DX LISTENING DIGEST 12-08, February 22, 2012 Incorporating REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING edited by Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. Materials taken from Arctic or originating from Olle Alm and not having a commercial copyright are exempt from all restrictions of noncommercial, noncopyrighted reusage except for full credits For restrixions and searchable 2012 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid.html For restrixions and searchable 2011 contents archive see http://www.worldofradio.com/dxldmid1.html NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn WORLD OF RADIO 1605 HEADLINES: DX and station news about: Afghanistan, Brazil, China, Croatia non, Cuba non, Egypt, Eritrea, Germany, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Italy non, Kazakhstan, Korea South, Myanmar, Nigeria non, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Somalia non, Tunisia, UK, USA SHORTWAVE AIRINGS OF WORLD OF RADIO 1605, Feb 23-29, 2012 Thu 0430 WRMI 9955 [repeated 1604 this week] Thu 2200 WTWW 9479 [confirmed] Thu 2230 WBCQ 7490 [canceled! New time TBA] Fri 0430v WWRB 3195 [confirmed] Sat 0900 WRMI 9955 Sat 1600 WRMI 9955 Sat 1830 WRMI 9955 Sun 0500 WTWW 5755 Sun 0900 WRMI 9955 Sun 1630 WRMI 9955 Sun 1830 WRMI 9955 Mon 0330v WBCQ 5110v-CUSB [alternate weeks including this] Mon 1230 WRMI 9955 Tue 1030 HLR 5980 Hamburger Lokal Radio Thu 0430 WRMI 9955 [or maybe 1606 if ready in time] Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at: http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org For updates see our Anomaly Alert page: http://www.worldofradio.com/anomaly.html WRN ON DEMAND: WORLD OF RADIO PODCASTS VIA WRN: http://www.wrn.org/wrn-listeners/world-of-radio/ http://www.wrn.org/listeners/world-of-radio/rss/09:00:00UTC/English/541 OUR ONDEMAND AUDIO: http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html or http://wor.worldofradio.org DXLD YAHOOGROUP: Why wait for DXLD? A lot more info, not all of it appearing in DXLD later, is posted at our yg without delay. When applying, please identify yourself with your real name and location, and say something about why you want to join. Those who do not, unless I recognize them, will be prompted once to do so and no action will be taken otherwise. Here`s where to sign up: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dxld/ ** AFGHANISTAN. 7200 5.2 1544 Nat. Radio of Afghanistan spelade 80- talsdisco och pratade om de historiska och kulturella relationerna mellan Afghanistan och Pakistan. Bra signal! HR 7200, 2.5 1544, National Radio of Afghanistan played disco from the 80'ies and talked about the historical and cultural relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Good signal! (Hans Östnell, Biri, northern Norway, SW Bulletin Feb 19 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) RTA External service in English on 7200 not heard at listed 1530 on Feb. 16. And I don't think I'm in their skip zone. Full darkness path and 285 miles away. I've heard 40 meter hams that distance at night in the states. Local sunset 1300. Both Kabul 400 KW MW outlets on 1107 and 1296 booming in as usual. SW-11 (Brock Whaley, Kandahar, Afghanistan for WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Brock, thank you for the interesting report. Let's check if R. Afghanistan FS has moved or was just temporarily off (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.) ** ALASKA. There are no longer any AFRN 40-watt stations on the air in Alaska. Check out http://www.kadiak.org [correct] (Crusty Old Joe’s Alaska Military History site). There is a lot of info on there about the old Armed Forces Radio Network, including a list of the former stations, and its birth right there in Kodiak (where I lived and was stationed for 15 years in the 1980s and 90s, and was the Program Director at KMXT-100.1 (FM) there.) (Rod O'Connor, Southwest Harbor, Maine, NRC DX News Jan 9 via DXLD) ** ALBANIA. 7530, Radio Tirana; 2101-2128:13*, 13-Feb; English news & commentary to 2109:30 into music -- mix of EZL/pop/folk. No closing announcement; one IS & off. SIO=3+43-, QRN & muted audio made copy a challenge; QRM from occasional trill & buzz burst (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANGOLA. 4949.75, RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1921-1930, 18/2, portug., prgr. falado, entrevistas; 24331, QRM ocasional de sin. util. (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** ANGUILLA [and non]. 6090, Feb 21 at 0700, Caribbean Beacon is off, uncovering weak het from presumed Nigeria/Brasil; wish I had noticed this earlier. 11775 is on nominally at 1354 check with gospel music interlude. 6090 was back on air Feb 22 around 0645, but now it`s TUN/DGS/PMS/CB`s 11775 that is missing at 1336, 1437 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Feb 16 at 1435, perfunctory check since it`s Thursday, still no signal from LRA36, nor at some tuneby times before 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 22 DE FEBRERO DIA DE LA ANTARTIDA ARGENTINA Hoy se conmemora el 108 Aniversario de la presencia permanente e ininterrumpida de la Argentina en la Antártida. Estos años están plagados de hazañas y héroes anónimos que pusieron lo mejor de si tanto en su especialidad de aviación, naval, de comunicaciones, meteorología, logísticas, científicas en general y humanas en definitiva. La historia en esa región incluye muchos acontecimientos importantes vinculados a las comunicaciones y radiodifusión incluyendo nuestra emisora de radio LRA36 Radio Arcángel San Gabriel de manera tan que corresponde recordar el momento en este ámbito. Atte (Alejandro LU8YD D. Alvarez, Feb 22, condiglist yg via DXLD) Adhiero a tus opiniones, Alejandro. La soberanía argentina sobre nuestro Sector Antártico Nacional (e islas del Atlántico Sur, con Malvinas incluidas, por supuesto) debe ser una cuestión de Estado. Lamento que actualmente nuestra LRA36 esté fuera del aire. Por lo menos no la veo reportada hace mucho y yo tampoco he podido escucharla en los últimos dos meses (Arnaldo Slaen, ibid.) I did not get this till later and did not realize it was AA Day, so did not dig for 15476, as I do every Thursday, but certainly did not notice any sign of it as tuning across the area a few times Wednesday morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANTARCTICA [non]. 9TH ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK 20-26 Feb 2012 [ham] http://www.waponline.it/Default.aspx?tabid=113 (via gh, DXLD) Viz.: ANTARCTIC ACTIVITY WEEK ---> The Worldwide Antarctic Program has announced that the 9th Antarctic Activity Week will be held from 20 to 26 February. The aim of this annual event is to promote worldwide interest in the Antarctic continent. Special event callsigns (QSL via operator's instructions) are expected to be aired during this year's AAW from the following countries: Canada VA3WAP, VA7AAW, VB3A England GB0ANT France TM9AAW, TM9WAP Italy II0WAP, II1MNA, II2ANT, II3ANT, II3MNA, II5ANT, II7ANT, IO5ANT, IP2ANT, IP8AAW, IR0ANT, IR1ANT, IR1SP, IR2IR, IR7ANT Lithuania LY10ANT Romania YQ0ANT, YQ8ANT Spain AO1POL, AO5ANT, EG1SPA Switzerland HB9ICE The Netherlands PA6ANT, PC12ANT USA K4A, K4K, N5T Complete information on the AAW can be found at http://www.waponline.it (425 DX News 18 Feb via Dave Raycroft, Feb 17, ODXA yg via DXLD) Italy holds three National Museums located in three different Cities: Genova, Siena and Trieste. They have been established in 1996 and named Felice Ippolito in memory of its first President. Italian National Antarctic Museum of Genova: On October 2, 1998 the Exhibit Centre was inaugurated in the area of the Ancient Port, a new pole of cultural and tourist attraction of Genova. The Museum aims to inform the public about the Antarctic continent and the research activities, especially the ones related to the biological sector, carried out during the expeditions to Antarctica. Italian National Antarctic Museum of Siena: Situated at the Didactical Complex of Laterino, the exhibit has the aim to promote the knowledge of Antarctic continent and connected research activities with special emphasis on the geological, climatological and environmental evolution of the icy Continent. Italian National Antarctic Museum of Trieste: Situated at the Comprensorio San Giovanni, the exhibit site made available by the Department of Geology of the University of Trieste, has the aim to promote the knowledge of any documentation of the history of exploration of the continent. Its objectives are the conservation, study and enhancement of Antarctic materials relating to the marine geology and marine geophysics research fields, as well as of the history of the explorations of the continent. The 3 Italian National Antarctic Museums will participate all bands all modes to the 9th AAW, Antarctic Activity Week (20-26 Febr. 2012) operating from inside the Museums: - II1MNA (WAP-60), National Antarctic Museum of Genova. QSL via I1UP, no E-QSL. Log on Line will be available at: http://www.arigenova.it/antartic%20activity.htm Other info: http://www.arigenova.it/ and http://www.mna.it/ - II3MNA (WAP-205) from National Antarctic Museum of Trieste. QSL via IQ3TS - IO5ANT (WAP-210) from National Antarctic Museum of Siena. QSL via IW5EFX More info at WAP web site http://www.waponline.it/ [Gianni I1HYW] (I.C.P.O. Bulletin (17-24 February 2012) "Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" via editor Dave Raycroft, Feb 16, ODXA yg via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. Sigue interfiriendo Radio Nacional o RAE --- la banda de 49 Mts. Estaba escuchando Radio Pio XII y la tapó con el desparrame. Arnaldo, habla con esta gente (Ernesto Paulero, Argentina, 0016 UT Feb 20, condiglist yg via DXLD) I.e. LRA on 6060 spurring out over 5952.4 (gh, DXLD) Lo voy a plantear pero no es tan fácil conseguir eco en la parte técnica (Arnaldo Slaen, condiglist yg via DXLD) Arnaldo: Ha pasado mucho tiempo sin una solución al problema de las molestas interferencias de RAE salpicando sus desajustes a lo largo y ancho de las bandas. Por tu trayectoria y dedicación, te concedemos el honor de ser el responsable absoluto de interceder ante las autoridades de la emisora que con tanta desidia opaca aún más la ya deteriorada imagen de nuestro país. Uno de los síntomas más cruciales de nuestra sociedad es "no involucrarse" y, en tu caso, estando en contacto directo con el personal de RAE no parece atinado que miles de oyentes vean perjudicada su sintonía a causa de un inconveniente técnico que se reitera cotidianamente. Pues tendrás que plantearlo seriamente y conseguir el eco de los técnicos antes que caigan las demandas jurídicas por el caso. ¿O estás esperando eso?... Sincérate por favor, necesitamos un dial limpio, diáfano, libre de espúreas. La onda corta ha dado demasiado y ahora espera de tu contribución. ¡Nosotros, también! Hácete cargo. RGM (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, ibid.) Ya estoy saliendo para la planta de General Pacheco con una kalashnikov en una mano y una pinza aislada en la otra. A la tarde está el problema solucionado (Arnaldo Slaen, ibid.) De paso, reclama urgente la reactivación del programa en árabe. RGM (Margenet, ibid.) ** ARGENTINA [and non]. 11710, NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea at 1504 with a woman introducing some patriotic choruses and a man with talk about Kim Jong-Un from 1509, Good with het from Argentina 11710.6 Feb 18. While not scheduled at this hour they may have left transmitter on in error (Mark Coady, Peterborough, ON K9J 6X3, ODXA yg via DXLD) ** ARGENTINA. Re: ``13363.5/LSB, Radio Continental; 0124-0203+, 30- Jan; Fútbol game call by hyper announcer -- possibly Boca vs Central; 2 other M insert non-hyper comments; game ended at 0156 with brief R. Continental spot; all in Spanish. SIO=2+53+, much better than // 15345.1, SIO=452 (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unusual to be // R. Nacional, sure? (gh, DXLD)`` --- Had to be due to the game (Harold Frodge, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 13362.5 [sic], R. Continental (presumed), retransm. via F. Arm. Arg, B. Aires, 1849-1916, 19/2, prgr. de f/ball, propag. comercial; 15331 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) 13363.5 LSB, Radio Continental, 0010-0102*, Spanish talk. Short breaks of instrumental music. ID. Fair. Feb 22 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** ARMENIA. KBC 18 Feb 2012 --- Ciao a tutti. E' andata in onde come al solito la trasmissione della stazione KBC che utilizza un trasmettiore a Noratus-Armenia operante su 7590 kHz in DRM. E' andato in onda il solito programma contenitore e, tra l'altro, all'interno del programma DX di AWR (Wavescan) ho potuto ascoltare un intervento ad opera di un gruppo d'ascolto del Bangladesh di cui non ho potutoi registrare il nominativo. Dal punto di vista tecnico la trasmissione non è stata gran che a causa delle frequenti interruzioini nella modulazione del segnale DRM. La potenza del segnale, piuttosto rilevante per una emittente in DRM, lascerebbe molto margine ad un ascolto ottimale, come d'altro canto avvenuto nel passato. Evidentemente l'impianto soffre di qualche problema (Giovanni Lorenzi - IT9TZZ, Feb 19, QTH: Messina - Italy 38.11 N 15.32 E, Locator JM78SE; RX: Yaesu FRG-7000/Kenwood TS-440, Ant: Longwire 25 m / Dipole, Down converter: homebrewing Website: http://www.webalice.it/it9tzz bclnews.it yg via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. New on RNZI - Australian Radio 1922 Media Release Radio Heritage Foundation February 19 2012 RNZI Airs New Radio Heritage Documentary AUSTRALIAN RADIO 90 YEARS AGO IN 1922 Join us from Monday, February 20 2012 to enter the fascinating world of Australian radio broadcasting in 1922 on the Mailbox program from Radio New Zealand International. For 20 years, Australian radio amateurs had the right to broadcast local music and other programs on the standard mediumwave radio dial, sharing frequencies with licenced commercial radio stations in the evenings and on Sunday mornings. You can listen directly via shortwave radio from RNZI in New Zealand, or audio on demand [for the following month] with full details of current broadcast frequencies [both DRM and analog] and times possible for your area as well as audio downloads at http://www.rnzi.com In the years between 1921 and 1922, over 50 local radio stations were broadcasting in Australia, all run by local radio amateurs. Some of these operations were very sophisticated for their time, broadcasting for nearly 10 hours each week and operators soon going on to help establish the ABC and commercial radio stations. 2CM Sydney was the first station with 3ME Melbourne, 4CM Brisbane, and 5BG Adelaide also amongst the early starters. In the program, you'll hear more about these stations and the pioneers such as Charles MacLurcan, Ray Allsop, Harry Douglas, Sydney Neuman, Thomas Elliott and others. You'll also hear some of the music played by these early radio stations, which stayed on the air until late 1939 when WWII finally silenced them. So join us from Monday, February 20 2012 as we enjoy some early Australian radio history from 90 years ago on the Mailbox program from Radio New Zealand International http://www.rnzi.com You can also use our fully up to date Australian AM & FM Radio Guides at our global website http://www.radioheritage.com Use our Google Search to find more features about broadcasting in Australia, including over 50 features about individual stations from the mid-1940s in the Long Lost Australian Radio Guides series. Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage. Voluntary annual donation US$25 (David Ricquish, RHF, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. 2485, VL8K Katherine NT, 1100 to 1120 with audio on 15 February (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D - 746Pro - R8, cumbredx via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. 9580, Feb 16 at 1147, R. Australia with promo for a special on the anniversary of the Japanese bombing of Darwin, to air this coming Sunday [Feb 19] at ``11 am Bangkok time``. That would be 0400 UT = 1330 Darwin time, 1300 Tokyo time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Maybe it`s archived? ** BANGLADESH. 4750, Bangladesh Betar (tentative); 1209-1232+, 19-Feb; Mix of LL [unknown language] commentary mentioning Bangladesh & Sub- Continental music. Poor at tune-in, rapidly improving to fair (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BANGLADESH. BANGLADESH BANS ‘BANGLISH’ TO PROTECT LOCAL TONGUE A Bangladesh court has outlawed the use of English slang known as “Banglish” on television and radio stations, a move welcomed by experts who worry about a foreign invasion of their language. The High Court issued the order on Thursday “to uphold the sanctity of our mother tongue” and stop the “rape” of Bengali and its 1,000-year past, a state prosecutor said. The history of Bengali, which is spoken by at least 250 million people on the subcontinent, is wrapped up with the creation of Bangladesh as a country in 1971. The deeply impoverished nation was previously part of Pakistan and its independence movement was fuelled partly by the attempt by Pakistani administrators to impose Urdu as the state language. The head of the Bangla Academy, a state-run institution that publishes books and conducts research on Bengali, said the verdict was “long overdue”. “These FM radios and televisions were creating a strange language and almost destroyed the dynamics of our beautiful mother tongue,” Shamsuzzaman Khan told AFP. “It is a timely order. It will save our language from destruction. We have already seen how the Filipino language lost its glory due to the imposition of American English,” he said. Dozens of private television stations and radio stations that feature music and talk-shows directed at teenagers and people in their twenties have sprouted in Bangladesh over the last five or six years. Use of “Banglish” in which Bengali and English words are mixed seamlessly together is widespread, as is “Hinglish” in India - a combination of Hindi and English. “The court has ordered them not to use words which are foreign to our language,” deputy attorney general Altaf Hossain told AFP. “It asked them not to broadcast or anchor programmes using distorted Bengali language or pronounce Bengali words in a distorted form,” he said. The court said this distortion of the language was tantamount to “rape”, Hossain said, adding it had also ordered a committee to be set up to oversee how the language should be used by broadcasters. Several students who spoke to AFP on Friday broadly welcomed the move as a wake-up call that would make them more aware of the importance of preserving Bengali, but none seemed to think “Banglish” would disappear. “It sounds good and it’s something different. This one of the reasons why FM radios are becoming popular,” Jion, a 22-year-old student of Dhaka University, told AFP. “A lot of people also hate this because they can’t accept change. People who are fans of classic Bengali writers like Rabindranath Tagore, they won’t like it,” he added. The court order followed a newspaper commentary piece entitled “Language pollution is as deadly as river pollution” by English language professor and Bengali fiction writer Syed Manjurul Islam on Thursday. Professor Islam told AFP that he was concerned about the role the FM radios and television stations played in creating a language that was completely foreign to Bengali. “I am a teacher and I can see everyday how these youths were distorting the language. Because of these stations, they are now talking in a language that’s not Bengali. They can’t even talk or write properly in Bengali,” he said. “I am greatly concerned. They are turning Bengali into a street language. It’s like a developer constructing a building by uprooting the grave of his forefathers,” he said. Sabbir Hasan, a radio jockey at private Radio Today, also welcomed the verdict, but said the media was not the only one to blame. “I understand the intention is to uphold the sanctity of our language, for which our students gave their lives,” he said in a reference to the pre-independence protesters. “But the reality is not only the media is responsible. Our young generation likes to talk this way, mixing English words in Bangla sentences. The tendency is more rampant in upper class people and private university students. Upper class people think it gives them status,” he said. (Source: AFP)(February 17th, 2012 - 12:31 UTC by Andy Sennitt, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** BELARUS. 11730, 22/Feb 2107, R Belarus in English. OM talk with very low modulation. QRM unidentified. 33433 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz. Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west; Escutas (listening, my blog): http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELARUS. Just heard the news of the Polish radio about the old Soviet the jammers in Belarus, and that the reason they are doing there. Can about the output of their out of the operation. Someone knows the details?" (Alexander Egorov, Kyiv, Ukraine / "open_dx") http://www.ej.by/forum/ej/v_grodno_unichtozhat___glushilki___pol_skogo_radio.html On the site of the SW-masts in 2010, planned to build a sports complex. I edited the article, but my notes are not taken into account. But the author I conceived the idea (Sergey Alekseychik, Grodno, Belarus / "open_dx") on February 15, 2012 In Grodno destroy "jammers" Polish radio "Jammers" will be destroyed, despite the fact that the belarusian special services can use them even for safe communication from Africa. Artifact of the soviet radio censorship in Grodno is rooted in the past. In January two antennas, located on the street Belusha, disconnected from air. The use of receivers for peaceful purposes for broadcasting, costing about a million rubles a day and has become expensive. Under a signature stamp "Confidentially" The exact date of the beginning of the construction of antenna- "jammers" unknown: this information is stored in the archives of the KGB. So far the seal of mystery to make himself known. "Those who is interested in this theme in Belarus out of curiosity, watching the spies", - complains grodno physicist, ham Valentine. And all the information about the antennas are the administration of the SW-center under the stamp "For official use ". All the same, the old-timers say that the tower began to build in 1989. But no sooner had used for their intended purpose. Completed object to 1991, to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Valentin explains that the mechanism of the alleged censorship of work ?????????? was simple. The main thing is to configure the transmitter, installed near the antennas, the frequency of the "enemy" transmission of radio stations "Radio Liberty", "Voice of America" and BBC. In the case of the grodno antennas planned "jammers" subject to the transfer of Polish radio and TV, as in 1989, the USSR ceased to suppress the "Radio Freedom". The values of democracy, freedom and human rights were drowned by a hiss and hum, emanating from the transmitter. However, such a device consumes large amounts of energy. To save used a special attachment with a microphone to the antennas, which the installed machine that reproduces the eerie sound absorbing the air. As an alternative to ???????? - allowed on the same frequency ideologically moderate transmission of Radio "Mayak", because of what their voices became "mess". People tried to break through to the free word of the West handicraft methods. "In the literature describes that the window set the radio, and on the east side of it covered up the iron bowl for washing. The pelvis created the screen and suppressed the jamming, "says physicist Valentin. He recalls that his parents had been told, as his grandfather in the 70-ies of the last century sometimes caught in Grodno BBC. Censorship then carried out a large Synchronous network at a frequency of 173 kHz. Transmitter in Moscow (500 kW) in 1961, supplemented Sosnovy (Mogilev region) (1000 kW), later they were joined by "jammers" in Maykop (1000 kW), Lviv (500 kW), Syktyvkar (300 kW), Kandalaksha (150 kW). Cut off from a wide range of the First channel of the Belarusian radio The grodno antennas special purpose managed to work only for peaceful purposes. After the commissioning of them began to use for broadcasting of the First and Second channel of the Belarusian radio and later Radio Grodno. VHF-centre till the time of the broadcast on medium wave frequency 1008 kHz and on short-wave frequency 6040 kHz, 7110 kHz, 7265 kHz. According to the engineer for maintenance and equipment of the branch of the Grodno regional node of radio broadcasting and television republican UNITARY enterprise "Belarusian radio television transmitting center", on VHF until January of this year broadcast "Radio Grodno", the First channel of the Belarusian radio channel "Culture ". Today, until the closing of the VHF-centre, temporarily stayed on the air of "Alfa-Radio", "Radio Mir", "Novoe radio". Closing due to the fact that Belteleradiocompany from this year, ceased funding VHF-centre and the order came close it for financial reasons. Room broadcasting served seven specialists, among which there were four, they were transferred in SW-centre of the RTC "TV and Radio company "Hrodna", - said the agency interlocutor. "Jammers" in Belarus will remain It turned out that the transition to a FM-waves (UHF-band) a thousand times reduces the spatial coverage broadcasting in comparison with the SW. For example, earlier "Radio Grodno" listened to in Africa, Canada and Italy. "We even got a call from abroad, if the broadcast went smoothly, that often happens when passing signal on short-wave (HF). VHF range gives broadcast to 10-15 kilometres. In Germany, for example, have retained the VHF-stations, to posts about emergency situations spread all over the country. Such stations can be used for defense purposes: special services can pass through them information from any point of the globe and, on the contrary, to obtain information from abroad, and no one will be able to detect, rather than through mobile communications, "said the engineer. The question of why the refuse from the SW-broadcasting decided it is today, because their budget alternative to the FM existed for a long time, remains open. Perhaps, has been affected by the crisis. Similar historical "jammers" close in Brest and Mogilev. All the same in Belarus remains the possibility of the defence radio: MW/LW- transmitters are stored in Kolodishch (Minsk region) and in Sosnovy (Mogilev region). What will be with the antennas in Grodno, too, is not clear yet. In 2009, in the mass MEDIA the information appeared that on this site can appear sports complex, and it means, that considers the prospect of even the radio towers to the ground. "In any case, after the shutdown transmitters start anew very difficult, " - said the engineer of the grodno VHF-center. Counting on the case "Ezhednevnik" has calculated how much energy a day could consume download-"jammers". The grodno antennas four of the transmitter. Each transmitter with a capacity of 5 kw. Therefore, four of the transmitter to emit 20 thousand joules in 1 second. In the day 86 400 seconds. It turns out that four of the transmitter "process "1 728 000 000 joules of energy per day, or 4800 kilowatt-hour per day. If you take into account that the kilowatt-hour costs 203 of the rouble, the day four of the transmitter consume energy in the amount of 1 million rubles. From the history Yes, the journalist as rested on his own, so it is impossible to move. It is the most important thing - drawing pictures of interesting fate jammers, and technical data her to the stove. The sad end of jammers, but it is nice they served in the broadcasting field. The fellows of the belarusians, that did not use them to their destination. It is a pity only that they could not broadcast. And in Russia and Ukraine such jammers had 15 years as liquidated, as I suppose. Remember as the city jammers broadcast on SW programme of the former soviet republics. And in Kiev Bykivnia radio switched to broadcast our radio broadcast. Also on Bald mountain in Kiev on the basis of the jammers worked as a repeater broadcasted on 1512 kHz, then UR1 in 1485 kHz. And in Zaporozhye UR1 aired on 6060 kHz. We can say that the jammers the rehabilitated himself (Alexander Egorov, Kyiv, Ukraine / "open_dx" all via RusDX Feb 19 via DXLD) Whew, translation as provided (gh) ** BELARUS. Thematic schedule of radio station "Belarus": http://www.radiobelarus.tvr.by/rus/progwaves.asp (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia / "deneb-radio-dx", ibid.) ** BOLIVIA. 4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, 2330 to 0100 on 13 February 4451.2, Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma, 0100 still noted 16 February. Usually off by 0030 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, cumbredx via DXLD) 4699.6, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1000 strong signal of SWL quality, good music om 14 February and other mornings this week (Wilkner, XM Cedar Key) 4716.19, Radio Yura, Yura, noted at 1020 and 0100 each day for last week (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, and XM - Cedar Key - South Florida, NRD 525D - R8A, via Wilkner, cumbredx via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4699.32, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, noted 2/15 with fair signal and OM with local time/check and the usual "bottom of the barrel" microphone sound to his Spanish announcements. Into cumbias at 0944 (Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois, Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD-545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer; Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit; Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. BOLÍVIA, 5952.4, R. Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2250-..., 16/2, cast., noticiário local e reg., anúncios, prgr. em quíchua às 2251. (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski – Cochabamba, 1012-1026 Feb 21, rustic vocals with man announcer in presumed Aymara language with ID and several announcements followed by more rustic music. Poor to fair. 4699.3, Radio San Miguel - Riberalta, 1012-1026 Feb 20, man announcer with Spanish Talk followed by a man with noticias. Poor to fair. 6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz – Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1024-1038 Feb 20, music program hosted by a man announcer with Spanish talk; canned ID and frequency announcements at 1027 followed by several other announcements. Fair (Rich D`Angelo, Gifford Pinchot DXpedition or French Creek State Park, Pennsylvania, DXpedition No. 41, via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 4699.307, Radio San Miguel - Riberalta, very weak signal just above threshold at 0924 UT Feb 22. Presenter unintelligible, fragments of music noted. 6134.823, Radio Santa Cruz – Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in Spanish / Quechua 0910 UT Feb 22. Identificación ID a las 0915 UT, canciones ligeras, S=7-8, bellas canciones de amor para escuchar. Oído en California EE.UU. 3309.999, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski – Cochabamba. Measured against CHU Ottawa time signal standard station next door on 3330 kHz. 0935 UT Feb 22. Signal just under threshold, only string visible on remote SDR unit browser screen. Tips - thanks to Rich D'Angelo. Though nothing heard today on Peruvian channels 4747v 4775v 5039v 6174v, maybe before 1000 UT was too early (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. Carmen Miranda Report --- Brasillian logs from various sources (Latest Log) [Status notes] "Ck" means the station has been reported as // to the freqs listed. NOTE--Duplicate IDs may be due to list-logging. p means presumed; t means tentative [once again almost all accents have been deleted, and I am not going to consume my valuable time putting them back in, but did make several other spelling correxions --- gh] 2380v ZYG852 R Educadora, Limeira SP (2/12t) Ck 3255 3325 R Mundial, Sao Paulo SP (7/11) 3355 R Educadora 6 de Agosto/Voz do Brasil, Xapuri AC (3/11) Ck 2380 [May relay 4885 Rdf Acreana at times] 3365 ZYG855 R Cultura, Araraquara SP (8/11) 3375v ZYF276 R Municipal, Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (2/12) 4755v ZYF904 R Imaculada Conceicao, Campo Grande (3/11) 4775 ZYG207 R Congonhas (p) (9/11) 4784 R Brasil (2/12) [New entry] 4805v ZYF273 Rdf do Amazonas, Manaus AM (2/12) [Logged up to 4808] 4815 ZYG640 R Difusora, Londrina PR (p) (11/11) 4825 ZYG868 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP (2/12) 4845v ZYF278 R Cultura, Manaus (11/11) 4865 ZYF203 Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruziero do Sul (2/12) " ZYG641 R Alvorada, Londrina PR (t) (11/11) 4875v ZYG810 R Roraima, Boa Vista RR (2/12) [Rptd up to 4879] 4885 ZYG362 R Clube do Para, Belem (1/12) " ZYF692 R Maria, Brasília, DF [Obsolete? Not in 2011 WRTH] " ZYF201 Rdf Acreana, Rio Blanco/Branco (2/12) 4895 ZYR200 R Novo Tempo, Campo Grande PR (7/10) " ZYF274 R Bare, Manaus-AM (Ex-Radio Globo) [2011 WRTH listed inactive] 4905 ZYF693 R Anhanguera, Araguaína TO (2/10) [In 2011 WRTH; Rptd on 4915 in 3/11] 4915 ZYF691 R Daqui, Goiania GO (12/11t), Ck 11830 (//6080 at times) " ZYF360 Rdf Macapa, Macapa AC (2/12) 4925v ZYF271 R Educacao Rural, Tefe AM (2/12) Ck 5035 4935v ZYF641 R Capixaba, Victoia ES (5/11) 4945 R Ondas Tropicais, Marituba (12/09) Ck 5045 [Not in 2011 WRTH] 4965 R Alvorada, Parintins AM (2/12p) [Not in 2011 WRTH] 4975v ZYG865 R Iguatemi, SP (12/10p) [2011 WRTH listed inactive] 4985 ZYF690 R Brasil Central, Goiania (2/12) Ck 11815 5035 ZYG853 R Aparecida, Aparecida OT (2/12) Ck 6135/9630/11855 " ZYF272 R Educacao Rural, Coari AM (1/12) Ck 4925 [2011 WRTVH listed as irregular] 5045 ZYG360 R Cultura/Cultura do Para (8/11)/R Guaruja Paulista (8/11), Belem PA (8/11) 5055 ZYF274 Radio Jornal a Critica FM, Manaus (2/11) " ZYF901 Radio Difusora, Caceres MT (3/11) 5940v R Voz Missionaria, Camboriu (2/12) Ck 9665/11750 [ex-R Guaruja Paulista] 5955 R Gazeta, Sao Paulo SP (12/11) Ck 9685, 15325 5965 R Nova Visao (4/10) [Listed in 2011 WRTH as R Trans- Mundial] 5970 ZYE523 R Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG (1/12) 5990 ZYE773 R Senado, Brasilia DF (2/12) [Off the air 2/7/12] 5995 R Bandierantes (spur) (6/10) Ck 6090, 9645, 11925 6000 ZYE852 R Guaiba, Porto Alegre RS (12/10) 6010v ZYE521 R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG (2/12) Ck 15190v 6020 ZYE850 R Gaucha Pto Alegre RS (9/11) Ck 11915 6060 ZYE726 Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitaba PR (2/12) Ck 6120/9565/9585/9595/11725/11765/11805/11965 6070 ZYE765 R Capital, Rio de Janeiro RJ (9/11) 6080 ZYE726 R Marumby (2/12)/R Daqui (8/11), Curitaba PR; Ck 4915/9665 6090 ZYE956 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP (2/12t) Ck 9645v/11925 6105 ZYE971 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP; Ck 4825/9675 " R Filadelfia/Cultura Filadelfia, Iguazu [sic] PR (5/11) [Not in 2011 WRTH] 6120 R Super Deus e Amor, Sao Paulo SP (2/12) Ck 6060/9565/9585/9595/11725/11765/11805/11965 [ Not in 2011 WRTH] " R Globo, Sao Paulo SP (4/11) [Not in 2011 WRTH] 6135 ZYE954 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP (1/12) Ck 5035/9630/11855 6150 ZYE950 R Record, Sao Paulo SP (2/12t) 6160 ZYE245 R Rio Mar, Manaus AM (12/10p) " ZYE854 R Boa Vontade, Pto Alegre RS; Ck 9550/11895 [Obsolete?] 6185 ZYE365 R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF (10/10) Ck 11780 6195 R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia DF (7/10); Ck 11780 [Alt to 6185] 9505v ZYE951 R Record, Sao Paulo SP (3/11) 9515 ZYE726 R Marumby (9/11)/R Novas de Paz (12/10) Ck 11725 [2011 WRTH Marumby] 9530 ZYE858 R Transmundial, Santa Maria RS (11/10 [Reactivation] 9550v ZYE855 R Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre RS (2/12) Ck 6160/11895 9565v ZYE727 Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitaba PR (2/12) Ck 6060/6120/9585/9595/11725/11765/11805/11965 [ex-R Tupi] 9585v ZYE969 Super R Deus e' Amor, Sao Paulo SP (1/12) Ck 6060/9565/11725/11765/11805 ex-R Tupi, rptd as R Globo (12/10) Ck 9565 9595v Super Radio Deus e Amor (4/11) Ck 6060/6120/9565/9585/11765/11965 [Not in 2011 WRTH] " R Record, Sao Paulo [Not in 2011 WRTH] 9630v ZYE954 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP (1/12) Ck 5035/6135/11855 9645v ZYE957 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP (1/12) Ck 6090/11925 9665v ZYE890 R Voz Missionaria (2/12)/Super Radio Deus e Amor (4/11)/ R Marumby (9/11), Florianopolis SC; Ck 5940/11750 [2011 WRTH as Missionaria] 9675 ZYE971 R Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP (2/12); Ck 4825/6105 9685v ZYE963 R Gazeta, Sao Paulo SP (12/11) Ck 5955, 15325 9695v ZYE245 R Rio Mar, Manaus AM (12/11) 9820v R Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo SP (2/12) [//Aparecida at times] 10000 PPE Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro (2/12) 11715 R Marumby, Curitaba (7/11) Ck 6080/9515 [Not in 2011 WRTH] 11725v ZYE726 R Deus e Amor/R Novas de Paz/R Marumby (5/11), Curitiba PR; Ck 6060/6120/9565/9585/9525/11765/11965 [R Marumby listed in 2011 WRTH] 11735 ZYE858 R Transmundial, Santa Maria RS (2/12) 11750v R Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis SC (11/11) Ck 5940/9665 [ex-R Marumby] 11765 ZYE726 Super Radio Deus e' Amor, Curitaba PR (2/12) Ck 6060/9565/9585/9595/11805/11965 [ex-R Tupi] 11780 ZYE365 R Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia (12/11) Ck 6185 11805 ZYE776 R Deus e Amor, Rio de Janeiro RJ (1/11) Ck 6060/6120/9565/9585/9595/11765/11965 11815 ZYE440 R Brasil Central, Goiania (2/12) Ck 4985 11830 ZYE441 R Daqui, Goiania (5/11) Ck 4915 11855 ZYE954 R Aparecida, Aparecida SP (1/12) Ck 5035/6135/9630 11895 ZYE856 R Boa Vontade, Pto Alegre RS (1/12) Ck 6160/9550/12035 11915 ZYE851 R Gaucha, Porto Alegre RS (2/12) Ck 6020 11925v ZYE958 R Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo SP (1/12) Ck 6090/9645 11935 R Transmundial, Santa Maria (10/10) [Not in 2011 WRTH] [probably typo for 11735, q.v. --- gh] 11965 R Super Deus e Amor (10/10) Ck 6060/6160/9565/9585/9595/11765/11805 [Not in 2011 WRTH] 15190v ZYE522 R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte (2/12) Ck 6010 12035 R Boa Vontade? [Not in 2011 WRTH] 12175v R Deus e Amor (spur) (10/10) Ck 6060/9565/9585/11765/11805/11965 15190v ZYE522 R Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte MG (2/12) Ck 6010 15325 R Gazeta, Sao Paulo SP (12/11) Ck 5955, 9685 27825 UNID Pirate (11/11) 29090 R Rio Mar, Manaus AM, FM (9/11) [Studio link] (Harold Frodge, MI, Feb 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) NOTE: Report above was compiled before Carlos` new complete log: ** BRAZIL. BRASIL, 3355, R. Educadora 6 de Agosto (?), Xapuri AC, 2324-2334, 17/2, mús. carnavalesca; 15321. 4775, R. Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2220-2229, 16/2, f/ball; 35332. 4805, R. Dif.ª do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2135-2151, 18/2, relato de f/ball Fluminense x Bangu; 34332, QRM CODAR. 4815, R. Dif.ª, Londrina PR, 2205-2219, 17/2, prgr de propag. relig. (IPDA?); 35432. 4825, R. Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2142-2153, 18/2, prgr. falado, canções; 25331; // 9675. 4845.2, R. Cultura do Amazonas, Manaus AM, 2242-2258, 19/2, canções de carnaval; 44422, QRM adj. de sin. ut. 4879.85, R. Dif.ª, Boa Vista RR, 2226-2239, 19/2, canções durante prgr. de propag. relig., leituras bíblicas; modulação deficiente; 45433. 4885, R. Club do Pará, Belém PA, 1944-2010, 16/2, anúncios de carnaval, notíc. de f/ball a decorrer, pelas 2145, quando o sinal já era de 45433. 4915, R. Daqui, Goiânia GO, 2140-2216, 16/2, A Voz do Brasil, propag. polít. 2200-2210 (simultânea em várias emissoras), prgr de músca sertaneja; 55433. 4925.2, R. Educação Rural, Tefé AM, 2235-2249, 18/2, canções de carnaval; 35331. 4935.2, R. Capixaba, Vitória ES, 2141-2213, 16/2, cf. 4915, prgr da IPDA após as 2210; 35332. 4974.9, R. A Nossa Voz, Osasco SP, 2142-2214, 16/2, cf. 4915, notícias de f/ball às 2210. 4985, R. Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2143-2205, 16/2, cf. 4915; modulação fraca (!); 35332; // 11815 sinal bom. 5035. R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2144-2212, 16/2, cf. 4915, prgr Com a Mãe Aparecida a partir das 2210; 45343. 5035, R. Educação Rural, Coari AM, 2217-2226, 16/2, música popul. brasil.; 34332, QRM R.Aparecida 5035 + CUB 5040. 5045, R. Guarujá, Guarujá SP, 2146-2219, 16/2, cf. 4915, anúncios e música a partir das 2210; 25331. 5970, R. Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte MG, 2253-2307, 16/2, f/ball Nacional x Cruzeiro; 34422, QRM adj. 6010, R. Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte MG, 2313-2317, 17/2, prgr. falado; 22431, QRM CHN. // 15189,87 c/ sinal razoável. 6080, R. Marumby/Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2303-2316, 16/2, propag. relig.; 23431, QRM CHN. 6150, R. Record, São Paulo SP, 2306-2324, 16/2, canções; 34421, QRM adj. 9550, R. Boa Vontade, Pt.º Alegre RS, 2204-2219, 19/2, música, anúncio de lista das emissoras associadas, prgr. de propag. relig.; 23431, QRM adj. 9564.92, SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2209-2222, 19/2, anúncios inflamados de apresentação do prgr. seg., por D. Miranda; 33421, QRM no mesmo canal e adj. 9629.9, R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1948-2014, 16/2, rubrica noticiosa Jornal dos Jornais, ident. às 2000 seguido de prgr. de propag. relig. Caminhos da Fé, pelas 2004; 45433. 9645.4, R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 2152-2204, 18/2, relato de jogo de f/ball Santos x (?); 43422, QRM adj. 9665, R. Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, 2148-2209, 18/2, canções, "canto de louvor e pregação" às 2205; 24422, QRM adj. Súbito aumento de sinal, às 2200. 9675, R. Canção Nova, Cachoeira Paulista SP, 2214-2230, 19/2, anúncios e programação, seguindo-se Acampamento de Carnaval; 44423, modulação defeituosa, pouco clara. 9695.35, R. Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1053-perda total 1130, 20/2, prgr. falado; 15321. 9819.6, R. 9 de Julho, 1951-2011, 16/2, propag. relig., ident. às 2000 seguido de mais um prgr. sob o mesmo tema; 45433, QRM adj. após as 2000. 9819.6, idem, 1111-1125, 18/2, prgr. falado; 14431, QRM CHN 9820. 11735, RTM, St.ª M.ª RS, 1113-1133, 18/2, canções, prgr. de propag. relig.; 24421, QRM adj. 11765, SRDA, Curitiba PR, 1902-1921, 18/2, propag. relig., tradução p/ cast.; 34533, QRM adj. 11815, R. Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 1904-1926, 18/2, relato de jogo de f/ball Botafogo x Rio Verde (salvo erro!); 44533, sobremodulado, QRM adj. 11854.9, R. Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 1949-2015, 16/2, cf. // 9629,9; 35433, modul. débil. 11925, R. Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP, 1918-1933, 19/2, prgr. de f/ball Concentração; 24432, QRM adj. 15189.9, R.Inconfidência, B. Horizonte MG., 1923-1945, 19/2, prgr. Sertanejo Moderno, c/ canções, propag. comercial e um pequeno concurso; 34433 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 3375.1, Brasil, Rádio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 1000 with music 16 February (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, and XM - Cedar Key - South Florida, NRD 525D - R8A, via Wilkner, cumbredx via DXLD) 4877.35, Rdif Roraima, Boa Vista RR, 0010 with music 14 February. 4877.83, Rdif Roraima, Boa Vista, 1020 transmitter hum clear audio 15 February (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D - 746Pro - R8, cumbredx via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) 4878v, Rdif Roraima, 0345-0404:25*, their transmitter has been deteriorating over the past several weeks with a wobbly, unstable carrier but tonight just a very bad and distorted mess. Basically just a blob of noise. Not able to make out any program content except for National Anthem at sign off. Feb 17 (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX Listening Digest) 4877.02, presumed Roraima (no ID) booming in at 0850 on 2/17. 0859 OM in echo with "Bom dia!" but no ID noted. at 0900 into a two-man show in Portuguese, probably the news. Seems they may have, at long last, finished fixing their transmitter problems? Modulation quite okay this morning (Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois, Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD- 545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer; Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit; Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 4878v, Rdif Roraima, 0335-0402:25*, still heard here as a very distorted blob of noise. Portuguese talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Feb 18 (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX Listening Digest) ** BRAZIL. 4885, Feb 16 at 0609, just as I intune, full ID for R. Clube do Pará, poor signal, but remains the most reliable, if not the only 60m Brazilian audible here overnight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. Re 12-07, Rádio Senado Ondas Curtas 5990 KHz fora do ar Prezado José Carlos, Muito grato pelas informações. Esperamos que a cúpula do Senado consiga resolver este impasse e que possamos novamente receber os sinais da Rádio Senado. Acredito que com um pouco mais de empenho isso possa ser resolvido. Afinal trata-se de um serviço de utilidade pública de muita relevância! Vamos aguardar. Abraços (Wilson Rodrigues, Itaúna MG, Feb 16, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Rádio Senado OC fora do ar --- Se a Rádio Senado saiu do ar, o que a EBC vai pôr no lugar? A Nacional de Brasília? Poderia pôr a Nacional do Rio, muito melhor do que as outras "irmãs". Aliás, há muito tempo não era possível ouvir a Senado OC em 5990 kHz, porque a Bandeirantes OC interfere muito, assim como interfere na Nacional da Amazônia (6185 kHz). [?? That`s not on air at all --- gh] A EBC poderia voltar com as rádios Nacional do Rio e MEC em OC. Fazem muita falta (Fabiano Henrique, Niterói - RJ, 19 Feb, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Fabiano, Concordo plenamente com a sua colocação. Com a atual baixaria das rádios, a única que ainda consigo ouvir e a MEC AM ou FM. Tenho saudades da JB FM.... [Jornal do Brasil?] Em OC seria mais que bem vinda. 73, (Franco / Niterói - RJ, PY1EPU, ibid.) ** BRAZIL. Rádio Aparecida OC --- Que alegria poder voltar a ouvir a Rádio Aparecida em 9630 kHz! O sinal tem melhorado nos últimos dias. Ultimamente só estava sendo possível ouvir em OT 5035 kHz. Em 6135 kHz o sinal ainda está muito ruim. A freqüência de 11855 kHz não consigo sintonizar há um bom tempo. Não sou católico, mas gosto muito de ouvir essa simpática estação. Acompanho o Encontro DX e o Jornal dos Jornais. Vez por outra sintonizo a RA para minha esposa ouvir, pois ela é católica. A única coisa que eu não gosto na Rádio Aparecida é o apoio evidente que alguns programas dão ao PSDB. Uma emissora religiosa não deveria ter fazer qualquer menção político-partidária (Fabiano Henrique, Niterói - RJ, 19 Feb, radioescutas yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) ** BRAZIL. 9665+, Feb 18 at 0638, gospel rock, 0641 announcement in Portuguese, S9+18 but undermodulated, deep fades, the SBOB, only other one audible being weaker Miranda wailing on 9565. No doubt ZYE890, R. Voz Missionária, Camboriú SC, slightly on hi side. MUF did not reach 12 MHz tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. Tenho constatado que duas emissoras brasileiras estão inativas na banda de 25m, já há muitos dias. São elas: Rádio Marumby e a Rádio Voz Missionária, em 11725 [sic] kHz e 11750 kHz, respectivamente. Ambas continuam tendo regular sintonia aqui no alto sertão da Paraíba na banda de 31m (Lenildo da Silva, 16 de Fevereiro de 2012 10:51) The dexista Lenildo da Silva, from Brasil, reports that Radio Marumby and Radio Transmundial in 11750 and 11735 are not transmitting. Now the 16/Feb 2045, I did not hear them. (Lenildo da Silva via “No Mundo do Dexismo”) 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil, 12 14´S 38 58´W, Feb 16, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) OK, but the identities of the two missing stations got confused: 11735, not 11725, is R. Transmundial and 11750 is R. Voz Missionária. Anyhow, later report from Bill Bingham in RSA had perhaps Portuguese on 11735, 1820-1830 Feb 19, but Jorge still had nothing on 11735 at 2030-2045 Feb 19 (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) 11735 16/Feb 2117, No signal of R Transmundial in Portuguese, from Brasil. 11750 16/Feb 2119, No signal of R Marumby in Portuguese, from Brasil. (Jorge Freitas-B) [later:] R Transmundial is back to transmit, but it is with the irregular hours. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Brasil, Feb 20, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11780, Feb 19 at 0629 strong open carrier, no doubt RNA, but normally UT Sundays only they are programming all night. Still OC at 0651 past 0700. BTW, DST where observed in Brasil lasts one more week until Feb 26, which means its normal sign-on will be before 0800 rather than before 0700. 11780, Feb 21 at 0644, RNA is on, good with Brazilian talk, reverb, crowd noise --- o, must be covering Carnaval in the nightmiddle, which might affect transmission hours of this, but end of DST Feb 26 should shift everything one real UT hour later. 11780, Feb 22 at 0654, RNA still not on the air; maybe exhausted from Carnaval? But 11765 SRDA Curitiba is audible with weak wailing from David Miranda, so propagation is certainly favorable (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. 11925.050, 18/2 2140, Rádio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, football live, weak (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, pictures of our ARI meeting: http://radiodxsw.blogspot.com/ dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. 11925.2, Feb 17 at 0637, Portuguese discussion, at first very poor with slow fades to S9+12 peaks, surely R. Bandeirantes on its characteristic off-frequency. I don`t often hear this one in the nightmiddle even when 11815 RBC is audible, and wonder if Band is really on the air. Something on 9645+ probably its more reliable other transmitter, but too buried in cable box DTV bubble jamming to compare audio now. After hearing 11925.2, looked for other Brazilians on 25m and found: 11815 mostly music RBC, 11765 exclaiming ``Deus é Amor``, an unjustified assumption. These Brasigs were much stronger than RNZI 11725 which is often #1 on 25m. At 0641, 11925 had lite ACI from remnant DentroCuban jamming pulses against nothing on 11930. At *0643 much stronger carrier than any of the others appeared on 11780, no doubt RNA with much more than 7.5 kW some sources allege, but then cut back off. Next check 0647 back on with morning musical programming underway. BTW, what are they going to do with the 5990 transmitter no longer needed for R. Senado? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BRAZIL. BRASIL: 15189.9, ZYE622, Rádio Inconfidência; 2111-2121+, 14-Feb; M&W in Portuguese alternating commentaries with remotes & occasional bumper tune; ID at 2121. Good in LSB needed to kill WYFR (presumed) on 15195 in English (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15189.86, Radio Inconfidência, 0015-0040, Portuguese ballads. Portuguese talk. ID. Weak. // 6010 - weak, poor with adjacent channel splatter. Feb 22 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA, Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also EQUATORIAL GUINEA! ** BURMA [non]. Re 12-07: ARMENIA, WRN also booked an alternative frequency of 11595 kHz in summer A12 registration. DVB Democratic Voice Burma via Yerevan Gavar tx site in Armenia: 7510 kHz 2330-0030 UT 41,49 ERV 300kW 100degr ARM DVB WRN 11595 kHz 2330-0030 UT 41,49 ERV 300kW 100degr ARM DVB WRN Burmese 2330-0030 UT, except Various 0015-0030 UT Wed Shan, Thur Karen, Fri Kayan, Sat Kachin language. Formerly on 9490 WER 2330-0030 UT, 11560 A-A 1300-1400 UT in A-11 season. DVB UTC afternoon SW broadcast ceased already now (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. ``I don`t think Canadian stations have top of the hour requirements like the FCC does.`` Actually, the Canadian rule is very similar to the U.S. rule: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf08545.html#TOC2_25 "...the holder of a broadcasting certificate shall identify the broadcasting station by a voice announcement in English or French, giving the call sign - by articulating each letter and number in the call sign, and by giving the principal city or community that is served by the undertaking. ... The announcement is to be made every hour, on the hour. Where a program is of more than one hour in duration, the announcement shall be made within 10 minutes of the hour, except where it is necessary to retain the continuity of a program in its entirety without interruption, in which case the announcement may be made at the beginning and at the end of the program." It does however seem to be rather poorly enforced! (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** CANADA. BRITISH COLUMBIA AM SURRENDERS AIRWAVES FOR ONLINE-ONLY: "TO STAY RELEVANT`` Wednesday, February 15, 2012 http://www.radio-info.com/news/british-columbia-am-surrenders-airwaves-for-online-only-to-stay-relevant Here's one you don't hear every day: A college-affiliated AM radio station in Victoria, British Columbia, is deserting the airwaves in favor of online-only. CKMO "Village 900" will shut off its transmitter and shed its call letters March 4. VillageNow station manager Brad Edwards says on the station's website that "several years ago, we realized we needed to do business differently to stay relevant, both for our listeners and for the students in the Applied Communication Program at Camosun College who use Village 900 as part of their training." With the online-only operation, he believes there are more potential channels for training, plus opportunities to do video and other forms of content publishing. A poster on the Seattle-Tacoma Board of Radio- Info.com says, "They will be sacrificing a ton of terrestrial radio listeners all up and down the West Coast who currently have access to that huge signal on 900." For years, 900 was Rogers-owned CJVI, before it became "Village 900," with engineering support from Rogers. Join the discussion at Radio-Info.com here (via Kevin Redding, Feb 19, ABDX via DXLD) They're not announcing anything on air. As strong as ever tonight at S9 + 50 at my Victoria QTH. Counting down the days. I'm going to miss them; probably the most interesting AM signal I receive here with plenty of variety including BBCWS news. Too bad, but then again opportunity awaits when they leave the air (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, Feb 21, IRCA via DXLD) Another DX test might be in the works if I`m successful with talking CKMO 900 into conducting a test on their last night on the air. Does anyone here in Vic know anybody at the station who might arrange a latenight test Between midnight and 1AM (Bill in BC Kral, ibid.) Bill, I've contacted them just now and encouraged them to consider a DX test. We'll see what the response will be! (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, Feb 22, ibid.) I know this would be lots of work for the engineer, but if they could arrange to use just 1 stick ND, they'd have a much better chance of being heard further east. 73 KAZ (Neil Kazaross, IL/WI, ibid.) Boy, seeing that it's a college radio station, and the transmitter is on an island, that could be really tough! By the way, no response so far (about 12 hours) (Walt Salmaniw, ibid.) ** CANADA. QSL: CINA, Mississauga ON, 1650, returned my report with "we find authentic," written on top right first page in 47 days for English report via airmail with 1 IRC. IRC was returned. V/s Neeti Prakash Ray, President. neetiray(at)gmail(dot)com Also enclosed business card. 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Feb 16 before sunrise, the MUF is way down especially for northerly paths: at 0642, can`t hear CFRX on 6070. I can hear it weakly at 1127. At 1150, 9865 Vatican via Sackville is a JBA carrier instead of inbooming, much weaker than the QRDRM from RNZI 9865-9875 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA [non]. Re 12-07: 6225 is BVB - BIBLE VOICE BROADCASTING relay instead. CHINA 1 6225 kHz; 49 meter band; 200 kW; Alma-Ata / Almaty KAZAKHSTAN [q.v.!] Day Time Language Sunday 1405-1435 English Monday 1405-1435 Mandarin Tuesday 1405-1420 Cantonese Wednesday 1405-1420 Cantonese 1420-1435 Dzongkha Thursday 1405-1420 Cantonese 1420-1435 Nepali Friday 1405-1420 Cantonese Saturday 1405-1435 English 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 18, dxldyg via DXLD) KAZAKHSTAN, Frequency change of Bible Voice Broadcasting Network: 1400-1430 NF 9375 A-A 200 kW / 132 deg to EaAs, ex 6225 as follows 1400-1430 Mandarin Mon and English Sat/Sun; 1400-1415 Cantonese Tue- Fri (DX Mix News 19 Feb via DXLD) ** CHINA. 10000, BPM, Noticed the time ticks slightly out of sync with WWVH at 1056. Caught CW IDs mixing with ID for WWVH at 1059. (19 Feb.) 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA, HCDX via DXLD) ** CHINA. A new 600 kW transmitter in Ji’an is reported to have started operation on 1170 kHz with CNR1 programming (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) Could this have anything to do with VOA Poro closing its megawatt on 1170, as in proposed BBG FY 2013 budget, and already reported off by Bryan Clark, Singapore? (gh, DXLD) Glenn, VOA Poro 1170 is definitely still active. The IBB website http://realmonitor.com/rms/qth.php has sound bites of VOA 1170 that were made as recently as 17 Feb. I just finished listening to a few that were recorded in Hanoi. Maybe the 600 kw CNR transmitter was installed specifically to block reception of VOA broadcasts. In which case, the Chinese government will have spent a lot of money for nothing if VOA actually vacates the channel (Bruce Portzer, WA, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also PHILIPPINES! ** CHINA. 5925 6.2 2348 CNR5 Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing med något som lät som stand-up comedy! HR 5925, 2.6 2348, CNR5, Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing with something that sounded like stand-up comedy! (Hans Östnell, Biri, northern Norway, SW Bulletin Feb 19 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [and non]. 6185, Mess on two broadcasts heard here on 1355 to 1405 UT Feb 21, China Huayi BC Corp. heard here on nearly even 6185.0 in Chinese/Amoy from Chengdu. But another station [probably Voice of Korea in Korean from 1400 UT] wandered down 800 Hertz from 6185.862 to 6185.051 kHz between 1357 to 1400 UT, latter has been done most probably by the engineer on Kujang-KRE transmitter site. Wandered up again from 6185.051 to x.079 kHz (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 21, dxldyg via DXLD) See also UNIDENTIFIED Wolfy, regarding the location of China Huayi BC - Aoki is incorrect. Station is actually located about 2650 km away from Chengdu. It is in the city of Fuzhou, in Fujian province. Please see the QSL card in dxldyg Photos - "QSL from China Huayi BC" (Ron Howard, San Francisco, ibid.) ** CHINA. Salve a tutti, questa mattina su 16920 kHz ricevevo questa emissione di musiche tipicamente orientali, cercando non ho trovato alcun riscontro in merito a quale possa essere la stazione trasmittente. Ascoltandola mi ricorda molto le musiche di Firedrake ma non mi risulta su questa frequenza. Se qualcuno di voi ha qualche riscontro da darmi --- grazie anticipatamente. PS: in allegato un video fatto con telefonino (io utilizzo vlc player) (Ivan Guerini, # Swl I2 - 5759 #, http://swl-i2-5759.blogspot.com/ 1100 UT Feb 16, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) Ciao Ivan, il link non funziona. Pure copiando l'indirizzo in VLC non apre nulla e dopo poco va in crash. Comunque è nota la variabiltà delle frequenze Firedrake. Forse Glenn Hauser ne saprà di più. Roby (Roberto Rizzardi, ibid.) Yes, sounds like Firedrake. Not unusual to find it on new frequencies, thanks to Sound of Hope jumping around. What time did you hear it, 1050 UT? This was reported recently in DXLD 12-04 by Ron Howard, Jan 26 at 1226-1244 on 16920 and eleven others 11-17+ MHz. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) Hello Glenn, thanks for your clarification, the type of music I realized that it could be Firedrake, but not having any feedback I could not confirm it. Good luck and good listening (Ivan Guerini, ibid.) Firedrake Feb 16: 15775, poor at 1319, still going at 1355 15485, very poor at 1321, het on 15483. Gone at 1355. No others found before 1400. Current Aoki shows nothing at all on 15485 at any time, but likely today`s landing spot for jumparound V. of Tibet, which he does show at various times on 15437, 15447, 15457, 15513, 15533, 15537, 15548, 15558, via the nimble-fingered Tajiks, plus 13 and 17 MHz channels Likewise, 15775 officially has nothing but VOA São Tomé to Zimbabwe at 1700-1830, but it`s within Aoki`s jumparound range for Sound of Hope, also via Tajikistan, 15715-15795. Firedrake Feb 18: 9980, good at 1423. Vs nothing else audible. Nothing but WWCR [4] scheduled anywhere anytime on this frequency, but obviously not on the air at this hour. Can only conclude that Sound of Hope must have appeared here. No other FD found 7-19 MHz by 1440. 9980 is new, not in Frodge`s 2011 compilation, nor in Handler`s February restricted list. 9725 // 9905, Feb 20 at 1633, both fair with Chinese narration and music, i.e. CNR1 jamming on 9725 against R. Free Asia in Uyghur via UAE which per Aoki just started here Feb 1; and on 9905 vs. RFA Chinese via Palau, neither of which was audible. BTW, did not run across any Firedrake this morning tho not thoroly searched. See also UNIDENTIFIED 17735 Firedrake Feb 22: 11500, poor at 1338, off at 1400*. None in the 12s, 13s or 14s. But 11500 is back on at 1438, fair with flutter 12230, good at 1438 12300, very poor at 1438; none in the 13s, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s by 1443 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Flaming Goose Report --- Crash & Bang Chinese Opera Music Jammer, aka Firedrake. From 2012 posted logs (various sources). All broadcasts originate from East Jammerstan. Trasmissions will typically change frequency and time often, as jammer's target moves * Not reported on this frequency during 2011. 7595* 13 9200 02, 09, 12, 13 9315 14 9355 17, 19 9450 14 9455 17, 19 9905 17, 19 11500 00, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23 11945 18, 19 11970* 11 11980 11, 14 12230 02, 12, 14 12300 02, 12, 14 12500 12, 14 12600 12, 14 12980 12, 14 13130 02, 12, 13 13850 02, 12 13920 02, 09, 12, 22 13970 02, 09, 12 14400 02, 22, 23 14700 12, 22, 23 14970 12, 14 15290* 13 15295* 13 15375* 13 15390* 13 15395* 13 15425* 13 15800 09 15870* 01, 14 15900 02, 08, 12 15970 12 16100 12, 22, 23 16120 02 16700 02 16920* 12 16980 02 17250* 12 --Updated 22-February-12 (Harold Frodge, MI, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. 7220 and 7435, Feb 17 at 1358, REE IS can be detected as nonsensical prélude to CRI Nepali service from Kunming site on both; slightly stronger on 7220 but more QRM as to be expected amid the hamband (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. 6010, Feb 16 at 1132 as I tune in, full ID for HJDH, and no sign of XEOI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. MEDIUMWAVE STATION IN COSTA RICA LOOKING FOR INVESTOR OR PARTNER A notice posted in the Broadcast and Radio Professionals group in LinkedIn gave notice that a mediuimwave station in Costa Rica is looking for an investor or a partner, and gave the contact email of radiopacsur(at)gmail(dot)com. The station is Radio Pacfico Sur on 1480 kHz with 5kW. Their website is http://www.radiopacsur.com and their mission statement, in Spanish and English, states as follows: *"RPS AM 1480 Broadcasting Services aims to inform, communicate and entertain it's listening audience by providing_high-quality _innovative, bi-lingual, locally produced programs, eclectic shows, news updates, locally focused information services and community access."* It also has links the the fiscal revolution websites http://www.thefiscalrevolution.com and http://www.fiscalfugitives.com and it would appear the station and/or its owners are heavily involved in this failing protest against the evils of money and corporate / governmental greed. They have streaming live for those who would like to take a listen. Not sure what the profit potential would be on an investment like this, but I am sure it could be used as proof that one has invested in a local business which could confer residency rights. I'm told that Costa Rica is a very nice place to retire. 73 (Al Muick, Whitehall PA USA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Standard disclaimer; except for hurricanes, earthquakes, vulcanism (gh) ** CROATIA [non]. Winter B-11 of Media Broadcast. Part 2 of 2: Voice of Croatia 0000-0200 7375 WER 100 kW / 300 deg CeAm Croatian/English/Spanish 0200-0400 7375 WER 100 kW / 315 deg NEAm Croatian/English/Spanish 0400-0600 7375 WER 100 kW / 325 deg NWAf Croatian/English/Spanish 2300-0400 7375 WER 100 kW / 255 deg SoAm Croatian/English/Spanish (DX Re Mix News 21 Feb via DXLD) Sic: I don`t think there`s any English or Spanish 00-02 or 04-06, and the latter is of course to NWAm, not NWAf! WRTH shows English at 2315 and 0300, Spanish at 2330 and 0345, 15 minutes each. WRTH does not break down individual azimuth segments, but there used to be three! transmitters at once during part of the 23-06 span. Now there are only two: one at 23-04 & 04-06, the other at 00-02 & 02-04, less overlap (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 530, Feb 21 at 0243, instead of R. Enciclopedia`s EZL music dominating the channel, it`s mixed with R. Rebelde // 670 et al. ICRT has gone and ruined what was a pleasant `clear channel` service to both sides of the Strait by putting on another transmitter. Several MW frequencies are in well with somewhat auroral conditions, Feb 16 around 0630 UT, such as 590, 670, 710, and on 570 I am hearing the R. Reloj tix and `RR` Morse Code once a minute, but not the continuous newstalk in Spanish which ought to be louder. Do they sometimes take a rest and just run the clock? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 1210, Radio Sancti Spíritus, Sancti Spíritus. 1236 February 18, 2012. Excellent with female mentioning local events for today, then joined by a man with a list of baseball games scheduled (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6000, Feb 16 at 1202, Bárbara Betancourt is opening RHC `Despertar con Cuba` talking about a cold front (which sometimes penetrate that far south). Much stronger on // 6140 and 6150, all of which are on for this first hour only. I had just listened to the sign-on frequency announcement on 6150 which included 6150 and 6140 but not 6000; what do they know? 6140 and 6150 carriers were warming up as early as 1150 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6280, Radio Habana Cuba; 1242, 19-Feb; RHC ID into Spanish. Weak; // 6140 strong; // 6150 good with co-channel QRM, // 6000 strong. 6280 = (6140 - 6000) + 6140 (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) I.e. leapfrog (gh) 11690, Radio Habana Cuba; 1344-1401+, 19-Feb; Program Cuba Consentida with Cuban tunes; ID at 1400+. SIO=2+53 in USB needed to kill ute perpetually here. // 11760, SIO=444 (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) Ha, tho Cuba may well be consentida, name of the RHC field-music show is `Cuba Campesina` (gh, DXLD) ** CUBA [non]. En diferentes promos de Radio Martí, se anuncia el uso de la frecuencia 94.7 FM de Lunes a Viernes de 7:00 PM a 9:30 PM (hora local). Correspondiente a 0000-0230 UT. He revisado el WRTH en el área de Miami y Key West, pero no encuentro la frecuencia en cuestión. Adjunto link de estaciones de la Florida: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_radio_stations_in_Florida 73 (Óscar de Céspedes, FL, Feb 22, condiglist yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) La única FM de Florida en 94.7 de potencia plena es WPHR-FM en Gifford cerca de Vero Beach, con 50 kW, bien lejos de los Cayos y Cuba. Pero según: http://transition.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/fmq?list=0&appid=1430947 Hay un pedido para agregar la frecuencia de 94.7 para Cayo Hueso: ``FL KEY WEST USA Petitioner: ALEX MEDIA, INC Service Designation: FR Petition for Rulemaking to Add/Change an Allotment Channel/Class: 234A Frequency: 94.7 MHz Allotment change proposed (ADD) File No.: RM-INV-33 Facility ID number: 0 CDBS Application ID No.: 1430947 24 33' 18.00" N Latitude 81 48' 7.00 " W Longitude (NAD 27)`` This should not mean a station on the air yet. From the limited hours, it should be time purchased on a commercial station, perhaps on another side of Cuba? Or the feds in Marathon don`t need FCC permission, altho there is a local station there on 94.3 with 50 kW. Very interesting. Hope we can find out the details. Could also be AeroMarti if that is still flying? Let`s see if 94.7 is a clear frequency around Habana or elsewhere? Finding a dial survey there is not easy; WRTH doesn`t even try to cover FM in Cuba. Que no debe significar una emisora en el aire. Por las horas limitadas, debe ser tiempo comprado en una emisora comercial, tal vez desde un otro lado de Cuba? O los federales en Marathon no necesitan permiso de la FCC, aunque hay una emisora local en 94.3, ya con 50 kW. Muy interesante. Esperemos descubrir los detalles. A ver si 94.7 sea una frecuencia libre cerca de La Habana, ¿o dónde? 73, Glenn Hauser WORLD OF RADIO 1605, Glenn: I believe this is an FM transmitter on the airplane that transmits TV Martí (Jeff White, FL, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unusual for this frequency to be announced, Oscar? (gh) ESTIMADO GLEEN: Sobre las 0200 UT estuve buscando la señal anunciada por Radio Martí en los 94.7 FM, pero no se escuchaba absolutamente nada. Al mover un poco la frecuencia en 94.55 pude escuchar el Programa 1830 que conduce Juan Juan Almeida. Todo estuvo perfecto, pero a partir de las 0222 UT comenzó a desvanecerse y perdí completamente la misma a las 0225. Permanecí en sintonia en igual frecuencia, pero sobre las 0240 UT música en inglés. Tal vez sean pruebas del Avión como indica Jeff White, pero hasta el momento es un misterio (Oscar de Céspedes, FL, ibid.) Hola Oscar, Bien, pero tal vez en Miami(?) hay que sintonizar abajo para evitar la emisora local en 94.9, verdad? Puede ser que Martí sí transmita en 94.7. Tengo receptores que funcionan así. 73, (Glenn to Oscar, ibid.) Para la escucha hube de emplear un receptor Grundig con antena telescópica en mi QTH de West Kendall, Miami. 73 (Oscar de Céspedes, condiglist yg via DXLD) I think Jeff White is right about 94.7 coming off the Airplane. R. Martí must be having problems with stateside broadcasters wanting that frequency or is it someone that they are going to build a station for and lease air time to R. Martí? Who knows? I posted this information on the Miami-Fort Lauderdale board on Radio-Info com. If anyone is interested, there is a discussion on Broadcasting in Cuba on the Latin America board under International on Radio-Info.com. According to the locals, there is some FM broadcasting done on Havana (Richard Lewis, Forest, MS, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) BBG wants to ground the airborne service, so commercial broadcaster eager to take over the frequency (gh, DXLD) It's confirmed airborne --- Presume via the same 'private' contract platform as deployed in the past few years, vs. the PANG EC-130's, but that's just speculation, power unknown. If I recall (from walking inside the EC-130's on several occasions), their max power on FM is 10 kW. http://www.martinoticias.com/programas/radio-frecuencias/ (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida USA 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Good, had not been able to find a current Marti frequency schedule on their website lately. Includes 94.7 as airborne. But the contrast is so poor it`s hard to make out the time blox. 10 kW, is that ERP or transmitter? Oscar de Cespedes circa Miami was able to hear it last night by tuning to 94.55, presumably to avoid the local on 94.9 (Glenn Hauser, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECHIA. CZECH REPUBLIC, Contrary to the information on p. 174, Praha Liblice transmitter on 639 kHz operates with full 1500 kW (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) 639, Prague Liblice. Some years back I had a discussion with the Czech DXer Karel Honzik on this matter. My estimate was realistic output power of 100 to 150 kW range, compared to these days one or two decades back on CSR communist era. The antenna characteristic is apparently strictly steep radiation for nearby domestic target now. All remote SDR receiver units I used in Western Europe show disappointing signal results on 639 kHz compared with 20 years ago, like beasts Burg-GDR 783, Mainflingen-D 1539, Belgrade-YUG 784, Zadar- YUG 1134 etc. (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Three weeks ago I found 639 near the border between Thuringia and Hesse, about 300 km away from the transmitter, with a groundwave signal that suggested an output closer to 1500 than 100 kW. Has nobody contacts at Cesky Rozhlas or Ceske Radiokomunikace who could clarify this matter, like in the case of 270 kHz (a similar installation of two Tesla 750 kW transmitters) for which it has been established that the current carrier power is 650 kW? (Kai Ludwig, ibid.) ** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 9705, Feb 17 at 1510 Chinese with continuous noise, i.e. CRI via Kashgar. Surely the noise isn`t jamming unless the ChiCom are really SNAFU, maybe maladjusted transmitter of their own? DRM? None scheduled. Maybe maladjusted Saudi transmitter as also scheduled to collide here in `Turkistani`. I`m sure the ChiCom wouldn`t mind blocking broadcasts into E.T. like this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EAST TURKISTAN. Shortwave radio sounds great --- You know how they say shortwave radio sounds awful? Here is a recording showing how a good modulated signal sounds great on a small portable radio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Tza4Vzf-8&feature=youtube_gdata_player This is a signal coming from approx. 4000 km to my QTH. Hats off to China Radio International which does a great job with their transmitters (Tudor Vedeanu, (Gura Humorului, Romania), Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 6270, Radio Cairo; 2308-2315+, 18-Feb; Tuned in to hear close of English segment into music; RC ID at 2314 to short anthem, then English headlines. SIO=533+ w/decent audio, but strong steady whine QRM (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6270, Radio Cairo at 2205 with a man and woman with totally muffled talk then Middle Eastern instrumentals with good audio at 2211 and back to a woman with slightly less muffled audio with ID and mention of US Senator John McCain at 2213 and back to instrumentals with good audio at 2214. Good signal wasted with muffled talk Feb 20. Do you think we should take up a collection for some half-decent mikes or other studio equipment? On Facebook, Rick Barton suggested some ribbon mikes and tube amplifiers. I suggested that, should I come across some good old tube audio equipment, I would keep it and donate some solid state stuff (Mark Coady, Peterborough, ON K9J 6X3, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Funny thing is that it isn't the transmitter - it's somewhere in front of that - I have listened to their audio via the web (WRN) and portions were muffled, and some were horribly distorted; and a few segments were OK. Go figure! (Rich Cuff / Allentown, PA, NASWA yg via DXLD) It's been like that since I heard them for the very first time back in the very early 80's on 9475 and 9675 kHz. However, there was a very short period in time when they had an English broadcast to North America on 9900 kHz around 0100 in the mid 80's. I believe this frequency carried Arabic in my local afternoon and then ended with English around 0200 in the evening. This is the only broadcast that I can ever remember which had decently clear audio. I was very surprised that the problem was fixed one day but the clear audio only lasted a very short time. It was a local evening powerhouse back then. I would like to listen to Radio Cairo regularly. It would fit my evening schedule. But why bother, for 30 year's worth of obvious old reasons? I can't understand how and why it was never fixed. Can anyone comment on their medium wave channels? (Steve O, ODXA yg via DXLD) The 80's? It's been like that since I first got into SW listening back in the late 60's and on into the 70's! Muffled and weak. Plus the woman spoke in a slow monotonous tone, almost like she was bored or half asleep. You'd think that in all this time someone would have said something to them about their audio quality. I know I did when I sent them a reception report. Maybe they just don't care. Cheers, (John M Hudak, ibid.) Wow. I first heard them when I got into the hobby at age 10 in 1980. Guess it has been worse than I thought (Steve, ibid.) Radio Cairo 6270 is off frequency and severely distorted. Signal is strong at S-9 plus at 10:26 PM eastern time Feb 20, 2012 [0326 UT Feb 21] The actual frequency is 6269.730 (Bryan Crow, K3VR, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. Saludos y programación nueva --- RADIO EL CAIRO Querido amigo de Radio el Cairo, Esperamos q estes bien y sigas escuchándonos. Te informamos que esperamos un informe de escucha de ti, además de tus ideas y propuestas sobre nuestra emisora y los programas, porque nos importa[n] tus opiniones. Te adjunto la programación de este semestre Enero-Julio 2012, con las frecuencias. Y apartir del 20 [sic] del próximo marzo tenemos nuevas frecuencias que vamos a informarte lo más próximo para que sea mejor la transmisión. Esperamos tus mensajes y te sigas escuchándonos. Saludos muy cordiales -- Equipo de Radio el Cairo Director general: Sr. HASSAN El Basiony Locutores: Dr. AHMED Abul Fadl MOHAMED Abdel Aziz IMAN Hassib BERTA Soto MAHMOUD Kotb RAIHANA Sawabi NAGAH Kassem ZEINAB Azab ARWA Emad el Din ABDEL ALIM Abdel Alim Editores: AMAL Said NESMA Sobeih (via Ernesto Paulero, Argentina, Feb 18, lista condig yg via DXLD) Ernesto, A Rádio Cairo solicita relatório, mas nas transmissões em português, como em muitas outras, não sei com a transmissão em espanhol, eles não transmitem nada, apenas o sinal sem modulação, ou modulação muito baixa, ou modulação extremamente distorcida. Essa situação perdura por muitos anos. Sinceramente não dá para entender. Julgo que tal situação, a de fingir que transmitem, é apenas para justificar os muitos empregos de lá. Desculpe-me a sinceridade, mas não há o que relatar com um sinal com tão péssima qualidade. A transmissão em português é inaudível já por muitos anos. Eu logo constantes transmissões da R Cairo que chegam apenas o sinal, sem modulação. Isso em inglês árabe, português e em muitas outras transmissões. As listas em inglês também informam transmissões inaudíveis da R Cairo. Eles mudam as frequências, mas os problemas seguem. Já enviei relatórios, eles responderam muito cordialmente, parece que é uma resposta pessoal, mas eu vi outros colegas receberem o mesmo e-mail com tom de pessoal. Sinceramente não vejo como melhorar a situação de lá, especialmente agora durante os tempos turbulentos que eles passam. Mas uma coisa eu digo, é dinheiro público jogado fora. Já vi casos de ouvintes receberem cartão QSL da transmissão em português, mas ou eles tiveram a maior sorte do mundo em ouvir algo na transmissão da R Cairo em português para o Brasil, ou eles enviaram o cartão só para serem gentis, o que acredito sinceramente que tenha sido o motivo. Ouvir a R Cairo só se for pela internet. Tente monitorar as transmissões da R Cairo e veja os resultados. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil, 12 14´S 38 58´W, ibid.) Verónica Balderas no figura en el staff. ¿Se retiró? Yo no lo sabía. RGM (Rubén Guillermo Margenet, Argentina, ibid.) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [non]. Hi Glenn, I downloaded DXLD 12-07 and saw your comments about Radio Africa on 15190 and 7190. So here is a current South African perspective on those frequencies. Radio Africa (not): 7190, Bata. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1655-1708. Nothing there at supposed 1700* sign on, although neighbouring Gabon is on 9580. AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649. 7190, Bata. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1733-1735. Nothing there. AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649. 7190, Bata. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1834-1835. Nothing there. AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649. 15190, Bata. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1610-1619. Nothing there, even though next door neighbour Gabon is coming in nicely on 9580. Half an hour before Joburg sunset, so if I'm receiving Gabon on 9580 I could probably expect to receive Bata on 15190. AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649. (see Philippines for 1735-1752 and 1835-1837 time slots). Philippines? Radio Pilipinas? 15190 Tinang? Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1735-1752. Singing, but very poor, JBA. Can't make out the language but it doesn't sound English. Must have come on air about 1730, so presumably Radio Pilipinas (Aoki, EiBi) in Tagalog to the middle east (EiBi). Most probably NOT Radio Africa; that should be in English (Aoki). Very poor. Jo'burg sunset 1649. Philippines? Radio Pilipinas? 15190 Tinang? Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1835-1837. Still sounds like Radio Pilipinas (Aoki, EiBi) in Tagalog to the middle east (EiBi). Most probably NOT Radio Africa, that should be in English (Aoki). Poor. Jo'burg sunset 1649. (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. R Inconfidencia / R Africa --- Last Saturday, Feb 18 at about 1720z I happened to notice a carrier at about 15189.85. At about 1727 R Pilipinas came on very close to 15190. The reports I've seen recently indicate that R Inconfidencia is on the high side of 15190. No station other than R Inconfidencia or R Africa is listed on air between 1700 & 1730. Has anyone noticed Inconfidencia operating low? If not perhaps R Africa is on 15189.85. JL (Jerry Lenamon, TX, Feb 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) As I recall, the Brazilian is always on the low side of 15190. Radio Africa has not been on air here for many months (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, ibid.) 15189.870, ZYE522 R Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, just above threshold level in Portuguese at 0938 UT Feb 21 (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22 via DXLD) 21/Feb, 15190, 2056, BRASIL, R Inconfidência in Portuguese. News of the carnival. Moderate QRM from Family Radio in 15195. No signal from R Bata (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil, 12 14´S 38 58´W, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BRAZIL ** ERITREA/ETHIOPIA. 7169.992, Asmara Eritrea plus accompanied Ethiopian white noise broadband jamming. 0530 UT Feb 21 (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22 via DXLD) ERITREIA, 7175, Voz das Massas, Selai Dairo, 1745-1800*, 19/2, árabe, prgr. falado, música, canções árabes, hino nacional ao fecho; 35433, QRM ocasional de amadores (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) 7185, 18/2 1710 Voice of Broad Masses, Eritrea, music and talks, good (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ERITREA [non]. New Voice of Eritrea Website --- A few days ago I received an e-mail from Filmon H. Yohannes at Voice of Eritrea stating they would have a new website within a few days. That website, http://mahta.net is now up (Wendel Craighead, Prairie Village, Kansas, USA, Cumbre DX via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) No Broad Masses; this is one of many clandestines, transmitted from Ethiopia, as on page 503 of the WRTH 2012 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ETHIOPIA [and non]. 9705, R. Ethiopia appeared to be just a little above and La Voix du Sahel, Niger seemed to be just a little below 9705. Could definitely hear there was a difference. The Perseus showed it but I didn't have it calibrated, so I couldn't measure the exact freqs for each. (19 Feb.) 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA, HCDX via DXLD) No time but presumably around 2100 (gh) ETIÓPIA, 9705, R. Etiópia, Geja Dera, 1937-2010, 19/2, líng. local, prgr. falado, mús. lig.ª e canções locais, entrevistas, identif. às 2001, noticiário; 44333, mas em ascensão; QRM NGR [q.v.] (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** EUROPE. Euro-pirate, 6307.5 USB --- Radio Tropiq. Very weak here with pop music, country music at 2330-2345+. Thanks to Chris Smolinski tip (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA, Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires, 2347 UT Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) [later:] PIRATE. 6307.5 USB. Radio Tropiq, 2330-0110, very weak here with pop music, country music. tip. Feb 18-19 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) Tnx for posting these tips immediately (gh, DXLD) ** EUROPE. Unidentified Euro-pirate on 6285. Very weak here with pop music at 2355-0005+ (Brian Alexander, 0006 UT Feb 19, ibid.) [later:] 6285. Bogusman, 2355-0028*, very weak here with pop music and talk. Feb 18-19 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** EUROPE. FRSH on air next Sunday Feb. 26th 2012 Dear FRS Friends, Following our October & December 2011 broadcasts, FRS-Holland will take to the airwaves with its first 2012 activity next Sunday February 26th. FRSH will be on 7600//6240 kHz for no less than 6 hours between 0752- 1403 UT/ 08.52-15.03 CET. Pxs will be presented by Jan van Dijk doing the German show, Dave Scott will be playing classic rock Paul Graham will host another great 60s/70s FRS Golden Show. Peter Verbruggen will look back to what happened in the past on February 26th (Day Calendar) and plays a mix of mainly 80s/90s/00s music in FRS Magazine. He will also host a FRS Goes DX show with the latest news from the wonderful world of wireless. As you will know, The Free Radio Service Holland is more than 'just playing music'. In all shows radio related items are included. This is for the keen free radio enthusiast vital and most interesting. Find out yourself what we have in store next Sunday. Other items include 'the Phrase that Pays and 'the listener of the month' (December 2011). Between 1452-2105 UT/15.52-22.05 CET the complete broadcast will be streamed via internet: Still available: the FRS 30th Anniversary booklet (24 pages cramped with information- 5 euro/ 7 dollars) covering our 1980-2010 history and the 3 Anniversary broadcasts. Remember the 3rd and final one of that series took place exactly one year ago. Last but not least: we would like to appeal on you, the listener, to support FRSH by sending in a correct reception report with some personal comments/information. The quality of some reports is very poor which is frustrating and discouraging for a team that works very hard and serious to provide you with 6 hours of Sunday entertainment. A reception report should (in our eyes) cover a period of 30 minutes and should contain information about your QTH (where do you listen from), receiver, antenna, times of reception, SINPO codes and last but not least programme information (details about what you heard on air: pop music or jingle is not ok > Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones or sonovox jingle FRS-Holland, Just a bit Different is much better!). I realize this should sound quite familiar to DX-ers; reality is however - to use our own slogan- 'just a bit different'! We have quality QSL cards and stickers waiting for you (hard copy) if you write in to our Herten maildrop. Please enclose sufficient return postage: 2 euro/ 3 US dollars. Remember our frs.holland @ hccnet.nl address will disappear very soon. The only correct email address left will be frs @ frsholland.nl 73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff) a Balance between Music & Information joined to one Format.... FRS-Holland P O Box 2702 6049 ZG Herten The Netherlands (via Joe Talbot, AB, DXLD) ** GABON. 9580, Africa #1; 2128-2147+, 13-Feb; M in French, ANU ID & all English soul tunes. First time I've heard anything other than French talk since their recent resurrection. SIO=4+53. 2148-2210+, 14- Feb; soul & jazz to soul-style singing ID at ToH into French news; pronounced Obama with accent on ma'. SIO=54+4 with hint of QRM (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9580, Africa #1; 2132-2201+, 18-Feb; M in French with peppy Afro music including music from Côte d'Ivoire; ToH pips to brief French news & ID at 2201. Great to hear the Afro music back! SIO=4+43 (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9580, Feb 19 at 0627, ANO is still on the air and today even before 0630, good with hilife music, in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. Africa No. 1, 9580 Moyabi. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1621-1708. French, OM doing sports commentary. Sometime around 1700, changed to music. OM mentioned "Gabon" at 1703, then changed to talk, probably sports results. Mentioned "Cameroon", "France", "Guinea-Bissau". At 1711, to afro music. Fair-good signal, but heavy co channel QRM in English with Australian accents, presumably Radio Australia via Singapore / Kranji. Yes, ID "Australia" at 1629* as per Aoki and EiBi. This left Gabon in the clear, quite readable. Jo'burg sunset 1649 (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9580, Feb 20 at 0553, ANU is already on with fair signal in French mentioning ``gabonais``. What is the true extent of its schedule, anyway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9580, R Africa 1-Libreville 0525 16 Feb, "Bonjour Afrique" ID, time 05,30 "actualité", 444 "Giroletti" (Mauro Giroletti, Italy, -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT-, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) [non]. 9580, Feb 21 at 0643, no signal from ANU. Operation and/or sign-on time seem quite variable. 9575 Morocco is in. At 0711, there is a very weak signal on 9580. Per Aoki, Australia does not start until 0800, but PBS Xizang, Lhasa is on 9580 at 0200-0930 except this was Tuesday, its siesta-maintenance day, supposed to be off the air after 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) QSL in 24 hr e-mail AFRICA N 1 9580 khz v/s Guy KALENDA Mutelwa Coordinateur d'antenne, e-mail: guykalenda @ africa1.com 33, rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine 75011 PARIS. Ciao e 73! (Mauro Giroletti, Italy, -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT-, Feb 17, playdx yg via DXLD) ** GERMANY. [continued from PHILIPPINES: Poro Point] The old 1000 kW transmitters from the fifties appear to be of some fascination. Four rather than three of these units have been installed by VOA, besides the usually mentioned Poro Point, Thailand (in 1996 or thereabouts replaced by a DX-1000, too) and Okinawa (shut down in 1977 after Japan issued no new licence) ones also a longwave variant at Erching near Munich, abandoned by VOA in 1973 and revived by the West German postal office in 1979 for Deutschlandfunk until it has been replaced in 1989 by the new Aholming site. German engineers considered the design of the Erching facility as insane. It relied entirely on diesel generators because the transmitter run on 60 Hz, and the manufacturer gave only evasive answers when being asked about modifying it for 50 Hz mains power. The documentation was incomplete and operation of the transmitter rather tricky, requiring manual control and adjustment of way too much parameters. Particularly disliked was the circumstance that it were two 500 kW blocks but with numerous ties, making it impossible to be on air with one transmitter half (Deutschlandfunk used only 500 kW anyway) and work on the other one. Finally the construction of the new Munich airport killed the Erching site. Thus it has not been upgraded and instead the completely new site at Aholming established (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 22, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) [more under GERMANY] ** GERMANY. 873, AFN Frankfurt: For several years the directional antenna was seriously out of adjustment, due to an ill-advised replacement of part of the antenna feed system. About 3 years ago the military agency contracted with a German company to rebuild the system, including relocation of the feed lines and (probably) a change to coaxial feeders rather than open-wire quasi-coaxial ones. It is possible (and indeed probable) that the rebuild, if it has been completed, has resulted in significant reductions in radiation in some azimuths from the antenna, which is a three-element in-line directional array (Ydun Ritz 12.2.2012 via ARC information Desk, Mv- eko 20 Feb via DXLD) ** GERMANY. 9480, European Music Radio, 0955-1000*, 19-02, male, English, comments, identification: "European Music Radio", "European Music Radio will be on the air again next week". 34433 (Méndez) 9480, Atlantic 2000 International, *1000-1010, 19-02, Identification in various languages: "You are listening Atlantic 2000 Internatinal", comments in French, pop music, "Atlantic 2000 International, ondes courtes, 9480 kHz". 34433 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain, Logs in Friol, Sony ICF SW 7600G, Cable antenna, 10 meters, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. [Re 12-07:] 15215, all set Feb 21 for the once-a-year special from Radio Öömrang, very strong carrier cuts on at 1600, and rocky start of modulation with some drops, opening in English mentioning news of Amrang on 21 Feb, prior to the burning-event (bonfire?) each year one hour later. Audio sounds like a lo-fi internet feed, impeding readability despite strong signal, as does the mixture of English and Frisian during the hour. Mostly Frisian, but shorter segments every few minutes in English. The accent in English does not help either. Never any music, one guy speaking both languages altho briefly thought I heard a different voice. Requires a DXer`s dedication to keep listening; they should have aggregated the English to one single longer portion. 1603 something about a Christmas celebration, back to Frisian. 1605 English about the burning; 1612 English again; 1618 mentions the new year, but did he say 2012? ``Free voice of the Frisian people``, schedule as on Jülich, 15230 kHz, 11 o`clock New York time, 16 UTzed, 17 MEzed, address with postal code 25946 but I can`t understand the rest of it. Since Jülich no longer exists and 15230 is the wrong frequency altho was used in 2009y, I suspect they are playing back a recording from long ago; either that, or they never found out that they are on 15215 via Wertachtal both this year and last. 1622 another brief English segment, mentioning February; 1629 English, greeting ``listeners all over the world, especially New York``. After this it sounds like High German, not Frisian. 1633 ID in English, with nonsensical mention (also heard something like this last year) of ``High 19 FM via Jülich, 15230 k-H-z``, times again as above, and address. They do not offer QSLs. Did anyone ever get one previous years? No further English breaks heard. At some point must have switched back to Frisian/Low German until the end. Mentioned Internet at 1658, but no closing ID or anything, NO ``Auf Wiederhören bis zum nächsten Jahr`` or however you spell that in Frisian. Modulation cut in mid-word at 1658:15 or so, carrier remained on, figured that was it, but 1659:40 modulation resumed with a bit of English, then carrier cut off at 1700* before completed announcement. No sign of KSDA CCI on 15215 at 1600-1630 that Ivo Ivanov warned us about, which is English aimed 285 from Guam to S Asia. Maybe a problem in Europe, especially the skip zone from Wertachtal? At 1629, in English he said ``my name is Janos(?) ---`` but not sure of that. The 3-year-old story at http://www.amrum-news.de/2009/02/18/radio-oomrang-geht-wieder-auf-sendungto/ shows the guy who was doing it then as Arjan Kölzow with his family e- mail address. Thanks to our advance publicity, this was widely heard by others: Al Muick, Whitehall PA says, ``Oeoemrang is coming in very strong right now at 1639 on 21 February on 15215 with a soft-spoken talk in Low German about a Commander and the Northsea. No interference and minimal fading. Lots of talk about weather. No music heard yet. I've just realized how poor my Frisian comprehension is.`` Noel R. Green says, ``Yes, it is a VERY strong signal at my location in NW England too, but going down a little by the end of transmission`` Wolfgang Büschel says: ``I guess the station is a non-verifier. Never heard widely that Radio Oeoemrang sent out QSLs. From 2011 broadcast: Mr. Arjan Koelzow Tanenwai 24 25946 Nebel (Amrum island) Germany which is the sponsor of this broadcast. Tel. +49 [0] 4682/2688, E-Mail `` Dave Kenny, BDXC-UK, said: ``Radio Amrum heard here from 1600-1700 today on 15215 kHz with only fair reception during the first half hour when there was some splatter, but clear after 1630. To my surprise much of the first half hour or so of the broadcast this year was in English, with information about Amrum and its customs. It seemed to be mostly German during the second half. Several IDs including one saying "Hello this is Radio Amrum, broadcasting the free voice of Frisian people". Note that the ID in English at least was "Radio Amrum" rather than Oomrang.`` Wolfgang Büschel adds: ``Parts of the broadcast were much older and taken from past decade transmission. Somebody in northern Germany with much better knowledge in Lower Saxon - Lower German - heard an announcement of the late M&B Juelich site on frequency of 15230 kHz again. Except for the English spoken parts, I did UNDERSTAND NOTHING of the Lower German parts! vy73 wolfy`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Single hour/day only broadcasting outlet on German Amrum island special day heard today Feb 21. Radio Oeoemrang - The Free Voice of Frisian People - from Amrum island in Germany. 11 hrs a.m. NY time. 1600-1700 UT 15215 kHz via Wertachtal, 500 kW 300 deg Tuesday Febr 21 to NoWeEUR/NoAM in Lower German - Low Saxon language. Heard the program in total on remote SDR units in Northern America - well done frequency selection, used always 12 kHz wide-bandwith on the Perseus units. N3EVB rx unit in PA-USA State College. S=9+20dB signal strength, started a little late around 1602 UT stumbling into the program. Snail mail address at 1619 and at 1634 UT, Febr 21. Four seconds feed break at 1630:10 UT. Alternative atomic energy comment at 1631-1635 UT. Endless boring report in Lower German til another break midst on sentence at 1658:25 UT, but audio feed recovered at 1659:50 UT, had a final station anncmt til TX sign-off at 1700:15 UT. Observed also on remote units KB5AG radio at Raleigh-NC-USA, on the Western coast of NoAM, on Vancouver Island BC-CAN at S=9+10dB level, but much fluttery according 3 signal hops? Similar reception quality revealed on K7LD Perseus unit at Bainbridge Island in Washington state in US. Radio Oeoemrang Wertachtal 15215 kHz and BSKSA Riyadh 15435 kHz were the strongest 19 mb stations in North America in 19 mb during 16-17 UT hour (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 21, dxldyg via DXLD) Here I was unable to listen as the frequency was occupied by strong AWR KSDA Guam, between 1600-1630 UT, yet after that propagation haven't supported much. But I checked it via a Perseus situated in UK, it was coming clear, a little bit low modulation but S9 signal, OM reading some text continuously in Frisian. At 1627 UT ID in Frisian followed by English as "This is Radio OOmrang", and again repeat at 1629, with some sort of address or e-mail ID presumed in Frisian. 1659/1657 ID repeat I missed the address announcement though, there was a transmission break between 1658 I thought it quit but returned at 1659 with same voice and quit at few seconds before 1700. I am feeling a bit sorry, I was unable to catch here, if propagation helped, if I can listen few minutes on my receiver, but alas. Thanks & Regards, (Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hello DXers, Here in Cairo it was poor/fair with QRM from KSDA in English, I recorded a couple of minutes here : http://soundcloud.com/su1tz/oeoemrang-radio-on-15215-khz Best regards (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [and non]. MBR changes: Radio Oeoemrang 1600-1700 15215*WER 500 kW / 300 deg Tue WeEu/NoAm German Feb. 21 only * but same frequency 1600-1630 is AWR/KSDA in English with strong signal Mecklenburg Verpommern Baltic Radio 1000-1100 6140 WER 100 kW / non-dir 1stSu CeEu German, deleted European Music Radio 1400-1500 6140 NAU 100 kW / 126 deg 3rdSu CeEu Music, deleted Radio Gloria International 1400-1500 6140 NAU 100 kW / 126 deg 4thSu CeEu Music, deleted [I think I saw somewhere a mention of the 6140 transmissions being undeleted and to restart, although not now but at a later point. For the 1000-1100 slot another option considered for the A12 season, when it will be 0900-1000, is using Issoudun, beaming back to Germany. --- Kai Ludwig, dxldyg via DXLD] Voice of Oromiyan Liberation Front 1600-1630 NF 15315 WER 500 kW / 135 deg Sun EaAf Oromo, ex 11760 NAU Voice of Oromo Liberation 1700-1800 11810 NAU 100 kW / 142 deg Su/We EaAf Oromo/Amharic, ex WER Radiyo Y'Abadanga Ababaka 1700-1715 17725 WER 250 kW / 150 deg Sat EaAf Swahili, deleted Bible Voice Broadcasting Network 1830-1900 9465 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Tue N&ME Hebrew Mx, deleted 1645-1800 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Sun N&ME English, ex 1630-18 1630-1830 9925 WER 100 kW / 105 deg Daily WeAs Persian, ex NAU 0030-0100 7395 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Fri SoAs English, ex Fri/Sun 0030-0115 7395 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sa/Su SoAs English, ex Sat 1500-1515 13740 WER 250 kW / 075 deg Sun SoAs English, ex 090 deg Voice of Croatia 2300-0400 7375 WER 100 kW / 255 deg SoAm Croatian/En/Sp, ex 240 deg Voice of Russia 0000-0200 9875 GUF 250 kW / 195 deg SoAm Spanish, deleted 0200-0500 7335 GUF 250 kW / 318 deg NoAm Spanish, deleted 2200-2400 11605 GUF 250 kW / 181 deg BRA Portug., deleted Hamada Radio International 1930-2000 11865 WER 100 kW / 180 deg WeAf Hausa, deleted Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries 1500-1600 13810 WER 100 kW / 120 deg N&ME English, ex NAU WYFR Family Radio 2000-2100 9595 NAU 500 kW / 205 deg WeAf French, ex 180 deg 2200-2300 5960 NAU 250 kW / 210 deg WeAf Arabic, deleted 1900-2200 9925 WER 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf English, deleted 1800-1900 12140 WER 500 kW / 165 deg SoAf English, deleted 0000-0100 7360 GUF 500 kW / 170 deg SoAm English, deleted 0000-0100 7395 GUF 500 kW / 215 deg SoAm English, deleted 2200-2400 NF 15280 GUF 500 kW / 215 deg SoAm Spanish, ex 9465 from Feb. 19 Voice of America, new frequencies: 1830-1900 9435 WER 250 kW / 090 deg CeAs Azeri, ex 9440, re-ex 9495 2030-2100 11665 WER 250 kW / 180 deg CeAf Hausa, ex 11670/7315/9780 (DX Mix News 19 Feb via DXLD) Winter B-11 of Media Broadcast. Part 1 of 2: Hamada Radio International: 0530-0600 7350 WER 100 kW / 180 deg Mon-Fri WeAf Hausa Radio Netherlands World Service 0600-0655 9830 WER 500 kW / 120 deg Daily N/ME Dutch 0700-0755 5955 NAU 500 kW / 220 deg Daily NWAf Dutch 0700-0855 9895 NAU 500 kW / 220 deg Daily SEEu Dutch 0800-1055 5955 WER 500 kW / 210 deg Daily CWEu Dutch 0900-1055 6120 WER 500 kW / 240 deg Mon-Fri SEEu Dutch 1600-1755 5955 WER 500 kW / 210 deg Daily SEEu Dutch 1600-1655 9755 NAU 500 kW / 143 deg Daily N&ME Dutch 1600-1755 9895 WER 500 kW / 240 deg Daily NoAf Dutch Trans World Radio 0645-0700 5910 ISS 100 kW / 060 deg Mon-Fri WeEu Polish 0800-0850 6105 NAU 100 kW / 285 deg Daily NoEu English 0930-1000 9450 ISS 100 kW / 085 deg Daily WeEu Hungarian 1100-1130 6120 WER 100 kW / 105 deg Sat EaEu Romanian 1500-1530 7295 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Mon EaEu Belarussian 1500-1530 7295 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Tue-Fri EaEu Russian 1630-1700 6110 WER 100 kW / 105 deg Sat EaEu Romanian 1630-1700 12015 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Mon-Fri CeAs Armenian Mighty KBC Radio 0900-1100 6095 WER 125 kW / non-dir Sat/Sun WeEu Dutch/English 1100-1600 6095 WER 100 kW / non-dir Sat/Sun WeEu Dutch/English XVRB Radio - The Music Museum 0900-1000 6045 WER 100 kW / non-dir 3rd Sun WeEu English Hamburger Lokalradio 1000-1100 6045 WER 100 kW / non-dir 1st Sun CeEu German Evangelische Missions Gemeiden 1130-1200 6055 WER 125 kW / non-dir Sat/Sun CeEu German 1200-1230 13730 NAU 250 kW / 045 deg Sat FE Russian 1600-1630 9605 WER 250 kW / 060 deg Sat EaEu Russian Missionswerke Arche Stimme des Trostes 1200-1215 6055 WER 250 kW / non-dir Sun CeEu German Pan American Broadcasting 1400-1415 15205 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Sun SoAs English 1415-1430 15205 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Daily SoAs English 1430-1445 15205 ISS 250 kW / 083 deg Sun SoAs English 1930-2030 6040 WER 250 kW / 150 deg Sat NoAf English 1930-2000 6040 WER 250 kW / 150 deg Sun NoAf English Voice of Oromiyan Liberation Front 1600-1630 15315 WER 500 kW / 135 deg Sun EaAf Oromo Radio Oeoemrang 1600-1700 15215 WER 500 kW / 300 deg Tue Feb.21 Eu/Am German Voice of Oromo Liberation 1700-1800 11810 NAU 100 kW / 142 deg Sun/Wed EaAf Oromo/Amharic Christian Science Sentinel 1900-2000 5960 WER 100 kW / 075 deg Sat EaEu Russian Bible Voice Broadcasting Network 0800-0830 7220 WER 100 kW / non-dir Sun WeEu English 0800-0845 7220 WER 100 kW / non-dir Sat WeEu English 1900-1930 6030 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Tue EaEu Russian 1900-1915 6030 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Thu EaEu Ukrainian 1900-1915 6030 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Fri EaEu Russian 1915-1945 6030 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Sat EaEu English 1900-2000 6030 WER 100 kW / 060 deg Sun EaEu English 0900-1000 17545 WER 125 kW / 135 deg Fri NEAf Arabic 1630-1730 11875 WER 100 kW / 150 deg Daily CEAf Nuer/Dinka 1600-1630 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Mon/Thu EaAf Oromo 1630-1700 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Mon/Fri EaAf Amharic 1700-1730 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Mon/Tue/Fri EaAf Tigrinya 1730-1830 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Mon/Tue/Fri EaAf Amharic 1630-1700 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Tue EaAf Amharic 1630-1800 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Wed EaAf Amharic 1630-1830 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Thu/Sun EaAf Amharic 1630-1745 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Sat EaAf Amharic 1745-1800 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Sat EaAf English 1600-1630 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Fri/Sun EaAf Oromo 1800-1830 15335 ISS 100 kW / 131 deg Fri-Sun EaAf Somali 1800-1900 6110 WER 125 kW / 120 deg Sat N&ME English 1830-1900 6110 WER 125 kW / 120 deg Sun N&ME English 0500-0530 7410 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Thu N&ME Arabic 0500-0515 7410 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Fri N&ME Arabic 1715-1800 9465 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Mon/Wed/Fri N&ME Arabic 1800-1830 9465 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Tue N&ME English 1800-1915 9465 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Sun N&ME English 1645-1700 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Mon/Wed N&ME English 1645-1720 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Tue N&ME English 1645-1745 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Thu N&ME English 1645-1715 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Fri N&ME English 1645-1800 11700 WER 100 kW / 120 deg Sat/Sun N&ME English 1700-1720 11915 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Mo/Tu/Th/Fr N&ME Arabic 1700-1735 11915 WER 250 kW / 120 deg Wed N&ME Arabic 0400-0430 5950 WER 100 kW / 105 deg Sat-Mon WeAs Luri 1800-1830 7365 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Mon/Wed/Fri WeAs Persian 1800-1900 7365 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Tue/Thu WeAs Persian 1800-1815 7365 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Sat WeAs English 1830-1900 7365 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Sun WeAs Persian 1900-2000 9470 WER 250 kW / 105 deg Sat WeAs English 1915-1945 9470 WER 250 kW / 105 deg Sun WeAs English 1630-1830 9925 WER 100 kW / 105 deg Daily WeAs Persian 1530-1545 11965 WER 250 kW / 105 deg Sun WeAs Persian 0030-0100 7395 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Mon-Thu SoAs Hindi 0030-0100 7395 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Fri SoAs English 0030-0115 7395 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sat/Sun SoAs English 1530-1600 13670 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Wed/Thu SoAs Urdu 1515-1600 13670 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Fri SoAs English 1515-1530 13670 WER 100 kW / 090 deg Sat SoAs English 1500-1515 13740 WER 250 kW / 075 deg Sun SoAs English 1400-1430 15470 WER 250 kW / 090 deg 1st Sun SoAs English 1400-1430 15470 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sun SoAs English 1430-1500 15470 WER 250 kW / 090 deg Sat SoAs English (DX Re Mix News, Bulgaria, Feb 20, via DXLD) Winter B-11 of Media Broadcast. Part 2 of 2: Voice of Croatia 0000-0200 7375 WER 100 kW / 300 deg CeAm Croatian/English/Spanish 0200-0400 7375 WER 100 kW / 315 deg NEAm Croatian/English/Spanish 0400-0600 7375 WER 100 kW / 325 deg NWAf Croatian/English/Spanish 2300-0400 7375 WER 100 kW / 255 deg SoAm Croatian/English/Spanish [see notes under CROATIA [non]] Gospel For Asia 0030-0130 7215 WER 250 kW / 090 deg SEAs South East Asian langs 1230-1500 15285 NAU 250 kW / 090 deg SEAs South East Asian langs 1330-1530 15235 WER 250 kW / 075 deg SEAs South East Asian langs 1530-1630 11645 WER 250 kW / 090 deg SEAs South East Asian langs 2330-0030 7240 WER 250 kW / 075 deg SEAs South East Asian langs Radio Dardasha 7 0300-0330 7325 WER 125 kW / 120 deg N/ME Arabic 0500-0530 6100 NAU 125 kW / 195 deg WeAf Arabic 1700-1730 9440 NAU 125 kW / 125 deg N/ME Arabic 1900-1930 9715 WER 125 kW / 180 deg WeAf Arabic Adventist World Radio 0400-0430 5975 WER 100 kW / 120 deg EaEu Bulgarian 1600-1630 6100 WER 100 kW / 120 deg EaEu Bulgarian 1000-1100 9610 NAU 100 kW / 180 deg SoEu Italian Sun 0700-0800 11975 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf Arabic 0800-0830 15125 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf Kabyle 0800-0900 15145 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf French/Tachelhit 1730-1800 11860 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf Kabyle 1900-1930 11860 WER 250 kW / 210 deg NoAf Wolof 1900-2000 11760 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf Arabic/Tachelhit 2000-2030 9805 WER 100 kW / 210 deg NoAf French 1900-2000 9535 NAU 125 kW / 215 deg NoAf Arabic 0300-0330 7315 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg EaAf Tigrigna 0300-0400 9610 WER 250 kW / 135 deg EaAf Oromo/Amharic 1630-1700 17575 ISS 250 kW / 125 deg EaAf Somali 1730-1800 11795 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg EaAf Oromo 1200-1300 17510 NAU 250 kW / 085 deg SoAs English/Bangla 1500-1600 15270 WER 250 kW / 090 deg SoAs Punjabi/Hindi 1500-1530 15255 WER 250 kW / 075 deg SoAs Nepali 1530-1600 15255 WER 250 kW / 075 deg SoAs English Sat-Wed 1530-1600 15255 WER 250 kW / 075 deg SoAs Tibetan Thu/Fri 1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW / 070 deg EaAs Chinese Mon-Fri 1300-1330 15480 NAU 250 kW / 070 deg EaAs Uyghur Sat/Sun 1330-1500 15480 NAU 250 kW / 070 deg EaAs Chinese Brother Stair/The Overcomer Ministries 1400-1500 9460 WER 100 kW / 300 deg WeEu English 1500-1600 13810 WER 100 kW / 120 deg N&ME English 1900-2000 9835 WER 500 kW / 165 deg NCAf English Radio Dabanga 1530-1630 15535 WER 500 kW / 150 deg SDN Sudanese Arabic [*jammed by continuous 1000 Hz tone, lasting past 1630 --- gh] Radio Japan NHK World 1700-1900 15445 WER 500 kW / 135 deg WeAs Japanese 2200-2300 9620 WER 500 kW / 135 deg WeAs Japanese Lutheran World Federation Voice of Gospel 1830-1900 9800 WER 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf Hausa [WRTH: In Fulfulde as Sawtu Linjiila to Cameroon. This transmission is squeezed between two Afia Darfur broadcasts on 9805, 9810, and at least once was found on the wrong frequency --- gh] WYFR Family Radio 1700-1800 11690 WER 100 kW / 180 deg NoAf Arabic 1800-1900 9840 WER 250 kW / 150 deg NoAf Arabic 1900-2000 9500 WER 250 kW / 150 deg NoAf Arabic 1900-2000 9695 NAU 500 kW / 207 deg WeAf French 2000-2100 9595 NAU 500 kW / 205 deg WeAf French 2000-2100 9515 NAU 250 kW / 210 deg WeAf Arabic 2100-2200 6010 NAU 250 kW / 210 deg WeAf Arabic 1800-1900 11665 WER 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf English 2100-2200 7305 NAU 500 kW / 180 deg WCAf French 1600-1700 13660 ISS 500 kW / 125 deg EaAf Oromo 1600-1700 15160 ISS 500 kW / 131 deg EaAf Amharic 1700-1800 15160 ISS 500 kW / 131 deg CeAf Swahili 1600-1700 11995 WER 250 kW / 125 deg N/ME Arabic 1700-1800 9810 NAU 250 kW / 125 deg N/ME Arabic 1600-1700 11955 NAU 500 kW / 105 deg WeAs Persian 1700-1800 9800 NAU 500 kW / 095 deg WeAs Persian 1400-1500 13605 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Uzbek 1300-1500 17510 NAU 500 kW / 085 deg SoAs Bengali 1400-1500 15315 WER 500 kW / 105 deg SoAs Malayalam 1400-1500 15325 WER 500 kW / 090 deg SoAs Oriya 1400-1500 13655 WER 500 kW / 090 deg SoAs Sindhi 1500-1600 13655 NAU 500 kW / 105 deg SoAs Kannada 1400-1600 13700 NAU 500 kW / 095 deg SoAs Hindi 1500-1600 13630 NAU 500 kW / 100 deg SoAs Gujarati 1500-1600 11935 WER 500 kW / 090 deg SoAs Tamil 1500-1600 15470 WER 500 kW / 090 deg SoAs Marathi 2200-2400 7360 GUF 500 kW / 170 deg SoAm Portuguese/English 2200-2400 15280 GUF 500 kW / 215 deg SoAm Spanish Radio Liberty 0300-0500 6105 WER 250 kW / 060 deg EaEu Belorussian 0400-0500 6155 WER 250 kW / 060 deg EaEu Belorussian 1500-1600 11765 NAU 250 kW / 103 deg CeAs Avari/Chechen/Circassian 1500-1700 6120 WER 250 kW / 060 deg EaEu Belorussian 1600-1700 11980 WER 250 kW / 075 deg EaEu Russian 1600-1700 9445 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Tajik 1400-1500 9595 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Uzbek 1400-1500 11995 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Uzbek 1400-1500 12015 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Turkmen 1500-1530 11790 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Kyrgyz 1700-1800 9640 WER 250 kW / 090 deg CeAs Russian "Caucasus Echo" Radio Farda 0430-0700 15535 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Persian 1230-1430 13635 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Persian 1430-1630 13680 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Persian Radio Mashaal 0500-0900 13580 NAU 250 kW / 094 deg WeAs Pashto Deewa Radio 1400-1500 9565 WER 250 kW / 090 deg WeAs Pashto Radio Ashna 1530-1730 9770 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Dari/Pashto Voice of America 2030-2100 11665 WER 250 kW / 180 deg CeAf Hausa Mon-Fri 1600-1700 17895 WER 250 kW / 150 deg CeAf English 1630-1700 15670 WER 250 kW / 180 deg CeAf Portuguese Fri 1630-1700 9785 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1630-1700 11905 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1630-1700 13635 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1800-1830 9805 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN Arabic "Afia Darfur" 1900-1930 9815 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN Arabic "Afia Darfur" 1630-1700 15620 WER 250 kW / 135 deg EaAf Somali 1730-1800 9485 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Fri 1730-1800 11905 WER 250 kW / 150 deg EaAf Afan Oromo Mon-Fri 1800-1900 9485 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg EaAf Amharic 1800-1900 13625 WER 250 kW / 135 deg EaAf Amharic 1900-1930 9485 NAU 250 kW / 140 deg EaAf Tigrigna Mon-Fri 0230-0330 7265 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Persian 0500-0600 9760 NAU 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Kurdish 1400-1500 13580 WER 250 kW / 105 deg WeAs Kurdish 1500-1530 5930 WER 250 kW / 075 deg CeAs Uzbek 1600-1700 7390 WER 250 kW / 090 deg CeAs Georgian 1700-1800 9760 WER 250 kW / 090 deg CeAs Georgian 1830-1900 9435 WER 250 kW / 090 deg CeAs Azeri (DX Re Mix News 21 Feb via DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. 11800, Feb 20 at 0549, DW good in English via RWANDA, where else? Story about historical reënactments, // weaker 9855, and 11800 replaced 9810 as of Jan 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA. 4055, Feb 16 at 0607, TGAV is in the kidchoral national anthem at sign-off, but still missing in the mornings. No signal when checked at 1135, 1158, 1214 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUYANA. 3290, Voice of Guyana, 0920-1000 "Good Morning to you from Guyana", 15 February. Strong 0900 but less strong 0100 (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, cumbredx via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) 3289.99, GBC, 0600-0610, English BBC World Service News at 0600. Fair signal. Stronger than usual. Feb 17 (Brian Alexander, PA, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX Listening Digest) 3289.99, The Voice of Guyana / Guyana Broadcasting Corp., Georgetown. Very nice signal 2/17 0750 past 0835. Not rare DX by any means, but highly enjoyable tuning, esp when they are barreling in, such as this date. Noted with BBC relay at tune-in, which lasted until 0800, when local OM said, "It is now 4 hours in Guyana . . . this is the Voice of Guyana, broadcasting on 560 kiloHertz in the medium wave band . . . and 102.5 megaHertz in FM stereo in Guyana . . ." Then a very nice choral national anthem to formally start their local broadcast day, sounding almost hymnlike. At 0404 [sic; must mean 0804 UT], live deejay again, "Good morning, everyone! This is the V-O-G, the Voice of Guyana. The Broadcasting Corporation of Guyana has its broadcasting house located at . . . and on 760 kiloHertz in the medium wave band . . . It is now 4 hours 4 minutes." Tuned away but on return at 0835, signal had further improved and delightful Hindi musical program in progress (Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois, Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD-545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer; Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit; Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HUNGARY. 540 kHz Solt, Hungary retimed --- Last Sunday (12. Feb) and yesterday (16. Feb) I've monitored 540 kHz Solt (read SHOLT), and I can confirm they had retimed Kossuth Radio: 0326 Mo-Fr / 0356 Sa-Su - 2004 UT. I live 92 kilometers from the site. Regards (Dragan Lekic, Serbia, Feb 17, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. All India Radio Hyderabad 4800 kHz on extended schedule, way past 1740 UT carrying live broadcast in regional language "Telegu" on the occasion of Hindu religious festival "Maha Shivaratri" today, 20th Feb 2012 (Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE, New Delhi, India, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. All India Radio Mumbai noted on 4848 kHz instead of scheduled 4840 kHz, at 1420 UTC tune in. Another punching error? Thanking you, Yours sincerely, (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, Hyderabad, India, Feb 20, dx_india yg via DXLD) AIR Mumbai back on 4840 this morning (Alokesh Gupta, 0246 UT Feb 21, ibid.) Also noted AIR Mumbai back to normal on 4840. 5013.0 seemed to be AIR Delhi (Kingsway) on February 21, noted at 1400; best in USB, as too close to AIR on 5010. Nothing heard on normal 5015 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, California, USA, dx_india yg via DXLD) ** INDIA. 9425, Feb 17 at 1431, AIR National Channel via Bengaluru, news in English with elexion returns comparing how Congress, BJP et al. parties did; after 1440 another program in English this Friday; fair with flutter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, You probably heard the "Vividha" program in English that follows the news in English. Would conform to their Monday, Wednesday and Friday schedule for English (Tuesday and Thursday has that same program in Hindi); often have interesting interviews, stories, etc. and every two weeks ("fortnight") the program carries the "Earth Beat" show which is jointly produced by AIR and RNW. Vividha is a program that I have been enjoying for some years now. Typical show http://www.box.com/s/ba29qd4syaq3eyrh04j7 recorded back in 2010 (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 9445, Feb 16 at 2145, enjoyed the music, outroed at 2159 as a vocal recital by Pandit somebody, AIR GOS ID and English news. 11620, Feb 20 at 1623, slow S Asian song by soprano with dings, good signal with flutter, 1629 Russian announcement and news by YL. Next check 1712, still running with songs. Per Aoki, it`s the 1615 Russian hour of AIR, 500 kW, 335 degrees from Bangaluru, so also USward. 15175, Feb 17 at 1503, open carrier with flutter, no doubt in preparation for the Gujarati service from GOA starting at 1515, tho you`d never know it by consulting HFCC which AIR has abandoned. Don`t know if the carrier stayed on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 15050, Feb 16 at 1323, S Asian music in AM from AIR Sinhala service. Did their DRM transmitter at Delhi/Khampur break down, push the wrong button, or relent to tantalize us with nice music audible to anyone with an ordinary receiver? Are the songs necessarily in Sinhala, or Hindi, et al.? I`ll easily take the flutter and fading way over digital dropouts or more likely no decoding at all for this 13-15 broadcast, where I often hear the DRM noise without logging it. 1335 goes from music to talk, 1352 check, more music which used to occupy most of the bihour. 15045-15050-15055, Feb 17 at 1410, DRM noise from AIR Sinhala service via Khampur, after having defaulted (?) to AM 24 hours earlier. I knew it wouldn`t last (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. AIR Delhi 50 kW transmitters to be shut down -DX INDIA EXCLUSIVE- Dear friends, According to reliable sources, from the A-2012 period, 6 numbers of 50 kW transmitters operating from New Delhi (Kingsway) will be shut down. The news services carried from these transmitters (used as standby for relay by AIR stations) will be available on Satellite only. External services broadcast by these transmitters will be transferred to other stations. Note: The affected services are using the following frequencies. 4860, 4870, 5015, 6030, 6190, 7235, 7370, 9575, 9835, 11710, 11830, 15135, 15185, 15260 etc. For current sked of please see http://qsl.net/vu2jos/sw/loc.htm under serial No.7 under Delhi (Kingsway) It may be noted that these transmitters were having lot of problems on modulation, distortion, frequency drift, spurious signals etc. -DX INDIA EXCLUSIVE- 73 (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad, India, http://www.qsl.net/vu2jos http://www.niar.org Feb 21, dx_india yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) Two new 100 kW DRM compatible SW transmitters will be installed at Kingsway by this year. Also : - Two new 250 kW DRM compatible SW txers for Aligarh - One new 500 kW DRM compatible SW txer at Bangalore And : - Two 250 kW (Thomson) txers at Khampur will be upgraded for txn in DRM mode. - Two 250 kW (Thomson) txers at Aligarh will be upgraded for txn in DRM mode. Most of the AIR's external services (except 3 lang's) will be in DRM mode by this year end or first quarter of 2013 (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Feb 22, dx_india yg via DXLD) ** INDIA. During the BES Expo 2012, All India Radio had test transmissions at 0330-1200 UT with multichannel DRM broadcast on MW, 1st channel carrying music & 2nd channel talk program on a single freq 1017 kHz from a new Riz mobile transmitter with power output of 3 kW in DRM mode. DRM Future Plans: 1) Replacement of two 1000 kW MW transmitters by new DRM compatible transmitters (expected by 31st March 2012) 2) Replacement of 34 old MW transmitters by new DRM transmitters. 3) Replacement of 6, 10 kW mobile transmitters by mobile DRM transmitters. 4) Conversion of 36 compatible MW transmitters into DRM transmitters. 5) Replacement of five SW transmitters by DRM transmitters. 6) Implementation of pilot project of DRM+ txers at major cities. 7) New DRM+ transmitters at 24 places (DRM compatible FM txers) 8) Setting up 100 watt FM DRM+ compatible transmitters at 100 locations. 9) Replacement of existing MW/FM transmitters by high power DRM+ FM transmitters. DRM Consortium was part of a large booth of Nautel/Comcon this year, a DRM+ surround sound demo was available at booth. Many DRM receivers were displayed at the booth. The newer version of DRM receiver DR111 from Chengdu Newstar Electronics Co. Ltd was on display at Digidia booth which was part of French Pavillion. Many officials from DRM Consortium attended the expo including DRM Project Director, Vineeta Dwivedi, Alexander Zink & Ludo Maes both Vice Chairman of DRM Consortium (from Alokesh Gupta`s blog http://alokeshgupta.blogspot.in/2012/02/bes-expo-2012-report.html via DXLD) ALL INDIA RADIO DRM FUTURE PLANS : 1) Replacement of two 1000 kW MW transmitters by new DRM compatible transmitters (expected by 31st March 2012) 2) Replacement of 34 old MW transmitters by new DRM transmitters. 3) Replacement of 6, 10 kW mobile transmitters by mobile DRM transmitters (Already installed at various places, TX # 2 was used for recent MW DRM test during BES Expo 2012) 4) Conversion of 36 compatible MW transmitters into DRM transmitters. 5) Replacement of five SW transmitters by DRM transmitters. 6) Implementation of pilot project of DRM+ txers at major cities. 7) New DRM+ transmittesr at 24 places (DRM compatible FM txers) 8) Setting up 100 watt FM DRM+ compatible transmitters at 100 locations. 9) Replacement of existing MW/FM transmitters by high power DRM+ FM transmitters. --- (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, Feb 17, dx_india yg via DXLD) Re: AIR DRM Future Plans ? are DRM capable receivers available of Chinese or Russian receiver factories for the average listener in India? DRM history of 1996 to 2012year show, that DRM project is dead, except for the transmitter producer industry like Continental, and EU subvention tapping. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Why go for Chinese or Russian receiver factories? Who knows, may be the next cheap DRM receiver will be produced from an Indian factory. Here's an update by DRM Chair Ruxandra Obreja at EBU DRS 2012 on so- called "dead" DRM project .... http://tech.ebu.ch/webdav/site/tech/shared/events/radiosummit12/presentations/120215_obreja_DRM.pdf Regards (Alokesh Gupta, dx_india yg via dXLD) Dear Alokesh, sorry, you don't understand my Question of this morning. That's our experiences of 16 years DRM mode tests from here in EU and worldwide. I've got my DRM decoding software in 2002 and heard some months on the AOR AR7030 rx, used that 12-20 kHz ZF signal. Universal DRM downmixer unit from 455 kHz to 12 kHz (input of the PC-soundcard), designed for modification of existing AM-broadcast receivers to be able of DRM-receiving by use of the software-decoder. Oscillator frequency eligible 455, 443, 467 kHz. The question are NOT the EXISTING >linear< signal transmitters worldwide, -- we have hundreds here in Europe which are both capable AM and DRM mode -- the German firm TRANSRADIO/TELEFUNKEN can deliver DRM modulators on your request ... -- , !!! and we wait 16 years of reasonable cost DRM receivers, even when the average noise level in western villages is mostly -80 to 85 dB level now, due of PLC and Plasma TV sets INTERFERENCE etc. etc. - compared to Victor's THRILLING noise level in Colombo suburb of lowest -138 dB!!! All these new refurbished AIR transmitters replacement was necessary - even on future AM mode mediumwave usage, also the AIR MW 1000 kW beasts will run on pure AM mode in future, the DRM modulator unit accompanied is only an additional mode feature, to keep that in the background storage of the tx hall. All these Indian engineers and buying decision makers are making a big mistake to order these DRM modulators now. This is just an DIGITAL argument about the budget for this purchase to get. In the crystal clear perception that Digital Radio Mondiale as a viable short wave transmission mode is DEAD. Appeal to the DRM "experts" is that basic communications theory shows that if you do not have A RECEIVER --- THERE IS NOT THE LEAST POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING COMMUNICATIONS European engineers seem to share that opinion, that without a massive influx into the marketplace and of reasonable cost DRM capable receivers, the DRM for short- and mediumwave, as a replacement to conventional AM is simply NOT VIABLE... 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) DRM setup can run many years than expected with Indian money only, They have well marketed it in India - now they had huge orders of transmitters from India and a big prospective market. I am seeing since been a long time Prasar Bharti or AIR don't care what general listeners listen or not. Otherwise they would act on so many frequencies jammed by China and many under-modulated transmitters, so when the broadcaster is buying DRM gets money to expand. DRM projects are showing us cheapest DRM receiver will be available in India by 2012, but this will be between 20-30 USD. In 95% case of Indian SW listener buy only receiver under 12 USD, they buy superhets from Philips, Santosh and Chinese ones. I must not take us the hobbyists in this account as we can spend as much we can for our hobby. So I can assure the rural population who are actual listeners of radio won't going to buy new so called cheap receivers. I think DRM authorities are in plan to create new group of listeners who can afford those receivers, so they are partnering with car radio manufacturers. Well, buddy, India has a huge population; if 1-2% of them convinced much bigger sales than entire Europe sales figure, Hi! Beside this I am very concerned about the noise DRM creates too, it takes 20 kHz BW like Chinese transmitters and ruins nearby Analogue broadcasts. I am not against DRM, but DRM transmissions must be allocated in a separate area of the band, otherwise it may ruin some good DX. Also despite the quality the audio drops are notorious, still now, in web streaming even in our hilly areas I can listen to any station without drop with smart phone 2G or 3G, even where audio drops the resume will be at same point but in DRM --- -- Thanks & Regards, (Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA, Skype: dxinginfo. dxldyg via DXLD) ** INDIA. JAWHAR SIRCAR TO TAKE CHARGE AS PRASAR BHARATI CEO Jawhar Sircar, until now secretary in the culture ministry, is to be the new chief executive officer of Prasar Bharati. Sircar’s name was cleared after a three-member selection panel headed by Vice-President Hamid Ansari with Press Council of India chairman Justice Markanday Katju and Information and Broadcasting secretary Uday Kumar Varma as members recommended his name for the position. The appointment of the CEO is done by the President on the recommendation of the selection panel. Indiantelevision.com had earlier reported that Sircar was tipped to be the CEO. Sircar is due to retire from his present job next month, and will take over from acting CEO Rajiv Takru, the Additional Secretary in I&B ministry and its representative on the Prasar Bharati board. Takru had been asked to hold additional charge of CEO in January last year after the suspension of then CEO B S Lalli, following a series of corruption charges established by the Central Vigilance Commission. However, the search for a successor could begin only after Lalli retired in December. It is learnt that a panel of 11 members was sent to the three-member committee. Sircar belongs to the 1975 batch of Indian Administrative Service from West Bengal. After the retirement of I&B secretary Raghu Menon in September last year, Sircar had been asked to hold additional charge of this ministry in addition to the culture ministry, until the appointment of Uday Kumar Varma. Sircar holds two post-graduate degrees in Ancient Indian History and Culture and in Sociology with Social Anthropology. He has served as additional (later special secretary) secretary and development commissioner for micro, small and medium enterprises in the centre, prior to which he held the posts of higher education secretary and principal secretary of commerce and industries in West Bengal. Sircar has been actively associated with several cultural and academic bodies like the Asiatic Society, the Victoria Memorial, the Centre for Archaeological Studies, the Kolkata Museum of Modern Art and the Indian Anthropological Society. He took the lead in establishing the annual Kolkata Film Festival as an international event. He has published several articles and research papers on history, culture and society. In the last decade, he has focussed his research on specific aspects of popular culture, folk religion and on the development of socio-religious identities. “Action was taken against Lalli after the Shunglu committee report indicted him for irregularities in the broadcast contract of the Commonwealth Games. A Central Bureau of Investigation probe is underway in this connection. Meanwhile, a Supreme Court has been asked to probe the four charges of corruption established by the CVC. The five allegations established by Central Vigilance Commission relate to contracts for management of advertisement revenue arising from the telecast of cricket matches on Doordarshan during 2007; the non-telecast by Doordarshan of T-20 cricket World Cup matches held in South Africa in September 2007; engagement of legal entities to represent Prasar Bharati; purchase of radio broadcasting rights for 13 cricket series held during 2007-09; and hiring of transport and accommodation for the conduct of the Commonwealth Youth Games in Pune in 2008 (Indiantelevision.com 17/2 via Jaisakthivel, Ardic DX Club, India, http://www.dxersguide.blogspot.com dxldyg via DXLD) JAWHAR SIRCAR TO BE NEXT PRASAR BHARATI CEO Manoj C G : New Delhi, Fri Feb 17 2012, 04:48 hrs http://www.indianexpress.com/news/jawhar-sircar-to-be-next-prasar-bharati-ceo/913241/ Culture Secretary Jawhar Sircar is all set to be appointed the next Chief Executive Officer of public broadcaster Prasar Bharati, after a three-member selection panel headed by Vice-President Hamid Ansari is learnt to have recommended his name for the position on Thursday. Sircar is due to retire from his present job next month, and will take over from Acting CEO Rajiv Takru, the Additional Secretary in Information and Broadcasting Ministry who also happens to be the government’s nominee on the Prasar Bharati Board. Sircar’s likely appointment is expected to bring an end to an inglorious phase in Prasar Bharati during which its previous CEO B S Lalli was charged with a series of allegations of corruption. He had to be suspended in December 2010 and retired in suspension at the end of last year. Takru has been holding charge ever since Lalli was suspended. The appointment of the CEO is done by the President on the recommendation of the selection panel. Apart from the Vice-President, the selection panel comprises of Press Council of India chief Justice Markandey Katju and Secretary, I&B Ministry Uday Kumar Varma. Sources said the panel zeroed in on Sircar in its second meeting. It is learnt the panel had met earlier this month as well, but could not finalise the name because of a legal doubt raised by one of the members. The question arose as to why the post of the CEO was not advertised, just like that of another permanent member of the Prasar Bharati Board for which applications have been sought (via Alokesh Gupta, Feb 17, dx_india yg via DXLD) DEJA VU AT PRASAR BHARATI The new CEO, Jawhar Sircar, picked on Thursday by the vice-president and others, is currently secretary, culture, in the government of India The stewardship of the country’s largest broadcasting network and its only terrestrial TV broadcaster has just been handed over to yet another retiring bureaucrat, largely unnoticed. After all it is an unbroken record, dating back to 1997 when a non-Congress government appointed a former secretary of the ministry of information and broadcasting as the first CEO of the newly notified Prasar Bharati. Several IAS officers followed him in the job, with the most recent incumbent B.S. Lalli, being in the home ministry when he was appointed. He was suspended roughly a year ago. So why not uphold an illustrious tradition? The new CEO, Jawhar Sircar, picked on Thursday by the vice-president and others, is currently secretary, culture, in the government of India. The more broadcasting flourishes as an industry in this country, the more the government strives to retain public service broadcasting, something that any democracy needs, as a government preserve. The selection committee which chose the newest CEO included a representative of the ministry of information and broadcasting along with the chairman of the Press Council and the vice-president of India. The Prasar Bharati Act provides for a nominee of the President of India to be on the selection committee along with the eminences mentioned above. Did the President pick the secretary of the ministry of information and broadcasting to represent her on the selection of an autonomous broadcaster’s CEO? How charming. And unsurprisingly in the final pick the other leading contender was a recently retired secretary of the same ministry of information and broadcasting. This is because the CEO’s job was not advertised, though another senior post on the Prasar Bharati board, that of member, personnel, was. The autonomous Prasar Bharati board, with which the CEO is expected to work, figured not at all in choosing the next CEO, nor did it even know, officially, who the candidates were. Yet, it is the board the CEO reports to, not the ministry. Prasar Bharati exists on a low-visibility, low-accountability plane. Its daily news bulletins do not offend as much as those of private sector new channels do even if you get an overdose of what government leaders are doing. That can seem positively constructive when compared with the daily verbal assaults of performing news anchors on the other channels. Doordarshan occupies so little mindspace that even the opposition parties lose no sleep over it. Broadcasting is to be judged by its output, not by how well the organization is run, except when the taxpayer is footing the bill, and the government resources are involved. Prasar Bharati, therefore, deserves greater scrutiny. It costs us upwards of Rs. 4 crore a day. The losses incurred by private channels pale in comparison with the figures Prasar Bharati has run up: the revenue projections for 2010-11 were Rs. 1,562 crore against which the revenue receipts were Rs. 969 crore and the expenditure was Rs. 2,506 crore. It manages to lose money even when it telecasts cricket, with the Public Accounts Committee pulling up Prasar Bharati and the information and broadcasting ministry last December on this account. The Prasar Bharati Act was passed in 1990 ostensibly to give autonomy to the state broadcaster, and was notified in 1997. However, till 2012, the government of India has not been able to bring itself to either transfer financial powers to the corporation it created, nor have the personnel been transferred. On the contrary, employees lobbied for and won in 2010 the right to be treated as government employees with all benefits. In fact, financial powers for the Prasar Bharati board, of up to 50% of its annual budget, have only recently been conceded. Over the years, the broadcaster’s programming capabilities have been decimated rather than nurtured — there are 1,000-plus vacancies, several hundred programming personnel have not been promoted for two decades or more, ad hoc appointments abound. When there is a vacancy at the top of either Doordarshan or All India Radio, chances are it will go to an IAS officer. Why such blatant self-serving matters is because at a time of Doordarshan’s digital roll-out on the technological front, one would imagine the government owes it to the country to look for the best in the business to head the behemoth that has a monopoly over all terrestrial spectrum. Recently, the Prasar Bharati board brought on deck the former head of Tata Sky Ltd and the current head of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. But as recent experience with Lalli showed, under the current law, the corporation’s CEO does not have to listen to the board he is accountable to. You could argue, as the government does, that an autonomous broadcaster is no longer desperately needed given how much private sector broadcasting media we are surrounded by. But the current record of commercial broadcasters only underscores the need for public service broadcasting to meet non-commercial communication needs. And should public service equal the government of India, and should the latter’s monopoly over terrestrial broadcasting remain unquestioned despite a Supreme Court judgement (1995) to the contrary? If the past few years have shown how highly spectrum is valued, does the terrestrial spectrum that Doordarshan and All India Radio have a complete monopoly over not require better stewardship and more accountability? Should recruitment to the top job be so cosy even if it was made by a committee headed by the vice-president of India? And more to the point, if the problems of Prasar Bharati stem from a bad law passed 22 years ago, should that situation be allowed to continue? Sevanti Ninan is a media critic, author and editor of the media watch website http://thehoot.org (via Jaisaktivel, ADXC, India, dxldyg via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. INDONÉSIA, 3325, RRI, Palangkaraya, 2212-2226, 18/2, indonésio, canções; 25321 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. RRI Palu hasn't been reported on SW for a while as far as I've noticed, but I heard them a couple of days ago a little above 3967 kHz from tune-in around 2340 on 19 Feb UTC (morning of 20 Feb local time). The programming was current affairs talk and public service announcements with several mentions of RRI Palu, Pro-1 and "Kanal Inspirasi" until sign-off just before 2400. My listening location was Balikpapan, about 500 km west of Palu across the Strait of Makassar, and the signal was strong with good audio but a carrier instability problem. Regards (Alan Davies, Jakarta, Indonesia, Feb 22, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Great! Ishida http://rri.jpn.org/ hasn`t caught this one yet as of Feb 22. Altho http://short-wave.info/?station=RRI%20Palu never noticed it was absent from nominal 3960, database probably derived from Aoki, which has the same schedule, no indication that it was inactive. When was it really last heard? It has been quite a while. According to DXLD 11-31, it was April 2009 per Ishida. But the last axual log of it in DXLD was 9-072 from Sept 18, 2009 by Barry Hartley in Australia. It was last listed in the WRTH 2010 and even then it was *inactive on 3961v with 10 kW. Palu is in the NW corner of Sulawesi, same `radio subcountry` as Makassar, Gorontalo and Kendari (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [short-wave.info] Database definitely derived from Aoki - the site states exactly that. Currently also states last update of the database was January 27. Since January 27 there have been well over 30 individual updated versions of the Aoki list (DanF, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) At least once a day, which is why I always check the current online Aoki rather than some archived version (gh, DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 3995, Feb 16 at 1313, I am looking for RRI Kendari, but only a JBA carrier with SSB QRM. Not a good day for Indonesians, but this one has just been reactivated after many months with no Indos at all on 75m, first reported by David Sharp, NSW: ``3995.01 RRI Kendari, 1240, very strong with local vocals, Indo man at 1244, then more music. Nearly overmodulating on peaks. 14 Feb`` WORLD OF RADIO 1605, Then checking http://rri.jpn.org where Atsunori Ishida found it back starting Feb 13 after 11 months off since March 13, 2011: ``Feb 13, 3995 kHz RRI: -1258-1600* with poor on February 13. No signal at 1205. Indonesian pops at around 1300. "RRI Pro 1" Jingle at 1458. Telephone-talk-back at 1502-1524. Love Ambon with OM closing announcement at 1558-1600. ``3995 kHz RRI-Kendari: *2050-2130- with poor on February 13. Opening chime at 2050. Opening theme with OM opening announcement at 2057. Since March 13, 2011. Feb 14: -1000-1557* LA. LN at 1029. JN at 1159. *2052 Opening chime. Opening theme at 2059. Feb 15: -1000-1556 c/off LN at 1029. *2053 Opening chime. Opening theme at 2057`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9525-, Feb 16 at 1434, JBA carrier slightly on the low side, presumed VOI still on its alternate frequency to 9526- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9524.98v, 18/2 1755 Voice of Indonesia, in Spanish, audio problems, clear ID, good. Very good at 1950 still with audio problems (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9525-, Feb 21 at 1335, very poor carrier, also just barely modulated, as usual from VOI during the English hour. And still slightly on the low side. Are they still on ``Exotic Indonesia`` excursions with RRI Banjarmasin on Tuesdays? Haven`t been able to hear that for many months (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. NEW PRESSURE ON JAMMERS OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTS The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has called upon the world’s nations to take “necessary actions” to stop intentional interference with satellite transmissions. The change in ITU regulations, which was approved at the just- concluded World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) in Geneva, Switzerland, came after numerous complaints that international satellite TV programs in Persian and Arabic were suffering from deliberate interference, known as “jamming”. Two satellite operators that have been targeted, Eutelsat and Arabsat, said the interfering signals originated from Iran and Syria. “We are gratified to see the World Radiocommunication Conference take a position on this vital issue,” said Richard M. Lobo, Director of the United States International Broadcasting Bureau. “Of course, it remains to be seen whether Iran, Syria and other countries which interfere with international satellite communications will change their practices. Jamming is a fundamental violation, not only of international regulations and norms, but of the right of people everywhere to receive and impart information,” Lobo said. The interference, which has increased since September, 2011, affected broadcasts of the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting Board of Governors , Audiovisuel extérieur de la France RFI and France 24 TV, Deutsche Welle, and RFE/RL, Inc.’s Radio Farda. Joining in backing the ITW rule change were Radio Netherlands Worldwide and the European Broadcasting Union. The change in the regulation came after hours of discussion and debate, both in small groups and on the floor of the WRC. A report by the ITU’s Radio Regulations Board noted “the persistent character of the harmful interference” and the fact that “in some cases, the administrations involved have not responded … and appear to take no action to resolve the interference.” The revised language says administrations “shall ascertain the facts and take the necessary actions” when they encounter jamming. Prior to the WRC action, the Directors-General of five major international broadcasters charged that jamming is a violation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Reporters Without Borders called for nations to “firmly condemn countries that do not respect the fundamental principles of the free flow of information,” adding, “the ITU must not be the accomplice of regimes that obstruct the flow of news and information on their telecommunications networks.” The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran termed satellite jamming part of a broader effort. “The Iranian government is also engaged in comprehensive attempts to take complete control of online access to the internet as well as restricting mobile voice and data communications,” the group said in a statement urging the WRC to address the jamming issue (BBG PR Feb 20 via Clara Listensprechen, dxldyg via DXLD) ** IRAN. 13790, Feb 17 at 1405, VIRI fair with Qur`an, Arabic ID, and into ``Also Sprach Zarathustra`` as theme to next program. Persia is of course the home of Zoroastrianism, now another religion hardly kosher in the Islamic Republic; what are they thinking?? Fiat lux (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAN [non]. U.K.(non) Test frequencies of Radio Payem e-Doost in Farsi Feb. 14/15/16: 0230-0315 6075 DHA 250 kW / 035 deg WeAs//7460 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg 1800-1845 6175 DHA 250 kW / 035 deg WeAs//7480 KCH 500 kW / 116 deg (DX Mix News 19 Feb via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. Who? An extract from the HFCC public data file dated today: 6075 0230 0315 40W DHA 500 35 345 02/14/12 02/17/12 Farsi UAE BAB BAB 6175 1800 1845 40W DHA 500 35 1234567 02/14/12 02/17/12 Farsi UAE BAB BAB 7460 0230 0315 39E,40W TAC 100 236 1234567 02/15/12 02/18/12 Farsi UZB BAB BAB 7480 1800 1845 39E,40W KCH 500 116 3 10/30/11 02/18/12 Farsi MDA BAB BAB 7480 1800 1845 39E,40W TAC 100 236 124567 02/15/12 02/18/12 Farsi UZB BAB BAB --- Who is the Babcock client? (DanFerguson, Feb 15, Dxplorer via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) Holiday in Iran? 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ITALY [non]. 15190, Feb 17 at 1458:45, IRRS cuts off Brother Scare for sign-off announcement, but after a few sex of choral music, at 1459:45 sign-on announcement from ``Milano``, never mentioning true site Tiganeshti, ROMANIA. Right into Arabic song, W&M talk in Arabic. That`s because on Fridays only they have an additional show, `Arab Women Today`, as part of European Gospel Radio, which I don`t find mentioned anywhere on http://www.egradio.org/ altho they still include defunct `DX Partyline`. That page goes on and on about their dedication to missionary work. Note the coverage map showing everywhere from the Mediterranean to the Tasman, but not the emanation from Romania. BS reception has been poor lately on 15190, always with a multipath echo. There was no transmission break between sign-off and sign-on before 1500, but reception improved anyway as they have supposedly moved from 100 to 115 degree azimuth which should not make much difference here. AWT is only a quarter hour, and at 1514 IRRS sign-off again, offering a ``special numbered QSL card`` [so how many so far?], but already running overtime and cut off the air at 1515:10* before anything in the address but ``NEXUS-IRRS. . .`` could be spoken. 15190, previous Sundays it was clear that the 30-minute extension after Brother Scare 1300-1500 via IRRS via ROMANIA until 1530, was not more of him, but something else in English. This week, Feb 19 I am listening closely to try to find out what it is: 1459, IRRS ID with Milano address, music, and opening sounds like ``Radio Static`` but not at all sure of that; ``a clear voice of reason``, ``roundtable discussion of original Christians, followers of Jesus of Nazareth``, but their subject is reincarnation! At first I thought it was from Italy and they were doing voice-over translation as there was an undercurrent, but then referred to a poem by Hermann Hesse and quoted it. There are certainly tie-ins between Hesse and Asian religions, but hardly Christianity. 1526 saying goodbye as ``The Word``(?), definitely a postal address in Germany, and info@radio something .com and finally ``The Cosmic Way`` mentioned. 1528 cut to unrelated program snippet, 1528:40 cut to IRRS sign-off offering special numbered QSL; cut again to unrelated audio, and buried but still on a bit longer under *1529:25 DRM from VATICAN to India. Maybe it`s related to this website: http://www.cosmicway.com/ which has a launcher of a ``station``, except no hyperlinx. Features a lady with big false eyelashes, resembling Liza Minelli. This transmission is still missing from two-month-old program schedule of IRRS at http://www.nexus.org/NEXUS-IBA/Schedules/sun.htm Re my Feb 19 report of 15190 at 1500-1530, what is it Sundays via IRRS via ROMANIA? Jari Savolainen, Finland suggests http://www.universelles-leben.org/en/wave.html#Tabelle ``The Word, the Cosmic Wave`` which is an old user of SW, tho the schedule here does not show this time or frequency; and/or is it this: http://www.radio-santec.com/cms/index.php?id=1&L=1 and linking to a SW frequency schedule 4 years out of date! But I now realize the ``Radio Static`` ID I heard initially must have been ``Santec``. Kai Ludwig, Germany adds: ``Yes, it is the same organization. In the nineties they started to lease airtime from Voice of Russia (or even still Radio Moscow International), resulting in some hassle in regard to the Wachenbrunn transmitter. Later, years after this has been sorted out in one way or another, they also used the Jülich transmitters for some time. Now remain in the AM field only the broadcasts via IRRS, started already years ago as well. So they are not new, just revived if there was a break until now (have not followed this matter).`` Well, searching the NEXUS-IBA website and http://www.egradio.org/ there are no hits on Santec, Cosmik (or Cosmic), but we know IRRS is in no hurry to keep its schedules up-to-date (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KAZAKHSTAN. Almaty – Victor Goonetilleke informs that from reliable information received Alma Ati is to close down on the 1st of March 2012. For all who want to verify Kazakhstan sharp can find a Almaty Schedule here http://www.dxinginfo.com/schedules/b11/almaty-kazakhstan-relay Its so sad that another transmission site is going off line. [see Kai Ludwig`s discussion of Kaz sites dated Feb 24, *2010* in dxldyg and subsequent DXLD; includes panoramio linx] -- Thanks & Regards, (Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA, Feb 22, 2012, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I suspect the source could be some broadcaster who has been told by "Moscow" that no airtime from "A-A" will be available anymore after Feb 29. If so I recommend to be a bit cautious as long as no further details emerge. Some years ago a "western" broadcaster spread such word about shortwave facilities in another post-Soviet country. In this case it turned out that airtime was no longer available not due to a closure of the transmitters but due to a row with the office in Moscow (basically a former unit of the Soviet ministry of communications) through which most if not all airtime on facilities in the former USSR (except Lithuania) is booked. And it has been hinted that prematurely reporting a closure of these transmitters brought the broadcaster in question some not so pleasant reactions. Consider also that "A-A" are or were two widely separated sites, as outlined in my included writing from two years ago. Meanwhile word spread that Dmitriyevka is closed, but this is still rather vague. Some of the current HFCC entries appear to be imagery, and meanwhile I do not trust the operational parameters given there either. Thus I do not really take them as indication for the actual site in use, although of course anything above 200 kW would in all likelyhood be Karaturuk, unless it's Dmitriyevka combining more than two of its 100 kW transmitters (I proceed from the assumption that the earlier collected informations about the equipment at both sites are correct). (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 22, 2012, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Definitely wooden entries there. "Radio of Kazakhstan" for instance? Haven't heard any broadcasts like that for many years. One of the easiest to hear on this side of the Pacific will be Voice of Orthodoxy. I'll need to have a listen tomorrow, then next week (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, ibid.) Some at least 200 radio masts around Almaty --- Almaty Dmitriyevka 9 x 100 kW, 30 curtain masts for former Radio Moscow, VoRUS, R Kazakhstan etc broadcast services. Also visible approximately further 98 lower antenna masts, like easy dipoles, steep angle corner reflectors, rhombics, for former TASS press services, URS security force and intelligence services {zooooom in}. http://g.co/maps/h8gtf 43 30'09.78"N 77 00'27.77"E Latest schedule 6225 1400 1430 44 A-A 100 132 KAZ NEW WRN 6225 1430 1530 49 A-A 100 132 KAZ NEW WRN 7530 1400 1500 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM 7540 2000 2200 27 A-A 300 301 KAZ NEW RAM 7545 0000 0100 41 A-A 200 132 KAZ NEW RAM 7560 1800 1900 28 A-A 300 312 KAZ NEW RAM 9365 1300 1400 49 A-A 300 141 KAZ YFR RAM 9365 1400 1500 49 A-A 300 141 KAZ YFR RAM 9390 2000 2100 27 A-A 300 301 KAZ NEW RAM 9395 1400 1500 41 A-A 200 132 KAZ NEW RAM 9615 1800 1900 28 A-A 200 312 KAZ NEW RAM 9900 1400 1500 41 A-A 100 132 KAZ YFR RAM 9950 1430 1500 29,30 A-A 200 310 KAZ NEW RAM 11505 1500 1700 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM 12130 1300 1400 41 A-A 300 132 KAZ YFR RAM 12130 1500 1600 40,41NW A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM 12160 1300 1400 43,44,49 A-A 200 132 KAZ YFR RAM 13815 1200 1400 50 A-A 500 121 KAZ YFR RAM 13820 1200 1400 50 A-A 500 121 KAZ YFR RAM 15420 1000 1200 54 A-A 500 132 KAZ NEW WRN 15535 1400 1500 40,41 A-A 300 177 KAZ YFR RAM 15545 1600 1630 30S A-A 200 312 KAZ NEW RAM 15560 1100 1200 44,45 A-A 300 94 KAZ YFR RAM 15750 1100 1200 50 A-A 300 121 KAZ YFR RAM 15750 1200 1300 50 A-A 200 132 KAZ YFR RAM ``Latest``?? Does not match up well with current HFCC, WRTH, etc., so is it really ``too late``, A-12? e.g. YFR Burmese at 12-14 on 7560 which I heard recently (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Older broadcasting site: KAZ Almaty Kökterek Radiocenter #5, Bayserke-former Dmitriyevka http://g.co/maps/95a9m 43 29'13.87"N 77 00'21.43"E Also not far away KAZ Almaty, army camp, radio masts. http://g.co/maps/apsja 43 34'25.45"N 77 05'47.33"E Approx. 71 more masts, security police force, intelligence service antenna field http://g.co/maps/nbnnk 43 30'48.76"N 76 58'23.63"E Almaty Radiocenter #2 Raxat (former name: Novyy) formerly used in USSR time, in 30ties, 40ties, 50ties. 43 31'56.32"N 76 55'59.51"E 95 kilometers north-easterly of former capital Almaty - Alma Ata KAZ Tolkyn Tolqin Radiocenter #7, Qaraturiq Qaraturuk 1000 kW SW. MW 900 kHz 150 kW, 13 SW curtains, 33dipol masts http://g.co/maps/tetmt 43 38'53.89"N 77 55'34.89"E is dilapidated and neglected smaller MW masts of 549, 1089, 1341 kHz , 150 / 500 kW http://g.co/maps/3vpfs http://g.co/maps/yb76k http://g.co/maps/4yyp5 http://g.co/maps/meg7n and 500 / 1000 kW MW directional sidefire antenna of Radio Moscow-USSR era in the 80ties KAZ SV2+2 antenna 549 kHz 1500kW / Foreign Service 900 kHz 500 kW http://g.co/maps/s2s66 43 37'59.05"N 77 56'46.76"E 73 wb df5sx (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. 11710, Voice of Korea; 1552-1555:29*, 14-Feb; M in English ragging on the U.S. & S. Korea; 1555 W in English with sked & off. SIO=332+ with 11715 splash. Not heard on 7570, 9335 or 12015. No s/on detected at 1600 on 9990 or 11545 -- Kim the 3rd running out of wattage? (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) Voice of Korea missing from 1520~ --- I was listening to the 1500 Voice of Korea broadcast in English on 9335 kHz and it suddenly went off the air at around 1520. I checked a remote receiver a few hundred kilometers from me, which always has a better signal than me, and it was missing there too. I couldn't hear them on 11710 either. Today they had a really bad case of double audio. The French service was quite audible in the background of the English broadcast. As I write this the English broadcast is scheduled to have ended and the French should be about to start up. 9335 appears still vacant but there appears to be dead air on 11710, which would match their normal start-up routine. Did anyone else hear this? (Martyn Williams, Tokyo? Feb 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 12015, 22/Feb 2120, Voice of Korea in English. OM and YL talk. It seems to speak in good English. They are Korean? 35333 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz. Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west; Escutas (listening, my blog): http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) While it may be grammatically correct, I always find VOK`s English to be incredibly stilted, not the way any free Westerner would speak (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 5857.502, UNIDentified Japanese like female announcements '..konichiwa..', and accompanied by motorboot audio like jamming? 1320 UT Feb 21. Same motorboot jammer also against VOA Korean Saipan-MRA on 5890 kHz at 1335 UT (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 5857.5 is HLL, S. Korean weather station, as in DXLD 12-05. Interesting that it would get jammed. Or was it? (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) ** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 6185, Mess on two broadcasts heard here on 1355 to 1405 UT Feb 21, China Huayi BC Corp. heard here on nearly even 6185.0 in Chinese/Amoy from Chengdu. But another station [probably Voice of Korea in Korean from 1400 UT] wandered down 800 Hertz from 6185.862 to 6185.051 kHz between 1357 to 1400 UT, latter has been done most probably by the engineer on Kujang-KRE transmitter site. Wandered up again from 6185.051 to x.079 kHz (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 21, dxldyg via DXLD) See also UNIDENTIFIED Hi Wolfy and Glenn, Feb 17 noted VOK on 6184.91v // 6285.0 in French at 1110; both fair (Ron Howard, CA, ibid.) See also CHINA ** KOREA NORTH. 9974.966, Voice of Korea Kujang started Russian service at 0700 UT, S=9+20dB signal noted on remote SDR unit in Japan. ID and start with ladies chorus at 0703 UT Feb 15. \\ 11734.924 ... 11734.934 ... 11734.944 wandered up and down. 13760.024, 15244.715, latter both also wandered up and down 20 Hertz. 7579.989, V of Korea Kujang in Japanese at 0720 UT Feb 15, endless talk by male and female. \\ 9650.004 kHz. 7220.008, V of Korea - Radio Pyongyang in Korean at 0730 UT Feb 15, also on \\ 9345.013 kHz. Latter co-modulated also by 10% mod of VOK Russian service, frequencies see above at same 7-8 UT slot. 3911.990, some 95 Hertz buzz noise jamming, very low strength, against S Korean Voice of the People from Kyonggi-do. Same jamming type also on 3480 and 3985 kHz. 4449.986, also against Voice of the People jamming and accompanied by 106 Hertz buzz tone. 7 kHz wide bubble jamming on 4557.000 against Voice of the People. White noise and fast ditting bubble jamming on 6348, 6517.980 and 6600 kHz at 0754 UT Feb 15 (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 22 via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. CLANDESTINAS: 3912, Voz do Povo, Goyang, KOR, 1934-1952, 18/2, coreano p/ a KRE, prgr falado, música; 25432. // 3480, 4450, 6518, 6600: 3480, 1937-1946; 24431. 4450, 1935-1950; 25432. (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6135, Feb 17 at 1357, quick check reconfirms that Sea Breeze is again in English this Friday, good reception during the 1330 hour via JSR Tokyo/Yamata JAPAN. 6135, Feb 21 at 1339, Shiokaze is in Chinese with piano music. Seems to be reliably in Chinese now on Tuesdays per some previous logs here. Aoki agrees, with this current language lineup at 1330-1430: Japanese & Korean Sun all Japanese Mon/Wed/Thu all Chinese Tue Korean & Japanese Sat all English Fri These are all 100 kW, 290 degrees from Ibaragi-Koga-Yamata, JAPAN, but plenty of signal way over here, altho bound to diminish as spring and summer oncome, with earlier sunrises as they stick to this hour always on 6 MHz band, periodically jumping for a few weeks each to 5985 or 5910 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA SOUTH. New sked of MND Radio --- 3rd version of MND Radio was started on Feb. 9. MND Radio versions: 1: 0400-0440 6135, 6230 2: 0500-0535 6435, 6550 3: 0600-0650 6300, 5410 new 2: 1000-1035 6435, 6550 3: 1100-1150 6300, 5410 new 1: 1200-1240 6135, 6230 1 = male ver. Opening music - Come, Closing music - For Love 2 = female ver. Opening music - Whistle, Closing music - Our Wish 3 = male ver. Opening music - Peace, Closing music - Our Wish Come: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr-7NPj_9aM S. Korean pops For Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5XQ0oirlOE S. Korean pops Whistle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIj6_DZE8I N. Korean Song Our Wish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQfEBsZ3AfM N. Korean Song Peace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wweG8DmL5GY S. Korean pops There is not yet an announcement of the ID now either. Ministry of National Defence: [but nothing about radio?] http://www.mnd.go.kr/mndEng_2009/main/index.jsp E-mail cyber @ mnd.go.kr (S. Hasegawa, Japan, Feb 19, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KUWAIT. Kuwait moving to 6050? Hello DXers, Picking up an Arabic station on 6050 around 1630 UT, OM talking about the Kuwaiti National football team with Kuwaiti accent. 1634 Music break followed by the ID of the program, sports weekly. Did they move from 6080 kHz? Any announcement about that change please? At 1700 UT they signed off 6050 and moved to 6080 kHz. Best regards (Tarek Zeidan, Cairo, Egypt, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) in summer A-12: 6050 1600-2200 39,40 KBD 500 kW non-dir (Wolfgang Büschel, ibid.) ** LAOS. 6130 5.2 1515 Lao Nat. Radio med prat under kinesen. 1529 tar Laos över frekvensen och hörs fint fram till 1543. Någon slags övertid, vilket uppskattades. HR 6130, 2.5 1515, Lao National Radio with talk under Chinese. 1529 Laos takes over the frequency and sounds fine until 1543. Probably on overtime, which was appreciated (Hans Östnell, Biri, northern Norway, SW Bulletin Feb 19 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBYA. 11600, Radio Télévision Libye - Radio Libye, looking for Libya at various times between 1630-1800 but nothing heard. Feb 17 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) Radio Libya: muy buena señal la agarré sobre el final, cerró emisión 1805 UT en francés, sinpo 44444 (Ernesto Paulero, Argentina, 1811 UT Feb 21, condiglist yg via DXLD) WTFK? Surely 11600, always his abbr`d texting (gh) ** MADAGASCAR. ANTENNA REPAIRS UNDER WAY IN MADAGASCAR http://blogs.rnw.nl/medianetwork/antenna-repairs-under-way-in-madagascar We have received some more photos from our colleagues in Madagascar, showing the damage to the antennas caused last week by Tropical Cyclone Giovanna, and repairs under way. The first photo shows the satellite dish that was used to receive BVN TV and the RNW audio channels from the satellite. The broken dish has been replaced by a backup. Damage to several of the antennas was similar to the one in the second photo. One has already been repaired. The third photo shows some repairs taking place on the ground to the feeder of the log periodic antenna (Source: RNW Programme Distribution)(February 20th, 2012 - 17:01 UTC by Andy Sennitt, Media Network blog via DXLD) ** MADAGASCAR. 4910 8.2 1945 RTV Malagasy nu här med FF och ID 1948. Något hördes här redan kl 1610, kan ha varit AIR Jaipur, men QRG var vid det tillfället svårt störd. HR 4910, 2.8 1945, RTV Malagasy here with French and ID at 1948. Something was heard here already at 1610, might have been AIR Jaipur, but the QRG was seriously disturbed at that time (Hans Östnell, Biri, northern Norway, SW Bulletin Feb 19 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) MADAGÁSCAR, 5010, R. Madagasikara, Ambohidrano, 1743-1814, 19/2, malgaxe, canções ligeiras; 25432 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** MALAYSIA. 11630, 22/Feb 2056, No signal from RTM Malaysia. 11665, 22/Feb 2057, RTM Wai FM, in vernacular. Local music, at 2058 OM talk. // 9835 with weak signal (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz. Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west; Escutas (listening, my blog): http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Jorge, Have not heard Malaysia on 11630 for about three days now during random checking from 1130 to 1300 (Ron Howard, San Francisco, Feb 22, ibid.) ** MALDIVES. CHANGES AT MALDIVES STATE BROADCASTER --- Raajje Radio has now reverted to its former name, Dhivehi Raajjeyge Adu [Voice of Maldives], identifying in the vernacular term even in the English language segment. Perversely, sometimes the English phrase "Voice of Maldives" is used during announcements in the Dhivehi language! The English service is now observed only for a news bulletin at 1300-1315v UT, a drastic reduction from the former 1200-1400 slot. The associated TV service, Raajje TV, has also reverted to its former name, TV Maldives, and the state broadcaster's parent organisation is now known as the Maldives Broadcasting Corporation - the "National" has been dropped. The station's website seems to have disappeared - the former http://mnbc.com.mv URL is no longer valid, and the http://www.vom.gov.mv URL, though regularly announced on air, only points to a domain placeholder. Their live audio stream can however be monitored via portals such as StreamingThe.net. An off-air audio clip reflecting some of the above changes can be heard on the Interval Signals Online website - http://www.intervalsignals.net (David Kernick, of that, Feb 22, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALI. 5995, R. Mali, Kati, 2220-2236, 18/2, francês, cânticos tribais, anúncio de programação, sinal ID às 2230 seguido de revista de notícias; 55433, mas c/ baixo nível de modulação. 9635, idem, 1005-1310, 19/2, líng. local, música contemp. do Mali, prgr. falado,..., prgr. em francês às 1100, entrevistas, indicação de freqs. às 1200, novo segmento em líng. local, e em francês, mais tarde, p/ prgr. musical; 45444, mas em perda (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** MAURITANIA [and non]. 7245, Feb 17 at 0630, IGIM is not yet on; by 0657 check, 7245 has come on with urgent speech rather than chanting this Fribbath; see also VATICAN. 7245, Feb 20 at 0556, IGIM is already on and chanting; some SSB QRhaM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. With conditions somewhat auroral, SW degraded, it`s worth checking MW Feb 16 in the nightmiddle altho CBW and WCCO are still in: 720, Feb 16 at 0625 UT, temp 15 centrigrados, ID as ``La Kaliente`` as WGN is easily nulled. IRCA Mexican Log shows this slogan only for XEDE Saltillo, Coahuila. Radio stations always spell it with a K-, hotly defying proper Spanish orthography. 750, Feb 16 at 0626 UT, strong open carrier with WSB nulled, i.e. southwards, suspiciously Mexican, but which? 770, Feb 16 at 0627, ID for XERFR, 970, Radio Fórmula, i.e. the key station of the network in the DF, where they are clueless that the local frequency is inapplicable on countless affiliates. This one must be XEACH, Monterrey NL. Next session pre-sunrise, Feb 16: 710, Feb 16 at 1227 UT song ``Quiero que me llames tú`` (I want you to call me), with tuba band, or she will also accept texts, 1228 ID as ``XEDP, La Ranchera de Cuauhtémoc``, very good and dominant signal one would easily guess is 50 kW instead of listed 7. 750, Feb 16 at 1232 UT, ID for ``La Huasteca`` with an FM something.5, AM 750, then mentioning Veracruz, Monterrey. But this is XETI, Tempoal, Veracruz, 10000/250 watts per IRCA. Cantú shows FM is 90.5. What means this name, anyway? It`s not just about Veracruz as there are a couple other stations using Huasteca, on 710 in Tamaulipas and 770 in SLP. It`s that very region inhabited by the Huastecans around the Gulf of Mexico, perhaps also referring to their musical style. 900, Feb 16 at 1236 UT, ``88.9 Noticias`` breaking for YL spouting program promo entirely too rapidly for something coming up on Saturday at noon and Sunday at 10 am, then Mexico City traffic (must cover only the very worst accidents in such a megalopolis), `trivia de hoy` segment. Dominant signal, loops SSW, but doubt it`s XEW itself which used to own the frequency. At 1239 I could hear the XEW chimes go by way underneath this which was now mentioning http://www.889noticias.mx This certainly originates in Mexico City, on XHM 88.9 by that name, but it`s with Grupo ACIR. Which 900 would be carrying it? Must be OK Noticias, XEOK in Monterrey NL, which Cantú has with that network, altho the 889 website above lacks any affiliate list. 940, Feb 16 at 1301 UT, partial ID mentions Saltillo, Coahuila, grupo sounds like Geni-Radio. Presumably relay by the only Coahuilan on 940, XEYJ, Melchor Múzquiz per Cantú, Nueva Rosita per IRCA, Sabinas per WRTH! But can`t make a connexion with Saltillo in the listings, whence Cantú shows there is a state government network on a bunch of FM stations, Radio Gente. 1030, Feb 16 at 1252 UT, world news headlines by YL with a gunshot or explosion effect between each one, outro as Daniela, 1256 Grupo Fórmula ID, federal PSAs on behalf of the Presidencia which accomplishes great things. 1258, Fórmula 970 program promo, so XEYC Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua again, from WSW. 1040, Feb 16 at 1305 UT, among several Mexican national anthems this one runs the longest, finally sign-on/ID as from Chihuahua, sounded like XEHI, but IRCA says XEHES and so does Cantú: 1040 XEHES Romántica + FM 95.9 Chihuahua, Chih. 5,000 250 and into música romántica en inglés. 1090, Feb 16 at 1245 UT, casual speaker acknowledges his mail from listeners as of Feb 15, mentions UNAM and Universidad Iberoamericana, loops N/S. Suspect it is XEAU Monterrey which runs soundtrack of Milenio TV. BTW, Jim Thomas, WTFDA found this article: ``For anyone that uses the Mexico FM TV website, http://www.mexicoradiotv.com here's an interesting story about Fred Cantú. Fred, of course, is the webmaster and researcher of his website that tracks and organizes everything in Mexico that is AM, FM and TV.`` http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/kelso/entries/2012/02/09/_beloved_austin_tv_news.html It seems Fred, a beloved Austin TX TV anchor (in English), had to work for a while at Home Depot before KEYE rehired him. And every single comment appended is positive, a record? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) For those that use the Mexico FM TV website http://www.mexicoradiotv.com I recently found out he does NOT list the Mayan radio stations in Mexico that are NOT licensed by the SCT. Those stations wouldn't be XE/XH stations; simply Radio ??? . Some put out a pretty good signal. Anyone here speak Mayan or one of the various dialects? There are almost 200 (Jim Thomas, wdx0fbu, Springfield, Missouri, WTFDA via DXLD) Here is some information that I found online: "Sistema RASA Yucatán desapareció al fusionarse con Sistema Rasa nacional; para dar paso a una cadena nacional homóloga llamada solamente Sistema RASA Comunicaciones, actualmente con el nombre de Cadena RASA. Se encuentra en proceso de traslado de la AM a la FM." Basically it is saying that "Sistema RASA Yucatán" is now "Cadena Rasa" http://www.rasa.com.mx/Sitio_web/Bienvenida.html here is a website showing many indigenous stations in Mexico http://ecos.cdi.gob.mx/ In the past 20 years I have heard many indigenous stations from Mexico broadcasting in local languages. All of them have XE or XH call letters and are licensed in Mexico (Steven Wiseblood, Harlingen TEXAS, WTFDA via DXLD) Jim is talking about pirates/clandestines (gh, DXLD) ** MEXICO. 1190, MÉXICO, XECT, Contacto 11-90, Monterrey, Nuevo León. 1159 February 18, 2012. National anthem at 1200, female ID with calls and slogan, into soft pop/jazz vocal covers of hits. "Escuché Contacto" by same female at 1214 into Spanish cover of "I Know I'll Never Love That Way Again" and "Contacto 11-90" slogans. Excellent on local post-sunrise here. First time logged, as normally XETOT ABC Radio, Tampico is the dominant one. Nice to hear a Mexican without ranchera music (Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. Last night I parked my M37V on 650 and heard a Mexican station that leaves me a bit confused. The first ID I heard sounded like "Radio Vida". Looking on the internet, I see there is a "Vida 650" myspace page, and a coverage map shows the station emanating from Cd. Acuña, COAH. However, I heard plenty of mentions of Sinaloa in the talk that followed, then a man and a woman alternating with a few seconds of dead air in between. Later a slogan, "De la radio estacion (????)... una vida dedicada a la radiodiffusion..", and then "De la radio estacion (????), XETF 610 kHz (But I'm listening to 650!) kilohertz... XHCE 106.1 MHz..." Station lists that I have don't show XETF on 610, but on 1060 or 1250. In any event, I suppose this could be (and probably is) XERCG that Callarman lists in Acuña, relaying something else but I heard no definitive ID to that effect. I do have a 10 minute audio clip if anyone would like to scrutinize. It's entirely possible that I misheard call letters too (Mike Westfall, N6KUY, WDX6O, WPC5MDW, Los Alamos, NM, http://www.facebook.com/mesamike My MWDX stuff: http://mesamike.org/radio/mwdx Online logbooks: http://dxlogbook.gentoo.net ABDX via DXLD) This has nothing to do with Acuña or Vida, but your XETF 610 ID on 650 could be explained as 650 XETNT Los Mochis Sin., which I have previously heard in the mornings simulcasting with 610 XEGS Guasave Sin., whose call would sound a lot like XETF. I`d be glad to listen to your recording (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) Thanks, Glenn. I believe you have solved my confusion. I have a 10 minute clip here: http://mesamike.org/radio/mwdx/audio/Unid/UNID_XE-0650-2012016.mp3 The ID starts at 7:16, and it does sound like XEGS rather than XETF, now that I know what I'm listening for. On the other hand, I did hear several "Radio Vida" slogans and jingles, also present in the above linked audio, including right at the beginning. Thanks! (Mike Westfall, ibid.) Mike, They are talking about Sinaloa, and Guasave mentioned several times. Surely originating from XEGS even if heard on XETNT. Toward the end is a big promotion for XEGS, on the air since 1948, and also mentions FM 106.1, no doubt about the frequency but unlisted in Cantú. FM call may be XHTF. I too heard Radio Vida at the outset, but missed any further mentions of that. 73, (Glenn Hauser, ibid.) BTW, both XEGS 610 and XETNT 650 have managed to get ``matching`` FM frequencies, 106.1 and 106.5, neat (gh, DXLD) ** MEXICO. 650, XETNT, SIN, Los Mochis - 17 Feb 2012 1800 [MST = 0100 UT 18 Feb] - XETNT presumed, because of lots of announcements mentioning "Radio 65, 106.5". No callsign heard, though. Time check at TOH, "Las siete en punto", wrong time zone for Sinaloa, doh! But the jingle matches, so.... 5kW-D. 1kW-N (New - #323, Mexico #58, SIN #6) 800, XEZR, COAH, Zaragoza - 19 Feb 2012 2055 [MST = 0355 UT 20 Feb] - "La Traviesa" -- Something Spanish underneath 800-lb gorilla XEROK. Thought it might be KBKF Bakersfield, but the audio wasn't matching up with the online stream, so kept listening. Finally after almost an hour, with the RS loop and M37V rotated just so to null as much as possible the behemoth, XEROK faded out enough to hear some intelligible audio and a callsign ID. [Audio Clip] 2 kW (New - #324, Mexico #59, COAH #7) 850, XEM, CHIH, Chihuahua - 20 Feb 2012 0012 [MST = 0712 UT] - "Milenio Radio, Periodismo Con Carácter." Heard this one playing American pop music while tuning past with KOA nulled. Not new, but got a non-callsign recording of the slogan. 5 kW-D, 0.5 kW-N. (Relog - different format) 890, XENZ, SIN, Culiacán - 20 Feb 2012 1940 [MST = 0240 UT 21 Feb] - "La Sinaloense" -- One of several Spanish stations I'm hearing with WLS nulled. No sign of KDXU. No call sign noted, but the audio matched the online stream. Other stations heard are probably KVOZ and R. Progresso (Cuba). 10 kW-D 0.5 kW-N (New - #327, Mexico #60, SIN #7) 730, XEHB, CHIH, Hidalgo del Parral - 22 Feb 2012 0102 [MST = 0702 UT] - "Radio Viva Via" jingle at TOH, then at 0104 a callsign / frequency / power / address ID, amongst the music. [Audio Clip] 50 kW-D, 1 kW-N. (New - #329, Mexico #61, CHIH #23) [it`s Radio Viva Villa, as in Pancho --- gh] -- (Mike Westfall, N6KUY, WDX6O, WPC5MDW ``Lost Almost`` NM, Feb 22, logs resulting from my recently renewed interest in MWDXing and a fresh AAA battery in the Sony SRF-M37V, http://www.facebook.com/mesamike My MWDX stuff: http://mesamike.org/radio/mwdx Online logbooks: http://dxlogbook.gentoo.net ABDX via DXLD) ** MEXICO. Listen for the "cannon shot" sound effect to help ID XEROK, [800 Ciudad Juárez] which still uses the "Radio Cañón" slogan (Paul Swearingen, Topeka KS, Feb 19, IRCA via DXLD) ** MEXICO. 6185, Feb 16 at 0617, XEPPM barely has a SAH from VATICAN which collides until 0620, as Eurosigs are propped out; as I tune in, ID however for R. Francia Internacional, as R. Educación is still relaying their Spanish service at 0603-0633 weeknights, defying RFI`s deletion of its own shortwaves in Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MONGOLIA. V. of Mongolia 12085 kHz 1030 - the best recording ever - - I was amazed by this reception of Mongolia on 12085 kHz at 1030 UT from Puri in East Coast of India. I was trying out a homebrew dipole cut for the 16 mb with a 1:1 military surplus Balun which were put together by Sudipto Ghose and Babul Gupta. The receiver was Tentec RX320D. Just listen to the signal strength - I can bet that this is the best ever recording of Mongolia. The icing in the cake was a mention of Alokesh Gupta's letter in the mailbag program! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkqFXAkwE9E (Supratik Sanatani, India, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MYANMAR. 5770.019, 12.2 1522, Myanmar Defense Forces Broadcasting Station, quite weak with music. TN (Thomas Nilsson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Feb 19 via DXLD) [and non]. /GUAM, 5770.019, Myanmar Defence service from Taunggy noted on remote unit in CA-USA at 1215 UT Feb 21, weak at S=4-5 level, monotonous male singer. Hit heavily by AFRTS AFN Guam on 5765usb, S=9 level. 5985.862, Tentative Myanmar Radio from old Rangoon site, weak signal at 1340 UT Feb 21. Female announcer in Vernacular. Much QRM from upper side CRI Hohot in Russian on 5990 kHz, and also heavy interference by UTE White Noise signal like on broadband 5988 to 6000 kHz {latter noise from R ETH, scheduled 5990 kHz?}. [R. Australia Brandon 5995 is in DRM at 12-14, always noisy here - gh] 7109.993, Surprising clear signal noted from Myanmar Radio at 1410 UT Feb 21, fluttery S=8 signal, men`s chorus. Observed on remote SDR rx unit in CA-USA, much better signal strength than reception in Japan. (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22 via DXLD) ** MYANMAR. Some days back Myanmar was noted on 7110 till 1630 sign off (instead of 1430). (Jose Jacob, VU2JOS, Hyderabad, India, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Myanma R. has been heard on variable new frequencies as follows: 2330- 0130 on 7110 & 6030 kHz, 0130-0330 on 9590 kHz, 0330-0630 on 9460 kHz, 0530-0930 on 9590 & 7100 kHz, 1030/1130-1330/1430 on 7110/7345 kHz (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) Had not seen that 9460 reported before, and is it really on 7100 instead of 7110 for the midday broadcast only? (gh, DXLD) 7110, Feb 16 at 1153, poor fluttery signal with talk, but mostly music later, from Rakhine station. Ron Howard in California was listening at exactly the same time: ``7110, Myanma Radio, 1149-1206, Feb 16. A Distance Learning Service segment in vernacular and partially in English with a language lesson`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) MYANMAR/BURMA. 5985.85, Myanma Radio, 1112-1146, Feb 19. In vernacular; pop EZL songs; phone ringing and starts conversation with “Radio Myanma”; BoH usual indigenous theme music, but no longer with chimes; one of their best receptions. Edited MP3 audio at http://www.box.com/s/3sa7ceprcme9nvvk9v1u 7110, Myanma Radio, 1133-1201, Feb 18. Their Distance Learning Service segment is longer than I first thought; perhaps 1130 to 1200 (or longer?); sounds like they play a song or jingle between lectures (college song or theme song?), along with marching band music and trumpet fanfares; a lecture on economics in vernacular; many mentions of “economics” along with one sentence in English: “Economics is the study of economy and of similar . . .”(?); 1201 back to music. MP3 audio clip with English at 0:33 http://www.box.com/s/7q9u6n5duxp7qngeungh (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7110, Myanma Radio. On Feb 21 found multiple segments of the Distance Learning Service (DLS) in vernacular. Started 1130 and ended at 1208; series of lectures during which they had a break to play a series of songs/jingle (college or theme song?)/bugle fanfare/marching band music; after 1208 back to regular programming of pop songs. Feb 20 heard from 1130 till 1206 with same format of lectures and break for the same songs/jingle and music. Checked at 1334 till 1352; one long lecture and ended with the same format of songs/jingle/bugle fanfare/marching band music as heard here every day within the DLS segment; after 1352 back to regular programming of pop songs. The format of songs/jingle and music during the DLS segment is fairly distinctive and should help to ID it. MP3 audio of a typical format at http://www.box.com/s/n80rxbxgayus4mt2c68l (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7110, Myanma R. Nice signal this morning, clear of the usual local noise. Gradually getting better to about 1140, then dropped off quite a bit, and picked back up by 1240. 1201-1204 "I'm Driving My Life Away" originally by Eddie Rabbit. 1230 "Love is Blue" originally by Paul Mauriat with brief voice-over by usual W host. Tuned out at 1247. Was still getting the signal spike rising above the noise floor at 1430 and it noticeably went off at 1430:50. That's nearly 2 1/2 hours after sunrise. (19 Feb.) 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA, HCDX via DXLD) 7110, Feb 21 at 1350, poor signal from Rakhine with vocal music; at first some talk is mixing, but that must be an LSB ham on exact same reference frequency; then intermittent CWQRM from hams who don`t appreciate what an exotic broadcast intruder they have (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) New Station from Myanmar "THAZIN BROADCASTING STATION" Yesterday 21st Feb 2012, I was listening to new Myanmar station on 7110 kHz and heard the sign off announcement in Burmese given as “ We like to wish our listeners of Thazin Broadcasting Station a happy and peaceful life. Dear listeners you have just heard our Thazin Broadcasting Station evening transmission from 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on MW 639 kHz and 7.11 MHz. Our Thazin Broadcasting Station broadcast in the morning from 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m., in the afternoon 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and in the evening 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on MW 639 kHz, beside this we are also broadcasting once at 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and at 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on MW 639 kHz. Also we are broadcasting three times daily in the morning at 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m. on SW 6.03 MHz, in the afternoon at 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on SW 9.4 MHz and in the evening 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. on SW 7.11 MHz. We are thankful to all listeners for listening to this broadcast and wish them a happy and peaceful life “ According to above announcement the schedule will be as follows: Morning transmission 2330 to 0130 hrs UT on 639 kHz 2330 to 0130 hrs UT on 6030 kHz Afternoon transmission 0430 to 0630 hrs UT on 639 kHz 0430 to 0630 hrs UT on 9400 kHz Evening transmission 1030 to 1430 hrs UT on 639 kHz 1030 to 1430 hrs UT on 7110 kHz Here's the audio file of announcement ... http://www.box.com/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_1623080622/0/comment This recording was done this morning between two frequency first was 7110 kHz and the second was 639 kHz http://www.box.com/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_1623084440/0/comment Babul Gupta, babulgupta @ gmail.com http://www.babulgupta.com Via Indian DX Club International FB group http://www.facebook.com/groups/idxci/ (via Alokesh Gupta, Feb 22, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) So how did 7110 get identified as Rakhine before by Babul? What is the axual transmitter site? My atlases don`t have Thazin, but there is a Thazi small town in Mandalay state just west of Taunggyi in Shan state (gh, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) Hi Glenn, Per Babul Gupta, frequencies & times given as per announcement heard, Rakhine was heard announcing 7110 between 2330- 0130 while Thazin at 1030-1430. There are some additional frequencies which are used but not announced & vice-versa. He continues to monitor both SW & MW freq's & updates will be posted asap. 'Thazin' is a town in Sagaing region ... http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/burma/map/m646964/thazin.html (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, ibid. WORLD OF RADIO 1605) 7110, Feb 22 at 1329, vocal music heard better than usual, SINPO 24322, then YL talk, news on the hour at 1330? This was originally reported to be Rakhine broadcasting station, but via Alokesh Gupta, Babul Gupta now says it is Thazin Broadcasting Station with announced schedule as 1030-1430 on 7110, 2330-0130 on 6030, 0430-0630 on 9400, and on MW 639 thruout, which is also new, not in WRTH (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re 12-07, Valko`s 7110 log: ``SGLs`` DXpedition site: means (Pennsylvania) State Game Lands, I now seem to recall, i.e. hunting area? (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** NEWFOUNDLAND. A marked fuzz on the 1400 CBG carrier tonight. Is this some kind of Doppler shift which often seems to be associated with auroral conditions? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mwcircle/files/Paul_Crankshaw_-_audio_files/1400.jpg (Paul Crankshaw, Troon, Scotland, 2144 UT Feb 17, MWCircle yg via DXLD) ** NEWFOUNDLAND. 2598/USB, VCM, St. Anthony NL, CCG; 0116-0119:24*, 19-Feb; English, Labrador coast weather, including white & gray ice & ice berg locations. Off with "St. Anthony Coast Guard radio out". Good (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. 11670-11675-11680, Feb 21 at 0654, DRM noise noticed here after finding good signal from RNZI in AM on 11725. Usually the // DRM at this hour is 13725-13730-13735. RNZI`s own schedule shows: 0459-0758 11725 AM 13730 DRM Pacific Daily HFCC shows `N` = DRM is also registered (as an alternate?) on 11675 at 05-07, so is this a change or a mistake? 11670-11675-11680, Feb 22 at 0653, DRM noise no doubt from RNZI once again, instead of scheduled 13725-13730-13735, as analog 11725 is in well. Adrian Sainsbury says he is looking into this anomaly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGER. 9705, La Voix du Sahel; 2050-2100:55*, 11-Feb; Low key instrumental & vocal African music; Break-in M in French over music at 2053 with ID & brief announcement; News in unknown language (not French) 2055+ to 2059+; sung anthem & off. Pulled plug at 2102:06. SIO=3+53- (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow- tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) [and non]. 9705, R. Ethiopia appeared to be just a little above and La Voix du Sahel seemed to be just a little below 9705. Could definitely hear there was a difference. The Perseus showed it but I didn't have it calibrated, so I couldn't measure the exact freqs for each. (19 Feb.) 73 (Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA, USA, HCDX via DXLD) No time but presumably around 2100 (gh) NÍGER, 9705, A Voz do Sahel, Goudel, 1750-1825, 19/2, líng. local, cânticos e mús. tribal; 44333; mais tarde, sob QRM da ETH (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** NIGERIA. NIGÉRIA, 917, R. Gotel, Yola, 2211-2223, 17/2, ingl., propag. relig., canções; 53443, QRM adj. E em 918. 1440, Adamawa BC, Yola, 2208-2224, 17/2, líng. local, prgr falado, músic; 44433 (!), QRM LUX (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** NIGERIA [and non]. NIGÉRIA, 6089.92, R. Nigeria, Kaduna, 2235-..., 19/2, líng local, prgr. falado, cânticos tribais; 54433, QRM AIA (// 1610 razoável). (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** NIGERIA. 7275, Feb 17 at 0629 when Tunisia goes off, now there is uncovered a weaker barely modulated carrier, presumably FRCN Abuja, which had been inaudible the last few nights as I have been reporting. Unfortunately, one of my cable DTV boxes has decided to jam 7275 tonight, which doesn`t help at all to dig out any audio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA. 15120, Voice of Nigeria; 1511-1522+, 11-Feb; English news with remotes from VoN reporters. SIO=333 copyable with low whine QRM & muted audio (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow- tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) The 1500 English broadcast just doesn`t make it here; much better upon occasion at 0500+ (gh, OK, ibid.) 15120, Feb 20 at 0537, VON poor in soul music; the OSOBs are this, BBC 15400 and VOA 15580, all from African sites. At 0617 still poor with news in English, 0619 pause for ID as ``this news is coming to you from Voice of Nigeria, Lagos``. Another station with a wobbly carrier. Haven`t heard it during this bihour for a few weeks, even when other Afros are in so always wonder whether its operation be sporadic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NIGERIA [non]. Jeff, I see that Hamada 1930 on 11865 has been canceled [see GERMANY]. Are they completely off the air now? (Glenn to Jeff White, RMI, Feb 19, via DXLD) Glenn: No, they are still on at 0530 Monday-Friday (Jeff White, ibid.) Hamada Radio International 0530-0600 7350 WER 100 kW 180 deg Mon-Fri to WeAF Hausa (DX Re Mix News, Bulgaria, via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. --- MW Pirates: 1710, UNID; 0305-0330+, 0340-0400+, 15-Feb; Variety Spanish tunes including some Cubanos; no ID / announcements. Fair overall with good peaks, USB helps a lot. On about 1710.02. Radio Celestial per Tim Tromp. I quit listening at 0400 & Zichi said they weren't there at 0405, so I probably just missed the s/off. Grrrrrrrrr. http://www.angelfire.com/mb/exband/misc.html shows Radio Celestial from Bronx NY (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) If you go to Google Maps or similar and punch in their address: 3138 Webster Ave. Bronx, NY you'll be able to see their radio tower for 1710 kHz when you do a "street level view". Nothing stealth about this pirate operation! Check out their website; they have a live stream that should match what you hear on 1710 kHz: http://www.smjrc.com/ (Tim Tromp, Muskegon MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. --- PIRATES: 1710, The Night Watchman Radio Program - 0640-0940* 2/11 - I thought this was the Big Q at first but the music and programming was clearly different: Lady Ga-Ga, George Michael, Everclear's AM Radio song, Katy Perry, Nervous Norvus' Transfusion, Dr. Demento stuff, Nat King Cole, Pete Masitti, etc. Good signal like the Big Q & I suspect this is the same station but with a name change to match the format change. All announcements were done using an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice-over including: "Thank you for listening to the Night Watchman Radio Program. We're broadcasting from high atop the Constant Jammer Mountain Peak, with powers so big that you can see it from the orbiting space lab." Off abruptly at 0940. Full recording posted at http://youtube/bAe8rxoJb2k (Tim Tromp, Muskegon MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) 1710, The Big Q - 0611-1040* 2/12 - Oldies, Chickenman, lots of old commercials, etc. Guest host Michael J. O'Brien filling in for The Midnight Man, lots of Big Q IDs & talk leading up to the songs being played. Signal not quite as good as previous receptions, or the fades were longer. Off at 1040 right after Rolling Stone's Honky Tonk Woman (they usually pull the plug mid song). (Tim Tromp, Muskegon MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) Here is a recording of this station as it sounded in Western Michigan: http://midx.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/the-night-watchman-heard-on-1710-khz-this-weekend/ (via Artie Bigley, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: “The Night Watchman” heard on 1710 khz this weekend Posted by kilokat7 on February 12, 2012 The activity level on 1710 from non-ethnic pirate radio stations seems to be gaining some momentum. Undercover Radio conducted several tests last November during Thanksgiving and into the beginning of 2012 focusing on 1710 and 1720 kHz. According to Dr. Benway, these transmissions were a success based on the number of reports that came in. Monitoring of the various medium wave DX lists would seem to confirm this as well. One DXer heard Benway at a distance of 2,000 miles while using the 1720 kHz frequency! During the months that Undercover Radio was utilizing the top of the MW band, an old standby continued on, even causing a pile-up on 1710 at one point! Yes, “The Big Q” continues to be heard well at this location, as recent as last night in fact, broadcasting oldies and nostalgia on 1710 during the early morning hours. It’s hit and miss with this one, but look for them on weekends between 0700-1000 UT. More and more listeners are hearing “The Big Q” around the Midwestern US. The production is top-notch and a pleasure to listen to. Maybe a cousin to “The Big Q”, a new one was logged here early Saturday morning on 1710 going by the name of “The Midnight Watchman Radio Program”. The station used an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice-over with slogans such as “Thank you for listening to the Night Watchman Radio Program. We’re broadcasting from high atop the Constant Jammer Mountain Peak, with powers so big that you can see it from the orbiting space lab.” A wide variety of music was played: Lady Gaga, Everclear, Nat King Cole, Katy Perry, and more. Like “The Big Q”, “The Night Watchman” was equally entertaining and slickly produced. Here’s an hour+ recording [1:24:55]: With the increased activity and more DXers paying attention to 1710 khz, how many other pirates will test the waters at the “tip-top of the dial”? (from above via DXLD) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925 USB, Rave On Radio, 2320-2350, Neil Young music. IDs. Weak. Feb 18 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925, WEAK Radio, *0047-0123*, sign on with Chopin’s Funeral March and into rock music. Pop music. IDs. Fake ads. “W-E-A-K” jingle. Sign off with Funeral March. Strong. Feb 18 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925 USB, Radio Ga Ga, 0350-0400, pop music. ID. Poor to fair. Feb 18 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925, Captain Morgan Shortwave, 0057-0110, music by The Who, Rare Earth, Steely Dan and others. IDs. Strong. Feb 19 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6925 USB, Wolverine Radio, 0134-0146, blues music of the 20s-30s-40s. ID. Strong. Feb 19 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6928.9, WAZU, 2145-2202*, rock music by Ted Nugent, Spinal Tap, Joe Cocker and others. IDs. Fake ads. Said they were doing a transmitter test. Poor in noisy conditions. Feb 18 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX Listening Digest) ** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6950.6, Big Boobs Radio, 0043-0050, IDs. Pop music. Weak. Feb 19 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA, Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. Channel A48, the remnant analog low-power in OKC has changed identity again. Feb 17 at 1548 UT tnx to some morning tropo enhancement, I am surprised to find it is no longer duplicating Univisión as on DTV ``36-1`` = RF 29.2. Instead there is an old movie or drama with Anglo actors, probably dubbed. Transparent bug in the lower right of a large star with a circle in the middle and some wording I can`t read thru the snow. Outro credits consist of nothing but FIN, so don`t know what program that was, then into variety show with local ID in small letters lower left as KOCY 48 OKLAHOMA CITY! FCC TV Query shows the call change was made Feb 9 after less than two sesquimonths as KUOK-LP: Facility ID Number: 36850 Call Sign Begin Date KOCY-LP 02/09/2012 KUOK-LP 11/22/2011 KWDW-LP 05/13/2005 K69EK 08/24/1987 Name of 1600+ variety show is `Don Cheto`, and includes the requisite little person to contrast with DC who is anything but little. LPs get a lot more screen time in Hispanic TV, lucky guys. Wikipedia: ``Don Cheto, known as "el hombre del vozarrón" ("the loud-voiced man"), is a Mexican entertainer and musician. He was born on September 21, 1962 in La Sauceda, Michoacán, México. He is the host of "El Show de Don Cheto" (The Don Cheto Show), an hour-long Spanish language variety show on Channel 62 in Los Ángeles, and shown also on sister stations owned by Lieberman Broadcasting. The show features a variety of games (including soccer and name-that-tune), a live band, a little person, and girls dancing in revealing outfits. Don Cheto's music albums include "Piporreando" and "El Hombre del vozarrón."`` Searching on Don Cheto led to where this is coming from, Estrella TV, and I also hear that mentioned in promos. Had not heard or seen it before, but Wikipedia has it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrella_TV with affiliate list not including any in Oklahoma yet, and this about another program: ``Controversy --- In February 2011, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and the National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) filed a joint complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in response to an Estrella TV talk show, José Luis Sin Censura, due to repeated instances of verbal and physical abuse against LGBT and female guests.[15] More than 30 organisations have also responded in the demand for Liberman to take action in regards of the program.[16] According to GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios, "This show serves no role except to fuel a climate of intolerance and violence against our community. The FCC has an obligation to stand up against this offensive program, which has no place on our airwaves."[16] In response to the controversy, AT&T and Time Warner Cable withdrawn their advertising from the program.[14] In addition, WSVN Miami has opted to pre-empt José Luis Sin Censura, while KCTU-LD in Wichita, Kansas pulled the channel entirely in late 2010, with General Manager Ron Nutt citing that programming on Estrella TV in general "was so objectionable that, at one point or another, half of its viewership had called us with a complaint. They are going for sensationalism. If an English-language network put out this content, they would be asking for trouble." As of September 2011, the show has been officially canceled.[14]`` So looks like the Oklahoma Land Company has picked a real winner to add program variety to the OKC market. KOCY-LP is still 18.1 kW. And they still have an APP for an STA on ch 48 and a CP for LD 15 kW on ch 48. Bringing up all the ch 48 in OK from FCC TV Query I see that we may eventually lose access to KOCY as there is a NEW APP for Enid on 48 by DTV America Corp. with 10 kW! Does Titan have listings for Estrella TV when displaying OKC on-air channels? Of course not! In fact ch 48 is not there at all. They also have KUOK on the wrong virtual channel, 35.1 instead of 36.1. Typical for Titan TV; I could point out other erroneous or outdated, misleading listings. I was also watching KUOK with the Univisión program `hoy` on my DTV set, and noticed they were promoting Don Cheto during a break at 1654. 48 has just about faded out by 1800 UT as the humidity level drops. As for the KOCY callsign, what could be better for Oklahoma City? Stupid radio shuffling abandoned that heritage, originally 1340 AM, then on 1560 for a while (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PAKISTAN. Listened at Glenn's request for the new 100 kW PBC outlet on 981 kHz. Spot checked between 1230 and 1500 Feb. 16. Nothing heard. India on top, with various low powered PRC stations underneath. TRF (Brock Whaley, Kandahar, Afghanistan for DX LISTENING DIGEST) I understand that Turbat 981 kHz was operational only for three days and then there were some problems. But it should return any day now. Best regards, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.) ** PERU. 4789.865, 5.2 0258, R Visión is the station here with religious program. Difficult to get ID when broadcasting the religious program most of the time. Weak but there most nights. R Visión also has a webstream where you can hear frequent ID’s. Reported on 4790.2 in several lists but obviously drifting. ID in their religious program as La Voz de Salvación. R Atlantida can be found in several lists but does not exist anymore, or? Back again on Feb 17 after being silent since Feb 5. Still weak. Seems to be drifting downwards, on Feb 18 noted on 4789.84 (Thomas Nilsson, Sweden, SW Bulletin Feb 19 via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) Radio Visión, Chiclayo on 4790 kHz --- El programa LA VOZ DE SALVACION es el órgano informativo del Ministerio IGLESIA PENTECOSTAL LA COSECHA Donde se transmite las bendiciones que Dios hace en la IGLESIA PENTECOSTAL LA COSECHA como Liberaciones, Milagros, Sanidades, Bendiciones en el hogar y la familia también se transmite la Predicación de la palabra de Dios para salvación de las almas, también se puede escuchar las alabanzas e Himnos de adoración a Dios que hizo los Cielos y la tierra. El Programa LA VOZ DE SALVACION no es un programa cualquiera, a través del programa muchas personas han tenido tremendas experiencias con Dios, especialmente en la media hora de oración que se transmite por la emisora CADENA RADIO VISION E.I.R.L. LA VOZ DE SALVACION un programa de Amor, Fe y Esperanza, en Cristo Jesús Señor Nuestro. Escuche el Programa LA VOZ DE SALVACION y anuncie a otros esta bendición de Dios. (From http://www.visionradioperu.com/salvacion.php via SW Bulletin Feb 19, via DXLD)) ** PERU. 3329.478, Perú, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 1030 fading with OA music, om over music 16 February; 1025 to 1040 om with several ments de Peru e identificación .... Ondas del Huallaga ... 12 February 4824.49, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1040 sign on with music, no announcement 15 February (Wilkner) 4826.31v, Radio Sicuani, Sicuani, Cusco, on 1000 to 1100, 13, 14, 15, 16 February. Off 2350 to 0100 on 14 February. 1000 nondescript music, time checks by om (Wilkner) 5119.944, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, 2337 om and yl in play or drama 7 February (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, cumbredx via DXLD) 6060, Aroma Café, 1100v sign on received well for last week. 6089.97, Unid/Peru, Radio Universal, Cusco, 1045 to 1145 om en español with partial ID slogan "kilohertz en ...", "cuatro cinco siete". Om en español most of the time. 16 February. Noted several days with similar details include flauta andina on 15 February. -See Chasqui DX December 2011- (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, South Florida, NRD 535D -746Pro - R8, and XM - Cedar Key - South Florida, NRD 525D - R8A, via Wilkner, cumbredx via DXLD) ** PERU. 4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, 1040-1051 Feb 20, talk in Spanish by a man announcer followed by OA vocals. Poor. 4774.9, Radio Tarma, 1051-1107 Feb 20, nice program of huaynos hosted by a lively male announcer with Spanish talk, TCs and ID followed by air raid siren noise at top of the hour. Fair with some CODAR splatter 5039.1, Radio Libertad, 1023-1039 Feb 21, OA male vocals followed by male program host announcer with Spanish talk and ID. Nice rambunctious huaynos with a lot of shouting. Certainly wakes you up in the morning! Poor. 6173.9, Radio Tawantinsuyo (presumed) – Cusco, 1033-1046 Feb 21, fast talking man in Spanish alternating with other males; possible news type program. Weak (Rich D`Angelo, Gifford Pinchot DXpedition or French Creek State Park, Pennsylvania, DXpedition No. 41, via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) ** PERU. 5039.165, Radio Libertad heard just fragments above the threshold level around 1055-1100 UT Feb 22. 4747.076, Radio Huanta 2000 at 1045 UT just under threshold, fragments of male locutor noted so far. Read the string on Perseus screen. 4774.945, Radio Tarma, hidden under CODAR radar noise, something like SoAM music in peaks at 1055 UT Feb. 22 6173.902, CNR1 Beijing strong signal on top on this channel at 1100- 1110 UT Feb 22. No chance to hear something of Radio Tawantinsuyo Cusco. Peru (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Probably on remote receiver in California? (gh) ** PERU [and non]. 6060-, I am unavoidably awake again Feb 16 during the Aroma Café window, so begrudgingly turn on the radio finally at 1124:50, to hear immediately an ID for ``Aroma Café`` and 6:26 timecheck, with the SAH of about 10 Hz, which now must be from the CRI carrier which just came on, but it`s much weaker than usual with hi latitude paths attenuated. After some Andean(?) music, 1129 more announcements, 1130 mixing with the CRI theme. JOZ on 6055 is barely audible, while HCJB is good on 6050. By 1142, CRI is only slightly stronger than ACR as they continue to mix. At 1155 CRI is upwrapping Tagalog, by pronouncing its frequencies in English, ``12.110 MHz`` among others (WRTH shows ``Filipino`` at 1130-1200 on 12110, 12070, 7410, 6060, 1341, plus more at 1200 and 1430). Off at 1157* reuncovering ACR still audible weaker but in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 6173.89, presumed Radio Tawantinsuyu, Cusco, heard 2/22 1008 tune-in and holding up past 1052. Weak to fair signal strength only. Reception best with narrowest bandwidth and in ECSS-LSB with notch deployed to knock out annoying het from Asian station on 6175.00. Couple OMs alternating in SS and occasionally presumed QQ. Odd programming this morning, no music at all, and at first mistakenly thought might be taped replay from sporting event, from night before (had a bit of that kind of cadence to the announcements). But then noted many clear, live time/checks in a "doubling-up" kind pattern throughout entire program of "... las cinco de la mañana, las cinco de la mañana, amigos oyentes. Adelante!! . . ." (almost as if the minutes didn't matter, hi.) So, was a live broadcast. Most of the time, only fragments of speech were decipherable, such as at 1017, "... muy buenos dias, Cusco ... la primera voz ... de la patria..." Taped ads were noted at 1024 and 1047, during which heard different, more bassy-voiced man in studio echo effect. Almost sounded like live feed from remote, but at 5:30 a.m. in Cusco that doesn't make too much sense. Not sure what this was, but could have been live feed from Ash Wednesday morning procession or something else like that. "Back in the day" this would have likely been a peticiones program, with greetings being passed to remote family members and friends. In any event, very nice to hear them poking a hole in the ether; been trying to hear them ever since I reactivated on SWBC DXing a year ago. First time heard by me in 25 years and always a sentimental station, as I visited them at Avenida del Sol back in 1976. Will be diligently patrolling this frequency in the mornings now and hoping for better conditions soon (Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois, Drake R8B; Japan Radio NRD-545; Eton E1; Hallicrafters SX100; Knightkit Star Roamer; Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) Quantum Phaser antenna unit Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop; Single-Turn Coax Loop, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) You´re right Ralph, It´s the peruvian one, Radio Tawantisuyo, No doubt 73! (DXSPACEMASTER, ALFREDO BENJAMIN CAÑOTE BUENO, Lima, Perú, condiglist yg via DXLD) ** PHILIPPINES [and non]. Re WRTH National update: ``CHINA: A new 600 kW transmitter in Ji’an is reported to have started operation on 1170 kHz with CNR1 programming. [could this have anything to do with VOA Poro closing its megawatt on 1170, as in proposed BBG FY 2013 budget, and already reported off by Bryan Clark, Singapore? -- gh]`` Glenn, VOA Poro 1170 is definitely still active. The IBB website http://realmonitor.com/rms/qth.php has sound bites of VOA 1170 that were made as recently as 17 Feb. I just finished listening to a few that were recorded in Hanoi. Maybe the 600 kw CNR transmitter was installed specifically to block reception of VOA broadcasts. In which case, the Chinese government will have spent a lot of money for nothing if VOA actually vacates the channel (Bruce Portzer, WA, Feb 18, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re: Bryan Clark report of VOA Poro 1170 kHz, from Singapore. Thanks Bruce, yes Poro is still active, but with less effective. According to RMS monitoring tables, schedule seems to be VOA Poro 1170 kHz English 12-13, 16-17 UT, Vietnamese 15-16 UT. Poro 1000 kW power beast lost teeth these days. Checked the mp4 files of Feb 17 and 18, even on Bangkok and Singapore post the co-channel 1170 kHz Thai broadcasts from Chanthaburi and Phitsanulok heard on top. Different antenna characteristic, English outlets on 332 degrees is - less -, compared to more powerful signal on 262 degrees azimuth of Vietnamese 15-16 UT outlets on Saigon and Phnom Penh monitoring receivers. At Hanoi post, even the Vietnamese broadcast on 1170 kHz is much USELESS, due of various co-channel Chinese language station programs. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This is why it's proposed for closure in the latest BBG budget (Bill Whitacre, IBB, mwmasts yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) Poro Point --- Took another look at this matter: The Poro Point transmitter site was co-located with an US air base that has been closed and handed back to the Philippines in 1991. Its area is being redeveloped, and apparently within this project the former transmitter site has been cleared, the shortwave stuff removed altogether and a new mediumwave antenna plus transmitter building set up at the northern tip of the peninsula. The Harris DX-1000 solid-state transmitter, still installed at the old site, has been moved to the new one. While this work was under progress transmissions continued with the old transmitter from the early fifties, which was apparently possible only because an identical rig from Thailand could be cannibalized for spare parts. In 2005 the new installation took over definitely. Aerial image from 1988: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:WallaceAS.JPEG And two current ones are here: http://poropointfreeport.org/ Two more notes about Poro Point: It's not advisable to abridge the name of the location because there is an unrelated small island called Poro. And at some point between 1993 and now the Poro Point frequency has been changed from 1143 to 1170. Looking up frequency lists I note that already in 1993 numerous transmitters were operating in China on 1143. You can guess my theory who was first (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Feb 22, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) [more under GERMANY] ** PHILIPPINES. 9555 and 9760 from IBB Tinang: after the Feb 15 debacle when the ailing #2 transmitter here failed to modulate at all in Korean or English for at least a sesquihour, after having missed Feb 16, I check them out Feb 17: at 1421 on 9555, VOA Korean is modulated, altho as usual not up to par. This goes off at 1459* for the QSY to 9760. That comes on at *1500:37 joining VOA English news already in progress, followed by the usual breaks in transmission, e.g. 1500:54*, on and off and on *1501:17, to stay? No, another 10- second break at 1503:24*. Spe-cial Eng-lish starts at 1505, but by 1509 the modulation is gone, just open carrier and still so at 1514 when I quit. 9760, Feb 18 I do not get VOA Tinang-2 checked earlier than 1513 when it manages to stay on the air and also modulate! During `New Dynamic English`, ``you look like a pumpkin`` in dialog about color-blindness at 1514. I am gratified that English-learners now know how to say that! Still no dropoffs by 1515 tuneout (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES. 11890, 18/2 1928-1929* Radio Pilipinas, Manila, end program id and off at 1929 (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. Re 12-07: Glenn, It was, nevertheless, a surprise to me, that you picked those two MWMast messages about the sites; and only hope the uninitiated who read your latest DXLD don't take the orange juice story for a fact! 73, (Carlos Gonçalves, Portugal, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. 17530 and 15460, Feb 16 at 1326, RRI German service with his peculiar accent, now clearly modulated without the ringing artifacts I have often reported (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. QSL: R Romania full/data Tudor Vladimirescu's Watchtower in winter QSL card in about a month for Feb 1 reception report submitted on their web form, along with a schedule, stickers & 2012 pocket calendar and 'personal' form letter. Gotta encourage stations that still broadcast to keep broadcasting! :). (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 6075, Feb 18 at 0648, the hi-latitude paths are back in business as I can already hear music under Vatican, no doubt R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, confirmed by // much stronger 7320 but not exactly synchronized: 7320 is ahead by about one second. At 0652 a weak and fluttery Russian is also on 7230, as what sounds like a timesignal goes by at strange 0655; maybe a sound-effect. At 0711 it`s easier to tell during Russian news that 7230 is also // but a bit behind 7320. Aoki shows sites and I add the sunset times today per gaisma.com: 6075, Petropavlovsk/Kamchatskiy, 0643 7230, Yakutsk, 0813 [listed under J-] 7320, Magadan, 0657 One must subtract one hour more than shown for the zones since they are all on DST (and will stay on DST unless Putin can be convinced to retract his always-DST fiat). This map http://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ shows the entire eastern end of Siberia as on UT +12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 6074, Feb 20 at 1259-1302, another try for 2MTL or 8GAL CW marker following R. Rossii Pet/Kam 1300* on 6075, but nothing audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) On new 6010, Radio Rossii via the Yelizovo transmitter site on the Kamchatka peninsula, 1121-1200, Feb 22. Ex: 6075. Good with strong signal; totally covering CNR11 that is normally heard here; program of songs in English (blues); many IDs; // 5940 via the transmitter at Arman, west of Magadan; nothing heard on former 6075. MP3 audio http://www.box.com/s/v3vbhb9hlbkkht623a68 (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA, Eton E1, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Aoki - updated Feb 22: 6010 R. Rossii 1700-1300 1234567 Russian 100 30 Petropavlovsk- Kamchatsk RUS 15824E5311N RR//180LW b11 Feb. 21 (Ron Howard, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ?! So will 2MTL/8GAL follow to 6009? (gh) NO ** RUSSIA. Yakutsk 6150 kHz is off the air (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) Also 7200 kHz entry ceased. Only remained on 7230. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 9840, Feb 20 at 0553, VOR English to NAm from the Pet/Kam, DVR site is mixing with somewhat weaker R. Rossii from Taldom near Moskva site, but VOR signal is stronger here than clear // 12030. At 0603 after VOR is off, RR in the clear with flutter, and RWM pulsing from same site also audible on 9996; as the geniuses of Russian frequency coördination continue to collide with themselves at 04-06 on 9840 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA [non]. 8473/SITOR-B/RTTY, WLO News, this time primarily from RT (I always assumed that stood for Russia Today, but they said "Russian Television") and "prepared by the ITTY Editorial Service". There were alternating segments as I monitored. RTTY at tune in until :36 then SITOR from :36 to :39 then back to RTTY :39-:49 and back to SITOR :49-:59 & RTTY :59. Items re a revival of the SOPA/PIPA legislation in Washington, Mid- East fighting & diplomacy efforts & editorializing about US troop's atrocities etc. RT has better production values than the old Radio Station Peace & Progress did, but it reminds me a lot of it! fair-good copy but starting to be overcome by the static toward the end. Seen 0230-0305 11/Feb (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [and non]. TWO ITEMS INVOLVING INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING AND THE VOA ON NPR http://www.npr.org/2012/02/20/147052681/signs-of-a-media-crackdown-emerge-in-russia Mentions "Russia Today", which essentially is the TV version of the Voice of Russia. http://www.npr.org/2012/02/20/147064987/russian-accuses-voice-of-america-of-fake-interview An embarrassment for the VOA (Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA Â USA, NASWA yg via DXLD) The NPR story overlooks the 800-pound gorilla in the room. The United States funds another Russian-language service, RFE/RL Russian, that revels in its "coverage of corruption and human rights," as well as having more reporters, and a larger audience. In the increasingly complex Russian media environment, difficult enough for one US player, why is the United States trying to compete with two entities, with divided and overlapping resources? The chance for mishaps, such as we have been reading about recently, is doubled. As for "no radio or television programs," it was the Kremlin, not VOA or BBG, that took those off of Russian domestic stations. VOA Russian could resume on shortwave and satellite, but given the popularity of those two media in Russia, the VOA Russian audience would remain "miniscule." See previous posts about the same subject on 10 Feb and 2 Feb 2012 (Kim Andrew Elliott, kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) ** RWANDA. 6055, Radio Rwanda, 2045-2100*, continuous vernacular talk. Sign off with choral National Anthem. Poor to fair. Feb 17 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA, Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RWANDA [and non]. 15440, Feb 19 at 0632, fair signal in African language, i.e. DW Hausa at 0630-0700. First seemed OSOB, then some other Africans appeared, 15400 BBC via SOUTH AFRICA, and 15580 VOA, which had just switched from Botswana to SAO TOME (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAINT KITTS & NEVIS. 555 ZIZ Radio off the air for maintenance 555, *ST. KITTS & NEVIS* ZIZ Basseterre, FEB 21, 0340 - Normally good signal not received over the past few nights. Off the air? Responding to an email inquiry, Vere Galloway of ZIZ replied, "Yes, for some urgent maintenance." Brought to my attention by Bob Hill W1ARR who also noticed the signal was missing (Bruce Conti, NH, Feb 20, mwdxyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 9714.929, seemingly BSKSA Riyadh HQ Arabic non- directional antenna signal to NE&ME, poor S=4-5 at 0640 UT Feb 21. (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22 via DXLD) ** SLOVAKIA [non]. 9955, Thu Feb 16 at 1430, R. Eslovaquia Internacional opening the 15 de febrero broadcast in Spanish via WRMI; no jamming, and barely far enough away from WTWW 9990. So it`s 3:30 pm already in Bratislava and they are still running yesterday`s broadcast on their only de facto shortwave frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOLOMON ISLANDS. SIBC is operating currently only on 5020 kHz between 1850-1200 and 9545 kHz is off the air (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) ** SOMALIA [non]. MOLDOVA, Radio RSD in Somali or Arabic Somali noted on Feb. 11: 1700-1745 on 12130 KCH 100 kW / 180 deg to EaAF Sat, ex Thu (DX Mix News 13 Feb via DXLD 12-07, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) RSD, what`s that? Only one matching this schedule on page 507 of the WRTH 2012 is the last one under SOMALIA: Awdalradio (clandestine), awdalstate@yahoo.com http://awdalradio.com http://awdal.awdalstate.com 1700-1740 [ex] Thu on 12130 Samara [sic], ```On SW since September 2011.`` This one must have escaped our notice: awdal never mentioned previously in DXLD. First website seems all-Somali except navigation, and has some audio files not since last July. This site has some more recent `radio` files http://awdalstate.com/?cat=17 but the one with two awdals in it just goes to a website builder. That still doesn`t explain what RSD means. Here`s some basic info about Awdal, which is the westernmost tip of Somaliland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awdal (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST, ibid.) Dear Colleagues, Here are two audio recordings of the "mysterious station" Radio R S D, 1700-1745 on 12130 on Sats Feb. 11/18. I could be wrong with the name? 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sounds to me like radioabc.org --- but that leads to 27.165 MHz `aficionado` site in Guatemala (Glenn to Ivo, via DXLD) As I wrote to Ivo, it seems to be R. SSC, http://radiossc.org Seems that Awdal R. has stopped. Here are their recordings [from webcast] (Mauno Ritola, Finland, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA [non]. UK (non), On March 1 please check: Frequency change of IBRA Radio in Somali via BABCOCK 1730-1800 NF 11610 MEY 100 kW / 015 deg to EaAf, ex 11740 or New station - Radio Hirad in Somali via BABCOCK 1730-1800 on 11610 MEY 100 kW / 015 deg to EaAf Radio Hirad planned transmissions by Dutch-based Free Press Unlimited organisation 0430-0500 on 13750 MDC 250 kW / 000 deg to EaAf, cancelled 1700-1800 on 11850 MDC 250 kW / 000 deg to EaAf, cancelled (DX Mix News 19 Feb via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) ** SOMALIA [non]. 11970, 22/Feb 2118, UAE, Radio Damal in Somali. OM talk. Low modulation. QRM unidentified. 33432 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz. Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west; Escutas (listening, my blog): http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Hi Glenn, Surprised to find BS on new 5085 at 1036 on Feb 16; website given for Overcomer Ministry at 1102; never did catch a station ID; fair (Ron Howard, San Francisco, Feb 17, dxldyg via DXLD) 9990, Feb 16 at 1741, Brother Scare is on big WTWW-2 signal now, presumably all day at least 14-24, then 5085 all night. He`s ahead of himself by 27 seconds on neighboring 9980 WWCR which starts at 1700. Such duplication would seem to be slightly excessive, even for BS? Maybe it`s a face-off to pick which station will give him best results in the long run. Next up, 10000 WWV is a very poor third, with only one twentieth the power of those two combined. More under USA: WTWW. 5085, Feb 17 at 0433, WTWW-2 continues with Brother Scare, and presumably all-night. Still there at 1355, and day frequency 9990 pops on at *1400 sharp, along with spur field. More at USA [and non]. Altho missing from the shortwave schedule page linked as an ftp, The Overcomer Ministry homepage includes new WTWW-2, as it displays this: ``Shortwave Radio Stations WWRB 3185 6 Pm-9Am Sun-Sat WWCR 5890 1 Am-6Am Daily WBCQ 7490 8 Pm-11Pm Daily WWRB 9385 9 Am-6 Pm Sun-Sat UK 9460 14-16:00 UTC Daily 500,000Watt 9835 19:00 UTC Daily TESTING Feb20-21 15750 14:00-17:00UTC WWCR 9980 10 Pm-4 Pm Daily EUROPE 13810 15-16:00 UTC Daily FAR EAST 15190 13-15:00 UTC Daily WBCQ 15420 10 Am-Noon Saturday AFRICA 17580 15-16:00 UTC Daily WTWW NightTime 5085 DayTime 9990 TESTING Feb20-21 7590 18:00-21:00UTC`` [sic] I will not even attempt to convert the times which are not UT, but maybe they are in EST, and probably wrong anyway. And note the Feb 20-21 [Mon-Tue] tests from unknown site (s). 7590 is of course the Spaceline DRM Mix test from Bulgaria via Armenia, currently Saturdays only at 18-21. Please, pretty please, can we hear BS in DRM??? BTW, that Saturday broadcast still hasn`t made it into HFCC, just wooden registrations for Almaty in non-digital. 15750 not in HFCC either. The 9835 500 kW of unspecified duration from 19 UT is in HFCC as Wertachtal until 20, 165 degrees. 9980, Feb 18 at 1515, Brother Scare in a lather with live Saturday revival provoking mass insanity amongst his psychophants, as WWCR starts for him at 1500 Saturday instead of 1700 weekdays, when other gospel huxters have been running on 11580 instead. I find that 9980 is synchro (almost, to a slight reverb) with 9385 WWRB, but both are about (only!) 5 seconds behind new 9990 WTWW-2 now devoted to Brother Scare as well. If we can hear him first blasting in on WTWW, who needs the others? Also sufficient signal via 15420v-CUSB WBCQ as on Saturdays only. Delay/offset not checked on that nor much weaker 15190 via ROMANIA which is also extended past 1500 as usual on Saturdays only [must check again Sunday after 15 to try to determine who`s on then]. Three more frequencies are supposedly on daily after 1500 per the TOM schedule, 9460, 13810 and 17580, i.e. GERMANY, not checked but often barely audible here if at all, a blessing. Investigating further on the BS tests coming up Feb 20-21 (Mon-Tue) at 14-17 on 15750, 18-21 on 7590: tho Spaceline was represented at HFCC B-11 Dallas, their Saturday-only 18-21 DRM broadcast on 7590 is not in current HFCC B-11. SPC is however shown via ARMENIA i.a. on 7550 at 18-22, and 15780 at 12-17, from which changes apparently have never been entered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sir Glenn: I am gratified for you in that you are entertained by Brother Scare even with his lather. I am pleased that you added some info on prosetylization because I had surfing the bands for a religious pgm. Thank you (Wendell Lloyd, ptsw yg via DXLD) 15750, Feb 21 at 1400 and still 1443, nothing but a JBA carrier here for The Overcomer Ministry test, but we know the Voice of the Last Day Prophet of God is going out unto all the world, and this is not intended for us. At 1440 on somewhat more easily heard 15190 Romania, 9990 Lebanon and 9385 Manchester, (none synchronized), BS is making an announcement about this. Already in progress but doubt he ever revealed the site. Target however is Africa at 14-17 on 15750, then Eu/ME at 18-21 on 7590, second of two-day test, after which will decide based on reports whether to keep these broadcasts. He got one report yesterday from Japan. Wants phone calls or e-mail, even spells out OVERCOMER MINISTRY. Ivo Ivanov, DX Re Mix News, Bulgaria, like us, hypothesizes these may be via ARMENIA, and on Feb 20 rated 15750 as SINPO 25332, 7590 as 45444. I don`t even try for the latter over here at midday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Dear Colleagues, Please check on February 21 test transmissions of Brother Stair TOM as follows: 1400-1700 on 15750 beamed to Af, maybe from Yerevan. SINPO 25332 1800-2100 on 7590 beamed to Eu, maybe from Yerevan. SINPO 45444 Both frequencies noted in BUL on February 20, 2012. 73! (Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Na ja, die Tote Zone wirkt sich aus, - wenn es denn wirklich ein Signal aus Armenien ist?! in ÖE, Griechenland und Triest/Bologna/Venedig sind die Signale nicht so stark. Aber Richtung Westeuropa verstärken sich die Signale zunehmend. S=9+20dB in Genua, Gardasee und Schweiz. S=9+40dB in England, Ireland, Niederlande und Bremen Ostfriesland. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 22, A-DX via wb, DXLD) Brother Stair TOM program heard on 15750 kHz at 1645 UT Feb 21, but with suffering signal in Germany, Austria and Netherlands. So, we are in the dead zone of these service strong southerly azimuth target in Africa. Patrick Robic-AUT wrote: 7590 kHz mit s/on um 1800 UTC. SINPO 35443. Re 7590 probably from Gavar Armenia site. Dead propagation zone was noticeable tonight. In Austria, Greece, and Trieste/Bologna/Venice the signal was suffering. But towards Western Europe target signals increased much, like S=9+20dB in Genoa, Côte Azur, Lake de Garda Switzerland. Up to S=9+40dB signal in England, Ireland, Netherlands, and Bremen Ostfriesland in Northern Germany (Wolfgang Büschel, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22 via DXLD) ** SPAIN. ESPANHA, 2330 kHz, REE, Noblejas, 1920-, 16/2, prgr em cast., síncrono c/ 7275 p/ a Europa; esta QRG será, certamente, um espúrio resultante de combin. de outras freqs. utilizadas em Noblejas; 15432 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Yes, 9605 minus 7275 = 2330 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15100.6 and 15119.4, Feb 17 at 2105, spurs from very strong REE Noblejas 15110; frequencies waver slightly, and there is plenty of modulation upon each of them. Who needs 15110? Much weaker ones further out matching around 15091, 15129. These defects are rather like what we get from WEWN English on 15610, etc.; wonder if the same model transmitter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENIING DIGEST) [and non]. 11910, Feb 22 at 1349, incomprehensible language, Basque of course from REE relay via Beijing site, fair and clear; is about one word behind 17595 direct from Noblejas, and further ahead of Cariari 15170. So I make a point of checking the closing: at 1356, 11910 is already in REE IS until 1357* while the other two are not running IS. A minute later at 1358, the REE IS comes up as usual on 7435 and 7220, both very poor, prior to CRI`s Nepali service via Kunming site. It`s all a matter of ChiCom program feed routing being misaligned as it has been for over two years at least. Obviously no one is paying attention at SARFT, tho if a pipsqueak SOH transmitter pop up on a new frequency they jump jamming right onto it. Also, before REE IS came on 7435, something else was weakly audible there, presumably CRI Chinese via Nanning site (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also CHINA ** SUDAN [and non]. 7315, Feb 20 at 0556-0557* R. Dabanga song and closedown. Is daily 0430-0557, 500 kW, 135 degrees via Issoudun, FRANCE, following 0400-0427 R. Tamazuj on same. 15500, Feb 20 at 1618 tune-in mentions Darfur, Sudan Radio Service, fair with flutter, during 16-17 via Woofferton, UK; no jamming, but: 15535, Feb 20 at 1618, poor with music and continuous 1000 Hz tone jammer on the other SRS, mainly for SUDAN SOUTH. Recheck at 1637, SRS is finished but jammer still intoning until that`s off at 1638* after a few sex of unmodulated carrier. SRS 15535 is at 1530-1627 via Wertachtal, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. Winter B-11 of VOA via Media Broadcast includes: 1630-1700 9785 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1630-1700 11905 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1630-1700 13635 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN En "S Sudan in Focus" Mo-Fr 1800-1830 9805 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN Arabic "Afia Darfur" 1900-1930 9815 WER 250 kW / 150 deg SDN Arabic "Afia Darfur" (DX Re Mix News 21 Feb via DXLD) ** SWAZILAND. 15360, Feb 19 at 1411 nice S Asian song, 1414 website and Lahore address, 1415 chime IS and TWR Swaziland ID in English to 1416*. Is Manzini`s only unAfrican broadcast, Urdu (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SYRIA [and non]. 9330, 18/2 2126, Radio Damasco in English & WBCQ mixed. Damasco stronger (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN. 11500, 22/Feb 2022-2037, SOH (PRESUMED) in Chinese. OM in a long speech. Today, with a better signal than other days. At 2037 instrumental music and OM talk. Recorded in my blog. 35333 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, Degen 1103 - All listening in mode of filter Narrow the 6 kHz. Dipole antenna, 16 meters - east/west; Escutas (listening, my blog): http://www.ipernity.com/doc/75006 dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Also one of the more reliable Firedrake frequencies our mornings (gh) ** TAIWAN. 9780, Feb 20 at 1627-1630*, BaBcoCk music loop IS at the tail rather than start of a broadcast, which must have been 1600 Furusato no Kaze, 250 kW, 45 degrees from Taipei site per Aoki and HFCC, so also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, RTI via WYFR, in correct languages Feb 20, before 0600 in English, afterwards in Spanish. 6875, Feb 16 at 0609, oh oh, RTI relay via WYFR is now in English! This hour had finally reverted to scheduled Spanish on Feb 10 after three+ months in the wrong language, German. The computers must be acting up again at WYFR. What next? Some or all of the other RTI relays may also be in wrong languages. Propagation disturbed, so this time 6875 was not inbooming but sufficient. Does RTI keep up with what frequencies they are axually on? Of course not! This schedule http://english.rti.org.tw/info.aspx?pid=63377200539E3F94 however was apparently changed on Dec 11, how so? Nor does it even show which ones are relays and from where. As I intuned, they were giving website http://english.rti.org.tw and concluding news with weather and one `Today In History` item, the début of YouTube. 0611 Andrew Ryan introduced the rest of the hour, to contain `Time Traveler`, `Jade Bells & Bamboo Pipes`, but first, `Here In Taiwan`. 6875, Feb 17 at 0550, RTI via WYFR is in proper language English this hour, and at 0648 in Spanish, also the scheduled language instead of English which played yesterday after 0600 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TANZANIA. 11735 back? See ZANZIBAR ** TIBET. 6130 5.2 1350 Xizang PBS med radioteater. Ett lustspel som förde tankarna till Nils Poppe och Fredriksdals frisluftsteater i Helsingborg... HR 6130, 2.5 1350, Xizang PBS with radio theatre. A comedy that brought to my mind Nils Poppe and the Fredriksdal open air theatre in Helsingborg (Hans Östnell, Biri, northern Norway, SW Bulletin Feb 19 translated by editor Thomas Nilsson for DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nils Poppe was a well known Swedish comedy actor who started this theatre in Helsingborg when he was old. The theatre is very popular during all summer. HR was born in Ängelholm which is close to Helsingborg. Regards (Thomas Nilsson, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TUNISIA [and non]. UNIDENTIFIED. 17735, Feb 20 at 1639, NHK Japanese via FRANCE has SAH and co-channel QRM which sounds like Arabic or similar. HFCC and EiBi show nothing but NHK at this hour; Aoki also shows CRI via Sackville at 285 degrees, but sure doesn`t sound like Chinese, and Sackville aimed westward should be way atop if on. Both stronger than 17745 neighbor SRS in English via Skelton UK. No excuse for any collisions whatsoever on the sparsely-populated 16 and 13 m bands, but what is it? BTW, WRTH 2012 page 441 shows CRI takes two sesquihour breaks from any (Mandarin)-language broadcasts whatsoever at 1600 and at 1830, tho partly occupied by other Chinese languages (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Re my report of unID Arabic on 17735 clashing with NHK via France at 1639+ Feb 20: Mauno Ritola, Finland, says on Feb 21: ``Yes, heard also today at 1625. No ID yet.`` Later: ``Seems to be R. Tunisienne here instead of 9725 kHz.`` Noel R. Green, England, says: ``At tune into 17735 around 1605 I found a very strong signal all over NHK via ISS and Arabic music playing. A female announcer was seemingly introducing requested music, and later she also did a phone in interview. Now at 1630+ I find that 17735 is in // with 12005 which is a Tunisian frequency from 1600. Tunis should also utilise 9725 from 1600, but on there is what appears to be a very strong CNR jammer // 9905 etc. So, let us see if "Huna Tunis, idha'at al-wataniya at-Tunisia" (courtesy of the WRTH) is heard at 1700. *Ah ah*, I've just heard it said at 1647, so Tunis it is.`` Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, says: ``Great Noel, 17735 is a familiar RTT Sfax frequency. 2001 A-01 schedule showed target as NE/ME/NEAf: 17735 1200-1600 38,39 SFA 500 100deg 250301-281001 TUN RTT ONT`` Noel R. Green, UK, says: ``Yes, the CNR jammer left 9725 at 1700 and the frequency is empty. Meanwhile 17735 continues with news at 1700 followed by a Kor`anic sung recitation. As Wolfy mails, 17735 has been utilised by Tunisia in the past, so that's perhaps why they chose it again. A poor choice though, due to NHK via ISS at 1500-1700`` I had also noted the CNR1 jammer on 9725 at 1633 Feb 20, but didn`t realize it would tie in with Tunisia moving to 17735! See also UNIDENTIFIED 15435 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TURKEY. Voice of Turkey. 11735 Emirler. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1753- 1820. English, with Turkish music and song, lovely and unmistakable. Good job too, since it went right through TOH without an ID. Finally got an ID at 1812, "Voice of Turkey", and again at 1817, 1819 with frequency announcements. Signed off at 1820* followed by brief interval signal (sign off listed as 1826* by Aoki, 1830* by EiBi). Poor. Jo'burg sunset 1649 (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Not to be confused with possibly reactivated 11735 ZANZIBAR, q.v. ** TURKMENISTAN. Turkmen R. is inactive on 5015 kHz (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) ** U K. BBC World Service - Over To You --- A look at The Fifth Floor, a new programme about the BBC’s 27 language services. Available from today on iPlayer (10 minutes duration) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00nhnpn (Mike Terry, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WORLD SERVICE TO CELEBRATE 80TH BIRTHDAY BBC has announced that its global audience will get behind the scenes access as part of a special day of live programming on 29 February, to mark the BBC World Service's 80th birthday. Highlights from the day will include a special global audience with Sir David Attenborough and The Strand - the WS global arts programme - will be edited by guest artist and music producer William Orbit. Audiences will be able to join a special debate about what they want from the World Service, both on air, online and across social media forums. The day will give audiences around the world a unique insight into production of their favourite programmes and multilingual videos will be produced of all the broadcasts throughout the day online at http://bbc.co.uk/worldservice For the first time audiences will be invited to watch and participate in over 12 hours of programmes in English and across more than 12 different languages. The day will be hosted by BBC Persian's Pooneh Ghoddoosi and BBC World Service presenter Ros Atkins. BBC World Service's daily morning editorial meeting, which normally takes place behind the doors of Bush House, will be opened up and broadcast live for the first time. In this meeting - a daily part of life in the building - the newsroom's editors discuss and agree the big stories and developments and decide on which stories will shape the day's news agenda. The open courtyard of Bush House will host many of the programmes that day. Flagship programmes such as Newshour and World Have Your Say will invite audiences to join a conversation about international broadcasting and the future priorities of the BBC World Service. Listeners around the world - and the audience at Bush House - will have the chance to shape the news agenda and debate by making suggestions from the floor, or through Twitter, Facebook and Skype. BBC Global News director Peter Horrocks said, "The 80th birthday and departure from Bush House means these are historic and changing times for the BBC World Service. We want our audiences to be at the heart of both the commemoration of the past and conversation about the future." BBC World Service commissioning editor Steve Titherington said, "We are turning Bush House inside out showing who we are and what we do to our audiences and asking what the world wants next from the BBC World Service." On 29 February, BBC World Service is also launching a new series of programmes on the human body. Linked to the Olympics, The Human Race will invite the public to take part in a 'healthcheck special' featuring leading international scientists and sportspeople. Not only celebrating 80 years of broadcasting, this special day of programming marks the start of the BBC World Service's move from Bush House, its iconic London home for over 70 years, to a new state of the art broadcasting centre in Oxford Circus. The move will see all of the BBC's news services - UK and international - based together for the first time. The aim is to create 'the world's newsroom' - enhancing the BBC's global newsgathering and creating a forum for the best journalism in the world. (Indiantelevision.com 17/2 via Jaisakthivel, Ardic DX Club, India, http://www.dxersguide.blogspot.com dxldyg via DXLD) BBC WORLD SERVICE: 80 YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING Next week @bbcworldservice is celebrating 80 years on air - explore our history with this timeline http://bbc.in/ylZ0JF Tweet #bbcws80 "Goodbye To Bush House" - John Tusa delves into the archive and tells the story of BBC World Service in Bush House from 1941 to its departure in 2012 Available on iPlayer http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00m98hl "Live From Bush House" - BBC World Service celebrates 80 years of international broadcasting with a special day of programmes live from the heart of Bush House BBC World Service brings you a special day of programming on 29 February to celebrate 80 years of international radio broadcasting. We'll begin the day with a live broadcast of the daily news meeting – which usually takes place behind closed doors – a meeting of all the language service and English news heads who decide the day's news agenda. Other highlights include an audience with naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough; writer VS Naipaul will be talking about his time at BBC World Service with the Caribbean service and music producer William Orbit will be guest editing our arts programme, The Strand. Listen out for topics such as entrepreneurship in Africa, the future of international broadcasting, and the limits of human endurance. Throughout the day, you'll be able to watch video clips of guests and staff around our current headquarters, Bush House. We'll also be asking you to put questions to guests and BBC World Service staff via Facebook, so join us if you can. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/2012/02/120215_about_29_feb.shtml click For full details of Bush House Inside Out, check out the schedule. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/indepth/80th_anniversary.shtml (via Mike Terry, England, Feb 20, dxldyg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) ** U K [non]. It`s Saturday, so BBCWS in English is showing up on extra frequencies thanks to stupid ballgames: 15510, Feb 18 at 1506 going from news to `Sportsworld`, good signal where there is normally none, but fluttery. WRTH and HFCC show 15510 at 15-16 is Saturday only in Somali via CYPRUS, but this is no Somali! Then at 1529 // on weaker 13825, ACI`d by the Cuban radio war, ditto (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7811.0-USB [not 7811.5 as I once misreported], Feb 17 at 0644-0646 once again Jim Hightower commentary on AFN, so I am beginning to think it`s reliable for good. Also on // 5446.5-USB, both from Florida. 7811-USB, UT Sat Feb 17 at 0644, AFN is amid sports talk promoting gambling, ahem, ``sports-investing``, instead of Jim Hightower, who apparently appears UT Mon-Fri only at this unscheduled biminute (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) EUA, 5046.5 [sic; make that 5446.5 --- gh], AFN, Saddlebunch Key FL, 0944-desv. total 1005, 18/2, prgr falado; 15431 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) ** U S A [and non]. 2500, Feb 16 at 0618, WWV propagation minute says SF=105, A=22, K@06=0! No spaceweather storms observed in the past 24 hours nor predicted in the next 24. (The next one by e-mail for 0900 is the same except K up to 1.) Hello! Conditions are quite depressed, hi latitude paths missing or very attenuated. Something is going on. The usual signals from Eurafrica are missing on 7 MHz, not even Tunisia 7275 and 7335; WEWN very poor on 7555, and nothing else. On 6 MHz, 6070 CFRX is inaudible, while 6075 Vatican is only fair at 0642. See also MEXICO, CANADA, PERU. 9 MHz is almost dead, the only significant signal at 0614 being Bonaire on 9865, and it`s very poor instead of inbooming. On 11 MHz, the OSOB at 0615 is NZ on 11725, good enough, being trans- equatorial, along with its DRM companion on 13730, while Australia is weaker, poor to fair on 13630 > 13690, 15160 > 15240 and nothing else on those bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. STANLEY LEINWOLL --- I just learned this evening that Stanley Leinwoll, a retired engineer with RFE/RL, died yesterday, February 21, 2012 (Dan Ferguson, Feb 22, NASWA yg via DXLD) obit He was also frequency manager, and I believe wrote about propagation. I met him once at a Washington meeting. He was also a frustrated urban tomato-cultivator (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) http://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/01/nyregion/l-the-heartbreak-of-tomatoes-659096.html?scp=2&sq=Stanley+Leinwoll&st=nyt&pagewanted=print (via Dave Walcutt, DXLD) ** U S A. VOA 70 Anniversary Video --- Highlights and comments from former VOA directors and current staff members. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s42b5ELdwKI (via Mike Terry, Feb 19, dxldyg via DXLD) ** U S A [non]. GERMANY, 17895, Voice of America; 1601, 19-Feb; "Headline news from the English Service of VoA". SIO=3+54. Weaker station was on 17895 with lite pop music, but signed off abruptly in mid-tune at 1558:36 (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) Presumably also VOA, São Tomé, scheduled to switch to Wertachtal at 1600 (and at 1700 to Vatican relay for another hour) (gh, DXLD) 7390, Feb 21 at 1455, good signal spelling out with English pronunciation ``VOA CANTONESE``, which makes for an airtight ID, via listed Tinang, PHILIPPINES site; clear here, no jamming of this inconsequential dialect (which VOA proposes to cancel anyway, leaving it to RFA), contrasting with e.g. the Chinese vs Chinese collision making a 6 Hz SAH on 7385, CNR1 vs RTI like on countless other channels where the ChiCom are hyper-fearful of any free broadcasts in Mandarin. We are urged to be nice to China, but I find it hard to accept or overlook the regime`s insistence on mind-control, resulting in gross pollution of the airwaves (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. I have an RPU on 26410 for WLIO (TV) in Lima, and it was logged on the west coast of the U.S., and the Florida keys. And I received one report from the U.K. Call sign is WPLP548. When ten meters is open (U.S. CB band), usually the 25/26 MHz RPUs are good as well (Fred Vobbe, 13 Feb, NRC-AM via DXLD) Is it always on?? (gh) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 1604: first broadcast at 0430 UT Thursday Feb 16 confirmed on WRMI webcast, but 9955 totally jammed; tnx a lot, Arnie! Further 9955 times are: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830, Mon 1230. The weekend broadcasts may be audible. Also: WTWW: Thursday 2200 on 9479, UT Sunday 0500 on 5755. WBCQ: Thursday 2230 on 7490 WWRB: UT Friday 0430v on 3195 WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1830, Sunday 0930 WORLD OF RADIO 1604 monitoring: confirmed on WTWW 9479, Thursday Feb 16 at 2200, and on WBCQ 7490 at 2230; axually started early at 2229:20. Also on WWRB 3195, UT Friday Feb 17 at 0430. I was listening first on webcast, and noted a very respectful 135-second pause after the previous preacher said ``amen and amen``, but that`s because his show ended early instead of late. Later confirmed on 3195. BTW, WWRB is still missing from its other frequency 5050, still occupied by big ute blob on the hi side; and I have not found any replacement by WWRB. It`s currently registered with FCC for 2390 at the same available hours as 5050, 2200-1300, but 45 degrees on 5050, and 340 on 2390 (same as 3185 BS); and also 5745 at 22-04, 90 degrees, but is not being heard on either of those. BTW2, 3195, our favorite WWRB frequency is not on the FCC list at all. Further WOR airings: on WTWW 5755, UT Sunday 0500. On WRMI: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830, Mon 1230. Also on WRN via SiriusXM 120, Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WORLD OF RADIO 1604: remaining SW airtimes this weekend are: Sat 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830 on 9955 WRMI; UT Sun 0500 on 5755 WTWW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WORLD OF RADIO 1604 monitoring: confirmed with excellent signal from WTWW 5755, UT Sunday Feb 19 at 0500-0529. Remaining airings on WRMI 9955: Sunday 1830, Monday 1230. On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sunday 1830. Full schedule with many more webcasts at http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html WRMI is also agreeable to adding 0600 UT Monday on 9955 for WORLD OF RADIO, but not sure if it can start this week (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, it did, but: 9955, Feb 20 at 0551, wall-of-noise jamming from CUBA with no WRMI audible; rechecked periodically during new time for WORLD OF RADIO 0600-0629 Mondays: 0601 now instead of WON it`s diminished slightly to pulsing and toning; 0609 now just pulsing, but WOR/WRMI inaudible on FRG-7 with external antenna, barely audible underneath jamming on DX- 398 with internal antenna. Little improvement by 0630 until R. Praga relay became roughly equal to the jamming. Tnx a lot, Arnie! WONJ also running on 9955 at 1630 Feb 20 when WOR and WRMI are not even on the air weekdays, just webcasting (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 9955, WRMI, Radio Miami Int'l, Miami FL (presumed); 2017-2031+, 11-Feb [Sat]; Radio Canada International program Mesalla [sic] Canada -- interview with Oxfam Canada representative to 2027, then feature on a Toronto musician. WRN promo at 2029+ cutting off the RCI program and into Radio Australia News at 2030:30. All in English. SIO=353 at tune-in; Cuban buzz-pulser (presumed) started about 2021. About 2021:40 the WRMI sig rose noticeably to SIO=4+53+ obliterating the buzz-pulser (did it just stop?) The WRMI sig settled back some, but still stronger than at tune-in. I sent a copy of this log to WRMI and got this back from Jeff White in 1:03! "Interesting, Harold. It's strange that the Cuban jammer would begin in the middle of a WRN segment. But in any case, we certainly didn't change anything on our end." (Just a thought: Maybe the pulse-buzzer had an open carrier on, suppressing WRMI's signal here. Then maybe the pulse-buzzerator noticed that, said "Oh mierda", and hit the pulse-buzz button accidentally, repeated "Oh mierda", and shut it off, resulting in my perceived WRMI signal jump...just a thought.) Jeff said, "Yes, maybe they were just practicing!") (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5085, WTWW, TN, Lebanon. English -- continuation of "This is only a test" of the "QSO Radio Show" from 9990 kHz yesterday, with more music & call-ins, as well as talking with a WTWW transmitter engineer talking both about the transmitter there and also ham radio in general. There was a little hum in the modulation on this channel amd they did do some maintenance on the tranmsitter when it went off for some quick adjustments at 0227, but they did come back on to 0449 when they signed off for the night. Interesting show, but the host did have the typical 'ham' mentality that SW is not a 'real' hobby and only a stepping stone to a ham radio license. In better than 9990, 5554+4+ 0032-0227* (and 0445-0449*) 12/Feb (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) ** U S A. Looks like WTWW-2 has decided to go with Brother Stair after testing him on Feb 13-14. 5085, Feb 16 at 0605, there he is with good modulation and signal, // but not synchronized with 3185 WWRB, 5890 WWCR. Can`t get enough BS!! By next check 1136, MUF is way down and signal is very poor on 5085 (as is WWCR 4840; other Vols 5755, 5935 are not quite so weak). At 1400 I try the WTWW-2 daytime frequency 9990, and there it is, now extremely strong with BS; may have just cut on, like 9479 and 12105 do at 1400. There is noise and splatter out to 9970 and 10055 at least, desensitizing the range so what signal there is of WWV 10000 is unreadable. Without measuring, 9990 seems even stronger than 9479. At 1429 I find a noisy blob peaking around 9964, others around 9977, 10003, i.e. at x13 kHz multiples offset from 9990, the same problem they had at the outset. George has shown me a spectrum analyzer shot that the spurs are now within tolerance of minus 55 dB, i.e. only a few watts, but the fundamental is super-strong here so I hear them. He also suspects my receiver is at fault, so are others not getting any such spurs? FCC has still not put up a second version of the original B11 schedule dated 27 Oct at http://transition.fcc.gov/ib/sand/neg/hf_web/B11FCC01.TXT FCC does not make distinxions between multiple transmitters at any station but we know these apply to WTWW-2, and still shows the former frequency 5080: 5080 0000 1100 WTWW 100 180 11-15 1234567 301011 250312 9990 1100 2400 WTWW 100 180 11-15 1234567 301011 250312 0000 is likely the changeover time from 9990 to 5085 as per recent tests, but I expect the change from 5085 to 9990 is later than 1100. The signal is so huge here that you`d never imagine it`s on the rhombic aimed due south instead of due west. Neither the Overcomer Ministry nor the WTWW.us website schedules show this usage yet. I compared the WTWW feed to that on WWRB 9385, and found WTWW brings you Brother Scare first! By 29 seconds. I expect WWRB is taking an internet feed; audio is better too on WTWW. More at SOUTH CAROLINA [non] 9990, Feb 19 at 2208, WTWW-2 is not carrying BS as on 9385 WWRB, but instead soul/gospel music segués; 2228 finally an announcement with applause, not by Ted Randall, maybe appended to one of the trax; by 2302 a non-BS preacher is running. Carrier is wobbling and usual splatter past WWV 10000, same on three different receivers. So WTWW-2 is not 100% Brother Scare; schedule still not stable? However, after change to 5085 at 0000, BS was being heard again, and late into the night at 0550 Feb 20 when there was crosstalk from something; also BS before 1400. But back on 9990 at 1632 Feb 20 it`s gospel music not from TOM as not // 9385. Now the 9990 carrier is wobbling, easily compared with BFO to WWV 10000 which is not; and the other WTWW on 9479 is also wobbling but somewhat less so. George McClintock, WTWW, explains Feb 21 what is happening with #2 transmitter on 9990, 5085: Brother Stair has bought all available time until the end of Feb, continuing to test this transmitter, and will possibly use #4 once it is up and running. WTWW-2 seems to be giving somewhat better coverage for him than WWCR-4, but will cost him more than the cut-rate he gets there. George also thinks that the 9835 hour via Wertachtal can`t possibly really be at claimed 500 kW for the rate BS is paying. The times when something else has been on WTWW-2 are due to live coverage of the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) annual convention in Nashville, Ted Randall playing music and doing interviews. Today Feb 21 is the final day for that at 18-22 UT. The interviews have been recorded and hope to get them up on the WTWW.us website in much less than a year this time. On WTWW-3, 12105, George plans to work in some programming other than 24h scripture, such as Christian half-hour dramas in Arabic (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9996, Feb 17 at 1359 I am hearing the binary pulses from RWM Taldom, RUSSIA, and on 10000 the CW ID from BPM Lintong, CHINA, all mixed with WWVH`s semi-hourly voice ID from HAWAII, when *bam at *1400 sharp, WTWW-2 cuts on 9990 and blows them all away with Brother Scare music bleeding over. At 1427, I also notice that 9965, R. Australia Chinese via PALAU, but mixing in some English, has a buzzy blob upon it from WTWW, i.e. spur minus 26 kHz approx. from 9990. There are never any such problems from the other WTWW transmitters on 5755, 9479 and 12105 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5109.77/USB, WBCQ Monticello ME; 0057-0105+, 19-Feb; The Piss & Moan Net program; Allan Weiner having prostate surgery; ID at 0100+ into stream of conscious type program. SIO=444; QRM appears to be 7490 studio bleed (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9330-CUSB, Feb 16 at 1212 poor signal with open carrier, no doubt WBCQ; next check 1316 it`s modulating with Bible study from GFRN/R211 9330-CUSB, Feb 21 at 0712, deadair/open carrier from WBCQ; still/again such at next check 1330, but next2 check at 1352, GFRN/2:11 is remodulating with music. 9330v-CUSB, Feb 22 at 0636, WBCQ once again in open carrier/dead air; still/again dead at next check 1306, but modulation of GFRN/Radio 2:11 had resumed by 1358. This seems to be the rule rather than the exception, yet the program schedule http://schedule.wbcq.com/main.php?fn=sked&freq=9330 continues to show GFRN 24h a day except for 23-24 M-F `Money Talks` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 5935, University Network via WWCR Nashville TN (presumed); 1247, 19-Feb; Dead Dr. Gene ragging on "Door-to-door pushers" (no mention of on-air "pushers"); "God doesn't want some people saved." SIO=3+54; // 11775 Anguilla, SIO=3+54; no time lapse between them! (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 15825, Feb 16 at 2133, open carrier here, must be WWCR-1 which is supposed to switch at 2100 to 7465, but that is absent. Other transmitters are nominal on 13845, 9980 and 9350. 15825 goes off at 2134, back on, and off for good at 2136*, so I check 7465 again, which comes on in a few sex but also with OC only. Axually, there are traces of modulation around the edges on both, i.e. a bit more audible but still unreadable if you side-tune. At 2142 I notice that 7465 is off again. 2150 back with OC still past 2200. Did not check again until 2223 when a Spanish gospelhuxter was in progress. The WWCR website is not coming up at 1750 Feb 17 when I want to check which programs were replaced by dead air. I`ll add that info later. Ah, here it comes at 1815: Thursdays at 2100, `Into the Blue` which is a dispensable filler, as is 2200-2215 New Testament in Spanish. 11580, Feb 20 at 1622, WWCR-4 with some gospel huxter in secret test M-F at 15-17; extremely strong, and crosstalk from another program underneath, quickly found to match 13845. Clearly audible and would have been R5 if the top modulation had paused. After all these years, WWCR still hasn`t figured out how to isolate its transmitters one from another, something most multi-unit sites manage to do with no problem (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 7555, Feb 17 at 0645, R. Católica Mundial reinforces my contention that the odds are high that any random tuneby will produce that unxuous ``By the Light of the Moon`` announcer intoning ``por su dolorosa pasión``, alternating with caller mumbling whatever the required response to that be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WRNO worldwide have on their Facebook page a recent post of January 30, 2012 Saying they are coming along with repairs and in a month or two they will be back on the air. I would bet that is the case because they have just renewed their license with the FCC on Jan 2, 2012 running until 2010 [sic]. I am checking this page periodically for any further news (Richard Lewis, Forest, MS, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 6115, WYFR, English, "Patterns in Music" program (Religious "Music of your Life" style tunes, interspaced [sic] with Bible passages) ID as "WYFR Okeechobee" at :29 & an admonition to the effect that 'in these days of instant communication' there are many organizations that want to appear to be affiliated with Family Radio and have links to FR on the web. Those links should NOT be taken as endorsement because they just can't legally stop anyone from linking to their pages. Yup, Family Radio has such a good reputation that all SORTS of people want to be associated with them. Right. Into Searching the Scriptures at the BoH, with OM reading Bible verses. In like WYFR of old--must have paid the electric bill! 554+4+4+ 0110-0135 11/Feb (Kenneth Vito Zichi, Williamston MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) 9690, WYFR, Okeechobee FL; 2205-2213+, 16-Feb; Confused again! Tuned in to hear a WYFR ID & QSL info! slightly under a medical program with a religious slant that turned out to also be WYFR. I assume this was some sort of internal problem. The slightly weaker one went off at 2205:38. Family Radio Scripture of the Week at 2313. SIO=4+54. Aoki shows them in Spanish from Okeechobee at 2200 & with no other relays. FR vs FR (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 17510, Feb 16 at 1325, ``Blessèd Assurance`` fair signal on pan flute, segué to orchestral ``Mighty Fortress``, so it`s YFR relay, listed as Bengali via Wertachtal, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Special DX Test: WHP 580, Harrisburg, PA. February 27, 2012 at 0005 ET (0505 UTC), 0033 ET (0533 UTC), 0105 ET (0605 UTC), 0133 ET (0633 UTC), 0205 ET (0705 UTC), 0233 ET (0733 UTC), 0305 ET (0805 UTC), 0333 ET (0833 UTC), 0405 ET (0905UTC) and 0433 ET (0933 UTC) for 1 minute each time. Test includes voice announcements and CW IDs. EMail reception reports with digital recordings to rjharris @ clearchannel.com Or, via postal mail to Mr. R. J. Harris, Operations Manager, WHP Radio, 600 Corporate Circle, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Please include an SASE and return postage. Organised by National Radio Club (via Steve Whitt, MWCircle yg via DXLD) See also 1460 WTKT below, more such tests at intervening times ** U S A. KHWG 750 FALLON NV ONCE AGAIN BEING HEARD IN MADISON WI I am hearing KHWG 750 Fallon NV once again tonight at my QTH in Madison WI. This time I got a good listen to the 0000 PST (0200 CST) four-station LID reported by others on this list that includes the playing of the National Anthem. The four stations are: KHWG 750 Fallon, KHWG-FM 100.1 Crystal NV, K244CE 96.7 Pahrump NV and K261BZ 100.1 Las Vegas NV. Station coverage is described as eastern CA, western UT, southern ID and OR and Las Vegas NV. A message is given in support of the troops, and this is followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner. Format the rest of the time is Classic Country. I hope that others benefit from this info and try to get this one in their logbooks. 73 (Bill Dvorak, Madison WI, Feb 23, IRCA via DXLD) ** U S A. 979.85, KMIN, NM Grants – 12/4 0922 [EST = 1422 UT] – C&W music, "K-Mine" slogans; spots for area businesses, NMSU extension, art galleries, etc. Fair and improving as the further QRM was fading away. Still on this off-frequency and putting a nasty het on 980. (John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO. Drake R-89, 4-foot box loop, NRC DX News Jan 2 via DXLD) ** U S A. Re: ``1330, Feb 3 at 1415 UT, ``The Wayward Wind`` sung by Patsy Cline as soon outroed, dominating closer groundwave from easily nullable KNSS Wichita denying climate change, making SAH of about 4 Hz. From previous logs, I`m sure it`s KCKM in Monahans TX, which has a CP to raise day power from 5 to 12 kW, and gets out well on skywave, specially around sunrise skip enhancement time. Legal sunrise in February for them is now 1330 UT. Yes, then local ads for convenience store chain, Kent-Kwik? in Monahans and elsewhere in the Permian Basin; lottery numbers: winners in N TX expected to head for OK casinos (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)`` HI Glenn, Enjoy reading your MW logs. Yes you did have Kickin Kountry KCKM. Kent Kwik is a little chain in Monahans and Kermit. We've been on the 12 kW at least six months now, put in a DX 15 that had been 1440's in Dallas before than went to 50 kW. Take Care (Jerry Kiefer, Roswell NM, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** U S A. 1340, WLEW, Bad Axe MI; 12:45 PM, 18-Feb; Coverage of the Caseville Shanty Days events including the Potty Trotty Race-- apparently a cardboard outhouse. Race results were immediately followed by an ad for BJ's portable potties & septic service. Excellent (Harold Frodge, Port Hope MI, Drake R8B + 400 ft. unterminated eastish beverage, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Special DX Test: WTKT 1460, Harrisburg, PA. Feb 27, 2012 at 0015 ET (0515 UTC), 0045 ET (0545 UTC), 0115 ET (0615 UTC), 0145 ET (0645 UTC), 0215 ET (0715 UTC), 0245 ET (0745 UTC), 0315 ET (0815 UTC), 0345 ET (0845 UTC), 0415 ET (0915 UTC) and 0445 ET (0945 UTC) for 1 minute each time. Test includes voice announcements and CW IDs. EMail reception reports with digital recordings to rjharris @ clearchann el.com Or, via postal mail to Mr. R. J. Harris, Operations Manager, 1460 The Ticket, c/o Clear Channel Communications, 600 Corporate Circle, Harrisburg, PA 17110. Please include an SASE and return postage. Organised by National Radio Club (via Steve Whitt, MWCircle yg via DXLD) See also 580 WJHP above, more such tests at intervening times ** U S A. 1510, KOAZ, NM, Isleta - 11 Feb 2012 1625 [MST = 2325 UT] - New station noted on the air today stunting, playing the same few songs over and over with this announcement in between each: "KOAZ and K279BP are One-Oh-Three-Seven, The Oasis. Listen at noon on Tuesday, February 14th, Valentines Day." A bit weak here in Los Alamos, and subject to a bit of splash from hard to null local KRSN 1490. This station took over the KABR 1500 license when KABR went to FM, and changed frequency, callsign, transmitter site and power. Now 5 kW- D/4.2 kW-C/25 Watts-N, diplexing off one of the towers in the KTBL 1050 array. 68 miles. (New - #319, NM #45) (Mike Westfall, N6KUY, WDX6O, WPC5MDW ``Lost Almost`` NM, Feb 22, logs resulting from my recently renewed interest in MWDXing and a fresh AAA battery in the Sony SRF-M37V, http://www.facebook.com/mesamike My MWDX stuff: http://mesamike.org/radio/mwdx Online logbooks: http://dxlogbook.gentoo.net ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. 1530, Feb 21 at 0239 UT on caradio, dominant 1530 station has an ad for a urology practice in Little Rock AR, with a 501 phone number. So I`ll look up which station that would be in Arkansas: NRC AM Log show only: KVDW, England AR, D1 2500 watts, no PSSA, CH 270, which is just SE of Little Rock. But sunset was 2315 UT, so that`s way past critical-hours time. Could any other 1530 station, like WCKY have been airing such an ad? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I highly doubt WCKY or any other station on 1530 would be airing an ad for a Little Rock business. KVDW, Vern 1530's studios are in Jacksonville, AR, a suburb of Little Rock. [later:] A friend of mine is in North Little Rock about 14 air miles from KVDW and he says KVDW is coming in louder and clearer then 1090 KAAY. He confirms what is being heard is "VERN 1530" (KVDW is owned by Vernon Wells). Vern 1530 streams online at http://vern1530am.com/ so you can check the stream against what you`re hearing on AM (Paul Walker, 0515 UT Feb 21, IRCA et al., via DXLD) Glenn, it IS KVDW, no doubt about it. This station was widely reported by DXers in the Midwest and South on the evening of February 5-6 running day power, hours after it should have gone off for the evening. I logged them at 0347 UT on 2/6 with black gospel music and an ad for a local business that included a phone number in the 501 area code, perhaps the same ad you heard. Looks like we have another cheater to deal with. 73, (Rick Dau, South Omaha, Nebraska, ibid.) ** U S A. USA DX tests - reminder of forthcoming dates KRPI 1550 kHz, Ferndale, WA. February 26, 2012 at 0400 to 0430 ET (0900-0930 UT). Test includes voice announcements, CW IDs, distinctive music and audio tones. EMail reception reports with digital recordings to 1550radio @ gmail.com Or, via postal mail to Mr. David Harris, Chief Engineer, KRPI Radio, P.O. Box 3213, Ferndale, WA 98248. Please include an SASE and return postage (via Steve Whitt, MWCircle yg via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DX LISTENING DIGEST) If the test notification says they're going to run daytime power and pattern, then they`re going to run 50 kW/3 towers with most of the signal going NW (Paul Walker, IRCA via DXLD) KRPI's day pattern is actually peanut shaped, with main lobes to the east and northwest, so you guys in the midwest should have a decent shot at it. Those on the east coast may even be able to hear it now that CBE is gone (Bruce Portzer, WA, ibid.) If they run day power and pattern they should be heard all over the country as their day pattern puts lots of signal to the east. Once in a while they come in hear via SSS. 73 KAZ Barrington IL (Neil Kazaross, ibid.) The largest obstacle here in the Northeast will be the IBOC from WQEW- 1560. Of all the NYC stations, WQEW's signal seems to come down at the highest angle and is therefore the most difficult to null. Plus, at my location, I get both their groundwave and skywave signals thus complicating the null even more. However, I will give it my best shot as Washington is one of the 5 states I have never heard. Best of luck to all! (Marc DeLorenzo, South Dennis, Cape Cod, Massachusetts http://www.wtfda.info/showthread.php?t=228 ibid.) Same here. The 1550 channel is altered because of WQEW's IBOC hiss. I don't know yet if I will be up at 04:00 EST on Sunday trying to phase out Radio Disney. Right now while testing on 1550, WDLR is heard with several "La que Buena" IDs. I wonder if they are really running with night power which is listed at 29W at the moment? (Sylvain Naud, Portneuf, QC, ibid.) Not a chance they are running 29 Watts. I'm convinced that they've been running their 500 W day power 24/7 for at least three years. Moreover, I don't think they're running their proper DA pattern either; probably pumping that 500 W into a single stick. Even when CBE was still on, I heard them regularly, night after night. I'm not sure I'll be up for the KRPI test either, but whether I'm awake or just recording in absentia, I'll try to null some of the WQEW hiss and hope for the best. You can hear test tones and such under regular stations, but not under that continuous broadband crud (Barry McLarnon, VE3JF, Ottawa, ON, ibid.) The largest obstacles here will be WSDK-CT and WDLR-OH, both of which are pests here unless one is aiming N/S. WSDK in particular is difficult to knock down. WQEW isn't much of an issue here, even at only about 100 miles (Russ Edmunds, 15 mi NNW of Philadelphia, ibid.) Times EST: 1751, 1550, WLFP, PA, Braddock, "WLFP, Braddock", new with these call letters. 1800, 1550, WKVA, VA, Vinton, dominating the channel on south wire 1815, 1550, WDLR, OH, Delaware, Spanish music dominating on the west wire. This one really wrecks the channel for sunset DXing (Jim Renfrew, Holley NY, IRCA via DXLD) ** U S A. 1670, WTDY, WI Madison – 12/13 – After news broke about six weeks ago that this change was coming, WTDY has begun being relayed on 106.7 WTDY-FM (ex-WWQN) Mount Horeb WI. The change began the morning of 12/13 at midnight local time. The format (news/talk) and programming remain as was on 1670, but the emphasis is now on promoting the FM side. The station's new slogan is "106-7 FM WTDY," with nod given to the AM facilities only during the legal ID (and then only after the FM has ID'ed). (Bill Dvorak, Madison WI, NRC DX News Jan 2 via DXLD) ** U S A. --- TIS/HAR: 1710, WQFG689 Secaucus NJ; 0454-0518+, 17-Feb; M&W robo voices with NJ Turnpike info; M with local temps & W with marine weather. Poor with copyable peaks, mixing with Latino music & possible 2nd Spanish station (which never ID'd). NJ #7. Heard later that the weather is a relay of NOAA station KWO35, New York, 162.55 (as announced) (Harold Frodge, Midland MI, USA, Drake R8B + 125 ft. bow-tie; 85 ft. RW & 180 ft. center-fed RW, logged by my ears, on my receiver, in real time! DX LISTENING DIGEST) 1710, WQFG689 New Jersey - 0240 2/16 - TIS/HAR station with faint talk under dominant Radio Celestial and occasionally rising up over R.C. with PSAs concerning Amber Alerts telling listeners to sign up for alerts at wirelessamberalerts.org Another spot for adoptuskids.org heard at 0307. Clear call letter ID heard at 0240. The FCC database lists five 10 watt stations under this callsign around New Jersey. Thanks to Saul Chernos for the tip & the new log (Tim Tromp, Muskegon MI, MARE Tipsheet 17 Feb via DXLD) Re 12-07: Re: [Amdx] WQFG689 Hudson County, NJ 1710 kHz --- The smart a** in me is finding it hard to resist making a crack about how this station must be "cheating" since they're being so well heard. In all seriousness, does anyone know how long these TIS stations have been on the air? I don't recall any reports of them being heard at great distances before. Strange, since 1710 is a pretty clear frequency. But as many of us point out, unusual propagation events due to occur on medium wave. Many stations that some DX'ers swear are on day power are actually not. I'm also confused as to why the FCC Part 15 allocation stops at 1705 kHz but TIS stations are authorized for 1710? I'll be listening for them again tonight. No trace so far. -- 73, (Les Rayburn, N1LF, EM63nf, 121 Mayfair Park, Maylene, AL 35114, WTFDA-AM via DXLD) Part 15 and TIS/HAR are unrelated, so that part isn't relevant. With the Brooklyn pirate gone, there's a major interference source gone. And a top-notch transmitting antenna (unlike the stuff most TIS/HAR's run) makes a difference (Russ Edmunds, WB2BJH, 15 mi NW of Philadelphia, Grid FN20id, ibid.) 1710 KHz TiS Station --- I'm still wondering why this station is being suddenly so well heard. Since it's continued for several nights now, we can rule out propagation events. TIS transmitters don't have a provision to allow "cheating" by increasing the power. So I'm wondering if they just came on the air, or relocated one of the transmitters to a new location? Still nothing here on 1710 KHz, but I continue to check. If I could get day off from work, I might install the Wellbrook loop away from the hash of the house and improve my odds. 73, (Les Rayburn, N1LF, EM63nf, 121 Mayfair Park, Maylene, AL 35114, UT Feb 19, IRCA via DXLD) It doesn't seem to be heard other than Northeast through Northwest though. There's been no sign of it here (Russ Edmunds, 15 mi NNW of Philadelphia Grid FN20id, ibid.) This TIS has been a nightly visitor here since it was first reported the other night. It comes in at the same level as the Radio Celestial pirate. So the question remains, is this a new TIS station or did something change allowing it to be widely heard? I frequently monitor 1710 and haven't heard this TIS before it was first reported on the lists (Tim Tromp, West Michigan, ibid.) I'm quite sure I would've noticed them before as well, so I suspect it's a new transmitter that just came on the air (or was moved to a new location) this past week. Whether the other four transmitters listed on their license are also on the air is anybody's guess. I couldn't find an email address, but if anyone feels like calling to find out more, this appears to be the appropriate person to contact: Hudson County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Coordinator: Jack Burns Phone: 201-319-3871 (Barry McLarnon VE3JF Ottawa, ON ibid.) ** U S A. CLASSICAL FM STATION MOVES TO CONCORD NH http://www.concordmonitor.com/article/312375/classical-fm-station-moves-to-concord By Ben Leubsdorf / Monitor staff February 18, 2012 Classical 91.5 is moving on up to the Pillsbury Street studios of New Hampshire Public Radio. The classical radio station, which has broadcast as WCNH 91.5 FM from a transmitter in Bow since last September, has moved its studio from Hooksett to NHPR's offices at 2 Pillsbury St. The nonprofit Highland Community Broadcasting was started in 2000 and began transmitting from a low-power tower in Concord in 2004. According to General Manager Harry Kozlowski, the move is part of a new partnership between the station and NHPR. In addition to sharing space and taking advantage of NHPR's fundraising capabilities, he said starting Monday the classical station's content will be simulcast on WEVO 89.1 FM's HD2 channel, a digital broadcast that can be picked up by HD radios. "That means that our signal is now going to be simulcast on a 50,000 watt station, so it's going to carry much further than even our new 190 watt station," Kozlowski said. The new service, called ClassicalNH, could lead to more listeners and even the production of original programming by the station, he said. "From my standpoint, this is a fulfillment, or at least a continuation, of our goal of becoming a statewide classical music network," Kozlowski said. "When we formed Highland in 2000, that was our mission: Not only to bring back classical music in Concord, but to build a statewide network. . . . We feel that this collaboration with NHPR is going to move that forward and open up a lot of opportunities for us." NHPR dropped its classical music programming in 2000, and in a news release NHPR President and Chief Executive Officer Betsy Gardella said the new partnership would "open the world of classical music to new audiences, and bring a new channel of culture to our state." More information about the new service is available online at http://classicalnh.org (via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. 97.5 WABB MOBILE SOLD TO EMF BROADCASTING February 17, 2012 By Lance Venta Ditman Broadcasting has announced it has sold CHR 97.5 WABB Mobile to EMF Broadcasting, operators of Christian networks K-Love and Air-1. EMF will begin operating the station via LMA on March 1 (via Mike Bugaj, WTFDA via DXLD) I'm quite curious how EMF is financing all these purchases. Sure, most of their stations are non-comms but they've been buying up a *bunch* of commercial outlets recently. Even a non-comm with no local presence is not exactly cheap to equip or maintain. I find it hard to believe their pledge drives are returning significant revenue -- sounds to me like those are more to keep the audience engaged than to finance the stations. I would presume there are a handful of rather wealthy individuals underwriting this operation, surprised we don't hear more about their identities. – (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, ibid.) Read the background bio's of the directors and their $$$ connections: http://www.air1.com/About/Board.aspx (Jim Thomas, wdx0fbu, Springfield, Missouri, ibid.) Chairman anyway runs a company with $1 billion in sales, Waste Connections (gh, DXLD) One director has connections to Wal-Mart, Nestle, Bristol-Myers Squibb and the United States Department of Homeland Security. All are probably well-placed, not necessarily to themselves provide all the needed capital up-front, but from finding sources with both access to money and evangelical interests. It would be interesting to track EMF's fundraising activities. Does EMF have tax deductible status, and if so is it required to publicly report donations? (Saul Chernos, WTFDA via DXLD) ** U S A. FREAK-QUENCY: WBHC 96.5 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ns/msnbc_tv-rachel_maddow_show/#46349557 FCC: BENTON HARBOR OWNED RADIO STATION CAN’T BE SOLD ON eBay Group has collected funds to purchase By Ryan Klund Story Created: Feb 14, 2012 at 9:03 PM EST Story Updated: Feb 14, 2012 at 9:03 PM EST BENTON HARBOR, Mich. – According to the Federal Communications Commission, The Benton Harbor community radio station license that was on eBay last week cannot be sold in that manner. In an email sent to ABC 57 News, an FCC spokeswoman provided this information: “The Commission approves the assignment or transfer of all broadcast stations. A low power station can only be assigned or transferred to a local not-for-profit entity.” Last week, WBHC’s equipment and license were posed on eBay at a $5000 minimum bid by Benton Harbor’s Emergency Manager Joseph Harris. Harris confirmed to ABC 57 his intentions to use the website as an avenue to sell the station. Harris closed WBHC in January as a cost-cutting move for the city. City commissioners would host regular talk programs on the station until it closed. Potential Buyer has emerged A Boulder, Colorado based non-profit called Public Radio Capital told ABC 57 Tuesday that they’ve raised $5000 but are looking for a local non-profit to take control. Erik Langner with Public Radio Capital said the group’s sole purpose is to preserve public and community radio stations. They’ve raised money for several similar situations across the country. Langner said the group has no political motivation in helping a non- profit purchase the station. “There’s no political motivation whatsoever. Our soul mission is to preserve locally owned and operated public community media assets across the country,” he said. An eBay listing for the equipment and license are no longer posted on the website (via CGC Communicator via Kevin Redding, ABDX via DXLD) ** U S A. FCC SEEKS PIRATE-FIGHTING FUNDS: http://audiostream.net/?p=45731 THE FCC WILL ALSO HIRE MORE FCC FIELD AGENTS: http://www.rwonline.com/article/fcc-fy-budget-request-submitted-to-congress/211817 http://benton.org/node/114488 http://republicans.energycommerce.house.gov/Media/file/Hearings/Telecom/20120216/HMTG-112-HHRG-IF16-20120216-SD001.pdf (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) ** VANUATU. R. Vanuatu has 2 x 10 kW shortwave transmitters, operating currently on 3945 between 1825-0035 & 0525-1230 and on 7260 between 2125-0735. Times may vary. New web site is under construction at http://vanuatu2u.com (WRTHmonitor Uploaded 10 February 2012 via DXLD) ** VATICAN [non]. 7250, Feb 17 at 0630, VR SMG inaudible, may be off again, as propagation has recovered from last night`s near-blackout. Were audible: 7335 Tunisia, and before 0629 also 7275; 7220 France just going off at 0630; 7310 Romania in English but not the big signal it used to enjoy. 7245 Mauritania q.v. not yet on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VENEZUELA [non]. 13750, Feb 19 at 1402 strong open carrier, either RHC Sunday-only or VOA Greenville not yet turned off which had been loud and clear until 1400, unlike jammed // 9885 but I was not listening for any transmission break. RHC 9850 was off while normally it runs until 1600. At 1433 check, nothing on 13750. So any `Aló, Presidente` this week? No, next check at 1615, all A,P frequencies are off: 17750, 15370, 13750, 13680, 11690 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 1550, RADIO NACIONAL DE LA RASD, 2110 16 Feb, ALGERIA, Rabouni-programma local in S[panish?] 333 1550, RADIO NACIONAL DE LA RASD, 2110 15 Feb, ALG, Rabouni, program local low modulation splash 1548 kHz 122 (Mauro Giroletti, Italy, -Swl 1510- -IK2GFT-, bclnews.it yg via DXLD) ESTAÇÕES CLANDESTINAS: 1550, Frente POLISARIO, Rabouni, ALGERIA, 1115- 1302*, 18/2, árabe, cânticos, notíc. às 1200,..., entrevistas, canções, fecho c/ ID em ár. e castelhano, hino "nacional"; 35444 (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) SW 6297v remains totally inactive; we sure do miss it (gh, DXLD) ** ZANZIBAR. UNIDENTIFIED. 11735: African station thought to be the re-Activated of Zanzibar was received at past 2030UT on Feb. 17 by some Japanese DXer. The ID of this station is not confirmed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNJgUcF9Q8U&feature=plcp&context=C37b3136UDOEgsToPDskK_FRJdjGusq1Q72WtHPb50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=ct-7T7iwKjY by Pancho in Japan (S. Hasegawa, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) First time I heard that the Zanzibar Dole 11735 outlet was repaired again. Was 26 months out of service. 6015 kHz outlet appeared after 9 months again. TANZANIA, Electricity supply, carried from the mainland by submarine cable, broke down Dec 10, 2009. So main power break lasted - probably - til Sept 14, 2010? Chinese made antennas 11735 / 6015 kHz 06 06 01.54 S 39 15 31.52 E http://g.co/maps/3mh2p TZA Zanzibar Dole SW 11735 / 6015 kHz 50 Kw, two curtains, left 25mb, right 49mb antenna, 6 masts at 06 06 07.13 S 39 15 27.60 E (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) It was received again at 1452 UT tune in to 1526* on Feb. 19 by NAKANAKA in Hokkaido. http://bclnakanaka.wordpress.com/2012/02/20/log-20120220/ (S. Hasegawa, Japan, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) With 3 long clips 11735, 18/Feb 2030-2040, No signal here in Brazil. No signal in a remote radio Hong Kong. Also no signal of Rádio Transmundial, Brasil (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil 12 14´S 38 58´W, ibid.) Hi Everyone, Recorded the below on 11735 up to 1526 UT when it went off air. No other Brazilians were showing on the band at this time. However, I had exactly the same situation a few years back when after a while it peaked up and I got the R Transmundial ID. I expect it`s them, Zanzibar is listed (old list) as Portuguese 1500-1530 though. http://www.box.com/s/6i7htq30s05fav1gvah0 (Mark Davies, Anglesey, Wales, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Zanzibar ever listed as in Portuguese? What old list?? (gh, DXLD) Hi Glenn, I'd just done a negative report on Zanzibar (6015) this morning when DXLD Digest 4494 came in and I saw Sei-ichi Hasegawa's comments about Zanzibar on 11735. So here is a current South African perspective on those frequencies. Radio Tanzania Zanzibar (not), 6015 Dole. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 0245- 0428. Intermittent checks at odd times over the past few months have failed to bring up Zanzibar on its usual frequency. Today I monitored their frequency continuously for a longer period, and still found nothing at all. According to http://www.timeanddate.com sunrise in Zanzibar today is at 0329, and in Johannesburg at 0356. Based upon Radio Tanzania Zanzibar's usual (or rather, old) start time of 0300, there would have been at least 20 minutes of transmission time during total dark path between Zanzibar and Joburg. Sadly, it's probably fairly safe to assume that Radio Tanzania Zanzibar is still off-air. AWOL. Jo'burg sunrise 0356. 11735 Dole. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1610-1619. Nothing there except TWR from Santa Maria. Zanzibar AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649. 11735 Dole. Feb 19, 2012. Sunday. 1858-1900. Nothing there except TWR from Santa Maria, signed off at 1900* as per Aoki to leave a clear channel. Zanzibar AWOL. Jo'burg sunset 1649 (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Bill, My monitoring of 6015 conforms to your observations. I checked a number of days in December and January from about 0256 to 0320. Had quiet conditions with decent propagation and there was no hint of Zanzibar broadcasting. So it would seem they have been off the air since you and I last heard them in September and our subsequent monitoring in late September and October continued to find them gone. There were some days back in early September that they had a nationwide power failure, but that would not account for months of not broadcasting. There may be good news coming about their power supply, per http://allafrica.com/stories/201202010338.html --- "The US ambassador said the US would make sure its projects in Zanzibar are successful . . . Other ongoing projects include the replacing of the dilapidated electricity marine cable from Tanzania mainland to Unguja with a new one . . ." Unguja is Zanzibar Island, their largest and most populated island. (Ron Howard, San Francisco, Feb 19, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I, today 19/Feb, monitored 11735 at 2030-2045 and no signal from Zanzibar. R Transmundial was off the air. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil, ibid.) TANZANIA, Nothing heard on 11735 worldwide at 1500 and 1530 UT Feb 20. Checked East Asia, Russia, Europe and South Africa remote units. Only RRI Galbeni in Arabic next door 11730 kHz. 73 wb (Wolfgang Büschel, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Nothing heard on 11735 kHz today in Japan either. Zanzibar national anthem (not Tanzania) was recorded just before the s/off at 2059 on Feb. 17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct-7T7iwKjY&feature=related (S. Hasegawa, Japan, Feb 20, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I also checked today between 1500-1600 UT on my receiver, parallel with a Japanese Perseus and Globaltuners Johannesburg remote, on 11735 nothing found, 11730 Romania Arabic and 11740 CNR2 was there. Also checked today between 0300-0320 UT via Johannesburg remote, nothing on 6015 kHz or 585 either. Thanks & Regards, (Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA, Feb 21, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, Zanzibar. Radio Tanzania Zanzibar (still not). 11735 Dole. Feb 21, 2012. Tuesday. 1400-1815. Still hoping to hear the recently reported Zanzibar, I sat on the frequency from 1400 onwards. Although there was adjacent channel QRM at various times from 11730 and 11740, I heard nothing at all on 11735 until the Voice of Turkey interval signal and "This is the Voice of Turkey" began at 1725, repeating until 1730. Voice of Turkey then signed on following their 1730 time pips, which according to my computer clock were a few secs early. (Coincidentally, my computer clock had synchronised itself with http://www.time.windows.com at 1712). Sign on was followed by a YL reading frequency announcements, but it was difficult to read because of atmospheric QRN and some QRM from 11740. Could barely make out that it was in English. Followed by unreadable OM and YL talking. I suspect it would be unlikely (but not impossible !!) that Voice of Turkey would make it to Joburg whilst Radio Tanzania Zanzibar wouldn't; they are both (??) on the same frequency and from much the same direction. Let's hope the recent reports from Japan were of intermittent test transmissions and indicate a soon-to-be revival. Poor - very poor. Started poor, and got worse. Totally unreadable by 1800, could just make out the TOH time pips and, later, Turkish music and song. YL talking (unreadable) at about 1817, into interval signal at 1819* sign off. With Turkey gone, I could once again hear OM's talking very faintly, still sounds Portuguese so possibly R. Transmundial via Santa Maria (Brazil!); although very poor reception it certainly doesn't sound like Swahili. Once again stomped upon at 1829 by adjacent channel R. Damal in Somali from Woofferton on 11740; after a few secs talk by OM, this went straight into Kor`an. Jo'burg sunset 1647 (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hi Glenn, Please ignore the incorrect stop time on last night's Zanzibar log, I gave up listening twice (in theory) but then carried on anyway, and forgot to update the stop time in my log! After giving up (again) at about 1830 I went to bed and resumed listening from there as well. Radio Tanzania Zanzibar (still not). 11735 Dole. Feb 21, 2012. Tuesday 1840-2155. Continued monitoring Radio Damal until it cut off in mid sentence at 1930, once again leaving a clear channel. I then monitored atmospheric QRN until falling asleep at about 2030, some 30 minutes before the 2059* Zanzibar sign off recently reported by Japanese Dx'ers. Awoke at 2155 to hear nothing on 11735 but QRM from adjacent channel CNR2 (Lingshi) on 11740. Zanzibar was AWOL all afternoon and evening. Jo'burg sunset 1648 (Bill Bingham, RSA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Unfortunately Japanese DXer received only two times at 2037-2059* UT on Feb. 17 and 1452-1526* on Feb. 19 on 11735 kHz, too. The signal of Zanzibar is not found after Feb. 19 (S. Hasegawa, Feb 20, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 21/Feb, 11735, 2030-2055, No signal in frequency. No carrier is present. R Transmundial off the air (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil 12 14´S 38 58´W, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. Re 12-07, 1233: ``Likely 600 kW Monte Carlo / Doualiya / TWR Cape Greco, CYPRUS, but can`t find any language/relay schedule for it in WRTH, maybe scattered (Glenn Hauser, DXLD)`` WRTH p. 448 under France: Monte Carlo Doualiya Arabic 0400-2020 daily NAf, ME 1233cgr. The TWR Relay after 2020 UTC can be found under Austria p. 435/436. 73, (Patrick Robic, Austria, DX LISTENNING DIGEST) As given in WRTH on p. 448 it carries Monte Carlo Doualiya (part of RFI Group) 0400-2020 (actually 0330-) and in addition TWR relays 0300- 0330 Mon-Fri & 2025-2215. 73, (Mauno Ritola, Finland, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. NÃO IDENTIFICADA, 3990, 1752-1801*, 19/2, prgr em líng. da Ásia central, canções, refs. to [sic] Askabad, mús. tradic., sinal hor.º; 35433. A língua pareceu ser casaque (Carlos Gonçalves, PORTUGAL, radioescutas yg via DXLD) [later:] trata-se da emissora chinesa de Xinjiang, em Urumqui, prgr. em uigure. Velha conhecida... mas pormenor que, inexplicàvelmente, me passou. Agradeço a Mauno Ritola por apontar-me o erro. 73 (Carlos Gonçalves, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [non]. 5076, 18/2 1730, Unid product mix? 2 stations, one surely in Russian, talks and disco music (Giampiero Bernardini, with some friends of the ARI (Italian Amateur Association) in Milano, Excalibur Pro, Perseus, RFSpace SDR-14, Kenwood TS-590S. Ant: FD4 40 m long, miniwhip modificata, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) I explained this in DXLD 12-06: 6165 minus MW 1089 at Tblisskaya, etc., etc. = 5076 (gh, DXLD) Yes Glenn, with Eibiview software it is possible to understand clearly that the three names are the same site 28N49'20" 77E07'40" about 5800 km east from Milan. But I couldn't hear Italian language, surely the dominant signal was in Russian. Have nice DXing (Giampiero, ibid.) UNIDENTIFIED. Big L --- Heard this station Saturday 18 February around 11-12 UT on 5940 kHz, are there somebody who know where from, Lithuania?? or where I can´t find anything. 73*s from (John V. Nielsen, Herning, Denmark, Feb 20, BDXC-UK yg via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 6185v, Feb 21 at 1340, het of about 0.3 kHz between something in Chinese and something else, not sure from which side. Unlikely extended XEPPM which is slightly off 6185 but much closer than that. Per Aoki the collision would be between China Huayi and VOK, both in Chinese, so we give the nod to North Korea as the more likely variant (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) KOREA D.P.R./CHINA, 6185, Mess on two broadcasts heard here on 1355 to 1405 UT Feb 21, China Huayi Bc. Corp. heard here on nearly even 6185.0 in Chinese/Amoy. But another station [probably Voice of Korea in Korean from 1400 UT] wandered down 800 Hertz from 6185.862 to 6185.051 kHz between 1357 to 1400 UT, latter has been done most probably by the engineer on Kujang-KRE tx site. Wandered up again from 6185.051 to x.079 (Wolfgang Büschel, Feb 21, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 22, DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 9530, Feb 16 at 1145, continuous 1 kHz tone (not a het, as peaked at 9529 and 9531), and same at 1152 on 9460. 9530 is supposed to have VOA Chinese via Tinang before and after 1200, so maybe this is part of the ChiCom jamming. 9460 is scheduled with CRI English to start at 1200 via EAST TURKISTAN, per Aoki, also with VOR Irkutsk before 1200 per HFCC. Maybe from none of these. At 1210, now there`s a tone on 9450, mixing with some talk, where nothing but VOR Russian via Irkutsk is listed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 9889-SSB, Feb 18 at 1425, intruder, colloquial Spanish 2-way, with het from weak 9890 broadcast carrier, QRM from remnant Cuban jamming centred on 9885 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15/12, 11609!! BBC at 0445 with programme in English, Signal just S1. Supposed I listened to RA or RNZI but at unnoticed (read unwritten on the notice book) time there was a clear ID from BBC. Spur? Mixing product? (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Re: ``“Jorge, 15070 is a channel where there are often European pirates some of whom have nostalgia-themed music (Robin VK7RH Harwood, Norwood, Tasmania, ibid.) But Aoki also shows SOH there (gh)”`` Glenn, Costumo ouvir aqui em 15070 e definitivamente está em chinês ou em algum idioma similar. De maneira alguma parece ser uma emissora pirata da Europa, a não ser que seja uma emissora europeia mantida por dissidentes chineses. Eu tenho gravações de diversas dessas escutas. Um abraço, (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana, Bahia, 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED [and non]. 15435, Feb 19 at 1418 something in Arabic, YL talking, with squeal on transmitter. Nothing listed at this hour in HFCC, EiBi, Aoki, or WRTH Update. First guess would be Saudi Arabia on earlier than usual *1500 on this frequency, but not // 17705, 17615, 17895, and 21505 too weak to check, and if it were BSKSA, should have matched at least one of them, in main or Holy Qur`an program. 1427:23 her modulation was cut off in mid-word, carrier on until 1429*. Before 1430, RVA via VATICAN came up as usual, stronger in Urdu. No, Vatican does not have an Arabic before 1430, but its own Urdu on other frequencies. 15435, Feb 21 at 1400-1430 trying to repeat yesterday`s unID Arabic reception, but nothing more than a JBA carrier until *1428:39 S9+20 of RVA via VATICAN, 1430 IS once and sign-on with multipath echo. Hmm, I wonder if TUNISIA used 17735 too, 10.5 years ago. Not heard on subsequent days (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 15750, Feb 20 at 1357 past 1400, JBA carrier only, and nothing at all detectable at occasional chex in following two sesquihours; tests of Brother Scare were scheduled Feb 20 and 21 here at 14-17, and at 18-21 on 7590, which make us suspect it`s via Spaceline via Armenia, which also uses 7590 in DRM on Saturdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SOUTH CAROLINA [non] UNIDENTIFIED. 24940-USB, Feb 18 at 1443-1448+ languid ham QSO about antennas but only one side heard in English with an accent I couldn`t place, and nary an ID. Just about the OSOB in the voice portion of 12m, and MUF barely cooperates as 10m is dead. It`s looking like this cycle`s solar max has passed and we are on the way down, with fluxes barely exceeding 100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ACKNOWLEDGED ON WORLD OF RADIO 1605: Thanks to a check in the mail marked ``confidential`` with a postit ``Keep up the great work``, to P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 Thanks to Jack Smith, Newport NC, for an MO in the mail to P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (gh)) Thanks for a contribution from Chuck Ermatinger, MO (gh) TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED ON SUBSEQUENT PROGRAMS: Thanks for your continuing great work! (Robert AK3Q Gulley, with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com) I was looking for a possible means to make "subscription" payments each month to support WOR but didn't see anything. Do you offer this option as I would be glad to donate each month but as I approach "senior years" I fear it may slip my mind some months. Thanks (Dennis Sivert (sy-vert), with a contribution via PayPal to woradio at yahoo.com) Dennis, Thank you! No, I don`t have a subscription set up, and you`re the first to ask about it. Appreciate your wanting to do it that way, and hope you will remember. Or if you miss a month, you could send double the amount, hi. Regards, (Glenn to Dennis) Thanks Glenn for all the great things you do for shortwave (David Goren, with a contribution via Pay Pal) Glenn, I enjoy your commentaries. BTW, thanks for help with my logs (Alex Klauber, Oneida NY) PUBLICATIONS ++++++++++++ About JAPAN PREMIUM To readers of JAPAN PREMIUM. My Mac crashed at the end of last year, so data and e-mail address of JAPAN PREMIUM were gone. But I think trying to publish again. Please tell your friends and fellow DXing this thing. And, please send me an email. Regards --- (IWATA Gaku, Chiba, JAPAN, Feb 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) WORLD OF HOROLOGY +++++++++++++++++ GOOGLE GOES HERTZIAN FEB 22 Go to the Google homepage also to be honoured as Wellenjaeger on the 155th birthday of H. Hertz (Glenn Hauser, dxldyg via DXLD) Hoy Google nos recuerda, con un simpático logo, el 155 aniversario del nacimiento de Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Rudolf_Hertz 73 -- (Gustavo Fernando Durán, Santa Fe - Argentina, Feb 22, condiglist yg via DXLD) 155º Aniversário de Heinrich Rudolf Hertz / Blog Atualizado Olá amigos, atualizei agora o blog com uma nota sobre os 155 anos do nascimento de Heinrich Hertz. Para visualizar, clique AQUI Forte 73 a todos, (Diego Braga de Morais, PY1002SWL, Bom Jesus do Itabapoana-RJ, http://py1002swl.blogspot.com http://smeter.blogspot.com radioescutas yg via DXLD) WHY UNESCO NEEDS TO GET OUT OF SAVING RADIO --- WORLD RADIO DAY http://www.criticaldistance.blogspot.com/2012/02/why-unesco-needs-to-get-out-of-saving.html (Jonathan Marks blog Feb 21 via Mike Terry, dxldyg via DXLD) CONVENTIONS & CONFERENCES +++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE AMATEUR RADIO SERVICE GAINS A BAND NEAR 500 KHZ --- 2012-02-15 [IARU-R2-News 162] Special WRC Report Number Three - [Editors note: Subject to approval by Industry Canada, operation on this band is not permitted in Canada at this time. Radio Amateurs of Canada will be working with Industry Canada through the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) to work out the various details on amateur usage of this band in Canada.] 472-479 kHz. The worldwide amateur radio service has a new frequency band, 472 to 479 kHz. It is a secondary allocation. There are other services in that portion of the spectrum that must not be interfered with by the amateur operation. The aeronautical radionavigation service is a primary service in the band 415-495 kHz in the following areas: Australia, China, the French overseas communities of Region 3, Korea (Rep. of), India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Japan, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka. The aeronautical radionavigation service is a primary service in the band 435-495 kHz in the following areas: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. The amateurs are allowed to use the band so long as it does not cause interference to this primary service or the maritime mobile service operating in the 472-479 kHz band. There are some countries that will not allow amateur radio operation in the 472-479 kHz band. The use of the frequency band 472-479 kHz in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia and Yemen is limited to the maritime mobile and aeronautical radionavigation services. The amateur service shall not be used in the above-mentioned countries in this frequency band, and this should be taken into account by the countries authorizing such use. The ITU Radio Regulations provide that radio amateurs are limited to 1 watt (e.i.r.p.) however administrations whose territory is beyond 800 kilometers from the borders of the following countries may increase the operating power to 5 watts (e.i.r.p.): Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, China, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Syrian Arab Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine and Yemen. The change becomes effective with the adoption of the Final Acts of the Conference. Of course, it will be determined by each administration around the world as to what modes and bandwidths will be used in this portion of the spectrum and when hams in that country will have access to the spectrum. More activities from the WRC-12 will be reported at the end of the WRC. The WRC continues until 17 February. There is an effort underway to place an amateur radio agenda item on the agenda for the next WRC which will take place in 2015. (Vernon Ikeda - VE2MBS/VE2QQ, Pointe-Claire, Québec, RAC Blog Editor/RAC E-News/Web News Bulletin Editor, via I.C.P.O. Bulletin (17 - 24 February 2012) "Islands, Castles & Portable Operations" via editor Dave Raycroft, Feb 16, ODXA yg via DXLD) REPORT ON BES EXPO 2012, NEW DELHI [illustrated] http://alokeshgupta.blogspot.in/2012/02/bes-expo-2012-report.html (Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, dx_sasia yg via DXLD) see also INDIA MUSEA +++++ VANE JONES Before there was the FM Atlas --- There was the Vane Jones books, the North American Radio-TV Station Guide. http://www.amlogbook.com/jones/jones.htm This on Lee Freshwater's site. A nice trip back in time (Mike Bugaj, Enfield, CT USA, WTFDA via DXLD) As far back as 1958y MP3 of Denver FM TOH/Legal ID's Ready for Download Hi All; I spent a few days in Denver last month and, of course, grabbed airchecks of pretty much everything. One thing I like to do is edit all the ID's into a single audio file, which I've done and I've posted it on YouSendIt until 2/23 for anyone to download. Quality is 256 kbps MP3. [includes some Colorado Springs, etc., --- gh] http://www.yousendit.com/download/M3BuTkFncG90d0VYRHRVag The stations included are listed below in order of appearance. If you'd like an Excel version just email me offlist. Enjoy! 93.3 KTCL 106.3 K292FM / KTLF 96.1 KSME 99.5 KQMT 101.1 KOSI 92.5 KWOF 100.3 KIMN 101.5 KJHM 107.1 KDHT-FM 95.7 KPTT 107.5 KQKS 105.5 KJAC 105.1 KXKL-FM 98.5 KYGO-FM 103.5 KRFX 103.1 KRWZ 106.7 KBPI 97.3 KBCO 96.5 KXPK 94.3 KILO 104.3 KKFN 94.7 KRKS-FM 92.1 KJMN 107.9 KPAW 92.9 KKPK 96.9 KCCY 98.1 KKFM 100.7 KOLZ 105.9 KALC 98.9 KKMG 93.9 Way FM 94.1 K-Love 103.9 KYEN 101.9 KKHI 90.1 KCFR 88.7 KCME (Bill Nollman, Farmington, CT, Feb 16, WTFDA via DXLD) LANGUAGE LESSONS See also BANGLADESH ++++++++++++++++ Re: ``Don't you think Niel [sic]? What if Ancient Rome had radio and TV, eh?`` Nope, not sic. "Niel" is short for Nathaniel (Harold Frodge, MI, Feb 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) About Mr Wolfish. OK, maybe that will help me remember which is Niel, which is Neil and which is Neal. BTW, [sic] doesn`t necessarily mean what it is appended to was wrong, just questionable, or one of several possibilities. Just makes clear that the spelling was thus in the original source (gh, DXLD) DIGITAL BROADCASTING --- DRM See also ARMENIA; AUSTRALIA; CANADA; EAST ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TURKISTAN; INDIA!; ITALY; MYANMAR; NEW ZEALAND; SOUTH CAROLINA non; USA; UNIDENTIFIED 15750. Note: these cross-refs include any mention, often just as QRDRM or in passing DRM FOR DATA Slightly off topic but can anyone point me to experiments or information on using DRM to send data other than audio? Either, say, sending news alongside an audio stream or replacing the audio altogether and using it as a radio data service? Or perhaps the same thing but using a technology other than DRM? (Martyn Williams, Tokyo, Japan, Feb 18, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) As far I can remember Digital Modes over Shortwave exists far before than DRM, since late '80 or early '90s, the system was same as almost like DRM, you need to get either certain filtered IF Output or Audio stream and send it to Computers for processing and get the final Output. There was also fax which is also a Data transmission, I saw only a vintage Sony Receiver of '80s some where on the Internet which had a fax printer built in !!! Even there is a HF-IP protocol too, to connect the Internet over High frequency, these things are almost either used by military or some research communications other than few modes for marine and amateurs. A brief Idea about HF IP protocol can be found here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Internet_Protocol Most Digital Modes over HF is listed here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Digital_modes Various usages of HF can be found here in brief: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_frequency -- Thanks & Regards, (Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, INDIA, ibid.) Southwest Florida Online, 11 Feb 2012, Don Browne: "Amateur radio operators, also known as 'hams' have been experimenting with digitally transmissions of high definition photographs and images directly from a radio transmitter to anyone with a radio receiver tuned at the same frequency. ... The digital transmission method used by amateur radio operators to send and receive photos is call DRM, commercially used by some radio stations to transmit high quality HD radio around the world. The image is sent using DRM, an abbreviation for the trademarked Digital Radio Mondiale, a standardized digital broadcast system for any broadcast frequency. The DRM format provides digital quality from digital radio signals, combined with the possibility of enhanced features for radio broadcast stations including Surround Sound, text information, HD photo slideshows, and data services. The advantage of the DRM system is one radio transmitter can broadcast to an unlimited number of receivers without any infrastructure between the two radios. No phone lines, internet, cable or satellite is needed to transmit or receive an image or sound transmission." (Kim Andrew Elliott, kimandrewelliott.com via DXLD) RADIO EQUIPMENT FORUM +++++++++++++++++++++ [Re 12-07] PERSEUS OR WINRADIO EXCALIBUR Any of you know of a review comparing and contrasting the Perseus with the Winradio Excalibur? Or does anyone have experience with either or both radios and are willing to make comments? I am especially interested in two things - being able to make timed recordings (TOH and BOH) and whether or not they can easily use my computers built-in sound card? Comments greatly appreciated (Neil Bell, KJ6FBA, Feb 14, NASWA yg via DXLD) More replies: Hi Neil, I have 2 Perseus and an SDR-IQ. I have looked at the Excalibur Pro and Net-SDR with interest. Here are some comments: - The standard Excalibur DOES NOT have full spectrum record, only 3 channels of recording (for each window)! - The Pro version just got full spectrum recording apparently with a new SW release. - The Pro has about 10DB more gain and 3-5DB more for the standard Excalibur, as compared to the Perseus. - All new SDR's use the soundcard only for playback so 'performance' doesn't matter except for sound quality. - RFspace products are better as panadaptors since they have RS232 interfaces for control and frequency sychronization. - If you consider the Pro at $1650, I would check carefully the new scheduling feature to be sure it works as well as the Perseus or SDR-IQ or Net-SDR. I have yet to see it demonstrated. - Both Perseus and RFspace products work with HDSDR which is a good alternative to SpectraVue and Perseus software. I run both my SDR-IQ and Perseus in HDSDR with its common interface, unless I really need accurate signal level measurements. There, the Perseus software is tops at 1DB accuracy. Regards (Dave N7NZH, mwdx yg via DXLD) Neil, ask all your questions to Bjarne Melde of Norway. Here is his link to his Blog http://arcticdx.blogspot.com/ 73, (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium, ibid.) FAVORABLE REPORT ON SANGEAN ATS-909X PORTABLE SHORTWAVE RECEIVER Glenn: The utility value of the Sangean ATS-909X is a world away from the Tecsun PL-660 receiver. I marvel at the difference. Oh, well, for a younger person who always uses the Tecsun PL-660 in a bright room, my remarks may be a bit unfair. But for me the ATS-909X is far superior. It has a large backlit (white) display, intuitively organized button array, an enigma about how Home time relates to World time. My scalp is beginning to bleed from scratching. Longer telescoping antenna. Well designed power supply system. The engineers had sipped their caffeine! Another puzzle for the user: It takes 9VDC when using the AC adapter, but it works well with 6VDC for alkaline / rechargeable cells. Duracell won't like that! You've probably seen receivers with different voltages vis-à-vis batteries and AC adapter. I have not -- not recently. In brief, I'm happy with the ATS-909X, but I discovered that the most efficient way to listen to Radio Australia, where the audio is as clear as any bell, is at this station http://www.radioaustralia.net.au Apparently, there's programming 'round the clock. Alas! From a romantic perspective, I wish that I could hear RA with just half the fidelity by SW. Using my laptop seems like cheating. Keep up the good work! I scan all of your stuff (Wendell Lloyd, Rockport, Texas, Feb 16, DX LISTENING DIGEST) NEW::::: REVIEW OF TECSUN PL200 http://sites.google.com/site/zliangas/pl200 (Zacharias Liangas, DX LISTENING DIGEST) STAIRWAY TO HEAVY No, it's not a Led Zeppelin record. If you are scared of heights (really high heights), don't watch this: http://edge.liveleak.com/80281E/u/u/ll2_player_files/mp55/player.swf?config=http://www.liveleak.com/player?a=config%26item_token=07b_1284580365%26embed=1 http://tinyurl.com/3edlheh Thanks to Bill Hale for sending this to me. I think. -- (Mike Bugaj, Enfield, CT USA, WTFDA via DXLD) IT’S NOT BROKE SO DON’T FIX IT In the Oct. 19 issue, Dan Mason of CBS Radio says he’s concerned about AM radio. Bruce Reese of Hubbard says convert AM to digital and problems go away. The problem that needs to go away is input from large corporate owners. Every time they buy into some “newfangled” idea, it costs me money, but nothing changes other than my bottom line. We have a 1 kW AM, analog, gospel and sports programming. None of my listeners complains about not hearing us in digital. Citadel, Clear Channel and others stay in the bankruptcy line because they buy into every piece of junk that is presented to them. The FCC isn’t much better. Most of the radio mess is a result of too many worthless 100 kW FMs, the FCC allowing FM/AM combos to be split and sold off, the destruction of local radio by the corporate giants and translators being bought up and held for more profit. Our station is profitable, sounds good, pleases our community and we have fun. What needs to happen is simple. No FMs over 25 kW. Every standalone AM gets an FM translator that when assigned is a part of the AM license and can never be sold away from the AM and must simulcast 100 percent of the time. Our station is in the Baton Rouge market, which like many other markets has way too many radio stations because of corporate ownership. I would like to have a simple 100 watt translator to cover our area at night, but because of corporate manipulation of the FCC, the FM spectrum in Baton Rouge and New Orleans overlaps and there are no FM allotments for anyone. Our people suffer and no one cares. I pray I live long enough to see the corporate giants finally buy themselves into total bankruptcy and have to divest themselves of about 90 percent of their holdings. We like serving our little area. Our EAS plan is second to none. Our local governments can activate an EAS and access our transmitter for an unlimited amount of time and not have to listen to some overpaid moronic program director whine. We have been EAS-compliant for months and welcomed the national test. Our local system has been tested and works flawlessly. Our people are safe. There is not one radio station in Baton Rouge or New Orleans that will outshine us in an emergency situation. Katrina, Gustav and tropical storm Lee proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. So I say leave us alone to do what we do best: serve in the public interest with our analog signal that works just fine. It’s not broke so don’t try to fix it. Harry Hoyler - General Manager - KKAY(AM) - Baton Rouge, LA (From Radio World – January 12, 2012 readers’ letters to the editor via NRC DX News Jan 30 via DXLD) FCC OPENS INQUIRY ON LONG-DISTANCE TRANSLATOR MOVE http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-12-185A1.pdf The FCC has asked Radio Power, the licensee of W250BN West Allis, Wisconsin, to respond to a list of inquiries regarding the station's six-step long-haul move from Beloit. The questions: (paraphrased by me, as the originals are quite lengthy!) 1. When the application was filed for each of the six steps, did Radio Power have "reasonable assurance" that the specified site would be available? 2. How long did W250BN broadcast from each of these sites? 3. Which station was rebroadcast from each site? Did W250BN have consent from the originating station? 4. Was the station silent for more than 30 days when licensed to any of these sites? 5. What city does W250BN ultimately intend to serve, and who does it intend to rebroadcast? (DS: the obvious answer to half of this last question is Milwaukee. Who they intend to rebroadcast I have no idea.) The five steps: - 98.9 Clinton, Wis.: 42-34-26N/88-52-20W, on the premises of Little Limestone Inc., at Exit 6 off I-43 - 98.7 Darien, Wis.: 42-33-44N?88-42-26W, a silo on a farm on Peters Road, Sharon - 98.3 Como, Wis.: 42-37-05N/88-32-13W, a construction business on Hwy. 67 between Elkhorn and Williams Bay - 98.1 East Troy, Wis.: 42-44-49N/88-26-22W, a landscape business at Exit 33 off I-43 - 97.9 West Allis, Wis.: 42-54-46N/88-11-15W, a tower on Crowbar Drive, Muskego, about a mile southwest of Exit 54 off I-43 (this tower is tall enough to be painted red & white but is NOT home to any other broadcast station). They also want to know about "reasonable assurance" for the final step, an application to move to the tower in the Milwaukee tower farm shared by TV channels 10, 24, 30, and 36. -- (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, 10 Feb, WTFDA via DXLD) ANALOG CABLE REQUIREMENT TO BE EXTENDED 3 YEARS? At the time of the DTV transition, the FCC required cable operators to deliver all must-carry OTA stations in analog format to their subscribers, unless all subscribers had the ability to view the signals in digital format. That requirement sunsets on June 12th. The Commission proposes to extend it for three more years. Many cable systems seem to be trying to take the second option -- providing free digital boxes to subscribers with analog TV sets. Some have already shut down analog cable (Doug Smith W9WI, Pleasant View, TN EM66, Feb 10, WTFDA via DXLD) Re 12-07: ON THE NATURE OF DX ALERTS [under USA] Scott Fybush has clearly articulated a well-reasoned middle ground in this mini-debate. Well-said, and amen! The AM broadcast service has been put out to pasture by the regulatory powers-that-be (in the US and Canada, at least). The broadcasters are expected to self-regulate as the service slowly withers away and dies. For various reasons (steadily rising noise levels and increasing public indifference to AM among them), there is less and less likelihood that interference caused by breaches of the rules will even be noticed (except by DXers, of course). And in the unlikely event that formal complaints about interference actually reach the ears of the regulatory agencies, they tend to react with indifference. The ongoing existence of AM IBOC, and the flagrant violations by stations using day facilities at night that have gone on for years and years, are proof positive of that. No one in the DXing fraternity is asking broadcasters to intentionally break the rules, but accidents do happen, and automation glitches do occur. When they do, it is up to those responsible for the facilities at fault to detect and rectify the problem. Unless they are experiencing harmful interference themselves, I don't see why anyone else should get into the act (Barry McLarnon VE3JF Ottawa, ON, 12 Feb, NRC-AM via DXLD) The FCC has been a whipping boy of several budget cuts. Their staffing is the lowest I've seen in my 44 years in the business. Right now their focus is on other wireless issues. Fact of the matter is they don't go after broadcast stations unless; a) there is a legitimate, verifiable complaint, and b) there is a way for them to catch the violation with the least amount of effort. To quote the FCC staffer at our last SBE meeting, "they don't get too concerned over the AM service as in the overall scope of what they have to manage. AM is very low on a priority scale." Sad, but at least he was honest. The FCC is not watching and waiting to pounce on an honest mistake (Fred Vobbe, OH, ibid.) 5" MINI-FSL ANTENNA- "HEATHKIT" CONSTRUCTION ARTICLE Hello All, The 5" Mini-FSL was the first of several compact, AM-only antennas that were developed for those DXers who thought that FSL models were either too expensive, too complicated, or both. It was designed to be simple, effective, easy to build -- and cost only about $90 in part purchases (photo attached). http://lists.nrcdxas.org/pipermail/am/attachments/20120218/34decf18/attachment.jpg After having been tested against various air core loops in an outdoor environment, the tiny model really exceeded expectations -- deadlocking in weak-signal performance with a full-sized 4-foot air core box loop (the antenna of the August 2010 Oregon coast DXpedition). In an effort to make assembly of the tiny FSL antenna as simple as possible, a special, 10-page construction manual has been prepared, patterned after the famous Heathkit assembly manuals of the last century. In a step going beyond the Heathkit manuals, multiple Photoshop-enhanced assembly pictures are included in the article, showing each assembly step in a clear way. Assembly of the model has also been made as simple as possible-- all of the parts are readily available on the open market, and most of them have been stockpiled here. Pre-cut kits of the PVC frame parts have been prepared, which are available at cost (along with the other parts, as long as supplies last). The tiny FSL was designed to be a DXing thriller, and for those still "on the fence" about giving new antenna design a try, the perfect introduction to a exciting new DXing experience http://www.mediafire.com/?9ze98h293s85p86 Thanks very much to Rob Ross of London, Ontario for his generous gift of 140mm x 8mm ferrite rods to develop this (and other) mini-FSL models, and to Dave Kellmer of Portland, OR, for providing a generous supply of the Funnoodle (soft) inner core material. Hopefully this compact new antenna will provide a major boost in each builder's hobby excitement! 73 and Good DX, (Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA), Feb 18, NRC-AM via DXLD) MW DIRECTIONAL ARRAYS I am no expert, but in my time at VOA I have seen many arrays designed by our engineers or contractors and I would guess that only about 1/2 of them were 'simple', in-line, 3-tower arrays creating a nice parabola facing off one end of the towers. If possible, I always ask for a 4-tower 'box' array that gives maximum flexibility for changing direction should that be necessary in the future. By phasing active and passive elements, varying tower height, etc. one can generate nearly any pattern shape desired. And sometimes you see some pretty extreme designs like the MW 'curtain arrays' VOA used in Belize long ago on 1530 and 1580 kHz. Not sure we ever did get that 'registered' with the ITU. ;-) (Bill Whitacre, DC, mwmasts yg via DXLD) A tutorial can be found at [a private site] http://www.fccinfo.com/cmdpro.php?sz=L&wd=1280 If you enter the calls of a directional nighttime station (or a full- time directional, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and see the pattern as well as the layout of all of the active towers. You will find that it is not always obvious from the layout of the towers what the resultant pattern will look like. As they say "That's Electric!" This site will easily show all stations in the US and Canada. Try WXXI night, CHML night and KYW for quick illustrations (Rick Lucas, Rochester, NY, ibid.) HAM RADIO EMERGENCY OP STUDY GETS FUNDING Part of the payroll tax cut extension just passed in the House includes money for a study of amateur radio operations during emergencies. It's high time! http://www.arrl.org/news/view/payroll-tax-bill-includes-provision-for-amateur-radio-study (via Clara Listensprechen, dxldyg via DXLD) MORE MEDIA FALLOUT FROM PAYROLL BILL: MORE SPECTRUM AUCTIONS TV spectrum to go up for auction not just to pay for the payroll tax cut extension but also to make progress on a plan for broadband expansion. There may be some FCC power wing-clipping involved to get the GOP members of Congress on board. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/17/business/media/congress-to-sell-public-airwaves-to-pay-benefits.html (via Clara Listensprechen, dxldyg via DXLD) CITY OF CHICAGO TO SHUT DOWN FREE SPEECH COMPLETELY FOR NATO AND G8 SUMMITS - RADIO, INTERNET, CELL SERVICE TARGETED The Chicago City Council has told its citizens to "Shut Up" by way of a new proposed ordinance that would make any speech in city council chambers a crime for which ejection would be the penalty. Besides this, sources are saying the city has already arranged with the federal gov to shut down and target ALL persons using radio communications from CB to Amateur Radio, to GMRS, to Shortwave. The city and feds also plan to aggressively pursue anyone with cameras, recording devices, etc. [Viz.:] Chicago City Council Tells City Residents To "Shut - Up!" Second City Cop brings what is known as the most accurate news around when it comes to the MOST CORRUPT CITY IN THE UNITED STATES. SCC as they are most affectionately known, have brought forth news of the most offensive city council policy yet. According to SCC, Chicago is about to lose the Federal lawsuit against the Illinois Wiretapping Statute which currently makes ALL photography, video recording and audio recording a felony crime in Illinois. This lawsuit has been based on the 1st amendment. The ACLU, along with other legal supporters such as the National Lawyers Guild and Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy are winning. The Fraternal Order of Police are not supporting the 1st amendment right to free expression in this case . . http://shortwaveamerica.blogspot.com/2012/02/chicago-city-council-tells-city.html (Dan Hensley, SWA, Feb 18, dxldyg via DXLD) Surely not? In the land of the free (allegedly) and the home of the brave (allegedly) Well I can't believe that! See here http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/is-the-united-states-still-the-land-of-the-free/2012/01/04/gIQAvcD1wP_story.html Regards (Harry Brooks, North East England UK, ibid.) There are hoaxes around about this apparently (Mike Terry, UK, ibid.) Mike, Maybe, but I would suggest that if any of what was said by SCC at shortwaveamerica.com was untrue then there would have been charges brought for telling lies. I'm no expert on law but I presume that the First Amendment can't be used as a defence to allow anyone to tell lies. I would suggest that the original post isn't a hoax and is entirely true. No doubt we will know by May 20 one way or the other. (Harry Brooks, ibid.) >> ....but I would suggest that if any of what was said by SCC at shortwaveamerica.com was untrue then there would... Isn't shortwave America simply a "blog"? I _know_ I can believe everything I read on a blog! D (BTM, ibid.) No, Shortwave America is not simply a "Blog", although it started as such. Shortwave America has now become the leader in communications topics that matter, and that includes communications freedom. Shortwave America is in active working partnership with several entities...PCJ, Nash Holos, The Look 24/7, RadioReference, and soon...NHK World Radio Japan. Shortwave America is also a weekly and monthly show presenting radio communications topics. Shortwave America only uses trust worthy sources or sources who can be trusted as reasonable at any given time when gauged against current events (Dan Hensley, SWA, ibid.) PROPAGATION +++++++++++ GEOMAGNETIC INDICES Compiled by: Phil Bytheway Geomagnetic Summary January 1 2012 through January 31 2012 Tabulated from email status daily. Date Flux A K Space Wx 1 130 3 0 no storms 2 135 3 1 no storms 3 135 6 0 no storms 4 136 3 1 no storms 5 141 5 1 no storms 6 136 5 2 no storms 7 141 5 2 no storms 8 136 4 1 no storms 9 142 6 2 no storms 10 129 4 1 no storms 11 120 5 1 no storms 12 117 5 2 no storms 13 124 6 1 no storms 14 132 3 0 minor 15 134 3 2 no storms 16 140 8 2 no storms 17 139 5 1 minor 18 148 4 1 minor 19 157 3 1 minor 20 141 4 0 no storms 21 142 6 2 no storms 22 141 21 4 minor/G1 storms 23 141 9 1 strong/G1 storms 24 136 17 3 strong/G1 storms 25 126 14 2 moderate 26 128 6 1 moderate 27 142 7 0 strong 28 115 5 2 moderate 29 110 5 1 moderate 30 114 6 3 minor 31 117 3 1 minor (IRCA DX Monitor via DXLD) QST de W1AW Propagation Forecast Bulletin 7 ARLP007 From Tad Cook, K7RA Seattle, WA February 17, 2012 To all radio amateurs We are over half way through the winter season, and today, February 17 is 58 days after the winter solstice. Propagation should improve as we approach the vernal equinox on March 20, which is just 32 days from now. Solar activity is still in the temporary doldrums, with sunspot numbers below 100. But the weekly average of daily sunspot numbers rose this week by over 15 points to 55.6. There was a geomagnetic storm on Wednesday, February 15 (UTC). Early in the UTC day (Tuesday night in North America) the planetary K index went to 5, and planetary A index was 22. The College A index in Fairbanks was estimated at 46, which is quite high. The disturbance was probably from a CME a few days earlier. Aurora in North America was seen as far south as Minnesota. The latest forecast has solar flux about 65 points lower than last month's prediction for the ARRL International CW DX Contest this weekend. Latest predicted flux values are 105 on February 17-18, 100 on February 19, 110 on February 20-21, 115 on February 22-26, 110 on February 27-29, and 105 on March 1-3. The predicted flux values go back to 115 on March 14-16 and again on March 20-24. Predicted planetary A index for February 17-19 is 5, 8, and 8, then 5 on February 20 through March 1. This just in, the latest sunspot cycle prediction from NASA, and it doesn't look good: http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/predict.shtml Two weeks ago NASA released a revised prediction stating the cycle should peak in late 2013 at a smoothed sunspot number of 96. The latest outlook estimates a peak in early 2013 at 63, about 35 percent lower than the prediction from two weeks ago. We hope it isn't true (via Dave Raycroft, ODXA yg via DXLD) P.I.G. BULLETIN 120219 Solar activity will remain relatively low. Slight shorter enhancements of activity level is possible, accompanied by isolated C - class solar flares. Geomagnetic field will be: quiet on February 26, 29, March 1 - 2, 15 - 16. mostly quiet on February 8, 10 - 11. quiet to unsettled on February 22 - 25, March 3 - 4, 9, unsettled on March 5, 12. quiet to active on February 21. unsettled to active on February 20, 27 - 28, March 7, 13 - 14, 18. active on March 6, 17. High probability of changes in solar wind which may caused changes in magnetosphere and ionosphere is expected on February 20, 22, (28,) March (2,) 4, (10 - 11, 13,) 17 (- 18). F. K. Janda, OK1HH Czech Propagation Interested Group (OK1HH & OK1MGW) e-mail: ok1hh(at)rsys.cz (via Dario Monferini, DXLD) RADIO LESSON PLAN FOR ANY TEACHERS OUT THERE... Learning Lesson: AM in the PM OBJECTIVE --- Demonstrate that AM radio signals can travel many 100's of miles at night. OVERVIEW --- The student will listen to as many radio stations as possible obtaining the call signs and places of origin during the nighttime hours TOTAL TIME --- 30 minutes to two hours during the evening or early in the morning before sunrise. SUPPLIES --- Radio with an AM band, Pen/pencil, PRINTED/AV MATERIAL, Radio Station Reception Form . . . http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/atmos/ll_ampm.htm (KI4SYC, Ira Elbert New, III, Watkinsville, Georgia, Proudly Serving You Since 1964, IRCA via DXLD) LONG-HAUL TRANS-EQUATORIAL FM DX, CARIBBEAN TO SOUTHERN BRASIL Amigos, as FMs caribenhas continuam sendo ouvidas por aqui. Uma escuta interessante foi de uma emissora em inglês em 105.9 MHz. Essa emissora já fora ouvida no passado. Suponho ser a Radio Turks & Caicos. Captei também uma FM em francês em 106.9 MHz. Seria do Haiti? [chrono order, even tho frequencies shown first] 96.7 14/02 0020 VCT Nice FM, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 45344 98.1 14/02 0025 TRD ISAAC 981, San Fernando, OM, relg, EE 43333 107.5 16/02 2356 VCT NBCSVG, Kingstown, YL/OM, talks, EE 45344 107.2 16/02 2359 GDL NRJ Guadeloupe, Morne-a-Louis, OM/OM, talks, FF 34333 96.7 16/02 0001 VCT Nice FM, Kingstown, OM, EE 43343 97.1 16/02 0004 VCT Hot 97, Kingstown, mx Hip Hop, EE 45344 98.1 16/02 0046 TRD ISAAC 981, San Fernando, YL, relg, EE 44344 101.7 16/02 0048 JMC Love FM, Kingston, mx gospel w/ coral, relg, EE 45344 107.5 17/02 0015 VCT NBCSVG, Kingstown, mx variada, EE 45434 107.2 17/02 0018 GDL NRJ Guadeloupe, Morne-a-Louis, mx Hip Hop??, OM, FF 45333 106.9 17/02 0021 ?? Unid, mx variada, OM, FF 35343 105.9 17/02 0035 ?? Unid (Radio Turks & Caicos - Providenciales? ?), mx variada, OM, EE 45333 105.7 17/02 0038 VCT Praise FM, Kingstown, mx gospel w/ coral, relg, OM/OM, EE 45333 104.3 17/02 0042 B Rede Aleluia, Maringá - PR, OM, relg da IPDA 23332 103.7 17/02 0049 VCT Hitz FM. Kingstown, OM w/ anúncios, EE 35333 102.7 17/02 0049 ATG ZJF Radio, Saint John's, mx pop EE, EE 45333 101.7 17/02 0052 JMC Love FM, Kingstown, OM w/ pregação em recinto repleto de pessoas, relg, EE 45333 96.7 17/02 0132 VCT Nice FM, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 43343 97.1 17/02 0133 VCT Hot 97, Kingstown, mx Hip Hop, EE 45344 98.2 17/02 0135 GDL Radio Basse-Terre, Basse-Terre, OM, nxs, FF 34333 98.1 17/02 0136 TRD ISAAC 981, San Fernando, OM/OM, talks, relg, EE 44333 96.7 18/02 0009 VCT Nice FM, Kingstown, mx pop EE variada, EE // Net (stream) 45344 97.1 18/02 0015 VCT Hot 97, Kingstown, OM, mx pop EE, EE 45344 98.1 18/02 0017 TRD ISAAC 981, San Fernando, OM w/ pregação, relg, EE 23332 107.5 18/02 0018 VCT NBCSVG, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 45344 91.1 18/02 0020 ATG Observer Radio, Saint John's, YL/OM, nxs, EE // Net (stream) 45344 92.9 18/02 0037 AIA Klass FM, The Valley, OM w/ discurso, EE 45333 91.5 18/02 0137 VCT Hitz FM, Kingstown, mx variada, EE // 103.7 45344 Receptores: Sony ICF SW 7600G e Tecsun PL310 Antenas: RC3-FM e Castelo M6001 (VHF-UHF-FM) 73! (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes - PR, Dom, 19 de Fev de 2012 9:06 pm, radioescutas yg via DXLD) Geomagnetic activity began on 13 February with quiet to unsettled conditions at mid latitudes and active to minor storm levels at high latitudes, associated with a small coronal hole high speed stream (CH HSS). 14 February saw a brief return to quiet conditions. The respite was short-lived, however, when a slow CME observed on 10 February finally arrived at Earth on 15 February. Active to minor storm levels were observed at mid latitudes throughout the day, while high latitude activity peaked at major storm levels. The remainder of the week was quiet until late on 18 February when a co-rotating interaction region preceded a geoeffective CH HSS. Unsettled to active conditions with isolated minor storm periods were observed during 19 February due to CH HSS effects. FORECAST OF SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY 22 FEBRUARY - 19 MARCH 2012 Solar activity is expected to be at low levels throughout the forecast period. No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at high levels to begin the period due to effects from a recurrent CH HSS. Normal to moderate levels are expected to prevail from 23 February to 19 March. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be mostly quiet on 22 February. Quiet to unsettled conditions are expected on 23 - 25 February due to the onset of a recurrent CH HSS. A return to mostly quiet levels is expected on 26 February through 01 March. A CH HSS is expected to become geoeffective on 02 - 03 March, thus increasing activity to quiet to unsettled levels. Predominately quiet conditions are expected from 04 - 06 March before another CH HSS provides unsettled conditions on 07 March. Conditions are expected to return to mostly quiet levels from 08 March - 10 March, before another recurrent CH HSS is expected to become geoeffective on 11 March, with unsettled conditions expected for the day. A return to mostly quiet conditions is forecast from 12 - 16 March, before another CH HSS is expected to produce quiet to unsettled conditions with a chance for isolated active to minor storm levels at high latitudes for the remainder of the period. Attention ** Beginnning Monday, March 12, 2012, the Weekly bulletin will now be issued and available on the SWPC web page every Monday morning by 1500 UTC. :Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt :Issued: 2012 Feb 21 2202 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center # Product description and SWPC contact on the Web # http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wwire.html # # 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table # Issued 2012-02-21 # # UTC Radio Flux Planetary Largest # Date 10.7 cm A Index Kp Index 2012 Feb 22 110 5 2 2012 Feb 23 110 8 3 2012 Feb 24 110 10 3 2012 Feb 25 105 8 3 2012 Feb 26 105 5 2 2012 Feb 27 105 5 2 2012 Feb 28 100 5 2 2012 Feb 29 100 5 2 2012 Mar 01 100 5 2 2012 Mar 02 100 8 3 2012 Mar 03 100 8 3 2012 Mar 04 100 5 2 2012 Mar 05 105 5 2 2012 Mar 06 105 5 2 2012 Mar 07 105 8 3 2012 Mar 08 105 5 2 2012 Mar 09 105 5 2 2012 Mar 10 105 5 2 2012 Mar 11 105 8 3 2012 Mar 12 110 5 2 2012 Mar 13 110 5 2 2012 Mar 14 115 5 2 2012 Mar 15 115 5 2 2012 Mar 16 115 5 2 2012 Mar 17 115 12 4 2012 Mar 18 115 15 4 2012 Mar 19 115 10 3 (SWPC via WORLD OF RADIO 1605, DXLD) SOLAR-ACTIVITY FORECAST FOR THE PERIOD FEB 24 - MAR 1, 2012 Activity level: very low to low Radio flux (10.7 cm): a fluctuation in the range 90-110 f.u. Flares: weak (1-8/day), middle (0-1/period) Relative sunspot number: in the range 25-75 Astronomical Institute, Solar Dept., Ondrejov, Czech Republic e-mail: sunwatch(at)asu.cas.cz (RWC Prague via Dario Monferini, DXLD) TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING ++++++++++++++++++++++++ RE: 12-07: TIPS FOR RATIONAL LIVING or is it WORLD OF HOROLOGY TIME FOR A CHANGE “Hmmm, along with Brasil, but they`re uppity too, so that`s their problem.” Glenn, Sinceramente eu não entendi e talvez seja melhor eu não entender. 73 (Jorge Freitas, Local time -2 UT, Feira de Santana Bahia 12 14´S 38 58´W - Brasil, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Jorge, It`s just satire. Please don`t be offended. 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Glenn, Tudo bem, mas eu acredito que os europeus não vão gostar muito. Um abraço, (Jorge Freitas, Feira de Santana BA - Brasil, ibid.) Glenn, I'm not totally sure whether you're having a laugh or serious about this. Please enlighten us (Harry Brooks, North East England UK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Apparently I did not go far enough to make this clearly satire. No offence is intended and I hope none taken by Europeans, Brasilians, Americans, or even Chinese. 73, (Glenn, ibid.) Geeez; I thought you were serious. Living in China for the past year and half and having visited Australia a few months ago - where they have the map upside down and Australia in the center of it - I thought you had a good case for the change. :^))) P.S. Don't mess with the Brazilians. As you should know, God was born there, Brazil is the best country in the world, and the US wants to take the Amazon from Brazil. I know all this for a fact as I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro. :)))) What a crazy world we live in. One has to keep joking not to go crazy too. Regards, (Vince, Canada?, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###