster.no Planlagte sendetider : 15.12.12 (Lørdag) 07:30-10:00 19.12.12 (Onsdag) 15:00-16:30 22.12.12 (Lørdag) 07:30-10:00 26.12.12 (Onsdag) 15:00-16:30 29.12.12 (Lørdag) 07:30-10:00 Sendetidene publiseres også i aktivitetskalenderen på websiden http://www.la1ask.no/ På gjenhør, God Jul, og Godt Nytt År! (Svenn Martinsen, Dec 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, Dec 8 0118 UT, daytimer KEOR Sperry/Catoosa/Tulsa is still going with non-stop Mexican music, best in KMOX null, now with a 160/minute SAH = 2 and 2/3 Hz. I have also continued to hear KEOR whenever checked, day or night since last log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1590, Dec 13, and for many weeks, I have not been hearing KWEY Weatherford, either on home rigs or on caradio; it`s not that far away to the SW of here; daytime occupant and often at night or twilight is KVGB in Great Bend KS. So is KWEY really off the air? Well, KWEY`s day pattern does have quite a null toward us and Great Bend, with a broad pattern favoring the southwest, so maybe it is on. The ONLY `Silent AM Station`` in OK, as of Dec 6 on the FCC list http://transition.fcc.gov/mb/audio/newsite/docs/silentAM.html is KEOR [1120], and as we have been hearing it every day and night, know it is one which is NOT silent, altho operating illegally with no IDs, and daytimer at night (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 89.5 FM, Dec 11 around 1900 UT, drove by the site of last year`s ``singing Xmas trees`` on West Oak in Enid just south of Chestnut, and there it is, open carrier in the daytime, and we can see the setup in a farther corner than last year of the same fenced-off lot occupied mainly by an oil well (capped?). The Part 15 (?) 89.5 carrier is not even fully quieted a block away, less range than last year? We never did spot an antenna. Now to check out the Xmas music and light show setup at a home further west which last year was on 99.9 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 92.1, Dec 9 at 0131 UT I am checking FM just in case the Mexican TVDX opening up to channel 5 makes it above 88 MHz: hardly any open frequencies here, either CCI or ACI, but on 92.1 I am not hearing the local LP, KAMG with Spanish religious music, apparently off the air! However, I am hearing on 92.1 instead, KFXI Foxy [sic] 92, which is a C&W station from Marlow east of Lawton in that market. Listed 100 kW, yet I don`t recall hearing it before. KAMG is often dead air but seems really no carrier either now. In further Enid news, K226BR, 93.1 translator is still making sucking- straw noises along with some unreadable modulation, maybe part of the station it is supposed to relay, KIMY 93.9 Watonga. This mess also spreads to 92.9 and 93.3, and to some extent also bothers second adjacents. It`s the rule rather than the exception, whenver checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OMAN. 13600, Radio Sultanate of Oman with pop music 0342, female DJ in English with ident, poor-fair over or mixed with co-channel Chinese station 28 Oct. Sked 0300-0400, replaces 15355 which has been missing for months. When rechecked 6 Dec was well under China at 0300 sign-on but by 0340 was the dominant signal (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAKISTAN. 15425, Weak signal of Radio Pakistan in Urdu, API-5 transmitter, daily at 1330-1530 UT. \\ 11645 kHz API-6 transmitter according to Aoki list (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 8, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3365, NBC Milne Bay, 1357-1403*, Dec 10. C&W and pop songs; sign off announcement in English (Australian accent); National Anthem (instrumental); poor (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 7325 - If someone have recently logged R. Wantok from New Guinea on 7325 kHz, if so, what is the current offset? Many thank for the help (Nicolas Cantareil, France, mwoffsets [sic] Dec 4, via BCDX Dec 9 via DXLD) Re 7324.962 kHz, 38 Hertz lower than CRI co-channel. Measured around 1457 to 1458 UT Dec 4, when break of Xian and Beijing outlet switch/site move of CRI. 7325.000 was covered at 1430-1457 UT Dec 4 by Filipino Tagalog service of CRI Xian relay. From 15 UT CRI English from Beijing. Endless talk of Nov 11 ... 11 ... 11 Eleven Eleven ... But peak seen also on odd 7324.962 kHz today, which could be Radio Wantok; was measured Sept 4 on 7324.961 kHz, was Sept 3rd narrow to 7324.958 kHz (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** PERU. 3329.53, Perú, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco noted 1020 to 1040, om and music deep fades 5 Dec. Noted each day for last month. Signal strength remains fair to good. CHU notched (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4747, Perú, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, Ayacucho, 1020 yl into music, strong signal 1 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4775, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2312-2325, 28-11, male, Spanish, advertisements, comments. 14321. Also 2300-2320, 29-11, male, identification: "Radio Tarma, 4775 kHz banda de 60 metros, Tarma, Perú, América del Sur", male, female, comments, "Presentando antena deportiva, bajo la dirección del profesor...". 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4810, Perú, Radio Logos, Chazuta, Tarapoto, 1040 Very Strong signal/Codar - with beautiful Peruvian instrumental music, 1045 time check minutos, 1046 chorale music, 1050 vocal, 1 Dec. Often the most powerful Peru on 60 meters 1000 to 1030, much weaker signal 2300 to 0000 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach FL, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, and XM, Cedar Key FL, NRD 525D, R8A, E5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4809.97, Radio Logos, 1036-1050 Dec 7, It took some tweaking, but I finally was able to tune out a lot of the interference using the notch and LSB mode to hear a male in Spanish language comments. Could not hear any of the topic being presented due to the signal's poor quality (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston FL, 26N 081W, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4810, Radio Logos tentative at 0311 tune-in, choir singing hymns “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, then at 0316 beginning several Andean songs with typical flute music, no announcer until 0324 when briefly in possible Spanish. Poor with heavy CODAR QRM, best audio was by listening in AM on low side at 4808. Dec 8 (Harold Sellers-BC, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4825, 08/12 2319, RADIO LA VOZ DE LA SELVA, IQUITOS, MX ANDINA, SALUDOS ANIVERSARIANTES, MX BAILABLE, 22322 (Ivanildo Gonçalves Dantas, Brasil, radioescutas yg via DXLD) 4824.49, Perú, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1033 beat usual 1040 sign on; also noted 2310 on 6 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And its too close neighbor: ** PERU. 4826.5, Perú, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, Cusco noted at 0910- 0930 1 Dec. Seems the first Peru heard during the local Peru morning (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 4955, Perú, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta, 1027 music bridge, 1030 om ments de numbers, 1032 om "radio xxxxx" missed ID?, 1048 music 1 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5120, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 1100 fading out with some audio 1 Dec (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5921.2, Radio Bethel, Arequipa 2230 to 2255 on 2 December, noted several days same time (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6173.93, Radio Tawantinsuyo, fair strength 1025 with native rhythms, but poor overall due wedged between Asians on 6170 and 6175 on 5 Dec (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** POLAND [non]. Re: Frequency change of Polish Radio External Service: 1630-1730 NF 6000*SOF 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEUR, ex9755 Polish 1730-1830 NF 6000*SOF 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEUR, ex9755 Belorussian 1830-1900 NF 6000 SOF 100 kW / 030 deg to EaEUR, ex9755 Russian * strong QRM in Moscow and Minsk from RRI in Romanian 1700-1757 on 5990!!! (DX Re Mix News, Bulgaria, 25 Nov via dxld) BULGARIA, 6000 (ex 9755) the 1630-1900 UT portion of Polish Radio Warsaw via new B-12 Kostinbrod relay suffers still by some signal strength. In peaks S=9+10db in Moscow, but adjacent 5995 kHz Voice of Russia Irkutsk Russian service much stronger at same time, at S=9+35 dB level, also RRI Romania's live sports coverage of European football league match Copenhagen vv Steaua Bucarest at much stronger S=9+35 dB level. I guess Spaceline uses only an older 20 to 30 kW unit at Kostinbrod instead. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. DW Sines last memories (shot on 18th Sept 2012) : http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73599&d=1354913613 http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73600&d=1354913622 http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73595&d=1354913034 http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73596&d=1354913044 http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73597&d=1354913092 http://www.drmrx.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=73598&d=1354913102 (DRM-OM via drmrx forum via Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, shortwavesites yg via DXLD) ** PRIDNESTROVYE. 7290, UT Friday December 7 at 2045, Radio PMR with operatic music (the second half of each semihour is customarily music fill of some sort). Recheck at 2129 some Russian, then 3-pip timesignal about 5 sex late, and into French. 2150 now songs in Russian to 2200 stop modulation without announcement and carrier off before 2201*. In case anyone still believe the publicized schedule ``Monday-Friday 18-23 UT``, I have now reconfirmed what we knew before --- they mean M-F strictly by the local clock, i.e. they quit at midnight Friday night, and resume at the beginning midnight of local Monday, i.e. 2200 UT Sunday, as previously confirmed already on the air then, when there is English at the time most convenient for us in North America, UT Sunday thru Thursday, NOT M-F (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. Frequency changes of Radio Romania International: 0300-0356 NF 9870 TIG 300 kW / 247 deg SoAm Spanish, ex 13630 1800-1856 NF 7300 TIG 300 kW / 307 deg WeEu English, ex 11955 2200-2256 NF 9790 TIG 300 kW / 247 deg SoAm Spanish, ex 13860 2200-2256 NF 11870 TIG 300 kW / 247 deg SoAm Spanish, ex 15160 (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 6005, 1800 28 Oct, Adygey Radio, sign-on, national anthem of Adygey Republic, in Adygeyan, SIO 343 6005, 1700 29 Oct, same with readings in Adygeyen, Arabic, Turkish, SIO 343 (Rumen Pankov, HF Logbook, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. MOSCOW & ST. PETERSBURG FM STATION AUDIO ARCHIVE Anyone with a personal or professional interest in Russian radio stations may be interested in the Moskva.FM website, an incredible resource which not only provides live audio streams of all Moscow radio stations in the FM band but features an audio archive of all the stations' output stretching back to mid-2007! This is a quite easy to use website, albeit it's in Russian (the EN button only applies to the website's 'performers index'), and of course the Google translation engine is available if necessary. Clicking on the [sic:] станций/Stations button (next to the Moskva FM logo on the top-right) will take you to a logoed list of FM stations, including some defunct ones (Закрытые станции/Closed Stations). Clicking on the desired name or logo will bring up a graphical timeline display with typical "tape recorder" control buttons, and by default this will be ready to play the live audio stream. You can navigate to any earlier stored audio by clicking and dragging the cursor along the timeline after, if necessary, selecting the required date from the drop-down calendar above the display. So that's at http://moskva.fm whilst the equivalent St. Petersburg site is at http://piter.fm Should be useful for those who like to check out the New Year celebrations! (David Kernick, Dec 10, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [and non]. NEW RFE/RL RUSSIAN DIRECTOR SAYS NEWS FOCUS "WAS A MISTAKE," AND THAT THE STATION WILL MOVE TO "ANALYTICAL MATERIALS." Posted: 13 Dec 2012 Report from Sergei in Moscow: "1. RIA Novosti reported that Radio Liberty's new Russian director Masha Gessen wants to move away from news to 'analytical materials.' Ms. Gessen is quoted by RIA as saying 'I believe it was a mistake for RL to focus its efforts on the news programming in recent years.' "RL has no news programing in the local mornings anymore except for the short bulletins on the hour. This is probably due to the fact that morning news shows were prepared mostly in Moscow. The first original one-hour news broadcast goes on the air at local noon on weekdays, then at 4 pm and 8 pm. (The last one seems to be more of a news discussion show.) RL seems to have stopped any call-in guest programs that were so prominent in recent years. I heard at least one guy from VoA Russian participating in RL's program about the US developments. "RL gave up on its SvobodaNews.ru site and returned to its old address Svoboda.org. For now the new site looks less appealing than before - it's very limited in its offerings and provides no news updates. I'm sure it lost most of its audience in recent months. "The good news is that RL's short-wave broadcasts targeting European Russia are heard loud and clear in Moscow. I guess it's much easier to find a clear frequency these days. And I don't think the SW service will last for too long. "2. Curiously, VoA, WRN and FEBC continue broadcasting on AM dial in Moscow. Which leads me to conclude that RL's quitting AM in Moscow had little to do with Russian authorities. RL just needed a good excuse to abandon it. (BBC and DW quit their AM channels in Moscow earlier with a more honest explanation - the lack of AM audience in the city.) VoA still carries its clandestine 30-min. Russian broadcast on weekdays at 5 pm Moscow time. [WORLD OF RADIO 1647] "3. Starting December 11, BBCRussian.com, BBCMundo.com and BBCArabic.com began carrying ads that are displayed for non-UK visitors. (See BBC Russian blog, 10 Dec 2012) This is presented as an experiment - in addition to BBC.com that has displayed ads for quite a while now. BBC Russian has a Siemens ad on top of its main page that is identical to the one carried by the state-run RIA.ru. I guess not so good for branding." Svoboda.org, undated, Andrew Sharogo, Google translated: "For Radio Liberty has changed, we are now - not only and not so much radio as website with diverse content. The final issue of 'Time of Freedom' will inevitably alter the shape of the material, but the main thing I try to maintain: accurate selection of important topics and the right priorities, depth of expertise, impartiality lead, comparison of different points of view, speed and timeliness. The essence of journalism is not changed. The results of each weekday summing exactly twenty-five zero - on shortwave and the internet. The debate can continue in Facebook and Twitter. Read, listen, write!" Svobodanew.com, 8 Dec 2012, Mikhail Sokolov and Marina Timasheff responding to statements about the changes at Radio Svoboda by its new director Masha Gessen, as Google translated: "'There remained only the medium wave in Moscow, where the audience, according to the audit, was 104,000 people.' And what's wrong with that? Note that the audience of Radio Liberty to NE was greater than that of FM-radio 'Komsomolskaya Pravda.'" Svobodanew.com, 1 Dec 2012, Igor V. Sutyagin, translated to English by BBG Watch: "I look with sadness not at our generation, but at the new Radio Liberty website. Sadness from a professional point-of-view. It is not that the new staff are working poorly. These judgments are reserved for professionals in the field. I am a specialist in a different field, but for nearly two years the 'Radio Liberty' button was second in my browser’s most-visited list – after my work e-mail, but ahead of my search engine. I don’t have a lot of free time. I read much faster than the overwhelming majority of people speak, so when I needed news about Russia and, more importantly, when I needed a competent analysis of the news, I would not turn on the radio, but would instead open the Radio Liberty website. This happened regularly, about twice a day. ... The former layout of the RL website allowed me to 1) quickly and reliably find fresh news, 2) quickly skim the headlines with my eyes, without wasting time listening to entire programs which may or may not contain useful information, 3) quickly find relevant commentary (which, due to RL web guidelines, were very terse and to the point – a quality that distinguished RL from other websites), 4) skim the titles of fresh blog posts and access the ones most relevant to me by subject or authorship. Additionally, the 'Liberty Bloggers' section archived posts by authors of interest to me, and I could easily access them from a list of names. (Now, I’m forced to sift through an endless stream of posts without knowing whether there will be anything of interest to me there). Radio Liberty was second-most popular on my browser because its website structure was the most convenient for professional work with a news website – much more convenient than the layout of Grani, Ekho Moskvy, Ezhednevnyi zhurnal, TheNewTimes, Kommersant and Novaya gazeta. All these factors combined made Radio Liberty my go-to source of information – and all of this destroyed when the website was remodeled." BBG Watch, 13 Dec 2012, has a link to a list of media coverage of the Radio Svoboda transitions and resulting protest. BBG Watch, 10 Dec 2012: "Kristina Gorelik, fired last September by American taxpayer-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) along with dozens of her colleagues, has received ... the Moscow Helsinki Group prize for 'journalistic activity aimed at promoting human rights values.'" Committee for US International Broadcasting, 11 Dec 2012, congratulates Ms. Gorelik. International Herald Tribune, 10 Dec 2012, Masha Gessen, director of Radio Svoboda. "Should the prime minister have referred to Russian detectives as 'goats'? It can be a derogatory term in Russian, just like that word in English that can mean either donkey or derriere. The insult was uttered during an informal chat following Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s semi-regular, roughly annual formal interview given to representatives of several television channels at once. ... 'Everything is going to be fine, don’t worry,' [said] Medvedev. 'They are goats for coming at 8 in the morning. It’s just a bad habit.' As it happened, this bit of post-interview interviewing was caught on tape — and promptly broadcast by Russia Today, an English-language television channel designed, among other things, to convince foreign audiences that Russia is a democratic country. ... Russia Today meant to show the recording to foreigners only: the conflict was not meant for domestic consumption." Arizona Jewish Post, 10 Dec 2012, Cheryl Halpern (former member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors): "In 1991, as the USSR began its dissolution, I flew, as a member of the Radio Liberty board, to Moscow and met with Elana Bonner, the widow of noted refusenik Andrei Sakharov and an outspoken human rights activist. She told me how important it was for her and others like her to know that Americans were marching for the dignity and freedom of the Russian dissidents. The news that she and others received on the short wave Radio Liberty broadcasts regarding the protest movement [to draw attention to the plight of Soviet Jews] in America gave her and the other Russian activists the much-needed support to carry on." (kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** RWANDA. 6055, Radio Rwanda (presumed), 0304-0335, Dec 10. Playing slow tempo African music and songs (religious?) till 0332 musical fanfare and into talk; too weak to make out language. Nice to finally be able to hear them at this time period! By 0335 heard an UNID station underneath and mixing with Rwanda. 6055, Radio Rwanda, randomly after *0306, Dec 12. Open carrier at 0305; suddenly on playing slow tempo African music and songs till 0335; from 0335 to tune out at 0435 mostly talking in French or vernacular; 0433 clear mentions of “Rwanda”. With this frequency in the clear now during this time period, should be heard on a semi- regular basis; mostly poor (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SARAWAK [non]. 9835, RTM, 1658 1 Dec with pop songs till 1704 short comment by YL then more songs. Also at 2150 with slow songs. Just S1 with preamp this time. At 2155 CNR started with S4 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SARAWAK [non]. 15420, R F Sarawak, 1034 Dec 2 with OM in Malay; at 1059 signal jumped to S9!! Two recordings here: http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929292/ at 1035 http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/13929293/ at 1058 (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15420 07/Dec 1000 Palau, R Free Sarawak in Iban. Start of transmission. OM talk and ID, background of instrumental music. At 1009 OM presents news. 35333 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15420, 09/Dec 1000, UNID, Entering a carrier with a weak modulation. (Maybe R Free Sarawak?). At 1010 The weak signal degraded rapidly, 1035 no signal in the frequency (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Free Sarawak: 1000-1200 on 15420 HBN 100 kW / 270 deg SEAS Iban (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SARAWAK [non]. Radio Free Kenyalang --- Negative, 15650 is empty again, on Dec 6th around 1200-1230 UT. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Stuttgart, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear all, Please check new frequency of Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban: 1200-1400 NF 15430 secret transmitter site to SEAs, ex 15650. 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Dec 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nothing heard on either frequency. 73, (Mauno Ritoa, 1206 UT Dec 7, ibid.) Yes, nothing heard on 15430 1200-1400. But 15430 is registered yesterday from WRN in HFCC database. 73! (Ivo Ivanov, ibid.) Nope. At least here in Germany no signal, neither on 15650 nor on 15430, shortly after 1200. Beware: The transmission 1000-1200 on 15420 from Palau (i.e. not AWR Guam which indeed takes over 15420 immediately at 1200, adding further confusion) is Radio Free Sarawak, some London-based operation launched in autumn 2010, cf. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-23925368-gordon-brown-sister-in-law-tackles-corruption-in-borneo.do This Radio Free Sarawak does not appear to be related to the just launched Radio Kenyalang, which is described as operation of some just founded workers party of Sarawak (whatever its political goals may be; the name would suggest that it are commies). Not beyond both booking airtime via WRN. That Radio Kenyalang is, as I understand it, supposed to be on air 1200-1400, but perhaps not daily, and just having moved from 15650 to 15430. As just posted no carriers are present right now on both frequencies here, at least portable indoors. Checking out the situation in Asia would not hurt of course (Kai Ludwig, Dec 8, ibid.) 15430, Dec 8 at 1327 and 1353, still no signal from R. Free Kenyalang, supposedly new frequency for new 12-14 UT broadcast via WRN from unknown site. Nor did others further east hear it nor on ex-15650. Maybe tomorrow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Shortly after 1200 again no trace of any signals on 15430 or 15650 portable indoors in Germany. But this is something that ought to be checked out from even further east now it seems (Kai Ludwig, Dec 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15430, Dec 9 at 1355, again no signal from R. Free Kenyalang, supposedly to try this one instead of 15650 from unknown site at 12- 14; maybe Monday? 15430, Dec 10 at 1351, still nothing from R. Free Kenyalang via ``Kazakhstan``. WRN tells me they are still working out where to transmit this new clandestine. Stand by a few more days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nothing heard yet from R. Free Kenyalang, but 15430 has been removed from HFCC registrations for WRN. Assuming 12-14 UT is still the intended time, WRN has a number of other frequencies available. Per HFCC as of Dec 12, added effective 1 December are: 7485 1200 1400 44 DB 100 71 0 216 1234567 011212 300313 D TJK NEW 7595 1200 1400 44 TAC 200 70 14 238 1234567 011212 300313 D UZB NEW 11540 1200 1300 44 TAC 100 76 0 216 1234567 011212 300313 D UZB NEW And already effective 28 Oct: 9380 1200 1400 44 TAC 100 76 0 902 1234567 281012 300313 D UZB NEW 11540 1300 1400 44 TAC 100 76 0 216 1234567 281012 300313 D UZB NEW 11550 1200 1400 44 DB 100 71 0 216 1234567 281012 300313 D TJK NEW 11560 1200 1400 44 DB 200 71 0 238 1234567 281012 300313 D TJK NEW Some of these are already in use by other services. 7595 which I heard recently, presumably with R. Free Chosun as in Aoki. DX Re Mix news shows 7485 is R Free North Korea, ex-11550. That leaves the 9 and 11 MHz channels as possibly available for Kenyalang, but the azimuth would need to be further south, and a totally different frequency may be in the offing. CIRAF 44, the nominal target for all of the above is eastern China, North Korea and Taiwan, while Sarawak is 54. And as of Dec 12 there is no longer anything allegedly from SW-defunct KAZakhstan in HFCC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Free Kenyalang, new WRN service, observed only on Dec. 1-4 1200-1400 on 15650 secret transmitter site SEAs Iban till Dec. 4 1200-1400 on 15430 secret transmitter site SEAs Iban not active THOSE 2 FREQUENCIES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED FROM WRN'S HFCC DATABASE (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) Re: > 15650 Radio Free Kenyalang. Radio Free Kenyalang, new from Nov 30: > 1200-1400 15650 secret hidden site to SoEaAS Iban, NOT FROM SOFIA and SPL > Confirmed Sun Dec 2 1200-1245 15650 55555+ in Troyan, Bulgaria Aha. I'm still convinced that at least the first broadcast as well as the tone test before originated from Kostinbrod. Then they found that it did not reach Borneo, and now they're perhaps still trying to figure out other possibilities (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Subject: Dec. 13, 2012 test to South-East Asia on 17815 kHz Hello There from Milan, Italy, A short message to announce a two hour test from IRRS-Shortwave today Thursday Dec. 13, 2012 to South-East Asia on 17815 kHz from 1300-1500 UT (300 kW). The program will be in local languages, with short announcements and station IDs in English. We will be grateful for reception reports from listeners in the above target area. Please send your reception reports by email: to reports (at) nexus (dot) org A QSL card will be sent to all correct reception reports for this test. Thank you and best 73s, (Ron Norton, NEXUS- Int'l Broadcasting Association, email: ron @ nexus.org http://www.nexus.org 1000+ UT Dec 13, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) No mention of R. Free Kenyalang, but :: UNID 17815 --- Seemingly an hour earlier, of remote Brisbane Perseus receiving post: At present since tune-in at 13 UT - in progress strong signal in peaks up to S=9+5dB fluttery, in - I guess Malaysian Iban, Malay pop music of the 60ties/70ties, after that "SWB" mentioned, also Iban Association. From 1313 UT Dec 13 phone-in program about Vice President, Radio Free Kenyalang in Iban mentioned. 1313-1323 UT phone- in program by female, and male vice president in radio studio. At same time slot in 16 mb: 17550 IRN Ar 17605 GUM AWR 17615 17625 17705 ARS Riyadh Ar 17650 IRN Ar 17670 MDG AWR Vietnamese 17680 GUM AWR 17715 IRN Malay 17735 UAE YFR 17790 CHN Firedrake against BBC Uighur 17800 RRW Kigali 17870 EGY Cairo 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 13, dxldyg via DXLD) Yes, this is Radio Free Kenyalang, ID in Iban at 1429 and frequency announcement, 35543 in Sofia. 73! Ivo Ivanov ROMANIA, Radio Free Kenyalang on Dec. 13 via NEXUS IRRS SW: 1300-1500 on 17815 TIG 300 kW / 100 deg to SEAs, ex 15650 TAC ID in Iban at 1429 and frequency announcement, 35543 in Sofia 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Sofia, Bulgaria, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Tonight, Dec 13, I heard R Free Kenyalang at 1340 UT, 17815 kHz with strong signal and good reception. Akwet (Lim Kwet Hian, Jakarta as of 2009y, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 17815, Dec 13 at 1458, good signal with slow fades, conversation between studio and phoner in presumed Iban. I tuned in just in time to hear R. Free Kenyalang ID, and 1459 change to IRRS Milano sign-off offering numbered QSL card, operatic theme, cut off at 1500:23*. This followed a tip after 1000 UT from Ron Norton of NEXUS-IBA that they would be testing to SE Asia with 300 kW at 13-15 UT today: no mention of RF Kenyalang, or transmitter site, but that`s obviously it, and we assume with 300 kW it`s via ROMANIA; Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, says it`s Tiganeshti. Remains to be heard whether this be permanentized; so RFK is trying IRRS instead of last week`s test via WRN on 15650, which Ivo now thinx was via Tashkent, UZBEKISTAN. It`s a rather high frequency to penetrate into Borneo by 11 pm local, but they put a fine signal into Oklahoma, and Lim Kwet Hian in Jakarta says ``Tonight, Dec 13, I heard R Free Kenyalang at 1340 UT, 17815 kHz with strong signal and good reception. Akwet`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 9675, Dec 10 at 2035, talk modulation with clix, fair signal. Language? Sounded sorta Hebrew to me, but hardly anystation uses that language, not even Israel Radio. HFCC shows Turkish from BSKSA; maybe it had an Arabic accent, Semitically confusing me. 9675 18-21, 500 kW, 340 degrees from Riyadh, so also USWard far beyond the nearby target. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15120, Dec 12 at 1443 Qur`an, poor signal and off by 1450. HFCC shows BSKSA ``Bangali`` service, 500 kW, 70 degrees from Riyadh at 12-16, but WRTH 2013 is closer, with the time as 12-15 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA [non]. Radio Xoriyo heard 17870 kHz *1600-1615 GMT in presumed Somali. Fair signal. Opposition station targeting Ethiopia using transmitter in Bulgaria. 12/10/12 - PS: Has anyone QSLed them and if so at what address? (Steve Handler, IL, NASWA yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) Radio Xoriyo: 1600-1630 on 17630 ISS 500 kW / 130 deg EaAf Somali Tue/Sat 1600-1630 on 17870 secret transmitter site EaAf Somali Mon/Fri (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) ** SOMALIA [non]. Radio Damal, Voice of the Somali People: 0400-0700 on 15700 DHA 250 kW / 205 deg EaAf Somali 1830-1930 on 11740 WOF 250 kW / 128 deg EaAf Somali 1930-2130 on 11970 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg EaAf Somali (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA [non]. Radio ERGO: 0830-0930 on 17680 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg EaAf Somali (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SOMALILAND [non]. BTW - The "QRM from OTH radar (7105 through to 7200 – totally blocking Radio Hargaysa on 7120)": Radio Hargaysa was blocked by OTH radar at about 1350 reception, not at 1435. The OTHR was heard today for several hours blocking most of the band (Ron Howard, CA, Dec 6, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7120, Radio Hargaysa on Dec 10 with earlier than usual fade in; 1310 could make out was in Somali; 1322 start of the segment in English; about the beginning and end of this segment they play an IS type theme music; news ended at 1332 with repeat of headlines: “The President of the Republic of Somalia . .”; 1341 back to Somali; one of their better receptions (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Hargeysa Voice of Somaliland: 0330-0500 on 7120 HAR 100 kW / non-dir SOM Somali 1500-1900 on 7120 HAR 100 kW / non-dir SOM Somali (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ?? has also been widely reported, even by me, until 1400v. And DX Re Mix classified this as a ``clandestine, or target broadcast`` is it?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 9980, Brother Stair, 2214 Dec 5 OM with the known voice from Overcomer Ministry, reassign [?] the bible, S5 max 9990, same program as 9980 (2214) but 9980 has a little delay (ca 1 sec) S5 max but different fading curve (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9980: WWCR; 9990: WTWW See also INDONESIA [non]; USA: WBCQ, WTWW, etc. ** SPAIN. Has there been a miracle? I was devastated a few weeks ago when the best hour on international SW, R. España, disappeared at 00 UT. I thought this might be temporary, due to the turmoil in Spain, but, when, despite poor reception, I thought I heard you report in WOR #1645 about a ``bombshell`` in conjunction with Spain, I assumed that REE was dead on SW. Just this past Monday, Dec 3, I wrote a long letter of thanks to the staff, Alison Hughes, Frank Smith and Justin Coe, for what I regard as the highest quality hour on international SW. So, just now, I tuned to 6060 to hear some good Cuban msuic, but there wasn`t any music; there was a faint sound of an English broadcast, and I turned my knob to 055 and, believe it or not, I heard Radio España at 0026 UT on Dec 6. I hope you can find out what is going on, and give us a report. Many thanks, and all the best (Kent D. Murphy, New Martinsville WV, by p- mail Dec 6, postmarked Dec 7, retyped by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) And so I did, on WOR #1646 which he must not have heard yet (gh, DXLD) Hi everyone, Just a quick note to let you know that Radio Exterior España back on 6055 in French on December 6th 2012. Great to hear Spain again with French at 2300 UT. Excellent signal in Montreal! Hopefully into English at 0000 UT! 73's (Gilles Letourneau, Montreal, Quebec http://www.youtube.com/officialswlchannel dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Axually both resumed on UT Dec 3-4 (gh, DXLD) REE Spain - English to Europe resumed? Just caught the end of Radio Exterior de España English to Europe weekend broadcast (2200-2300 on 6125 kHz) from tune-in at 2250 UT on Saturday 8 December, with an item about a Catalan musician. Partial closing announcement giving this frequency and time was cut off with the transmitter closing abruptly at 2256. Very good signal here, SIO 444. REE's shortwave broadcasts to Europe and North America stopped on 26 November (see posting from Alan Pennington on 27 November), however REE English to North America (0000-0100 on 6055) resumed earlier this week. I had not had a chance to check until today whether the European English broadcasts had also resumed, it seems that they have, at least at the weekend. Still need to confirm if REE's Monday-Friday English to Europe (1900-2000 on 9665) is back. 73s (Dave Kenny, UK, Dec 8, BDXC-UK yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) Yes - I heard REE on 7 Dec from 1915 tune-in on 9665 with their English broadcast to Europe (although their 9605 frequency to Africa wasn't heard here at that time). (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, bdxcuk yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) [and non] 17595, Sat Dec 8 at 1355, VG signal from REE with song in Spanish. Suspect token N American service direct as before the cuts, but now never heard here on weekdays, not even when supposedly on air to S America. 17595, Dec 9 at 1411, REE is on again this Sunday with very good signal, suspect secretly aimed at N America, but not on weekdays; much weaker on 15125 southward from COSTA RICA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Checked REE Sunday ONLY usage at 1600 UT, and heard in Europe and California remote units: estimated time schedule ... 9765 12-23 15125 12-23 15585 13-17 17595 13-17 (? from 17 17715 ?) 17755 15-22 21610 11-17 (echo sound reception, path around the earth ...) not heard 17850. wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And just for the record concerning REE: Before and after 1200 DRM racket on 13720 and nothing at all on 15585 (Kai Ludwig, Dec 9 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Exterior de Espana in DRM sui 15585 --- Mi sono imbattuto alle 1050 UT in una forte trasmissione in DRM sui 15585 kHz, tempo di collegare il mio ricevitore sdr e sono riuscito a decodificare REE Noblejas, sino alle 1056 UT. DRM a parte, ieri invece per tutto il pomeriggio e sino a tarda sera sono state utilizzate le loro classiche frequenze ad eccezione dei 9665 che non ho sentito. Ciao (Matteo, 1150 UT Dec 10, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) Re: > 15585drm REE heard here at 0900-1100 UT Dec 6. S=9+15dB in Germany. > 13720drm REE heard here at 1100... (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 6) 13720 could go off at 1300. At least the racket is again there now, at 1110. And nothing on 15585. So much for "at the same times on the same frequencies again" (Kai Ludwig, Germany, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [non]. 7435, Dec 8 at 1358, REE IS weakly audible in nonsensical relay via Kunming, China as lead-in to CRI Nepali service. // 7220 blocked this time by perfectly legitimate SSB QRhaM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. SLBC CELEBRATES 87TH ANNIVERSARY OF RADIO BROADCASTING Sunday, 09 December 2012 06:47 --- The Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation celebrates 87th anniversary of radio broadcasting in Sri Lanka on the 16th of this month. The SLBC has organized a range of programmes titled Abiman Dekma to commemorate the day. Abiman Dekma will be held from 15th to 18th of this month. All night Pirith chanting will be held at the SLBC premises on the 15th on this month. A mega scale musical concert is scheduled to be held at Campbell grounds in Colombo. Many veteran artistes and one of leading musical bands in Sri Lanka Vaayo will perform at the concert. The SLBC has organized traditional ritual called Dahata Sanniya on the 17th at the SLBC premises. Abiman Rathri musical concert will be held at Ananda Samarakoon studio on the 18th and Chairman Hudson Samarasinghe has taken measures to felicitate Pandit W.D.Amaradeva. http://www.slbc.lk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13070:the-slbc-celebrates-87th-anniversary-of-radio-broadcasting&catid=1:latest-news (via Alokesh Gupta, dx_sasia yg via DXLD) & (via Yimber Gaviria, DXLD) Is there something extra-special about 87 in SL numerology? (gh, DXLD) ** SRI LANKA [non]. Voice of Tigers, confirmed on Nov. 3/10/17, but not on Nov. 24 & Dec. 1/8: 1530-1630 on 12160 TAC 100 kW / 163 deg CLN Tamil Sat (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SUDAN. 9505, Omdurman opens abruptly on new frequency, 0359 on 31 Oct with vocals, ident sounding like "Saut Afrikya… Sudanya" in Arabic and "La Voix du Afrique, Radio Nationale…" in French. Very strong signal followed past 0530 but some audio breaks. Very strong signal followed past 0530 but some audio breaks. References to “Voice of Africa” or similar on subsequent checks (Bryan Clark, Mangawhai, NZ, Dec 6, with AOR7030+ and EWEs to the Americas, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Slight changes observed to Sudan Radio times: 7200, 0225-0403, 1330-1558 - Radio Omdurman 9505, 0406-0716, 1603-1906 - Voice of Africa On 9505 the same recordings and songs are played morning and evening (Rumen Pankov, 5 Nov, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. Radio Miraya: 0300-0600 on 9940 secret transmitter site EaAf English/Arabic (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. EDC Sudan Radio Service Darfur Program: 0400-0530 on 13720 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg NEAf Arabic 1600-1730 on 17745 WOF 300 kW / 135 deg NEAf Arabic (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SUDAN [non]. 15535, Dec 8 at 1459, strong open carrier, starts modulating just before 1500 in Arabish, Radio Tamazuj ID, but with heavy echo. At first I think this is self-imposed nonsense for effect, which should never be done on shortwave, with enough impediments already to clear reception; but at 1526 it`s still echoing, so could it be short/long path? HFCC shows this is: 1500-1630, 250 kW, 150 degrees via SMG, VATICAN, CVA PNW FPU. Aimed oppositeward, with enough signal to echo via long path, but plenty primary signal here no doubt off the back by short path (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Tamazuj: 0400-0430 on 7315 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic 0400-0430 on 11940 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 0400-0430 on 13800 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg EaAf Arabic 1500-1530 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 1500-1530 on 15535 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SUDAN SOUTH [non]. Radio Dabanga: 0430-0600 on 7315 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic 0430-0600 on 11940 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 0430-0600 on 13800 DHA 250 kW / 255 deg EaAf Arabic 1530-1630 on 13800 MDC 250 kW / 325 deg EaAf Arabic 1530-1630 on 15535 SMG 200 kW / 150 deg EaAf Arabic (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** SURINAME. 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0933 to 0958 some audio 1 Dec, 0920 to 0950 om audio improving 7 December (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SYRIA [non]. 12085, 1446 UT 8 Nov, R. Damascus, fair copy of talk in Arabic, SIO 353 (Steve Calver, Letchworth, Herts, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via DXLD) HFCC has Adra 500 kW registered at various azimuths and languages from 1600 to 0040, but we thought it had really been inactive on 12085, just occasionally heard on 9330. Oh oh, EiBi shows no Syria on 12085 at all, but instead this at the time heard: 12085 1200-1500 IRN IRIB Voice of I. R. Iran DR CAs k meaning Dari language, via Kamalabad, and this is also in HFCC, 500 kW at 85 degrees (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAHITI. The decision to stay and DX through the nasty weather was apparently the correct one, however, as the period from November 10-12 was noted by other TP-DXers to have offered the best propagation of the entire month. Despite the extreme weather, the Rockwork Cliff again came through with vibrant DX signals, considering the late- season dates and the lean solar year. For those interested, the full story of the Pacific Storm DXpedition has been uploaded to http://www.mediafire.com/view/?355r9547sdab2qf including 45 MP3 recordings of TP-DX received during the wild weekend. The loggings themselves (with MP3 links) are pasted below. 738, Radio Polynesie, Mahina, Tahiti (20 kW), French YL and OM speech and music during the rain-drenched 11-12 session almost reached summertime strength (over some KCBS hash) around 1343 http://www.mediafire.com/?wlp88k84ufs8wcf This was the only DU signal to show up at the Cliff with any real strength during the entire DXpedition, and almost pegged the PL-380?s S/N display. Another vibrant recording was made on the same soggy morning http://www.mediafire.com/?dji9sz3ewl792wr 73 and Good DX, (Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA), IRCA via DXLD) ** TAIWAN. 11875.110, Odd frequency signal of RTI Indonesian via Tainan site at 14-15 UT Dec 8, S=9+10dB, well readable. Interfered by adjacent 11870 kHz RVA Manila Palauig-Zambales in Bengali / Chin from 1430 UT (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. No change for the programs of Radio Taiwan International via Okeechobee: 2200-2300 on 15440 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg CeAm English 2300-2400 on 15440 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg CeAm Chinese 0000-0100 on 15440 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg CeAm Cantonese (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) And still also on 6115 at 2200-2300, right? (gh, DXLD) ** TAIWAN. WYFR via Taiwan(?) heard sign off at 1300 on 6240 & 9280 in Chinese(?) giving website address. -- Thanking you, Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, Dec 7, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. 13745, R Thailand, English with News and ads for rice and Air Asia and items re the pro-Moresi demonstrations in Egypt, 25 killed in a Congo air crash, and the firing of a police official due to the death of an Iranian blogger who was in custody. After another ad block at :20 they went into a long discussion of the Voyager space probe from someone who sounded like Carl Sagan (it may have been him!). At :29 the station 'signed off' abruptly and then came right back with a continuation of the Carl Sagan piece. Then into a 'special report' with a talk about German scientists researching in Thailand about agriculture and environmental protection. ID at :34 and "this is R Thailand News" into ads including a notice that the King of Thailand will be holding a public audience for his 85th birthday. Into Business News items about the Greece Financial crisis, China's PMI increased but it was below the forecast and Newscorp naming the Wall Street Journal as its new CEO [? sic]. Then ads for PTT ("Power for a Sustainable Future") and sports news including golf and badminton results and an item about Manchester United football. :48 another RT ID and an ad for the "Mega Holiday sale" at the 800-store Mega Bangna Mall in Thailand. Weather at :57 (25/33 degrees in Bangkok) and mention that this was the wrap-up of the Sunday newshour for 2/Dec and the transmitter cut out again at :59 for a few seconds. Back on with pops & bells at the ToH and English announcement "it is 8 AM in the Kingdom of Thailand" and an anthem and more bells then into LANG (presumably Thai) talk. 4+553+3+ at first & less fluttery as the programme progressed. Many "FM 88" mentions during the English segments in addition to the occasional RT ID. 0012-0102 2/Dec (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Brighton MI DXpedition, MARE Tipsheet 7 Dec via DXLD) ** TIBET. 6200, Xizang PBS via Lhasa, 1606-1700, Dec 8. In progress with the “Holy Tibet” program in English; news; many IDs; “Okay. Let’s listen to the weather report” (first time I have heard this feature here); many selections of Tibetan music; interesting long segment about Tibetan thangka painting that is done on silk; fair to good. Ex: 1600-1630. In past years “Holy Tibet” was always a half hour program, but today observed with an hour long show. Gives them more time to go into greater details about Tibetan culture. MP3 recording at https://www.box.com/s/hr0540nuxjfzqlju608j (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET [non]. TAJIKISTAN, Mentioned often Dalai Lama in undoubtedly Chinese language - not Tibetan - heard from 1335 UT on 7547 kHz exact, and hopped 5 kHz down to 7542 kHz at 1342 UT Dec 11. Usual V of Tibet's Dushanbe Yangi Yul outlet? Signal strength at S=9+10dB level on remote SDR unit in Russia. In summer season Voice of Tibet mostly on 15 MHz band (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 11, dxldyg via DXLD) ** TIBET [non]. Voice of Tibet (as per Aoki): 1200-1213 on 15548 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1213-1230 on 15542 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1300-1314 on 15537 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1314-1338 on 15543 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese 1338-1400 on 15487 DB 100 kW / 095 deg EaAs Chinese Voice of Tibet (as per Aoki): 1230-1243 on 15568 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1243-1250 on 15562 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1250-1308 on 15552 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1308-1333 on 15587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1333-1400 on 15597 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1400-1430 on 15587 DB 100 kW / 131 deg CeAs Tibetan 1430-1500 on 17535 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg CeAs Tibetan 1530-1600 on 15485 MDC 250 kw / 045 deg CeAs Tibetan (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** TURKEY [and non]. 6050, Voice of Turkey. 1928 December 8, 2012. Interval signal in progress, clear and fair. This at my local 1428. ID and into English with news. Other presumably Euro signals in (but didn't try to ID, and most very weak) on 6000, 6010, 6040, 6060, 6100, 6185 and 6195, the letter being the best, possibly BBC, Skelton, UK in Dari (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, Pile of junk used: JRC NRD-535; ICOM IC-R75; Hammarlund HQ-180A; Sony ICF-7600GR; Sangean PR- D5; Aqua Guide 705 RDF Marine Radio; GE Superadio III; JPS NF-60 Notch Filter; JPS ANC-4 Noise Phase; 1 X roof dipole; 1 X room random wire; Terk Advantage non-active portable loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 12035, Dec 10 at 1424, token news headline, VOT sign-off, `goodbye``, only one play of IS, but at least it`s complete, and off at 1424.5*. Fair signal, as we must be nearing peak season for this in North America far beyond Europe target in same direxion. MUCH better signal came from Turkish service on 15350 before 1355 (and also some days like today on 9700 before 0655), mostly music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U A E. UAE/RWANDA, Some Babcock FMO requests. Moved TWR Africa in Somali from Kigali to Al Dhabbaya: TIME/UTC DAY LANGUAGE FREQ Site kW AZI Reception MTWTFSS Area 1630-1657 12345 Somali 11635 KIG 250 000 Kenya/Somali 1630-1645 7 Somali 11635 KIG 250 000 Kenya/Somali But moved from 1 Dec: 1630-1657 12345 Somali 11635 UAE 250 225 Kenya/Somali 1630-1645 7 Somali 11635 UAE 250 225 Kenya/Somali (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 7, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** U K. The former BBCWS transmitter site at Rampisham [England] is now up for sale. After the final SW transmissions were made from there at the end of October 2011, it was mooted it was being ``mothballed``. But it is now available to buy via Lambert Smith Hampton as ``former radio transmission site`` including 35 transmission towers and one stayed mast, but no mention of transmitters, which have presumably been removed, but to where? --- http://www.lsh.co.uk Full details at: http://lsh.caldes2.com/property_images/30274/Rampisham_-_Radio_transmission_station.pdf (Alan Pennington, Dec BDXC-UK Communication via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) Or if that doesn`t work --- underscores can be a problem, http://tinyurl.com/bwknnzu (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. 9460+, Dec 13 at 0617, BBCWS via ASCENSION has strange variable buzzwhine QRM on hi side, unlike anything I have previously sourced to a local device (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. UNIDENTIFIED. 12045, Dec 9 at 1743, fair signal with very strange loop repeating message in English; checked following inquiry from Mark Morgan, N8QIK in Cincinnati: ``Listening to 12045 AM, 12/9/12 at 1700 UT. Hearing a repeating message with lots of reverb. Can't quite make out the message, but it sounds like: ``FAST STREAMING AUDIO, MILKING OFF BEDFORD FOR ALL IT'S WORTH``. Weird. Any ideas?`` I rushed to get it on tape; that`s what it sounds like to me too, http://www.w4uvh.net/12045.rm and replied, Only thing scheduled per Aoki is: 12045 IBRA RADIO (R. Ibrahim) 1700-1800 1234567 Arabic 300 114 Woofferton G 00243W 5219N IBRA b12 BAB I suspect it`s another anomaly from Babcock Master Control in London; and posting to DXLD yg urged, ``Everyone, hurry to hear this!`` But apparently no one else did. Tuned 12045 again next day Dec 10 at 1729: no signal; stepped away for a moment, and at 1731, now there is a good signal in Arabish, no weird English looping today, i.e. surely IBRA Radio as scheduled via Woofferton, also in HFCC: 12045 1700 1800 39SE WOF 300 114 0 618 1234567 281012 310313 D 11850 Arabic G IBR BAB 3160 Note CIRAF 39SE target is pretty specific, i.e. Oman, and maybe UAE too. Googling leads to Tunisia for origination of R. Ibrahim, but maybe not this one? There is no mention of Ibrahim in HFCC, EiBi, nor in the WRTH 2013, where IBRA is now the only SW station listed under SWEDEN, International Section (and WRTH devotes a full page, 510, to cross- referencing where listings for multi-national religious broadcasters can be found; also same page in 2012 edition, following my complaint of how hard some of them were to locate). EiBi also shows 17-18, Arabic to Mideast from IBRA Sweden via Woofferton UK. All four think it starts at 1700, but not today (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 7530, Dec 9 at 1425, tonal Asian language with some echoey clips followed by comments or translation; 1430 bit of music and ``Voice America`` mentioned by another announcer. It`s VOA Tibetan service at 14-15, 250 kW, 275 degrees from Tinang, PHILIPPINES. No jamming audible, tho there must have been (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Is anyone picking up VOA in the afternoon? I'm near the radio Noon to 4PM (Eastern), and on the East Coast (Boston). Anyone have a regular receivable frequency? Thanks! David (Lou Gawab, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) From 1400 to 2200 UT, VOA uses 15580 which is usually quite a reliable frequency - especially when broadcasting via Botswana or São Tomé (Mark Coady, ODXA yg via DXLD) As I was about to say; except out here the hour via Greenville is by far the best, i.e. 20-21, with `African Beat` on weekdays, `Music Time in Africa` on weekends. Botswana will be better further east too close to Greenville (Glenn Hauser, OK, DXLD) ** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1646 monitoring: confirmed on 5110v-CUSB, Area 51 via WBCQ with late start, UT Saturday Dec 8 at 0237:54, after a long `Allan Weiner Worldwide` discussing radio tubes. Next: Saturday 0630 on 7265, 1630 on 6190 from Hamburger Lokalradio. Saturday 0900, 1600, 1830, Sunday 0900, 1630, Monday 0500, Tuesday 1200 on WRMI 9955. Saturday 1830 on WRN via SiriusXM 120 UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW 5830. WORLD OF RADIO 1646 monitoring: confirmed Sat Dec 8 at 1832 just started on WRN via WRMI 9955, but very poor signal, occasionally over the jamming; tnx a lot, Arnie! Remaining repeats on 9955 are Sun 0900, 1630, Mon 0530, Tue 1200; and many more webcasts on the WRMI schedule, and other stations. Also: UT Sunday 0500 on WTWW-1 5830; check 5085 for WTWW-2 in case it`s on this early UT Sunday and even puts WOR on as it did a few weeks ago as late as 0547. WORLD OF RADIO 1646 monitoring: confirmed UT Sunday Dec 9, 0500 on WTWW-1 5830; by now the winter night MUF is weakening the signal here considerably, compared to WTWW-2 on 5085. Less than 1 MHz makes a big difference (and perhaps different azmiuths). Next WORs on WRMI 9955: Monday 0530, Tuesday 1200. WORLD OF RADIO 1647 monitoring: ready in time for first airing Thursday Dec 13 at 2200 on WTWW 9479, confirmed with usual bigsig. Also second airing, UT Friday Dec 14 on WWRB 3195, and better signal on // 5050 which was missing last week: from 0431.5 UT after respectful one-minute pause following amen & amen by Pastor Cain. Third airing: UT Saturday 0230v on Area 51 via WBCQ 5110v-CUSB (last week several minutes late, so stay tuned if necessary). Then: Sat 0630 on 7265, 1630 on 6190, lowpower Hamburger Lokalradio, Germany On WRMI 9955: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, Mon 0530, Tue 1200 On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat 1830 On WTWW 5830: UT Sunday 0500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9479, Sat Dec 8 at 2105, after the two-hour QSO Show cutaway, WTWW-1 is back to Scriptures for America, and amusingly, PPP or his clone is asserting that ``you`ve got to be an overcomer`` --- I assume not capitalized, but we can`t tell just by listening, so TOM may have grounds for a lawsuit. Same word mentioned a few more times. 9765 & 10215 approx. covering maybe 20 kHz each, Dec 8 at 2107, weak modulation spur spikes from something, then matched to 9990 WTWW-2 which just came on at 2100 for Brother Scare. How about WTWW-2 on 5085? UT Sunday Dec 9 at 0125 it`s open carrier/dead air, with a lite whine, apparently lost feed from Ted`s studio; finally at 0152 music starts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WTWW-2 also heard earlier Sunday Dec 9 at 0015 UT on 5085 with music (male voice vocals sounding somewhat like Jim Reeves). (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5085, UT Sunday Dec 9 after 0400, WTWW-2 sounds like Rod Hembree, so apparently running the GFRN segment an hour later than usual 0300, because of feed outage earlier, followed by Ted`s music and contact program. A `QSO` show was also running late at 0615 and still at 0643, discussion of ham satellite dishes, etc. There appears to be no firm schedule for these Saturday night broadcasts. 9479, Dec 9 at 1421, open carrier/dead air from WTWW-1, still at 1432, and even 1515 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEEST) 9905 will probably be the new frequency for WTWW-2, ex-9990. US Army wants a frequency near there back, so FCC approved this, George McClintok tells me. May start Monday Dec 17 after a weekend of promotion announcements. Schedule currently 2000-2400 UT (21-24 being Brother Stair), but may expand into the morning hours. Needs to stay on hi end of 31m to minimize interaxion with WTWW-1 on 9479, which he says would like to normalize to 9480 and get rid of the hets, but will have figure out how to eliminate sixteenth harmonic coming from a feedline, which if on 151680 would interfere with a local schoolbus 2- way frequency, but avoids that by harmonicizing on 151.664 MHz instead. George also explains regarding the recent discussion about commercial vs non-commercial on US SW: Different rules apply to SW than to domestic broadcasting. There are no non-commercial SW licenses. A non- profit can get a SW license and then sell commercials or airtime if its own rules allow that (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7490, Fri Dec 7 at 2202, WBCQ with `Behaviour Night`, old record show in progress, and as I expected from allied `Marion`s Attic` at same time on Sunday, this is also ruined by co-channel QRM from BBCWS in English via THAILAND, making a fast SAH, and almost as strong. Standard remark about need for better frequency coördination. 7490, Sat Dec 8 at 2056, WBCQ with Brother Scare instead of Good Friends Radio Network. But 7490 schedule allegedly updated today at http://schedule.wbcq.com/main.php?fn=sked&freq=7490 still shows the ONLY Saturday program is `I Sing`, at 2000-0500 UT Sunday, a GFRN program which knocked out all other 7490 programming on Saturdays several months ago; some of which was moved to Sundays. Looks like that expired with November, and B.S. has been plugged back in to fill time. A quick legal ID for ``WBCQ, Monticello, Maine USA`` was inserted circa 2100, and then more B.S. Strangely, this Overcomer feed is not // the Overkill selexion of other outlets, which are not synchronized but seem to be otherwise // each other: 9980 WWCR, 9370 WWRB, 9990 WTWW which has just started, and 9700 Bulgaria. At 2136 check, 7490 still with Brother Stair, but he sounds much younger and not hoarse on this frequency; playing back vintage recording instead of live feed from Walterboro? So are we going to get hour after hour of more BS on 7490, or will WBCQ revive some worthwhile programming? Skipping the BBC collision at 22-24, not rechecked until 0100 UT Dec 9, when it is not BS, and apparently not `I Sing` either, with some music, then at least three people talking about Solstice and Xmas, apparently current, and mentioning Firesign Theatre. Voices do not include Allan Weiner or anyone else I recognize on WBCQ. 0114 a Beatles tune. Continues to be mostly conversation with occasional dramatic bits. In fact, it must be `Firesign Theatre` from Dec 20, 1970, as scheduled on Area 51 at 01-02 UT Dec 9; I had checked 5110v-CUSB for // but with poor reception from both could tell they did not match. At 0145 with better reception yet using only one DX-398 radio, I perceive that they are // except 7490 is a couple seconds behind 5110v-CUSB; why? Anyhow, for now, 7490 is filling with simulcast of Area 51 instead of `I Sing`. I didn`t think `FST` was so much gab rather than performance skits (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Regarding the lack of `I Sing` on WBCQ 7490 last Saturday Dec 8-UT Sunday Dec 9, replaced by Brother Scare and Area 51, I got this explanation: ``Dear Mr. Hauser, In reference to I-Sing. It is still there; it was late getting on the air due to a scheduling foul up by the "Constitutional Radio Network staff". They use our PC1 and our 7490 audio stream M-S, to carry their audio to a bunch of micro broadcasters throughout The State of Maine. After they finish with their broadcast, they will put the Area 51 stream back on, instead of I-Sing on Saturdays. So I have to go into PC1 on Saturday afternoon and make sure it is on. Unfortunately, I was busy attending to another commitment Saturday, and did not log in until Saturday night, to reset the audio feed. So that explains the situation last weekend. Very Respectfully, Tom Barna`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 9955, Dec 8 at 1411, WRMI with Spanish talk about el Papa y el Sr. Jesucristo, so suspect Vatican Radio relay. Fair signal, mixing with moderate pulse jamming. I see that WRMI has just put up a new program schedule grid dated Dec 7 showing 1400-1430 Sat is `En Camino` which I think is a VR program, but nothing about it in the WRMI alfabetical program listing nor on the VR Spanish website. Maybe not; and not to be confused with ``El Camino`` = KKNS New Mexico, see UNIDENTIFIED. Camino means road, or pathway. There have been no changes to the WORLD OF RADIO times on WRMI. The grid is two clix away from http://www.wrmi.net BTW, Kim Elliott told the NASWA group Dec 8, but not DXLD: ``Digital text IDs this weekend on WRMI --- Radio Miami International, 9955 kHz, is sending out IDs in digital text between programs. Saturday 0500 to Sunday 0500, PSK125 is centered at 2000, 2500, and 3000 Hz. Sunday 0500 to Monday 0500, MFSK16 is centered at 2500 and 3000 Hz. Give or take a few Hz. Times and days are UTC, of course. The WRMI signal, beamed away from the USA, is usually fair at best. And then there is the ferocious Cuban jamming. An excellent environment to test digital text modes. You can decode from the radio or from the recording using Fldigi available from http://www.w1hkj.com --- Kim`` Earlier, Kim justified his digital text tests via The Mighty KBC (and more of that this UT Sunday 0130-0200 on 9450 via Bulgaria): ``I am also partial to amplitude modulation, but in this modern age, many people are using text to send and receive information. If we can demonstrate that text via shortwave can be a useful substitute when the internet is disrupted by dictators or disasters, then we will have provided a good reason not to dismantle shortwave transmitting sites.`` I comment: We`ve got enough extraneous noise already inside the SWBC bands --- DRM racket, utility intruders from SSB to any kind of digital mode, jamming, distorted FM spurs --- we don`t need any more non-AM non-speech or music. By all means try digital text, SSTV if you like, but put them (and DRM too!) in the fixed utility bands where they belong (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX WORLD OF RADIO 1647, LISTENING DIGEST) WRMI MFSK16 ID 9 December 2012 at 1400 UTC Posted: 09 Dec 2012 This screenshot of Fldigi shows the noise on WRMI's 9955 kHz channel. The noise, mostly Cuban jamming, is in the lower audio reaches. So I put two MFSK16 digital text signals in the upper audio ranges: centered at 2500 Hz and just under 3000 Hz. Here you can see the gibberish caused by the noise preempted by the WRMI ID, 100% copy, with a carriage return before and after... http://kimelli.nfshost.com/index.php?id=13987 (kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** U S A. 5050, WWRB [Manchester TN], with weather talk in English (sounded like it may have been the audio of a TV show) mostly about US storms, then digressing into conspiracy/apocalypse/doomsaying stuff including talk of Nostradamus, the pyramids of Egypt and other odd stuff. There was much talk about getting prepared for the Earth's pause in its rotation and how to build a strong enough Dome Home (and where to build it!) to protect yourself from the coming of Planet X [actually a brown dwarf star that has approached Earth and caused the dinosaurs to go extinct according to the commentator] in the (and I am 99% sure I heard this right) Spring of 2003. He commented that the powers that be considered him a 'fear mongaler' (that is how he pronounced monger!) but he was just trying to be sure people were ready for the end of time in 2003. Ponderous Bible reading with sad music in the background concerning the coming end times. They then went into the audio portion of a newsreel about Antarctica melting and how the year 2000 'super-quake' due to planetary alignment is different than the catastrophe that would be caused by the passing of Planet X! This 'John DiNardo' guy (PO Box 422 Towaco NJ--which googles to a landscaping company!) was kind of like a car crash on the interstate -- you know it isn't going to be pretty, but somehow still have to listen! Not in so well -- 35343 but // 3195 which was much better, 4+544+4. 0408-0501* 1/Dec (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Brighton MI DXpedition, MARE Tipsheet 7 Dec via DXLD) ** U S A. 7506.36-.40v, WRNO, 0222-0235 and 0352, Dec 10. At tune in was on 7506.36; by 0352 check had drifted up to 7506.40; playing Christmas songs (Elvis with “Blue Christmas”, etc.); fair to good; audio also very good (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 11715.011 to ... x.019 kHz, signal wandered UP of KJES Vado USA around 1440 to 1450 UT Dec 8. Weak signal in western Europe (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** U S A. 11730, Dec 8 at 0127, hymn in Spanish, confirming that WYFR has made a frequency change from 15440, now 0100-0200, at 285 degrees, effective December 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. Latest Family Radio sked --- Family Radio's (WYFR) latest SW schedule as per their website is as follows: 2200-2300 17575 Portuguese (Brazil) 2300-0000 13695 Spanish (S. America) 2300-0100 11885 Portuguese (Brazil) 2330-0400 6115 English (Canada) To Asia: 1100-1200 6220 Burmese 1100-1300 6240, 9280 Chinese 1300-1400 7540 Vietnamese The broadcasts listed above to Asia are heard at my place. The following is also listed but blocked by WEWN: 1100-1200 11520 Philippines I don`t know if this info is already given in DXLD or other sites. You may publish the same if found suitable. -- Thanking you, Yours sincerely, Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Frequency change of WYFR Family Radio from Dec. 4: 0100-0200 NF 11730 YFR 100 kW / 285 deg CeAm Spanish, ex 15440 (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** U S A. A 530 KHZ TRAVELERS INFORMATION STATION IN VISTA Now that LAX AiRadio on 530 kHz is off the air (CGC #1175), CGC's monitoring station in Fallbrook tuned to 530 kHz to see what kind of DX could be heard. Big disappointment. We received the following: "This is WNRS427, in Vista, part of the CalTrans Highway Advisory Radio System, broadcasting on frequency 530 AM. For traffic information, please call 11 (sic) or go to 511sd.com." This mindless and technically incorrect message ("call 11") just kept repeating itself without any updates in over a week of spot checks. So we looked a little further and discovered: (1) that the transmitter coordinates are wrong. The station is licensed on the north side of Highway 78 but the transmitter is located on the south side of 78, and (2) that the applicant's telephone number on file with the FCC, (760) 967-2855, has been disconnected. It appears that WNRS427 could be shut off and no one would know the difference -- except radio DXers who would appreciate the silence and taxpayers who would appreciate the cost savings (CGC Communicator Dec 10 via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. 660, Dec 13 {not 4 as in original post} at 1428 UT, English ads for a business in Gallup, and Home Depot, then 1429 right into Navajo. Fair steady signal; that makes it KTNN Window Rock AZ, which I haven`t heard for some time, behaving itself with nighttime null toward New York. Now it`s definitely non-direxional daytime starting at 1415 UT in Dec, 1430 in January; KHAC 880 had been heard a bit earlier at 1408, again, in its case before same official sunrise (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 700, Dec 12 at 1407 UT a semihour after sunrise here, WLW is still barely audible with ID; nothing now from other easterly signals such as WSM or the Chicago clears (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WOR 710: Noted in with a good signal at 21:19 [CST?] with ad and ID. Not usually in and this strong (Todd Skaine, Woodbury, MN, 2010, PL 310 or Toyota radio, Nov 20, IRCA via DXLD) WOR escaped any serious damage from Hurricane Sandy because they recently upgraded their transmitter site. I mean "upgraded" literally. I believe they moved their transmitter building and towers onto higher cement blocks. Info from Scott Fybush in Northeast Radio Watch just after the storm. Scott is a personal friend of WOR CE Tom Ray. However, it is odd that they were strong in MN as their main lobe is Northeast into NYC and beyond (Marc DeLorenzo, South Dennis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Nov 21, IRCA via DXLD) It wouldn't be surprising if having all of that water around, possibly impacting the radials, etc. had a distorting effect on the pattern. (Russ Edmunds, 15 mi NNW of Philadelphia, ibid.) WOR gets out better to the W/WNW than one would expect from looking at their pattern. 73 KAZ (Neil Kazaross, IL/WI, ibid.) Back in the mid-1960's, they were almost unlistenable in Syracuse NY (Russ Edmunds, 15 mi NNW of Philadelphia, ibid.) ** U S A. 810, Dec 11 at 1433 UT, Radio Suave mostly in English but also bits of Spanish mixed in, Santa Fe ads for Ed`s Holiday Spirits, Gold Works on the Plaza which wants to melt down your gold. WHB KC MO nulled; 1-hour-fast TC at 1436 UT as 24:9, oops, as two chathosts resume. It`s KSWV on 5 kW non-direxional daypower. Sunrise in Dec is 1400 UT, Jan 1415. Natch, 770 KKOB also in much better. It`s a good New Mexico morning with several higher stations also heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 830, Dec 11 at 1429 UT ad mentioning Richland, 1430 SRN ``News``, only headlines, but cut to dead air amid, back on just in time for closing at 1431; ad with 307 area code about Fremont County and Lander; Devil`s Tower Restaurant with buffalo burgers. So this is KUYO in Evansville WY, which is a suburb of Casper, with addresses there, but wide reach around the state as a 25 kW nondirexional daytimer; also 9.2 kW critical hours. And a 2.0 watt PSRA Oct thru Jan starting at 1300 UT. Dec & Jan official sunrise is 1430 UT. Made a 4 Hz SAH with something, WCCO? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 840, Dec 13 at 1430 UT, hoping for KXNT Nevada, but only weak signal here is still WHAS Louisville, with KY ad (and not KTIC NE either). Looking up FCC AM Query, official sunrise in Las Vegas is not until 1445 in Dec & Jan, in case KXNT is waiting for that. Ditto another 50 kW NV possibility to the east, KDWN 720, and WGN was still in at 1430 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 870, Dec 8 at 1335 UT, Vietnamese scripted talk, bits of piano music, 1340 fading; loops N/S. One thing for sure: it`s not Tarahumara, XETAR. By far the most likely US station to be heard here besides WWL is KFJZ, Fort Worth TX, which had been Spanish/Catholic as in NRC AM Log 2012. A bit of searching found this, ``Vietnamese American Broadcasting 1270 KFJZ``: http://tunein.com/radio/VAB-Vietnamese-American-Broadcasting-870-s32636/ where Vietnamese audio autolaunches presumably from KFJZ rather than from any of a few other such stations also displayed on page. I wonder when it flipped? I suspect this had something to do with ChiCom imperialism, CRI relay bumping Vietnamese from another frequency. The last time I definitely logged KFJZ in Spanish was Oct 31, 2011. This also linx to http://www.vablive.com/ but is only under construxion and that also linx to: http://esll.org/index.html but doesn`t go anywhere. Address in Farmers Branch TX is shown on the vablive page which is titled ``Tieng Noi The He Moi``; while the NRC AM Log 2012 showed an address in Houston, not even Fort Worth. Anyhow, 870 is a 1 kW direxional daytimer with PSRA of 0.5 kW. December SR-SS schedule is 1330-2330; January: 1330-2345 UT. NRC Pattern Book of 2005y showed it non-direxional, but FCC AM Query now shows a broad pattern peaking NW with considerable null but not a notch toward WWL, of course. I wonder at what point between FW and NO the signals are equal on daytime groundwave? Topo map for KFJZ via FCC, where the exact sites are NOT marked, indicates it`s somewhere among Garden Acres - Ft Worth Spinks Airport, Oak Grove, Rendon, Valley Ridge, Everman --- i.e. at the southern edge of Tarrant County, just east of I35W, i.e. south of Fort Worth. If KFJZ wanted to cover all of The Metroplex, yet protect WWL, it should have been sited on the SE side of Dallas. Office if not studio location in Farmers Branch, OTOH is on the NW side of Dallas. Is that a Vietnamese neighborhood? Calls KFJZ are heritage, going back to original 1270, and also thence to original TV channel 11, pre-KTVT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) KFJZ: Carrollton-Farmers Branch has a healthy Vietnamese population, with Vietnamese grocery stores and restaurants in Farmers Branch and southern Carrollton. There are also Vietnamese and Korean churches in the area (David R. Block, Carrollton TX, primetimeshortwave yg via DXLD) ** U S A. 880, Dec 12 at 1412 UT, English citing Jeremiah and mixing in some Navajo, ergo KHAC Tse Bonito NM/Window Rock AZ; in null of KRVN. Nothing from 660 KTNN, KSWV 810 which was heard yesterday, and a little signal from KKOB 770. Trouble is, official sunrise for KHAC in December is 1415 UT (January: 1430), when it can go from 430 watt night power to 10 kW day, always non-direxional. Its PSRA is also 430 yearound, so what`s the point of that? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 880, Dec 13 at 1403 UT, `Canada Calling`, definitely not a C-station but aimed at snowbirds in Florida: a show we haven`t heard in years, outro at 1405 with plug for http://canadacalling.com and ``Prior Smith speaking from Toronto``. Was mostly about what`s going on back in Ontario. We know this isn`t a Florida station either, but the one owned by the WTAN network in AR, i.e. KLRG Little Rock! How indirect can you get? Just as I suspected, checking the station list on the CC website, KLRG is NOT included, tho Prior knows about some other non-FL stations in the so-called ``sunbelt``, TX, AZ and Bahamas. On WTAN 1340 Clearwater graveyarder the times are 9 am and noon ET. Quite a bonus, 50 kW KLRG, tho sponsors in Florida are a bit off-topic. 1406 UT right into `Imus in the Morning`; is that a KLRG show or a WTAN show? Says he is about to take time off for throat surgery and holiday vacation. Meanwhile, hardly any signal from 880, KRVN Nebraska to N/S, but nulled anyway; could not be nulled: opposite station 880, KHAC Window Rock AZ, which was gaining ascendancy, first with an harmonious hymn, 1408 into Navajo study of Jeremiah VII, continued from yesterday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 900, Dec 13 at 1431 UT, KSGL Wichita, but all I hear in the mornings are gospel-huxters: seems it has a double format with nostalgia music starting at 1705 UT weekdays with the syndicated `Bill Miller Show` and `Music You Remember` for sure after 1905 UT. Schedule: http://www.ksgl.com/3.html KSGL is my closest 900, but 250 watts means not much signal here (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGST) ** U S A. 930, Dec 11 at 1404 UT, CBS News; 1405 frustrating string of national ads; 1408 Heating & Cooling at 785-6768, but I don`t have to search for that since at 1409 some classic rock as theme music, open YL talk show `Britney (sp?) in the Morning` (?), mentions sponsor in Poplar Bluff, so it is Missouri`s KWOC, 5 kW non-direxional day pattern. With WKY OKC precisely nulled, of course. Here`s a station with a minute-by-minute program schedule: http://kwoc2.mrrinteractive.com/talk-radio-programs/ Including: ``8:00-9:00 AM Brittney on the Bluff – Your connection to everything local. Brittney brings you information about area happenings, entertainment, educational opportunities, charitable events and more`` Home page reveals meaning of call letters: http://www.kwoc.com/ ``Keeping Watch on Our City`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1040, Dec 11 at 1456 UT, laughing ``Jingle Bells``, DJ refers to his email starting Tron-radio (?), taking a break until 1 pm. 1458 ad for Airplane Restaurant in Colorado Springs, i.e. KCBR, 15 kW non-direxional days. 1060 also had good signal from NW, another Coloradan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1070, Dec 11 at 1454 UT, Wichita headlines from the KFTI News Center, then 16 degrees from Storm Team 12; see KFTI.com; then non-ID for the station this really is, ``1070 AM, True Oldies``, i.e. KLIO. An hour earlier caused usual fast SAH with KNX since KLIO is always off-frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1130, Sunday Dec 9 at 1334 UT, Zydeco song from the direxion of KWKH Shreveport LA --- have they come to their senses and gone back to a country music format? No! The song is about LSU, and soon ``1130 the Tiger`` slogan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1180, Dec 10 at 1415 UT, traffic report involving high- numbered triple-digit streets in the 100-200 range; must be huge city, ID as ``Zone Two, the Deuce`` and Omaha ads. So it`s KZOT, And obviously playing second-fiddle to plain old ``The Zone``, KOZN 1620; both of them licensed to Bellevue, which is a southern suburb next to Offutt AFB. As for the Omaha streets, my Rand McNally atlas goes out as far as 216, west of downtown, numbered streets being north/south. {Continuing this learning experience: in Omaha the arterial streets are 12 blox apart: 204, 192, 180, 168, etc.; while on south side of Tulsa they are every 10 blox: 11, 21, 31, 41, etc. On north side of OKC they start out being 13 blox apart: 10, 23, 36, but 49 loses out to 50, 63, then 15 apart: 78 (Wilshire), 93 (Britton), 108 (Hefner), but then 122 . . .} (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1180, Dec 12 at 1420 UT, in Omaha null, spirited Spanish sports discussion about Mexico, mentions MLS several times past 1425. Probably ESPN-Deportes network, and the only fit in NRC AM Log 2012 is: KGOL Humble TX (Houston market), 50/3 kW and now on day power. FCC AM Query shows 2-tower daytime direxional pattern is broad favoring the southwest, with much reduced signal toward us but not a sharp null (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1260, Dec 11 at 1452 UT sounds like Stephanie Miller, taking a caller from California; then seems matched to 1350 KABQ which is about to fade out. So it`s NM`s other Progressive station, KTRC in Santa Fe, also on 5 kW non-direxional day power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1280, Dec 13 at 1413 UT, KSOK Arkansas City KS, semi-local, but with strange slogan ID for Ark City as a ``Y2K-Protected Community`` --- wonder what the story is behind that? Hmm, yes, I guess it did survive Y2K! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1330, Dec 11 at 1449 UT, after hearing some other NM stations, I find Navajo here, but including English expressions such as ``24-inch hi-fi TV``, into English C&W song ``Parties for Two``. Of course, it has to be KGAK in Gallup NM, on 5 kW non-direxional day antenna. NRC AM Log shows it in Navajo and Spanish, not English. This and others are more than an hour after Enid sunrise of 1333 UT today, with 10 minutes to go before latest sunrise 1343 in early January (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1350, Dec 11 at 1447 UT, Stephanie Miller going to a break with ``46 past the hour`` timecheck, ``Albuquerque`s Progressive Talk, AM 1350``, Angie`s List ad. Dominant on frequency at the moment, 5 kW non-direxional day pattern since 1400. I remember when KABQ was ABQ`s number one (and only?) Spanish station from a discrete studio building (and tower?) on Yale SE; now all that has changed. I notice FCC AM Query has a link to History Cards for KABQ, a feature I had not noticed before. This leads to a 29-page pdf of FCC records going way back, the cards very worn with messy typewriter entries, and fortunately now preserved before they deteriorate completely: http://transition.fcc.gov/ftp/Bureaus/MB/Databases/HistoryCards/65394.pdf The last item shows that in 1981 a construxion permit for 50 kW on 660 kHz was ``returned``, as a ``major environmental action``. Of course, KTNN in Window Rock wound up with that plum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1480, Dec 13 at 1420 UT, KBXD Dallas preacher but now making an 88/minute = 1.47 Hz SAH with presumed KQAM Wichita. In any event, it appears that KBXD has moved closer to 1480.000 than evidenced by the fast SAH it had been making since rebuilding and reactivation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Or not, subsequently ** U S A. 1510, Dec 13 at 1434 UT, refers to University Drive, then ``Money Radio 15-10``, loops E/W, and certainly KFNN Mesa AZ, no doubt on 22 kW daypower instead of 100 watts night; official sunrise in Dec & Jan is 1430 UT. Also has 4-watt PSRA Oct-Feb, no more than 10 watts other months, due to KGA Spokane. But night power of 100 ought to apply right thru to sunrise, so no point in a PSRA of 1/25 that much! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Re: WNDV 92.9 format now also on WDND AM 1620 « Reply #4 on: Today at 02:13:41 PM » WNDV 92.9 format won't be on WDND AM 1620 too much longer. WDND AM 1620 has been sold and it will be Catholic programming in the near future. http://americanbandscan.blogspot.com/2012/12/expanded-band-format-changes.html South Bend, Indiana: 1620 KHz: WDND sold to Fort Wayne Catholic Radio. This group owns WLYV-1450 Fort Wayne. One might guess the nature of the programming from the name of the organization Smiley (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** U S A. RADIO PERSONALITY SLY, OTHERS OUT OF WORK AT WTDY --- [1670] November 23, 2012 11:15 am • SAMARA KALK DERBY | Wisconsin State Journal A shake-up at news talk radio station WTDY on Wednesday has left several broadcasters out of work, including longtime Madison radio personality John "Sly" Sylvester. Most of the station's news department was let go on the spot after a staff meeting, with a security guard waiting in the lobby, said Dylan Brogan, WTDY's sole news reporter. The move affects eight employees, he said. Brogan said the staff was told that the station would be switching formats, but they weren't told what the new format would be. Officials of Mid-West Family Broadcasting, owner of WTDY, 1670 AM and 106.7 FM, did not return phone calls Wednesday. By mid-afternoon, the station was playing Christmas music, and its website had been replaced with a "Happy holidays!" greeting. Brogan, 25, who has been with the station for five years and has worked as a reporter since August 2011, said he's mostly sad he won't to be able to listen to "Sly in the Morning" anymore. He said he's been a regular listener since he was 10 years old. "He provided a forum that is almost gone in the Madison area now," said Brogan, a onetime executive producer for Sylvester's show. "Love him or hate him, he was a Madison staple in terms of getting daily information and was vital to what happened in terms of the protests in 2011." Sylvester's voice will be missed, Brogan said. "It's a big loss for local radio in general." WTDY news director Amy Barrilleaux said the move was "somewhat of a surprise," but at the same time said she realizes it's the nature of the radio business. "There are format changes all the time and everyone sort of goes into it with their eyes open and knows that that's how it works sometimes." Barrilleaux, 38, hosted a news show called "Everything at Five" and had been at the station 2 1/2 years. "We all enjoyed trying to put out a good, solid local news product, and I'm not quite sure who is going to fill in that hole. I'm sure that the station will have something to offer going forward in some way," she said. Farm Director Pam Jahnke, known as the "Fabulous Farm Babe," was unaffected. "I'm not interested in making comment," she said in an email. "These are all my friends so it's a tough day." The station's program director, Kurt Baron, was not affected, Brogan said. Sylvester, who had been with WTDY since 1997, but has been on Madison radio for nearly 33 years, said he had heard rumblings that the station might be changing format with a new general manager who arrived this summer. "It's a pretty sad day. It's obviously a very difficult day for me — and my co-workers," Sylvester said. "We all felt like we were accomplishing something in bringing news and information to people who weren't necessarily the NPR types, but were still hungry for information and perspective. "And there just aren't many people with the perspective that we brought — I brought specifically." Sylvester, who is known for his provocative, often acerbic style, began his radio career in 1979 on his 18th birthday. He said he doesn't know if he can move his show to another station. "Needless to say," he said, "this is still kind of at the shock stage." Sylvester said the massive protests at the Capitol over the state's collective bargaining law were "tailor-made" for him because he's long been involved with organized labor and the struggle for workers' rights. "So when that happened, we took to the streets and made it a part of the programming," Sylvester said. "I made a commitment that I would keep it in the limelight until workers' rights were restored." Read more: http://host.madison.com/business/radio-personality-sly-others-out-of-work-at-wtdy/article_82dc7696-3417-11e2-9b31-001a4bcf887a.html#ixzz2EPgMy375 (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) Sidebar to the above linked to this: JOHN NICHOLS: 'SLY' VOICE FOR WISCONSIN PROGRESSIVISM DESERVES AN OUTLET --- November 26, 2012 4:00 am • JOHN NICHOLS | The Capital Times | jnichols@madison.com (75) Comments William T. Evjue, who founded The Capital Times 95 years ago as a radical alternative to the mainstream media of the 20th century, had little taste for most editors, reporters and commentators. They were stenographers to power, apologizing for Wall Street and the military- industrial complex that The Capital Times editor and publisher decried even before President Dwight Eisenhower called out the war profiteers. Evjue referred to the competition as "the kept press," meaning it could be counted on to defend the interests of corporations and decry the aspirations of Main Street shopkeepers, small farmers and working people. Evjue refused to be kept. As an ally of Robert M. La Follette and the Wisconsin progressive movement, he published a newspaper that attacked and shamed the elites. And he took to the radio airwaves each Sunday, declaring "Hello Wisconsin" before he ripped into lobbyists and the legislators who did their bidding. No one who listened to Evjue forgot his fearlessness or devotion to the progressive cause. And most, like former Sen. Russ Feingold, can still recall his booming voice coming across the airwaves from the old WIBA studios in Madison to call out the transgressions of those who did not live up to the legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman. "Compromise" was not a dirty word in Evjue's lexicon; it was an obscenity. These days, there is too little progressive radio, and even less progressive radio in the Evjue tradition. But the loyal listeners to John "Sly" Sylvester's WTDY morning show heard an echo of Evjue. No, there was nothing of the publisher's stiff Norwegian style in Sly's rollicking one. But Sly drew from the same well of progressive idealism (and anger) as Evjue. Sly railed against Scott Walker from Day One of the Wisconsin uprising, sided unapologetically with organized labor and declared: "I don't want a tax break. I want to pay my taxes and I want those taxes to pay for great public schools and great public services." Evjue would have appreciated that last line, just as thousands of Sly's listeners did as he uttered variations on that theme over 15 years. Sure, Sly often extended his remarks from "comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable" to flat-out condemning crony capitalists and crooked candidates. Everyone who listened to Sly took offense at one time or another. Every guest (including this writer) disagreed with him sometimes. But Wisconsinites recognized that Sly's anger was motivated by a rage at injustice and dishonesty. And they loved him for that, giving his show solid ratings and a loyal listenership that advertisers craved. When those listeners tuned in the morning after Thanksgiving, however, they did not hear Sly raging against Walmart and demanding that Wisconsinites "buy local on Black Friday." Station management pulled the plug on Sly and the news department. In so doing, they created a serious information void. Hopefully this void will be filled by the reappearance of Sly's morning show on another, more wisely managed station. The Wisconsin progressive populist tradition remains vibrant and popular, as the Nov. 6 election results remind us. It should continue to have a bold radio voice shouting "Hello Wisconsin" every morning. About the columnist John Nichols John Nichols, associate editor of The Capital Times, is the author of seven books on politics and the media. He writes about electoral politics and public policy for The Nation magazine, and is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times. Read more: http://host.madison.com/news/opinion/column/john_nichols/john-nichols-sly-voice-for-wisconsin-progressivism-deserves-an-outlet/article_94ed8040-35ad-11e2-b519-001a4bcf887a.html#ixzz2EPhBQA1J (via DXLD) Glenn, Thanks for posting the info about 1670 WTDY. This was of interest to me. The old schedule: http://web.archive.org/web/20110718122644/http://www.wtdy.com/content/SHOWS-16.html (Artie Bigley, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I didn`t think of WTDY as ``progressive`` overall, tho I never happened to hear Sly. Ex-sked in fact shows they also carried Dennis Miller and Laura Ingraham daily, hardly progressives. 75+ comments appended to Nichols` piece paint a VERY different picture of Sly and all this, and not only from the right (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) WTDY MADISON DISMISSES STAFF; FLIPS TO CHRISTMAS November 30, 2012 By Lance Venta 3 Comments http://radioinsight.com/blog/headlines/79720/wtdy-madison-dismisses-staff-flips-to-christmas/ 1670 WTDY 106.7 WTDY-FM Madison Midwest Family John Sly Sylvester Update 11/30: Midwest Family has applied to change the calls of WTDY and WTDY-FM to WOZN and WOZN-FM respectively. Concurrently the following domains have been registered pretty much confirming the stations will flip to Sports after the holidays: 1067WOZN.com, 1670WOZN.com, 1670TheZone.com, and MadCitySportsZone.com. Original Report 11/21: Midwest Family Broadcasting’s 1670 WTDY/106.7 WTDY-FM Madison has dropped its News/Talk format and is stunting with Christmas music. WISC-TV reports that the entire local airstaff for the station has been dismissed including morning host John “Sly” Sylvester and 7 or 8 others. The stations will debut a new format after the holidays, which will likely be the new CBS Sports Radio network. 1670 WTDY added the FM simulcast on what was 106.7 WWQN in December 2011. In addition to WTDY and WTDY-FM, Midwest Family owns Rhythmic CHR “93.1 Jamz” WJQM, Rock 94.1 WJJO, AC “Magic 98” 98.1 WMGN, Country “Q106.3” WWQM, Spanish CHR “La Movida 1480” WLMV, and Oldies “Hitradio 1550” WHIT in the Madison market (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** U S A. UNIDENTIFIED: 1710 kHz x-band, Spanish 2320 UT, 07 December I have a station in Spanish on 1710 kHz, playing traditional music. Seems to be some sort of commemorative transmission with male DJ often talking over everything and IDing as Radio Telemundial or Rádio Televisão. Only about S3 at peaks and lots of noise, so I can't quite get it. Curious if this is some sort of mixing product. Nothing local transmitting this. Loop is oriented E-W. This is at 2320 UT on 07 December. Any help on this one? Recording it now with the Perseus. (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, Perseus + Wellbrook ALA1530P loop Dec 7, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) It appears to be TWR, i.e. Radio Trans Mundial. I have also just heard an English PSA. Lots of praises to Dios (pardon the lack of diacritic marks), but the program does seem to be live. New outlet? Mixing from somewhere? (Al Muick, 2330 UT, ibid.) Why make such assumptions when it could just as easily be a confirmed station on 1710, Radio Conquista (pirate) from Siler City, North Carolina? David Crawford, Titusville, FL had been hearing this for a long time and finally IDed it November 3. It's Spanish Christian format. Their URL is: http://www.radioconquista.net/contacts.html This of course was reported to the Florida group weeks ago (Terry L Krueger, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) But not beyond Florida? (gh) Also, Al said his loop was oriented east-west ---- does that mean he did not try to DF it, or the signal was really from east/west, which would certainly rule out NC from PA (Glenn Hauser, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Well, Terry, speaking of assumptions, isn't it a quantum leap of logic to say it could easily be Radio Conquista? After a rather lengthy web search, I ran into a discussion regarding a station called Radio Hermon, which claims to be part 15 station, but has been radiating into southern Ontario according to reports. They also operate on 1710 and their website is http://www.radiohermon.com They claim to be bringing religion to the Katy, Texas area. Glenn, I did try to DF it and the best signal was obtained in the E-W position, leaning just a little south of west. I did not hear any other IDs other than the "Transmundial." I listened for about four hours straight through but will be reviewing the Perseus recordings to see if I can pick anything out. Towards the end of the reception period there was a definite live religious show and the sermon did resemble what might best be called a cartoon caricature of a southern revival, but in Spanish. Most of the music, however, had what I would consider to be a Mexican style to it. I will listen again this evening and see if anything further can be pulled out. I appreciate that Conquista offers a live stream. Hermon offers audio, but does not say whether it is live. What I just heard on its website a few minutes ago sounds quite a bit like the revival- style programming I heard last night. It does not say if it is live, so it might be a podcast played back on the website. Regards, (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, Perseus SDR / Wellbrook ALA1530P, ibid.) Having listened to several mind-numbing hours of the programming recorded from the Perseus and live again tonight, I can confirm that the station is NOT Radio Transmundial, but Radio Celestial, a church- operated pirate out of the Bronx, New York on 1710. Their live stream matches exactly what I am hearing on 1710 as I write this. Their website is http://www.smjrc.com/index.html They do not run any PSAs in English as I reported, however they are sharing this channel with the might 10-watt WQFG689, licensed as a Traveler's Information Station (under part 90.20) to Hudson County, NJ in Secaucus. See http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2826342 WQFG689 is the only transmitter currently authorized on 1710 by the FCC. Celestial makes no notice of 1710 on their website or anything about Part 15. I note that their address in the Bronx is about 100 air miles from me, and WQFG689 is roughly about 90 air miles, yet Celestial overpowers WQFG689 easily and regularly. It would seem they are either radiating more power or have a much better antenna system. The back lobe of my loop would be pointing directly into this area, so this further adds to the certainty here. I would have liked it to be Radio Hermon for the distance and QRP, but I think I will fire off a report to Celestial and the TIS station and see if I can get some QSLs from them. 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, Perseus SDR / Wellbrook ALA1530P, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. FCC: PIRATE RADIO STATION OPERATOR MUST PAY $10K - LEAVENWORTH, KS --- The Leavenworth Times http://www.leavenworthtimes.com/article/20121207/NEWS/121209403 Federal regulators have fined a man $10,000 for allegedly running a pirate radio station out of a Manhattan garage. Glen Rubash, 59, of Junction City, has 30 days to appeal Wednesday's Federal Communications Commission fine. He didn't immediately respond to a phone message from The Associated Press seeking comment. The FCC accuses Rubash of broadcasting on the 88.3 FM radio frequency, KMAN reported. The agency said Rubash was rebroadcasting programming from the Republic Broadcasting Network talk radio station. The FCC wrote that Rubash "apparently willfully and repeatedly violated" the federal Communications Act by operating the station without a license. On Sept. 26, the 88.3 signal was traced to an FM transmitting antenna mounted on a pole next to a Manhattan home. The FCC wrote that agents determined that the signal was strong enough to require a license but none had been granted to operate the station. The property owner said that he allowed Rubash to use a detached garage to operate the radio station and thought the operation was legal because Rubash told him he was a licensed radio operator. On Sept. 27, Rubash talked to the FCC and admitted that he purchased the radio transmitter and that the station had been on the air for two months, the FCC wrote. "Mr. Rubash added that he would not voluntarily relinquish the transmitter if asked to do so," the FCC wrote. The FCC said that because Rubash is a licensed extra class amateur operator, he "presumably was aware (or should have been aware) that operation of the radio transmitter required a license." (via Kevin Redding, Dec 7, ABDX via DXLD) There are far worse crimes directly hurting people nowadays this nation ought to be concerned with. If the FCC focused the same energy on hunting down telemarketing scam artists (that text and call my cellphone at 3 AM, hoping I'm old and gullible), and HARMFUL interference emitters that make radio listening impossible, it would make a big, tangible difference in everyone's lives on many levels. The FCC should have allowed low-power (0 to 5 watt) broadcasting with a reasonably-easy-to-obtain noncommercial or experimental license on a specified band with specific parameters that must be followed (neighborhood-usable parameters, not die-out across-the-street limits). The FCC shouldn't be in the demographics-fit and service-to- community determination business whereby you have to qualify to get a license, and then fork out tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for an LPFM/LPAM license (let alone a commercial broadcast license). The FCC should be strictly in the technical-standards regulations, and communications misuse deterrent business. Notice the report didn't say how much power (over 10 milliwatts) the guy was putting out; seems most of these NUO cases are just experimenters minding their own business with absolutely no intent to HURT someone or some entity (i.e. jam a station), emitting sometimes less than a watt or two. Assuming he's an Extra Class, he's probably taken time to tune out the harmonics to avoid interference (unless he's a complete out-to-lunch dummy). If he wasn't broadcasting offensive material and was emitting a clean, low-power signal on a vacant channel with all harmonics at least 80dB down, who exactly did he hurt? A station 120 miles away, far beyond it's protected contour? Just my two cents. (-Darwin Long, LA, ibid.) ** U S A. REP. MIKE DOYLE: BIG CHANGES ON THE FM DIAL: FCC OKAYS MORE COMMUNITY RADIO STATIONS http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-mike-doyle/fcc-community-radio_b_2211280.html In the midst of this fall's all-consuming fiscal cliff debate, the Federal Communications Commission is about to make a little-watched decision that could have a tremendous impact on the way people in the United States get news. After over a decade of Congressional obstruction, today the FCC will finally vote to create thousands of new local radio stations across the United States. As a result of a bill I sponsored, the Local Community Radio Act, the FCC is issuing rules that will allow community groups and organizations to apply for licenses to operate noncommercial low-power FM (LPFM) radio stations on certain unoccupied parts of the dial. This means that if you've ever dreamed of starting a radio station, you just might have your chance soon. It also means that millions of Americans will have more choices on the FM radio dial and more access to local news and entertainment. This year's election cycle illustrated just how important it is for us to have more access to information about our own communities. Although we heard non-stop reporting on the presidential race for months, local and state political campaigns received a lot less coverage. Many people went to the polls on November 6 with little knowledge about their candidates for state attorney general, state representative, or school board. Yet those voters will be greatly impacted by the decisions their local and state representatives will make once in office. In places where noncommercial radio is already available, listeners really know the difference. Low-power FM radio stations, like other noncommercial stations, feature a diversity of musical genres, news reporting, and cultural programming that is created and presented by local residents. They will play those catchy mash-ups the neighbor's kid mixed from his parents' old albums, even though he'd never get that chance on other stations. They will cover high school football games and share life-saving emergency response information. And those candidates running for local office that you have such a hard time learning enough about before the elections? LPFM stations will tell you more about them, too. The truth is, radio is still an important source of information for many people. It is still one of the most accessible forms of media out there, because it reaches audiences far and wide regardless of economic factors. Radios are affordable, signals travel over the air, and building an LPFM radio station is possible even for a small group of dedicated community members. Low Power FM radio stations give everyday people a chance to be heard and to broadcast their voices to the world. And under the leadership of Chairman Genachowski, the FCC is doing just that this week. Now that the agency has finalized its rules, it will accept applications and license new LPFM stations sometime next year. These new stations will have to be at least two clicks away from full-power radio stations (as far as 88.5FM is from 88.9FM, for example) and must not cause any interference with them. Acknowledging how important it is that newly licensed LPFM stations focus on local programming, the FCC will award points to applicants who pledge to broadcast 8 hours a day of locally produced programming, and to those with a publicly accessible, staffed studio in the neighborhood where their station is operating. That means LPFMs will stay in the hands of local residents who will shape programming in the way that makes the most sense to them. Along with the new rules, the FCC will also create a tool and web portal on its website at www.fcc.gov where potential applicants can check whether space on the dial is available for a new LPFM in their region. App developers will be granted access to the raw data to create mobile applications to help aspiring broadcasters apply for a license. This FCC action has the potential to dramatically expand the range of voices on FM radio and provide better coverage of community issues at a time of substantial media consolidation. It will give many radio listeners a real choice of content and perspective, and will empower local radio in many communities across the country. Follow Rep. Mike Doyle on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/USRepMikeDoyle (via Kevin Redding, Dec 9, ABDX via DXLD) I just hope this turns out to be real old-school mom-and-pop radio, as opposed to the usual gang of smelly unwashed idiots who just want to legitimize their cheesy pirate stations. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry (Tim Hall, CA, ibid.) What about legitimate experimenters?? Not all of those people are "smelly unwashed idiots". Some have excellent radio knowledge and are not out to hurt people. I still think hobbyists and experimenters ought not to be criminalized unless there is a willful intent to hurt, defraud, or otherwise destroy someone's person, property, or safety (Darwin Long, ibid.) True. I have nothing against anyone who has a legitimate intellectual interest in low-power radio experiments or community-oriented free- format broadcasting. In fact, if we rolled back the failed policies of the 1980s FCC that started AM's death spiral, and took all the high- powered corporate "clone" stations that currently waste our airwaves with the same useless talk radio programming (be it left or right wing, no political bias intended here) in every market, and gave some of that spectrum (AM or FM) to non-commercial, low-power or experimental use (all properly licensed, with anyone with prior FCC violations excluded from consideration for those licenses), we'd surely be better off, not just intellectually, but culturally, and DX- wise (and politically, since the large corporations would no longer have incentive to buy votes from congressmen. But now I really am daydreaming. I was mainly just calling out the whiny clueless anarchist/socialist weirdos we usually see at the forefront of this issue, who break the laws then want squatters' rights to valuable FM frequencies. 73, (Tim Hall, CA, ibid.) ** VENEZUELA. 1290, Radio Puerto Cabello, Puerto Cabello, Carabobo, 0715-0735, 02-12, male: "Radio Puerto Cabello, siempre dando la hora, 2 con 48", Venezuelan songs, "Radio Puerto Cabello, primer lugar de sintonía", "En Diciembre, la mejor programación en Radio Puerto Cabello". 14321. Also heard 0712-0733, 03-12, Venezuelan songs, identification, male: "Radio Puerto Cabello siempre da la hora, las 2 y 52 minutos". 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Sony ICF SW 7600 G, cable antenna, 5 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM [non]. UK/USA, Some new V of Vietnam relays, after Sackville-RCI-CANADA ceased operation in Oct 2012. 6135, VOV Russian 2000-2030 UT via Woofferton 250 kW. 6175, VOV Vietnamese 0430-0528 UT to zone 6 via WHRI-USA relay site, ex requested 7345 WOF. 9640, VOV English 0100-0258 UT, and 0330-0358 UT via Woofferton-UK 250 kW to zone 8 (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 4, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) 6175, Dec 13 at 0527, VOV bit of Vietnamese, before BaBcoCk switched to their fill music loop, just like they used to do via Sackville on this frequency; now it`s via WHRI, as Wolfgang Büschel points out, replacing 7345 via Woofferton which had been used for the final 0430 UT hour only to W North America, and was coming in well here the last time we checked. But obviously Cypress Creek should be more reliable for such a target. HFCC shows the change was made on Dec 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VIETNAM [non]. Que Me: 1200-1230 on 9930 HBN 100 kW / 318 deg EaAs Vietnamese Fri (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) ** VIETNAM [and non]. VIETNAM/SRI LANKA, 13735 and 12130 BOTH very heavy Vietnamese SIREN jamming against RFA Vietnamese service from Iranawila relay site, S=8-9 level. 14-15 UT Dec 8 (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) ** ZANZIBAR. 11735, ZBC, Dole. 1842 December 9, 2012. Thanks Gerry Bishop tip, very good signal even with local QRM with awesome Islamic- influenced East African highlife vocals at tune-in. Three slow, one short sounder 1900, news, back to fantastic music from 1910. Same game from 2000. Signal abruptly vanished here just before 2100 amidst vocals (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida, Pile of junk used: JRC NRD-535; ICOM IC-R75; Hammarlund HQ-180A; Sony ICF-7600GR; Sangean PR- D5; Aqua Guide 705 RDF Marine Radio; GE Superadio III; JPS NF-60 Notch Filter; JPS ANC-4 Noise Phase; 1 X roof dipole; 1 X room random wire; Terk Advantage non-active portable loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6015, ZBC Radio. Dec 12 doing reasonably well; heard the distinctive drums followed by time pips at 0358; their clock was off by a few minutes (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE. 6045, ZBC/R. Zimbabwe (tentative), 0344, Dec 12 heard a brief opening with clear African high-life singing; did not last long, but certainly their format; has been a long time since I last heard them here; poor (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. 12105, CLANDESTINE (Zimbabwe), Radio Dialogue FM (presumed) via Talata-Volondry [MADAGASCAR], 1626-1700* Dec 7, mix of talk with some singing noted. Transmission break at 1629 until at least 1634. Some laughter near top of the hour when man and woman were talking. Carrier cut at 1700. Poor (Rich D'Angelo, 2216 Burkey Drive, Wyomissing PA 19610, Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Eton E5, Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Windom, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD) Zimbabwe Community Radio, Radio Dialogue: 1600-1700 on 12105 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg ZWE English/Shona/Ndebele SW Radio Africa: 1700-1900 on 4880 MEY 100 kW / 005 deg SoAf English Radio Voice of The People: 1800-1900 on 9345 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg ZWE English/Shona/Ndebele (DX RE MIX NEWS 759 from Georgi Bancov & Ivo Ivanov, Dec. 12 via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic carriers, 0042-0050 UT Dec 8: first noticed 1521 tell-tale het upon KOKC-1520, from NE/SW, i.e. Saudi monster, so did a quick downward DX-398 scan of entire band at 9 kHz intervals with offset BFO. Carriers audible, mostly just-barely: 1602, 1539, 1521, 1494, 1485, 1206, 1197, 1179, 1152, 1143, 1053, 1026, 945, 909, 684, 639 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 960, Dec 13 at 0603 UT, during KGWA silent period, some harmonica bluesy music, which points to format of WABG in Greenwood, Mississippi, but have never been able to get a definite ID during this 5-minute window wherein several other stations vie for dominance, oblivious of what`s happening in Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 970, UT Sunday Dec 9 at 0646, Jack Benny from east/west. Probably an episode of `When Radio Was`. Extensive website http://www.radiospirits.com dedicated to selling this public-domain stuff, makes one search state by state for affiliates, so I checked all likely states E/W and some closer ones in other direxions, but no 970 at this hour. Jack Benny is included. WRW often plays on news/talk stations as a respite from the hard stuff, e.g. WBBM and WCCO. Or it could be some other OTR show. Really I should consider first KCFO in nearby Tulsa. They do have a program schedule, http://www.kcfo.com/html/sunday.html but conveniently with a gap from 12 to 5 am CT Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1070, Dec 13 at 1359 UT, talking about something concerning Sherwood Forest, apparently a local place rather than England, right thru TOH with no ID, but of course fading at 1402 when there may have been an ID sounding like WGIH, then taking a caller. No such station, but top Sherwood Forest hits go to Pigeon Forge TN, also in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana. Could be WFLI Chattanooga altho well past sunrise and WHAS was still in at 1430; heard in the E/W null of KLIO Wichita (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1310, Dec 8 at 1346 UT, romantic music in Spanish, soon fading, east-west. Lots of SS stations on 1310 in the USA, but perhaps most likely now is KKNS Corrales (Albuquerque) NM, which is ``El Camino``, Spanish contemporary Christian. However, official December sunrise is not until 1400 UT (January: 1415) when 5 kW non-direxional day power is legal. 1310, Sunday Dec 9 at 1347 UT, song in Spanish from east/west, mentioning ``pecado`` in the lyrix, then another romantic-sounding song, but really religious, as I continue to suspect KKNS Corrales NM, ``contemporary Christian in Spanish``, which is not supposed to be on 5 kW day power until 1400 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Centro Radio Imbabura Ecuador ??? (presumed) This morning, Dec 7, at 1045z I tuned across 3380 hearing a tenor singing an unrecognized opera. Music continued until 1100, then male speaker in Spanish until fade out at about 1110. At this time only the very northwestern tip of So America is still in darkness. Aoki & WRTH list only one station on 3380, Centro Radio Imbabura in Otavalo, Ecuador. The station website shows 95.5 FM and 790 MW but no info about 3380. Propagation this morning was good with R Verdad, 4055 at about 1115z, with a solid S-9 (Jerry Lenamon, Drake R8A, sloper, Waco TX, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Has been off for 5 years, per LA SW Logs: 3380 EQA CRI Centro Radiofónico de Imbabura, Ibarra [2340-0108*] Nov07 HCDX SS Also consider possibility of a harmonic, 2 x 1690 --- except none are known in Spanish in North America (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) I checked 1690 at the time, all I could hear was Chicago (Berwyn) IL. Of course, that's not a disqualification. The only 1690 listed in LA is Argentina which is ruled out by the daylight path. Third and fourth harmonics don't compute. I'll try emailing the station to see if they may have resumed shortwave. JL (Lenamon, ibid.) WRTH 2013 says of 3380 Ibarra, ``Stns with a [double dagger] are reported to be inactive, but may occasionally be reactivated for variable periods of time``. Others this applies to: 4781 (which has been quite active lately), 4900, 4910, 4919, 6000 (Glenn, ibid.) The station has a contact form on their website. I filled it out in English, maybe they'll respond JL (Lenamon, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [Re 12-49]. 4110, Dec 8 at 2213 UT, JBA carrier as I am looking for third harmonic of WGOH 1370, Grayson KY, which Harold Frodge on DX-pedition in Michigan heard Nov 30 at 2211 before power drop at 2215, and also Dec 1 at 2129. It`s been months since I`ve heard a non-local MW harmonic, but I`ll need more signal than this. FCC info: WGOH is 5000 watts day, 21 watts night, non direxional. UT SR/SS times: Nov 1215-2215 Dec 1245-2215 Jan 1245-2230 Also has PSRA of 500 watts starting at 1100 UT; Also has PSSA which is more complicated; http://licensing.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/getimportletter_exh.cgi?import_letter_id=1963 in December: EST watts |5:15-5:45| 50.0 |5:45-6:00| 50.0 |6:00-6:15| 9.0 |6:15-7:15| 6.0 So this month the best chances to hear it are just before 2215 UT, or just after 1245 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4984.2, Unid reported November 28 is now silent (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, Florida, NRD 535D, 746Pro, R8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 6124.95, 1100-1115 Dec 7, Noted an unident station here in steady comments which are probably news. Language sounded like Asian, but which Asian language is difficult to determine? If I had to choose, I would say this may be RRI Nabire, Indonesia, but that is because I have a problem with "wishful thinking". So for the time being, let's just say undetermined. Someone heard Nabire in Dec, 2006, but the listener was in Europe and it was at 1206 UT on this frequency (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston FL, 26N 081W, NRD545, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. [Re 12-49] The "Wandering Buzzer" I hear in Midland 6940-6955 was completely absent during the DXpedition, so I have to conclude it's local (Harold Frodge, MARE Tipsheet 7 Dec via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 6970-LSB, Dec 8 at 0055, Brazilian Portuguese QSO, presumably freebander; had another one recently on 6980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7110-AM, Dec 8 at 0122, JBA carrier. Could be Thazin Radio, MYANMAR, minorities program, only known broadcaster on this frequency. Today`s sunrise in nearby Mandalay was 0003 UT. Need to check for this earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 7169.32 UNID. Found on the air again at 0053 with weak music. Anyone know who this is??? (7 Dec.) 7169.57 UNID. "You Make Me Feel Brand New" 0109. Still playing music at 0128. Goes without saying there was ham QRM. In the clear at 0134 still playing pop music. More of a rock song at 0139. Had to use LSB at this time to avoid the hams. Still about the same at 0143. Another romantic ballad at 0145. No announcements. 0146-0149 "Sunshine On My Shoulders" by John Denver. 0149-0153 "So Far Away" by Carol King. Seemed like some deadair but hard to tell as some ham was calling CQ. 0154-0158 recognized another ballad but can't recall. 0158-0202 "Almost Paradise". 0202-0205 "All By Myself" remake of Eric Carmens song. Weakened but still getting bits of music at 0352. The signal very gradually faded but was on all night and could still barely be seen at 0856 drifting up to 7170.14. Found a signal on 7169.99 about a half hour later but might not have been it. Gradual fade suggests Europe. Certainly doesn't sound like a spur. Asked Dr. Tim in a chat a little later but he said nothing was reported. (6 Dec.) 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA USA, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) Dave, There have been numerous reports from Brazil of a pirate somewhere in that country around 7170, which apparently relays legit FM music stations. See recent and forthcoming DX Listening Digests (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) No reply from him Yes, now at 0201 on 7170, it is on the air with romantic pop music international. Weak signal. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz, ibid.) 7170.15 approx., Dec 8 at 0057, JBA AM carrier here. Could be a ham, but a nameless Brazilian pirate has been widely reported in the radio- escutas group for the last few weeks, apparently relaying legit FM music stations. Dave Valko, PA, was also hearing AM music here the night before on the low side of 7170 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Portante sui 9605 --- Dalle 0940 UT rilevo una fortissima portante non modulata sui 9605 kHz; per ora è comparsa due volte con permanenza di circa due/tre minuti. Siete a conoscenza di prove "da quelle parti"? Ciao, (Matteo, 0952 UT Dec 10, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) Portante sui 9605 --- From 0940 UT I find a strong unmodulated carrier on 9605, for now appeared twice, hold for about two / three minutes. Are you aware of evidence "over there"? Può essere, l'ingegnere in Kamalabad, Noblejas o Skelton rende la manutenzione. Frequenza utilizzata in altri momenti della giornata: 9605 1800 1830 37 SKN 300 180 0 156 1234567 French G BBC BAB 9605 1900 2000 37,38W,46 NOB 250 168 0 118 1234567 FR/ENG E REE REE 9605 2000 2100 37E,38-40,47,48 NOB 250 110 0 145 .23456. FRENCH E REE REE 9605 2030 2130 28S KAM 500 298 0 146 1234567 ALBANI IRN IRB IRB vy73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED. 9705, Dec 10 at 1521, noise, can`t tell if DRM or jamming, so what`s scheduled? No DRM. HFCC shows VOA Cantonese is finished at 1500, then CRI Chinese via Kashgar. BSKSA in Turkistani, 500 kW, 40 degrees from Riyadh starts at 1500, so could be that transmitter malfunxioning. But the latter is not in Aoki. 9705 is also a R. Ethiopia frequency, which might be emitting DRM jamming by mistake or deliberately as VOBME-2, Eritrea also shows up around here, as only in EiBi. Niger is not supposed to be on at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Hi Glen[n], Listening to 12045 AM 12/9/12 at 1700 UT. Hearing a repeating message with lots of reverb. Can't quite make out the message, but it sounds like: FAST STREAMING AUDIO, MILKING OFF BEDFORD FOR ALL IT'S WORTH. Weird. Any ideas? Thanks (Mark Morgan, N8QIK, Cincinnati OH, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See UK for answer UNIDENTIFIED. 13635-13750 approx., Dec 13 at 1343, CODAR in this range; also much below 13610, but normally free of it above 13610. Perhaps couldn`t resist the paucity of SWBC stations on this band. Go away! In the afternoons there is hardly anything below 13820-13830- 13845 from North America (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 13775, Dec 10 at 1524 open carrier, but occasional tone or noise. Only schedulee here in HFCC is IBB Caucasus service, 250 kW, 85 degrees from Nauen, Germany. EiBi specifies middle third of this R. Liberty hour is in Chechen; so lost program feed? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15120, 0040 Asian language, soft American popular music tunes with woman speaking briefly between songs, slight audio distortion. Fair Dec 12. Any ideas on this? Help wanted (Harold Sellers, BC, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) CRI Spanish relay via CUBA is scheduled and usually heard here; if it was really not Spanish, maybe a feed mixup? (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED. 15355, UNKNOWN SITE, BBC, 0034 English with item on the fining of HSBC Bank. Fair Dec 12. Any ideas on this? Help wanted (Harold Sellers, BC, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I wonder if 15355 was a punch up error at the Singapore relay instead of 15335 (Mark Coady, ODXA yg via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 15400, Heavy China mainland FIREDRAKE music jamming noted from 1400 UT start onwards, against Chinese? language also even co-channel (Wolfgang Büschel, Dec 8, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Dec 9 via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 19005, 26/11 at 1520 poor signal with some English (Rumen Pankov, Sofia, Bulgaria (Sony ICF2001D, Folded Marconi own made ant, 16 meters long), Dec Australian DX News via DXLD) 3 x 6335 ? V. of Iraqi Kurdistan used to be there (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) Probably harmonic when propagation / SF figures are excellent: v4750 Bangladesh Betar or Radio Dunamis Shortwave Mukono Uganda from 1500 UT 73 wolfy (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) But if 19005 is precise, would either vary as far as 4751.25? (gh) UNIDENTIFIED. 21677 approx., Dec 13 at 1350, 2-way in SSB, except with inverted speech so can`t get it to resolve at any point tuning back and forth; INTRUDER in the 13m SWBC band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Channel A2 NTSC, Dec 8 at 1547 UT, bits of video flash by two or three times, probably Geminid meteor scatter from Mexico, with antenna aimed south as usual, on the lookout also for winter sporadic E openings. Nothing showing on the 6m maps (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACKNOWLEDGED ON WORLD OF RADIO 1647: Thanks Glenn for your efforts and DXLD. Wishing you the best in 2013 (Andy Reid with a Canadian $ contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com) To be acknolweged futurely: Thanks to Keith Weston for a US $ contribution via PayPal (gh) Glenn, enclosed is a donation (Kent D Murphy, New Martinsville WV, with a check to P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702) Thanks to Chuck Ermatinger for a contribution via PayPal (gh) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ BROADCASTS IN ENGLISH --- WINTER 2012-13 Very handy 32-page booklet packed with info, primarily all English SW broadcasts in time order (nineteen+ pages), but also: Key to transmitter sites and abbrs (one page) What`s New? -- major changes since last edition (semipage) QSL Gallery: Radio Pridnestrovye (one page filler) BIE Available Online: 24h streaming by country, with URLs (one page) BIE Available Online: Streaming English at scheduled times, by time (two+ pages) plus Programs on Demand but not scheduled streaming DX, Media & Mailbag Programmes, by day and time, SW and other media (two pages) World Radio Network - English schedules by time, three services to NAm, Af/As/Pac, Eu --- by satellite, online and partly on WRMI 9955 (one page each) Members received it with December issue, but additional copies are available while stocks last; prices include postage: UK 3 pounds; Europe 4 pounds, 5 Euro, US$6 or 5 IRCs. Rest of world, airmail 5 pounds, US$7 or 6 IRCs. PDF copy also available at UK price http://www.bdxc.org.uk British DX Club, 10 Hemdean Hill, Caversham, Reading RG4 7SB, UK (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RELIGIOUS BROADCASTING IN THE MIDDLE EAST --- Edited by Khaled Hroub http://cup.columbia.edu/book/978-0-231-70298-0/religious-broadcasting-in-the-middle-east Religious broadcasting in the Middle East has benefited tremendously from new transnational media networks and the widespread availability of satellite broadcasting technology. Dozens of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish religious channels are now on air, advocating different forms of religiosity and shaping public perceptions through dialogue and debate. Mainstream news channels, such as Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya, broadcast popular religious programming, in some cases filled with highly politicized content. Others feature more apolitical commentary and are concerned only with preaching God’s word. The Middle East’s highly-charged religious and political ferment has certainly been propitious for such broadcasters as they seek to convey their message. This has, in turn, reinforced the link between the dominant “religious atmosphere” and religious broadcasting. Monitoring the content-analysis of some of the region’s most influential religious channels and programs, the contributors to this volume provide pioneering insights into the Middle East’s burgeoning religious media market. They explore the themes, discourses, appearances, and “celebrities” of this rapidly expanding phenomenon and how its complex dynamics have transformed the region and the world. (via Myke D Weiskopf, http://www.myke.me http://www.facebook.com/shortwavemusic http://www.soundcloud.com/shortwavemusic DX LISTENING DIGEST) MAIS PPCs NO BLOG Amigos, Acabei de subir ao blog mais um lote PPCs. Alguns são de minha autoria, mas a maioria veio de uma contribuição do amigo Ivan Dias, pelo que desde já agradeço. PPCs de hoje: Radio Fides - La Paz, Bolivia Radio Tarma - Tarma, Perú Rádio Difusora - Macapá/AP, Brazil Z 101 FM - Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Slam FM - Haggartt Hall, Barbados Radio Souffle de Vie - Basse Terre, Guadeloupe Radio Massabielle - Pointe-Noire Guadeloupe RCI (Radio Caraïbes International) - Morne à Louis, Guadeloupe Qatar Airways - Doha, Qatar Nice FM - Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Martinai r - Schiphol, Netherlands Love FM - Kingston, Jamaica Fidelity FM - Ponce, Puerto Rico Chérie FM - Fort de France, Martinique Quality FM - The Pine, Barbados CBN - Maringá/PR, Brazil Pakistan Navy (version 2) - Karachi, Pakistan Chegamos à marca dos 412 PPCs. Tudo disponível no http://ppcdx.blogspot.com.br/ Um forte 73 (Fabricio Andrade SilvaTubarão - SC, 11 December, radioescutas yg via DXLD) DX-PEDITIONS ++++++++++++ RADIO ADVENTURE IN THE COOK ISLANDS Greetings to all! Having rented a car this afternoon, I spent about 3 hours driving around the island, exploring, especially any radio sites. There are precious few stations around it seems. In Avarua town, the only real town on the island of Rarotonga does have a FM station (sign on the main road) for Matariki FM http://www.matarikifm.co.ck Apparently they have 3 repeaters, which must be a handful of watts each and are listed as follows: 96.7 (Matavera to Black Rock (basically the north coast) 91.9 (Black Rock to Tikioki) I think this is the west and south coast 99.9 (Tikioki to Matavera) Must be the east coast. We’re staying in the south west corner of the island. I started by driving inland and followed the inner circle road for most of its length. Very interesting as well! This is the old Cook Islands with all the farms, large estates, and other interesting things like the prison and hospital (lovely view of the north island from there). Just a few hundred meters inland from my location, I ran across an antenna farm consisting of 3 dipole arrays, facing east/west, north/south, and across the road, NW/SE. There’s a building there too, and looking at it closely, there’s a small sign on the door (locked) as follows: Ministry of Transport Civil Aviation Division Receiver station. Co-ordinates are as follows: S 21 deg 15 min 05.680 sec / W 159 deg 48 min 50.054 sec. This is about 4 km south of the airport. I found it strictly by accident. I’m not sure of the HF frequencies used by Rarotonga, but I suspect they are rarely used. There’s not a lot of traffic in and out of the airport. Perhaps there’s a VOLMET service. I’m not sure. Continuing south, I explored the large abandoned Sheraton Resort in the SW corner of the island near Vaimaanga. It’s a very imposing site with many buildings up to 3 stories high which was almost finished, but then abandoned. Apparently, one of the principles took off with the money, and it was never completed. A real shame, as it would have been gorgeous, judging from the large soaker tubs in many of the rooms, now slowly reverting to nature with all the windows broken, and graffiti everywhere. Continuing north on the east side of the island, I returned to the transmitter site of Radio Cook Islands. The coordinates are as follows: S 21 deg 13 min 05.285 sec, and W 159 deg 44 min 09.391 sec at an elevation of 12’ according to my GPS on the smart phone. It’s directly at the north-west corner of the Matavera school. Again, absolutely no markings, other than “high voltage” signs in English and Cook Island Maori. Not a hint of any broadcast significance. The tower, itself, appears to be about 200’ high, and has fading red/white painting. No obvious light on the top. Plenty of guy wires across the school yard. PAL lists 2.5 kW. It doesn’t get out that well even on the island. Not bad, but not super strong. I didn’t see any sign of studios, which I’m assuming are in Avarua town. This is a very poor island, so finances are always very tight here. The people, though, are absolutely very friendly, even though, they are quite difficult to understand. Heavily accented English, quite slurred, it would seem. They don’t understand us very well either, so we usually have to repeat ourselves a time or two, before being understood! Towards the end of my circle journey, I drove on the mountain side of the airport to find the other antenna farm, located on the south-west side of the airport at the following Coordinates: S 21 deg 12 min 26.29 sec / W 159 deg 49 min 06.09 sec. The antennae are located on a 9 hole golf course. Besides dipoles, there also was a fan array, as well as a long-wire end fed antenna. I’m assuming this is the transmission site for the airport. Anyway, I hope you find this a bit interesting. Internet runs $0.30 per MB, so I’m very careful with downloading anything! It’s reasonably quick, though, at least compared to cruise ships. After 6 days, I’ve used 30 of my 50 MB allotment. A quick comment on MW reception. During the day, only 630 is audible. Late in the evening, Hawaii, New Zealand, and RFO Tahiti are all heard reasonably well, especially after around 0800 UT. Lots of hets, too, presumably from North/Central American stations. One frequency that I found interesting was 880, heard earlier this week discussing Nebraska public schools. Is there a Nebraska AM station on 880? 1440 Kiribati is often quite strong. “One minute to 7” heard at 0700 in English, in an otherwise local language programming. On SW, daytime is pretty dismal, but at night, there is some interesting things to hear: 15120: Voice of Nigeria at good level in English at 0556, over a co-channel (?CRI) 17665: VORWS at excellent level at 0212 in English. 15630 also very good, while 17690 was only poor. [North American service from DVR] 11905: SLBC fair/good with subcontinental music, and English news at 0217 to 0220. Last night, 8 Dec: 17780: Radio Romania International at good/very good level in English at 0630, // 21600 almost as good, 9600 DRM with very loud buzz, and 7310 probably the strongest of all of the frequencies, even though I’m sure it’s not directed to the Pacific. 6160: CBC [Vancouver] at poor level with loud het from Nfld. At 0633 6070: CFRX weak with cochannel at 0637 9505: Sudan with excellent signal and horn of Africa music at 0642, then “Sudaniya” heard. They then gave an internet address (including sudanradio), then “Omdurman, Sudan. Then OC, which was still there at 0645. 73 to all! Walt Salmaniw, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Dec 9, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 880 kHz is KRVN, a 50 kW Nebraska station. And I thought I had something, catching it in Arizona. Thanks for the trip report! Happy DXing (Kristin Makhloufi, ibid.) Very interesting report, Walt! There is a Nebraska station on 880 kHz re WRTH 2013: KRVN Lexington NE (50 kW) http://krvn.com/ 73 (Alan Pennington, UK, ibid.) Easy here day & night (gh, OK) Great report, Walt! Hope to get out to those islands myself someday. Hope you find time to do a complete bandscan report when you get back. I reckon those islands are perfect for DX purposes. :-) 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, ibid.) 630: Crash onset on a Sunday morning at 1618 UT with non-stop western Christian vocals. Listed 1700 Sundays sign-on, according to PAL, and 1600 other days. This station seems to be automated. Time checks two to three times an hour with computer generated, "The time in the Cook Islands is,...XX.XX". I'm still listening on 630 at 0428 with an open carrier and, yes, recording it via the audio output into the computer using Total Recorder Pro, so hoping for a decent recording, although my receiver is a modified Eton portable with an external ferrite rod, and narrow filter causing not the greatest audio quality. Back to music at 1630 with islands music. Nice! By the way, thanks to all who replied and for the ID of my 880 unID! PS: At 1633, I'm sure there's a lovely version of the Cook Islands National Anthem (choral). Very pretty! 73, (Walt Salmaniw, Rarotonga, Dec 9, ibid.) Sorry to be a bit off-topic, but perhaps some of you would be interested in my FM observations here on Rarotonga: FM Bandscan from the Cook Islands Having spent a bit of time on MW and SW, I decided to play a bit with FM and see what was available on the islands. I monitored things on Dec 10th, both from our location in the south-west corner of the island, and later in the day from Hospital hill, a lovely location south of the airport at the north end of the island. Clearly, the transmitters heard are flea powered, as much of what was heard a few km to the south was not heard at hospital hill, and vice-versa. Technically, it was also difficult to be sure of the frequency using a pretty basic tiny Eton portable with only its very short whip antenna. For what’s it’s worth, here’s a listing of what was heard. I’ll indicate my location as SW, while Hospital hill will be marked N: 87.50, (SW). Id’d as “88 FM” at 0002 UT in FM stereo. 88.0, (N) FM stereo. ?same station 88.8, (N) Radio Cook Islands here, but only heard in the Avarua town area, and fades out quickly. ID is for 630. No mention of FM. Mono transmission and well heard. 88.85, (SW) a weak ? religious station 91.9, (SW) Matariki FM FM stereo and very well heard. Seems primarily a religious broadcaster. Still poor to fair at (N). 92.15, (N) I can hear a beacon here as dit-dah-dit, dah-dah-dit. Must be connected to the airport, but why am I hearing it on the FM band? [try adding 21.4 MHz = 113.55 MHz --- gh] 93.0, (SW) poor reception with Radio Australia programming. Same relay programming at very good level at (N) in mono. 94.7, (SW) a mystery station. FM station, heard at very good level before 0000 UT, but gone completely when rechecked 3 minutes later. That’s only 2:00 PM local. FM stereo too. 96.7, (SW) Matariki FM at poor level, but very good at (N) in FM stereo, and best on 96.75 99.85, (SW) Not sure what this was. Seemingly an open carrier only. That’s all there is to hear on the FM dial. Precious little, really! 73, (Walt Salmaniw, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Dec 10, ibid.) Walter's mention of the cost related to internet service is enlightening. I wonder if the accountants at the BBC, VOA, DW, et al are aware of this cost ? It might make streaming a luxury that even those that have computers and internet service can't afford. Something else, the Cook Island antipodes appears to be north-east Africa. I wonder if that could be affecting the reception quality of some of the stations he has mentioned. JL (Jerry Lenamon, TX, ibid.) Good point Jerry. But I don't think BBC, VOA, DW etc are listening. We need to SPEAK A LITTLE LOUDER. Or is it selective deafness? Or selective broadcast markets? :-) I was looking at Internet costs on the Falkland Island recently, so expensive there as well, as would be the case in many small islands or small island nations. Fortunately RNZI & RA still provide a Pacific SW service to small island nations (Ian Baxter, ibid.) YES, there is a 50 kW D/N station on 880 in Lexington, Nebraska. AMAZING! And while there is no "street view" around Radio Cook Islands 630, there IS a fine Panoramio shot of the school and its grounds which shows the mast very nicely! (Rick Lucas, Rochester, NY, mwmasts yg via DXLD) You are right, I didn't notice that: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/72295352 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.) VISIT TO RADIO COOK ISLANDS Sunday night blew all night with quite a major storm, but little rain. The morning revealed a lot of debris on the ground and all the roads, and even a fishing boat washed up on the breakwater in Avarua town. Monday morning, we went back into town and after asking around, easily found RCI. It’s one block west of the town turn-around, and former location of the SW transmitters of RCI. On the site is, perhaps the largest building in Avarua town, and that’s the court house…a large, imposing brick building. One sees absolutely no sign of the former occupants. Traveling the one block west to the petrol station and turning left, one sees a brightly coloured building, totally unmarked. Inquiring at the front desk, I’m told that RCI is down the hall, and to just walk in! At the end of this hall I could see a very small studio with a middle aged announcer at the desk. He motioned for me to come in. The building houses the TV studio for the Cook Islands, which has a single channel (8, I believe). The announcer, with one of those unpronounceable Cook Island Maori names, has not worked at the station for too many years. His shift covers 08:00 to noon, Monday to Friday. He wasn’t particularly knowledgeable about any of the technical details, unfortunately, nor was there anyone present who knew much. There are five employees of RCI, which is totally privately owned these days. They have absolutely nothing printed that they could share with me. He acknowledged the 88.8 MHz transmitter, at the station, which covers only about the northern half of the island. I know that I could only receive it 4 or 5 km up the road towards Avarua town. He was also well aware of the 630 transmitter, of course. On air, there’s no mention of the FM relays, just 630. The neighboring island of Aitutaki (about a 30 minute flight north) apparently also has a FM relay, but he seemed to indicate that none of the other islands do, but this doesn’t sound right, since the northern Cook group is a long way off at S 10 deg latitude, vs our S 20 degrees. 630 might do fine at night for the area, but certainly not during the day! The announcer stated that there’s live programming from 06:00 AM local to 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. There’s no news department per say. Instead, if there is anything important, they’ll announce it. On Saturdays, there may be some sports broadcasts. He stated that at other times, the programming is all computerized, and that sign-off was at 23:30 local. That makes pretty good sense, since everything winds down very early on the island. The stores/businesses are all pretty much locked up by 4:00 pm, or 4:30 in some cases. Afterwards, only bars, restaurants, and some corner stores remain open. Listening at lunch today (Tuesday), there definitely still was some local live programming until at least 12:05 pm or so. An interesting side note re the announcer, was that he recently lost his home to an apparent arson (there’s been a spate of them lately). He was thankful that his family was safe, and that he could regroup and carry on. Asking him about KCFM (and others as well) indicated that everyone knew about the station, but no one could tell me what happened. I can certainly say that there’s no indication that they’re still on the air. I suspect that they closed down in recent months, but I won’t stake everything on that assumption. People are just happy to exist here, and don’t nosey around if it’s not their business! Unfortunately, the technical expert wasn’t around that day, nor the owner who might have filled me in better on the details about the station. I certainly didn’t ask about QSL cards or the like! Around the back of the station is a large satellite dish, as well as the presumed FM tower next to it. Looking closely, though, there was also a small dipole antenna with 3 lengths, cut for different wave bands, I guess. It was all twisted up, but with my experience receiving RNZI, it’s always super strong, even with a short whip antenna! Adrian Sainsbury of RNZI very likely erected it on one of his technical visits (the 2 RCI workers both knew Adrian) for reception of DRM transmissions, for further re-broadcast on RCI, which is very often, especially in the mornings for news, etc. When I asked about KCFM, they pointed me further up the street, but going up there, there’s absolutely no sign of any other stations. There is the large Cook Islands telecom building just up the street and across, with 2 even larger satellite dishes, but they advertise cell phones, internet services and the like there. (Speaking of cell service, it’s ubiquitous here with probably a good half-dozen cell repeater towers scattered around the island). That summarizes my visit to RCI. Sorry for not being able to find out any further technical details! 73, (Walt Salmaniw, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Dec 12, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) To be concluded Radio Cook Islands Recordings With the recent discussion and interest in Walt Salmaniw's trip, I thought some might like to hear the recordings I made of Radio Cook Islands' 630 kHz signal during my visit to Rarotonga in April 1993. During my stop at the studios of RCI I learned that their shortwave broadcasts ceased the previous year due to a transmitter fire at the telecom building in downtown Avarua. Sadly, that was the end of 11760 kHz, the last of Radio Cook Islands' shortwave frequencies to be heard. This is a link to a folder on Box.com with two MP3 recordings (90 min. total), three photos, and a "readme_1st" text file. https://www.box.com/s/54f9bd67h9mso23h0fvy I hope you enjoy this look back at Radio Cook Islands from the early 1990s! 73, (Guy Atkins, Puyallup, WA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ENTREVISTAS ENCUENTRO DX FIN DE AÑO 2012 - Bajada Escauriza - WRMI Hola querido Jeff: El pasado viernes 30 de noviembre se cumplió un exitoso encuentro de diexistas de Rosario y ciudades vecinas. La iniciativa fue de Carlos Evangelista y yo me ocupé gratamente de la faz organizativa. Afortunadamente debo decirte que todos hemos cumplido nuestra promesa de asistir. Sin dudas, el deseo de mantener la amistad y el compañerismo se mantiene aún cuando la afición decae año a año. El lugar elegido (entre dos alternativas) fue el que yo había propuesto: Parrilla-Restaurant e Escauriza en la Bajada que lleva su nombre junto al río Paraná, en la zona turística de La Florida. Web: http://www.escaurizaparrilla.com.ar/Escauriza.html (aquí te voy a invitar cuando vengas con Thaís) 15 (quince) colegas nos encontramos para compartir una mesa donde no faltó nada: una entrada de rabas y bastoncitos de surubí con salsa tártara; luego bogas despinadas al roquefort o con salsa de puerros o salsa criolla acompañadas con ensaladas de rúcula a la parmesano (queso y aceitunas negras), papas fritas. Vino, mucho vino, marca Santa Julia Malbec (una delicia!) y postre variopinto. Mientras comencé las entrevistas yo me había pedido frutillas con crema que fui comiendo mientras me respondían las preguntas. Bueno, todo el reportaje dura más de una hora pero yo te lo estoy enviando en fragmentos de no más de 20 minutos. Ahora te incluyo el primero con las fotos correspondientes. 1.- MAURICIO ELVIO REMILLIER de Capitán Bermúdez (abogado y políglota, experto en bandas tropicales) 2. - HUGO LONGHI de Rosario (el más viajero de todos... Conocedor de emisoras internacionales europeas) 3.- CLAUDIO HIGA de Rosario (hijo de japoneses y pionero del diexismo en Córdoba y Rosario) 4.- RICARDO HUERTA de Rosario (especialista en cultura china, dos veces ganador de concursos de Radio Internacional de China) Para no abultar con demasiado peso, las fotos te las envío en el siguiente mensaje. Te ruego me hagas saber cuando será transmitido este primer fragmento por "Frecuencia al Día" a fin de difundir el programa. Aprovecho para mandarles a vos y a Thaís un fuerte abrazo. (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Dec 3, to Jeff White, WRMI, via condiglista yg via DXLD) Hola Ruben. Cómo me hubiera gustado estar allí para esa cena DX! Muchísimas gracias por enviar la grabación. Como Viva Miami tiene solamente 14 minutos, he dividido la grabación en dos partes (dos entrevistas en cada una) para transmitirla en Viva Miami que comienza este viernes 7 de diciembre hasta en jueves 13, y la segunda parte en Viva Miami que se transmite del viernes 14 de diciembre hasta el jueves 20. Puedes ver todos los horarios de Viva Miami en el horario en nuestra página web (clic "Programación"). También puedo usar las fotos en la página Facebook de WRMI donde podemos promocionar las entrevistas. Y por supuesto podemos acomodar los restantes fragmentos de la entrevista en ediciones siguientes de Viva Miami. Muchos saludos a todo el mundo, y ya voy a poner la promoción en Facebook! (Jeff White, 4 December reply via RGM, ibid.) Hola a Todos, De acuerdo al cruce de mensajes con Jeff White de WRMI Radio Miami Internacional - que en honor a la síntesis me remito arriba - las entrevistas del Encuentro DX Fin de Año realizado en la Parrilla-Restaurant e Bajada Escauriza el pasado viernes 30 de noviembre son transmitidas dentro del programa "Viva Miami" en segmentos de 10 minutos aproximadamente (dos entrevistas por vez) desde el viernes 7 al jueves 13 de diciembre y sucesivamente según la grilla de programación de la emisora. Por favor entrar a http://www.wrmi.net/pb/wp_d12a1732/wp_d12a1732.html para días y horarios y en https://cs-cz.facebook.com/wrmiradio para ver las fotos que se irán publicando. Oportunamente los programas serán instalados en Programas DX, http://programasdx.com/ gracias a su creador José "Pepe" Bueno de España. Espero que disfruten de estos testimonios y que puedan incentivar a otros para que - aún cuando la onda corta es abandonada por las emisoras - no perdamos la motivación de seguir reuniéndonos.¡ Feliz Navidad! RGM (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Argentina, condiglist yg via DXLD) MUSEA +++++ VIDEO: SCIENCE MUSEUM TALK, EARLY BROADCASTING & 2LO TRANSMITTER Martin Ellen of bbceng.info has uploaded a video of a 30 minute talk he gave at the Science Museum on 14 November 2002, the BBC's 80th anniversary. It is on early British broadcasting and the 2LO transmitter, which he does a guided tour of. It had been donated to the Science Museum a week earlier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIwzQa48PdU (Mike Barraclough, Dec 7, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) LANGUAGE LESSONS ++++++++++++++++ APROBADOS LOS TERMINOS "DIEXISMO" Y "DIEXISTA" EN EL DICCIONARIO DE VALENCIANO Estimados amigos: como sabreis (¡o quizas no!) la Academia Valenciana de la Lengua ha aprobado la inclusion en su diccionario de valenciano la adaptacion de los terminos "Diexismo" y "Diexista" a esta lengua oficial de la Comunidad Valenciana (España). En el Estado español coexisten, junto con el español (y en calidad de lenguas cooficiales), los distintos idiomas que se hablan en las distintas Comunidades Autonomas. En el caso de la Comunidad Valenciana los idiomas oficiales son el español y el valenciano, tal como se establece en su respectivo Estatuto de Autonomia. Desde hace algunos años, desde el Club Dx S500, estamos intentando que sean reconocidos, e incluidos, los terminos de la radioescucha "Diexismo" y "Diexista" en varios diccionarios, y a este respecto podeis ver los progresos en los boletines-revistas anteriores del S500 http://www.clubs500.es Ahora es cuando todos nuestros esfuerzos dan su primer fruto. A mi propuesta, y gracias al Tecnico Lingüista D. Josep Lacreu, la Academia Valenciana de la Lengua AVL http://www.avl.gva.es/inici.html realizó un estudio para aceptar la incorporación de dichos términos en el nuevo diccionario que se espera salga actualizado durante el año 2013. Tras la presentación de la documentacion correspondiente (allá por el inicio de 2011), y su evaluación por los Académicos de la Lengua, han sido aceptados y traducidos a la norma valenciana. De esta manera las definiciones que aparecerán en el diccionario de valenciano son la siguientes: - diexisme [dieksízme] m. TELECOM. Afició a escoltar emissores de ràdio llunyanes o exòtiques. - diexista (o diexiste -a) [dieksísta] m. i f. TELECOM. Persona aficionada al diexisme. La traducción al español de la definicion de diexisme (diexismo) es: Aficion a escuchar emisoras de radio lejanas o exóticas. Y la de diexista (con su otra acepción en valenciano "diexiste") es evidentemente: Persona aficionada al diexismo. Josep Lacreu Cuesta es Cap de la Unitat de Recursos Lingüisticotècnics de la Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (Jefe de la Unidad de Recursos Lingüisticotecnicos de la Academia Valenciana de la Lengua). Esperamos que se haya abierto el camino para el reconocimiento en el resto de lenguas populares de las ondas cortas. Recibid un saludo. ********** * Emilio Sahuquillo Dobon * Club Diexista S500 * http://www.clubs500.es * Valencia (Spain) ********** (via Julio Martínez, 11 Dec, Noticias DX yg via DXLD) Enhorabona Julio per la teua tasca i a l'Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua per ser sensible a la nostra afició. Espere, com tu dius, que altres Acadèmies així ho facen. Creo que lo de arriba lo habréis entendido todos. Saludos (Vicent Marí, ibid.) DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DTV ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Granny Box Mystery, Solved! Glenn: You may be interested in this: http://karlzuk.blogspot.com/2012/12/granny-box-mysterysolved.html (Karl Zuk, N2KZ, DX LISTENING DIGEST) May not be the fault of DTV converters; some DTV signals are axually transmitted way out of spex; and leads to his quirky blog (gh, DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DRM See BELGIUM; BULGARIA; GUIANA FRENCH; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INDIA; NETHERLANDS; PORTUGAL; SPAIN; USA; UNIDENTIFIED 9705; DX-PEDITIONS 9600 POWERLINE COMMUNICATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLT - Doomed to Fail: FprEN 50561-1 Southgate December 8, 2012 http://www.southgatearc.org/news/december2012/doomed_to_fail.htm Powerline Communication (PLC a.k.a. PLT) is able to pollute radio services and to render a valuable natural resource useless. In two articles Karl Fischer DJ5IL writes about the hazards of the FprEN 50561-1 standard and shows that it is unnecessary and inadmissible. The mains grid is neither intended nor suitable for broadband data transmission. The pollution generated by PLC / PLT can ruin people's enjoyment of radio. Karl DJ5IL says the PLC-Lobby and the European Commission are pushing through this unfit-for-purpose and superfluous technology against technical reason and by circumventing sound standards. Part -1 The Trojan Horse of the PLC-Lobby: FprEN 50561-1 http://www.cq-cq.eu/dj5il_rt004e.pdf Part-2 Doomed to Fail: FprEN 50561-1 http://cq-cq.eu/DJ5IL_rt005e.pdf Final Draft FprEN 50561-1 http://www.cept.org/Documents/wg-se/6985/SE(12)Info31_Final-draft-CENELEC-EN-50561-12012 (via Mike Terry, Dec 10, dxldyg via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ MULTI-STATION MW ANTENNAS Sharing ("diplexing") of large MW directional arrays is becoming increasingly common over here as land values increase and as neighbors become ever more unfriendly to tower construction. It's not uncommon in (or near) urban areas to see three MW stations combining their transmitter facilities. For instance, the site near Boston that formerly belonged to WUNR 1600 alone is now shared by WXKS (1200) and WRCA (1330) as well as a higher-powered WUNR facility. You can see some fairly recent pictures here (with links to some earlier ones as well): http://www.fybush.com/boston-2010-updating-the-files/ An even more remarkable example is in St. Cloud, Minnesota, where four stations (on 540, 660, 800 and 1010) all share an array. with modern antenna design, it's fairly simple (if not quite trivial) to combine multiple stations in this fashion. It's all about the filtering networks: as long as the stations involved are reasonably well-separated in frequency (rule of thumb says at least 10% difference in wavelength), you can build a filter network at each tower that will prevent each station's transmitter from feeding RF back into the other stations' transmission chains. What this means, then, is that each of the stations sharing an array can use any or all of the towers without affecting the other stations also using those towers, and it doesn't really matter if one happens to be non-directional. One of my favorite shared arrays is WGR 550/WWKB 1520 south of Buffalo, NY: http://www.fybush.com/sites/2010/site-100226.html http://www.fybush.com/sites/2007/site-070727.html This site has six towers, total. Three are used fulltime by WWKB, including one that's shared with WGR's four-tower night array. WGR's non-directional daytime operation has moved around over the years to each of the three towers not shared with WWKB. Another remarkable example is WKDM 1380/WWRU 1660 in the New Jersey Meadowlands: http://www.fybush.com/sites/2008/site-080425.html This one began as a simple three-tower array for 1380 and is now eight towers, total: the original three towers for 1380's day signal, a fourth that is now used as part of 1380's four-tower night array, four shorter towers surrounding that array that are used at night by 1660, and then by day 1660 uses two of the 1380 towers. By day, then, one of these seven towers is shared (WKDM's #2 tower), two (WKDM #1 and #3) are used only by 1380, one (WKDM's #4 tower) is used only by 1660 and four (the 1660 night array) are not used at all. At night, all eight towers are in use and none are shared: the four short towers by 1660 and the four taller ones by 1380. This site also incorporates extensive filtering to avoid distorting the patterns of several other nearby high-powered MW transmitters. And returning to Montreal, the old Brossard array has been succeeded by two generations of interesting shared antennas for the newer 690 and 940 licenses. When CBF and CBM left those frequencies, a private broadcaster moved its existing stations from less-favorable frequencies to 690 and 940. The former CIQC 600 became CINW 940 and the former CKVL 850 became CINF 690. The old 850 facility south of Montreal was demolished and both 690 and 940 moved to the former 600 transmitter site at Kahnawahke, also just south of Montreal. That site had four towers, and while I don't know all the details, it's my understanding that 690 used two of them and 940 used the other two. CINW and CINF in turn went silent a few years ago and the CRTC has once again reissued new licenses for those frequencies. 690 went to CKGM, formerly on 990, and the seven-tower 990 facility at Mercier (a few km south of Kahnawahke) has been reconfigured as a directional 690 facility. 990 remained on the air there as a simulcast until just last week, and 990 will return under a new licensee from the Mercier towers next year. 940, meanwhile, will return to the air from Kahnawahke under new owners next year. That Kahnawahke facility will be reworked to return the old 600 frequency to the air as well. I am pretty sure that 600 will use all four towers there, while 940 will use only two. The new licensee of 600 and 940 has a pending application for a new 850 as well, which will also use the Kahnawahke site. None of the 690 and 940 facilities that have succeeded Brossard has been as effective, since they're using shorter towers that are less efficient. Hope this is all of interest - I'm pleased to be here, and happy to answer any questions you or the group might have! (Scott Fybush, NY, mwmasts yg via DXLD) This is indeed very interesting, Scott! And about your Montreal area transmitter sites an frequencies' "waltz" coverage, thanks for all that info. It is certainly nice to learn more about its own backyard ;-) Thanks again for your extensive work and knowledge and a warm welcome here. Best regards, (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf QC, CANADA, ibid.) NRSC-1-A Hi All, Does anyone here know if an AM station can choose not to run pre-emphasis on their audio if they don't want to run it? I know the 10.2 kHz cutoff is required by FCC regulations but can a station run a flat audio response to 10.2 kHz if it wants to? I know pre-emphasis was for the benefit of AM receivers with narrow bandwidth IF filters, but do FCC regulations actually require a station to run it? Somehow I thought a station could decide by itself how much pre-emphasis it wants to run, within reason of course. 73 - (Todd WD4NGG Roberts, Dec 11, ABDX via DXLD) My understanding was that the original NRSC standard was "voluntary". When the FCC adopted NRSC 2, the only section of the rules that referenced the standard was 73.44, which defines the measurements of the RF mask. As a practical matter, stations can and always have had the ability to set their own effective pre emphasis curves by adjusting program equalization. Today's audio processors have a wide range of EQ curves that can be invoked at the push of a button. If a station prefers to run the audio "flat", it is free to do so, as long as the RF Mask defined in 73.44 is maintained. Here's an analysis from James Boyd that sums it up pretty well: http://www.thebdr.net/articles/fcc/rules/NRSC.pdf 73, (Mike, NM7X, ibid.) Hi Mike, Thanks for the good explanation and the link to the article on the RF Mask measurements for AM. Listening to several nearby AM stations I notice some sound "hotter" than others as far as equalization goes, so a one-size-fits-all AM-De-emphasis may not necessarily sound the best on all AM stations. For example on a Carver TX-11A tuner switching on the De-Emphasis usually dulls the sound to my ears. I figure it is hard enough to get a flat response up to 10 kHz in most AM tuners. If a station sounds a bit too "hot' probably easiest to just turn down the treble control on your amplifier until it sounds best. 73 - (Todd WD4NGG, ibid.) You are correct, Todd. The "real" standard is that there is no standard. For a long time, manufacturers of broadcast audio processors were including an NRSC standard de emphasis filter that was intended to be installed in the station's off air monitoring system. Most of the time, they just lived in a box on the back shelf, unused. Also, very few receiver manufacturers bothered to adopt the NRSC standards at all. Your Carver is a rare breed and is capable of sounding really good, but the general industry practice is to "optimize" the audio for a much narrower receiver bandwidth. Another part of the equation is that aggressive audio processing tends to create objectionable distortion in the higher audio frequency ranges. As a result, on some stations, a wider receiver bandwidth actually sounds worse than a narrower one. And then, there's the matter of HD Radio's contribution to the analog listening experience. None of this adds up to anything that would make a quality conscious consumer happy. In today's broadcasting world, if there is someone at the station that actually does pay attention to the audio, the station's "sound" will usually be dictated by what sounds good on that person's particular car radio. The good news is that in spite of all of this, some stations still manage to sound quite good. They may be few and far between, but they are fun to listen to! 73, (Mike, NM7X, ibid.) HELP NEEDED WITH RFI ISSUE Since last Saturday, DX has been at a standstill here because of a nasty RFI problem that I have not previously encountered. The noise is constant and very broadbanded but at my QTH is worst between 5.5 and 6.5 MHz where it is a solid S9. I can hear it at diminishing strength up to at least 20 MHz and down past 2 MHz. A short MP3 sample is attached. Our utility company noise hunter, a fellow amateur radio operator, demonstrated to my satisfaction that his company's equipment is not to blame nor does it sound like interference that can be caused by digital CATV installations. This noise is extremely strong near several houses at the end of my block about 1,000 feet from my antenna. There it even dominates the mediumwave spectrum. Before approaching those neighbors I'd like to get a better handle on the devices that might be responsible. I think their reaction will be a lot more positive to specific questions rather than a request to start turning everything in their house off. If anyone recognizes this buzz and has suggestions about sources, please let me know. I've checked the RFI page at the ARRL and can't find anything that seems to match it exactly. If I can't get rid of this, SW DX at this location is history. 73, (Andy Robins KB8QGF, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Dec 7, NASWA yg via DXLD) Andy, It does sound familiar, like something I cope with at some level, but have not found or eliminated. I always figured it was ``line noise`` to be blamed on the electric company, but that may not be correct (Glenn Hauser to Andy, via DXLD) Wow, what a noise problem. Loud and very steady. Is the noise constant around the clock? More an evening problem than a morning problem? At my location, I have noticed in recent years more noise around December as Christmas lights make their annual appearance. Possibly your neighbors have outdoor seasonal lighting that is creating the problem? Just a thought based on my own experiences in recent years. 73, (Rich D`Angelo, Wyomissing PA, ibid.) Andy, Have been down this road before, chasing down EMI/RFI noise. I did not get the .mp3 with the noise sound on it to review but have some suggestions. First, do you have an SWB portable radio such as an ultralight? Maybe even a hand-held scanner with AM mode in it. If so, your going to have to use it to localize the noise, hopefully to only a couple of houses. Reading your account, I take it the EMI attenuates with frequency. This can be used to help you localize the source. Take your portable radio and walk toward the suspect source. As the noise gets louder, either tune up in frequency or lower the antenna to lower the level. If you can get the level down enough, there will be no QRN until you are right on top of or close to the source. You will be able to walk around the suspect houses and narrow it down to perhaps 2 or even one. You may be looking for a plasma TV, invisible dog fence or what is turning into a big offender, a failed wall wort or even LED powered Xmas lights. Chinese wall worts with switching read: "cheap," power supplies are very suspect. In reading your note, I take it this started only very recently so you may be looking for a new item which was just purchased ("Black Friday?") and installed. In any case, what you are looking for is an item which has probably failed. You're probably going to end up knocking on doors and part of your introduction could be to explain to the owner this noise just started, you suspect something has broken, have they smelled anything "hot" in the house, have they recently installed a new electrical device? Phrase it right, that you`re there to ultimately help them, and you'll probably have the owners enthusiastic cooperation. Have your portable radio with you. Get the owner to unplug any newly installed item, then suspect wall worts or their TV. A final test is to have the owner shut off breakers as you listen with your portable radio. You are probably looking for something that is powered "on" all the time. Remember, computers, printers and anything that turns on with a remote control has a hot power supply which is working if it`s plugged in. The offending item is probably coupling to the house wiring like an antenna to radiate the distances at the strengths you've described. You`re going to be walking around with a portable radio, looking like some kind of geek but do this thoroughly and you're going be rewarded by pulling a plug on something and the noise on your portable radio is going to disappear. One last note, the FCC Rules on Industrial Noise place responsibility for eliminating RFI/EMI on the owner of the property where the noise source is located. I want to tell you that codified in 47 CFR Part 15 but have the specific references at work. If you find the source but don't get any cooperation, drop me a note and I'll give you the information and a path that will end up with a resolution (Chuck Rippel, ibid.) SHORTWAVE DX CHALLENGE NEWS [Jan 1-31, 2013] As previously mentioned, Durham Radio are sponsoring January's Shortwave DX Challenge and, with the help of their suppliers, are giving us the following as prizes (with their retail value indicated): Grundig G2 Reporter Portable Shortwave/AM/FM with Voice Recorder ($149.95 CDN) CCrane Radio Portable AM/FM Receiver ($124.95 CDN) Sangean ATS-505P Portable Shortwave Receiver ($119.95 CDN) The overall champion (most countries heard) will have their choice of one of the above receivers. The next prize will be awarded to the second place finisher who will have their choice of one of the remaining two receivers. A draw will be held among ALL CONTESTANTS for the remaining receiver. Shipping costs will be paid by the Ontario DX Association but may be at the parcel or surface rate. Prize winners will be encouraged to e-mail Durham Radio (their contact info will be provided to each of the winners) to thank them for sponsoring the Shortwave DX Challenge. Rules for the Shortwave DX Challenge can be had at: http://www.odxa.on.ca/SWDXCrules.pdf Check Durham Radio's website for all of your HAM, DX, and SWL needs: http://www.durhamradio.com/ (Mark Coady, Editor, Your Reports Express, Listening In, Ontario DX Association, NASWA yg via DXLD) FSL LOOP DEMONSRATION BY GARY DEBOCK Interesante video de loops [3 minutes] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqYZcRXCGxM&feature=youtu.be (via José A. Kucher, Argnetina, Dec 5, condiglist yg via dXLD) AM STEREO ON FACEBOOK With the recent talk about KCJJ and that station turning off AM Stereo, I just happened to run across a fellow engineer on Facebook who has an interest in and is running an AM stereo station. I encouraged the fellow to start a group there. For those of you on Facebook, you are welcome to join a still small, but lively group of fellow AM Stereo people at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/385327984878627/ I`m at: http://www.facebook.com/MidAtlanticEngineeringService?ref=tn_tnmn See you all there! (Bob Carter - KC4QLP - WQJK414m Mid-Atlantic- Engineering-Service of Utica NY, http://www.midatlanticengineeringservice.com Dec 9, ABDX via DXLD) HARRIS IS SELLING ITS BROADCAST DIVISION FOR $225 MILLION: http://tinyurl.com/HarrisSale http://tinyurl.com/Harris-Sale-RW-Story http://tinyurl.com/HarrisSaleReaction (CGC Communicator Dec 10, via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ Recently I mentioned a spreadsheet I made to track changes in the 45-day solar flux forecast from NOAA/USAF. I am going to try to share the spreadsheet with you, and keep it updated online. To see the spreadsheet, go to https://sheet.zoho.com/public/tadcook/noaa-usaf-flux-prediction-archive-xls-1 Unfortunately, I have not quite figured out how to freeze the column headings across the top and the left column too, but you can look at the spreadsheet, download it and play with it. Note that the last entry is for December 6, 2012. If you go down the left column to that date, then go to the right to the December 6 column you will see the actual solar flux for that date. As you go up the December 6 column, you see all the past solar flux predictions for December 6, and see how they have varied over time. As you go to the right from December 6, you see numbers corresponding to the dates in each column, and those are the flux values as predicted on December 6, from the predictions at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpmenu/forecasts/45DF.html (QST de W1AW, Propagation Forecast Bulletin 49 ARLP049 From Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, WA December 7, 2012, To all radio amateurs, via Dave Raycroft, ABDX via DXLD) GEMINID METEOR SHOWER PEAKS ON DEC. 13-14, 2012 NASA Science News for Dec. 9, 2012 The annual Geminid Meteor Shower is set to peak on Dec. 13 and 14, 2012. The display, which is caused by an unusual 'rock comet,' could produce more than 100 meteors per hour during the dark hours before dawn this Thursday and Friday. Full story: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/09dec_rockcomet/ (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) OZ7IGY BEACONS TRANSMITTING MS MODES DURING GEMINIDS Southgate December 11, 2012 (Amateur station) OZ7IGY (The world's oldest beacon) is transmitting MS modes on 2 m and 6 m during the Geminids meteor shower from December 10-15, 2012. The projected maximum of the shower is December 13, 2330 UT The transmission sequence is a 1 minute cycle starting with the MS mode for 25 s (call), followed by CW ID (call and locator followed by carrier until the next cycle begins. The CW part continues to be F1A with a -250 Hz shift. On 6 m the nominal frequency is 50.471 MHz. The MS mode is JT6M thus the USB dial, on most radios, will have to be set to 50.469 923 MHz to give a 0 Hz deviation. On 2 m the nominal frequency is 144.471 MHz. The MS mode is FSK441 thus the USB dial, on most radios, will have to be set to 144.470 118 MHz to give a 0 Hz deviation. After the Geminids the 2 m and 6 m beacons will revert to JT65C2, CW and carrier. See more about the OZ7IGY beacons here: http://rudius.net/oz7igy 73 Bo, OZ2M Free WSJT software (includes FSK441 and JT6M) http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wsjt.html JT6M Guide http://www.jt6m.org/about.php http://www.southgatearc.org/news/december2012/oz7igy_beacons_transmitting_ms_modes_during_geminids.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AmateurRadioNews+%28Southgate+Amateur+Radio+News%29 OZ7IGY goes all the way back to the International Geophysical [Sesqui]- Year in 1957. From its start on 144 MHz it has ever since been on air continuously and on ever more and more bands. Today OZ7IGY transmits on 28 MHz, 40 MHz, 50 MHz, 70 MHz, 144 MHz, 432 MHz, 1,3 GHz, 2,3 GHz, 3,4 GHz, 5,7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz. Most of the HF, VHF and UHF technology used by OZ7IGY is old(er) land mobile equipment modified for the purpose. For the microwave bands most of the technology is dedicated radio amateur beacon designs while power amplifiers are often surplus. However, given the latest developments in digital modulation techniques and RF-circuits it is time also for OZ7IGY to take advantage of these technologies. On 30 October 2012 the first two Next Generation Beacons were put on air after thorough testing and burn-in periods. The Next Generation Beacons platform is open to others and the software can easily be adapted to other modulations and sequences. Furthermore, is the new platform frequency and time locked to GPS. Thus the frequency accuracy is better than 5 MHz. Currently the new beacons on 2 m and 6 m transmit in a 1 min sequence starting with JT65C2 (call and locator) then CW (call and locator) and finally a carrier until next cycle begins at the 00 second. Over time all the OZ7IGY beacons will use the Next Generation Beacons platform. During the Geminids meteor shower,10 to 15 December 2012, the 2 m beacon will transmit FSK441 and the 6 m will transmit JT6M the first 24,5 s every period instead of JT65C2. http://www.rudius.net/oz7igy/ (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) A NEW METEOR SHOWER IN DECEMBER? NASA Science News 11 December 2012 Forecasters say a stream of meteoroids from Comet Wirtanen could cut across Earth's path this week, creating a new meteor shower. If the shower materializes (a big if) it would add to the ongoing display of Geminid meteors which peaks on Dec. 13-14. Full story: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/11dec_newshower/ Related video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEPPGF3KrMQ (via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) WEIRD PROPAGATION IN THE OFFING Sudipta Ghose reported on Facebook 4 hours ago: The interplanetary magnetic field has been south oriented for the last several hours (as of 0100Z Dec 10) This opens magnetic portals which can permit charged particles from the sun to penetrate deep into the ionosphere activating propagation anomalies which may include some unusual openings - (n7df in TOPBAND reflector, via Mike Terry, Dec 10, dxldyg via DXLD) Is this really of any significance? (gh, DXLD) SWPC -- NEW EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTS AVAILABLE: Two new, experimental forecast products are now available, the 3-Day Forecast and the Forecast Discussion, both produced twice daily at 0030 and 1230 UTC. The 3-Day Forecast is a concise, one-page summary using NOAA Space Weather Scale terminology and the Forecast Discussion provides detailed information covering observations and forecast rationale tailored for the user requiring in-depth, scientific information. These products are available in the Data and Products section of the website at http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/three_day_forecast.txt and http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/forecast_discussion.txt respectively. Users can also subscribe to these products in the Product Subscription Service under the Forecasts and Summaries product category. Feedback on these products is welcomed through January 11th. Please submit feedback to: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/survey/nws-survey.php?code=3DSWF (3-Day Forecast) and http://www.nws.noaa.gov/survey/nws-survey.php?code=SWFD (Forecast Discussion). These two products will supplement the existing product suite and no current products will be discontinued at this time (SWPC via DXLD) Geomagnetic field activity was quiet all week. Solar wind speed measured 260 km/s - 350 km/s on average with a peak of 459 km/s on 04 December due to the arrival of a coronal hole high speed stream. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -10.9 nT at 04/0440 UTC, the total IMF reached 13.0 nT at 03/1958 UTC. There were no CMEs with a significant earthward component during this week. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 10 DECEMBER-05 JANUARY 2013 Solar activity is expected to be at low levels with a chance of isolated M-class flares through the entire forecast period (10 December 2012 - 05 January 2013). No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal levels except during 14-21 December following the onset of a coronal hole high speed stream on 14 December and sustained by another stream which is expected to become geoeffective on 15 December. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at quiet levels for the majority of the forecast period. An isolated period of unsettled levels is expected on 17 December with elevated ambient background solar wind speeds and again on 29 December associated with a recurrent solar sector boundary crossing. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2012 Dec 10 1124 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2012-12-10 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2012 Dec 10 105 5 2 2012 Dec 11 105 5 2 2012 Dec 12 105 5 2 2012 Dec 13 110 5 2 2012 Dec 14 110 5 2 2012 Dec 15 115 5 2 2012 Dec 16 115 8 3 2012 Dec 17 125 5 2 2012 Dec 18 130 5 2 2012 Dec 19 125 5 2 2012 Dec 20 120 5 2 2012 Dec 21 115 5 2 2012 Dec 22 115 5 2 2012 Dec 23 115 5 2 2012 Dec 24 110 5 2 2012 Dec 25 110 5 2 2012 Dec 26 110 5 2 2012 Dec 27 110 5 2 2012 Dec 28 100 5 2 2012 Dec 29 100 8 3 2012 Dec 30 95 5 2 2012 Dec 31 95 5 2 2013 Jan 01 95 5 2 2013 Jan 02 95 5 2 2013 Jan 03 95 5 2 2013 Jan 04 100 5 2 2013 Jan 05 100 5 2 (SWPC via DXLD) SOLAR ACTIVITY FORECAST FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 14 - 20, 2012 Activity level: very low to low X-ray background flux (1.0-8.0 A): in the range B1.0-B7.0 Radio flux (10.7 cm): a fluctuation in the range 100-140 f.u. Events: class C (0-10/day), class M (0-3/period), class X (0/period), proton (0-1/period) Relative sunspot number (Ri): in the range 30-95 Astronomical Institute, Solar Dept., Ondrejov, Czech Republic e-mail: sunwatch(at)asu.cas.cz (RWC Prague) Geomagnetic activity forecast for period Dec 14, 2012 - Jan 6, 2013 Geomagnetic field will be: quiet on December 19, 24, 27, 29, January 1 - 4, mostly quiet on December 15, 18, 23, 26, quiet to unsettled on December 14, 16, 22, 25, 30 - 31, quiet to active on December 28, active to disturbed on December 17, 20 - 21, January 5 - 6, positive storm phase is expected on December 20. High probability of changes in solar wind which may cause changes in magnetosphere and ionosphere is expected on December 16 - 17, 20, 22 - 23, 30, January 1, 5 - 6. Remark: Present type of development in solar active regions and its configuration reduces the reliability of predictions. F. K. Janda, OK1HH, Czech Propagation Interested Group (OK1HH & OK1MGW, weekly forecasts since 1978), e-mail: ok1hh(at)rsys.cz (via Dario Monferini, WORLD OF RADIO 1647, DXLD) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ AS THE NON-RELIGIOUS GROW IN NUMBER, THEY BECOME TARGETS OF HATE AND DISCRIMINATION --- Doug Saunders, Hamburg — The Globe and Mail, Published Tuesday, Dec. 11 2012, 7:25 AM EST, Last updated Wednesday, Dec. 12 2012, 2:11 PM EST 421 comments They may be the fastest-growing faith group in the world. But they also are victims of intense legal, political and sometimes lethal physical discrimination in a majority of countries. They are the non- religious, a group comprising more than a third of all humans. And the first major worldwide study of their status, released on Monday by the International Humanist and Ethical Union, shows that they are often forced to live in hiding, and are increasingly prone to imprisonment and legal censure. . . http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/as-the-non-religious-grow-in-number-they-become-targets-of-hate-and-discrimination/article6189379/ (via Gerald T Pollard, NC, DXLD) ###